2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
"use strict" ; var _ _esbuild _esm _mermaid = ( ( ) => { var Pve = Object . create ; var G1 = Object . defineProperty ; var Bve = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ; var Fve = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ; var zve = Object . getPrototypeOf , Gve = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; var o = ( t , e ) => G1 ( t , "name" , { value : e , configurable : ! 0 } ) ; var R = ( t , e ) => ( ) => ( t && ( e = t ( t = 0 ) ) , e ) ; var gi = ( t , e ) => ( ) => ( e || t ( ( e = { exports : { } } ) . exports , e ) , e . exports ) , hr = ( t , e ) => { for ( var r in e ) G1 ( t , r , { get : e [ r ] , enumerable : ! 0 } ) } , Rb = ( t , e , r , n ) => { if ( e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function" ) for ( let i of Fve ( e ) ) ! Gve . call ( t , i ) && i !== r && G1 ( t , i , { get : ( ) => e [ i ] , enumerable : ! ( n = Bve ( e , i ) ) || n . enumerable } ) ; return t } , dr = ( t , e , r ) => ( Rb ( t , e , "default" ) , r && Rb ( r , e , "default" ) ) , Xi = ( t , e , r ) => ( r = t != null ? Pve ( zve ( t ) ) : { } , Rb ( e || ! t || ! t . _ _esModule ? G1 ( r , "default" , { value : t , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : r , t ) ) , $ve = t => Rb ( G1 ( { } , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t ) ; var Nb = gi ( ( AC , _C ) => { "use strict" ; ( function ( t , e ) { typeof AC == "object" && typeof _C < "u" ? _C . exports = e ( ) : typeof define == "function" && define . amd ? define ( e ) : ( t = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : t || self ) . dayjs = e ( ) } ) ( AC , function ( ) { "use strict" ; var t = 1e3 , e = 6e4 , r = 36e5 , n = "millisecond" , i = "second" , a = "minute" , s = "hour" , l = "day" , u = "week" , h = "month" , f = "quarter" , d = "year" , p = "date" , m = "Invalid Date" , g = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/ , y = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g , v = { name : "en" , weekdays : "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday" . split ( "_" ) , months : "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December" . split ( "_" ) , ordinal : o ( function ( k ) { var I = [ "th" , "st" , "nd" , "rd" ] , C = k % 100 ; return "[" + k + ( I [ ( C - 20 ) % 10 ] || I [ C ] || I [ 0 ] ) + "]" } , "ordinal" ) } , x = o ( function ( k , I , C ) { var O = String ( k ) ; return ! O || O . length >= I ? k : "" + Array ( I + 1 - O . length ) . join ( C ) + k } , "m" ) , b = { s : x , z : o ( function ( k ) { var I = - k . utcOffset ( ) , C = Math . abs ( I ) , O = Math . floor ( C / 60 ) , D = C % 60 ; return ( I <= 0 ? "+" : "-" ) + x ( O , 2 , "0" ) + ":" + x ( D , 2 , "0" ) } , "z" ) , m : o ( function k ( I , C ) { if ( I . date ( ) < C . date ( ) ) return - k ( C , I ) ; var O = 12 * ( C . year ( ) - I . year ( ) ) + ( C . month ( ) - I . month ( ) ) , D = I . clone ( ) . add ( O , h ) , P = C - D < 0 , F = I . clone ( ) . add ( O + ( P ? - 1 : 1 ) , h ) ; return + ( - ( O + ( C - D ) / ( P ? D - F : F - D ) ) || 0 ) } , "t" ) , a : o ( function ( k ) { return k < 0 ? Math . ceil ( k ) || 0 : Math . floor ( k ) } , "a" ) , p : o ( function ( k ) { return { M : h , y : d , w : u , d : l , D : p , h : s , m : a , s : i , ms : n , Q : f } [ k ] || String ( k || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /s$/ , "" ) } , "p" ) , u : o ( function ( k ) { return k === void 0 } , "u" ) } , w = "en" , S = { } ; S [ w ] = v ; var T = "$isDayjsObject" , E = o ( function ( k ) { return k instanceof M || ! ( ! k || ! k [ T ] ) } , "S" ) , _ = o ( function k ( I , C , O ) { var D ; if ( ! I ) return w ; if ( typeof I == "string" ) { var P = I . toLowerCase ( ) ; S [ P ] && ( D = P ) , C && ( S [ P ] = C , D = P ) ; var F = I . split ( "-" ) ; if ( ! D && F . length > 1 ) return k ( F [ 0 ] ) } else { var B = I . name ; S [ B ] = I , D = B } return ! O && D && ( w = D ) , D || ! O && w } , "t" ) , A = o ( function ( k , I ) { if ( E ( k ) ) return k . clone ( ) ; var C = typeof I == "object" ? I : { } ; return C . date = k , C . args = arguments , new M ( C ) } , "O" ) , L = b ; L . l = _ , L . i = E , L . w = function ( k , I ) { return A ( k , { locale : I . $L , utc : I . $u , x : I . $x , $offset : I . $offset } ) } ; var M = function ( ) { function k ( C ) { this . $L = _ ( C . locale , null , ! 0 ) , this . parse ( C ) , this . $x = this . $x || C . x || { } , this [ T ] = ! 0 } o ( k , "M" ) ; var I = k . prototype ; return I . parse = function ( C ) { this . $d = function ( O ) { var D = O . date , P = O . utc ; if ( D === null ) return new Date ( NaN ) ; if ( L . u ( D ) ) return new Date ; if ( D instanceof Date ) return new Date ( D ) ; if ( typeof D == "string" && ! /Z$/i . test ( D ) ) { var F = D . match ( g ) ; if ( F ) { var B = F [ 2 ] - 1 || 0 , $ = ( F [ 7 ] || "0" ) . substring ( 0 , 3 ) ; return P ? new Date ( Date . UTC ( F [ 1 ] , B , F [ 3 ] || 1 , F [ 4 ] || 0 , F [ 5 ] || 0 , F [ 6 ] || 0 , $ ) ) : new Date ( F [ 1 ] , B , F [ 3 ] || 1 , F [ 4 ] || 0 , F [ 5 ] || 0 , F [ 6 ] || 0 , $ ) } } return new Date ( D ) } ( C ) , this . init ( ) } , I . init = function ( ) { var C = this . $d ; this . $y = C . getFullYear ( ) , this . $M = C . getMonth ( ) , this . $D = C . getDate ( ) , this . $W = C . getDay ( ) , this . $H = C . getHours ( ) , this . $m = C . getMinutes ( ) , this . $s = C . getSeconds ( ) , this . $ms = C . getMilliseconds ( ) } , I . $utils = function ( ) { return L } , I . isValid = function ( ) { return this . $d . toString ( ) !== m } , I . isSame = function ( C , O ) { var D = A ( C ) ; return this . startOf ( O ) <= D && D <= this . endOf ( O ) } , I . isAfter = function ( C , O ) { return A ( C ) < this . startOf ( O ) } , I . isBefore = function ( C , O ) { return this . endOf ( O ) < A ( C ) } , I . $g = function ( C , O , D ) { return L . u ( C ) ? this [ O ] : this . set ( D , C ) } , I . unix = function ( ) { return Math . floor ( this . valueOf ( ) / 1e3 ) } , I . valueOf = function ( ) { r
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
[ ] { ` +Math.min.apply(Math,i)+"}","g");n=n.map(function(l){return l.replace(a, `
` )})}n[0]=n[0].replace(/^ \r ? \n /,"");var s=n[0];return e.forEach(function(l,u){var h=s.match(/(?:^| \n )( *) $ /),f=h?h[1]:"",d=l;typeof l=="string"&&l.includes( `
` )&&(d=String(l).split( `
` ).map(function(p,m){return m===0?p:""+f+p}).join( `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` )),s+=d+n[u+1]}),s}var zC=R(()=>{"use strict";o(Gb,"dedent")});var $ b,Vf,ez,Vb=R(()=>{"use strict"; $ b=/^-{3} \s *[ \n \r ](.*?)[ \n \r ]-{3} \s *[ \n \r ]+/s,Vf=/%{2}{ \s *(?:( \w +) \s *:|( \w +)) \s *(?:( \w +)|((?:(?!}%{2}).| \r ? \n )*))? \s *(?:}%{2})?/gi,ez=/ \s *%%.* \n /gm});var op,GC=R(()=>{"use strict";op=class extends Error{static{o(this,"UnknownDiagramError")}constructor(e){super(e),this.name="UnknownDiagramError"}}});var Uf,lp,Ub, $ C,tz,Hf=R(()=>{"use strict";ut();Vb();GC();Uf={},lp=o(function(t,e){t=t.replace( $ b,"").replace(Vf,"").replace(ez, `
` );for(let[r,{detector:n}]of Object.entries(Uf))if(n(t,e))return r;throw new op( ` No diagram type detected matching given configuration for text : $ { t } ` )},"detectType"),Ub=o((...t)=>{for(let{id:e,detector:r,loader:n}of t) $ C(e,r,n)},"registerLazyLoadedDiagrams"), $ C=o((t,e,r)=>{Uf[t]&&V.warn( ` Detector with key $ { t } already exists . Overwriting . ` ),Uf[t]={detector:e,loader:r},V.debug( ` Detector with key $ { t } added$ { r ? " with loader" : "" } ` )},"addDetector"),tz=o(t=>Uf[t].loader,"getDiagramLoader")});var U1,rz,VC=R(()=>{"use strict";U1=function(){var t=o(function(_e,me,W,fe){for(W=W||{},fe=_e.length;fe--;W[_e[fe]]=me);return W},"o"),e=[1,24],r=[1,25],n=[1,26],i=[1,27],a=[1,28],s=[1,63],l=[1,64],u=[1,65],h=[1,66],f=[1,67],d=[1,68],p=[1,69],m=[1,29],g=[1,30],y=[1,31],v=[1,32],x=[1,33],b=[1,34],w=[1,35],S=[1,36],T=[1,37],E=[1,38],_=[1,39],A=[1,40],L=[1,41],M=[1,42],N=[1,43],k=[1,44],I=[1,45],C=[1,46],O=[1,47],D=[1,48],P=[1,50],F=[1,51],B=[1,52], $ =[1,53],z=[1,54],Y=[1,55],Q=[1,56],X=[1,57],ie=[1,58],j=[1,59],J=[1,60],Z=[14,42],H=[14,34,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74],q=[12,14,34,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74],K=[1,82],se=[1,83],ce=[1,84],ue=[1,85],te=[12,14,42],De=[12,14,33,42],oe=[12,14,33,42,76,77,79,80],ke=[12,33],Ie=[34,36,37,38,39,40,41,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74],Se={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,start:3,mermaidDoc:4,direction:5,direction_tb:6,direction_bt:7,direction_rl:8,direction_lr:9,graphConfig:10,C4_CONTEXT:11,NEWLINE:12,statements:13,EOF:14,C4_CONTAINER:15,C4_COMPONENT:16,C4_DYNAMIC:17,C4_DEPLOYMENT:18,otherStatements:19,diagramStatements:20,otherStatement:21,title:22,accDescription:23,acc_title:24,acc_title_value:25,acc_descr:26,acc_descr_value:27,acc_descr_multiline_value:28,boundaryStatement:29,boundaryStartStatement:30,boundaryStopStatement:31,boundaryStart:32,LBRACE:33,ENTERPRISE_BOUNDARY:34,attributes:35,SYSTEM_BOUNDARY:36,BOUNDARY:37,CONTAINER_BOUNDARY:38,NODE:39,NODE_L:40,NODE_R:41,RBRACE:42,diagramStatement:43,PERSON:44,PERSON_EXT:45,SYSTEM:46,SYSTEM_DB:47,SYSTEM_QUEUE:48,SYSTEM_EXT:49,SYSTEM_EXT_DB:50,SYSTEM_EXT_QUEUE:51,CONTAINER:52,CONTAINER_DB:53,CONTAINER_QUEUE:54,CONTAINER_EXT:55,CONTAINER_EXT_DB:56,CONTAINER_EXT_QUEUE:57,COMPONENT:58,COMPONENT_DB:59,COMPONENT_QUEUE:60,COMPONENT_EXT:61,COMPONENT_EXT_DB:62,COMPONENT_EXT_QUEUE:63,REL:64,BIREL:65,REL_U:66,REL_D:67,REL_L:68,REL_R:69,REL_B:70,REL_INDEX:71,UPDATE_EL_STYLE:72,UPDATE_REL_STYLE:73,UPDATE_LAYOUT_CONFIG:74,attribute:75,STR:76,STR_KEY:77,STR_VALUE:78,ATTRIBUTE:79,ATTRIBUTE_EMPTY:80, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",6:"direction_tb",7:"direction_bt",8:"direction_rl",9:"direction_lr",11:"C4_CONTEXT",12:"NEWLINE",14:"EOF",15:"C4_CONTAINER",16:"C4_COMPONENT",17:"C4_DYNAMIC",18:"C4_DEPLOYMENT",22:"title",23:"accDescription",24:"acc_title",25:"acc_title_value",26:"acc_descr",27:"acc_descr_value",28:"acc_descr_multiline_value",33:"LBRACE",34:"ENTERPRISE_BOUNDARY",36:"SYSTEM_BOUNDARY",37:"BOUNDARY",38:"CONTAINER_BOUNDARY",39:"NODE",40:"NODE_L",41:"NODE_R",42:"RBRACE",44:"PERSON",45:"PERSON_EXT",46:"SYSTEM",47:"SYSTEM_DB",48:"SYSTEM_QUEUE",49:"SYSTEM_EXT",50:"SYSTEM_EXT_DB",51:"SYSTEM_EXT_QUEUE",52:"CONTAINER",53:"CONTAINER_DB",54:"CONTAINER_QUEUE",55:"CONTAINER_EXT",56:"CONTAINER_EXT_DB",57:"CONTAINER_EXT_QUEUE",58:"COMPONENT",59:"COMPONENT_DB",60:"COMPONENT_QUEUE",61:"COMPONENT_EXT",62:"COMPONENT_EXT_DB",63:"COMPONENT_EXT_QUEUE",64:"REL",65:"BIREL",66:"REL_U",67:"REL_D",68:"REL_L",69:"REL_R",70:"REL_B",71:"REL_INDEX",72:"UPDATE_EL_STYLE",73:"UPDATE_REL_STYLE",74:"UPDATE_LAYOUT_CONFIG",76:"STR",77:"STR_KEY",78:"STR_VALUE",79:"ATTRIBUTE",80:"ATTRIBUTE_EMPTY"},productions_:[0,[3,1],[3,1],[5,1],[5,1],[5,1],[5,1],[4,1],[10,4],[10,4],[10,4],[10,4],[10,4],[13,1],[13,1],[13,2],[19,1],[19,2],[19,3],[21,1],[21,1],[21,2],[21,2],[21,1],[29,3],[30,3],[30,3],[30,4],[32,2],[32,2],[32,2],[32,2],[32,2],[32,2],[32,2],[31
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +ye.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +It.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[Ye]||Ye)+"'":mt="Parse error on line "+(we+1)+": Unexpected "+(Ye==Ge?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[Ye]||Ye)+"'"),this.parseError(mt,{text:ye.match,token:this.terminals_[Ye]||Ye,line:ye.yylineno,loc:Ze,expected:It})}if(je[0]instanceof Array&&je.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Ve+", token: "+Ye);switch(je[0]){case 1:fe.push(Ye),re.push(ye.yytext),he.push(ye.yylloc),fe.push(je[1]),Ye=null,Je?(Ye=Je,Je=null):(Te=ye.yyleng,ae=ye.yytext,we=ye.yylineno,Ze=ye.yylloc,Ce>0&&Ce--);break;case 2:if(dt=this.productions_[je[1]][1],xt. $ =re[re.length-dt],xt._ $ ={first_line:he[he.length-(dt||1)].first_line,last_line:he[he.length-1].last_line,first_column:he[he.length-(dt||1)].first_column,last_column:he[he.length-1].last_column},gt&&(xt._ $ .range=[he[he.length-(dt||1)].range[0],he[he.length-1].range[1]]),at=this.performAction.apply(xt,[ae,Te,we,He.yy,je[1],re,he].concat(Me)),typeof at<"u")return at;dt&&(fe=fe.slice(0,-1*dt*2),re=re.slice(0,-1*dt),he=he.slice(0,-1*dt)),fe.push(this.productions_[je[1]][0]),re.push(xt. $ ),he.push(xt._ $ ),lt=ne[fe[fe.length-2]][fe[fe.length-1]],fe.push(lt);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},Ue=function(){var _e={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(W,fe){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(W,fe);else throw new Error(W)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(me,W){return this.yy=W||this.yy||{},this._input=me,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var me=this._input[0];this.yytext+=me,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=me,this.matched+=me;var W=me.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return W?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),me},"input"),unput:o(function(me){var W=me.length,fe=me.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=me+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-W),this.offset-=W;var ge=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),fe.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=fe.length-1);var re=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:fe?(fe.length===ge.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+ge[ge.length-fe.length].length-fe[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-W},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[re[0],re[0]+this.yyleng-W]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(me){this.unput(this.match.slice(me))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var me=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(me.length>20?"...":"")+me.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var me=this.match;return me.length<20&&(me+=this._input.substr(0,20-me.length)),(me.substr(0,20)+(me.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var me=this.pastInput(),W=new Array(me.length+1).join("-");return me+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +W+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(me,W){var fe,ge,re;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(re={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(re.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),ge=me[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),ge&&(this.yylineno+=ge.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:ge?ge[ge.length-1].length-ge[ge.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+me[0].length},this.yytext+=me[0],this.match+=me[0],this.matches=me,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(me[0].length),this.matched+=me[0],fe=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,W,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),fe)return fe;if(this._backtrack){for(var he in re)this[he]=re[he];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var me,W,fe,ge;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var re=this._currentRules(),he=0;he<re.length;he++)if(fe=this._input.match(this.rules[re[he]]),fe&&(!W||fe[0].length>W[0].length)){if(W=fe,ge=he,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(me=this.test_match(fe,re[he]),me!==!1)return me;if(this._backtrack){W=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return W?(me=this.test_match(W,re[ge]),me!==!1?me:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var W=this.next();return W||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(W){this.conditionStack.push(W)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var W=this.conditionStack.length-1;return W>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(W){return W=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(W||0),W>=0?this.conditionStack[W]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(W){this.begin(W)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{},performAction:o(function(W,fe,ge,re){var he=re;switch(ge){case 0:return 6;case 1:return 7;case 2:return 8;case 3:return 9;case 4:return 22;case 5:return 23;case 6:return this.begin("acc_title"),24;break;case 7:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 8:return this.begin("acc_descr"),26;break;case 9:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 10:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 11:this.popState();break;case 12:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 13:break;case 14:c;break;case 15:return 12;case 16:break;case 17:return 11;case 18:return 15;case 19:return 16;case 20:return 17;case 21:return 18;case 22:return this.begin("person_ext"),45;break;case 23:return this.begin("person"),44;break;case 24:return this.begin("system_ext_queue"),51;break;case 25:return this.begin("system_ext_db"),50;break;case 26:return this.begin("system_ext"),49;break;case 27:return this.begin("system_queue"),48;break;case 28:return this.begin("system_db"),47;break;case 29:return this.begin("system"),46;break;case 30:return this.begin("boundary"),37;break;case 31:return this.begin("enterprise_boundary"),34;break;case 32:return this.begin("system_boundary"),36;break;case 33:return this.begin("container_ext_queue"),57;break;case 34:return this.begin("container_ext_db"),56;break;case 35:return this.begin("container_ext"),55;break;case 36:return this.begin("container_queue"),54;break;case 37:return this.begin("container_db"),53;break;case 38:return this.begin("container"),52;break;case 39:return this.begin("container_boundary"),38;break;case 40:return this.begin("component_ext_queue"),63;break;case 41:return this.begin("component_ext_db"),62;break;case 42:return this.begin("component_ext"),61;break;case 43:return this.begin("component_queue"),60;break;case 44:return this.begin("component_db"),59;break;case 45:return this.begin("component"),58;break;case 46:return this.begin("node"),39;break;case 47:return this.begin("node"),39;break;case 48:return this.begin("node_l"),40;break;case 49:return this.begin("node_r"),41;break;case 50:return this.begin("rel"),64;break;case 51:return this.begin("birel"),65;break;case 52:return this.begin("rel_u"),66;break;case 53:return this.begin("rel_u"),66;break;case 54:return this.begin("rel_d"),67;break;case 55:return this.begin("rel_d"),67;break;case 56:return this.begin("rel_l"),68;break;case 57:return this.begin("rel_l"),68;break;case 58:return this.begin("rel_r"),69;break;case 59:return this.begin("rel_r"),69;break;case 60:return this.begin("rel_b"),70;break;case 61:return this.begin("rel_index"),71;break;case 62:return this.begin("update_el_style"),72;break;case 63:return this.begin("update_rel_style"),73;break;case 64:return this.begin("update_layout_config"),74;break;case 65:return"EOF_IN_STRUCT";case 66:return this.begin("attribute"),"ATTRIBUTE_EMPTY";break;case 67:this.begin("attribute");break;case 68:this.popState(),this.popState();break;case 69:return 80;case 70:break;case 71:return 80;case 72:this.begin("string");break;case 73:this.popState();break;case 74:return"STR";case 75:this.begin("string_kv");break;case 76:return this.begin("string_kv_key"),"STR_KEY";break;case 77:this.popState(),this.begin("string_kv_value");break;case 78:return"STR_VALUE";case 79:this.popState(
` +hs),Rn&&f([Ve,je,kt],Xl=>{hs=v(hs,Xl," ")}),He&& $ t?He.createHTML(hs):hs},Se.setConfig=function(){let Ft=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{};Hs(Ft),To=!0},Se.clearConfig=function(){Wl=null,To=!1},Se.isValidAttribute=function(Ft,Re,st){Wl||Hs({});let Rt=_i(Ft),bn=_i(Re);return EF(Rt,bn,st)},Se.addHook=function(Ft,Re){typeof Re=="function"&&(Je[Ft]=Je[Ft]||[],p(Je[Ft],Re))},Se.removeHook=function(Ft){if(Je[Ft])return d(Je[Ft])},Se.removeHooks=function(Ft){Je[Ft]&&(Je[Ft]=[])},Se.removeAllHooks=function(){Je={}},Se}o(oe,"createDOMPurify");var ke=oe();return ke})});var k $ ={};hr(k $ ,{default:()=>Ebe});function B2e(t){return String(t).replace(P2e,e=>O2e[e])}function $ 2e(t){if(t.default)return t.default;var e=t.type,r=Array.isArray(e)?e[0]:e;if(typeof r!="string")return r.enum[0];switch(r){case"boolean":return!1;case"string":return"";case"number":return 0;case"object":return{}}}function X2e(t){for(var e=0;e<b7.length;e++)for(var r=b7[e],n=0;n<r.blocks.length;n++){var i=r.blocks[n];if(t>=i[0]&&t<=i[1])return r.name}return null}function LG(t){for(var e=0;e<h4.length;e+=2)if(t>=h4[e]&&t<=h4[e+1])return!0;return!1}function axe(t,e){Zl[t]=e}function M7(t,e,r){if(!Zl[e])throw new Error("Font metrics not found for font: "+e+".");var n=t.charCodeAt(0),i=Zl[e][n];if(!i&&t[0]in Zz&&(n=Zz[t[0]].charCodeAt(0),i=Zl[e][n]),!i&&r==="text"&&LG(n)&&(i=Zl[e][77]),i)return{depth:i[0],height:i[1],italic:i[2],skew:i[3],width:i[4]}}function sxe(t){var e;if(t>=5?e=0:t>=3?e=1:e=2,!l7[e]){var r=l7[e]={cssEmPerMu:Jb.quad[e]/18};for(var n in Jb)Jb.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(r[n]=Jb[n][e])}return l7[e]}function tG(t){if(t instanceof ms)return t;throw new Error("Expected symbolNode but got "+String(t)+".")}function uxe(t){if(t instanceof jf)return t;throw new Error("Expected span<HtmlDomNode> but got "+String(t)+".")}function G(t,e,r,n,i,a){wn[t][i]={font:e,group:r,replace:n},a&&n&&(wn[t][n]=wn[t][i])}function vt(t){for(var{type:e,names:r,props:n,handler:i,htmlBuilder:a,mathmlBuilder:s}=t,l={type:e,numArgs:n.numArgs,argTypes:n.argTypes,allowedInArgument:!!n.allowedInArgument,allowedInText:!!n.allowedInText,allowedInMath:n.allowedInMath===void 0?!0:n.allowedInMath,numOptionalArgs:n.numOptionalArgs||0,infix:!!n.infix,primitive:!!n.primitive,handler:i},u=0;u<r.length;++u)zG[r[u]]=l;e&&(a&&(m4[e]=a),s&&(g4[e]=s))}function Kf(t){var{type:e,htmlBuilder:r,mathmlBuilder:n}=t;vt({type:e,names:[],props:{numArgs:0},handler(){throw new Error("Should never be called.")},htmlBuilder:r,mathmlBuilder:n})}function s4(t,e){var r=su(["base"],t,e),n=su(["strut"]);return n.style.height=ct(r.height+r.depth),r.depth&&(n.style.verticalAlign=ct(-r.depth)),r.children.unshift(n),r}function C7(t,e){var r=null;t.length===1&&t[0].type==="tag"&&(r=t[0].tag,t=t[0].body);var n=Ri(t,e,"root"),i;n.length===2&&n[1].hasClass("tag")&&(i=n.pop());for(var a=[],s=[],l=0;l<n.length;l++)if(s.push(n[l]),n[l].hasClass("mbin")||n[l].hasClass("mrel")||n[l].hasClass("allowbreak")){for(var u=!1;l<n.length-1&&n[l+1].hasClass("mspace")&&!n[l+1].hasClass("newline");)l++,s.push(n[l]),n[l].hasClass("nobreak")&&(u=!0);u||(a.push(s4(s,e)),s=[])}else n[l].hasClass("newline")&&(s.pop(),s.length>0&&(a.push(s4(s,e)),s=[]),a.push(n[l]));s.length>0&&a.push(s4(s,e));var h;r?(h=s4(Ri(r,e,!0)),h.classes=["tag"],a.push(h)):i&&a.push(i);var f=su(["katex-html"],a);if(f.setAttribute("aria-hidden","true"),h){var d=h.children[0];d.style.height=ct(f.height+f.depth),f.depth&&(d.style.verticalAlign=ct(-f.depth))}return f}function $ G(t){return new Xf(t)}function sG(t,e,r,n,i){var a=gs(t,r),s;a.length===1&&a[0]instanceof ps&&Vt.contains(["mrow","mtable"],a[0].type)?s=a[0]:s=new et.MathNode("mrow",a);var l=new et.MathNode("annotation",[new et.TextNode(e)]);l.setAttribute("encoding","application/x-tex");var u=new et.MathNode("semantics",[s,l]),h=new et.MathNode("math",[u]);h.setAttribute("xmlns","http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"),n&&h.setAttribute("display","block");var f=i?"katex":"katex-mathml";return Be.makeSpan([f],[h])}function ir(t,e){if(!t||t.type!==e)throw new Error("Expected node of type "+e+", but got "+
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
c - 2.7 , 0 , - 7.17 , - 2.7 , - 13.5 , - 8 c - 5.8 , - 5.3 , - 9.5 , - 10 , - 9.5 , - 14
c0 , - 2 , 0.3 , - 3.3 , 1 , - 4 c1 . 3 , - 2.7 , 23.83 , - 20.7 , 67.5 , - 54
c44 . 2 , - 33.3 , 65.8 , - 50.3 , 66.5 , - 51 c1 . 3 , - 1.3 , 3 , - 2 , 5 , - 2 c4 . 7 , 0 , 8.7 , 3.3 , 12 , 10
s173 , 378 , 173 , 378 c0 . 7 , 0 , 35.3 , - 71 , 104 , - 213 c68 . 7 , - 142 , 137.5 , - 285 , 206.5 , - 429
c69 , - 144 , 104.5 , - 217.7 , 106.5 , - 221
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
l ` +e/2.075+" -"+e+ `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
c5 . 3 , - 9.3 , 12 , - 14 , 20 , - 14
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
H400000v ` +(40+e)+ ` H845 . 2724
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
s - 225.272 , 467 , - 225.272 , 467 s - 235 , 486 , - 235 , 486 c - 2.7 , 4.7 , - 9 , 7 , - 19 , 7
c - 6 , 0 , - 10 , - 1 , - 12 , - 3 s - 194 , - 422 , - 194 , - 422 s - 65 , 47 , - 65 , 47 z
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
M ` +(834+e)+" "+r+"h400000v"+(40+e)+"h-400000z"},"sqrtMain"),K2e=o(function(e,r){return"M263,"+(601+e+r)+ ` c0 . 7 , 0 , 18 , 39.7 , 52 , 119
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
c34 , 79.3 , 68.167 , 158.7 , 102.5 , 238 c34 . 3 , 79.3 , 51.8 , 119.3 , 52.5 , 120
c340 , - 704.7 , 510.7 , - 1060.3 , 512 , - 1067
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
l ` +e/2.084+" -"+e+ `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
c4 . 7 , - 7.3 , 11 , - 11 , 19 , - 11
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
H40000v ` +(40+e)+ ` H1012 . 3
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
s - 271.3 , 567 , - 271.3 , 567 c - 38.7 , 80.7 , - 84 , 175 , - 136 , 283 c - 52 , 108 , - 89.167 , 185.3 , - 111.5 , 232
c - 22.3 , 46.7 , - 33.8 , 70.3 , - 34.5 , 71 c - 4.7 , 4.7 , - 12.3 , 7 , - 23 , 7 s - 12 , - 1 , - 12 , - 1
s - 109 , - 253 , - 109 , - 253 c - 72.7 , - 168 , - 109.3 , - 252 , - 110 , - 252 c - 10.7 , 8 , - 22 , 16.7 , - 34 , 26
c - 22 , 17.3 , - 33.3 , 26 , - 34 , 26 s - 26 , - 26 , - 26 , - 26 s76 , - 59 , 76 , - 59 s76 , - 60 , 76 , - 60 z
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
M ` +(1001+e)+" "+r+"h400000v"+(40+e)+"h-400000z"},"sqrtSize1"),Q2e=o(function(e,r){return"M983 "+(10+e+r)+ `
l ` +e/3.13+" -"+e+ `
c4 , - 6.7 , 10 , - 10 , 18 , - 10 H400000v ` +(40+e)+ `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
H1013 . 1 s - 83.4 , 268 , - 264.1 , 840 c - 180.7 , 572 , - 277 , 876.3 , - 289 , 913 c - 4.7 , 4.7 , - 12.7 , 7 , - 24 , 7
s - 12 , 0 , - 12 , 0 c - 1.3 , - 3.3 , - 3.7 , - 11.7 , - 7 , - 25 c - 35.3 , - 125.3 , - 106.7 , - 373.3 , - 214 , - 744
c - 10 , 12 , - 21 , 25 , - 33 , 39 s - 32 , 39 , - 32 , 39 c - 6 , - 5.3 , - 15 , - 14 , - 27 , - 26 s25 , - 30 , 25 , - 30
c26 . 7 , - 32.7 , 52 , - 63 , 76 , - 91 s52 , - 60 , 52 , - 60 s208 , 722 , 208 , 722
c56 , - 175.3 , 126.3 , - 397.3 , 211 , - 666 c84 . 7 , - 268.7 , 153.8 , - 488.2 , 207.5 , - 658.5
c53 . 7 , - 170.3 , 84.5 , - 266.8 , 92.5 , - 289.5 z
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
M ` +(1001+e)+" "+r+"h400000v"+(40+e)+"h-400000z"},"sqrtSize2"),Z2e=o(function(e,r){return"M424,"+(2398+e+r)+ `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
c - 1.3 , - 0.7 , - 38.5 , - 172 , - 111.5 , - 514 c - 73 , - 342 , - 109.8 , - 513.3 , - 110.5 , - 514
c0 , - 2 , - 10.7 , 14.3 , - 32 , 49 c - 4.7 , 7.3 , - 9.8 , 15.7 , - 15.5 , 25 c - 5.7 , 9.3 , - 9.8 , 16 , - 12.5 , 20
s - 5 , 7 , - 5 , 7 c - 4 , - 3.3 , - 8.3 , - 7.7 , - 13 , - 13 s - 13 , - 13 , - 13 , - 13 s76 , - 122 , 76 , - 122 s77 , - 121 , 77 , - 121
s209 , 968 , 209 , 968 c0 , - 2 , 84.7 , - 361.7 , 254 , - 1079 c169 . 3 , - 717.3 , 254.7 , - 1077.7 , 256 , - 1081
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
l ` +e/4.223+" -"+e+ ` c4 , - 6.7 , 10 , - 10 , 18 , - 10 H400000
v ` +(40+e)+ ` H1014 . 6
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
s - 87.3 , 378.7 , - 272.6 , 1166 c - 185.3 , 787.3 , - 279.3 , 1182.3 , - 282 , 1185
c - 2 , 6 , - 10 , 9 , - 24 , 9
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
c - 8 , 0 , - 12 , - 0.7 , - 12 , - 2 z M ` +(1001+e)+" "+r+ `
h400000v ` +(40+e)+"h-400000z"},"sqrtSize3"),J2e=o(function(e,r){return"M473,"+(2713+e+r)+ `
c339 . 3 , - 1799.3 , 509.3 , - 2700 , 510 , - 2702 l ` +e/5.298+" -"+e+ `
c3 . 3 , - 7.3 , 9.3 , - 11 , 18 , - 11 H400000v ` +(40+e)+ ` H1017 . 7
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
s - 90.5 , 478 , - 276.2 , 1466 c - 185.7 , 988 , - 279.5 , 1483 , - 281.5 , 1485 c - 2 , 6 , - 10 , 9 , - 24 , 9
c - 8 , 0 , - 12 , - 0.7 , - 12 , - 2 c0 , - 1.3 , - 5.3 , - 32 , - 16 , - 92 c - 50.7 , - 293.3 , - 119.7 , - 693.3 , - 207 , - 1200
c0 , - 1.3 , - 5.3 , 8.7 , - 16 , 30 c - 10.7 , 21.3 , - 21.3 , 42.7 , - 32 , 64 s - 16 , 33 , - 16 , 33 s - 26 , - 26 , - 26 , - 26
s76 , - 153 , 76 , - 153 s77 , - 151 , 77 , - 151 c0 . 7 , 0.7 , 35.7 , 202 , 105 , 604 c67 . 3 , 400.7 , 102 , 602.7 , 104 ,
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
606 zM ` +(1001+e)+" "+r+"h400000v"+(40+e)+"H1017.7z"},"sqrtSize4"),exe=o(function(e){var r=e/2;return"M400000 "+e+" H0 L"+r+" 0 l65 45 L145 "+(e-80)+" H400000z"},"phasePath"),txe=o(function(e,r,n){var i=n-54-r-e;return"M702 "+(e+r)+"H400000"+(40+e)+ `
H742v ` +i+ ` l - 4 4 - 4 4 c - . 667.7 - 2 1.5 - 4 2.5 s - 4.167 1.833 - 6.5 2.5 - 5.5 1 - 9.5 1
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
h - 12 l - 28 - 84 c - 16.667 - 52 - 96.667 - 294.333 - 240 - 727 l - 212 - 643 - 85 170
c - 4 - 3.333 - 8.333 - 7.667 - 13 - 13 l - 13 - 13 l77 - 155 77 - 156 c66 199.333 139 419.667
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
219 661 l218 661 zM702 ` +r+"H400000v"+(40+e)+"H742z"},"sqrtTall"),rxe=o(function(e,r,n){r=1e3*r;var i="";switch(e){case"sqrtMain":i=j2e(r,mp);break;case"sqrtSize1":i=K2e(r,mp);break;case"sqrtSize2":i=Q2e(r,mp);break;case"sqrtSize3":i=Z2e(r,mp);break;case"sqrtSize4":i=J2e(r,mp);break;case"sqrtTall":i=txe(r,mp,n)}return i},"sqrtPath"),nxe=o(function(e,r){switch(e){case" \u 239C":return"M291 0 H417 V"+r+" H291z M291 0 H417 V"+r+" H291z";case" \u 2223":return"M145 0 H188 V"+r+" H145z M145 0 H188 V"+r+" H145z";case" \u 2225":return"M145 0 H188 V"+r+" H145z M145 0 H188 V"+r+" H145z"+("M367 0 H410 V"+r+" H367z M367 0 H410 V"+r+" H367z");case" \u 239F":return"M457 0 H583 V"+r+" H457z M457 0 H583 V"+r+" H457z";case" \u 23A2":return"M319 0 H403 V"+r+" H319z M319 0 H403 V"+r+" H319z";case" \u 23A5":return"M263 0 H347 V"+r+" H263z M263 0 H347 V"+r+" H263z";case" \u 23AA":return"M384 0 H504 V"+r+" H384z M384 0 H504 V"+r+" H384z";case" \u 23D0":return"M312 0 H355 V"+r+" H312z M312 0 H355 V"+r+" H312z";case" \u 2016":return"M257 0 H300 V"+r+" H257z M257 0 H300 V"+r+" H257z"+("M478 0 H521 V"+r+" H478z M478 0 H521 V"+r+" H478z");default:return""}},"innerPath"),Qz={doubleleftarrow: ` M262 157
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
l10 - 10 c34 - 36 62.7 - 77 86 - 123 3.3 - 8 5 - 13.3 5 - 16 0 - 5.3 - 6.7 - 8 - 20 - 8 - 7.3
0 - 12.2 . 5 - 14.5 1.5 - 2.3 1 - 4.8 4.5 - 7.5 10.5 - 49.3 97.3 - 121.7 169.3 - 217 216 - 28
14 - 57.3 25 - 88 33 - 6.7 2 - 11 3.8 - 13 5.5 - 2 1.7 - 3 4.2 - 3 7.5 s1 5.8 3 7.5
c2 1.7 6.3 3.5 13 5.5 68 17.3 128.2 47.8 180.5 91.5 52.3 43.7 93.8 96.2 124.5
157.5 9.3 8 15.3 12.3 18 13 h6c12 - . 7 18 - 4 18 - 10 0 - 2 - 1.7 - 7 - 5 - 15 - 23.3 - 46 - 52 - 87
- 86 - 123 l - 10 - 10 h399738v - 40 H218c328 0 0 0 0 0 l - 10 - 8 c - 26.7 - 20 - 65.7 - 43 - 117 - 69 2.7
- 2 6 - 3.7 10 - 5 36.7 - 16 72.3 - 37.3 107 - 64 l10 - 8 h399782v - 40 z
m8 0 v40h399730v - 40 zm0 194 v40h399730v - 40 z ` ,doublerightarrow: ` M399738 392 l
- 10 10 c - 34 36 - 62.7 77 - 86 123 - 3.3 8 - 5 13.3 - 5 16 0 5.3 6.7 8 20 8 7.3 0 12.2 - . 5
14.5 - 1.5 2.3 - 1 4.8 - 4.5 7.5 - 10.5 49.3 - 97.3 121.7 - 169.3 217 - 216 28 - 14 57.3 - 25 88
- 33 6.7 - 2 11 - 3.8 13 - 5.5 2 - 1.7 3 - 4.2 3 - 7.5 s - 1 - 5.8 - 3 - 7.5 c - 2 - 1.7 - 6.3 - 3.5 - 13 - 5.5 - 68
- 17.3 - 128.2 - 47.8 - 180.5 - 91.5 - 52.3 - 43.7 - 93.8 - 96.2 - 124.5 - 157.5 - 9.3 - 8 - 15.3 - 12.3 - 18
- 13 h - 6 c - 12 . 7 - 18 4 - 18 10 0 2 1.7 7 5 15 23.3 46 52 87 86 123 l10 10 H0v40h399782
c - 328 0 0 0 0 0 l10 8 c26 . 7 20 65.7 43 117 69 - 2.7 2 - 6 3.7 - 10 5 - 36.7 16 - 72.3 37.3
- 107 64 l - 10 8 H0v40zM0 157 v40h399730v - 40 zm0 194 v40h399730v - 40 z ` ,leftarrow: ` M400000 241 H110l3 - 3 c68 . 7 - 52.7 113.7 - 120
135 - 202 4 - 14.7 6 - 23 6 - 25 0 - 7.3 - 7 - 11 - 21 - 11 - 8 0 - 13.2 . 8 - 15.5 2.5 - 2.3 1.7 - 4.2 5.8
- 5.5 12.5 - 1.3 4.7 - 2.7 10.3 - 4 17 - 12 48.7 - 34.8 92 - 68.5 130 S65 . 3 228.3 18 247
c - 10 4 - 16 7.7 - 18 11 0 8.7 6 14.3 18 17 47.3 18.7 87.8 47 121.5 85 S196 441.3 208
490 c . 7 2 1.3 5 2 9 s1 . 2 6.7 1.5 8 c . 3 1.3 1 3.3 2 6 s2 . 2 4.5 3.5 5.5 c1 . 3 1 3.3
1.8 6 2.5 s6 1 10 1 c14 0 21 - 3.7 21 - 11 0 - 2 - 2 - 10.3 - 6 - 25 - 20 - 79.3 - 65 - 146.7 - 135 - 202
l - 3 - 3 h399890zM100 241 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,leftbrace: ` M6 548 l - 6 - 6 v - 35 l6 - 11 c56 - 104 135.3 - 181.3 238 - 232 57.3 - 28.7 117
- 45 179 - 50 h399577v120H403c - 43.3 7 - 81 15 - 113 26 - 100.7 33 - 179.7 91 - 237 174 - 2.7
5 - 6 9 - 10 13 - . 7 1 - 7.3 1 - 20 1 H6z ` ,leftbraceunder: ` M0 6 l6 - 6 h17c12 . 688 0 19.313 . 3 20 1 4 4 7.313 8.3 10 13
35.313 51.3 80.813 93.8 136.5 127.5 55.688 33.7 117.188 55.8 184.5 66.5 . 688
0 2 . 3 4 1 18.688 2.7 76 4.3 172 5 h399450v120H429l - 6 - 1 c - 124.688 - 8 - 235 - 61.7
- 331 - 161 C60 . 687 138.7 32.312 99.3 7 54 L0 41 V6z ` ,leftgroup: ` M400000 80
H435C64 80 168.3 229.4 21 260 c - 5.9 1.2 - 18 0 - 18 0 - 2 0 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 3 v - 38 C76 61 257 0
435 0 h399565z ` ,leftgroupunder: ` M400000 262
H435C64 262 168.3 112.6 21 82 c - 5.9 - 1.2 - 18 0 - 18 0 - 2 0 - 3 1 - 3 3 v38c76 158 257 219
435 219 h399565z ` ,leftharpoon: ` M0 267 c . 7 5.3 3 10 7 14 h399993v - 40 H93c3 . 3
- 3.3 10.2 - 9.5 20.5 - 18.5 s17 . 8 - 15.8 22.5 - 20.5 c50 . 7 - 52 88 - 110.3 112 - 175 4 - 11.3 5
- 18.3 3 - 21 - 1.3 - 4 - 7.3 - 6 - 18 - 6 - 8 0 - 13 . 7 - 15 2 s - 4.7 6.7 - 8 16 c - 42 98.7 - 107.3 174.7
- 196 228 - 6.7 4.7 - 10.7 8 - 12 10 - 1.3 2 - 2 5.7 - 2 11 zm100 - 26 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,leftharpoonplus: ` M0 267 c . 7 5.3 3 10 7 14 h399993v - 40 H93c3 . 3 - 3.3 10.2 - 9.5
20.5 - 18.5 s17 . 8 - 15.8 22.5 - 20.5 c50 . 7 - 52 88 - 110.3 112 - 175 4 - 11.3 5 - 18.3 3 - 21 - 1.3
- 4 - 7.3 - 6 - 18 - 6 - 8 0 - 13 . 7 - 15 2 s - 4.7 6.7 - 8 16 c - 42 98.7 - 107.3 174.7 - 196 228 - 6.7 4.7
- 10.7 8 - 12 10 - 1.3 2 - 2 5.7 - 2 11 zm100 - 26 v40h399900v - 40 zM0 435 v40h400000v - 40 z
m0 0 v40h400000v - 40 z ` ,leftharpoondown: ` M7 241 c - 4 4 - 6.333 8.667 - 7 14 0 5.333 . 667 9 2 11 s5 . 333
5.333 12 10 c90 . 667 54 156 130 196 228 3.333 10.667 6.333 16.333 9 17 2 . 667 5
1 9 1 h5c10 . 667 0 16.667 - 2 18 - 6 2 - 2.667 1 - 9.667 - 3 - 21 - 32 - 87.333 - 82.667 - 157.667
- 152 - 211 l - 3 - 3 h399907v - 40 zM93 281 H400000 v - 40 L7 241 z ` ,leftharpoondownplus: ` M7 435 c - 4 4 - 6.3 8.7 - 7 14 0 5.3 . 7 9 2 11 s5 . 3 5.3 12
10 c90 . 7 54 156 130 196 228 3.3 10.7 6.3 16.3 9 17 2 . 7 5 1 9 1 h5c10 . 7 0 16.7
- 2 18 - 6 2 - 2.7 1 - 9.7 - 3 - 21 - 32 - 87.3 - 82.7 - 157.7 - 152 - 211 l - 3 - 3 h399907v - 40 H7zm93 0
v40h399900v - 40 zM0 241 v40h399900v - 40 zm0 0 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,lefthook: ` M400000 281 H103s - 33 - 11.2 - 61 - 33.5 S0 197.3 0 164 s14 . 2 - 61.2 42.5
- 83.5 C70 . 8 58.2 104 47 142 47 c16 . 7 0 25 6.7 25 20 0 12 - 8.7 18.7 - 26 20 - 40 3.3
- 68.7 15.7 - 86 37 - 10 12 - 15 25.3 - 15 40 0 22.7 9.8 40.7 29.5 54 19.7 13.3 43.5 21
71.5 23 h399859zM103 281 v - 40 h399897v40z ` ,leftlinesegment: ` M40 281 V428 H0 V94 H40 V241 H400000 v40z
M40 281 V428 H0 V94 H40 V241 H400000 v40z ` ,leftmapsto: ` M40 281 V448H0V74H40V241H400000v40z
M40 281 V448H0V74H40V241H400000v40z ` ,leftToFrom: ` M0 147 h400000v40H0zm0 214 c68 40 115.7 95.7 143 167 h22c15 . 3 0 23
- . 3 23 - 1 0 - 1.3 - 5.3 - 13.7 - 16 - 37 - 18 - 35.3 - 41.3 - 69 - 70 - 101 l - 7 - 8 h399905v - 40 H95l7 - 8
c28 . 7 - 32 52 - 65.7 70 - 101 10.7 - 23.3 16 - 35.7 16 - 37 0 - . 7 - 7.7 - 1 - 23 - 1 h - 22 C115 . 7 265.3
68 321 0 361 zm0 - 174 v - 40 h399900v40zm100 154 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,longequal: ` M0 50 h400000 v40H0z m0 194 h40000v40H0z
M0 50 h400000 v40H0z m0 194 h40000v40H0z ` ,midbrace: ` M200428 334
c - 100.7 - 8.3 - 195.3 - 44 - 280 - 108 - 55.3 - 42 - 101.7 - 93 - 139 - 153 l - 9 - 14 c - 2.7 4 - 5.7 8.7 - 9 14
- 53.3 86.7 - 123.7 153 - 211 199 - 66.7 36 - 137.3 56.3 - 212 62 H0V214h199568c178 . 3 - 11.7
311.7 - 78.3 403 - 201 6 - 8 9.7 - 12 11 - 12 . 7 - . 7 6.7 - 1 18 - 1 s17 . 3.3 18 1 c1 . 3 0 5 4 11
12 44.7 59.3 101.3 106.3 170 141 s145 . 3 54.3 229 60 h199572v120z ` ,midbraceunder: ` M199572 214
c100 . 7 8.3 195.3 44 280 108 55.3 42 101.7 93 139 153 l9 14 c2 . 7 - 4 5.7 - 8.7 9 - 14
53.3 - 86.7 123.7 - 153 211 - 199 66.7 - 36 137.3 - 56.3 212 - 62 h199568v120H200432c - 178.3
11.7 - 311.7 78.3 - 403 201 - 6 8 - 9.7 12 - 11 12 - . 7.7 - 6.7 1 - 18 1 s - 17.3 - . 3 - 18 - 1 c - 1.3 0
- 5 - 4 - 11 - 12 - 44.7 - 59.3 - 101.3 - 106.3 - 170 - 141 s - 145.3 - 54.3 - 229 - 60 H0V214z ` ,oiintSize1: ` M512 . 6 71.6 c272 . 6 0 320.3 106.8 320.3 178.2 0 70.8 - 47.7 177.6
- 320.3 177.6 S193 . 1 320.6 193.1 249.8 c0 - 71.4 46.9 - 178.2 319.5 - 178.2 z
m368 . 1 178.2 c0 - 86.4 - 60.9 - 215.4 - 368.1 - 215.4 - 306.4 0 - 367.3 129 - 367.3 215.4 0 85.8
60.9 214.8 367.3 214.8 307.2 0 368.1 - 129 368.1 - 214.8 z ` ,oiintSize2: ` M757 . 8 100.1 c384 . 7 0 451.1 137.6 451.1 230 0 91.3 - 66.4 228.8
- 451.1 228.8 - 386.3 0 - 452.7 - 137.5 - 452.7 - 228.8 0 - 92.4 66.4 - 230 452.7 - 230 z
m502 . 4 230 c0 - 111.2 - 82.4 - 277.2 - 502.4 - 277.2 s - 504 166 - 504 277.2
c0 110 84 276 504 276 s502 . 4 - 166 502.4 - 276 z ` ,oiiintSize1: ` M681 . 4 71.6 c408 . 9 0 480.5 106.8 480.5 178.2 0 70.8 - 71.6 177.6
- 480.5 177.6 S202 . 1 320.6 202.1 249.8 c0 - 71.4 70.5 - 178.2 479.3 - 178.2 z
m525 . 8 178.2 c0 - 86.4 - 86.8 - 215.4 - 525.7 - 215.4 - 437.9 0 - 524.7 129 - 524.7 215.4 0
85.8 86.8 214.8 524.7 214.8 438.9 0 525.7 - 129 525.7 - 214.8 z ` ,oiiintSize2: ` M1021 . 2 53 c603 . 6 0 707.8 165.8 707.8 277.2 0 110 - 104.2 275.8
- 707.8 275.8 - 606 0 - 710.2 - 165.8 - 710.2 - 275.8 C311 218.8 415.2 53 1021.2 53 z
m770 . 4 277.1 c0 - 131.2 - 126.4 - 327.6 - 770.5 - 327.6 S248 . 4 198.9 248.4 330.1
c0 130 128.8 326.4 772.7 326.4 s770 . 5 - 196.4 770.5 - 326.4 z ` ,rightarrow: ` M0 241 v40h399891c - 47.3 35.3 - 84 78 - 110 128
- 16.7 32 - 27.7 63.7 - 33 95 0 1.3 - . 2 2.7 - . 5 4 - . 3 1.3 - . 5 2.3 - . 5 3 0 7.3 6.7 11 20
11 8 0 13.2 - . 8 15.5 - 2.5 2.3 - 1.7 4.2 - 5.5 5.5 - 11.5 2 - 13.3 5.7 - 27 11 - 41 14.7 - 44.7
39 - 84.5 73 - 119.5 s73 . 7 - 60.2 119 - 75.5 c6 - 2 9 - 5.7 9 - 11 s - 3 - 9 - 9 - 11 c - 45.3 - 15.3 - 85
- 40.5 - 119 - 75.5 s - 58.3 - 74.8 - 73 - 119.5 c - 4.7 - 14 - 8.3 - 27.3 - 11 - 40 - 1.3 - 6.7 - 3.2 - 10.8 - 5.5
- 12.5 - 2.3 - 1.7 - 7.5 - 2.5 - 15.5 - 2.5 - 14 0 - 21 3.7 - 21 11 0 2 2 10.3 6 25 20.7 83.3 67
151.7 139 205 zm0 0 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,rightbrace: ` M400000 542 l
- 6 6 h - 17 c - 12.7 0 - 19.3 - . 3 - 20 - 1 - 4 - 4 - 7.3 - 8.3 - 10 - 13 - 35.3 - 51.3 - 80.8 - 93.8 - 136.5 - 127.5
s - 117.2 - 55.8 - 184.5 - 66.5 c - . 7 0 - 2 - . 3 - 4 - 1 - 18.7 - 2.7 - 76 - 4.3 - 172 - 5 H0V214h399571l6 1
c124 . 7 8 235 61.7 331 161 31.3 33.3 59.7 72.7 85 118 l7 13 v35z ` ,rightbraceunder: ` M399994 0 l6 6 v35l - 6 11 c - 56 104 - 135.3 181.3 - 238 232 - 57.3
28.7 - 117 45 - 179 50 H - 300 V214h399897c43 . 3 - 7 81 - 15 113 - 26 100.7 - 33 179.7 - 91 237
- 174 2.7 - 5 6 - 9 10 - 13 . 7 - 1 7.3 - 1 20 - 1 h17z ` ,rightgroup: ` M0 80 h399565c371 0 266.7 149.4 414 180 5.9 1.2 18 0 18 0 2 0
3 - 1 3 - 3 v - 38 c - 76 - 158 - 257 - 219 - 435 - 219 H0z ` ,rightgroupunder: ` M0 262 h399565c371 0 266.7 - 149.4 414 - 180 5.9 - 1.2 18 0 18
0 2 0 3 1 3 3 v38c - 76 158 - 257 219 - 435 219 H0z ` ,rightharpoon: ` M0 241 v40h399993c4 . 7 - 4.7 7 - 9.3 7 - 14 0 - 9.3
- 3.7 - 15.3 - 11 - 18 - 92.7 - 56.7 - 159 - 133.7 - 199 - 231 - 3.3 - 9.3 - 6 - 14.7 - 8 - 16 - 2 - 1.3 - 7 - 2 - 15 - 2
- 10.7 0 - 16.7 2 - 18 6 - 2 2.7 - 1 9.7 3 21 15.3 42 36.7 81.8 64 119.5 27.3 37.7 58
69.2 92 94.5 zm0 0 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,rightharpoonplus: ` M0 241 v40h399993c4 . 7 - 4.7 7 - 9.3 7 - 14 0 - 9.3 - 3.7 - 15.3 - 11
- 18 - 92.7 - 56.7 - 159 - 133.7 - 199 - 231 - 3.3 - 9.3 - 6 - 14.7 - 8 - 16 - 2 - 1.3 - 7 - 2 - 15 - 2 - 10.7 0 - 16.7
2 - 18 6 - 2 2.7 - 1 9.7 3 21 15.3 42 36.7 81.8 64 119.5 27.3 37.7 58 69.2 92 94.5 z
m0 0 v40h399900v - 40 z m100 194 v40h399900v - 40 zm0 0 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,rightharpoondown: ` M399747 511 c0 7.3 6.7 11 20 11 8 0 13 - . 8 15 - 2.5 s4 . 7 - 6.8
8 - 15.5 c40 - 94 99.3 - 166.3 178 - 217 13.3 - 8 20.3 - 12.3 21 - 13 5.3 - 3.3 8.5 - 5.8 9.5
- 7.5 1 - 1.7 1.5 - 5.2 1.5 - 10.5 s - 2.3 - 10.3 - 7 - 15 H0v40h399908c - 34 25.3 - 64.7 57 - 92 95
- 27.3 38 - 48.7 77.7 - 64 119 - 3.3 8.7 - 5 14 - 5 16 zM0 241 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,rightharpoondownplus: ` M399747 705 c0 7.3 6.7 11 20 11 8 0 13 - . 8
15 - 2.5 s4 . 7 - 6.8 8 - 15.5 c40 - 94 99.3 - 166.3 178 - 217 13.3 - 8 20.3 - 12.3 21 - 13 5.3 - 3.3
8.5 - 5.8 9.5 - 7.5 1 - 1.7 1.5 - 5.2 1.5 - 10.5 s - 2.3 - 10.3 - 7 - 15 H0v40h399908c - 34 25.3
- 64.7 57 - 92 95 - 27.3 38 - 48.7 77.7 - 64 119 - 3.3 8.7 - 5 14 - 5 16 zM0 435 v40h399900v - 40 z
m0 - 194 v40h400000v - 40 zm0 0 v40h400000v - 40 z ` ,righthook: ` M399859 241 c - 764 0 0 0 0 0 40 - 3.3 68.7 - 15.7 86 - 37 10 - 12 15 - 25.3
15 - 40 0 - 22.7 - 9.8 - 40.7 - 29.5 - 54 - 19.7 - 13.3 - 43.5 - 21 - 71.5 - 23 - 17.3 - 1.3 - 26 - 8 - 26 - 20 0
- 13.3 8.7 - 20 26 - 20 38 0 71 11.2 99 33.5 0 0 7 5.6 21 16.7 14 11.2 21 33.5 21
66.8 s - 14 61.2 - 42 83.5 c - 28 22.3 - 61 33.5 - 99 33.5 L0 241 z M0 281 v - 40 h399859v40z ` ,rightlinesegment: ` M399960 241 V94 h40 V428 h - 40 V281 H0 v - 40 z
M399960 241 V94 h40 V428 h - 40 V281 H0 v - 40 z ` ,rightToFrom: ` M400000 167 c - 70.7 - 42 - 118 - 97.7 - 142 - 167 h - 23 c - 15.3 0 - 23 . 3 - 23
1 0 1.3 5.3 13.7 16 37 18 35.3 41.3 69 70 101 l7 8 H0v40h399905l - 7 8 c - 28.7 32
- 52 65.7 - 70 101 - 10.7 23.3 - 16 35.7 - 16 37 0 . 7 7.7 1 23 1 h23c24 - 69.3 71.3 - 125 142
- 167 z M100 147 v40h399900v - 40 zM0 341 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,twoheadleftarrow: ` M0 167 c68 40
115.7 95.7 143 167 h22c15 . 3 0 23 - . 3 23 - 1 0 - 1.3 - 5.3 - 13.7 - 16 - 37 - 18 - 35.3 - 41.3 - 69
- 70 - 101 l - 7 - 8 h125l9 7 c50 . 7 39.3 85 86 103 140 h46c0 - 4.7 - 6.3 - 18.7 - 19 - 42 - 18 - 35.3
- 40 - 67.3 - 66 - 96 l - 9 - 9 h399716v - 40 H284l9 - 9 c26 - 28.7 48 - 60.7 66 - 96 12.7 - 23.333 19
- 37.333 19 - 42 h - 46 c - 18 54 - 52.3 100.7 - 103 140 l - 9 7 H95l7 - 8 c28 . 7 - 32 52 - 65.7 70 - 101
10.7 - 23.333 16 - 35.7 16 - 37 0 - . 7 - 7.7 - 1 - 23 - 1 h - 22 C115 . 7 71.3 68 127 0 167 z ` ,twoheadrightarrow: ` M400000 167
c - 68 - 40 - 115.7 - 95.7 - 143 - 167 h - 22 c - 15.3 0 - 23 . 3 - 23 1 0 1.3 5.3 13.7 16 37 18 35.3
41.3 69 70 101 l7 8 h - 125 l - 9 - 7 c - 50.7 - 39.3 - 85 - 86 - 103 - 140 h - 46 c0 4.7 6.3 18.7 19 42
18 35.3 40 67.3 66 96 l9 9 H0v40h399716l - 9 9 c - 26 28.7 - 48 60.7 - 66 96 - 12.7 23.333
- 19 37.333 - 19 42 h46c18 - 54 52.3 - 100.7 103 - 140 l9 - 7 h125l - 7 8 c - 28.7 32 - 52 65.7 - 70
101 - 10.7 23.333 - 16 35.7 - 16 37 0 . 7 7.7 1 23 1 h22c27 . 3 - 71.3 75 - 127 143 - 167 z ` ,tilde1: ` M200 55.538 c - 77 0 - 168 73.953 - 177 73.953 - 3 0 - 7
- 2.175 - 9 - 5.437 L2 97 c - 1 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 2 - 6 0 - 4 2 - 7 5 - 9 l20 - 12 C116 12 171 0 207 0 c86 0
114 68 191 68 78 0 168 - 68 177 - 68 4 0 7 2 9 5 l12 19 c1 2.175 2 4.35 2 6.525 0
4.35 - 2 7.613 - 5 9.788 l - 19 13.05 c - 92 63.077 - 116.937 75.308 - 183 76.128
- 68.267 . 847 - 113 - 73.952 - 191 - 73.952 z ` ,tilde2: ` M344 55.266 c - 142 0 - 300.638 81.316 - 311.5 86.418
- 8.01 3.762 - 22.5 10.91 - 23.5 5.562 L1 120 c - 1 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 4 0 - 5 3 - 9 8 - 10 l18 . 4 - 9 C160 . 9
31.9 283 0 358 0 c148 0 188 122 331 122 s314 - 97 326 - 97 c4 0 8 2 10 7 l7 21.114
c1 2.14 1 3.21 1 4.28 0 5.347 - 3 9.626 - 7 10.696 l - 22.3 12.622 C852 . 6 158.372 751
181.476 676 181.476 c - 149 0 - 189 - 126.21 - 332 - 126.21 z ` ,tilde3: ` M786 59 C457 59 32 175.242 13 175.242 c - 6 0 - 10 - 3.457
- 11 - 10.37 L . 15 138 c - 1 - 7 3 - 12 10 - 13 l19 . 2 - 6.4 C378 . 4 40.7 634.3 0 804.3 0 c337 0
411.8 157 746.8 157 328 0 754 - 112 773 - 112 5 0 10 3 11 9 l1 14.075 c1 8.066 - . 697
16.595 - 6.697 17.492 l - 21.052 7.31 c - 367.9 98.146 - 609.15 122.696 - 778.15 122.696
- 338 0 - 409 - 156.573 - 744 - 156.573 z ` ,tilde4: ` M786 58 C457 58 32 177.487 13 177.487 c - 6 0 - 10 - 3.345
- 11 - 10.035 L . 15 143 c - 1 - 7 3 - 12 10 - 13 l22 - 6.7 C381 . 2 35 637.15 0 807.15 0 c337 0 409
177 744 177 328 0 754 - 127 773 - 127 5 0 10 3 11 9 l1 14.794 c1 7.805 - 3 13.38 - 9
14.495 l - 20.7 5.574 c - 366.85 99.79 - 607.3 139.372 - 776.3 139.372 - 338 0 - 409
- 175.236 - 744 - 175.236 z ` ,vec: ` M377 20 c0 - 5.333 1.833 - 10 5.5 - 14 S391 0 397 0 c4 . 667 0 8.667 1.667 12 5
3.333 2.667 6.667 9 10 19 6.667 24.667 20.333 43.667 41 57 7.333 4.667 11
10.667 11 18 0 6 - 1 10 - 3 12 s - 6.667 5 - 14 9 c - 28.667 14.667 - 53.667 35.667 - 75 63
- 1.333 1.333 - 3.167 3.5 - 5.5 6.5 s - 4 4.833 - 5 5.5 c - 1 . 667 - 2.5 1.333 - 4.5 2 s - 4.333 1
- 7 1 c - 4.667 0 - 9.167 - 1.833 - 13.5 - 5.5 S337 184 337 178 c0 - 12.667 15.667 - 32.333 47 - 59
H213l - 171 - 1 c - 8.667 - 6 - 13 - 12.333 - 13 - 19 0 - 4.667 4.333 - 11.333 13 - 20 h359
c - 16 - 25.333 - 24 - 45 - 24 - 59 z ` ,widehat1: ` M529 0 h5l519 115 c5 1 9 5 9 10 0 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 l - 4 22
c - 1 5 - 5 9 - 11 9 h - 2 L532 67 19 159 h - 2 c - 5 0 - 9 - 4 - 11 - 9 l - 5 - 22 c - 1 - 6 2 - 12 8 - 13 z ` ,widehat2: ` M1181 0 h2l1171 176 c6 0 10 5 10 11 l - 2 23 c - 1 6 - 5 10
- 11 10 h - 1 L1182 67 15 220 h - 1 c - 6 0 - 10 - 4 - 11 - 10 l - 2 - 23 c - 1 - 6 4 - 11 10 - 11 z ` ,widehat3: ` M1181 0 h2l1171 236 c6 0 10 5 10 11 l - 2 23 c - 1 6 - 5 10
- 11 10 h - 1 L1182 67 15 280 h - 1 c - 6 0 - 10 - 4 - 11 - 10 l - 2 - 23 c - 1 - 6 4 - 11 10 - 11 z ` ,widehat4: ` M1181 0 h2l1171 296 c6 0 10 5 10 11 l - 2 23 c - 1 6 - 5 10
- 11 10 h - 1 L1182 67 15 340 h - 1 c - 6 0 - 10 - 4 - 11 - 10 l - 2 - 23 c - 1 - 6 4 - 11 10 - 11 z ` ,widecheck1: ` M529 , 159 h5l519 , - 115 c5 , - 1 , 9 , - 5 , 9 , - 10 c0 , - 1 , - 1 , - 2 , - 1 , - 3 l - 4 , - 22 c - 1 ,
- 5 , - 5 , - 9 , - 11 , - 9 h - 2 l - 512 , 92 l - 513 , - 92 h - 2 c - 5 , 0 , - 9 , 4 , - 11 , 9 l - 5 , 22 c - 1 , 6 , 2 , 12 , 8 , 13 z ` ,widecheck2: ` M1181 , 220 h2l1171 , - 176 c6 , 0 , 10 , - 5 , 10 , - 11 l - 2 , - 23 c - 1 , - 6 , - 5 , - 10 ,
- 11 , - 10 h - 1 l - 1168 , 153 l - 1167 , - 153 h - 1 c - 6 , 0 , - 10 , 4 , - 11 , 10 l - 2 , 23 c - 1 , 6 , 4 , 11 , 10 , 11 z ` ,widecheck3: ` M1181 , 280 h2l1171 , - 236 c6 , 0 , 10 , - 5 , 10 , - 11 l - 2 , - 23 c - 1 , - 6 , - 5 , - 10 ,
- 11 , - 10 h - 1 l - 1168 , 213 l - 1167 , - 213 h - 1 c - 6 , 0 , - 10 , 4 , - 11 , 10 l - 2 , 23 c - 1 , 6 , 4 , 11 , 10 , 11 z ` ,widecheck4: ` M1181 , 340 h2l1171 , - 296 c6 , 0 , 10 , - 5 , 10 , - 11 l - 2 , - 23 c - 1 , - 6 , - 5 , - 10 ,
- 11 , - 10 h - 1 l - 1168 , 273 l - 1167 , - 273 h - 1 c - 6 , 0 , - 10 , 4 , - 11 , 10 l - 2 , 23 c - 1 , 6 , 4 , 11 , 10 , 11 z ` ,baraboveleftarrow: ` M400000 620 h - 399890 l3 - 3 c68 . 7 - 52.7 113.7 - 120 135 - 202
c4 - 14.7 6 - 23 6 - 25 c0 - 7.3 - 7 - 11 - 21 - 11 c - 8 0 - 13.2 0.8 - 15.5 2.5
c - 2.3 1.7 - 4.2 5.8 - 5.5 12.5 c - 1.3 4.7 - 2.7 10.3 - 4 17 c - 12 48.7 - 34.8 92 - 68.5 130
s - 74.2 66.3 - 121.5 85 c - 10 4 - 16 7.7 - 18 11 c0 8.7 6 14.3 18 17 c47 . 3 18.7 87.8 47
121.5 85 s56 . 5 81.3 68.5 130 c0 . 7 2 1.3 5 2 9 s1 . 2 6.7 1.5 8 c0 . 3 1.3 1 3.3 2 6
s2 . 2 4.5 3.5 5.5 c1 . 3 1 3.3 1.8 6 2.5 s6 1 10 1 c14 0 21 - 3.7 21 - 11
c0 - 2 - 2 - 10.3 - 6 - 25 c - 20 - 79.3 - 65 - 146.7 - 135 - 202 l - 3 - 3 h399890z
M100 620 v40h399900v - 40 z M0 241 v40h399900v - 40 zM0 241 v40h399900v - 40 z ` ,rightarrowabovebar: ` M0 241 v40h399891c - 47.3 35.3 - 84 78 - 110 128 - 16.7 32
- 27.7 63.7 - 33 95 0 1.3 - . 2 2.7 - . 5 4 - . 3 1.3 - . 5 2.3 - . 5 3 0 7.3 6.7 11 20 11 8 0
13.2 - . 8 15.5 - 2.5 2.3 - 1.7 4.2 - 5.5 5.5 - 11.5 2 - 13.3 5.7 - 27 11 - 41 14.7 - 44.7 39
- 84.5 73 - 119.5 s73 . 7 - 60.2 119 - 75.5 c6 - 2 9 - 5.7 9 - 11 s - 3 - 9 - 9 - 11 c - 45.3 - 15.3 - 85 - 40.5
- 119 - 75.5 s - 58.3 - 74.8 - 73 - 119.5 c - 4.7 - 14 - 8.3 - 27.3 - 11 - 40 - 1.3 - 6.7 - 3.2 - 10.8 - 5.5
- 12.5 - 2.3 - 1.7 - 7.5 - 2.5 - 15.5 - 2.5 - 14 0 - 21 3.7 - 21 11 0 2 2 10.3 6 25 20.7 83.3 67
151.7 139 205 zm96 379 h399894v40H0zm0 0 h399904v40H0z ` ,baraboveshortleftharpoon: ` M507 , 435 c - 4 , 4 , - 6.3 , 8.7 , - 7 , 14 c0 , 5.3 , 0.7 , 9 , 2 , 11
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c2 , 0.7 , 5 , 1 , 9 , 1 c0 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , 0 c10 . 7 , 0 , 16.7 , - 2 , 18 , - 6 c2 , - 2.7 , 1 , - 9.7 , - 3 , - 21
c - 32 , - 87.3 , - 82.7 , - 157.7 , - 152 , - 211 c0 , 0 , - 3 , - 3 , - 3 , - 3 l399351 , 0 l0 , - 40
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- 231 c - 3.3 , - 9.3 , - 6 , - 14.7 , - 8 , - 16 c - 2 , - 1.3 , - 7 , - 2 , - 15 , - 2 c - 10.7 , 0 , - 16.7 , 2 , - 18 , 6
c - 2 , 2.7 , - 1 , 9.7 , 3 , 21 c15 . 3 , 42 , 36.7 , 81.8 , 64 , 119.5 c27 . 3 , 37.7 , 58 , 69.2 , 92 , 94.5 z
M0 241 v40 H399908 v - 40 z M0 475 v - 40 H399500 v40z M0 475 v - 40 H399500 v40z ` ,shortbaraboveleftharpoon: ` M7 , 435 c - 4 , 4 , - 6.3 , 8.7 , - 7 , 14 c0 , 5.3 , 0.7 , 9 , 2 , 11
c1 . 3 , 2 , 5.3 , 5.3 , 12 , 10 c90 . 7 , 54 , 156 , 130 , 196 , 228 c3 . 3 , 10.7 , 6.3 , 16.3 , 9 , 17 c2 , 0.7 , 5 , 1 , 9 ,
1 c0 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , 0 c10 . 7 , 0 , 16.7 , - 2 , 18 , - 6 c2 , - 2.7 , 1 , - 9.7 , - 3 , - 21 c - 32 , - 87.3 , - 82.7 , - 157.7 ,
- 152 , - 211 c0 , 0 , - 3 , - 3 , - 3 , - 3 l399907 , 0 l0 , - 40 c - 399126 , 0 , - 399993 , 0 , - 399993 , 0 z
M93 435 v40 H400000 v - 40 z M500 241 v40 H400000 v - 40 z M500 241 v40 H400000 v - 40 z ` ,shortrightharpoonabovebar: ` M53 , 241 l0 , 40 c398570 , 0 , 399437 , 0 , 399437 , 0
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- 231 c - 3.3 , - 9.3 , - 6 , - 14.7 , - 8 , - 16 c - 2 , - 1.3 , - 7 , - 2 , - 15 , - 2 c - 10.7 , 0 , - 16.7 , 2 , - 18 , 6
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
- 36 , 557 l0 , ` +(r+84)+ ` c0 . 2 , 6 , 0 , 26 , 0 , 60 c2 , 159.3 , 10 , 310.7 , 24 , 454 c53 . 3 , 528 , 210 ,
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
949.7 , 470 , 1265 c4 . 7 , 6 , 9.7 , 11.7 , 15 , 17 c0 . 7 , 0.7 , 7 , 1 , 19 , 1 c0 , 0 , 18 , 0 , 18 , 0 c4 , - 4 , 6 , - 7 , 6 , - 9
c0 , - 2.7 , - 3.3 , - 8.7 , - 10 , - 18 c - 135.3 , - 192.7 , - 235.5 , - 414.3 , - 300.5 , - 665 c - 65 , - 250.7 , - 102.5 ,
- 544.7 , - 112.5 , - 882 c - 2 , - 104 , - 3 , - 167 , - 3 , - 189
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
l0 , - ` +(r+92)+ ` c0 , - 162.7 , 5.7 , - 314 , 17 , - 454 c20 . 7 , - 272 , 63.7 , - 513 , 129 , - 723 c65 . 3 ,
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
- 210 , 155.3 , - 396.3 , 270 , - 559 c6 . 7 , - 9.3 , 10 , - 15.3 , 10 , - 18 z ` ;case"rparen":return ` M76 , 0 c - 16.7 , 0 , - 25 , 3 , - 25 , 9 c0 , 2 , 2 , 6.3 , 6 , 13 c21 . 3 , 28.7 , 42.3 , 60.3 ,
63 , 95 c96 . 7 , 156.7 , 172.8 , 332.5 , 228.5 , 527.5 c55 . 7 , 195 , 92.8 , 416.5 , 111.5 , 664.5
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
c11 . 3 , 139.3 , 17 , 290.7 , 17 , 454 c0 , 28 , 1.7 , 43 , 3.3 , 45 l0 , ` +(r+9)+ `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
c - 3 , 4 , - 3.3 , 16.7 , - 3.3 , 38 c0 , 162 , - 5.7 , 313.7 , - 17 , 455 c - 18.7 , 248 , - 55.8 , 469.3 , - 111.5 , 664
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c0 , 7.3 , 5.7 , 11 , 17 , 11 c0 , 0 , 11 , 0 , 11 , 0 c9 . 3 , 0 , 14.3 , - 0.3 , 15 , - 1 c5 . 3 , - 5.3 , 10.3 , - 11 , 15 , - 17
c242 . 7 , - 294.7 , 395.3 , - 681.7 , 458 , - 1161 c21 . 3 , - 164.7 , 33.3 , - 350.7 , 36 , - 558
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
l0 , - ` +(r+144)+ ` c - 2 , - 159.3 , - 10 , - 310.7 , - 24 , - 454 c - 53.3 , - 528 , - 210 , - 949.7 ,
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
- 470 , - 1265 c - 4.7 , - 6 , - 9.7 , - 11.7 , - 15 , - 17 c - 0.7 , - 0.7 , - 6.7 , - 1 , - 18 , - 1 z ` ;default:throw new Error("Unknown stretchy delimiter.")}},"tallDelim"),Xf=class{static{o(this,"DocumentFragment")}constructor(e){this.children=void 0,this.classes=void 0,this.height=void 0,this.depth=void 0,this.maxFontSize=void 0,this.style=void 0,this.children=e,this.classes=[],this.height=0,this.depth=0,this.maxFontSize=0,this.style={}}hasClass(e){return Vt.contains(this.classes,e)}toNode(){for(var e=document.createDocumentFragment(),r=0;r<this.children.length;r++)e.appendChild(this.children[r].toNode());return e}toMarkup(){for(var e="",r=0;r<this.children.length;r++)e+=this.children[r].toMarkup();return e}toText(){var e=o(r=>r.toText(),"toText");return this.children.map(e).join("")}},Zl={"AMS-Regular":{32:[0,0,0,0,.25],65:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],66:[0,.68889,0,0,.66667],67:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],68:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],69:[0,.68889,0,0,.66667],70:[0,.68889,0,0,.61111],71:[0,.68889,0,0,.77778],72:[0,.68889,0,0,.77778],73:[0,.68889,0,0,.38889],74:[.16667,.68889,0,0,.5],75:[0,.68889,0,0,.77778],76:[0,.68889,0,0,.66667],77:[0,.68889,0,0,.94445],78:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],79:[.16667,.68889,0,0,.77778],80:[0,.68889,0,0,.61111],81:[.16667,.68889,0,0,.77778],82:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],83:[0,.68889,0,0,.55556],84:[0,.68889,0,0,.66667],85:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],86:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],87:[0,.68889,0,0,1],88:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],89:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],90:[0,.68889,0,0,.66667],107:[0,.68889,0,0,.55556],160:[0,0,0,0,.25],165:[0,.675,.025,0,.75],174:[.15559,.69224,0,0,.94666],240:[0,.68889,0,0,.55556],295:[0,.68889,0,0,.54028],710:[0,.825,0,0,2.33334],732:[0,.9,0,0,2.33334],770:[0,.825,0,0,2.33334],771:[0,.9,0,0,2.33334],989:[.08167,.58167,0,0,.77778],1008:[0,.43056,.04028,0,.66667],8245:[0,.54986,0,0,.275],8463:[0,.68889,0,0,.54028],8487:[0,.68889,0,0,.72222],8498:[0,.68889,0,0,.55556],8502:[0,.68889,0,0,.66667],8503:[0,.68889,0,0,.44445],8504:[0,.68889,0,0,.66667],8513:[0,.68889,0,0,.63889],8592:[-.03598,.46402,0,0,.5],8594:[-.03598,.46402,0,0,.5],8602:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,1],8603:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,1],8606:[.01354,.52239,0,0,1],8608:[.01354,.52239,0,0,1],8610:[.01354,.52239,0,0,1.11111],8611:[.01354,.52239,0,0,1.11111],8619:[0,.54986,0,0,1],8620:[0,.54986,0,0,1],8621:[-.13313,.37788,0,0,1.38889],8622:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,1],8624:[0,.69224,0,0,.5],8625:[0,.69224,0,0,.5],8630:[0,.43056,0,0,1],8631:[0,.43056,0,0,1],8634:[.08198,.58198,0,0,.77778],8635:[.08198,.58198,0,0,.77778],8638:[.19444,.69224,0,0,.41667],8639:[.19444,.69224,0,0,.41667],8642:[.19444,.69224,0,0,.41667],8643:[.19444,.69224,0,0,.41667],8644:[.1808,.675,0,0,1],8646:[.1808,.675,0,0,1],8647:[.1808,.675,0,0,1],8648:[.19444,.69224,0,0,.83334],8649:[.1808,.675,0,0,1],8650:[.19444,.69224,0,0,.83334],8651:[.01354,.52239,0,0,1],8652:[.01354,.52239,0,0,1],8653:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,1],8654:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,1],8655:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,1],8666:[.13667,.63667,0,0,1],8667:[.13667,.63667,0,0,1],8669:[-.13313,.37788,0,0,1],8672:[-.064,.437,0,0,1.334],8674:[-.064,.437,0,0,1.334],8705:[0,.825,0,0,.5],8708:[0,.68889,0,0,.55556],8709:[.08167,.58167,0,0,.77778],8717:[0,.43056,0,0,.42917],8722:[-.03598,.46402,0,0,.5],8724:[.08198,.69224,0,0,.77778],8726:[.08167,.58167,0,0,.77778],8733:[0,.69224,0,0,.77778],8736:[0,.69224,0,0,.72222],8737:[0,.69224,0,0,.72222],8738:[.03517,.52239,0,0,.72222],8739:[.08167,.58167,0,0,.22222],8740:[.25142,.74111,0,0,.27778],8741:[.08167,.58167,0,0,.38889],8742:[.25142,.74111,0,0,.5],8756:[0,.69224,0,0,.66667],8757:[0,.69224,0,0,.66667],8764:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,.77778],8765:[-.13313,.37788,0,0,.77778],8769:[-.13313,.36687,0,0,.77778],8770:[-.03625,.46375,0,0,.77778],8774:[.30274,.79383,0,0,.77778],8776:[-.01688,.48312,0,0,.77778],8778:[.08167,.58167,0,0,.77778],8782:[.06062,.54986,0,0,.77778],8783:[.06062,.54986,0,0,.77778],8785:[.08198,.58198,0,0,.77778],8786:[.08198,.58198,0,0,.77778],8787:[.08198,.58198,0,0,.77778],8790:[0,.69224,0,0,.77778],8791:[.22958,.72958,0,0,.77778],8796:[.08198,.91667,0,0,.77778],8806:[.25583,.75583,0,0,.77778],8807:[.25583,.75583,0,0,.77778],8808:[.25142,.75726,0,0,.
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
? ) [ \ r ] * ` ,L7="[ \u 0300- \u 036F]",vbe=new RegExp(L7+"+ $ "),xbe="("+y $ +"+)|"+(ybe+"|")+"([!- \\ [ \\ ]- \u 2027 \u 202A- \u D7FF \u F900- \u FFFF]"+(L7+"*")+"|[ \u D800- \u DBFF][ \u DC00- \u DFFF]"+(L7+"*")+"| \\ \\ verb \\ *([^]).*? \\ 4| \\ \\ verb([^*a-zA-Z]).*? \\ 5"+("|"+gbe)+("|"+mbe+")"),v4=class{static{o(this,"Lexer")}constructor(e,r){this.input=void 0,this.settings=void 0,this.tokenRegex=void 0,this.catcodes=void 0,this.input=e,this.settings=r,this.tokenRegex=new RegExp(xbe,"g"),this.catcodes={"%":14,"~":13}}setCatcode(e,r){this.catcodes[e]=r}lex(){var e=this.input,r=this.tokenRegex.lastIndex;if(r===e.length)return new Ao("EOF",new Xs(this,r,r));var n=this.tokenRegex.exec(e);if(n===null||n.index!==r)throw new nt("Unexpected character: '"+e[r]+"'",new Ao(e[r],new Xs(this,r,r+1)));var i=n[6]||n[3]||(n[2]?" \\ ":" ");if(this.catcodes[i]===14){var a=e.indexOf( `
` ,this.tokenRegex.lastIndex);return a===-1?(this.tokenRegex.lastIndex=e.length,this.settings.reportNonstrict("commentAtEnd","% comment has no terminating newline; LaTeX would fail because of commenting the end of math mode (e.g. $ )")):this.tokenRegex.lastIndex=a+1,this.lex()}return new Ao(i,new Xs(this,r,this.tokenRegex.lastIndex))}},D7=class{static{o(this,"Namespace")}constructor(e,r){e===void 0&&(e={}),r===void 0&&(r={}),this.current=void 0,this.builtins=void 0,this.undefStack=void 0,this.current=r,this.builtins=e,this.undefStack=[]}beginGroup(){this.undefStack.push({})}endGroup(){if(this.undefStack.length===0)throw new nt("Unbalanced namespace destruction: attempt to pop global namespace; please report this as a bug");var e=this.undefStack.pop();for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(e[r]==null?delete this.current[r]:this.current[r]=e[r])}endGroups(){for(;this.undefStack.length>0;)this.endGroup()}has(e){return this.current.hasOwnProperty(e)||this.builtins.hasOwnProperty(e)}get(e){return this.current.hasOwnProperty(e)?this.current[e]:this.builtins[e]}set(e,r,n){if(n===void 0&&(n=!1),n){for(var i=0;i<this.undefStack.length;i++)delete this.undefStack[i][e];this.undefStack.length>0&&(this.undefStack[this.undefStack.length-1][e]=r)}else{var a=this.undefStack[this.undefStack.length-1];a&&!a.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(a[e]=this.current[e])}r==null?delete this.current[e]:this.current[e]=r}},bbe=s $ ;le(" \\ noexpand",function(t){var e=t.popToken();return t.isExpandable(e.text)&&(e.noexpand=!0,e.treatAsRelax=!0),{tokens:[e],numArgs:0}});le(" \\ expandafter",function(t){var e=t.popToken();return t.expandOnce(!0),{tokens:[e],numArgs:0}});le(" \\ @firstoftwo",function(t){var e=t.consumeArgs(2);return{tokens:e[0],numArgs:0}});le(" \\ @secondoftwo",function(t){var e=t.consumeArgs(2);return{tokens:e[1],numArgs:0}});le(" \\ @ifnextchar",function(t){var e=t.consumeArgs(3);t.consumeSpaces();var r=t.future();return e[0].length===1&&e[0][0].text===r.text?{tokens:e[1],numArgs:0}:{tokens:e[2],numArgs:0}});le(" \\ @ifstar"," \\ @ifnextchar *{ \\ @firstoftwo{#1}}");le(" \\ TextOrMath",function(t){var e=t.consumeArgs(2);return t.mode==="text"?{tokens:e[0],numArgs:0}:{tokens:e[1],numArgs:0}});EG={0:0,1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5,6:6,7:7,8:8,9:9,a:10,A:10,b:11,B:11,c:12,C:12,d:13,D:13,e:14,E:14,f:15,F:15};le(" \\ char",function(t){var e=t.popToken(),r,n="";if(e.text==="'")r=8,e=t.popToken();else if(e.text==='"')r=16,e=t.popToken();else if(e.text===" ` ")if(e=t.popToken(),e.text[0]===" \ \ ")n=e.text.charCodeAt(1);else{if(e.text===" EOF ")throw new nt(" \ \ char ` missing argument");n=e.text.charCodeAt(0)}else r=10;if(r){if(n=EG[e.text],n==null||n>=r)throw new nt("Invalid base-"+r+" digit "+e.text);for(var i;(i=EG[t.future().text])!=null&&i<r;)n*=r,n+=i,t.popToken()}return" \\ @char{"+n+"}"});W7=o((t,e,r)=>{var n=t.consumeArg().tokens;if(n.length!==1)throw new nt(" \\ newcommand's first argument must be a macro name");var i=n[0].text,a=t.isDefined(i);if(a&&!e)throw new nt(" \\ newcommand{"+i+"} attempting to redefine "+(i+"; use \\ renewcommand"));if(!a&&!r)throw new nt(" \\ renewcommand{"+i+"} when command "+i+" does not yet exist; use \\ newcommand");var s=0;if(n=t.consumeArg().tokens,n.length===1&&n[0].text==="["){for(var l="",u=t.expandNextToken();u.text!=="]"&&u.text!=="EOF";)l+=u.text,u=t.expandNextToken();if(!l.match(/^ \s *[0-9]+ \s * $ /))throw new nt("Invalid number of arguments: "+l);s=parseInt(l),n=t.consumeArg().tokens}return t.macros.set(i,{tokens:n,numArgs:s}),""},"newcommand");le(" \\ newcommand",t=>W7(t,!1,!0));le(" \\ renewcommand",t=>W7(t,!0,!1));le(" \\ providecommand",t=>W7(t,!0,!0));le(" \\ message",t=>{var e=t.consumeArgs(1)[0];return console.log(e.reverse().map(r=>r.text).join("")),""});le(" \\ errmessage",t=>{var e=t.consumeArgs(1)[0];return console.error(e.reverse().map(r=>r.text).join("")),""});le(" \\ show",t=>{var e=t.popToken(),r=e.text;return console.log(e,t.macros.get(r),fh[r],wn.math[r],wn.text[r]),""});le(" \\ bgroup","{");le(" \\ egroup","}");le("~"," \\ nobreakspace");le(" \\ lq"," ` ");le(" \ \ rq "," ' ");le(" \ \ aa "," \ \ r a ");le(" \ \ AA "," \ \ r A ");le(" \ \ textcopyright "," \ \ html @ mathml { \ \ textcircled { c } } { \ \ ch
please report what input caused this bug ` );return n=n.slice(1,-1),{type:"verb",mode:"text",body:n,star:i}}AG.hasOwnProperty(r[0])&&!wn[this.mode][r[0]]&&(this.settings.strict&&this.mode==="math"&&this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode",'Accented Unicode text character "'+r[0]+'" used in math mode',e),r=AG[r[0]]+r.slice(1));var a=vbe.exec(r);a&&(r=r.substring(0,a.index),r==="i"?r=" \u 0131":r==="j"&&(r=" \u 0237"));var s;if(wn[this.mode][r]){this.settings.strict&&this.mode==="math"&&k7.indexOf(r)>=0&&this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode",'Latin-1/Unicode text character "'+r[0]+'" used in math mode',e);var l=wn[this.mode][r].group,u=Xs.range(e),h;if(hxe.hasOwnProperty(l)){var f=l;h={type:"atom",mode:this.mode,family:f,loc:u,text:r}}else h={type:l,mode:this.mode,loc:u,text:r};s=h}else if(r.charCodeAt(0)>=128)this.settings.strict&&(LG(r.charCodeAt(0))?this.mode==="math"&&this.settings.reportNonstrict("unicodeTextInMathMode",'Unicode text character "'+r[0]+'" used in math mode',e):this.settings.reportNonstrict("unknownSymbol",'Unrecognized Unicode character "'+r[0]+'"'+(" ("+r.charCodeAt(0)+")"),e)),s={type:"textord",mode:"text",loc:Xs.range(e),text:r};else return null;if(this.consume(),a)for(var d=0;d<a[0].length;d++){var p=a[0][d];if(!x7[p])throw new nt("Unknown accent ' "+p+"'",e);var m=x7[p][this.mode]||x7[p].text;if(!m)throw new nt("Accent "+p+" unsupported in "+this.mode+" mode",e);s={type:"accent",mode:this.mode,loc:Xs.range(e),label:m,isStretchy:!1,isShifty:!0,base:s}}return s}};x4.endOfExpression=["}"," \\ endgroup"," \\ end"," \\ right","&"];X7=o(function(e,r){if(!(typeof e=="string"||e instanceof String))throw new TypeError("KaTeX can only parse string typed expression");var n=new x4(e,r);delete n.gullet.macros.current[" \\ df@tag"];var i=n.parse();if(delete n.gullet.macros.current[" \\ current@color"],delete n.gullet.macros.current[" \\ color"],n.gullet.macros.get(" \\ df@tag")){if(!r.displayMode)throw new nt(" \\ tag works only in display equations");i=[{type:"tag",mode:"text",body:i,tag:n.subparse([new Ao(" \\ df@tag")])}]}return i},"parseTree"),w $ =o(function(e,r,n){r.textContent="";var i=j7(e,n).toNode();r.appendChild(i)},"render");typeof document<"u"&&document.compatMode!=="CSS1Compat"&&(typeof console<"u"&&console.warn("Warning: KaTeX doesn't work in quirks mode. Make sure your website has a suitable doctype."),w $ =o(function(){throw new nt("KaTeX doesn't work in quirks mode.")},"render"));wbe=o(function(e,r){var n=j7(e,r).toMarkup();return n},"renderToString"),Tbe=o(function(e,r){var n=new ry(r);return X7(e,n)},"generateParseTree"),T $ =o(function(e,r,n){if(n.throwOnError||!(e instanceof nt))throw e;var i=Be.makeSpan(["katex-error"],[new ms(r)]);return i.setAttribute("title",e.toString()),i.setAttribute("style","color:"+n.errorColor),i},"renderError"),j7=o(function(e,r){var n=new ry(r);try{var i=X7(e,n);return Mxe(i,e,n)}catch(a){return T $ (a,e,n)}},"renderToDomTree"),kbe=o(function(e,r){var n=new ry(r);try{var i=X7(e,n);return Ixe(i,e,n)}catch(a){return T $ (a,e,n)}},"renderToHTMLTree"),Ebe={version:"0.16.11",render:w $ ,renderToString:wbe,ParseError:nt,SETTINGS_SCHEMA:u4,__parse:Tbe,__renderToDomTree:j7,__renderToHTMLTree:kbe,__setFontMetrics:axe,__defineSymbol:G,__defineFunction:vt,__defineMacro:le,__domTree:{Span:jf,Anchor:iy,SymbolNode:ms,SvgNode:ll,PathNode:Jl,LineNode:ay}}});function Abe(){let t="data-temp-href-target";bp.default.addHook("beforeSanitizeAttributes",e=>{e.tagName==="A"&&e.hasAttribute("target")&&e.setAttribute(t,e.getAttribute("target")??"")}),bp.default.addHook("afterSanitizeAttributes",e=>{e.tagName==="A"&&e.hasAttribute(t)&&(e.setAttribute("target",e.getAttribute(t)??""),e.removeAttribute(t),e.getAttribute("target")==="_blank"&&e.setAttribute("rel","noopener"))})}var bp,Qf,Cbe,Sbe,A $ ,C $ ,qr,_be,Lbe,Dbe,Rbe,_ $ ,Nbe,yr,Mbe,Ibe,gh,K7,Obe,Pbe,S $ ,Q7,Ni,Zf,yh,We,rr=R(()=>{"use strict";bp=Xi(o7(),1),Qf=/<br \s * \/ ?>/gi,Cbe=o(t=>t?_ $ (t).replace(/ \\ n/g,"#br#").split("#br#"):[""],"getRows"),Sbe=(()=>{let t=!1;return()=>{t||(Abe(),t=!0)}})();o(Abe,"setupDompurifyHooks");A $ =o(t=
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
font - family : $ { r . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { r . fontSize } ;
fill : $ { r . textColor }
/* Classes common for multiple diagrams */
& . error - icon {
fill : $ { r . errorBkgColor } ;
& . error - text {
fill : $ { r . errorTextColor } ;
stroke : $ { r . errorTextColor } ;
& . edge - thickness - normal {
stroke - width : 1 px ;
& . edge - thickness - thick {
stroke - width : 3.5 px
& . edge - pattern - solid {
stroke - dasharray : 0 ;
& . edge - thickness - invisible {
stroke - width : 0 ;
fill : none ;
& . edge - pattern - dashed {
stroke - dasharray : 3 ;
. edge - pattern - dotted {
stroke - dasharray : 2 ;
& . marker {
fill : $ { r . lineColor } ;
stroke : $ { r . lineColor } ;
& . marker . cross {
stroke : $ { r . lineColor } ;
& svg {
font - family : $ { r . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { r . fontSize } ;
& p {
margin : 0
$ { n }
$ { e }
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` },"getStyles"),L $ =o((t,e)=>{e!==void 0&&(S4[t]=e)},"addStylesForDiagram"),D $ =zbe});var ly={};hr(ly,{clear:()=>vr,getAccDescription:()=>Lr,getAccTitle:()=>Ar,getDiagramTitle:()=>Xr,setAccDescription:()=>_r,setAccTitle:()=>kr,setDiagramTitle:()=>nn});var J7,eS,tS,rS,vr,kr,Ar,_r,Lr,nn,Xr,bi=R(()=>{"use strict";rr();qs();J7="",eS="",tS="",rS=o(t=>qr(t,Or()),"sanitizeText"),vr=o(()=>{J7="",tS="",eS=""},"clear"),kr=o(t=>{J7=rS(t).replace(/^ \s +/g,"")},"setAccTitle"),Ar=o(()=>J7,"getAccTitle"),_r=o(t=>{tS=rS(t).replace(/ \n \s +/g, `
` )},"setAccDescription"),Lr=o(()=>tS,"getAccDescription"),nn=o(t=>{eS=rS(t)},"setDiagramTitle"),Xr=o(()=>eS,"getDiagramTitle")});var R $ ,Gbe,de,iS,_4, $ be,aS,Vbe,A4,Jf,cy,nS,_t=R(()=>{"use strict";Hf();ut();qs();rr();Yn();Z7();bi();R $ =V,Gbe= $ 1,de=Or,iS=Zb,_4=uh, $ be=o(t=>qr(t,de()),"sanitizeText"),aS=Lo,Vbe=o(()=>ly,"getCommonDb"),A4={},Jf=o((t,e,r)=>{A4[t]&&R $ .warn( ` Diagram with id $ { t } already registered . Overwriting . ` ),A4[t]=e,r&& $ C(t,r),L $ (t,e.styles),e.injectUtils?.(R $ ,Gbe,de, $ be,aS,Vbe(),()=>{})},"registerDiagram"),cy=o(t=>{if(t in A4)return A4[t];throw new nS(t)},"getDiagram"),nS=class extends Error{static{o(this,"DiagramNotFoundError")}constructor(e){super( ` Diagram $ { e } not found . ` )}}});var ul,vh,ja,cl,nc,uy,sS,oS,L4,D4,N $ ,Ube,Hbe,Ybe,Wbe,qbe,Xbe,jbe,Kbe,Qbe,Zbe,Jbe,e4e,t4e,r4e,n4e,i4e,a4e,M $ ,s4e,o4e,I $ ,l4e,c4e,u4e,h4e,xh,f4e,d4e,p4e,m4e,g4e,hy,lS=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();rr();bi();ul=[],vh=[""],ja="global",cl="",nc=[{alias:"global",label:{text:"global"},type:{text:"global"},tags:null,link:null,parentBoundary:""}],uy=[],sS="",oS=!1,L4=4,D4=2,Ube=o(function(){return N $ },"getC4Type"),Hbe=o(function(t){N $ =qr(t,de())},"setC4Type"),Ybe=o(function(t,e,r,n,i,a,s,l,u){if(t==null||e===void 0||e===null||r===void 0||r===null||n===void 0||n===null)return;let h={},f=uy.find(d=>d.from===e&&d.to===r);if(f?h=f:uy.push(h),h.type=t,h.from=e,h.to=r,h.label={text:n},i==null)h.techn={text:""};else if(typeof i=="object"){let[d,p]=Object.entries(i)[0];h[d]={text:p}}else h.techn={text:i};if(a==null)h.descr={text:""};else if(typeof a=="object"){let[d,p]=Object.entries(a)[0];h[d]={text:p}}else h.descr={text:a};if(typeof s=="object"){let[d,p]=Object.entries(s)[0];h[d]=p}else h.sprite=s;if(typeof l=="object"){let[d,p]=Object.entries(l)[0];h[d]=p}else h.tags=l;if(typeof u=="object"){let[d,p]=Object.entries(u)[0];h[d]=p}else h.link=u;h.wrap=xh()},"addRel"),Wbe=o(function(t,e,r,n,i,a,s){if(e===null||r===null)return;let l={},u=ul.find(h=>h.alias===e);if(u&&e===u.alias?l=u:(l.alias=e,ul.push(l)),r==null?l.label={text:""}:l.label={text:r},n==null)l.descr={text:""};else if(typeof n=="object"){let[h,f]=Object.entries(n)[0];l[h]={text:f}}else l.descr={text:n};if(typeof i=="object"){let[h,f]=Object.entries(i)[0];l[h]=f}else l.sprite=i;if(typeof a=="object"){let[h,f]=Object.entries(a)[0];l[h]=f}else l.tags=a;if(typeof s=="object"){let[h,f]=Object.entries(s)[0];l[h]=f}else l.link=s;l.typeC4Shape={text:t},l.parentBoundary=ja,l.wrap=xh()},"addPersonOrSystem"),qbe=o(function(t,e,r,n,i,a,s,l){if(e===null||r===null)return;let u={},h=ul.find(f=>f.alias===e);if(h&&e===h.alias?u=h:(u.alias=e,ul.push(u)),r==null?u.label={text:""}:u.label={text:r},n==null)u.techn={text:""};else if(typeof n=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(n)[0];u[f]={text:d}}else u.techn={text:n};if(i==null)u.descr={text:""};else if(typeof i=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(i)[0];u[f]={text:d}}else u.descr={text:i};if(typeof a=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(a)[0];u[f]=d}else u.sprite=a;if(typeof s=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(s)[0];u[f]=d}else u.tags=s;if(typeof l=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(l)[0];u[f]=d}else u.link=l;u.wrap=xh(),u.typeC4Shape={text:t},u.parentBoundary=ja},"addContainer"),Xbe=o(function(t,e,r,n,i,a,s,l){if(e===null||r===null)return;let u={},h=ul.find(f=>f.alias===e);if(h&&e===h.alias?u=h:(u.alias=e,ul.push(u)),r==null?u.label={text:""}:u.label={text:r},n==null)u.techn={text:""};else if(typeof n=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(n)[0];u[f]={text:d}}else u.techn={text:n};if(i==null)u.descr={text:""};else if(typeof i=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(i)[0];u[f]={text:d}}else u.descr={text:i};if(typeof a=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(a)[0];u[f]=d}else u.sprite=a;if(typeof s=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(s)[0];u[f]=d}else u.tags=s;if(typeof l=="object"){let[f,d]=Object.entries(l)[0];u[f]=d}else u.link=l;u.wrap=xh(),u.typeC4Shape={text:t},u.parentBoundary=ja},"addComponent"),jbe=o(function(t,e,r,n,i){if(t===null||e===null)return;let a={},s=nc.find(l=>l.alias===t);if(s&&t===s.alias?a=s:(a.alias=t,nc.push(a)),e==null?a.label={text:""}:a.label={text:e},r==n
` ,"ig");t=t.trim().replace(r,"").replace(/'/gm,'"'),V.debug( ` Detecting diagram directive$ { e !== null ? " type:" + e : "" } based on the text : $ { t } ` );let n,i=[];for(;(n=Vf.exec(t))!==null;)if(n.index===Vf.lastIndex&&Vf.lastIndex++,n&&!e||e&&n[1]?.match(e)||e&&n[2]?.match(e)){let a=n[1]?n[1]:n[2],s=n[3]?n[3].trim():n[4]?JSON.parse(n[4].trim()):null;i.push({type:a,args:s})}return i.length===0?{type:t,args:null}:i.length===1?i[0]:i}catch(r){return V.error( ` ERROR : $ { r . message } - Unable to parse directive type : '${e}' based on the text : '${t}' ` ),{type:void 0,args:null}}},"detectDirective"),EX=o(function(t){return t.replace(Vf,"")},"removeDirectives"),K6e=o(function(t,e){for(let[r,n]of e.entries())if(n.match(t))return r;return-1},"isSubstringInArray");o(om,"interpolateToCurve");o(Q6e,"formatUrl");Z6e=o((t,...e)=>{let r=t.split("."),n=r.length-1,i=r[n],a=window;for(let s=0;s<n;s++)if(a=a[r[s]],!a){V.error( ` Function name : $ { t } not found in window ` );return}a[i](...e)},"runFunc");o(CX,"distance");o(J6e,"traverseEdge");o(eCe,"calcLabelPosition");bX=o((t,e=2)=>{let r=Math.pow(10,e);return Math.round(t*r)/r},"roundNumber"),Q_=o((t,e)=>{let r,n=e;for(let i of t){if(r){let a=CX(i,r);if(a<n)n-=a;else{let s=n/a;if(s<=0)return r;if(s>=1)return{x:i.x,y:i.y};if(s>0&&s<1)return{x:bX((1-s)*r.x+s*i.x,5),y:bX((1-s)*r.y+s*i.y,5)}}}r=i}throw new Error("Could not find a suitable point for the given distance")},"calculatePoint"),tCe=o((t,e,r)=>{V.info( ` our points $ { JSON . stringify ( e ) } ` ),e[0]!==r&&(e=e.reverse());let i=Q_(e,25),a=t?10:5,s=Math.atan2(e[0].y-i.y,e[0].x-i.x),l={x:0,y:0};return l.x=Math.sin(s)*a+(e[0].x+i.x)/2,l.y=-Math.cos(s)*a+(e[0].y+i.y)/2,l},"calcCardinalityPosition");o(rCe,"calcTerminalLabelPosition");o(lm,"getStylesFromArray");wX=0,Z_=o(()=>(wX++,"id-"+Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,12)+"-"+wX),"generateId");o(nCe,"makeRandomHex");J_=o(t=>nCe(t.length),"random"),iCe=o(function(){return{x:0,y:0,fill:void 0,anchor:"start",style:"#666",width:100,height:100,textMargin:0,rx:0,ry:0,valign:void 0,text:""}},"getTextObj"),aCe=o(function(t,e){let r=e.text.replace(We.lineBreakRegex," "),[,n]=mc(e.fontSize),i=t.append("text");i.attr("x",e.x),i.attr("y",e.y),i.style("text-anchor",e.anchor),i.style("font-family",e.fontFamily),i.style("font-size",n),i.style("font-weight",e.fontWeight),i.attr("fill",e.fill),e.class!==void 0&&i.attr("class",e.class);let a=i.append("tspan");return a.attr("x",e.x+e.textMargin*2),a.attr("fill",e.fill),a.text(r),i},"drawSimpleText"),e9=qp((t,e,r)=>{if(!t||(r=Object.assign({fontSize:12,fontWeight:400,fontFamily:"Arial",joinWith:"<br/>"},r),We.lineBreakRegex.test(t)))return t;let n=t.split(" ").filter(Boolean),i=[],a="";return n.forEach((s,l)=>{let u=Cl( ` $ { s } ` ,r),h=Cl(a,r);if(u>e){let{hyphenatedStrings:p,remainingWord:m}=sCe(s,e,"-",r);i.push(a,...p),a=m}else h+u>=e?(i.push(a),a=s):a=[a,s].filter(Boolean).join(" ");l+1===n.length&&i.push(a)}),i.filter(s=>s!=="").join(r.joinWith)},(t,e,r)=> ` $ { t } $ { e } $ { r . fontSize } $ { r . fontWeight } $ { r . fontFamily } $ { r . joinWith } ` ),sCe=qp((t,e,r="-",n)=>{n=Object.assign({fontSize:12,fontWeight:400,fontFamily:"Arial",margin:0},n);let i=[...t],a=[],s="";return i.forEach((l,u)=>{let h= ` $ { s } $ { l } ` ;if(Cl(h,n)>=e){let d=u+1,p=i.length===d,m= ` $ { h } $ { r } ` ;a.push(p?h:m),s=""}else s=h}),{hyphenatedStrings:a,remainingWord:s}},(t,e,r="-",n)=> ` $ { t } $ { e } $ { r } $ { n . fontSize } $ { n . fontWeight } $ { n . fontFamily } ` );o(g5,"calculateTextHeight");o(Cl,"calculateTextWidth");t9=qp((t,e)=>{let{fontSize:r=12,fontFamily:n="Arial",fontWeight:i=400}=e;if(!t)return{width:0,height:0};let[,a]=mc(r),s=["sans-serif",n],l=t.split(We.lineBreakRegex),u=[],h= $ e("body");if(!h.remove)return{width:0,height:0,lineHeight:0};let f=h.append("svg");for(let p of s){let m=0,g={width:0,height:0,lineHeight:0};for(let y of l){let v=iCe();v.text=y||K_;let x=aCe(f,v).style("font-size",a).style("font-weight",i).style("font-family",p),b=(x._groups||x)[0][0].getBBox();if(b.width===0&&b.height===0)throw new Error("svg element not in render tree");g.width=Math.round(Math.max(g.width,b.width)),m=Math.round(b.height),g.height+=m,g.lineHeight=Math.round(Math.max(g.lineHeig
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . personBorder } ;
fill : $ { t . personBkg } ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),MX=dCe});var OX={};hr(OX,{diagram:()=>pCe});var pCe,PX=R(()=>{"use strict";VC();lS();NX();IX();pCe={parser:rz,db:hy,renderer:a9,styles:MX,init:o(({c4:t,wrap:e})=>{a9.setConf(t),hy.setWrap(e)},"init")}});function o9(t){let e=[];for(let r of t){let n=dv.get(r);n?.styles&&(e=[...e,...n.styles??[]].map(i=>i.trim())),n?.textStyles&&(e=[...e,...n.textStyles??[]].map(i=>i.trim()))}return e}var vCe,zX,cm, $ h,Es,dv,Cu,l9,c9,T5,s9,Fo,k5,E5,C5,S5,xCe,bCe,wCe,TCe,kCe,ECe,CCe,u9,SCe,ACe,_Ce,GX,LCe,DCe,h9, $ X,VX,RCe,UX,NCe,MCe,ICe,OCe,PCe,fv,HX,YX,BCe,FCe,WX,zCe,GCe, $ Ce,VCe,UCe,qX,XX,HCe,YCe,WCe,qCe,XCe,jCe,A5,f9=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();xr();_t();rr();ut();bi();vCe="flowchart-",zX=0,cm=de(), $ h=new Map,Es=[],dv=new Map,Cu=[],l9=new Map,c9=new Map,T5=0,s9=!0,E5=[],C5=o(t=>We.sanitizeText(t,cm),"sanitizeText"),S5=o(function(t){for(let e of $ h.values())if(e.id===t)return e.domId;return t},"lookUpDomId"),xCe=o(function(t,e,r,n,i,a,s={}){if(!t||t.trim().length===0)return;let l,u= $ h.get(t);u===void 0&&(u={id:t,labelType:"text",domId:vCe+t+"-"+zX,styles:[],classes:[]}, $ h.set(t,u)),zX++,e!==void 0?(cm=de(),l=C5(e.text.trim()),u.labelType=e.type,l.startsWith('"')&&l.endsWith('"')&&(l=l.substring(1,l.length-1)),u.text=l):u.text===void 0&&(u.text=t),r!==void 0&&(u.type=r),n?.forEach(function(h){u.styles.push(h)}),i?.forEach(function(h){u.classes.push(h)}),a!==void 0&&(u.dir=a),u.props===void 0?u.props=s:s!==void 0&&Object.assign(u.props,s)},"addVertex"),bCe=o(function(t,e,r){let a={start:t,end:e,type:void 0,text:"",labelType:"text"};V.info("abc78 Got edge...",a);let s=r.text;if(s!==void 0&&(a.text=C5(s.text.trim()),a.text.startsWith('"')&&a.text.endsWith('"')&&(a.text=a.text.substring(1,a.text.length-1)),a.labelType=s.type),r!==void 0&&(a.type=r.type,a.stroke=r.stroke,a.length=r.length>10?10:r.length),Es.length<(cm.maxEdges??500))V.info("Pushing edge..."),Es.push(a);else throw new Error( ` Edge limit exceeded . $ { Es . length } edges found , but the limit is $ { cm . maxEdges } .
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
Initialize mermaid with maxEdges set to a higher number to allow more edges .
You cannot set this config via configuration inside the diagram as it is a secure config .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
You have to call mermaid . initialize . ` )},"addSingleLink"),wCe=o(function(t,e,r){V.info("addLink",t,e,r);for(let n of t)for(let i of e)bCe(n,i,r)},"addLink"),TCe=o(function(t,e){t.forEach(function(r){r==="default"?Es.defaultInterpolate=e:Es[r].interpolate=e})},"updateLinkInterpolate"),kCe=o(function(t,e){t.forEach(function(r){if(typeof r=="number"&&r>=Es.length)throw new Error( ` The index $ { r } for linkStyle is out of bounds . Valid indices for linkStyle are between 0 and $ { Es . length - 1 } . ( Help : Ensure that the index is within the range of existing edges . ) ` );r==="default"?Es.defaultStyle=e:(Es[r].style=e,(Es[r]?.style?.length??0)>0&&!Es[r]?.style?.some(n=>n?.startsWith("fill"))&&Es[r]?.style?.push("fill:none"))})},"updateLink"),ECe=o(function(t,e){t.split(",").forEach(function(r){let n=dv.get(r);n===void 0&&(n={id:r,styles:[],textStyles:[]},dv.set(r,n)),e?.forEach(function(i){if(/color/.exec(i)){let a=i.replace("fill","bgFill");n.textStyles.push(a)}n.styles.push(i)})})},"addClass"),CCe=o(function(t){Fo=t,/.*</.exec(Fo)&&(Fo="RL"),/.* \^ /.exec(Fo)&&(Fo="BT"),/.*>/.exec(Fo)&&(Fo="LR"),/.*v/.exec(Fo)&&(Fo="TB"),Fo==="TD"&&(Fo="TB")},"setDirection"),u9=o(function(t,e){for(let r of t.split(",")){let n= $ h.get(r);n&&n.classes.push(e);let i=l9.get(r);i&&i.classes.push(e)}},"setClass"),SCe=o(function(t,e){if(e!==void 0){e=C5(e);for(let r of t.split(","))c9.set(k5==="gen-1"?S5(r):r,e)}},"setTooltip"),ACe=o(function(t,e,r){let n=S5(t);if(de().securityLevel!=="loose"||e===void 0)return;let i=[];if(typeof r=="string"){i=r.split(/,(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]* $ )/);for(let s=0;s<i.length;s++){let l=i[s].trim();l.startsWith('"')&&l.endsWith('"')&&(l=l.substr(1,l.length-2)),i[s]=l}}i.length===0&&i.push(t);let a= $ h.get(t);a&&(a.haveCallback=!0,E5.push(function(){let s=document.querySelector( ` [ id = "${n}" ] ` );s!==null&&s.addEventListener("click",function(){Lt.runFunc(e,...i)},!1)}))},"setClickFun"),_Ce=o(function(t,e,r){t.split(",").forEach(function(n){let i= $ h.get(n);i!==void 0&&(i.link=Lt.formatUrl(e,cm),i.linkTarget=r)}),u9(t,"clickable")},"setLink"),GX=o(function(t){return c9.get(t)},"getTooltip"),LCe=o(function(t,e,r){t.split(",").forEach(function(n){ACe(n,e,r)}),u9(t,"clickable")},"setClickEvent"),DCe=o(function(t){E5.forEach(function(e){e(t)})},"bindFunctions"),h9=o(function(){return Fo.trim()},"getDirection"), $ X=o(function(){return $ h},"getVertices"),VX=o(function(){return Es},"getEdges"),RCe=o(function(){return dv},"getClasses"),UX=o(function(t){let e= $ e(".mermaidTooltip");(e._groups||e)[0][0]===null&&(e= $ e("body").append("div").attr("class","mermaidTooltip").style("opacity",0)), $ e(t).select("svg").selectAll("g.node").on("mouseover",function(){let i= $ e(this);if(i.attr("title")===null)return;let s=this?.getBoundingClientRect();e.transition().duration(200).style("opacity",".9"),e.text(i.attr("title")).style("left",window.scrollX+s.left+(s.right-s.left)/2+"px").style("top",window.scrollY+s.bottom+"px"),e.html(e.html().replace(/<br \/ >/g,"<br/>")),i.classed("hover",!0)}).on("mouseout",function(){e.transition().duration(500).style("opacity",0), $ e(this).classed("hover",!1)})},"setupToolTips");E5.push(UX);NCe=o(function(t="gen-1"){ $ h=new Map,dv=new Map,Es=[],E5=[UX],Cu=[],l9=new Map,T5=0,c9=new Map,s9=!0,k5=t,cm=de(),vr()},"clear"),MCe=o(t=>{k5=t||"gen-2"},"setGen"),ICe=o(function(){return"fill:#ffa;stroke: #f66; stroke-width: 3px; stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;fill:#ffa;stroke: #666;"},"defaultStyle"),OCe=o(function(t,e,r){let n=t.text.trim(),i=r.text;t===r&&/ \s /.exec(r.text)&&(n=void 0);function a(h){let f={boolean:{},number:{},string:{}},d=[],p;return{nodeList:h.filter(function(g){let y=typeof g;return g.stmt&&g.stmt==="dir"?(p=g.value,!1):g.trim()===""?!1:y in f?f[y].hasOwnProperty(g)?!1:f[y][g]=!0:d.includes(g)?!1:d.push(g)}),dir:p}}o(a,"uniq");let{nodeList:s,dir:l}=a(e.flat());if(k5==="gen-1")for(let h=0;h<s.length;h++)s[h]=S5(s[h]);n=n??"subGraph"+T5,i=i||"",i=C5(i),T5=T5+1;let u={id:n,nodes:s,title:i.trim(),classes:[],dir:l,labelType:r.type};return V.info("Adding",u.id,u.nodes,u.dir),u.nodes=XX(u,Cu).nodes,Cu.push(u),l9.set(n,u),n},"addSubGrap
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ).map(i=>{let a=i.match(/^ \s +/);if(a===null)return i;let[s]=a;return s.length>=n.length?i.slice(n.length):i}).join( `
` )}function jr(t,e){return Cd.parse(t,e)}var Sd,nj,QCe,ij,ZCe,JCe,QX,e7e,r7e,gv,hm,a7e,s7e,o7e,vv,l7e,aj,sj,g9,c7e,y9,u7e,h7e,D5,v9,f7e,oj,d7e,x9,tj,p7e,m7e,lj,g7e,cj,y7e,xv,v7e,x7e,b7e,w7e,T7e,k7e,E7e,C7e,S7e,L5,A7e,uj,hj,_7e,b9,L7e,d9,D7e,_5,mv,Su,fm,yv,Au,um,p9,Cd,mkt,gkt,ykt,vkt,xkt,bkt,wkt,fj=R(()=>{"use strict";o(m9,"_getDefaults");Sd=m9();o(rj,"changeDefaults");nj=/[&<>"']/,QCe=new RegExp(nj.source,"g"),ij=/[<>"']|&(?!(# \d {1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}| \w +);)/,ZCe=new RegExp(ij.source,"g"),JCe={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'"},QX=o(t=>JCe[t],"getEscapeReplacement");o(ro,"escape $ 1");e7e=/&(#(?: \d +)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?: \w +));?/ig;o(t7e,"unescape");r7e=/(^|[^ \[ ]) \^ /g;o(ln,"edit");o(ZX,"cleanUrl");gv={exec:o(()=>null,"exec")};o(JX,"splitCells");o(pv,"rtrim");o(n7e,"findClosingBracket");o(ej,"outputLink");o(i7e,"indentCodeCompensation");hm=class{static{o(this,"_Tokenizer")}options;rules;lexer;constructor(e){this.options=e||Sd}space(e){let r=this.rules.block.newline.exec(e);if(r&&r[0].length>0)return{type:"space",raw:r[0]}}code(e){let r=this.rules.block.code.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[0].replace(/^ {1,4}/gm,"");return{type:"code",raw:r[0],codeBlockStyle:"indented",text:this.options.pedantic?n:pv(n, `
` )}}}fences(e){let r=this.rules.block.fences.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[0],i=i7e(n,r[3]||"");return{type:"code",raw:n,lang:r[2]?r[2].trim().replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):r[2],text:i}}}heading(e){let r=this.rules.block.heading.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[2].trim();if(/# $ /.test(n)){let i=pv(n,"#");(this.options.pedantic||!i||/ $ /.test(i))&&(n=i.trim())}return{type:"heading",raw:r[0],depth:r[1].length,text:n,tokens:this.lexer.inline(n)}}}hr(e){let r=this.rules.block.hr.exec(e);if(r)return{type:"hr",raw:pv(r[0], `
` )}}blockquote(e){let r=this.rules.block.blockquote.exec(e);if(r){let n=pv(r[0], `
` ).split( `
` ),i="",a="",s=[];for(;n.length>0;){let l=!1,u=[],h;for(h=0;h<n.length;h++)if(/^ {0,3}>/.test(n[h]))u.push(n[h]),l=!0;else if(!l)u.push(n[h]);else break;n=n.slice(h);let f=u.join( `
` ),d=f.replace(/ \n {0,3}((?:=+|-+) *)(?= \n | $ )/g, `
$1 ` ).replace(/^ {0,3}>[ \t ]?/gm,"");i=i? ` $ { i }
$ { f } ` :f,a=a? ` $ { a }
$ { d } ` :d;let p=this.lexer.state.top;if(this.lexer.state.top=!0,this.lexer.blockTokens(d,s,!0),this.lexer.state.top=p,n.length===0)break;let m=s[s.length-1];if(m?.type==="code")break;if(m?.type==="blockquote"){let g=m,y=g.raw+ `
` +n.join( `
` ),v=this.blockquote(y);s[s.length-1]=v,i=i.substring(0,i.length-g.raw.length)+v.raw,a=a.substring(0,a.length-g.text.length)+v.text;break}else if(m?.type==="list"){let g=m,y=g.raw+ `
` +n.join( `
` ),v=this.list(y);s[s.length-1]=v,i=i.substring(0,i.length-m.raw.length)+v.raw,a=a.substring(0,a.length-g.raw.length)+v.raw,n=y.substring(s[s.length-1].raw.length).split( `
` );continue}}return{type:"blockquote",raw:i,tokens:s,text:a}}}list(e){let r=this.rules.block.list.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[1].trim(),i=n.length>1,a={type:"list",raw:"",ordered:i,start:i?+n.slice(0,-1):"",loose:!1,items:[]};n=i? ` \ \ d { 1 , 9 } \ \ $ { n . slice ( - 1 ) } ` : ` \ \ $ { n } ` ,this.options.pedantic&&(n=i?n:"[*+-]");let s=new RegExp( ` ^ ( { 0 , 3 } $ { n } ) ( ( ? : [ ] [ ^ \ \ n ] * ) ? ( ? : \ \ n | $ ) ) ` ),l=!1;for(;e;){let u=!1,h="",f="";if(!(r=s.exec(e))||this.rules.block.hr.test(e))break;h=r[0],e=e.substring(h.length);let d=r[2].split( `
` ,1)[0].replace(/^ \t +/,x=>" ".repeat(3*x.length)),p=e.split( `
` ,1)[0],m=!d.trim(),g=0;if(this.options.pedantic?(g=2,f=d.trimStart()):m?g=r[1].length+1:(g=r[2].search(/[^ ]/),g=g>4?1:g,f=d.slice(g),g+=r[1].length),m&&/^ * $ /.test(p)&&(h+=p+ `
` ,e=e.substring(p.length+1),u=!0),!u){let x=new RegExp( ` ^ { 0 , $ { Math . min ( 3 , g - 1 ) } } ( ? : [ * + - ] | \ \ d { 1 , 9 } [ . ) ] ) ( ( ? : [ ] [ ^ \ \ n ] * ) ? ( ? : \ \ n | $ ) ) ` ),b=new RegExp( ` ^ { 0 , $ { Math . min ( 3 , g - 1 ) } } ( ( ? : - * ) { 3 , } | ( ? : _ * ) { 3 , } | ( ? : \ \ * * ) { 3 , } ) ( ? : \ \ n + | $ ) ` ),w=new RegExp( ` ^ { 0 , $ { Math . min ( 3 , g - 1 ) } } ( ? : \ ` \` \` |~~~) ` ) , S = new RegExp ( ` ^ {0, ${ Math . min ( 3 , g - 1 ) } }# ` ) ; for ( ; e ; ) { let T = e . split ( `
` ,1)[0];if(p=T,this.options.pedantic&&(p=p.replace(/^ {1,4}(?=( {4})*[^ ])/g," ")),w.test(p)||S.test(p)||x.test(p)||b.test(e))break;if(p.search(/[^ ]/)>=g||!p.trim())f+= `
` +p.slice(g);else{if(m||d.search(/[^ ]/)>=4||w.test(d)||S.test(d)||b.test(d))break;f+= `
` +p}!m&&!p.trim()&&(m=!0),h+=T+ `
` ,e=e.substring(T.length+1),d=p.slice(g)}}a.loose||(l?a.loose=!0:/ \n * \n * $ /.test(h)&&(l=!0));let y=null,v;this.options.gfm&&(y=/^ \[ [ xX] \] /.exec(f),y&&(v=y[0]!=="[ ] ",f=f.replace(/^ \[ [ xX] \] +/,""))),a.items.push({type:"list_item",raw:h,task:!!y,checked:v,loose:!1,text:f,tokens:[]}),a.raw+=h}a.items[a.items.length-1].raw=a.items[a.items.length-1].raw.trimEnd(),a.items[a.items.length-1].text=a.items[a.items.length-1].text.trimEnd(),a.raw=a.raw.trimEnd();for(let u=0;u<a.items.length;u++)if(this.lexer.state.top=!1,a.items[u].tokens=this.lexer.blockTokens(a.items[u].text,[]),!a.loose){let h=a.items[u].tokens.filter(d=>d.type==="space"),f=h.length>0&&h.some(d=>/ \n .* \n /.test(d.raw));a.loose=f}if(a.loose)for(let u=0;u<a.items.length;u++)a.items[u].loose=!0;return a}}html(e){let r=this.rules.block.html.exec(e);if(r)return{type:"html",block:!0,raw:r[0],pre:r[1]==="pre"||r[1]==="script"||r[1]==="style",text:r[0]}}def(e){let r=this.rules.block.def.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[1].toLowerCase().replace(/ \s +/g," "),i=r[2]?r[2].replace(/^<(.*)> $ /," $ 1").replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):"",a=r[3]?r[3].substring(1,r[3].length-1).replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"):r[3];return{type:"def",tag:n,raw:r[0],href:i,title:a}}}table(e){let r=this.rules.block.table.exec(e);if(!r||!/[:|]/.test(r[2]))return;let n=JX(r[1]),i=r[2].replace(/^ \| | \| * $ /g,"").split("|"),a=r[3]&&r[3].trim()?r[3].replace(/ \n [ \t ]* $ /,"").split( `
` ):[],s={type:"table",raw:r[0],header:[],align:[],rows:[]};if(n.length===i.length){for(let l of i)/^ *-+: * $ /.test(l)?s.align.push("right"):/^ *:-+: * $ /.test(l)?s.align.push("center"):/^ *:-+ * $ /.test(l)?s.align.push("left"):s.align.push(null);for(let l=0;l<n.length;l++)s.header.push({text:n[l],tokens:this.lexer.inline(n[l]),header:!0,align:s.align[l]});for(let l of a)s.rows.push(JX(l,s.header.length).map((u,h)=>({text:u,tokens:this.lexer.inline(u),header:!1,align:s.align[h]})));return s}}lheading(e){let r=this.rules.block.lheading.exec(e);if(r)return{type:"heading",raw:r[0],depth:r[2].charAt(0)==="="?1:2,text:r[1],tokens:this.lexer.inline(r[1])}}paragraph(e){let r=this.rules.block.paragraph.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[1].charAt(r[1].length-1)=== `
` ?r[1].slice(0,-1):r[1];return{type:"paragraph",raw:r[0],text:n,tokens:this.lexer.inline(n)}}}text(e){let r=this.rules.block.text.exec(e);if(r)return{type:"text",raw:r[0],text:r[0],tokens:this.lexer.inline(r[0])}}escape(e){let r=this.rules.inline.escape.exec(e);if(r)return{type:"escape",raw:r[0],text:ro(r[1])}}tag(e){let r=this.rules.inline.tag.exec(e);if(r)return!this.lexer.state.inLink&&/^<a /i.test(r[0])?this.lexer.state.inLink=!0:this.lexer.state.inLink&&/^< \/ a>/i.test(r[0])&&(this.lexer.state.inLink=!1),!this.lexer.state.inRawBlock&&/^<(pre|code|kbd|script)( \s |>)/i.test(r[0])?this.lexer.state.inRawBlock=!0:this.lexer.state.inRawBlock&&/^< \/ (pre|code|kbd|script)( \s |>)/i.test(r[0])&&(this.lexer.state.inRawBlock=!1),{type:"html",raw:r[0],inLink:this.lexer.state.inLink,inRawBlock:this.lexer.state.inRawBlock,block:!1,text:r[0]}}link(e){let r=this.rules.inline.link.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[2].trim();if(!this.options.pedantic&&/^</.test(n)){if(!/> $ /.test(n))return;let s=pv(n.slice(0,-1)," \\ ");if((n.length-s.length)%2===0)return}else{let s=n7e(r[2],"()");if(s>-1){let u=(r[0].indexOf("!")===0?5:4)+r[1].length+s;r[2]=r[2].substring(0,s),r[0]=r[0].substring(0,u).trim(),r[3]=""}}let i=r[2],a="";if(this.options.pedantic){let s=/^([^'"]*[^ \s ]) \s +(['"])(.*) \2 /.exec(i);s&&(i=s[1],a=s[3])}else a=r[3]?r[3].slice(1,-1):"";return i=i.trim(),/^</.test(i)&&(this.options.pedantic&&!/> $ /.test(n)?i=i.slice(1):i=i.slice(1,-1)),ej(r,{href:i&&i.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1"),title:a&&a.replace(this.rules.inline.anyPunctuation," $ 1")},r[0],this.lexer)}}reflink(e,r){let n;if((n=this.rules.inline.reflink.exec(e))||(n=this.rules.inline.nolink.exec(e))){let i=(n[2]||n[1]).replace(/ \s +/g," "),a=r[i.toLowerCase()];if(!a){let s=n[0].charAt(0);return{type:"text",raw:s,text:s}}return ej(n,a,n[0],this.lexer)}}emStrong(e,r,n=""){let i=this.rules.inline.emStrongLDelim.exec(e);if(!i||i[3]&&n.match(/[ \p {L} \p {N}]/u))return;if(!(i[1]||i[2]||"")||!n||this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(n)){let s=[...i[0]].length-1,l,u,h=s,f=0,d=i[0][0]==="*"?this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimAst:this.rules.inline.emStrongRDelimUnd;for(d.lastIndex=0,r=r.slice(-1*e.length+s);(i=d.exec(r))!=null;){if(l=i[1]||i[2]||i[3]||i[4]||i[5]||i[6],!l)continue;if(u=[...l].length,i[3]||i[4]){h+=u;continue}else if((i[5]||i[6])&&s%3&&!((s+u)%3)){f+=u;continue}if(h-=u,h>0)continue;u=Math.min(u,u+h+f);let p=[...i[0]][0].length,m=e.slice(0,s+i.index+p+u);if(Math.min(s,u)%2){let y=m.slice(1,-1);return{type:"em",raw:m,text:y,tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(y)}}let g=m.slice(2,-2);return{type:"strong",raw:m,text:g,tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(g)}}}}codespan(e){let r=this.rules.inline.code.exec(e);if(r){let n=r[2].replace(/ \n /g," "),i=/[^ ]/.test(n),a=/^ /.test(n)&&/ $ /.test(n);return i&&a&&(n=n.substring(1,n.length-1)),n=ro(n,!0),{type:"codespan",raw:r[0],text:n}}}br(e){let r=this.rules.inline.br.exec(e);if(r)return{type:"br",raw:r[0]}}del(e){let r=this.rules.inline.del.exec(e);if(r)return{type:"del",raw:r[0],text:r[2],tokens:this.lexer.inlineTokens(r[2])}}autolink(e){let r=this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(e);if(r){let n,i;return r[2]==="@"?(n=ro(r[1]),i="mailto:"+n):(n=ro(r[1]),i=n),{type:"link",raw:r[0],text:n,href:i,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:n,text:n}]}}}url(e){let r;if(r=this.rules.inline.url.exec(e)){let n,i;if(r[2]==="@")n=ro(r[0]),i="mailto:"+n;else{let a;do a=r[0],r[0]=this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(r[0])?.[0]??"";while(a!==r[0]);n=ro(r[0]),r[1]==="www."?i="http://"+r[0]:i=r[0]}return{type:"link",raw:r[0],text:n,href:i,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:n,text:n}]}}}inlineText(e){let r=this.rules.inline.text.exec(e);if(r){let n;return this.lexer.state.inRawBlock?n=r[0]:n=ro(r[0]),{type:"text",raw:r[0],text:n}}}},a7e=/^(?: *(?: \n | $ ))+/,s7e=/^( {4}[^ \n ]+(?: \n (?: *(?: \n | $ ))*)?)+/,o7e=/^ {0,3}( ` { 3 , } ( ? = [ ^ ` \n ]*(?: \n | $ ))|~{3,})([^ \n ]*)(?: \n | $ )(?:|([ \s \S ]*?)(?: \n | $ ))(?: {0,3} \1 [~ ` ] * * ( ? = \ n | $ ) | $ ) / , vv = /^ {0,3}((?:-[\t ]*){3,}|(?:_[ \t]*){3,}|(?:\*[ \t]*){3,})(?:\n+|$)/ , l7e = /^ {0,3}(#{1,6})(?=\s|$)(.*)(?:\n+|$)/ , aj = /(?:[*+-]|\d{1,9}[.)])/ , sj = ln ( / ^ ( ? ! b u l l | b l o c k C o d e | f e n c e s | b l o c k q u o t e | h e a d i n g | h t m l ) ( ( ? : . |
] ` ).replace("lheading",sj).replace("|table","").replace("blockquote"," {0,3}>").replace("|fences","").replace("|list","").replace("|html","").replace("|tag","").getRegex()},lj=/^ \\ ([!"# $ %&'()*+, \- ./:;<=>?@ \[ \] \\ ^_ ` { | } ~ ] ) / , g7e = /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/ , cj = /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/ , y7e = /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*_]|\b_|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)))/ , xv = "\\p{P}\\p{S}" , v7e = ln ( /^((?![*_])[\spunctuation])/ , "u" ) . replace ( /punctuation/g , xv ) . getRegex ( ) , x7e = /\[[^[\]]*?\]\([^\(\)]*?\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^<>]*?>/g , b7e = ln ( /^(?:\*+(?:((?!\*)[punct])|[^\s*]))|^_+(?:((?!_)[punct])|([^\s_]))/ , "u" ) . replace ( /punct/g , xv ) . getRegex ( ) , w7e = ln ( "^[^_*]*?__[^_*]*?\\*[^_*]*?(?=__)|[^*]+(?=[^*])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!\\*)[punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|(?!\\*)[punct](\\*+)(?!\\*)(?=[punct])|[^punct\\s](\\*+)(?=[^punct\\s])" , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , xv ) . getRegex ( ) , T7e = ln ( "^[^_*]*?\\*\\*[^_*]*?_[^_*]*?(?=\\*\\*)|[^_]+(?=[^_])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?=[\\s]|$)|[^punct\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct\\s]|$)|(?!_)[punct\\s](_+)(?=[^punct\\s])|[\\s](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])|(?!_)[punct](_+)(?!_)(?=[punct])" , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , xv ) . getRegex ( ) , k7e = ln ( /\\([punct])/ , "gu" ) . replace ( /punct/g , xv ) . getRegex ( ) , E7e = ln ( /^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/ ) . replace ( "scheme" , /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/ ) . replace ( "email" , /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/ ) . getRegex ( ) , C7e = ln ( v9 ) . replace ( "(?:-->|$)" , "-->" ) . getRegex ( ) , S7e = ln ( "^comment|^</[a-zA-Z][\\w:-]*\\s*>|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>|^<![a-zA-Z]+\\s[\\s\\S]*?>|^<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>" ) . replace ( "comment" , C7e ) . replace ( "attribute" , /\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/ ) . getRegex ( ) , L5 = /(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/ , A7e = ln ( /^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/ ) . replace ( "label" , L5 ) . replace ( "href" , /<(?:\\.|[^\n<>\\])+>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/ ) . replace ( "title" , /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/ ) . getRegex ( ) , uj = ln ( /^!?\[(label)\]\[(ref)\]/ ) . replace ( "label" , L5 ) . replace ( "ref" , y9 ) . getRegex ( ) , hj = ln ( /^!?\[(ref)\](?:\[\])?/ ) . replace ( "ref" , y9 ) . getRegex ( ) , _7e = ln ( "reflink|nolink(?!\\()" , "g" ) . replace ( "reflink" , uj ) . replace ( "nolink" , hj ) . getRegex ( ) , b9 = { _backpedal : gv , anyPunctuation : k7e , autolink : E7e , blockSkip : x7e , br : cj , code : g7e , del : gv , emStrongLDelim : b7e , emStrongRDelimAst : w7e , emStrongRDelimUnd : T7e , escape : lj , link : A7e , nolink : hj , punctuation : v7e , reflink : uj , reflinkSearch : _7e , tag : S7e , text : y7e , url : gv } , L7e = { ... b9 , link : ln ( /^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/ ) . replace ( "label" , L5 ) . getRegex ( ) , reflink : ln ( /^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/ ) . replace ( "label" , L5 ) . getRegex ( ) } , d9 = { ... b9 , escape : ln ( lj ) . replace ( "])" , "~|])" ) . getRegex ( ) , url : ln ( /^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/ , "i" ) . replace ( "email" , /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/ ) . getRegex ( ) , _backpedal : /(?:[^?!.,:;*_'"~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_'"~)]+(?!$))+/ , del : /^(~~?)(?=[^\s~])([\s\S]*?[^\s~])\1(?=[^~]|$)/ , text : /^([`~]+|[^`~])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*~_]|\b_|https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|www\.|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)|[^a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-](?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)))/ } , D7e = { ... d9 , br : ln ( cj ) . replace ( "{2,}" , "*" ) . getRegex ( ) , text : ln ( d9 . text ) . replace ( "\\b_" , "\\b_| {2,}\\n" ) . replace ( /\{2,\}/g , "*" ) . getRegex ( ) } , _5 = { normal : x9 , gfm : p7e , pedantic : m7e } , mv = { normal : b9 , gfm : d9 , breaks : D7e , pedantic : L7e } , Su = class t { static { o ( this , "_Lexer" ) } tokens ; options ; state ; tokenizer ; inlineQueue ; constructor ( e ) { this . tokens = [ ] , this . tokens . links = Object . create ( null ) , this . options = e || Sd , this . options . tokenizer = this . options . tokenizer || new hm , this . tokenizer = this . options . tokenizer , this . tokenizer . options = this . options , this . tokenizer . lexer = this , this . inlineQueue = [ ] , this . state = { inLink : ! 1 , inRawBlock : ! 1 , top : ! 0 } ; let r = { block : _5 . normal , inline : mv . normal } ; this . options . pedantic ? ( r . block = _5 . pedantic , r . inline = mv . pedantic )
` ),this.blockTokens(e,this.tokens);for(let r=0;r<this.inlineQueue.length;r++){let n=this.inlineQueue[r];this.inlineTokens(n.src,n.tokens)}return this.inlineQueue=[],this.tokens}blockTokens(e,r=[],n=!1){this.options.pedantic?e=e.replace(/ \t /g," ").replace(/^ + $ /gm,""):e=e.replace(/^( *)( \t +)/gm,(l,u,h)=>u+" ".repeat(h.length));let i,a,s;for(;e;)if(!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.block&&this.options.extensions.block.some(l=>(i=l.call({lexer:this},e,r))?(e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i),!0):!1))){if(i=this.tokenizer.space(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),i.raw.length===1&&r.length>0?r[r.length-1].raw+= `
` :r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.code(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),a=r[r.length-1],a&&(a.type==="paragraph"||a.type==="text")?(a.raw+= `
` +i.raw,a.text+= `
` +i.text,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=a.text):r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.fences(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.heading(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.hr(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.blockquote(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.list(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.html(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.def(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),a=r[r.length-1],a&&(a.type==="paragraph"||a.type==="text")?(a.raw+= `
` +i.raw,a.text+= `
` +i.raw,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=a.text):this.tokens.links[i.tag]||(this.tokens.links[i.tag]={href:i.href,title:i.title});continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.table(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.lheading(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),r.push(i);continue}if(s=e,this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.startBlock){let l=1/0,u=e.slice(1),h;this.options.extensions.startBlock.forEach(f=>{h=f.call({lexer:this},u),typeof h=="number"&&h>=0&&(l=Math.min(l,h))}),l<1/0&&l>=0&&(s=e.substring(0,l+1))}if(this.state.top&&(i=this.tokenizer.paragraph(s))){a=r[r.length-1],n&&a?.type==="paragraph"?(a.raw+= `
` +i.raw,a.text+= `
` +i.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=a.text):r.push(i),n=s.length!==e.length,e=e.substring(i.raw.length);continue}if(i=this.tokenizer.text(e)){e=e.substring(i.raw.length),a=r[r.length-1],a&&a.type==="text"?(a.raw+= `
` +i.raw,a.text+= `
` +i.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=a.text):r.push(i);continue}if(e){let l="Infinite loop on byte: "+e.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(l);break}else throw new Error(l)}}return this.state.top=!0,r}inline(e,r=[]){return this.inlineQueue.push({src:e,tokens:r}),r}inlineTokens(e,r=[]){let n,i,a,s=e,l,u,h;if(this.tokens.links){let f=Object.keys(this.tokens.links);if(f.length>0)for(;(l=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(s))!=null;)f.includes(l[0].slice(l[0].lastIndexOf("[")+1,-1))&&(s=s.slice(0,l.index)+"["+"a".repeat(l[0].length-2)+"]"+s.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex))}for(;(l=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(s))!=null;)s=s.slice(0,l.index)+"["+"a".repeat(l[0].length-2)+"]"+s.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);for(;(l=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.exec(s))!=null;)s=s.slice(0,l.index)+"++"+s.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.lastIndex);for(;e;)if(u||(h=""),u=!1,!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.inline&&this.options.extensions.inline.some(f=>(n=f.call({lexer:this},e,r))?(e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n),!0):!1))){if(n=this.tokenizer.escape(e)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.tag(e)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),i=r[r.length-1],i&&n.type==="text"&&i.type==="text"?(i.raw+=n.raw,i.text+=n.text):r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.link(e)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.reflink(e,this.tokens.links)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),i=r[r.length-1],i&&n.type==="text"&&i.type==="text"?(i.raw+=n.raw,i.text+=n.text):r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.emStrong(e,s,h)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.codespan(e)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.br(e)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.del(e)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(n=this.tokenizer.autolink(e)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(!this.state.inLink&&(n=this.tokenizer.url(e))){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),r.push(n);continue}if(a=e,this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.startInline){let f=1/0,d=e.slice(1),p;this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach(m=>{p=m.call({lexer:this},d),typeof p=="number"&&p>=0&&(f=Math.min(f,p))}),f<1/0&&f>=0&&(a=e.substring(0,f+1))}if(n=this.tokenizer.inlineText(a)){e=e.substring(n.raw.length),n.raw.slice(-1)!=="_"&&(h=n.raw.slice(-1)),u=!0,i=r[r.length-1],i&&i.type==="text"?(i.raw+=n.raw,i.text+=n.text):r.push(n);continue}if(e){let f="Infinite loop on byte: "+e.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(f);break}else throw new Error(f)}}return r}},fm=class{static{o(this,"_Renderer")}options;parser;constructor(e){this.options=e||Sd}space(e){return""}code({text:e,lang:r,escaped:n}){let i=(r||"").match(/^ \S */)?.[0],a=e.replace(/ \n $ /,"")+ `
` ;return i?'<pre><code class="language-'+ro(i)+'">'+(n?a:ro(a,!0))+ ` < / c o d e > < / p r e >
` :"<pre><code>"+(n?a:ro(a,!0))+ ` < / c o d e > < / p r e >
` }blockquote({tokens:e}){return ` < blockquote >
$ { this . parser . parse ( e ) } < / b l o c k q u o t e >
` }html({text:e}){return e}heading({tokens:e,depth:r}){return ` < h$ { r } > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( e ) } < / h $ { r } >
` }hr(e){return ` < hr >
` }list(e){let r=e.ordered,n=e.start,i="";for(let l=0;l<e.items.length;l++){let u=e.items[l];i+=this.listitem(u)}let a=r?"ol":"ul",s=r&&n!==1?' start="'+n+'"':"";return"<"+a+s+ ` >
` +i+"</"+a+ ` >
` }listitem(e){let r="";if(e.task){let n=this.checkbox({checked:!!e.checked});e.loose?e.tokens.length>0&&e.tokens[0].type==="paragraph"?(e.tokens[0].text=n+" "+e.tokens[0].text,e.tokens[0].tokens&&e.tokens[0].tokens.length>0&&e.tokens[0].tokens[0].type==="text"&&(e.tokens[0].tokens[0].text=n+" "+e.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)):e.tokens.unshift({type:"text",raw:n+" ",text:n+" "}):r+=n+" "}return r+=this.parser.parse(e.tokens,!!e.loose), ` < li > $ { r } < / l i >
` }checkbox({checked:e}){return"<input "+(e?'checked="" ':"")+'disabled="" type="checkbox">'}paragraph({tokens:e}){return ` < p > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( e ) } < / p >
` }table(e){let r="",n="";for(let a=0;a<e.header.length;a++)n+=this.tablecell(e.header[a]);r+=this.tablerow({text:n});let i="";for(let a=0;a<e.rows.length;a++){let s=e.rows[a];n="";for(let l=0;l<s.length;l++)n+=this.tablecell(s[l]);i+=this.tablerow({text:n})}return i&&(i= ` < tbody > $ { i } < / t b o d y > ` ) , ` < t a b l e >
< thead >
` +r+ ` < / t h e a d >
` +i+ ` < / t a b l e >
` }tablerow({text:e}){return ` < tr >
$ { e } < / t r >
` }tablecell(e){let r=this.parser.parseInline(e.tokens),n=e.header?"th":"td";return(e.align? ` < $ { n } align = "${e.align}" > ` : ` < $ { n } > ` )+r+ ` < / $ { n } >
` }strong({tokens:e}){return ` < strong > $ { this . parser . parseInline ( e ) } < / s t r o n g > ` } e m ( { t o k e n s : e } ) { r e t u r n ` < e m > $ { t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( e ) } < / e m > ` } c o d e s p a n ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n ` < c o d e > $ { e } < / c o d e > ` } b r ( e ) { r e t u r n " < b r > " } d e l ( { t o k e n s : e } ) { r e t u r n ` < d e l > $ { t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( e ) } < / d e l > ` } l i n k ( { h r e f : e , t i t l e : r , t o k e n s : n } ) { l e t i = t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( n ) , a = Z X ( e ) ; i f ( a = = = n u l l ) r e t u r n i ; e = a ; l e t s = ' < a h r e f = " ' + e + ' " ' ; r e t u r n r & & ( s + = ' t i t l e = " ' + r + ' " ' ) , s + = " > " + i + " < / a > " , s } i m a g e ( { h r e f : e , t i t l e : r , t e x t : n } ) { l e t i = Z X ( e ) ; i f ( i = = = n u l l ) r e t u r n n ; e = i ; l e t a = ` < i m g s r c = " $ { e } " a l t = " $ { n } " ` ; r e t u r n r & & ( a + = ` t i t l e = " $ { r } " ` ) , a + = " > " , a } t e x t ( e ) { r e t u r n " t o k e n s " i n e & & e . t o k e n s ? t h i s . p a r s e r . p a r s e I n l i n e ( e . t o k e n s ) : e . t e x t } } , y v = c l a s s { s t a t i c { o ( t h i s , " _ T e x t R e n d e r e r " ) } s t r o n g ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n e } e m ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n e } c o d e s p a n ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n e } d e l ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n e } h t m l ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n e } t e x t ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n e } l i n k ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n " " + e } i m a g e ( { t e x t : e } ) { r e t u r n " " + e } b r ( ) { r e t u r n " " } } , A u = c l a s s t { s t a t i c { o ( t h i s , " _ P a r s e r " ) } o p t i o n s ; r e n d e r e r ; t e x t R e n d e r e r ; c o n s t r u c t o r ( e ) { t h i s . o p t i o n s = e | | S d , t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r = t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r | | n e w f m , t h i s . r e n d e r e r = t h i s . o p t i o n s . r e n d e r e r , t h i s . r e n d e r e r . o p t i o n s = t h i s . o p t i o n s , t h i s . r e n d e r e r . p a r s e r = t h i s , t h i s . t e x t R e n d e r e r = n e w y v } s t a t i c p a r s e ( e , r ) { r e t u r n n e w t ( r ) . p a r s e ( e ) } s t a t i c p a r s e I n l i n e ( e , r ) { r e t u r n n e w t ( r ) . p a r s e I n l i n e ( e ) } p a r s e ( e , r = ! 0 ) { l e t n = " " ; f o r ( l e t i = 0 ; i < e . l e n g t h ; i + + ) { l e t a = e [ i ] ; i f ( t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s & & t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s . r e n d e r e r s & & t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s . r e n d e r e r s [ a . t y p e ] ) { l e t l = a , u = t h i s . o p t i o n s . e x t e n s i o n s . r e n d e r e r s [ l . t y p e ] . c a l l ( { p a r s e r : t h i s } , l ) ; i f ( u ! = = ! 1 | | ! [ " s p a c e " , " h r " , " h e a d i n g " , " c o d e " , " t a b l e " , " b l o c k q u o t e " , " l i s t " , " h t m l " , " p a r a g r a p h " , " t e x t " ] . i n c l u d e s ( l . t y p e ) ) { n + = u | | " " ; c o n t i n u e } } l e t s = a ; s w i t c h ( s . t y p e ) { c a s e " s p a c e " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . s p a c e ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h r " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h r ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h e a d i n g " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h e a d i n g ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " c o d e " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . c o d e ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " t a b l e " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . t a b l e ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " b l o c k q u o t e " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . b l o c k q u o t e ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " l i s t " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . l i s t ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " h t m l " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . h t m l ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " p a r a g r a p h " : { n + = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . p a r a g r a p h ( s ) ; c o n t i n u e } c a s e " t e x t " : { l e t l = s , u = t h i s . r e n d e r e r . t e x t ( l ) ; f o r ( ; i + 1 < e . l e n g t h & & e [ i + 1 ] . t y p e = = = " t e x t " ; ) l = e [ + + i ] , u + = `
` +this.renderer.text(l);r?n+=this.renderer.paragraph({type:"paragraph",raw:u,text:u,tokens:[{type:"text",raw:u,text:u}]}):n+=u;continue}default:{let l='Token with "'+s.type+'" type was not found.';if(this.options.silent)return console.error(l),"";throw new Error(l)}}}return n}parseInline(e,r){r=r||this.renderer;let n="";for(let i=0;i<e.length;i++){let a=e[i];if(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.renderers&&this.options.extensions.renderers[a.type]){let l=this.options.extensions.renderers[a.type].call({parser:this},a);if(l!==!1||!["escape","html","link","image","strong","em","codespan","br","del","text"].includes(a.type)){n+=l||"";continue}}let s=a;switch(s.type){case"escape":{n+=r.text(s);break}case"html":{n+=r.html(s);break}case"link":{n+=r.link(s);break}case"image":{n+=r.image(s);break}case"strong":{n+=r.strong(s);break}case"em":{n+=r.em(s);break}case"codespan":{n+=r.codespan(s);break}case"br":{n+=r.br(s);break}case"del":{n+=r.del(s);break}case"text":{n+=r.text(s);break}default:{let l='Token with "'+s.type+'" type was not found.';if(this.options.silent)return console.error(l),"";throw new Error(l)}}}return n}},um=class{static{o(this,"_Hooks")}options;constructor(e){this.options=e||Sd}static passThroughHooks=new Set(["preprocess","postprocess","processAllTokens"]);preprocess(e){return e}postprocess(e){return e}processAllTokens(e){return e}},p9=class{static{o(this,"Marked")}defaults=m9();options=this.setOptions;parse=this.#e(Su.lex,Au.parse);parseInline=this.#e(Su.lexInline,Au.parseInline);Parser=Au;Renderer=fm;TextRenderer=yv;Lexer=Su;Tokenizer=hm;Hooks=um;constructor(...e){this.use(...e)}walkTokens(e,r){let n=[];for(let i of e)switch(n=n.concat(r.call(this,i)),i.type){case"table":{let a=i;for(let s of a.header)n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(s.tokens,r));for(let s of a.rows)for(let l of s)n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(l.tokens,r));break}case"list":{let a=i;n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(a.items,r));break}default:{let a=i;this.defaults.extensions?.childTokens?.[a.type]?this.defaults.extensions.childTokens[a.type].forEach(s=>{let l=a[s].flat(1/0);n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(l,r))}):a.tokens&&(n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(a.tokens,r)))}}return n}use(...e){let r=this.defaults.extensions||{renderers:{},childTokens:{}};return e.forEach(n=>{let i={...n};if(i.async=this.defaults.async||i.async||!1,n.extensions&&(n.extensions.forEach(a=>{if(!a.name)throw new Error("extension name required");if("renderer"in a){let s=r.renderers[a.name];s?r.renderers[a.name]=function(...l){let u=a.renderer.apply(this,l);return u===!1&&(u=s.apply(this,l)),u}:r.renderers[a.name]=a.renderer}if("tokenizer"in a){if(!a.level||a.level!=="block"&&a.level!=="inline")throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'");let s=r[a.level];s?s.unshift(a.tokenizer):r[a.level]=[a.tokenizer],a.start&&(a.level==="block"?r.startBlock?r.startBlock.push(a.start):r.startBlock=[a.start]:a.level==="inline"&&(r.startInline?r.startInline.push(a.start):r.startInline=[a.start]))}"childTokens"in a&&a.childTokens&&(r.childTokens[a.name]=a.childTokens)}),i.extensions=r),n.renderer){let a=this.defaults.renderer||new fm(this.defaults);for(let s in n.renderer){if(!(s in a))throw new Error( ` renderer '${s}' does not exist ` );if(["options","parser"].includes(s))continue;let l=s,u=n.renderer[l];n.useNewRenderer||(u=this.#t(u,l,a));let h=a[l];a[l]=(...f)=>{let d=u.apply(a,f);return d===!1&&(d=h.apply(a,f)),d||""}}i.renderer=a}if(n.tokenizer){let a=this.defaults.tokenizer||new hm(this.defaults);for(let s in n.tokenizer){if(!(s in a))throw new Error( ` tokenizer '${s}' does not exist ` );if(["options","rules","lexer"].includes(s))continue;let l=s,u=n.tokenizer[l],h=a[l];a[l]=(...f)=>{let d=u.apply(a,f);return d===!1&&(d=h.apply(a,f)),d}}i.tokenizer=a}if(n.hooks){let a=this.defaults.hooks||new um;for(let s in n.hooks){if(!(s in a))throw new Error( ` hook '${s}' does not exist ` );if(s==="options")continue;let l=s,u=n.hooks[l],h=a[l];um.passThroughHooks.has(s)?a[l]=f=>{if(this.defaults.async)return Promise.resolve(u.call(a,f)).then(p=>h.call(a,p));let d=u.call(a,f);return h.call(a,d)}:a[
Please report this to https : //github.com/markedjs/marked.`,e){let i="<p>An error occurred:</p><pre>"+ro(n.message+"",!0)+"</pre>";return r?Promise.resolve(i):i}if(r)return Promise.reject(n);throw n}}},Cd=new p9;o(jr,"marked");jr.options=jr.setOptions=function(t){return Cd.setOptions(t),jr.defaults=Cd.defaults,rj(jr.defaults),jr};jr.getDefaults=m9;jr.defaults=Sd;jr.use=function(...t){return Cd.use(...t),jr.defaults=Cd.defaults,rj(jr.defaults),jr};jr.walkTokens=function(t,e){return Cd.walkTokens(t,e)};jr.parseInline=Cd.parseInline;jr.Parser=Au;jr.parser=Au.parse;jr.Renderer=fm;jr.TextRenderer=yv;jr.Lexer=Su;jr.lexer=Su.lex;jr.Tokenizer=hm;jr.Hooks=um;jr.parse=jr;mkt=jr.options,gkt=jr.setOptions,ykt=jr.use,vkt=jr.walkTokens,xkt=jr.parseInline,bkt=Au.parse,wkt=Su.lex});function R7e(t,{markdownAutoWrap:e}){let n=t.replace(/<br\/>/g,`
` ).replace(/ \n {2,}/g, `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ),i=Gb(n);return e===!1?i.replace(/ /g," "):i}function dj(t,e={}){let r=R7e(t,e),n=jr.lexer(r),i=[[]],a=0;function s(l,u="normal"){l.type==="text"?l.text.split( `
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ).forEach((f,d)=>{d!==0&&(a++,i.push([])),f.split(" ").forEach(p=>{p&&i[a].push({content:p,type:u})})}):l.type==="strong"||l.type==="em"?l.tokens.forEach(h=>{s(h,l.type)}):l.type==="html"&&i[a].push({content:l.text,type:"normal"})}return o(s,"processNode"),n.forEach(l=>{l.type==="paragraph"?l.tokens?.forEach(u=>{s(u)}):l.type==="html"&&i[a].push({content:l.text,type:"normal"})}),i}function pj(t,{markdownAutoWrap:e}={}){let r=jr.lexer(t);function n(i){return i.type==="text"?e===!1?i.text.replace(/ \n */g,"<br/>").replace(/ /g," "):i.text.replace(/ \n */g,"<br/>"):i.type==="strong"? ` < strong > $ { i . tokens ? . map ( n ) . join ( "" ) } < / s t r o n g > ` : i . t y p e = = = " e m " ? ` < e m > $ { i . t o k e n s ? . m a p ( n ) . j o i n ( " " ) } < / e m > ` : i . t y p e = = = " p a r a g r a p h " ? ` < p > $ { i . t o k e n s ? . m a p ( n ) . j o i n ( " " ) } < / p > ` : i . t y p e = = = " s p a c e " ? " " : i . t y p e = = = " h t m l " ? ` $ { i . t e x t } ` : ` U n s u p p o r t e d m a r k d o w n : $ { i . t y p e } ` } r e t u r n o ( n , " o u t p u t " ) , r . m a p ( n ) . j o i n ( " " ) } v a r m j = R ( ( ) = > { " u s e s t r i c t " ; f j ( ) ; z C ( ) ; o ( R 7 e , " p r e p r o c e s s M a r k d o w n " ) ; o ( d j , " m a r k d o w n T o L i n e s " ) ; o ( p j , " m a r k d o w n T o H T M L " ) } ) ; f u n c t i o n N 7 e ( t ) { r e t u r n I n t l . S e g m e n t e r ? [ . . . n e w I n t l . S e g m e n t e r ( ) . s e g m e n t ( t ) ] . m a p ( e = > e . s e g m e n t ) : [ . . . t ] } f u n c t i o n M 7 e ( t , e ) { l e t r = N 7 e ( e . c o n t e n t ) ; r e t u r n g j ( t , [ ] , r , e . t y p e ) } f u n c t i o n g j ( t , e , r , n ) { i f ( r . l e n g t h = = = 0 ) r e t u r n [ { c o n t e n t : e . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : n } , { c o n t e n t : " " , t y p e : n } ] ; l e t [ i , . . . a ] = r , s = [ . . . e , i ] ; r e t u r n t ( [ { c o n t e n t : s . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : n } ] ) ? g j ( t , s , a , n ) : ( e . l e n g t h = = = 0 & & i & & ( e . p u s h ( i ) , r . s h i f t ( ) ) , [ { c o n t e n t : e . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : n } , { c o n t e n t : r . j o i n ( " " ) , t y p e : n } ] ) } f u n c t i o n y j ( t , e ) { i f ( t . s o m e ( ( { c o n t e n t : r } ) = > r . i n c l u d e s ( `
2024-10-02 00:39:44 -05:00
` )))throw new Error("splitLineToFitWidth does not support newlines in the line");return w9(t,e)}function w9(t,e,r=[],n=[]){if(t.length===0)return n.length>0&&r.push(n),r.length>0?r:[];let i="";t[0].content===" "&&(i=" ",t.shift());let a=t.shift()??{content:" ",type:"normal"},s=[...n];if(i!==""&&s.push({content:i,type:"normal"}),s.push(a),e(s))return w9(t,e,r,s);if(n.length>0)r.push(n),t.unshift(a);else if(a.content){let[l,u]=M7e(e,a);r.push([l]),u.content&&t.unshift(u)}return w9(t,e,r)}var vj=R(()=>{"use strict";o(N7e,"splitTextToChars");o(M7e,"splitWordToFitWidth");o(gj,"splitWordToFitWidthRecursion");o(yj,"splitLineToFitWidth");o(w9,"splitLineToFitWidthRecursion")});function xj(t,e){e&&t.attr("style",e)}async function I7e(t,e,r,n,i=!1){let a=t.append("foreignObject");a.attr("width", ` $ { 10 * r } px ` ),a.attr("height", ` $ { 10 * r } px ` );let s=a.append("xhtml:div"),l=e.label;e.label&&Ni(e.label)&&(l=await yh(e.label.replace(We.lineBreakRegex, `
` ),de()));let u=e.isNode?"nodeLabel":"edgeLabel",h=s.append("span");h.html(l),xj(h,e.labelStyle),h.attr("class", ` $ { u } $ { n } ` ),xj(s,e.labelStyle),s.style("display","table-cell"),s.style("white-space","nowrap"),s.style("line-height","1.5"),s.style("max-width",r+"px"),s.style("text-align","center"),s.attr("xmlns","http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"),i&&s.attr("class","labelBkg");let f=s.node().getBoundingClientRect();return f.width===r&&(s.style("display","table"),s.style("white-space","break-spaces"),s.style("width",r+"px"),f=s.node().getBoundingClientRect()),a.node()}function T9(t,e,r){return t.append("tspan").attr("class","text-outer-tspan").attr("x",0).attr("y",e*r-.1+"em").attr("dy",r+"em")}function O7e(t,e,r){let n=t.append("text"),i=T9(n,1,e);k9(i,r);let a=i.node().getComputedTextLength();return n.remove(),a}function bj(t,e,r){let n=t.append("text"),i=T9(n,1,e);k9(i,[{content:r,type:"normal"}]);let a=i.node()?.getBoundingClientRect();return a&&n.remove(),a}function P7e(t,e,r,n=!1){let a=e.append("g"),s=a.insert("rect").attr("class","background").attr("style","stroke: none"),l=a.append("text").attr("y","-10.1"),u=0;for(let h of r){let f=o(p=>O7e(a,1.1,p)<=t,"checkWidth"),d=f(h)?[h]:yj(h,f);for(let p of d){let m=T9(l,u,1.1);k9(m,p),u++}}if(n){let h=l.node().getBBox(),f=2;return s.attr("x",-f).attr("y",-f).attr("width",h.width+2*f).attr("height",h.height+2*f),a.node()}else return l.node()}function k9(t,e){t.text(""),e.forEach((r,n)=>{let i=t.append("tspan").attr("font-style",r.type==="em"?"italic":"normal").attr("class","text-inner-tspan").attr("font-weight",r.type==="strong"?"bold":"normal");n===0?i.text(r.content):i.text(" "+r.content)})}function E9(t){return t.replace(/fa[bklrs]?:fa-[ \w -]+/g,e=> ` < i class = '${e.replace(":"," ")}' > < /i>`)}var ta,Al=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();rr();Zt();ut();mj();xr();vj();o(xj,"applyStyle");o(I7e,"addHtmlSpan");o(T9,"createTspan");o(O7e,"computeWidthOfText");o(bj,"computeDimensionOfText");o(P7e,"createFormattedText");o(k9,"updateTextContentAndStyles");o(E9,"replaceIconSubstring");ta=o(async(t,e="",{style:r="",isTitle:n=!1,classes:i="",useHtmlLabels:a=!0,isNode:s=!0,width:l=200,addSvgBackground:u=!1}={},h)=>{if(V.debug("XYZ createText",e,r,n,i,a,s,"addSvgBackground: ",u),a){let f=pj(e,h),d=E9(to(f)),p=e.replace(/ \ \ \ \ / g , "\\" ) , m = { isNode : s , label : Ni ( e ) ? p : d , labelStyle : r . replace ( "fill:" , "color:" ) } ; return await I7e ( t , m , l , i , u ) } else { let f = e . replace ( /<br\s*\/?>/g , "<br/>" ) , d = dj ( f . replace ( "<br>" , "<br/>" ) , h ) , p = P7e ( l , t , d , e ? u : ! 1 ) ; if ( s ) { /stroke:/ . exec ( r ) && ( r = r . replace ( "stroke:" , "lineColor:" ) ) ; let m = r . replace ( /stroke:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /stroke-width:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /fill:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /color:/g , "fill:" ) ; $e ( p ) . attr ( "style" , m ) } else { let m = r . replace ( /stroke:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /stroke-width:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /fill:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /background:/g , "fill:" ) ; $e ( p ) . select ( "rect" ) . attr ( "style" , m . replace ( /background:/g , "fill:" ) ) ; let g = r . replace ( /stroke:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /stroke-width:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /fill:[^;]+;?/g , "" ) . replace ( /color:/g , "fill:" ) ; $e ( p ) . select ( "text" ) . attr ( "style" , g ) } return p } } , "createText" ) } ) ; function wj ( t , e ) { e && t . attr ( "style" , e ) } function B7e ( t ) { let e = $e ( document . createElementNS ( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" , "foreignObject" ) ) , r = e . append ( "xhtml:div" ) , n = t . label , i = t . isNode ? "nodeLabel" : "edgeLabel" , a = r . append ( "span" ) ; return a . html ( n ) , wj ( a , t . labelStyle ) , a . attr ( "class" , i ) , wj ( r , t . labelStyle ) , r . style ( "display" , "inline-block" ) , r . style ( "white-space" , "nowrap" ) , r . attr ( "xmlns" , "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ) , e . node ( ) } var F7e , ra , bv = R ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; Zt ( ) ; ut ( ) ; _t ( ) ; rr ( ) ; xr ( ) ; Al ( ) ; o ( wj , "applyStyle" ) ; o ( B7e , "addHtmlLabel" ) ; F7e = o ( ( t , e , r , n ) => { let i = t || "" ; if ( typeof i == "object" && ( i = i [ 0 ] ) , yr ( de ( ) . flowchart . htmlLabels ) ) { i = i . replace ( /\\n|\n/g , "<br />" ) , V . debug ( "vertexText" + i ) ; let a = { isNode : n , label : E9 ( to ( i ) ) , labelStyle : e . replace ( "fill:" , "color:" ) } ; return B7e ( a ) } else { let a = document . createElementNS ( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" , "text" ) ; a . setAttribute ( "style" , e . replace ( "color:" , "fill:" ) ) ; let s = [ ] ; typeof i == "string" ? s = i . split ( /\\n|\n|<br\s*\/?>/gi ) : Array . isArray ( i ) ? s = i : s = [ ] ; for ( let l of s ) { let u = docum
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ),de()));let i=t.isNode?"nodeLabel":"edgeLabel";return r.html('<span class="'+i+'" '+(t.labelStyle?'style="'+t.labelStyle+'"':"")+">"+n+"</span>"),TSe(r,t.labelStyle),r.style("display","inline-block"),r.style("padding-right","1px"),r.style("white-space","nowrap"),r.attr("xmlns","http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"),e.node()}var ESe,gc,H5=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();ut();_t();rr();xr();o(TSe,"applyStyle");o(kSe,"addHtmlLabel");ESe=o(async(t,e,r,n)=>{let i=t||"";if(typeof i=="object"&&(i=i[0]),yr(de().flowchart.htmlLabels)){i=i.replace(/ \\ n| \n /g,"<br />"),V.info("vertexText"+i);let a={isNode:n,label:to(i).replace(/fa[blrs]?:fa-[ \w -]+/g,l=> ` < i class = '${l.replace(":"," ")}' > < /i>`),labelStyle:e&&e.replace("fill:","color:")};return await kSe(a)}else{let a=document.createElementNS("http:/ / www . w3 . org / 2000 / svg "," text ");a.setAttribute(" style ",e.replace(" color : "," fill : "));let s=[];typeof i==" string "?s=i.split(/\\n|\n|<br\s*\/?>/gi):Array.isArray(i)?s=i:s=[];for(let l of s){let u=document.createElementNS(" http : //www.w3.org/2000/svg","tspan");u.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace","xml:space","preserve"),u.setAttribute("dy","1em"),u.setAttribute("x","0"),r?u.setAttribute("class","title-row"):u.setAttribute("class","row"),u.textContent=l.trim(),a.appendChild(u)}return a}},"createLabel"),gc=ESe});var _u,Sv=R(()=>{"use strict";_u=o((t,e,r,n,i)=>["M",t+i,e,"H",t+r-i,"A",i,i,0,0,1,t+r,e+i,"V",e+n-i,"A",i,i,0,0,1,t+r-i,e+n,"H",t+i,"A",i,i,0,0,1,t,e+n-i,"V",e+i,"A",i,i,0,0,1,t+i,e,"Z"].join(" "),"createRoundedRectPathD")});var Lu,Jj,CSe,Br,Fr,ki=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();Lu=o(t=>{let{handDrawnSeed:e}=de();return{fill:t,hachureAngle:120,hachureGap:4,fillWeight:2,roughness:.7,stroke:t,seed:e}},"solidStateFill"),Jj=o(t=>{let e=CSe([...t.cssCompiledStyles||[],...t.cssStyles||[]]);return{stylesMap:e,stylesArray:[...e]}},"compileStyles"),CSe=o(t=>{let e=new Map;return t.forEach(r=>{let[n,i]=r.split(":");e.set(n.trim(),i?.trim())}),e},"styles2Map"),Br=o(t=>{let{stylesArray:e}=Jj(t),r=[],n=[],i=[],a=[];return e.forEach(s=>{let l=s[0];l==="color"||l==="font-size"||l==="font-family"||l==="font-weight"||l==="font-style"||l==="text-decoration"||l==="text-align"||l==="text-transform"||l==="line-height"||l==="letter-spacing"||l==="word-spacing"||l==="text-shadow"||l==="text-overflow"||l==="white-space"||l==="word-wrap"||l==="word-break"||l==="overflow-wrap"||l==="hyphens"?r.push(s.join(":")+" !important"):(n.push(s.join(":")+" !important"),l.includes("stroke")&&i.push(s.join(":")+" !important"),l==="fill"&&a.push(s.join(":")+" !important"))}),{labelStyles:r.join(";"),nodeStyles:n.join(";"),stylesArray:e,borderStyles:i,backgroundStyles:a}},"styles2String"),Fr=o((t,e)=>{let{themeVariables:r,handDrawnSeed:n}=de(),{nodeBorder:i,mainBkg:a}=r,{stylesMap:s}=Jj(t);return Object.assign({roughness:.7,fill:s.get("fill")||a,fillStyle:"hachure",fillWeight:4,stroke:s.get("stroke")||i,seed:n,strokeWidth:1.3},e)},"userNodeOverrides")});var eK,SSe,ASe,_Se,LSe,DSe,tK,Y5,rK,X9=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();rr();ut();_d();Zt();ti();Al();q9();H5();Sv();ki();eK=o(async(t,e)=>{V.info("Creating subgraph rect for ",e.id,e);let r=de(),{themeVariables:n,handDrawnSeed:i}=r,{clusterBkg:a,clusterBorder:s}=n,{labelStyles:l,nodeStyles:u,borderStyles:h,backgroundStyles:f}=Br(e),d=t.insert("g").attr("class","cluster "+e.cssClasses).attr("id",e.id).attr("data-look",e.look),p=yr(r.flowchart.htmlLabels),m=d.insert("g").attr("class","cluster-label "),g=await ta(m,e.label,{style:e.labelStyle,useHtmlLabels:p,isNode:!0}),y=g.getBBox();if(yr(r.flowchart.htmlLabels)){let _=g.children[0],A=$e(g);y=_.getBoundingClientRect(),A.attr("width",y.width),A.attr("height",y.height)}let v=e.width<=y.width+e.padding?y.width+e.padding:e.width;e.width<=y.width+e.padding?e.diff=(v-e.width)/2-e.padding:e.diff=-e.padding;let x=e.height,b=e.x-v/2,w=e.y-x/2;V.trace("Data ",e,JSON.stringify(e));let S;if(e.look==="handDrawn"){let _=Jt.svg(d),A=Fr(e,{roughness:.7,fill:a,stroke:s,fillWeight:3,seed:i}),L=_.path(_u(b,w,v,x,0),A);S=d.insert(()=>(V.debug("Rough node insert CXC",L),L),":first-child"),S.select("path:nth-c
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
outsidePoint : $ { JSON . stringify ( e ) }
insidePoint : $ { JSON . stringify ( r ) }
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
node : x : $ { t . x } y : $ { t . y } w : $ { t . width } h : $ { t . height } ` );let n=t.x,i=t.y,a=Math.abs(n-r.x),s=t.width/2,l=r.x<e.x?s-a:s+a,u=t.height/2,h=Math.abs(e.y-r.y),f=Math.abs(e.x-r.x);if(Math.abs(i-e.y)*s>Math.abs(n-e.x)*u){let d=r.y<e.y?e.y-u-i:i-u-e.y;l=f*d/h;let p={x:r.x<e.x?r.x+l:r.x-f+l,y:r.y<e.y?r.y+h-d:r.y-h+d};return l===0&&(p.x=e.x,p.y=e.y),f===0&&(p.x=e.x),h===0&&(p.y=e.y),V.debug( ` abc89 top / bottom calc , Q $ { h } , q $ { d } , R $ { f } , r $ { l } ` ,p),p}else{r.x<e.x?l=e.x-s-n:l=n-s-e.x;let d=h*l/f,p=r.x<e.x?r.x+f-l:r.x-f+l,m=r.y<e.y?r.y+d:r.y-d;return V.debug( ` sides calc abc89 , Q $ { h } , q $ { d } , R $ { f } , r $ { l } ` ,{_x:p,_y:m}),l===0&&(p=e.x,m=e.y),f===0&&(p=e.x),h===0&&(m=e.y),{x:p,y:m}}},"intersection"),sK=o((t,e)=>{V.warn("abc88 cutPathAtIntersect",t,e);let r=[],n=t[0],i=!1;return t.forEach(a=>{if(V.info("abc88 checking point",a,e),!NSe(e,a)&&!i){let s=MSe(e,n,a);V.debug("abc88 inside",a,n,s),V.debug("abc88 intersection",s,e);let l=!1;r.forEach(u=>{l=l||u.x===s.x&&u.y===s.y}),r.some(u=>u.x===s.x&&u.y===s.y)?V.warn("abc88 no intersect",s,r):r.push(s),i=!0}else V.warn("abc88 outside",a,n),n=a,i||r.push(a)}),V.debug("returning points",r),r},"cutPathAtIntersect");o(ISe,"extractCornerPoints");oK=o(function(t,e,r){let n=e.x-t.x,i=e.y-t.y,a=Math.sqrt(n*n+i*i),s=r/a;return{x:e.x-s*n,y:e.y-s*i}},"findAdjacentPoint"),OSe=o(function(t){let{cornerPointPositions:e}=ISe(t),r=[];for(let n=0;n<t.length;n++)if(e.includes(n)){let i=t[n-1],a=t[n+1],s=t[n],l=oK(i,s,5),u=oK(a,s,5),h=u.x-l.x,f=u.y-l.y;r.push(l);let d=Math.sqrt(2)*2,p={x:s.x,y:s.y};if(Math.abs(a.x-i.x)>10&&Math.abs(a.y-i.y)>=10){V.debug("Corner point fixing",Math.abs(a.x-i.x),Math.abs(a.y-i.y));let m=5;s.x===l.x?p={x:h<0?l.x-m+d:l.x+m-d,y:f<0?l.y-d:l.y+d}:p={x:h<0?l.x-d:l.x+d,y:f<0?l.y-m+d:l.y+m-d}}else V.debug("Corner point skipping fixing",Math.abs(a.x-i.x),Math.abs(a.y-i.y));r.push(p,u)}else r.push(t[n]);return r},"fixCorners"),J5=o(function(t,e,r,n,i,a,s){let{handDrawnSeed:l}=de(),u=e.points,h=!1,f=i;var d=a;d.intersect&&f.intersect&&(u=u.slice(1,e.points.length-1),u.unshift(f.intersect(u[0])),V.debug("Last point APA12",e.start,"-->",e.end,u[u.length-1],d,d.intersect(u[u.length-1])),u.push(d.intersect(u[u.length-1]))),e.toCluster&&(V.info("to cluster abc88",r.get(e.toCluster)),u=sK(e.points,r.get(e.toCluster).node),h=!0),e.fromCluster&&(V.debug("from cluster abc88",r.get(e.fromCluster),JSON.stringify(u,null,2)),u=sK(u.reverse(),r.get(e.fromCluster).node).reverse(),h=!0);let p=u.filter(A=>!Number.isNaN(A.y));p=OSe(p);let m=p[p.length-1];if(p.length>1){m=p[p.length-1];let A=p[p.length-2],L=(m.x-A.x)/2,M=(m.y-A.y)/2,N={x:A.x+L,y:A.y+M};p.splice(-1,0,N)}let g=vs;e.curve&&(g=e.curve);let{x:y,y:v}=X5(e),x=ha().x(y).y(v).curve(g),b;switch(e.thickness){case"normal":b="edge-thickness-normal";break;case"thick":b="edge-thickness-thick";break;case"invisible":b="edge-thickness-invisible";break;default:b="edge-thickness-normal"}switch(e.pattern){case"solid":b+=" edge-pattern-solid";break;case"dotted":b+=" edge-pattern-dotted";break;case"dashed":b+=" edge-pattern-dashed";break;default:b+=" edge-pattern-solid"}let w,S=x(p),T=Array.isArray(e.style)?e.style:[e.style];if(e.look==="handDrawn"){let A=Jt.svg(t);Object.assign([],p);let L=A.path(S,{roughness:.3,seed:l});b+=" transition",w= $ e(L).select("path").attr("id",e.id).attr("class"," "+b+(e.classes?" "+e.classes:"")).attr("style",T?T.reduce((N,k)=>N+";"+k,""):"");let M=w.attr("d");w.attr("d",M),t.node().appendChild(w.node())}else w=t.append("path").attr("d",S).attr("id",e.id).attr("class"," "+b+(e.classes?" "+e.classes:"")).attr("style",T?T.reduce((A,L)=>A+";"+L,""):"");let E="";(de().flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute||de().state.arrowMarkerAbsolute)&&(E=window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname+window.location.search,E=E.replace(/ \( /g," \\ (").replace(/ \) /g," \\ )")),V.info("arrowTypeStart",e.arrowTypeStart),V.info("arrowTypeEnd",e.arrowTypeEnd),iK(w,e,E,s,n);let _={};return h&&(_.updatedPath=u),_.originalPath=e.points,_},"insertEdge")});var PSe,BSe,FSe,zSe,GSe, $ Se,VSe,USe,HSe,YSe,WSe,ew,Q9=R(()=>{"use strict";ut();PSe=o((
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
point : ` ,p, `
node :
` ,e, `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
res : ` ,sr.polygon(e,h,p)),sr.polygon(e,h,p)},i},"question")});var nAe,jK,KK=R(()=>{"use strict";ri();hi();ki();ti();Du();nAe=o((t,e,r,n,i)=>[ ` M$ { t + i } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r - i } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r } , $ { e - n / 2 } ` , ` L$ { t + r - i } , $ { e - n } ` , ` L$ { t + i } , $ { e - n } ` , ` L$ { t } , $ { e - n / 2 } ` ,"Z"].join(" "),"createHexagonPathD"),jK=o(async(t,e)=>{let{labelStyles:r,nodeStyles:n}=Br(e);e.labelStyle=r;let{shapeSvg:i,bbox:a}=await zr(t,e,En(e)),s=4,l=a.height+e.padding,u=l/s,h=a.width+2*u+e.padding,f=[{x:u,y:0},{x:h-u,y:0},{x:h,y:-l/2},{x:h-u,y:-l},{x:u,y:-l},{x:0,y:-l/2}],d,{cssStyles:p}=e;if(e.look==="handDrawn"){let m=Jt.svg(i),g=Fr(e,{}),y=nAe(0,0,h,l,u),v=m.path(y,g);d=i.insert(()=>v,":first-child").attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - h / 2 } , $ { l / 2 } ) ` ),p&&d.attr("style",p)}else d=Ma(i,h,l,f);return n&&d.attr("style",n),e.width=h,e.height=l,ar(e,d),e.intersect=function(m){return sr.polygon(e,f,m)},i},"hexagon")});var iAe,QK,ZK=R(()=>{"use strict";ri();hi();ki();ti();Du();iAe=o((t,e,r,n)=>[ ` M$ { t - 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r - n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r + 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` , ` L$ { t + n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` ,"Z"].join(" "),"createLeanRightPathD"),QK=o(async(t,e)=>{let{labelStyles:r,nodeStyles:n}=Br(e);e.labelStyle=r;let{shapeSvg:i,bbox:a}=await zr(t,e,En(e)),s=a.width+e.padding,l=a.height+e.padding,u=[{x:-2*l/6,y:0},{x:s-l/6,y:0},{x:s+2*l/6,y:-l},{x:l/6,y:-l}],h,{cssStyles:f}=e;if(e.look==="handDrawn"){let d=Jt.svg(i),p=Fr(e,{}),m=iAe(0,0,s,l),g=d.path(m,p);h=i.insert(()=>g,":first-child").attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - s / 2 } , $ { l / 2 } ) ` ),f&&h.attr("style",f)}else h=Ma(i,s,l,u);return n&&h.attr("style",n),e.width=s,e.height=l,ar(e,h),e.intersect=function(d){return sr.polygon(e,u,d)},i},"lean_right")});var aAe,JK,eQ=R(()=>{"use strict";ri();hi();ki();ti();Du();aAe=o((t,e,r,n)=>[ ` M$ { t + 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r + n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r - 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` , ` L$ { t - n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` ,"Z"].join(" "),"createLeanLeftPathD"),JK=o(async(t,e)=>{let{labelStyles:r,nodeStyles:n}=Br(e);e.labelStyle=r;let{shapeSvg:i,bbox:a}=await zr(t,e,En(e)),s=a.width+e.padding,l=a.height+e.padding,u=[{x:2*l/6,y:0},{x:s+l/6,y:0},{x:s-2*l/6,y:-l},{x:-l/6,y:-l}],h,{cssStyles:f}=e;if(e.look==="handDrawn"){let d=Jt.svg(i),p=Fr(e,{}),m=aAe(0,0,s,l),g=d.path(m,p);h=i.insert(()=>g,":first-child").attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - s / 2 } , $ { l / 2 } ) ` ),f&&h.attr("style",f)}else h=Ma(i,s,l,u);return n&&h.attr("style",n),e.width=s,e.height=l,ar(e,h),e.intersect=function(d){return sr.polygon(e,u,d)},i},"lean_left")});var sAe,tQ,rQ=R(()=>{"use strict";ri();hi();ki();ti();Du();sAe=o((t,e,r,n)=>[ ` M$ { t - 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r + 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r - n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` , ` L$ { t + n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` ,"Z"].join(" "),"createTrapezoidPathD"),tQ=o(async(t,e)=>{let{labelStyles:r,nodeStyles:n}=Br(e);e.labelStyle=r;let{shapeSvg:i,bbox:a}=await zr(t,e,En(e)),s=a.width+e.padding,l=a.height+e.padding,u=[{x:-2*l/6,y:0},{x:s+2*l/6,y:0},{x:s-l/6,y:-l},{x:l/6,y:-l}],h,{cssStyles:f}=e;if(e.look==="handDrawn"){let d=Jt.svg(i),p=Fr(e,{}),m=sAe(0,0,s,l),g=d.path(m,p);h=i.insert(()=>g,":first-child").attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - s / 2 } , $ { l / 2 } ) ` ),f&&h.attr("style",f)}else h=Ma(i,s,l,u);return n&&h.attr("style",n),e.width=s,e.height=l,ar(e,h),e.intersect=function(d){return sr.polygon(e,u,d)},i},"trapezoid")});var oAe,nQ,iQ=R(()=>{"use strict";ri();hi();ki();ti();Du();oAe=o((t,e,r,n)=>[ ` M$ { t + n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r - n / 6 } , $ { e } ` , ` L$ { t + r + 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` , ` L$ { t - 2 * n / 6 } , $ { e - n } ` ,"Z"].join(" "),"createInvertedTrapezoidPathD"),nQ=o(async(t,e)=>{let{labelStyles:r,nodeStyles:n}=Br(e);e.labelStyle=r;let{shapeSvg:i,bbox:a}=await zr(t,e,En(e)),s=a.width+e.padding,l=a.height+e.padding,u=[{x:l/6,y:0},{x:s-l/6,y:0},{x:s+2*l/6,y:-l},{x:-2*l/6,y:-l}],h,{cssStyles:f}=e;if(e.look==="handDrawn"){let d=Jt.svg(i),p=Fr(e,{}),m=oAe(0,0,s,l),g=d.path(m,p);h=i.insert(()=>g,":first-child").attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { - s / 2 } , $ { l / 2 } ) ` ),f&&h.attr("style",f)}else h=Ma(i,s,l,u);return n&&h.attr("style",n),e.width=s,e.height=l,ar(e,h),e.intersect=function(d){return sr.polygon(e,u,d)},i},"inv_trapezoid")});var aQ,sQ=R(()=>{"use strict";_v();ri();hi();aQ=o(async(t,e)=>{let{shapeSvg:r}=await zr(t,e,"label"),n=r.insert("rect",":first-child");return n.attr("width",.1).attr("height",.1),r.
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
Node . id = ` ,y, `
data = ` ,x.height, `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Parent cluster ` ,i.height),e.setNode(i.id,x),e.parent(y)||(V.trace("Setting parent",y,i.id),e.setParent(y,i.id,x))}if(V.info("(Insert) Node XXX"+y+": "+JSON.stringify(e.node(y))),v?.clusterNode){V.info("Cluster identified XBX",y,v.width,e.node(y));let{ranksep:x,nodesep:b}=e.graph();v.graph.setGraph({...v.graph.graph(),ranksep:x+25,nodesep:b});let w=await Vre(d,v.graph,r,n,e.node(y),a),S=w.elem;ar(v,S),v.diff=w.diff||0,V.info("New compound node after recursive render XAX",y,"width",v.width,"height",v.height),lQ(S,v)}else e.children(y).length>0?(V.trace("Cluster - the non recursive path XBX",y,v.id,v,v.width,"Graph:",e),V.trace(Bm(v.id,e)),cr.set(v.id,{id:Bm(v.id,e),node:v})):(V.trace("Node - the non recursive path XAX",y,d,e.node(y),s),await rw(d,e.node(y),s))})),await o(async()=>{let y=e.edges().map(async function(v){let x=e.edge(v.v,v.w,v.name);V.info("Edge "+v.v+" -> "+v.w+": "+JSON.stringify(v)),V.info("Edge "+v.v+" -> "+v.w+": ",v," ",JSON.stringify(e.edge(v))),V.info("Fix",cr,"ids:",v.v,v.w,"Translating: ",cr.get(v.v),cr.get(v.w)),await Q5(f,x)});await Promise.all(y)},"processEdges")(),V.info("Graph before layout:",JSON.stringify(zn(e))),V.info("############################################# XXX"),V.info("### Layout ### XXX"),V.info("############################################# XXX"),lo(e),V.info("Graph after layout:",JSON.stringify(zn(e)));let m=0,{subGraphTitleTotalMargin:g}=io(a);return await Promise.all(Gre(e).map(async function(y){let v=e.node(y);if(V.info("Position XBX => "+y+": ("+v.x,","+v.y,") width: ",v.width," height: ",v.height),v?.clusterNode)v.y+=g,V.info("A tainted cluster node XBX1",y,v.id,v.width,v.height,v.x,v.y,e.parent(y)),cr.get(v.id).node=v,eL(v);else if(e.children(y).length>0){V.info("A pure cluster node XBX1",y,v.id,v.x,v.y,v.width,v.height,e.parent(y)),v.height+=g,e.node(v.parentId);let x=v?.padding/2||0,b=v?.labelBBox?.height||0,w=b-x||0;V.debug("OffsetY",w,"labelHeight",b,"halfPadding",x),await Y5(u,v),cr.get(v.id).node=v}else{let x=e.node(v.parentId);v.y+=g/2,V.info("A regular node XBX1 - using the padding",v.id,"parent",v.parentId,v.width,v.height,v.x,v.y,"offsetY",v.offsetY,"parent",x,x?.offsetY,v),eL(v)}})),e.edges().forEach(function(y){let v=e.edge(y);V.info("Edge "+y.v+" -> "+y.w+": "+JSON.stringify(v),v),v.points.forEach(S=>S.y+=g/2);let x=e.node(y.v);var b=e.node(y.w);let w=J5(h,v,cr,r,x,b,n);Z5(v,w)}),e.nodes().forEach(function(y){let v=e.node(y);V.info(y,v.type,v.diff),v.isGroup&&(m=v.diff)}),V.warn("Returning from recursive render XAX",l,m),{elem:l,diff:m}},"recursiveRender"),yNe=o(async(t,e)=>{let r=new lr({multigraph:!0,compound:!0}).setGraph({rankdir:t.direction,nodesep:t.config?.nodeSpacing||t.config?.flowchart?.nodeSpacing||t.nodeSpacing,ranksep:t.config?.rankSpacing||t.config?.flowchart?.rankSpacing||t.rankSpacing,marginx:8,marginy:8}).setDefaultEdgeLabel(function(){return{}}),n=e.select("g");ew(n,t.markers,t.type,t.diagramId),cQ(),lK(),rK(),Ire(),t.nodes.forEach(a=>{r.setNode(a.id,{...a}),a.parentId&&r.setParent(a.id,a.parentId)}),V.debug("Edges:",t.edges),t.edges.forEach(a=>{if(a.start===a.end){let s=a.start,l=s+"---"+s+"---1",u=s+"---"+s+"---2",h=r.node(s);r.setNode(l,{domId:l,id:l,parentId:h.parentId,labelStyle:"",label:"",padding:0,shape:"labelRect",style:"",width:10,height:10}),r.setParent(l,h.parentId),r.setNode(u,{domId:u,id:u,parentId:h.parentId,labelStyle:"",padding:0,shape:"labelRect",label:"",style:"",width:10,height:10}),r.setParent(u,h.parentId);let f=structuredClone(a),d=structuredClone(a),p=structuredClone(a);f.label="",f.arrowTypeEnd="none",f.id=s+"-cyclic-special-1",d.arrowTypeEnd="none",d.id=s+"-cyclic-special-mid",p.label="",h.isGroup&&(f.fromCluster=s,p.toCluster=s),p.id=s+"-cyclic-special-2",r.setEdge(s,l,f,s+"-cyclic-special-0"),r.setEdge(l,u,d,s+"-cyclic-special-1"),r.setEdge(u,s,p,s+"-cyc<lic-special-2")}else r.setEdge(a.start,a.end,{...a},a.id)}),V.warn("Graph at first:",JSON.stringify(zn(r))),Bre(r),V.warn("Graph after XAX:",JSON.stringify(zn(r)));let i=de();await Vre(n,r,t.type,t.diagramId,void 0,i)},"render")});va
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +ci.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +Gf.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[sa]||sa)+"'":F1="Parse error on line "+(Ir+1)+": Unexpected "+(sa==I1?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[sa]||sa)+"'"),this.parseError(F1,{text:ci.match,token:this.terminals_[sa]||sa,line:ci.yylineno,loc:Us,expected:Gf})}if(us[0]instanceof Array&&us.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Kc+", token: "+sa);switch(us[0]){case 1: $ t.push(sa),Ot.push(ci.yytext),pe.push(ci.yylloc), $ t.push(us[1]),sa=null,jc?(sa=jc,jc=null):(Xc=ci.yyleng,be=ci.yytext,Ir=ci.yylineno,Us=ci.yylloc,M1>0&&M1--);break;case 2:if(Hs=this.productions_[us[1]][1],sh. $ =Ot[Ot.length-Hs],sh._ $ ={first_line:pe[pe.length-(Hs||1)].first_line,last_line:pe[pe.length-1].last_line,first_column:pe[pe.length-(Hs||1)].first_column,last_column:pe[pe.length-1].last_column},ah&&(sh._ $ .range=[pe[pe.length-(Hs||1)].range[0],pe[pe.length-1].range[1]]),Wl=this.performAction.apply(sh,[be,Xc,Ir,ko.yy,us[1],Ot,pe].concat(O1)),typeof Wl<"u")return Wl;Hs&&( $ t= $ t.slice(0,-1*Hs*2),Ot=Ot.slice(0,-1*Hs),pe=pe.slice(0,-1*Hs)), $ t.push(this.productions_[us[1]][0]),Ot.push(sh. $ ),pe.push(sh._ $ ),B1=ur[ $ t[ $ t.length-2]][ $ t[ $ t.length-1]], $ t.push(B1);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},_a=function(){var qi={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(At, $ t){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(At, $ t);else throw new Error(At)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(ht,At){return this.yy=At||this.yy||{},this._input=ht,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var ht=this._input[0];this.yytext+=ht,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=ht,this.matched+=ht;var At=ht.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return At?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),ht},"input"),unput:o(function(ht){var At=ht.length, $ t=ht.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=ht+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-At),this.offset-=At;var rt=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1), $ t.length-1&&(this.yylineno-= $ t.length-1);var Ot=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column: $ t?( $ t.length===rt.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+rt[rt.length- $ t.length].length- $ t[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-At},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[Ot[0],Ot[0]+this.yyleng-At]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(ht){this.unput(this.match.slice(ht))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var ht=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(ht.length>20?"...":"")+ht.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var ht=this.match;return ht.length<20&&(ht+=this._input.substr(0,20-ht.length)),(ht.substr(0,20)+(ht.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var ht=this.pastInput(),At=new Array(ht.length+1).join("-");return ht+this.upcomingInput()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +At+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(ht,At){var $ t,rt,Ot;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(Ot={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(Ot.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),rt=ht[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),rt&&(this.yylineno+=rt.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:rt?rt[rt.length-1].length-rt[rt.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+ht[0].length},this.yytext+=ht[0],this.match+=ht[0],this.matches=ht,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(ht[0].length),this.matched+=ht[0], $ t=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,At,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1), $ t)return $ t;if(this._backtrack){for(var pe in Ot)this[pe]=Ot[pe];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var ht,At, $ t,rt;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var Ot=this._currentRules(),pe=0;pe<Ot.length;pe++)if( $ t=this._input.match(this.rules[Ot[pe]]), $ t&&(!At|| $ t[0].length>At[0].length)){if(At= $ t,rt=pe,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(ht=this.test_match( $ t,Ot[pe]),ht!==!1)return ht;if(this._backtrack){At=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return At?(ht=this.test_match(At,Ot[rt]),ht!==!1?ht:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var At=this.next();return At||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(At){this.conditionStack.push(At)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var At=this.conditionStack.length-1;return At>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(At){return At=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(At||0),At>=0?this.conditionStack[At]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(At){this.begin(At)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{},performAction:o(function(At, $ t,rt,Ot){var pe=Ot;switch(rt){case 0:return this.begin("acc_title"),34;break;case 1:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 2:return this.begin("acc_descr"),36;break;case 3:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 4:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 5:this.popState();break;case 6:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 7:this.begin("callbackname");break;case 8:this.popState();break;case 9:this.popState(),this.begin("callbackargs");break;case 10:return 92;case 11:this.popState();break;case 12:return 93;case 13:return"MD_STR";case 14:this.popState();break;case 15:this.begin("md_string");break;case 16:return"STR";case 17:this.popState();break;case 18:this.pushState("string");break;case 19:return 81;case 20:return 99;case 21:return 82;case 22:return 101;case 23:return 83;case 24:return 84;case 25:return 94;case 26:this.begin("click");break;case 27:this.popState();break;case 28:return 85;case 29:return At.lex.firstGraph()&&this.begin("dir"),12;break;case 30:return At.lex.firstGraph()&&this.begin("dir"),12;break;case 31:return At.lex.firstGraph()&&this.begin("dir"),12;break;case 32:return 27;case 33:return 32;case 34:return 95;case 35:return 95;case 36:return 95;case 37:return 95;case 38:return this.popState(),13;break;case 39:return this.popState(),14;break;case 40:return this.popState(),14;break;case 41:return this.popState(),14;break;case 42:return this.popState(),14;break;case 43:return this.popState(),14;break;case 44:return this.popState(),14;break;case 45:return this.popState(),14;break;case 46:return this.popState(),14;break;case 47:return this.popState(),14;break;case 48:return this.popState(),14;break;case 49:return 118;case 50:return 119;case 51:return 120;case 52:return 121;case 53:return 102;case 54:return 108;case 55:return 44;case 56:return 58;case 57:return 42;case 58:return 8;case 59:return 103;case 60:return 112;case 61:return this.popState(),75;break;case 62:return this.pushState("edgeText"),73;break;case 63:return 116;case 64:return this.popState(),75;break;case 65:return this.pushState("thickEdgeText"),73;break;case 66:return 116;case 67:return this.popState(),75;break;case 68:return this.pushState("dottedEdgeText"),73;break;case 69:return 116;case 70:return 75;case 71:return this.popState(),51;break;case 72:return"TEXT";case 73:return this.pushState("ellipseText"),50;break;case 74:return this.popState(),53;break;case 75:return this.pushState("text"),52;break;case 76:return this.popState(),55;break;case 77:return this.pushState("text"),54;break;case 78:return 56;case 79:return this.pushState("text"),65;break;case 80:return this.popState(),62;break;case 81:return this.pushState("text"),61;break;case 82:return this.popState(),47;break;case 83:return this.pushState("text"),46;break;case 84:return this.popState(),67;break;case 85:return this.popState(),69;break;case 86:return 114;case 87:return this.pushState("trapText"),66;break;case 88:return this.pushState("trapText"),68;break;case 89:return 115;case 90:return 65;case 91:return 87;case 92:return"SEP";case 93:return 86;case 94:return 112;case 95:return 108;case 96:return 42;case 97:return 106;case 98:return 111;case 99:return 113;case 100:return this.popState(),60;break;c
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),Kre=ENe});var cT={};hr(cT,{diagram:()=>CNe});var CNe,uT=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();f9();qre();jre();Qre();CNe={parser:Xre,db:A5,renderer:Wre,styles:Kre,init:o(t=>{t.flowchart||(t.flowchart={}),t.layout&&iS({layout:t.layout}),t.flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute=t.arrowMarkerAbsolute,iS({flowchart:{arrowMarkerAbsolute:t.arrowMarkerAbsolute}}),A5.clear(),A5.setGen("gen-2")},"init")}});var xD,rne,nne=R(()=>{"use strict";xD=function(){var t=o(function(A,L,M,N){for(M=M||{},N=A.length;N--;M[A[N]]=L);return M},"o"),e=[6,8,10,20,22,24,26,27,28],r=[1,10],n=[1,11],i=[1,12],a=[1,13],s=[1,14],l=[1,15],u=[1,21],h=[1,22],f=[1,23],d=[1,24],p=[1,25],m=[6,8,10,13,15,18,19,20,22,24,26,27,28,41,42,43,44,45],g=[1,34],y=[27,28,46,47],v=[41,42,43,44,45],x=[17,34],b=[1,54],w=[1,53],S=[17,34,36,38],T={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,start:3,ER_DIAGRAM:4,document:5,EOF:6,line:7,SPACE:8,statement:9,NEWLINE:10,entityName:11,relSpec:12,":":13,role:14,BLOCK_START:15,attributes:16,BLOCK_STOP:17,SQS:18,SQE:19,title:20,title_value:21,acc_title:22,acc_title_value:23,acc_descr:24,acc_descr_value:25,acc_descr_multiline_value:26,ALPHANUM:27,ENTITY_NAME:28,attribute:29,attributeType:30,attributeName:31,attributeKeyTypeList:32,attributeComment:33,ATTRIBUTE_WORD:34,attributeKeyType:35,COMMA:36,ATTRIBUTE_KEY:37,COMMENT:38,cardinality:39,relType:40,ZERO_OR_ONE:41,ZERO_OR_MORE:42,ONE_OR_MORE:43,ONLY_ONE:44,MD_PARENT:45,NON_IDENTIFYING:46,IDENTIFYING:47,WORD:48, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",4:"ER_DIAGRAM",6:"EOF",8:"SPACE",10:"NEWLINE",13:":",15:"BLOCK_START",17:"BLOCK_STOP",18:"SQS",19:"SQE",20:"title",21:"title_value",22:"acc_title",23:"acc_title_value",24:"acc_descr",25:"acc_descr_value",26:"acc_descr_multiline_value",27:"ALPHANUM",28:"ENTITY_NAME",34:"ATTRIBUTE_WORD",36:"COMMA",37:"ATTRIBUTE_KEY",38:"COMMENT",41:"ZERO_OR_ONE",42:"ZERO_OR_MORE",43:"ONE_OR_MORE",44:"ONLY_ONE",45:"MD_PARENT",46:"NON_IDENTIFYING",47:"IDENTIFYING",48:"WORD"},productions_:[0,[3,3],[5,0],[5,2],[7,2],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[9,5],[9,4],[9,3],[9,1],[9,7],[9,6],[9,4],[9,2],[9,2],[9,2],[9,1],[11,1],[11,1],[16,1],[16,2],[29,2],[29,3],[29,3],[29,4],[30,1],[31,1],[32,1],[32,3],[35,1],[33,1],[12,3],[39,1],[39,1],[39,1],[39,1],[39,1],[40,1],[40,1],[14,1],[14,1],[14,1]],performAction:o(function(L,M,N,k,I,C,O){var D=C.length-1;switch(I){case 1:break;case 2:this. $ =[];break;case 3:C[D-1].push(C[D]),this. $ =C[D-1];break;case 4:case 5:this. $ =C[D];break;case 6:case 7:this. $ =[];break;case 8:k.addEntity(C[D-4]),k.addEntity(C[D-2]),k.addRelationship(C[D-4],C[D],C[D-2],C[D-3]);break;case 9:k.addEntity(C[D-3]),k.addAttributes(C[D-3],C[D-1]);break;case 10:k.addEntity(C[D-2]);break;case 11:k.addEntity(C[D]);break;case 12:k.addEntity(C[D-6],C[D-4]),k.addAttributes(C[D-6],C[D-1]);break;case 13:k.addEntity(C[D-5],C[D-3]);break;case 14:k.addEntity(C[D-3],C[D-1]);break;case 15:case 16:this. $ =C[D].trim(),k.setAccTitle(this. $ );break;case 17:case 18:this. $ =C[D].trim(),k.setAccDescription(this. $ );break;case 19:case 43:this. $ =C[D];break;case 20:case 41:case 42:this. $ =C[D].replace(/"/g,"");break;case 21:case 29:this. $ =[C[D]];break;case 22:C[D].push(C[D-1]),this. $ =C[D];break;case 23:this. $ ={attributeType:C[D-1],attributeName:C[D]};break;case 24:this. $ ={attributeType:C[D-2],attributeName:C[D-1],attributeKeyTypeList:C[D]};break;case 25:this. $ ={attributeType:C[D-2],attributeName:C[D-1],attributeComment:C[D]};break;case 26:this. $ ={attributeType:C[D-3],attributeName:C[D-2],attributeKeyTypeList:C[D-1],attributeComment:C[D]};break;case 27:case 28:case 31:this. $ =C[D];break;case 30:C[D-2].push(C[D]),this. $ =C[D-2];break;case 32:this. $ =C[D].replace(/"/g,"");break;case 33:this. $ ={cardA:C[D],relType:C[D-1],cardB:C[D-2]};break;case 34:this. $ =k.Cardinality.ZERO_OR_ONE;break;case 35:this. $ =k.Cardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE;break;case 36:this. $ =k.Cardinality.ONE_OR_MORE;break;case 37:this. $ =k.Cardinality.ONLY_ONE;break;case 38:this. $ =k.Cardinality.MD_PARENT;break;case 39:this. $ =k.Identification.NON_IDENTIFYING;break;case 40:this. $ =k.Identification.IDENTIFYING;break}},"anonymous"),table:[{3:1,4:[1,2]},{1:[3]
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +Q.showPosition()+ `
Expecting ` +Se.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[q]||q)+"'":Ue="Parse error on line "+(P+1)+": Unexpected "+(q==z?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[q]||q)+"'"),this.parseError(Ue,{text:Q.match,token:this.terminals_[q]||q,line:Q.yylineno,loc:j,expected:Se})}if(ce[0]instanceof Array&&ce.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+se+", token: "+q);switch(ce[0]){case 1:N.push(q),I.push(Q.yytext),C.push(Q.yylloc),N.push(ce[1]),q=null,K?(q=K,K=null):(F=Q.yyleng,D=Q.yytext,P=Q.yylineno,j=Q.yylloc,B>0&&B--);break;case 2:if(ke=this.productions_[ce[1]][1],De. $ =I[I.length-ke],De._ $ ={first_line:C[C.length-(ke||1)].first_line,last_line:C[C.length-1].last_line,first_column:C[C.length-(ke||1)].first_column,last_column:C[C.length-1].last_column},J&&(De._ $ .range=[C[C.length-(ke||1)].range[0],C[C.length-1].range[1]]),te=this.performAction.apply(De,[D,F,P,X.yy,ce[1],I,C].concat(Y)),typeof te<"u")return te;ke&&(N=N.slice(0,-1*ke*2),I=I.slice(0,-1*ke),C=C.slice(0,-1*ke)),N.push(this.productions_[ce[1]][0]),I.push(De. $ ),C.push(De._ $ ),Ie=O[N[N.length-2]][N[N.length-1]],N.push(Ie);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},E=function(){var A={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(M,N){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(M,N);else throw new Error(M)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(L,M){return this.yy=M||this.yy||{},this._input=L,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var L=this._input[0];this.yytext+=L,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=L,this.matched+=L;var M=L.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return M?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),L},"input"),unput:o(function(L){var M=L.length,N=L.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=L+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-M),this.offset-=M;var k=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),N.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=N.length-1);var I=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:N?(N.length===k.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+k[k.length-N.length].length-N[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-M},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[I[0],I[0]+this.yyleng-M]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(L){this.unput(this.match.slice(L))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var L=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(L.length>20?"...":"")+L.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var L=this.match;return L.length<20&&(L+=this._input.substr(0,20-L.length)),(L.substr(0,20)+(L.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var L=this.pastInput(),M=new Array(L.length+1).join("-");return L+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +M+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(L,M){var N,k,I;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(I={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(I.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),k=L[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),k&&(this.yylineno+=k.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:k?k[k.length-1].length-k[k.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+L[0].length},this.yytext+=L[0],this.match+=L[0],this.matches=L,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(L[0].length),this.matched+=L[0],N=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,M,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),N)return N;if(this._backtrack){for(var C in I)this[C]=I[C];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var L,M,N,k;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var I=this._currentRules(),C=0;C<I.length;C++)if(N=this._input.match(this.rules[I[C]]),N&&(!M||N[0].length>M[0].length)){if(M=N,k=C,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(L=this.test_match(N,I[C]),L!==!1)return L;if(this._backtrack){M=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return M?(L=this.test_match(M,I[k]),L!==!1?L:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var M=this.next();return M||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(M){this.conditionStack.push(M)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var M=this.conditionStack.length-1;return M>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(M){return M=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(M||0),M>=0?this.conditionStack[M]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(M){this.begin(M)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(M,N,k,I){var C=I;switch(k){case 0:return this.begin("acc_title"),22;break;case 1:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 2:return this.begin("acc_descr"),24;break;case 3:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 4:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 5:this.popState();break;case 6:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 7:return 10;case 8:break;case 9:return 8;case 10:return 28;case 11:return 48;case 12:return 4;case 13:return this.begin("block"),15;break;case 14:return 36;case 15:break;case 16:return 37;case 17:return 34;case 18:return 34;case 19:return 38;case 20:break;case 21:return this.popState(),17;break;case 22:return N.yytext[0];case 23:return 18;case 24:return 19;case 25:return 41;case 26:return 43;case 27:return 43;case 28:return 43;case 29:return 41;case 30:return 41;case 31:return 42;case 32:return 42;case 33:return 42;case 34:return 42;case 35:return 42;case 36:return 43;case 37:return 42;case 38:return 43;case 39:return 44;case 40:return 44;case 41:return 44;case 42:return 44;case 43:return 41;case 44:return 42;case 45:return 43;case 46:return 45;case 47:return 46;case 48:return 47;case 49:return 47;case 50:return 46;case 51:return 46;case 52:return 46;case 53:return 27;case 54:return N.yytext[0];case 55:return 6}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?:[ \} ])/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?: \s +)/i,/^(?:[ \s ]+)/i,/^(?:"[^"% \r \n \v \b \\ ]+")/i,/^(?:"[^"]*")/i,/^(?:erDiagram \b )/i,/^(?: \{ )/i,/^(?:,)/i,/^(?: \s +)/i,/^(?: \b ((?:PK)|(?:FK)|(?:UK)) \b )/i,/^(?:(.*?)[~](.*?)*[~])/i,/^(?:[ \* A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9 \- _ \[ \] \( \) ]*)/i,/^(?:"[^"]*")/i,/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?: \} )/i,/^(?:.)/i,/^(?: \[ )/i,/^(?: \] )/i,/^(?:one or zero \b )/i,/^(?:one or more \b )/i,/^(?:one or many \b )/i,/^(?:1 \+ )/i,/^(?: \| o \b )/i,/^(?:zero or one \b )/i,/^(?:zero or more \b )/i,/^(?:zero or many \b )/i,/^(?:0 \+ )/i,/^(?: \} o \b )/i,/^(?:many \( 0 \) )/i,/^(?:many \( 1 \) )/i,/^(?:many \b )/i,/^(?: \} \| )/i,/^(?:one \b )/i,/^(?:only one \b )/i,/^(?:1 \b )/i,/^(?: \| \| )/i,/^(?:o \| )/i,/^(?:o \{ )/i,/^(?: \| \{ )/i,/^(?: \s *u \b )/i,/^(?: \. \. )/i,/^(?:--)/i,/^(?:to \b )/i,/^(?:optionally to \b )/i,/^(?: \. -)/i,/^(?:- \. )/i,/^(?:[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9 \- _]*)/i,/^(?:.)/i,/^(?: $ )/i],conditions:{acc_descr_multiline:{rules:[5,6],inclusive:!1},acc_descr:{rules:[3],inclusive:!1},acc_title:{rules:[1],inclusive:!1},block:{rules:[14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22],inclusive:!1},INITIAL:{rules:[0,2,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55],inclusive:!0}}};return A}();T.lexer=E;function _(){this.yy={}}return o(_,"Parser"),_.prototype=T,T.Parser=_,new _}();xD.parser=xD;rne=xD});var Hd,bD,NNe,MNe,ine,INe,ONe,PNe,BNe,FNe,ane,sne=R(()=>{"use strict";ut();_t();bi();Hd=new Map,bD=[],NNe={ZERO_OR_ONE:"ZERO_OR_ONE",ZERO_OR_MORE:"ZERO_OR_MORE",ONE_OR_MORE:"ONE_OR_MORE",ONLY_ONE:"ONLY_ONE",MD_PARENT:"MD_PARENT"},MNe={NON_IDENTIFYING:"NON_IDENTIFYING",IDENTIFYING:"IDENTIFYING"},ine=o(function(t,e=void 0){return Hd.has(t)?!Hd.get(t).alias&&e&&(Hd.get(t).alias=e,V.info( ` Add alias '${e}' to entity '${t}' ` )):(Hd.set(t,{attributes:[],alias:e}),V.info("Added new entity :",t)),Hd.get
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),Sne=iMe});var _ne={};hr(_ne,{diagram:()=>aMe});var aMe,Lne=R(()=>{"use strict";nne();sne();Cne();Ane();aMe={parser:rne,db:ane,renderer:Ene,styles:Sne}});function Xn(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&typeof t. $ type=="string"}function xa(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&typeof t. $ refText=="string"}function ED(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&typeof t.name=="string"&&typeof t.type=="string"&&typeof t.path=="string"}function Wd(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&Xn(t.container)&&xa(t.reference)&&typeof t.message=="string"}function co(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&Array.isArray(t.content)}function ef(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&typeof t.tokenType=="object"}function zv(t){return co(t)&&typeof t.fullText=="string"}var Yd,Vo=R(()=>{"use strict";o(Xn,"isAstNode");o(xa,"isReference");o(ED,"isAstNodeDescription");o(Wd,"isLinkingError");Yd=class{static{o(this,"AbstractAstReflection")}constructor(){this.subtypes={},this.allSubtypes={}}isInstance(e,r){return Xn(e)&&this.isSubtype(e. $ type,r)}isSubtype(e,r){if(e===r)return!0;let n=this.subtypes[e];n||(n=this.subtypes[e]={});let i=n[r];if(i!==void 0)return i;{let a=this.computeIsSubtype(e,r);return n[r]=a,a}}getAllSubTypes(e){let r=this.allSubtypes[e];if(r)return r;{let n=this.getAllTypes(),i=[];for(let a of n)this.isSubtype(a,e)&&i.push(a);return this.allSubtypes[e]=i,i}}};o(co,"isCompositeCstNode");o(ef,"isLeafCstNode");o(zv,"isRootCstNode")});function cMe(t){return typeof t=="string"?t:typeof t>"u"?"undefined":typeof t.toString=="function"?t.toString():Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}function hT(t){return!!t&&typeof t[Symbol.iterator]=="function"}function Kr(...t){if(t.length===1){let e=t[0];if(e instanceof uo)return e;if(hT(e))return new uo(()=>e[Symbol.iterator](),r=>r.next());if(typeof e.length=="number")return new uo(()=>({index:0}),r=>r.index<e.length?{done:!1,value:e[r.index++]}:Ja)}return t.length>1?new uo(()=>({collIndex:0,arrIndex:0}),e=>{do{if(e.iterator){let r=e.iterator.next();if(!r.done)return r;e.iterator=void 0}if(e.array){if(e.arrIndex<e.array.length)return{done:!1,value:e.array[e.arrIndex++]};e.array=void 0,e.arrIndex=0}if(e.collIndex<t.length){let r=t[e.collIndex++];hT(r)?e.iterator=r[Symbol.iterator]():r&&typeof r.length=="number"&&(e.array=r)}}while(e.iterator||e.array||e.collIndex<t.length);return Ja}):Gv}var uo,Gv,Ja,Cc,Fm,Ds=R(()=>{"use strict";uo=class t{static{o(this,"StreamImpl")}constructor(e,r){this.startFn=e,this.nextFn=r}iterator(){let e={state:this.startFn(),next:o(()=>this.nextFn(e.state),"next"),[Symbol.iterator]:()=>e};return e}[Symbol.iterator](){return this.iterator()}isEmpty(){return!!this.iterator().next().done}count(){let e=this.iterator(),r=0,n=e.next();for(;!n.done;)r++,n=e.next();return r}toArray(){let e=[],r=this.iterator(),n;do n=r.next(),n.value!==void 0&&e.push(n.value);while(!n.done);return e}toSet(){return new Set(this)}toMap(e,r){let n=this.map(i=>[e?e(i):i,r?r(i):i]);return new Map(n)}toString(){return this.join()}concat(e){let r=e[Symbol.iterator]();return new t(()=>({first:this.startFn(),firstDone:!1}),n=>{let i;if(!n.firstDone){do if(i=this.nextFn(n.first),!i.done)return i;while(!i.done);n.firstDone=!0}do if(i=r.next(),!i.done)return i;while(!i.done);return Ja})}join(e=","){let r=this.iterator(),n="",i,a=!1;do i=r.next(),i.done||(a&&(n+=e),n+=cMe(i.value)),a=!0;while(!i.done);return n}indexOf(e,r=0){let n=this.iterator(),i=0,a=n.next();for(;!a.done;){if(i>=r&&a.value===e)return i;a=n.next(),i++}return-1}every(e){let r=this.iterator(),n=r.next();for(;!n.done;){if(!e(n.value))return!1;n=r.next()}return!0}some(e){let r=this.iterator(),n=r.next();for(;!n.done;){if(e(n.value))return!0;n=r.next()}return!1}forEach(e){let r=this.iterator(),n=0,i=r.next();for(;!i.done;)e(i.value,n),i=r.next(),n++}map(e){return new t(this.startFn,r=>{let{done:n,value:i}=this.nextFn(r);return n?Ja:{done:!1,value:e(i)}})}filter(e){return new t(this.startFn,r=>{let n;do if(n=this.nextFn(r),!n.done&&e(n.value))return n;while(!n.done);return Ja})}nonNullable(){return this.filter(e=>e!=null)}reduce(e,
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ),qt(" \r "),qt(" "),qt(" \v "),qt(" "),qt(" \x A0"),qt(" \u 1680"),qt(" \u 2000"),qt(" \u 2001"),qt(" \u 2002"),qt(" \u 2003"),qt(" \u 2004"),qt(" \u 2005"),qt(" \u 2006"),qt(" \u 2007"),qt(" \u 2008"),qt(" \u 2009"),qt(" \u 200A"),qt(" \u 2028"),qt(" \u 2029"),qt(" \u 202F"),qt(" \u 205F"),qt(" \u 3000"),qt(" \u FEFF")]});var MMe,AT,IMe,Jd,Yne=R(()=>{"use strict";IR();Hne();MMe=/[0-9a-fA-F]/,AT=/[0-9]/,IMe=/[1-9]/,Jd=class{static{o(this,"RegExpParser")}constructor(){this.idx=0,this.input="",this.groupIdx=0}saveState(){return{idx:this.idx,input:this.input,groupIdx:this.groupIdx}}restoreState(e){this.idx=e.idx,this.input=e.input,this.groupIdx=e.groupIdx}pattern(e){this.idx=0,this.input=e,this.groupIdx=0,this.consumeChar("/");let r=this.disjunction();this.consumeChar("/");let n={type:"Flags",loc:{begin:this.idx,end:e.length},global:!1,ignoreCase:!1,multiLine:!1,unicode:!1,sticky:!1};for(;this.isRegExpFlag();)switch(this.popChar()){case"g":Vm(n,"global");break;case"i":Vm(n,"ignoreCase");break;case"m":Vm(n,"multiLine");break;case"u":Vm(n,"unicode");break;case"y":Vm(n,"sticky");break}if(this.idx!==this.input.length)throw Error("Redundant input: "+this.input.substring(this.idx));return{type:"Pattern",flags:n,value:r,loc:this.loc(0)}}disjunction(){let e=[],r=this.idx;for(e.push(this.alternative());this.peekChar()==="|";)this.consumeChar("|"),e.push(this.alternative());return{type:"Disjunction",value:e,loc:this.loc(r)}}alternative(){let e=[],r=this.idx;for(;this.isTerm();)e.push(this.term());return{type:"Alternative",value:e,loc:this.loc(r)}}term(){return this.isAssertion()?this.assertion():this.atom()}assertion(){let e=this.idx;switch(this.popChar()){case"^":return{type:"StartAnchor",loc:this.loc(e)};case" $ ":return{type:"EndAnchor",loc:this.loc(e)};case" \\ ":switch(this.popChar()){case"b":return{type:"WordBoundary",loc:this.loc(e)};case"B":return{type:"NonWordBoundary",loc:this.loc(e)}}throw Error("Invalid Assertion Escape");case"(":this.consumeChar("?");let r;switch(this.popChar()){case"=":r="Lookahead";break;case"!":r="NegativeLookahead";break}Zd(r);let n=this.disjunction();return this.consumeChar(")"),{type:r,value:n,loc:this.loc(e)}}return qv()}quantifier(e=!1){let r,n=this.idx;switch(this.popChar()){case"*":r={atLeast:0,atMost:1/0};break;case"+":r={atLeast:1,atMost:1/0};break;case"?":r={atLeast:0,atMost:1};break;case"{":let i=this.integerIncludingZero();switch(this.popChar()){case"}":r={atLeast:i,atMost:i};break;case",":let a;this.isDigit()?(a=this.integerIncludingZero(),r={atLeast:i,atMost:a}):r={atLeast:i,atMost:1/0},this.consumeChar("}");break}if(e===!0&&r===void 0)return;Zd(r);break}if(!(e===!0&&r===void 0)&&Zd(r))return this.peekChar(0)==="?"?(this.consumeChar("?"),r.greedy=!1):r.greedy=!0,r.type="Quantifier",r.loc=this.loc(n),r}atom(){let e,r=this.idx;switch(this.peekChar()){case".":e=this.dotAll();break;case" \\ ":e=this.atomEscape();break;case"[":e=this.characterClass();break;case"(":e=this.group();break}return e===void 0&&this.isPatternCharacter()&&(e=this.patternCharacter()),Zd(e)?(e.loc=this.loc(r),this.isQuantifier()&&(e.quantifier=this.quantifier()),e):qv()}dotAll(){return this.consumeChar("."),{type:"Set",complement:!0,value:[qt( `
` ),qt(" \r "),qt(" \u 2028"),qt(" \u 2029")]}}atomEscape(){switch(this.consumeChar(" \\ "),this.peekChar()){case"1":case"2":case"3":case"4":case"5":case"6":case"7":case"8":case"9":return this.decimalEscapeAtom();case"d":case"D":case"s":case"S":case"w":case"W":return this.characterClassEscape();case"f":case"n":case"r":case"t":case"v":return this.controlEscapeAtom();case"c":return this.controlLetterEscapeAtom();case"0":return this.nulCharacterAtom();case"x":return this.hexEscapeSequenceAtom();case"u":return this.regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom();default:return this.identityEscapeAtom()}}decimalEscapeAtom(){return{type:"GroupBackReference",value:this.positiveInteger()}}characterClassEscape(){let e,r=!1;switch(this.popChar()){case"d":e=Xv;break;case"D":e=Xv,r=!0;break;case"s":e=OR;break;case"S":e=OR,r=!0;break;case"w":e=jv;break;case"W":e=jv,r=!0;break}return Zd(e)?{type:"Set",value:e,complement:r}:qv()}controlEscapeAtom(){let e;switch(this.popChar()){case"f":e=qt(" \f ");break;case"n":e=qt( `
` );break;case"r":e=qt(" \r ");break;case"t":e=qt(" ");break;case"v":e=qt(" \v ");break}return Zd(e)?{type:"Character",value:e}:qv()}controlLetterEscapeAtom(){this.consumeChar("c");let e=this.popChar();if(/[a-zA-Z]/.test(e)===!1)throw Error("Invalid ");return{type:"Character",value:e.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)-64}}nulCharacterAtom(){return this.consumeChar("0"),{type:"Character",value:qt(" \0 ")}}hexEscapeSequenceAtom(){return this.consumeChar("x"),this.parseHexDigits(2)}regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom(){return this.consumeChar("u"),this.parseHexDigits(4)}identityEscapeAtom(){let e=this.popChar();return{type:"Character",value:qt(e)}}classPatternCharacterAtom(){switch(this.peekChar()){case `
` :case" \r ":case" \u 2028":case" \u 2029":case" \\ ":case"]":throw Error("TBD");default:let e=this.popChar();return{type:"Character",value:qt(e)}}}characterClass(){let e=[],r=!1;for(this.consumeChar("["),this.peekChar(0)==="^"&&(this.consumeChar("^"),r=!0);this.isClassAtom();){let n=this.classAtom(),i=n.type==="Character";if(MR(n)&&this.isRangeDash()){this.consumeChar("-");let a=this.classAtom(),s=a.type==="Character";if(MR(a)){if(a.value<n.value)throw Error("Range out of order in character class");e.push({from:n.value,to:a.value})}else ST(n.value,e),e.push(qt("-")),ST(a.value,e)}else ST(n.value,e)}return this.consumeChar("]"),{type:"Set",complement:r,value:e}}classAtom(){switch(this.peekChar()){case"]":case `
` :case" \r ":case" \u 2028":case" \u 2029":throw Error("TBD");case" \\ ":return this.classEscape();default:return this.classPatternCharacterAtom()}}classEscape(){switch(this.consumeChar(" \\ "),this.peekChar()){case"b":return this.consumeChar("b"),{type:"Character",value:qt(" \b ")};case"d":case"D":case"s":case"S":case"w":case"W":return this.characterClassEscape();case"f":case"n":case"r":case"t":case"v":return this.controlEscapeAtom();case"c":return this.controlLetterEscapeAtom();case"0":return this.nulCharacterAtom();case"x":return this.hexEscapeSequenceAtom();case"u":return this.regExpUnicodeEscapeSequenceAtom();default:return this.identityEscapeAtom()}}group(){let e=!0;switch(this.consumeChar("("),this.peekChar(0)){case"?":this.consumeChar("?"),this.consumeChar(":"),e=!1;break;default:this.groupIdx++;break}let r=this.disjunction();this.consumeChar(")");let n={type:"Group",capturing:e,value:r};return e&&(n.idx=this.groupIdx),n}positiveInteger(){let e=this.popChar();if(IMe.test(e)===!1)throw Error("Expecting a positive integer");for(;AT.test(this.peekChar(0));)e+=this.popChar();return parseInt(e,10)}integerIncludingZero(){let e=this.popChar();if(AT.test(e)===!1)throw Error("Expecting an integer");for(;AT.test(this.peekChar(0));)e+=this.popChar();return parseInt(e,10)}patternCharacter(){let e=this.popChar();switch(e){case `
` :case" \r ":case" \u 2028":case" \u 2029":case"^":case" $ ":case" \\ ":case".":case"*":case"+":case"?":case"(":case")":case"[":case"|":throw Error("TBD");default:return{type:"Character",value:qt(e)}}}isRegExpFlag(){switch(this.peekChar(0)){case"g":case"i":case"m":case"u":case"y":return!0;default:return!1}}isRangeDash(){return this.peekChar()==="-"&&this.isClassAtom(1)}isDigit(){return AT.test(this.peekChar(0))}isClassAtom(e=0){switch(this.peekChar(e)){case"]":case `
` :case" \r ":case" \u 2028":case" \u 2029":return!1;default:return!0}}isTerm(){return this.isAtom()||this.isAssertion()}isAtom(){if(this.isPatternCharacter())return!0;switch(this.peekChar(0)){case".":case" \\ ":case"[":case"(":return!0;default:return!1}}isAssertion(){switch(this.peekChar(0)){case"^":case" $ ":return!0;case" \\ ":switch(this.peekChar(1)){case"b":case"B":return!0;default:return!1}case"(":return this.peekChar(1)==="?"&&(this.peekChar(2)==="="||this.peekChar(2)==="!");default:return!1}}isQuantifier(){let e=this.saveState();try{return this.quantifier(!0)!==void 0}catch{return!1}finally{this.restoreState(e)}}isPatternCharacter(){switch(this.peekChar()){case"^":case" $ ":case" \\ ":case".":case"*":case"+":case"?":case"(":case")":case"[":case"|":case"/":case `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` :case" \r ":case" \u 2028":case" \u 2029":return!1;default:return!0}}parseHexDigits(e){let r="";for(let i=0;i<e;i++){let a=this.popChar();if(MMe.test(a)===!1)throw Error("Expecting a HexDecimal digits");r+=a}return{type:"Character",value:parseInt(r,16)}}peekChar(e=0){return this.input[this.idx+e]}popChar(){let e=this.peekChar(0);return this.consumeChar(void 0),e}consumeChar(e){if(e!==void 0&&this.input[this.idx]!==e)throw Error("Expected: '"+e+"' but found: '"+this.input[this.idx]+"' at offset: "+this.idx);if(this.idx>=this.input.length)throw Error("Unexpected end of input");this.idx++}loc(e){return{begin:e,end:this.idx}}}});var _c,Wne=R(()=>{"use strict";_c=class{static{o(this,"BaseRegExpVisitor")}visitChildren(e){for(let r in e){let n=e[r];e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(n.type!==void 0?this.visit(n):Array.isArray(n)&&n.forEach(i=>{this.visit(i)},this))}}visit(e){switch(e.type){case"Pattern":this.visitPattern(e);break;case"Flags":this.visitFlags(e);break;case"Disjunction":this.visitDisjunction(e);break;case"Alternative":this.visitAlternative(e);break;case"StartAnchor":this.visitStartAnchor(e);break;case"EndAnchor":this.visitEndAnchor(e);break;case"WordBoundary":this.visitWordBoundary(e);break;case"NonWordBoundary":this.visitNonWordBoundary(e);break;case"Lookahead":this.visitLookahead(e);break;case"NegativeLookahead":this.visitNegativeLookahead(e);break;case"Character":this.visitCharacter(e);break;case"Set":this.visitSet(e);break;case"Group":this.visitGroup(e);break;case"GroupBackReference":this.visitGroupBackReference(e);break;case"Quantifier":this.visitQuantifier(e);break}this.visitChildren(e)}visitPattern(e){}visitFlags(e){}visitDisjunction(e){}visitAlternative(e){}visitStartAnchor(e){}visitEndAnchor(e){}visitWordBoundary(e){}visitNonWordBoundary(e){}visitLookahead(e){}visitNegativeLookahead(e){}visitCharacter(e){}visitSet(e){}visitGroup(e){}visitGroupBackReference(e){}visitQuantifier(e){}}});var Kv=R(()=>{"use strict";Yne();Wne()});var LT={};hr(LT,{NEWLINE_REGEXP:()=>BR,escapeRegExp:()=>t0,getCaseInsensitivePattern:()=>zR,getTerminalParts:()=>OMe,isMultilineComment:()=>FR,isWhitespace:()=>_T,partialMatches:()=>GR,partialRegExp:()=>Xne});function OMe(t){try{typeof t!="string"&&(t=t.source),t= ` / $ { t } / ` ;let e=qne.pattern(t),r=[];for(let n of e.value.value)e0.reset(t),e0.visit(n),r.push({start:e0.startRegexp,end:e0.endRegex});return r}catch{return[]}}function FR(t){try{return typeof t=="string"&&(t=new RegExp(t)),t=t.toString(),e0.reset(t),e0.visit(qne.pattern(t)),e0.multiline}catch{return!1}}function _T(t){return(typeof t=="string"?new RegExp(t):t).test(" ")}function t0(t){return t.replace(/[.*+?^ ${ } ()|[ \] \\ ]/g," \\ $ &")}function zR(t){return Array.prototype.map.call(t,e=>/ \w /.test(e)? ` [ $ { e . toLowerCase ( ) } $ { e . toUpperCase ( ) } ] ` :t0(e)).join("")}function GR(t,e){let r=Xne(t),n=e.match(r);return!!n&&n[0].length>0}function Xne(t){typeof t=="string"&&(t=new RegExp(t));let e=t,r=t.source,n=0;function i(){let a="",s;function l(h){a+=r.substr(n,h),n+=h}o(l,"appendRaw");function u(h){a+="(?:"+r.substr(n,h)+"| $ )",n+=h}for(o(u,"appendOptional");n<r.length;)switch(r[n]){case" \\ ":switch(r[n+1]){case"c":u(3);break;case"x":u(4);break;case"u":e.unicode?r[n+2]==="{"?u(r.indexOf("}",n)-n+1):u(6):u(2);break;case"p":case"P":e.unicode?u(r.indexOf("}",n)-n+1):u(2);break;case"k":u(r.indexOf(">",n)-n+1);break;default:u(2);break}break;case"[":s=/ \[ (?: \\ .|.)*? \] /g,s.lastIndex=n,s=s.exec(r)||[],u(s[0].length);break;case"|":case"^":case" $ ":case"*":case"+":case"?":l(1);break;case"{":s=/ \{ \d +,? \d * \} /g,s.lastIndex=n,s=s.exec(r),s?l(s[0].length):u(1);break;case"(":if(r[n+1]==="?")switch(r[n+2]){case":":a+="(?:",n+=3,a+=i()+"| $ )";break;case"=":a+="(?=",n+=3,a+=i()+")";break;case"!":s=n,n+=3,i(),a+=r.substr(s,n-s);break;case"<":switch(r[n+3]){case"=":case"!":s=n,n+=4,i(),a+=r.substr(s,n-s);break;default:l(r.indexOf(">",n)-n+1),a+=i()+"| $ )";break}break}else l(1),a+=i()+"| $ )";break;case")":return++n,a;default:u(1);break}return a}return o(i,"process"),new RegExp(i(),t.flags)}var BR,qne,PR,e0,Um=R(()=>{"use strict";Kv();BR=/ \r ? \n /gm,qne=new Jd,PR=class extends _c{static{o(thi
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` &&(this.multiline=!0),e.quantifier)this.isStarting=!1,this.endRegexpStack=[];else{let n=t0(r);this.endRegexpStack.push(n),this.isStarting&&(this.startRegexp+=n)}}visitSet(e){if(!this.multiline){let r=this.regex.substring(e.loc.begin,e.loc.end),n=new RegExp(r);this.multiline=!! `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` .match(n)}if(e.quantifier)this.isStarting=!1,this.endRegexpStack=[];else{let r=this.regex.substring(e.loc.begin,e.loc.end);this.endRegexpStack.push(r),this.isStarting&&(this.startRegexp+=r)}}visitChildren(e){e.type==="Group"&&e.quantifier||super.visitChildren(e)}},e0=new PR;o(OMe,"getTerminalParts");o(FR,"isMultilineComment");o(_T,"isWhitespace");o(t0,"escapeRegExp");o(zR,"getCaseInsensitivePattern");o(GR,"partialMatches");o(Xne,"partialRegExp")});var RT={};hr(RT,{findAssignment:()=>jR,findNameAssignment:()=>DT,findNodeForKeyword:()=>qR,findNodeForProperty:()=>Zv,findNodesForKeyword:()=>PMe,findNodesForKeywordInternal:()=>XR,findNodesForProperty:()=>YR,getActionAtElement:()=>Jne,getActionType:()=>tie,getAllReachableRules:()=>Qv,getCrossReferenceTerminal:()=>UR,getEntryRule:()=>jne,getExplicitRuleType:()=>KR,getHiddenRules:()=>Kne,getRuleType:()=>QR,getTypeName:()=>r0,isArrayCardinality:()=>FMe,isArrayOperator:()=>zMe,isCommentTerminal:()=>HR,isDataType:()=>GMe,isDataTypeRule:()=>Jv,isOptionalCardinality:()=>BMe,terminalRegex:()=>Hm});function jne(t){return t.rules.find(e=>Oa(e)&&e.entry)}function Kne(t){return t.rules.filter(e=>Uo(e)&&e.hidden)}function Qv(t,e){let r=new Set,n=jne(t);if(!n)return new Set(t.rules);let i=[n].concat(Kne(t));for(let s of i)Qne(s,r,e);let a=new Set;for(let s of t.rules)(r.has(s.name)||Uo(s)&&s.hidden)&&a.add(s);return a}function Qne(t,e,r){e.add(t.name),Ac(t).forEach(n=>{if(Ml(n)||r&&TT(n)){let i=n.rule.ref;i&&!e.has(i.name)&&Qne(i,e,r)}})}function UR(t){if(t.terminal)return t.terminal;if(t.type.ref){let e=DT(t.type.ref);return e?.terminal}}function HR(t){return t.hidden&&!Hm(t).test(" ")}function YR(t,e){return!t||!e?[]:WR(t,e,t.astNode,!0)}function Zv(t,e,r){if(!t||!e)return;let n=WR(t,e,t.astNode,!0);if(n.length!==0)return r!==void 0?r=Math.max(0,Math.min(r,n.length-1)):r=0,n[r]}function WR(t,e,r,n){if(!n){let i=Qd(t.grammarSource,Nl);if(i&&i.feature===e)return[t]}return co(t)&&t.astNode===r?t.content.flatMap(i=>WR(i,e,r,!1)):[]}function PMe(t,e){return t?XR(t,e,t?.astNode):[]}function qR(t,e,r){if(!t)return;let n=XR(t,e,t?.astNode);if(n.length!==0)return r!==void 0?r=Math.max(0,Math.min(r,n.length-1)):r=0,n[r]}function XR(t,e,r){if(t.astNode!==r)return[];if(Ho(t.grammarSource)&&t.grammarSource.value===e)return[t];let n=qd(t).iterator(),i,a=[];do if(i=n.next(),!i.done){let s=i.value;s.astNode===r?Ho(s.grammarSource)&&s.grammarSource.value===e&&a.push(s):n.prune()}while(!i.done);return a}function jR(t){var e;let r=t.astNode;for(;r===((e=t.container)===null||e===void 0?void 0:e.astNode);){let n=Qd(t.grammarSource,Nl);if(n)return n;t=t.container}}function DT(t){let e=t;return vT(e)&&(Iu(e. $ container)?e=e. $ container. $ container:Oa(e. $ container)?e=e. $ container:tf(e. $ container)),Zne(t,e,new Map)}function Zne(t,e,r){var n;function i(a,s){let l;return Qd(a,Nl)||(l=Zne(s,s,r)),r.set(t,l),l}if(o(i,"go"),r.has(t))return r.get(t);r.set(t,void 0);for(let a of Ac(e)){if(Nl(a)&&a.feature.toLowerCase()==="name")return r.set(t,a),a;if(Ml(a)&&Oa(a.rule.ref))return i(a,a.rule.ref);if(bT(a)&&(!((n=a.typeRef)===null||n===void 0)&&n.ref))return i(a,a.typeRef.ref)}}function Jne(t){let e=t. $ container;if(rf(e)){let r=e.elements,n=r.indexOf(t);for(let i=n-1;i>=0;i--){let a=r[i];if(Iu(a))return a;{let s=Ac(r[i]).find(Iu);if(s)return s}}}if(Uv(e))return Jne(e)}function BMe(t,e){return t==="?"||t==="*"||rf(e)&&!!e.guardCondition}function FMe(t){return t==="*"||t==="+"}function zMe(t){return t==="+="}function Jv(t){return eie(t,new Set)}function eie(t,e){if(e.has(t))return!0;e.add(t);for(let r of Ac(t))if(Ml(r)){if(!r.rule.ref||Oa(r.rule.ref)&&!eie(r.rule.ref,e))return!1}else{if(Nl(r))return!1;if(Iu(r))return!1}return!!t.definition}function GMe(t){return VR(t.type,new Set)}function VR(t,e){if(e.has(t))return!0;if(e.add(t),ID(t))return!1;if(ZD(t))return!1;if(iR(t))return t.types.every(r=>VR(r,e));if(bT(t)){if(t.primitiveType!==void 0)return!0;if(t.stringType!==void 0)return!0;if(t.typeRef!==void 0){let r=t.typeRef.ref;return Hv(r)?VR(r.type,e):!1}else return!1}else return!1}function KR(t){if(t.inferredType)return t.inf
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
Complement Sets cannot be automatically optimized .
This will disable the lexer ' s first char optimizations .
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#COMPLEMENT for details.`);else{let n="";e&&(n=`
This will disable the lexer ' s first char optimizations .
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#REGEXP_PARSING for details.`),Wm(`${n2}
Failed parsing : < $ { t . toString ( ) } >
Using the @ chevrotain / regexp - to - ast library
Please open an issue at : https : //github.com/chevrotain/chevrotain/issues`+n)}}return[]}function oN(t,e,r){switch(t.type){case"Disjunction":for(let i=0;i<t.value.length;i++)oN(t.value[i],e,r);break;case"Alternative":let n=t.value;for(let i=0;i<n.length;i++){let a=n[i];switch(a.type){case"EndAnchor":case"GroupBackReference":case"Lookahead":case"NegativeLookahead":case"StartAnchor":case"WordBoundary":case"NonWordBoundary":continue}let s=a;switch(s.type){case"Character":FT(s.value,e,r);break;case"Set":if(s.complement===!0)throw Error(fie);Ee(s.value,u=>{if(typeof u=="number")FT(u,e,r);else{let h=u;if(r===!0)for(let f=h.from;f<=h.to;f++)FT(f,e,r);else{for(let f=h.from;f<=h.to&&f<Km;f++)FT(f,e,r);if(h.to>=Km){let f=h.from>=Km?h.from:Km,d=h.to,p=Lc(f),m=Lc(d);for(let g=p;g<=m;g++)e[g]=g}}}});break;case"Group":oN(s.value,e,r);break;default:throw Error("Non Exhaustive Match")}let l=s.quantifier!==void 0&&s.quantifier.atLeast===0;if(s.type==="Group"&&lN(s)===!1||s.type!=="Group"&&l===!1)break}break;default:throw Error("non exhaustive match!")}return or(e)}function FT(t,e,r){let n=Lc(t);e[n]=n,r===!0&&JMe(t,e)}function JMe(t,e){let r=String.fromCharCode(t),n=r.toUpperCase();if(n!==r){let i=Lc(n.charCodeAt(0));e[i]=i}else{let i=r.toLowerCase();if(i!==r){let a=Lc(i.charCodeAt(0));e[a]=a}}}function hie(t,e){return Za(t.value,r=>{if(typeof r=="number")return Fn(e,r);{let n=r;return Za(e,i=>n.from<=i&&i<=n.to)!==void 0}})}function lN(t){let e=t.quantifier;return e&&e.atLeast===0?!0:t.value?wt(t.value)?Ia(t.value,lN):lN(t.value):!1}function zT(t,e){if(e instanceof RegExp){let r=jm(e),n=new cN(t);return n.visit(r),n.found}else return Za(e,r=>Fn(t,r.charCodeAt(0)))!==void 0}var fie,n2,cN,pie=R(()=>{"use strict";Kv();Pt();qm();BT();uN();fie="Complement Sets are not supported for first char optimization",n2=`Unable to use "first char" lexer optimizations:
` ;o(die,"getOptimizedStartCodesIndices");o(oN,"firstCharOptimizedIndices");o(FT,"addOptimizedIdxToResult");o(JMe,"handleIgnoreCase");o(hie,"findCode");o(lN,"isWholeOptional");cN=class extends _c{static{o(this,"CharCodeFinder")}constructor(e){super(),this.targetCharCodes=e,this.found=!1}visitChildren(e){if(this.found!==!0){switch(e.type){case"Lookahead":this.visitLookahead(e);return;case"NegativeLookahead":this.visitNegativeLookahead(e);return}super.visitChildren(e)}}visitCharacter(e){Fn(this.targetCharCodes,e.value)&&(this.found=!0)}visitSet(e){e.complement?hie(e,this.targetCharCodes)===void 0&&(this.found=!0):hie(e,this.targetCharCodes)!==void 0&&(this.found=!0)}};o(zT,"canMatchCharCode")});function yie(t,e){e=Xh(e,{useSticky:fN,debug:!1,safeMode:!1,positionTracking:"full",lineTerminatorCharacters:[" \r ", `
` ],tracer:o((b,w)=>w(),"tracer")});let r=e.tracer;r("initCharCodeToOptimizedIndexMap",()=>{yIe()});let n;r("Reject Lexer.NA",()=>{n=Kh(t,b=>b[a0]===ni.NA)});let i=!1,a;r("Transform Patterns",()=>{i=!1,a=qe(n,b=>{let w=b[a0];if(zo(w)){let S=w.source;return S.length===1&&S!=="^"&&S!==" $ "&&S!=="."&&!w.ignoreCase?S:S.length===2&&S[0]===" \\ "&&!Fn(["d","D","s","S","t","r","n","t","0","c","b","B","f","v","w","W"],S[1])?S[1]:e.useSticky?gie(w):mie(w)}else{if(wi(w))return i=!0,{exec:w};if(typeof w=="object")return i=!0,w;if(typeof w=="string"){if(w.length===1)return w;{let S=w.replace(/[ \\ ^ $ .*+?()[ \] {}|]/g," \\ $ &"),T=new RegExp(S);return e.useSticky?gie(T):mie(T)}}else throw Error("non exhaustive match")}})});let s,l,u,h,f;r("misc mapping",()=>{s=qe(n,b=>b.tokenTypeIdx),l=qe(n,b=>{let w=b.GROUP;if(w!==ni.SKIPPED){if(di(w))return w;if(er(w))return!1;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}}),u=qe(n,b=>{let w=b.LONGER_ALT;if(w)return wt(w)?qe(w,T=>Yw(n,T)):[Yw(n,w)]}),h=qe(n,b=>b.PUSH_MODE),f=qe(n,b=>Xe(b,"POP_MODE"))});let d;r("Line Terminator Handling",()=>{let b=Cie(e.lineTerminatorCharacters);d=qe(n,w=>!1),e.positionTracking!=="onlyOffset"&&(d=qe(n,w=>Xe(w,"LINE_BREAKS")?!!w.LINE_BREAKS:Eie(w,b)===!1&&zT(b,w.PATTERN)))});let p,m,g,y;r("Misc Mapping #2",()=>{p=qe(n,Tie),m=qe(a,mIe),g=Vr(n,(b,w)=>{let S=w.GROUP;return di(S)&&S!==ni.SKIPPED&&(b[S]=[]),b},{}),y=qe(a,(b,w)=>({pattern:a[w],longerAlt:u[w],canLineTerminator:d[w],isCustom:p[w],short:m[w],group:l[w],push:h[w],pop:f[w],tokenTypeIdx:s[w],tokenType:n[w]}))});let v=!0,x=[];return e.safeMode||r("First Char Optimization",()=>{x=Vr(n,(b,w,S)=>{if(typeof w.PATTERN=="string"){let T=w.PATTERN.charCodeAt(0),E=Lc(T);hN(b,E,y[S])}else if(wt(w.START_CHARS_HINT)){let T;Ee(w.START_CHARS_HINT,E=>{let _=typeof E=="string"?E.charCodeAt(0):E,A=Lc(_);T!==A&&(T=A,hN(b,A,y[S]))})}else if(zo(w.PATTERN))if(w.PATTERN.unicode)v=!1,e.ensureOptimizations&&Wm( ` $ { n2 } Unable to analyze < $ { w . PATTERN . toString ( ) } > pattern .
The regexp unicode flag is not currently supported by the regexp - to - ast library .
This will disable the lexer ' s first char optimizations .
For details See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#UNICODE_OPTIMIZE`);else{let T=die(w.PATTERN,e.ensureOptimizations);Qt(T)&&(v=!1),Ee(T,E=>{hN(b,E,y[S])})}else e.ensureOptimizations&&Wm(`${n2} TokenType: <${w.name}> is using a custom token pattern without providing <start_chars_hint> parameter.
This will disable the lexer ' s first char optimizations .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
For details See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#CUSTOM_OPTIMIZE`),v=!1;return b},[])}),{emptyGroups:g,patternIdxToConfig:y,charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig:x,hasCustom:i,canBeOptimized:v}}function vie(t,e){let r=[],n=tIe(t);r=r.concat(n.errors);let i=rIe(n.valid),a=i.valid;return r=r.concat(i.errors),r=r.concat(eIe(a)),r=r.concat(uIe(a)),r=r.concat(hIe(a,e)),r=r.concat(fIe(a)),r}function eIe(t){let e=[],r=$r(t,n=>zo(n[a0]));return e=e.concat(iIe(r)),e=e.concat(oIe(r)),e=e.concat(lIe(r)),e=e.concat(cIe(r)),e=e.concat(aIe(r)),e}function tIe(t){let e=$r(t,i=>!Xe(i,a0)),r=qe(e,i=>({message:"Token Type: ->"+i.name+"<- missing static 'PATTERN' property",type:Gn.MISSING_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[i]})),n=jh(t,e);return{errors:r,valid:n}}function rIe(t){let e=$r(t,i=>{let a=i[a0];return!zo(a)&&!wi(a)&&!Xe(a,"exec")&&!di(a)}),r=qe(e,i=>({message:"Token Type: ->"+i.name+"<- static 'PATTERN' can only be a RegExp, a Function matching the {CustomPatternMatcherFunc} type or an Object matching the {ICustomPattern} interface.",type:Gn.INVALID_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[i]})),n=jh(t,e);return{errors:r,valid:n}}function iIe(t){class e extends _c{static{o(this,"EndAnchorFinder")}constructor(){super(...arguments),this.found=!1}visitEndAnchor(a){this.found=!0}}let r=$r(t,i=>{let a=i.PATTERN;try{let s=jm(a),l=new e;return l.visit(s),l.found}catch{return nIe.test(a.source)}});return qe(r,i=>({message:`Unexpected RegExp Anchor Error:
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
Token Type : - > ` +i.name+ ` < - static 'PATTERN' cannot contain end of input anchor '$'
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
See chevrotain . io / docs / guide / resolving _lexer _errors . html # ANCHORS for details . ` ,type:Gn.EOI_ANCHOR_FOUND,tokenTypes:[i]}))}function aIe(t){let e= $ r(t,n=>n.PATTERN.test(""));return qe(e,n=>({message:"Token Type: ->"+n.name+"<- static 'PATTERN' must not match an empty string",type:Gn.EMPTY_MATCH_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[n]}))}function oIe(t){class e extends _c{static{o(this,"StartAnchorFinder")}constructor(){super(...arguments),this.found=!1}visitStartAnchor(a){this.found=!0}}let r= $ r(t,i=>{let a=i.PATTERN;try{let s=jm(a),l=new e;return l.visit(s),l.found}catch{return sIe.test(a.source)}});return qe(r,i=>({message: ` Unexpected RegExp Anchor Error :
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
Token Type : - > ` +i.name+ ` < - static 'PATTERN' cannot contain start of input anchor '^'
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
See https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#ANCHORS for details.`,type:Gn.SOI_ANCHOR_FOUND,tokenTypes:[i]}))}function lIe(t){let e=$r(t,n=>{let i=n[a0];return i instanceof RegExp&&(i.multiline||i.global)});return qe(e,n=>({message:"Token Type: ->"+n.name+"<- static 'PATTERN' may NOT contain global('g') or multiline('m')",type:Gn.UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS_FOUND,tokenTypes:[n]}))}function cIe(t){let e=[],r=qe(t,a=>Vr(t,(s,l)=>(a.PATTERN.source===l.PATTERN.source&&!Fn(e,l)&&l.PATTERN!==ni.NA&&(e.push(l),s.push(l)),s),[]));r=wc(r);let n=$r(r,a=>a.length>1);return qe(n,a=>{let s=qe(a,u=>u.name);return{message:`The same RegExp pattern ->${na(a).PATTERN}<-has been used in all of the following Token Types: ${s.join(", ")} <-`,type:Gn.DUPLICATE_PATTERNS_FOUND,tokenTypes:a}})}function uIe(t){let e=$r(t,n=>{if(!Xe(n,"GROUP"))return!1;let i=n.GROUP;return i!==ni.SKIPPED&&i!==ni.NA&&!di(i)});return qe(e,n=>({message:"Token Type: ->"+n.name+"<- static 'GROUP' can only be Lexer.SKIPPED/Lexer.NA/A String",type:Gn.INVALID_GROUP_TYPE_FOUND,tokenTypes:[n]}))}function hIe(t,e){let r=$r(t,i=>i.PUSH_MODE!==void 0&&!Fn(e,i.PUSH_MODE));return qe(r,i=>({message:`Token Type: ->${i.name}<- static 'PUSH_MODE' value cannot refer to a Lexer Mode ->${i.PUSH_MODE}<-which does not exist`,type:Gn.PUSH_MODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST,tokenTypes:[i]}))}function fIe(t){let e=[],r=Vr(t,(n,i,a)=>{let s=i.PATTERN;return s===ni.NA||(di(s)?n.push({str:s,idx:a,tokenType:i}):zo(s)&&pIe(s)&&n.push({str:s.source,idx:a,tokenType:i})),n},[]);return Ee(t,(n,i)=>{Ee(r,({str:a,idx:s,tokenType:l})=>{if(i<s&&dIe(a,n.PATTERN)){let u=`Token: ->${l.name}<- can never be matched.
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
Because it appears AFTER the Token Type - > $ { n . name } < - in the lexer ' s definition .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
See https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#UNREACHABLE`;e.push({message:u,type:Gn.UNREACHABLE_PATTERN,tokenTypes:[n,l]})}})}),e}function dIe(t,e){if(zo(e)){let r=e.exec(t);return r!==null&&r.index===0}else{if(wi(e))return e(t,0,[],{});if(Xe(e,"exec"))return e.exec(t,0,[],{});if(typeof e=="string")return e===t;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}}function pIe(t){return Za([".","\\","[","]","|","^","$","(",")","?","*","+","{"],r=>t.source.indexOf(r)!==-1)===void 0}function mie(t){let e=t.ignoreCase?"i":"";return new RegExp(`^(?:${t.source})`,e)}function gie(t){let e=t.ignoreCase?"iy":"y";return new RegExp(`${t.source}`,e)}function xie(t,e,r){let n=[];return Xe(t,Qm)||n.push({message:"A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized without a <"+Qm+`> property in its definition
` ,type:Gn.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_DEFAULT_MODE}),Xe(t,GT)||n.push({message:"A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized without a <"+GT+ ` > property in its definition
` ,type:Gn.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_MODES_PROPERTY}),Xe(t,GT)&&Xe(t,Qm)&&!Xe(t.modes,t.defaultMode)&&n.push({message: ` A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized with a $ { Qm } : < $ { t . defaultMode } > which does not exist
` ,type:Gn.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_DEFAULT_MODE_VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST}),Xe(t,GT)&&Ee(t.modes,(i,a)=>{Ee(i,(s,l)=>{if(er(s))n.push({message: ` A Lexer cannot be initialized using an undefined Token Type . Mode : < $ { a } > at index : < $ { l } >
` ,type:Gn.LEXER_DEFINITION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED});else if(Xe(s,"LONGER_ALT")){let u=wt(s.LONGER_ALT)?s.LONGER_ALT:[s.LONGER_ALT];Ee(u,h=>{!er(h)&&!Fn(i,h)&&n.push({message: ` A MultiMode Lexer cannot be initialized with a longer _alt < $ { h . name } > on token < $ { s . name } > outside of mode < $ { a } >
` ,type:Gn.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_LONGER_ALT_NOT_IN_CURRENT_MODE})})}})}),n}function bie(t,e,r){let n=[],i=!1,a=wc(Gr(or(t.modes))),s=Kh(a,u=>u[a0]===ni.NA),l=Cie(r);return e&&Ee(s,u=>{let h=Eie(u,l);if(h!==!1){let d={message:gIe(u,h),type:h.issue,tokenType:u};n.push(d)}else Xe(u,"LINE_BREAKS")?u.LINE_BREAKS===!0&&(i=!0):zT(l,u.PATTERN)&&(i=!0)}),e&&!i&&n.push({message: ` Warning : No LINE _BREAKS Found .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
This Lexer has been defined to track line and column information ,
But none of the Token Types can be identified as matching a line terminator .
See https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#LINE_BREAKS
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
for details . ` ,type:Gn.NO_LINE_BREAKS_FLAGS}),n}function wie(t){let e={},r=Dr(t);return Ee(r,n=>{let i=t[n];if(wt(i))e[n]=[];else throw Error("non exhaustive match")}),e}function Tie(t){let e=t.PATTERN;if(zo(e))return!1;if(wi(e))return!0;if(Xe(e,"exec"))return!0;if(di(e))return!1;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}function mIe(t){return di(t)&&t.length===1?t.charCodeAt(0):!1}function Eie(t,e){if(Xe(t,"LINE_BREAKS"))return!1;if(zo(t.PATTERN)){try{zT(e,t.PATTERN)}catch(r){return{issue:Gn.IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR,errMsg:r.message}}return!1}else{if(di(t.PATTERN))return!1;if(Tie(t))return{issue:Gn.CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK};throw Error("non exhaustive match")}}function gIe(t,e){if(e.issue===Gn.IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR)return ` Warning : unable to identify line terminator usage in pattern .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
The problem is in the < $ { t . name } > Token Type
Root cause : $ { e . errMsg } .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
For details See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#IDENTIFY_TERMINATOR`;if(e.issue===Gn.CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK)return`Warning: A Custom Token Pattern should specify the <line_breaks> option.
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
The problem is in the < $ { t . name } > Token Type
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
For details See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#CUSTOM_LINE_BREAK`;throw Error("non exhaustive match")}function Cie(t){return qe(t,r=>di(r)?r.charCodeAt(0):r)}function hN(t,e,r){t[e]===void 0?t[e]=[r]:t[e].push(r)}function Lc(t){return t<Km?t:$T[t]}function yIe(){if(Qt($T)){$T=new Array(65536);for(let t=0;t<65536;t++)$T[t]=t>255?255+~~(t/255):t}}var a0,Qm,GT,fN,nIe,sIe,kie,Km,$T,uN=R(()=>{"use strict";Kv();i2();Pt();qm();pie();BT();a0="PATTERN",Qm="defaultMode",GT="modes",fN=typeof new RegExp("(?:)").sticky=="boolean";o(yie,"analyzeTokenTypes");o(vie,"validatePatterns");o(eIe,"validateRegExpPattern");o(tIe,"findMissingPatterns");o(rIe,"findInvalidPatterns");nIe=/[^\\][$]/;o(iIe,"findEndOfInputAnchor");o(aIe,"findEmptyMatchRegExps");sIe=/[^\\[][\^]|^\^/;o(oIe,"findStartOfInputAnchor");o(lIe,"findUnsupportedFlags");o(cIe,"findDuplicatePatterns");o(uIe,"findInvalidGroupType");o(hIe,"findModesThatDoNotExist");o(fIe,"findUnreachablePatterns");o(dIe,"testTokenType");o(pIe,"noMetaChar");o(mie,"addStartOfInput");o(gie,"addStickyFlag");o(xie,"performRuntimeChecks");o(bie,"performWarningRuntimeChecks");o(wie,"cloneEmptyGroups");o(Tie,"isCustomPattern");o(mIe,"isShortPattern");kie={test:o(function(t){let e=t.length;for(let r=this.lastIndex;r<e;r++){let n=t.charCodeAt(r);if(n===10)return this.lastIndex=r+1,!0;if(n===13)return t.charCodeAt(r+1)===10?this.lastIndex=r+2:this.lastIndex=r+1,!0}return!1},"test"),lastIndex:0};o(Eie,"checkLineBreaksIssues");o(gIe,"buildLineBreakIssueMessage");o(Cie,"getCharCodes");o(hN,"addToMapOfArrays");Km=256,$T=[];o(Lc,"charCodeToOptimizedIndex");o(yIe,"initCharCodeToOptimizedIndexMap")});function Bu(t,e){let r=t.tokenTypeIdx;return r===e.tokenTypeIdx?!0:e.isParent===!0&&e.categoryMatchesMap[r]===!0}function Zm(t,e){return t.tokenTypeIdx===e.tokenTypeIdx}function Fu(t){let e=vIe(t);xIe(e),wIe(e),bIe(e),Ee(e,r=>{r.isParent=r.categoryMatches.length>0})}function vIe(t){let e=Qr(t),r=t,n=!0;for(;n;){r=wc(Gr(qe(r,a=>a.CATEGORIES)));let i=jh(r,e);e=e.concat(i),Qt(i)?n=!1:r=i}return e}function xIe(t){Ee(t,e=>{dN(e)||(_ie[Sie]=e,e.tokenTypeIdx=Sie++),Aie(e)&&!wt(e.CATEGORIES)&&(e.CATEGORIES=[e.CATEGORIES]),Aie(e)||(e.CATEGORIES=[]),TIe(e)||(e.categoryMatches=[]),kIe(e)||(e.categoryMatchesMap={})})}function bIe(t){Ee(t,e=>{e.categoryMatches=[],Ee(e.categoryMatchesMap,(r,n)=>{e.categoryMatches.push(_ie[n].tokenTypeIdx)})})}function wIe(t){Ee(t,e=>{Lie([],e)})}function Lie(t,e){Ee(t,r=>{e.categoryMatchesMap[r.tokenTypeIdx]=!0}),Ee(e.CATEGORIES,r=>{let n=t.concat(e);Fn(n,r)||Lie(n,r)})}function dN(t){return Xe(t,"tokenTypeIdx")}function Aie(t){return Xe(t,"CATEGORIES")}function TIe(t){return Xe(t,"categoryMatches")}function kIe(t){return Xe(t,"categoryMatchesMap")}function Die(t){return Xe(t,"tokenTypeIdx")}var Sie,_ie,s0=R(()=>{"use strict";Pt();o(Bu,"tokenStructuredMatcher");o(Zm,"tokenStructuredMatcherNoCategories");Sie=1,_ie={};o(Fu,"augmentTokenTypes");o(vIe,"expandCategories");o(xIe,"assignTokenDefaultProps");o(bIe,"assignCategoriesTokensProp");o(wIe,"assignCategoriesMapProp");o(Lie,"singleAssignCategoriesToksMap");o(dN,"hasShortKeyProperty");o(Aie,"hasCategoriesProperty");o(TIe,"hasExtendingTokensTypesProperty");o(kIe,"hasExtendingTokensTypesMapProperty");o(Die,"isTokenType")});var pN,mN=R(()=>{"use strict";pN={buildUnableToPopLexerModeMessage(t){return`Unable to pop Lexer Mode after encountering Token ->${t.image}<- The Mode Stack is empty`},buildUnexpectedCharactersMessage(t,e,r,n,i){return`unexpected character: ->${t.charAt(e)}<- at offset: ${e}, skipped ${r} characters.`}}});var Gn,a2,ni,i2=R(()=>{"use strict";uN();Pt();qm();s0();mN();BT();(function(t){t[t.MISSING_PATTERN=0]="MISSING_PATTERN",t[t.INVALID_PATTERN=1]="INVALID_PATTERN",t[t.EOI_ANCHOR_FOUND=2]="EOI_ANCHOR_FOUND",t[t.UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS_FOUND=3]="UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS_FOUND",t[t.DUPLICATE_PATTERNS_FOUND=4]="DUPLICATE_PATTERNS_FOUND",t[t.INVALID_GROUP_TYPE_FOUND=5]="INVALID_GROUP_TYPE_FOUND",t[t.PUSH_MODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST=6]="PUSH_MODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST",t[t.MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOUT_DEFAULT_MODE=7]="MULTI_MODE_LEXER_WITHOU
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ," \r "],ensureOptimizations:!1,safeMode:!1,errorMessageProvider:pN,traceInitPerf:!1,skipValidations:!1,recoveryEnabled:!0};Object.freeze(a2);ni=class{static{o(this,"Lexer")}constructor(e,r=a2){if(this.lexerDefinition=e,this.lexerDefinitionErrors=[],this.lexerDefinitionWarning=[],this.patternIdxToConfig={},this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig={},this.modes=[],this.emptyGroups={},this.trackStartLines=!0,this.trackEndLines=!0,this.hasCustom=!1,this.canModeBeOptimized={},this.TRACE_INIT=(i,a)=>{if(this.traceInitPerf===!0){this.traceInitIndent++;let s=new Array(this.traceInitIndent+1).join(" ");this.traceInitIndent<this.traceInitMaxIdent&&console.log( ` $ { s } -- > < $ { i } > ` );let{time:l,value:u}=t2(a),h=l>10?console.warn:console.log;return this.traceInitIndent<this.traceInitMaxIdent&&h( ` $ { s } < -- < $ { i } > time : $ { l } ms ` ),this.traceInitIndent--,u}else return a()},typeof r=="boolean")throw Error( ` The second argument to the Lexer constructor is now an ILexerConfig Object .
a boolean 2 nd argument is no longer supported ` );this.config=pa({},a2,r);let n=this.config.traceInitPerf;n===!0?(this.traceInitMaxIdent=1/0,this.traceInitPerf=!0):typeof n=="number"&&(this.traceInitMaxIdent=n,this.traceInitPerf=!0),this.traceInitIndent=-1,this.TRACE_INIT("Lexer Constructor",()=>{let i,a=!0;this.TRACE_INIT("Lexer Config handling",()=>{if(this.config.lineTerminatorsPattern===a2.lineTerminatorsPattern)this.config.lineTerminatorsPattern=kie;else if(this.config.lineTerminatorCharacters===a2.lineTerminatorCharacters)throw Error( ` Error : Missing < lineTerminatorCharacters > property on the Lexer config .
For details See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_lexer_errors.html#MISSING_LINE_TERM_CHARS`);if(r.safeMode&&r.ensureOptimizations)throw Error('"safeMode" and "ensureOptimizations" flags are mutually exclusive.');this.trackStartLines=/full|onlyStart/i.test(this.config.positionTracking),this.trackEndLines=/full/i.test(this.config.positionTracking),wt(e)?i={modes:{defaultMode:Qr(e)},defaultMode:Qm}:(a=!1,i=Qr(e))}),this.config.skipValidations===!1&&(this.TRACE_INIT("performRuntimeChecks",()=>{this.lexerDefinitionErrors=this.lexerDefinitionErrors.concat(xie(i,this.trackStartLines,this.config.lineTerminatorCharacters))}),this.TRACE_INIT("performWarningRuntimeChecks",()=>{this.lexerDefinitionWarning=this.lexerDefinitionWarning.concat(bie(i,this.trackStartLines,this.config.lineTerminatorCharacters))})),i.modes=i.modes?i.modes:{},Ee(i.modes,(l,u)=>{i.modes[u]=Kh(l,h=>er(h))});let s=Dr(i.modes);if(Ee(i.modes,(l,u)=>{this.TRACE_INIT(`Mode: <${u}> processing`,()=>{if(this.modes.push(u),this.config.skipValidations===!1&&this.TRACE_INIT("validatePatterns",()=>{this.lexerDefinitionErrors=this.lexerDefinitionErrors.concat(vie(l,s))}),Qt(this.lexerDefinitionErrors)){Fu(l);let h;this.TRACE_INIT("analyzeTokenTypes",()=>{h=yie(l,{lineTerminatorCharacters:this.config.lineTerminatorCharacters,positionTracking:r.positionTracking,ensureOptimizations:r.ensureOptimizations,safeMode:r.safeMode,tracer:this.TRACE_INIT})}),this.patternIdxToConfig[u]=h.patternIdxToConfig,this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[u]=h.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig,this.emptyGroups=pa({},this.emptyGroups,h.emptyGroups),this.hasCustom=h.hasCustom||this.hasCustom,this.canModeBeOptimized[u]=h.canBeOptimized}})}),this.defaultMode=i.defaultMode,!Qt(this.lexerDefinitionErrors)&&!this.config.deferDefinitionErrorsHandling){let u=qe(this.lexerDefinitionErrors,h=>h.message).join(`-----------------------
` );throw new Error( ` Errors detected in definition of Lexer :
` +u)}Ee(this.lexerDefinitionWarning,l=>{e2(l.message)}),this.TRACE_INIT("Choosing sub-methods implementations",()=>{if(fN?(this.chopInput=ea,this.match=this.matchWithTest):(this.updateLastIndex=qn,this.match=this.matchWithExec),a&&(this.handleModes=qn),this.trackStartLines===!1&&(this.computeNewColumn=ea),this.trackEndLines===!1&&(this.updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation=qn),/full/i.test(this.config.positionTracking))this.createTokenInstance=this.createFullToken;else if(/onlyStart/i.test(this.config.positionTracking))this.createTokenInstance=this.createStartOnlyToken;else if(/onlyOffset/i.test(this.config.positionTracking))this.createTokenInstance=this.createOffsetOnlyToken;else throw Error( ` Invalid < positionTracking > config option : "${this.config.positionTracking}" ` );this.hasCustom?(this.addToken=this.addTokenUsingPush,this.handlePayload=this.handlePayloadWithCustom):(this.addToken=this.addTokenUsingMemberAccess,this.handlePayload=this.handlePayloadNoCustom)}),this.TRACE_INIT("Failed Optimization Warnings",()=>{let l=Vr(this.canModeBeOptimized,(u,h,f)=>(h===!1&&u.push(f),u),[]);if(r.ensureOptimizations&&!Qt(l))throw Error( ` Lexer Modes : < $ { l . join ( ", " ) } > cannot be optimized .
Disable the "ensureOptimizations" lexer config flag to silently ignore this and run the lexer in an un - optimized mode .
Or inspect the console log for details on how to resolve these issues . ` )}),this.TRACE_INIT("clearRegExpParserCache",()=>{uie()}),this.TRACE_INIT("toFastProperties",()=>{r2(this)})})}tokenize(e,r=this.defaultMode){if(!Qt(this.lexerDefinitionErrors)){let i=qe(this.lexerDefinitionErrors,a=>a.message).join( ` -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
` );throw new Error( ` Unable to Tokenize because Errors detected in definition of Lexer :
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +i)}return this.tokenizeInternal(e,r)}tokenizeInternal(e,r){let n,i,a,s,l,u,h,f,d,p,m,g,y,v,x,b,w=e,S=w.length,T=0,E=0,_=this.hasCustom?0:Math.floor(e.length/10),A=new Array(_),L=[],M=this.trackStartLines?1:void 0,N=this.trackStartLines?1:void 0,k=wie(this.emptyGroups),I=this.trackStartLines,C=this.config.lineTerminatorsPattern,O=0,D=[],P=[],F=[],B=[];Object.freeze(B);let $ ;function z(){return D}o(z,"getPossiblePatternsSlow");function Y(J){let Z=Lc(J),H=P[Z];return H===void 0?B:H}o(Y,"getPossiblePatternsOptimized");let Q=o(J=>{if(F.length===1&&J.tokenType.PUSH_MODE===void 0){let Z=this.config.errorMessageProvider.buildUnableToPopLexerModeMessage(J);L.push({offset:J.startOffset,line:J.startLine,column:J.startColumn,length:J.image.length,message:Z})}else{F.pop();let Z=ma(F);D=this.patternIdxToConfig[Z],P=this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[Z],O=D.length;let H=this.canModeBeOptimized[Z]&&this.config.safeMode===!1;P&&H? $ =Y: $ =z}},"pop_mode");function X(J){F.push(J),P=this.charCodeToPatternIdxToConfig[J],D=this.patternIdxToConfig[J],O=D.length,O=D.length;let Z=this.canModeBeOptimized[J]&&this.config.safeMode===!1;P&&Z? $ =Y: $ =z}o(X,"push_mode"),X.call(this,r);let ie,j=this.config.recoveryEnabled;for(;T<S;){u=null;let J=w.charCodeAt(T),Z= $ (J),H=Z.length;for(n=0;n<H;n++){ie=Z[n];let q=ie.pattern;h=null;let K=ie.short;if(K!==!1?J===K&&(u=q):ie.isCustom===!0?(b=q.exec(w,T,A,k),b!==null?(u=b[0],b.payload!==void 0&&(h=b.payload)):u=null):(this.updateLastIndex(q,T),u=this.match(q,e,T)),u!==null){if(l=ie.longerAlt,l!==void 0){let se=l.length;for(a=0;a<se;a++){let ce=D[l[a]],ue=ce.pattern;if(f=null,ce.isCustom===!0?(b=ue.exec(w,T,A,k),b!==null?(s=b[0],b.payload!==void 0&&(f=b.payload)):s=null):(this.updateLastIndex(ue,T),s=this.match(ue,e,T)),s&&s.length>u.length){u=s,h=f,ie=ce;break}}}break}}if(u!==null){if(d=u.length,p=ie.group,p!==void 0&&(m=ie.tokenTypeIdx,g=this.createTokenInstance(u,T,m,ie.tokenType,M,N,d),this.handlePayload(g,h),p===!1?E=this.addToken(A,E,g):k[p].push(g)),e=this.chopInput(e,d),T=T+d,N=this.computeNewColumn(N,d),I===!0&&ie.canLineTerminator===!0){let q=0,K,se;C.lastIndex=0;do K=C.test(u),K===!0&&(se=C.lastIndex-1,q++);while(K===!0);q!==0&&(M=M+q,N=d-se,this.updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation(g,p,se,q,M,N,d))}this.handleModes(ie,Q,X,g)}else{let q=T,K=M,se=N,ce=j===!1;for(;ce===!1&&T<S;)for(e=this.chopInput(e,1),T++,i=0;i<O;i++){let ue=D[i],te=ue.pattern,De=ue.short;if(De!==!1?w.charCodeAt(T)===De&&(ce=!0):ue.isCustom===!0?ce=te.exec(w,T,A,k)!==null:(this.updateLastIndex(te,T),ce=te.exec(e)!==null),ce===!0)break}if(y=T-q,N=this.computeNewColumn(N,y),x=this.config.errorMessageProvider.buildUnexpectedCharactersMessage(w,q,y,K,se),L.push({offset:q,line:K,column:se,length:y,message:x}),j===!1)break}}return this.hasCustom||(A.length=E),{tokens:A,groups:k,errors:L}}handleModes(e,r,n,i){if(e.pop===!0){let a=e.push;r(i),a!==void 0&&n.call(this,a)}else e.push!==void 0&&n.call(this,e.push)}chopInput(e,r){return e.substring(r)}updateLastIndex(e,r){e.lastIndex=r}updateTokenEndLineColumnLocation(e,r,n,i,a,s,l){let u,h;r!==void 0&&(u=n===l-1,h=u?-1:0,i===1&&u===!0||(e.endLine=a+h,e.endColumn=s-1+-h))}computeNewColumn(e,r){return e+r}createOffsetOnlyToken(e,r,n,i){return{image:e,startOffset:r,tokenTypeIdx:n,tokenType:i}}createStartOnlyToken(e,r,n,i,a,s){return{image:e,startOffset:r,startLine:a,startColumn:s,tokenTypeIdx:n,tokenType:i}}createFullToken(e,r,n,i,a,s,l){return{image:e,startOffset:r,endOffset:r+l-1,startLine:a,endLine:a,startColumn:s,endColumn:s+l-1,tokenTypeIdx:n,tokenType:i}}addTokenUsingPush(e,r,n){return e.push(n),r}addTokenUsingMemberAccess(e,r,n){return e[r]=n,r++,r}handlePayloadNoCustom(e,r){}handlePayloadWithCustom(e,r){r!==null&&(e.payload=r)}matchWithTest(e,r,n){return e.test(r)===!0?r.substring(n,e.lastIndex):null}matchWithExec(e,r){let n=e.exec(r);return n!==null?n[0]:null}};ni.SKIPPED="This marks a skipped Token pattern, this means each token identified by it willbe consumed and then thrown into oblivion, this can be used to for example to completely ignore whitespace.";ni.NA=/NOT_APPLICABLE/});function zu(t){
See : https : //github.com/chevrotain/chevrotain/issues/564#issuecomment-349062346 for details.`;return Xe(t,Rie)&&(r.CATEGORIES=t[Rie]),Fu([r]),Xe(t,Nie)&&(r.LABEL=t[Nie]),Xe(t,Mie)&&(r.GROUP=t[Mie]),Xe(t,Oie)&&(r.POP_MODE=t[Oie]),Xe(t,Iie)&&(r.PUSH_MODE=t[Iie]),Xe(t,Pie)&&(r.LONGER_ALT=t[Pie]),Xe(t,Bie)&&(r.LINE_BREAKS=t[Bie]),Xe(t,Fie)&&(r.START_CHARS_HINT=t[Fie]),r}function o0(t,e,r,n,i,a,s,l){return{image:e,startOffset:r,endOffset:n,startLine:i,endLine:a,startColumn:s,endColumn:l,tokenTypeIdx:t.tokenTypeIdx,tokenType:t}}function s2(t,e){return Bu(t,e)}var EIe,Rie,Nie,Mie,Iie,Oie,Pie,Bie,Fie,fo,l0=R(()=>{"use strict";Pt();i2();s0();o(zu,"tokenLabel");o(gN,"hasTokenLabel");EIe="parent",Rie="categories",Nie="label",Mie="group",Iie="push_mode",Oie="pop_mode",Pie="longer_alt",Bie="line_breaks",Fie="start_chars_hint";o(VT,"createToken");o(CIe,"createTokenInternal");fo=VT({name:"EOF",pattern:ni.NA});Fu([fo]);o(o0,"createTokenInstance");o(s2,"tokenMatcher")});var Gu,zie,Ol,Jm=R(()=>{"use strict";l0();Pt();ns();Gu={buildMismatchTokenMessage({expected:t,actual:e,previous:r,ruleName:n}){return`Expecting ${gN(t)?`--> ${zu(t)} <--`:`token of type --> ${t.name} <--`} but found --> '${e.image}' <--`},buildNotAllInputParsedMessage({firstRedundant:t,ruleName:e}){return"Redundant input, expecting EOF but found: "+t.image},buildNoViableAltMessage({expectedPathsPerAlt:t,actual:e,previous:r,customUserDescription:n,ruleName:i}){let a="Expecting: ",l=`
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
but found : '`+na(e).image+"' ";if(n)return a+n+l;{let u=Vr(t,(p,m)=>p.concat(m),[]),h=qe(u,p=>`[${qe(p,m=>zu(m)).join(" , " ) } ] ` ),d= ` one of these possible Token sequences :
$ { qe ( h , ( p , m ) => ` ${ m + 1 } . ${ p } ` ) . join ( `
` )} ` ; return a + d + l } } , buildEarlyExitMessage ( { expectedIterationPaths : t , actual : e , customUserDescription : r , ruleName : n } ) { let i = "Expecting: " , s = `
but found : '`+na(e).image+"' " ; if ( r ) return i + r + s ; { let u = ` expecting at least one iteration which starts with one of these possible Token sequences::
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
< $ { qe ( t , h => ` [ ${ qe ( h , f => zu ( f ) ) . join ( "," ) } ] ` ) . join ( " ," ) } > ` ;return i+u+s}}};Object.freeze(Gu);zie={buildRuleNotFoundError(t,e){return"Invalid grammar, reference to a rule which is not defined: ->"+e.nonTerminalName+ ` < -
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
inside top level rule : - > ` +t.name+"<-"}},Ol={buildDuplicateFoundError(t,e){function r(f){return f instanceof fr?f.terminalType.name:f instanceof Zr?f.nonTerminalName:""}o(r,"getExtraProductionArgument");let n=t.name,i=na(e),a=i.idx,s=Rs(i),l=r(i),u=a>0,h= ` - > $ { s } $ { u ? a : "" } < - $ { l ? ` with argument: -> ${ l } <- ` : "" }
appears more than once ( $ { e . length } times ) in the top level rule : - > $ { n } < - .
For further details see : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/FAQ.html#NUMERICAL_SUFFIXES
` ;return h=h.replace(/[ \t ]+/g," "),h=h.replace(/ \s \s +/g, `
` ),h},buildNamespaceConflictError(t){return ` Namespace conflict found in grammar .
The grammar has both a Terminal ( Token ) and a Non - Terminal ( Rule ) named : < $ { t . name } > .
To resolve this make sure each Terminal and Non - Terminal names are unique
This is easy to accomplish by using the convention that Terminal names start with an uppercase letter
and Non - Terminal names start with a lower case letter . ` },buildAlternationPrefixAmbiguityError(t){let e=qe(t.prefixPath,i=>zu(i)).join(", "),r=t.alternation.idx===0?"":t.alternation.idx;return ` Ambiguous alternatives : < $ { t . ambiguityIndices . join ( " ," ) } > due to common lookahead prefix
in < OR$ { r } > inside < $ { t . topLevelRule . name } > Rule ,
< $ { e } > may appears as a prefix path in all these alternatives .
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#COMMON_PREFIX
For Further details . ` },buildAlternationAmbiguityError(t){let e=qe(t.prefixPath,i=>zu(i)).join(", "),r=t.alternation.idx===0?"":t.alternation.idx,n= ` Ambiguous Alternatives Detected : < $ { t . ambiguityIndices . join ( " ," ) } > in < OR$ { r } > inside < $ { t . topLevelRule . name } > Rule ,
< $ { e } > may appears as a prefix path in all these alternatives .
` ;return n=n+ ` See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#AMBIGUOUS_ALTERNATIVES
For Further details . ` ,n},buildEmptyRepetitionError(t){let e=Rs(t.repetition);return t.repetition.idx!==0&&(e+=t.repetition.idx), ` The repetition < $ { e } > within Rule < $ { t . topLevelRule . name } > can never consume any tokens .
This could lead to an infinite loop . ` },buildTokenNameError(t){return"deprecated"},buildEmptyAlternationError(t){return ` Ambiguous empty alternative : < $ { t . emptyChoiceIdx + 1 } > in < OR$ { t . alternation . idx } > inside < $ { t . topLevelRule . name } > Rule .
Only the last alternative may be an empty alternative . ` },buildTooManyAlternativesError(t){return ` An Alternation cannot have more than 256 alternatives :
< OR$ { t . alternation . idx } > inside < $ { t . topLevelRule . name } > Rule .
has $ { t . alternation . definition . length + 1 } alternatives . ` },buildLeftRecursionError(t){let e=t.topLevelRule.name,r=qe(t.leftRecursionPath,a=>a.name),n= ` $ { e } -- > $ { r . concat ( [ e ] ) . join ( " --> " ) } ` ;return ` Left Recursion found in grammar .
rule : < $ { e } > can be invoked from itself ( directly or indirectly )
without consuming any Tokens . The grammar path that causes this is :
$ { n }
To fix this refactor your grammar to remove the left recursion .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
see : https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LL_parser#Left_factoring.`},buildInvalidRuleNameError(t){return"deprecated"},buildDuplicateRuleNameError(t){let e;return t.topLevelRule instanceof ts?e=t.topLevelRule.name:e=t.topLevelRule,`Duplicate definition, rule: ->${e}<- is already defined in the grammar: ->${t.grammarName}<-`}}});function Gie(t,e){let r=new yN(t,e);return r.resolveRefs(),r.errors}var yN,$ie=R(()=>{"use strict";Ns();Pt();ns();o(Gie,"resolveGrammar");yN=class extends rs{static{o(this,"GastRefResolverVisitor")}constructor(e,r){super(),this.nameToTopRule=e,this.errMsgProvider=r,this.errors=[]}resolveRefs(){Ee(or(this.nameToTopRule),e=>{this.currTopLevel=e,e.accept(this)})}visitNonTerminal(e){let r=this.nameToTopRule[e.nonTerminalName];if(r)e.referencedRule=r;else{let n=this.errMsgProvider.buildRuleNotFoundError(this.currTopLevel,e);this.errors.push({message:n,type:Pi.UNRESOLVED_SUBRULE_REF,ruleName:this.currTopLevel.name,unresolvedRefName:e.nonTerminalName})}}}});function WT(t,e,r=[]){r=Qr(r);let n=[],i=0;function a(l){return l.concat(fi(t,i+1))}o(a,"remainingPathWith");function s(l){let u=WT(a(l),e,r);return n.concat(u)}for(o(s,"getAlternativesForProd");r.length<e&&i<t.length;){let l=t[i];if(l instanceof Sn)return s(l.definition);if(l instanceof Zr)return s(l.definition);if(l instanceof Jr)n=s(l.definition);else if(l instanceof An){let u=l.definition.concat([new br({definition:l.definition})]);return s(u)}else if(l instanceof _n){let u=[new Sn({definition:l.definition}),new br({definition:[new fr({terminalType:l.separator})].concat(l.definition)})];return s(u)}else if(l instanceof mn){let u=l.definition.concat([new br({definition:[new fr({terminalType:l.separator})].concat(l.definition)})]);n=s(u)}else if(l instanceof br){let u=l.definition.concat([new br({definition:l.definition})]);n=s(u)}else{if(l instanceof gn)return Ee(l.definition,u=>{Qt(u.definition)===!1&&(n=s(u.definition))}),n;if(l instanceof fr)r.push(l.terminalType);else throw Error("non exhaustive match")}i++}return n.push({partialPath:r,suffixDef:fi(t,i)}),n}function qT(t,e,r,n){let i="EXIT_NONE_TERMINAL",a=[i],s="EXIT_ALTERNATIVE",l=!1,u=e.length,h=u-n-1,f=[],d=[];for(d.push({idx:-1,def:t,ruleStack:[],occurrenceStack:[]});!Qt(d);){let p=d.pop();if(p===s){l&&ma(d).idx<=h&&d.pop();continue}let m=p.def,g=p.idx,y=p.ruleStack,v=p.occurrenceStack;if(Qt(m))continue;let x=m[0];if(x===i){let b={idx:g,def:fi(m),ruleStack:Ru(y),occurrenceStack:Ru(v)};d.push(b)}else if(x instanceof fr)if(g<u-1){let b=g+1,w=e[b];if(r(w,x.terminalType)){let S={idx:b,def:fi(m),ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(S)}}else if(g===u-1)f.push({nextTokenType:x.terminalType,nextTokenOccurrence:x.idx,ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v}),l=!0;else throw Error("non exhaustive match");else if(x instanceof Zr){let b=Qr(y);b.push(x.nonTerminalName);let w=Qr(v);w.push(x.idx);let S={idx:g,def:x.definition.concat(a,fi(m)),ruleStack:b,occurrenceStack:w};d.push(S)}else if(x instanceof Jr){let b={idx:g,def:fi(m),ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(b),d.push(s);let w={idx:g,def:x.definition.concat(fi(m)),ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(w)}else if(x instanceof An){let b=new br({definition:x.definition,idx:x.idx}),w=x.definition.concat([b],fi(m)),S={idx:g,def:w,ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(S)}else if(x instanceof _n){let b=new fr({terminalType:x.separator}),w=new br({definition:[b].concat(x.definition),idx:x.idx}),S=x.definition.concat([w],fi(m)),T={idx:g,def:S,ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(T)}else if(x instanceof mn){let b={idx:g,def:fi(m),ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(b),d.push(s);let w=new fr({terminalType:x.separator}),S=new br({definition:[w].concat(x.definition),idx:x.idx}),T=x.definition.concat([S],fi(m)),E={idx:g,def:T,ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(E)}else if(x instanceof br){let b={idx:g,def:fi(m),ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(b),d.push(s);let w=new br({definition:x.definition,idx:x.idx}),S=x.definition.concat([w],fi(m)),T={idx:g,def:S,ruleStack:y,occurrenceStack:v};d.push(T)}else if(x instanceof gn)for(let b=x.definition.length-1;b>=0;b--){let w=x
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { a . join ( `
` ).replace(/ \n /g, `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` )} ` ) } } , "validateVisitor" ) } ; return r . prototype = n , r . prototype . constructor = r , r . _RULE _NAMES = e , r } function yae ( t , e , r ) { let n = o ( function ( ) { } , "derivedConstructor" ) ; IN ( n , t + "BaseSemanticsWithDefaults" ) ; let i = Object . create ( r . prototype ) ; return Ee ( e , a => { i [ a ] = FIe } ) , n . prototype = i , n . prototype . constructor = n , n } function zIe ( t , e ) { return GIe ( t , e ) } function GIe ( t , e ) { let r = $r ( e , i => wi ( t [ i ] ) === ! 1 ) , n = qe ( r , i => ( { msg : ` Missing visitor method: < ${ i } > on ${ t . constructor . name } CST Visitor. ` , type : ON . MISSING _METHOD , methodName : i } ) ) ; return wc ( n ) } var ON , vae = R ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; Pt ( ) ; mae ( ) ; o ( FIe , "defaultVisit" ) ; o ( gae , "createBaseSemanticVisitorConstructor" ) ; o ( yae , "createBaseVisitorConstructorWithDefaults" ) ; ( function ( t ) { t [ t . REDUNDANT _METHOD = 0 ] = "REDUNDANT_METHOD" , t [ t . MISSING _METHOD = 1 ] = "MISSING_METHOD" } ) ( ON || ( ON = { } ) ) ; o ( zIe , "validateVisitor" ) ; o ( GIe , "validateMissingCstMethods" ) } ) ; var sk , xae = R ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; pae ( ) ; Pt ( ) ; vae ( ) ; Ns ( ) ; sk = class { static { o ( this , "TreeBuilder" ) } initTreeBuilder ( e ) { if ( this . CST _STACK = [ ] , this . outputCst = e . outputCst , this . nodeLocationTracking = Xe ( e , "nodeLocationTracking" ) ? e . nodeLocationTracking : is . nodeLocationTracking , ! this . outputCst ) this . cstInvocationStateUpdate = qn , this . cstFinallyStateUpdate = qn , this . cstPostTerminal = qn , this . cstPostNonTerminal = qn , this . cstPostRule = qn ; else if ( /full/i . test ( this . nodeLocationTracking ) ) this . recoveryEnabled ? ( this . setNodeLocationFromToken = MN , this . setNodeLocationFromNode = MN , this . cstPostRule = qn , this . setInitialNodeLocation = this . setInitialNodeLocationFullRecovery ) : ( this . setNodeLocationFromToken = qn , this . setNodeLocationFromNode = qn , this . cstPostRule = this . cstPostRuleFull , this . setInitialNodeLocation = this . setInitialNodeLocationFullRegular ) ; else if ( /onlyOffset/i . test ( this . nodeLocationTracking ) ) this . recoveryEnabled ? ( this . setNodeLocationFromToken = NN , this . setNodeLocationFromNode = NN , this . cstPostRule = qn , this . setInitialNodeLocation = this . setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRecovery ) : ( this . setNodeLocationFromToken = qn , this . setNodeLocationFromNode = qn , this . cstPostRule = this . cstPostRuleOnlyOffset , this . setInitialNodeLocation = this . setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRegular ) ; else if ( /none/i . test ( this . nodeLocationTracking ) ) this . setNodeLocationFromToken = qn , this . setNodeLocationFromNode = qn , this . cstPostRule = qn , this . setInitialNodeLocation = qn ; else throw Error ( ` Invalid <nodeLocationTracking> config option: " ${ e . nodeLocationTracking } " ` ) } setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRecovery ( e ) { e . location = { startOffset : NaN , endOffset : NaN } } setInitialNodeLocationOnlyOffsetRegular ( e ) { e . location = { startOffset : this . LA ( 1 ) . startOffset , endOffset : NaN } } setInitialNodeLocationFullRecovery ( e ) { e . location = { startOffset : NaN , startLine : NaN , startColumn : NaN , endOffset : NaN , endLine : NaN , endColumn : NaN } } setInitialNodeLocationFullRegular ( e ) { let r = this . LA ( 1 ) ; e . location = { startOffset : r . startOffset , startLine : r . startLine , startColumn : r . startColumn , endOffset : NaN , endLine : NaN , endColumn : NaN } } cstInvocationStateUpdate ( e ) { let r = { name : e , children : Object . create ( null ) } ; this . setInitialNodeLocation ( r ) , this . CST _STACK . push ( r ) } cstFinallyStateUpdate ( ) { this . CST _STACK . pop ( ) } cstPostRuleFull ( e ) { let r = this . LA ( 0 ) , n = e . location ; n . startOffset <= r . startOffset ? ( n . endOffset = r . endOffset , n . endLine = r . endLine , n . endColumn = r . endColumn ) : ( n . startOffset = NaN , n . startLine = NaN , n . startColumn = NaN ) } cstPostRuleOnlyOffset ( e ) { let r = this . LA ( 0 ) , n = e . location ; n . startOffset <= r . startOffset ? n . endOffset = r . endOffset : n . startOffset = NaN } cstPostTerminal ( e , r ) { let n = this . CST _STACK [ this . CST _STACK . length - 1 ] ; fae ( n , r , e ) , this . setNodeLocationFromToken ( n . location , r ) } cstPostNonTerminal ( e , r ) { let n = this . CST _STACK [ this . CST _STACK . length - 1 ] ; dae ( n , r , e ) , this . setNodeLocationFromNode ( n . location , e . location ) } getBaseCstVisitorConstructor ( ) { if ( er ( this . baseCstVisitorConstructor ) ) { let e = gae ( this . className , Dr ( this . gastProductionsCache ) ) ; return this . baseCstVisitorConstructor = e , e } return this . baseCstVisitorConstructor } getBaseCstVisitorConstructorWithDefaults ( ) { if ( er ( this . baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor ) ) { let e = yae ( this . className , Dr ( this . gastProductionsCache ) , this . getBaseCstVisitorConstructor ( ) ) ; return this . baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor = e , e } return this . baseCstVisitorWithDefaultsConstructor } getL
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/changes/BREAKING_CHANGES.html#_6-0-0
For Further details . ` );if(wt(e)){if(Qt(e))throw Error( ` A Token Vocabulary cannot be empty .
Note that the first argument for the parser constructor
is no longer a Token vector ( since v4 . 0 ) . ` );if(typeof e[0].startOffset=="number")throw Error( ` The Parser constructor no longer accepts a token vector as the first argument .
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/changes/BREAKING_CHANGES.html#_4-0-0
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
For Further details . ` )}if(wt(e))this.tokensMap=Vr(e,(a,s)=>(a[s.name]=s,a),{});else if(Xe(e,"modes")&&Ia(Gr(or(e.modes)),Die)){let a=Gr(or(e.modes)),s=Pm(a);this.tokensMap=Vr(s,(l,u)=>(l[u.name]=u,l),{})}else if(pn(e))this.tokensMap=Qr(e);else throw new Error("<tokensDictionary> argument must be An Array of Token constructors, A dictionary of Token constructors or an IMultiModeLexerDefinition");this.tokensMap.EOF=fo;let n=Xe(e,"modes")?Gr(or(e.modes)):or(e),i=Ia(n,a=>Qt(a.categoryMatches));this.tokenMatcher=i?Zm:Bu,Fu(or(this.tokensMap))}defineRule(e,r,n){if(this.selfAnalysisDone)throw Error( ` Grammar rule < $ { e } > may not be defined after the 'performSelfAnalysis' method has been called '
Make sure that all grammar rule definitions are done before 'performSelfAnalysis' is called . ` );let i=Xe(n,"resyncEnabled")?n.resyncEnabled:og.resyncEnabled,a=Xe(n,"recoveryValueFunc")?n.recoveryValueFunc:og.recoveryValueFunc,s=this.ruleShortNameIdx<<12;this.ruleShortNameIdx++,this.shortRuleNameToFull[s]=e,this.fullRuleNameToShort[e]=s;let l;return this.outputCst===!0?l=o(function(...f){try{this.ruleInvocationStateUpdate(s,e,this.subruleIdx),r.apply(this,f);let d=this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length-1];return this.cstPostRule(d),d}catch(d){return this.invokeRuleCatch(d,i,a)}finally{this.ruleFinallyStateUpdate()}},"invokeRuleWithTry"):l=o(function(...f){try{return this.ruleInvocationStateUpdate(s,e,this.subruleIdx),r.apply(this,f)}catch(d){return this.invokeRuleCatch(d,i,a)}finally{this.ruleFinallyStateUpdate()}},"invokeRuleWithTryCst"),Object.assign(l,{ruleName:e,originalGrammarAction:r})}invokeRuleCatch(e,r,n){let i=this.RULE_STACK.length===1,a=r&&!this.isBackTracking()&&this.recoveryEnabled;if(nf(e)){let s=e;if(a){let l=this.findReSyncTokenType();if(this.isInCurrentRuleReSyncSet(l))if(s.resyncedTokens=this.reSyncTo(l),this.outputCst){let u=this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length-1];return u.recoveredNode=!0,u}else return n(e);else{if(this.outputCst){let u=this.CST_STACK[this.CST_STACK.length-1];u.recoveredNode=!0,s.partialCstResult=u}throw s}}else{if(i)return this.moveToTerminatedState(),n(e);throw s}}else throw e}optionInternal(e,r){let n=this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(512,r);return this.optionInternalLogic(e,r,n)}optionInternalLogic(e,r,n){let i=this.getLaFuncFromCache(n),a;if(typeof e!="function"){a=e.DEF;let s=e.GATE;if(s!==void 0){let l=i;i=o(()=>s.call(this)&&l.call(this),"lookAheadFunc")}}else a=e;if(i.call(this)===!0)return a.call(this)}atLeastOneInternal(e,r){let n=this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(1024,e);return this.atLeastOneInternalLogic(e,r,n)}atLeastOneInternalLogic(e,r,n){let i=this.getLaFuncFromCache(n),a;if(typeof r!="function"){a=r.DEF;let s=r.GATE;if(s!==void 0){let l=i;i=o(()=>s.call(this)&&l.call(this),"lookAheadFunc")}}else a=r;if(i.call(this)===!0){let s=this.doSingleRepetition(a);for(;i.call(this)===!0&&s===!0;)s=this.doSingleRepetition(a)}else throw this.raiseEarlyExitException(e, $ n.REPETITION_MANDATORY,r.ERR_MSG);this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.atLeastOneInternal,[e,r],i,1024,e,YT)}atLeastOneSepFirstInternal(e,r){let n=this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(1536,e);this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalLogic(e,r,n)}atLeastOneSepFirstInternalLogic(e,r,n){let i=r.DEF,a=r.SEP;if(this.getLaFuncFromCache(n).call(this)===!0){i.call(this);let l=o(()=>this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1),a),"separatorLookAheadFunc");for(;this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1),a)===!0;)this.CONSUME(a),i.call(this);this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.repetitionSepSecondInternal,[e,a,l,i,l2],l,1536,e,l2)}else throw this.raiseEarlyExitException(e, $ n.REPETITION_MANDATORY_WITH_SEPARATOR,r.ERR_MSG)}manyInternal(e,r){let n=this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(768,e);return this.manyInternalLogic(e,r,n)}manyInternalLogic(e,r,n){let i=this.getLaFuncFromCache(n),a;if(typeof r!="function"){a=r.DEF;let l=r.GATE;if(l!==void 0){let u=i;i=o(()=>l.call(this)&&u.call(this),"lookaheadFunction")}}else a=r;let s=!0;for(;i.call(this)===!0&&s===!0;)s=this.doSingleRepetition(a);this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.manyInternal,[e,r],i,768,e,HT,s)}manySepFirstInternal(e,r){let n=this.getKeyForAutomaticLookahead(1280,e);this.manySepFirstInternalLogic(e,r,n)}manySepFirstInternalLogic(e,r,n){let i=r.DEF,a=r.SEP;if(this.getLaFuncFromCache(n).call(this)===!0){i.call(this);let l=o(()=>this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1),a),"separatorLookAheadFunc");for(;this.tokenMatcher(this.LA(1),a)===!0;)this.CONSUME(a),i.call(this);this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.repetitionSepSecondInternal,[e,a,l,i,o2],l,1280,e,o2)}}repetitionSepSecondInternal(e,r,n,i,a){for(;n();)this.CONSUME(r),i.call(this);this.attemptInRepetitionRecovery(this.repetitionSepSecondInternal,[e,r,n,i,a],n,1536,e,a)}doSingleRepetition(e){let r=this.getLexerPosition();return e.call(this),this.getLexerPosition()>r}orInternal
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
Idx value must be a none negative value smaller than $ { Sae + 1 } ` );throw e.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR=!0,e}}var pk,Cae,Sae,_ae,Lae,VIe,fk,Dae=R(()=>{"use strict";Pt();ns();i2();s0();l0();Ns();ek();pk={description:"This Object indicates the Parser is during Recording Phase"};Object.freeze(pk);Cae=!0,Sae=Math.pow(2,8)-1,_ae=VT({name:"RECORDING_PHASE_TOKEN",pattern:ni.NA});Fu([_ae]);Lae=o0(_ae, ` This IToken indicates the Parser is in Recording Phase
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording for details`,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1);Object.freeze(Lae);VIe={name:`This CSTNode indicates the Parser is in Recording Phase
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording for details`,children:{}},fk=class{static{o(this,"GastRecorder")}initGastRecorder(e){this.recordingProdStack=[],this.RECORDING_PHASE=!1}enableRecording(){this.RECORDING_PHASE=!0,this.TRACE_INIT("Enable Recording",()=>{for(let e=0;e<10;e++){let r=e>0?e:"";this[`CONSUME${r}`]=function(n,i){return this.consumeInternalRecord(n,e,i)},this[`SUBRULE${r}`]=function(n,i){return this.subruleInternalRecord(n,e,i)},this[`OPTION${r}`]=function(n){return this.optionInternalRecord(n,e)},this[`OR${r}`]=function(n){return this.orInternalRecord(n,e)},this[`MANY${r}`]=function(n){this.manyInternalRecord(e,n)},this[`MANY_SEP${r}`]=function(n){this.manySepFirstInternalRecord(e,n)},this[`AT_LEAST_ONE${r}`]=function(n){this.atLeastOneInternalRecord(e,n)},this[`AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP${r}`]=function(n){this.atLeastOneSepFirstInternalRecord(e,n)}}this.consume=function(e,r,n){return this.consumeInternalRecord(r,e,n)},this.subrule=function(e,r,n){return this.subruleInternalRecord(r,e,n)},this.option=function(e,r){return this.optionInternalRecord(r,e)},this.or=function(e,r){return this.orInternalRecord(r,e)},this.many=function(e,r){this.manyInternalRecord(e,r)},this.atLeastOne=function(e,r){this.atLeastOneInternalRecord(e,r)},this.ACTION=this.ACTION_RECORD,this.BACKTRACK=this.BACKTRACK_RECORD,this.LA=this.LA_RECORD})}disableRecording(){this.RECORDING_PHASE=!1,this.TRACE_INIT("Deleting Recording methods",()=>{let e=this;for(let r=0;r<10;r++){let n=r>0?r:"";delete e[`CONSUME${n}`],delete e[`SUBRULE${n}`],delete e[`OPTION${n}`],delete e[`OR${n}`],delete e[`MANY${n}`],delete e[`MANY_SEP${n}`],delete e[`AT_LEAST_ONE${n}`],delete e[`AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP${n}`]}delete e.consume,delete e.subrule,delete e.option,delete e.or,delete e.many,delete e.atLeastOne,delete e.ACTION,delete e.BACKTRACK,delete e.LA})}ACTION_RECORD(e){}BACKTRACK_RECORD(e,r){return()=>!0}LA_RECORD(e){return sg}topLevelRuleRecord(e,r){try{let n=new ts({definition:[],name:e});return n.name=e,this.recordingProdStack.push(n),r.call(this),this.recordingProdStack.pop(),n}catch(n){if(n.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR!==!0)try{n.message=n.message+`
This error was thrown during the "grammar recording phase" For more info see :
https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/internals.html#grammar-recording`}catch{throw n}throw n}}optionInternalRecord(e,r){return y2.call(this,Jr,e,r)}atLeastOneInternalRecord(e,r){y2.call(this,An,r,e)}atLeastOneSepFirstInternalRecord(e,r){y2.call(this,_n,r,e,Cae)}manyInternalRecord(e,r){y2.call(this,br,r,e)}manySepFirstInternalRecord(e,r){y2.call(this,mn,r,e,Cae)}orInternalRecord(e,r){return UIe.call(this,e,r)}subruleInternalRecord(e,r,n){if(dk(r),!e||Xe(e,"ruleName")===!1){let l=new Error(`<SUBRULE${Aae(r)}> argument is invalid expecting a Parser method reference but got: <${JSON.stringify(e)}>
inside top level rule : < $ { this . recordingProdStack [ 0 ] . name } > ` );throw l.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR=!0,l}let i=ma(this.recordingProdStack),a=e.ruleName,s=new Zr({idx:r,nonTerminalName:a,label:n?.LABEL,referencedRule:void 0});return i.definition.push(s),this.outputCst?VIe:pk}consumeInternalRecord(e,r,n){if(dk(r),!dN(e)){let s=new Error( ` < CONSUME$ { Aae ( r ) } > argument is invalid expecting a TokenType reference but got : < $ { JSON . stringify ( e ) } >
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
inside top level rule : < $ { this . recordingProdStack [ 0 ] . name } > ` );throw s.KNOWN_RECORDER_ERROR=!0,s}let i=ma(this.recordingProdStack),a=new fr({idx:r,terminalType:e,label:n?.LABEL});return i.definition.push(a),Lae}};o(y2,"recordProd");o(UIe,"recordOrProd");o(Aae,"getIdxSuffix");o(dk,"assertMethodIdxIsValid")});var mk,Rae=R(()=>{"use strict";Pt();qm();Ns();mk=class{static{o(this,"PerformanceTracer")}initPerformanceTracer(e){if(Xe(e,"traceInitPerf")){let r=e.traceInitPerf,n=typeof r=="number";this.traceInitMaxIdent=n?r:1/0,this.traceInitPerf=n?r>0:r}else this.traceInitMaxIdent=0,this.traceInitPerf=is.traceInitPerf;this.traceInitIndent=-1}TRACE_INIT(e,r){if(this.traceInitPerf===!0){this.traceInitIndent++;let n=new Array(this.traceInitIndent+1).join(" ");this.traceInitIndent<this.traceInitMaxIdent&&console.log( ` $ { n } -- > < $ { e } > ` );let{time:i,value:a}=t2(r),s=i>10?console.warn:console.log;return this.traceInitIndent<this.traceInitMaxIdent&&s( ` $ { n } < -- < $ { e } > time : $ { i } ms ` ),this.traceInitIndent--,a}else return r()}}});function Nae(t,e){e.forEach(r=>{let n=r.prototype;Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n).forEach(i=>{if(i==="constructor")return;let a=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,i);a&&(a.get||a.set)?Object.defineProperty(t.prototype,i,a):t.prototype[i]=r.prototype[i]})})}var Mae=R(()=>{"use strict";o(Nae,"applyMixins")});function gk(t=void 0){return function(){return t}}var sg,is,og,Pi,v2,x2,Ns=R(()=>{"use strict";Pt();qm();cie();l0();Jm();aae();AN();hae();xae();bae();wae();Tae();kae();Eae();Dae();Rae();Mae();f2();sg=o0(fo,"",NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN);Object.freeze(sg);is=Object.freeze({recoveryEnabled:!1,maxLookahead:3,dynamicTokensEnabled:!1,outputCst:!0,errorMessageProvider:Gu,nodeLocationTracking:"none",traceInitPerf:!1,skipValidations:!1}),og=Object.freeze({recoveryValueFunc:o(()=>{},"recoveryValueFunc"),resyncEnabled:!0});(function(t){t[t.INVALID_RULE_NAME=0]="INVALID_RULE_NAME",t[t.DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME=1]="DUPLICATE_RULE_NAME",t[t.INVALID_RULE_OVERRIDE=2]="INVALID_RULE_OVERRIDE",t[t.DUPLICATE_PRODUCTIONS=3]="DUPLICATE_PRODUCTIONS",t[t.UNRESOLVED_SUBRULE_REF=4]="UNRESOLVED_SUBRULE_REF",t[t.LEFT_RECURSION=5]="LEFT_RECURSION",t[t.NONE_LAST_EMPTY_ALT=6]="NONE_LAST_EMPTY_ALT",t[t.AMBIGUOUS_ALTS=7]="AMBIGUOUS_ALTS",t[t.CONFLICT_TOKENS_RULES_NAMESPACE=8]="CONFLICT_TOKENS_RULES_NAMESPACE",t[t.INVALID_TOKEN_NAME=9]="INVALID_TOKEN_NAME",t[t.NO_NON_EMPTY_LOOKAHEAD=10]="NO_NON_EMPTY_LOOKAHEAD",t[t.AMBIGUOUS_PREFIX_ALTS=11]="AMBIGUOUS_PREFIX_ALTS",t[t.TOO_MANY_ALTS=12]="TOO_MANY_ALTS",t[t.CUSTOM_LOOKAHEAD_VALIDATION=13]="CUSTOM_LOOKAHEAD_VALIDATION"})(Pi||(Pi={}));o(gk,"EMPTY_ALT");v2=class t{static{o(this,"Parser")}static performSelfAnalysis(e){throw Error("The **static** ` performSelfAnalysis ` method has been deprecated. \n Use the **instance** method with the same name instead.")}performSelfAnalysis(){this.TRACE_INIT("performSelfAnalysis",()=>{let e;this.selfAnalysisDone=!0;let r=this.className;this.TRACE_INIT("toFastProps",()=>{r2(this)}),this.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Recording",()=>{try{this.enableRecording(),Ee(this.definedRulesNames,i=>{let s=this[i].originalGrammarAction,l;this.TRACE_INIT( ` $ { i } Rule ` ,()=>{l=this.topLevelRuleRecord(i,s)}),this.gastProductionsCache[i]=l})}finally{this.disableRecording()}});let n=[];if(this.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Resolving",()=>{n=nae({rules:or(this.gastProductionsCache)}),this.definitionErrors=this.definitionErrors.concat(n)}),this.TRACE_INIT("Grammar Validations",()=>{if(Qt(n)&&this.skipValidations===!1){let i=iae({rules:or(this.gastProductionsCache),tokenTypes:or(this.tokensMap),errMsgProvider:Ol,grammarName:r}),a=Kie({lookaheadStrategy:this.lookaheadStrategy,rules:or(this.gastProductionsCache),tokenTypes:or(this.tokensMap),grammarName:r});this.definitionErrors=this.definitionErrors.concat(i,a)}}),Qt(this.definitionErrors)&&(this.recoveryEnabled&&this.TRACE_INIT("computeAllProdsFollows",()=>{let i=lie(or(this.gastProductionsCache));this.resyncFollows=i}),this.TRACE_INIT("ComputeLookaheadFunctions",()=>{var i,a;(a=(i=this.lookaheadStrategy).initialize)===null||a===void 0||a.call(i,{rules:or(this.gastProductionsCac
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { e . join ( `
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
` )} ` ) } ) } constructor ( e , r ) { this . definitionErrors = [ ] , this . selfAnalysisDone = ! 1 ; let n = this ; if ( n . initErrorHandler ( r ) , n . initLexerAdapter ( ) , n . initLooksAhead ( r ) , n . initRecognizerEngine ( e , r ) , n . initRecoverable ( r ) , n . initTreeBuilder ( r ) , n . initContentAssist ( ) , n . initGastRecorder ( r ) , n . initPerformanceTracer ( r ) , Xe ( r , "ignoredIssues" ) ) throw new Error ( ` The <ignoredIssues> IParserConfig property has been deprecated.
Please use the < IGNORE _AMBIGUITIES > flag on the relevant DSL method instead .
See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#IGNORING_AMBIGUITIES
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
For further details . ` );this.skipValidations=Xe(r,"skipValidations")?r.skipValidations:is.skipValidations}};v2.DEFER_DEFINITION_ERRORS_HANDLING=!1;Nae(v2,[ZT,rk,sk,ok,ck,lk,uk,hk,fk,mk]);x2=class extends v2{static{o(this,"EmbeddedActionsParser")}constructor(e,r=is){let n=Qr(r);n.outputCst=!1,super(e,n)}}});var Iae=R(()=>{"use strict";ns()});var Oae=R(()=>{"use strict"});var Pae=R(()=>{"use strict";Iae();Oae()});var Bae=R(()=>{"use strict";tN()});var u0=R(()=>{"use strict";tN();Ns();i2();l0();ng();_N();Jm();ag();mN();ns();ns();Pae();Bae()});function h0(t,e,r){return ` $ { t . name } _$ { e } _$ { r } ` }function $ ae(t){let e={decisionMap:{},decisionStates:[],ruleToStartState:new Map,ruleToStopState:new Map,states:[]};KIe(e,t);let r=t.length;for(let n=0;n<r;n++){let i=t[n],a=f0(e,i,i);a!==void 0&&oOe(e,i,a)}return e}function KIe(t,e){let r=e.length;for(let n=0;n<r;n++){let i=e[n],a=ia(t,i,void 0,{type:YIe}),s=ia(t,i,void 0,{type:ug});a.stop=s,t.ruleToStartState.set(i,a),t.ruleToStopState.set(i,s)}}function Vae(t,e,r){return r instanceof fr?BN(t,e,r.terminalType,r):r instanceof Zr?sOe(t,e,r):r instanceof gn?tOe(t,e,r):r instanceof Jr?rOe(t,e,r):r instanceof br?QIe(t,e,r):r instanceof mn?ZIe(t,e,r):r instanceof An?JIe(t,e,r):r instanceof _n?eOe(t,e,r):f0(t,e,r)}function QIe(t,e,r){let n=ia(t,e,r,{type:zae});sf(t,n);let i=hg(t,e,n,r,f0(t,e,r));return Hae(t,e,r,i)}function ZIe(t,e,r){let n=ia(t,e,r,{type:zae});sf(t,n);let i=hg(t,e,n,r,f0(t,e,r)),a=BN(t,e,r.separator,r);return Hae(t,e,r,i,a)}function JIe(t,e,r){let n=ia(t,e,r,{type:Fae});sf(t,n);let i=hg(t,e,n,r,f0(t,e,r));return Uae(t,e,r,i)}function eOe(t,e,r){let n=ia(t,e,r,{type:Fae});sf(t,n);let i=hg(t,e,n,r,f0(t,e,r)),a=BN(t,e,r.separator,r);return Uae(t,e,r,i,a)}function tOe(t,e,r){let n=ia(t,e,r,{type:af});sf(t,n);let i=qe(r.definition,s=>Vae(t,e,s));return hg(t,e,n,r,...i)}function rOe(t,e,r){let n=ia(t,e,r,{type:af});sf(t,n);let i=hg(t,e,n,r,f0(t,e,r));return nOe(t,e,r,i)}function f0(t,e,r){let n= $ r(qe(r.definition,i=>Vae(t,e,i)),i=>i!==void 0);return n.length===1?n[0]:n.length===0?void 0:aOe(t,n)}function Uae(t,e,r,n,i){let a=n.left,s=n.right,l=ia(t,e,r,{type:jIe});sf(t,l);let u=ia(t,e,r,{type:Gae});return a.loopback=l,u.loopback=l,t.decisionMap[h0(e,i?"RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator":"RepetitionMandatory",r.idx)]=l,Ei(s,l),i===void 0?(Ei(l,a),Ei(l,u)):(Ei(l,u),Ei(l,i.left),Ei(i.right,a)),{left:a,right:u}}function Hae(t,e,r,n,i){let a=n.left,s=n.right,l=ia(t,e,r,{type:XIe});sf(t,l);let u=ia(t,e,r,{type:Gae}),h=ia(t,e,r,{type:qIe});return l.loopback=h,u.loopback=h,Ei(l,a),Ei(l,u),Ei(s,h),i!==void 0?(Ei(h,u),Ei(h,i.left),Ei(i.right,a)):Ei(h,l),t.decisionMap[h0(e,i?"RepetitionWithSeparator":"Repetition",r.idx)]=l,{left:l,right:u}}function nOe(t,e,r,n){let i=n.left,a=n.right;return Ei(i,a),t.decisionMap[h0(e,"Option",r.idx)]=i,n}function sf(t,e){return t.decisionStates.push(e),e.decision=t.decisionStates.length-1,e.decision}function hg(t,e,r,n,...i){let a=ia(t,e,n,{type:WIe,start:r});r.end=a;for(let l of i)l!==void 0?(Ei(r,l.left),Ei(l.right,a)):Ei(r,a);let s={left:r,right:a};return t.decisionMap[h0(e,iOe(n),n.idx)]=r,s}function iOe(t){if(t instanceof gn)return"Alternation";if(t instanceof Jr)return"Option";if(t instanceof br)return"Repetition";if(t instanceof mn)return"RepetitionWithSeparator";if(t instanceof An)return"RepetitionMandatory";if(t instanceof _n)return"RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator";throw new Error("Invalid production type encountered")}function aOe(t,e){let r=e.length;for(let a=0;a<r-1;a++){let s=e[a],l;s.left.transitions.length===1&&(l=s.left.transitions[0]);let u=l instanceof cg,h=l,f=e[a+1].left;s.left.type===af&&s.right.type===af&&l!==void 0&&(u&&h.followState===s.right||l.target===s.right)?(u?h.followState=f:l.target=f,lOe(t,s.right)):Ei(s.right,f)}let n=e[0],i=e[r-1];return{left:n.left,right:i.right}}function BN(t,e,r,n){let i=ia(t,e,n,{type:af}),a=ia(t,e,n,{type:af});return FN(i,new lg(a,r)),{left:i,right:a}}function sOe(t,e,r){let n=r.referencedRule,i=t.ruleToStartState.get(n),a=ia(t,e,r,{type:af}),s=ia(t,e,r,{type:af}),l=new cg(i,n,s);return FN(a,l),{left:a,
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
< $ { e } > may appears as a prefix path in all these alternatives .
` ;return n=n+ ` See : https : //chevrotain.io/docs/guide/resolving_grammar_errors.html#AMBIGUOUS_ALTERNATIVES
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
For Further details . ` ,n}function mOe(t){if(t instanceof Zr)return"SUBRULE";if(t instanceof Jr)return"OPTION";if(t instanceof gn)return"OR";if(t instanceof An)return"AT_LEAST_ONE";if(t instanceof _n)return"AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP";if(t instanceof mn)return"MANY_SEP";if(t instanceof br)return"MANY";if(t instanceof fr)return"CONSUME";throw Error("non exhaustive match")}function gOe(t,e,r){let n=ga(e.configs.elements,a=>a.state.transitions),i=nte(n.filter(a=>a instanceof lg).map(a=>a.tokenType),a=>a.tokenTypeIdx);return{actualToken:r,possibleTokenTypes:i,tokenPath:t}}function yOe(t,e){return t.edges[e.tokenTypeIdx]}function vOe(t,e,r){let n=new fg,i=[];for(let s of t.elements){if(r.is(s.alt)===!1)continue;if(s.state.type===ug){i.push(s);continue}let l=s.state.transitions.length;for(let u=0;u<l;u++){let h=s.state.transitions[u],f=xOe(h,e);f!==void 0&&n.add({state:f,alt:s.alt,stack:s.stack})}}let a;if(i.length===0&&n.size===1&&(a=n),a===void 0){a=new fg;for(let s of n.elements)vk(s,a)}if(i.length>0&&!kOe(a))for(let s of i)a.add(s);return a}function xOe(t,e){if(t instanceof lg&&s2(e,t.tokenType))return t.target}function bOe(t,e){let r;for(let n of t.elements)if(e.is(n.alt)===!0){if(r===void 0)r=n.alt;else if(r!==n.alt)return}return r}function Kae(t){return{configs:t,edges:{},isAcceptState:!1,prediction:-1}}function jae(t,e,r,n){return n=Qae(t,n),e.edges[r.tokenTypeIdx]=n,n}function Qae(t,e){if(e===T2)return e;let r=e.configs.key,n=t.states[r];return n!==void 0?n:(e.configs.finalize(),t.states[r]=e,e)}function wOe(t){let e=new fg,r=t.transitions.length;for(let n=0;n<r;n++){let a={state:t.transitions[n].target,alt:n,stack:[]};vk(a,e)}return e}function vk(t,e){let r=t.state;if(r.type===ug){if(t.stack.length>0){let i=[...t.stack],s={state:i.pop(),alt:t.alt,stack:i};vk(s,e)}else e.add(t);return}r.epsilonOnlyTransitions||e.add(t);let n=r.transitions.length;for(let i=0;i<n;i++){let a=r.transitions[i],s=TOe(t,a);s!==void 0&&vk(s,e)}}function TOe(t,e){if(e instanceof w2)return{state:e.target,alt:t.alt,stack:t.stack};if(e instanceof cg){let r=[...t.stack,e.followState];return{state:e.target,alt:t.alt,stack:r}}}function kOe(t){for(let e of t.elements)if(e.state.type===ug)return!0;return!1}function EOe(t){for(let e of t.elements)if(e.state.type!==ug)return!1;return!0}function COe(t){if(EOe(t))return!0;let e=SOe(t.elements);return AOe(e)&&!_Oe(e)}function SOe(t){let e=new Map;for(let r of t){let n=zN(r,!1),i=e.get(n);i===void 0&&(i={},e.set(n,i)),i[r.alt]=!0}return e}function AOe(t){for(let e of Array.from(t.values()))if(Object.keys(e).length>1)return!0;return!1}function _Oe(t){for(let e of Array.from(t.values()))if(Object.keys(e).length===1)return!0;return!1}var yk,qae,k2,Zae=R(()=>{"use strict";u0();Yae();Wae();BL();RL();ite();Mm();fw(); $ w();Ww(); $ L();o(cOe,"createDFACache");yk=class{static{o(this,"PredicateSet")}constructor(){this.predicates=[]}is(e){return e>=this.predicates.length||this.predicates[e]}set(e,r){this.predicates[e]=r}toString(){let e="",r=this.predicates.length;for(let n=0;n<r;n++)e+=this.predicates[n]===!0?"1":"0";return e}},qae=new yk,k2=class extends $ u{static{o(this,"LLStarLookaheadStrategy")}constructor(e){var r;super(),this.logging=(r=e?.logging)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:n=>console.log(n)}initialize(e){this.atn= $ ae(e.rules),this.dfas=uOe(this.atn)}validateAmbiguousAlternationAlternatives(){return[]}validateEmptyOrAlternatives(){return[]}buildLookaheadForAlternation(e){let{prodOccurrence:r,rule:n,hasPredicates:i,dynamicTokensEnabled:a}=e,s=this.dfas,l=this.logging,u=h0(n,"Alternation",r),f=this.atn.decisionMap[u].decision,d=qe(jT({maxLookahead:1,occurrence:r,prodType:"Alternation",rule:n}),p=>qe(p,m=>m[0]));if(Xae(d,!1)&&!a){let p=Vr(d,(m,g,y)=>(Ee(g,v=>{v&&(m[v.tokenTypeIdx]=y,Ee(v.categoryMatches,x=>{m[x]=y}))}),m),{});return i?function(m){var g;let y=this.LA(1),v=p[y.tokenTypeIdx];if(m!==void 0&&v!==void 0){let x=(g=m[v])===null||g===void 0?void 0:g.GATE;if(x!==void 0&&x.call(this)===!1)return}return v}:function(){let m=this.LA(1);return p[m.tokenTypeIdx]}}else return i?function(p){let m=new yk,g=p===void 0?0:p.length;for(le
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ,a===" \r "&&i+1<r.length&&r.charAt(i+1)=== `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` &&i++}n&&r.length>0&&e.push(r.length),this._lineOffsets=e}return this._lineOffsets}positionAt(e){e=Math.max(Math.min(e,this._content.length),0);let r=this.getLineOffsets(),n=0,i=r.length;if(i===0)return Ur.create(0,e);for(;n<i;){let s=Math.floor((n+i)/2);r[s]>e?i=s:n=s+1}let a=n-1;return Ur.create(a,e-r[a])}offsetAt(e){let r=this.getLineOffsets();if(e.line>=r.length)return this._content.length;if(e.line<0)return 0;let n=r[e.line],i=e.line+1<r.length?r[e.line+1]:this._content.length;return Math.max(Math.min(n+e.character,i),n)}get lineCount(){return this.getLineOffsets().length}};(function(t){let e=Object.prototype.toString;function r(m){return typeof m<"u"}o(r,"defined"),t.defined=r;function n(m){return typeof m>"u"}o(n,"undefined"),t.undefined=n;function i(m){return m===!0||m===!1}o(i,"boolean"),t.boolean=i;function a(m){return e.call(m)==="[object String]"}o(a,"string"),t.string=a;function s(m){return e.call(m)==="[object Number]"}o(s,"number"),t.number=s;function l(m,g,y){return e.call(m)==="[object Number]"&&g<=m&&m<=y}o(l,"numberRange"),t.numberRange=l;function u(m){return e.call(m)==="[object Number]"&&-2147483648<=m&&m<=2147483647}o(u,"integer"),t.integer=u;function h(m){return e.call(m)==="[object Number]"&&0<=m&&m<=2147483647}o(h,"uinteger"),t.uinteger=h;function f(m){return e.call(m)==="[object Function]"}o(f,"func"),t.func=f;function d(m){return m!==null&&typeof m=="object"}o(d,"objectLiteral"),t.objectLiteral=d;function p(m,g){return Array.isArray(m)&&m.every(g)}o(p,"typedArray"),t.typedArray=p})(Fe||(Fe={}))});var C2,S2,d0,p0,rM,gg,Ek=R(()=>{"use strict";tM();Vo();Rl();C2=class{static{o(this,"CstNodeBuilder")}constructor(){this.nodeStack=[]}get current(){return this.nodeStack[this.nodeStack.length-1]}buildRootNode(e){return this.rootNode=new gg(e),this.rootNode.root=this.rootNode,this.nodeStack=[this.rootNode],this.rootNode}buildCompositeNode(e){let r=new p0;return r.grammarSource=e,r.root=this.rootNode,this.current.content.push(r),this.nodeStack.push(r),r}buildLeafNode(e,r){let n=new d0(e.startOffset,e.image.length,zm(e),e.tokenType,!1);return n.grammarSource=r,n.root=this.rootNode,this.current.content.push(n),n}removeNode(e){let r=e.container;if(r){let n=r.content.indexOf(e);n>=0&&r.content.splice(n,1)}}construct(e){let r=this.current;typeof e. $ type=="string"&&(this.current.astNode=e),e. $ cstNode=r;let n=this.nodeStack.pop();n?.content.length===0&&this.removeNode(n)}addHiddenTokens(e){for(let r of e){let n=new d0(r.startOffset,r.image.length,zm(r),r.tokenType,!0);n.root=this.rootNode,this.addHiddenToken(this.rootNode,n)}}addHiddenToken(e,r){let{offset:n,end:i}=r;for(let a=0;a<e.content.length;a++){let s=e.content[a],{offset:l,end:u}=s;if(co(s)&&n>l&&i<u){this.addHiddenToken(s,r);return}else if(i<=l){e.content.splice(a,0,r);return}}e.content.push(r)}},S2=class{static{o(this,"AbstractCstNode")}get parent(){return this.container}get feature(){return this.grammarSource}get hidden(){return!1}get astNode(){var e,r;let n=typeof((e=this._astNode)===null||e===void 0?void 0:e. $ type)=="string"?this._astNode:(r=this.container)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.astNode;if(!n)throw new Error("This node has no associated AST element");return n}set astNode(e){this._astNode=e}get element(){return this.astNode}get text(){return this.root.fullText.substring(this.offset,this.end)}},d0=class extends S2{static{o(this,"LeafCstNodeImpl")}get offset(){return this._offset}get length(){return this._length}get end(){return this._offset+this._length}get hidden(){return this._hidden}get tokenType(){return this._tokenType}get range(){return this._range}constructor(e,r,n,i,a=!1){super(),this._hidden=a,this._offset=e,this._tokenType=i,this._length=r,this._range=n}},p0=class extends S2{static{o(this,"CompositeCstNodeImpl")}constructor(){super(...arguments),this.content=new rM(this)}get children(){return this.content}get offset(){var e,r;return(r=(e=this.firstNonHiddenNode)===null||e===void 0?void 0:e.offset)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:0}get length(){return this.end-this.offset}get end(){var e,r;return(r=(e=this.lastNonHiddenNode)===null||e===void 0?v
` ;case"r":return" \r ";case"t":return" ";case"v":return" \v ";case"0":return" \0 ";default:return h}}o(r,"convertEscapeCharacter");function n(h){return h.charAt(0)==="^"?h.substring(1):h}o(n,"convertID"),t.convertID=n;function i(h){return parseInt(h)}o(i,"convertInt"),t.convertInt=i;function a(h){return BigInt(h)}o(a,"convertBigint"),t.convertBigint=a;function s(h){return new Date(h)}o(s,"convertDate"),t.convertDate=s;function l(h){return Number(h)}o(l,"convertNumber"),t.convertNumber=l;function u(h){return h.toLowerCase()==="true"}o(u,"convertBoolean"),t.convertBoolean=u})(Dc||(Dc={}))});var gM=gi(mM=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(mM,"__esModule",{value:!0});var dM;function pM(){if(dM===void 0)throw new Error("No runtime abstraction layer installed");return dM}o(pM,"RAL");(function(t){function e(r){if(r===void 0)throw new Error("No runtime abstraction layer provided");dM=r}o(e,"install"),t.install=e})(pM||(pM={}));mM.default=pM});var coe=gi(Pa=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(Pa,"__esModule",{value:!0});Pa.stringArray=Pa.array=Pa.func=Pa.error=Pa.number=Pa.string=Pa.boolean=void 0;function zOe(t){return t===!0||t===!1}o(zOe,"boolean");Pa.boolean=zOe;function ooe(t){return typeof t=="string"||t instanceof String}o(ooe,"string");Pa.string=ooe;function GOe(t){return typeof t=="number"||t instanceof Number}o(GOe,"number");Pa.number=GOe;function $ Oe(t){return t instanceof Error}o( $ Oe,"error");Pa.error= $ Oe;function VOe(t){return typeof t=="function"}o(VOe,"func");Pa.func=VOe;function loe(t){return Array.isArray(t)}o(loe,"array");Pa.array=loe;function UOe(t){return loe(t)&&t.every(e=>ooe(e))}o(UOe,"stringArray");Pa.stringArray=UOe});var vM=gi(vg=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(vg,"__esModule",{value:!0});vg.Emitter=vg.Event=void 0;var HOe=gM(),uoe;(function(t){let e={dispose(){}};t.None=function(){return e}})(uoe||(vg.Event=uoe={}));var yM=class{static{o(this,"CallbackList")}add(e,r=null,n){this._callbacks||(this._callbacks=[],this._contexts=[]),this._callbacks.push(e),this._contexts.push(r),Array.isArray(n)&&n.push({dispose:o(()=>this.remove(e,r),"dispose")})}remove(e,r=null){if(!this._callbacks)return;let n=!1;for(let i=0,a=this._callbacks.length;i<a;i++)if(this._callbacks[i]===e)if(this._contexts[i]===r){this._callbacks.splice(i,1),this._contexts.splice(i,1);return}else n=!0;if(n)throw new Error("When adding a listener with a context, you should remove it with the same context")}invoke(...e){if(!this._callbacks)return[];let r=[],n=this._callbacks.slice(0),i=this._contexts.slice(0);for(let a=0,s=n.length;a<s;a++)try{r.push(n[a].apply(i[a],e))}catch(l){(0,HOe.default)().console.error(l)}return r}isEmpty(){return!this._callbacks||this._callbacks.length===0}dispose(){this._callbacks=void 0,this._contexts=void 0}},Lk=class t{static{o(this,"Emitter")}constructor(e){this._options=e}get event(){return this._event||(this._event=(e,r,n)=>{this._callbacks||(this._callbacks=new yM),this._options&&this._options.onFirstListenerAdd&&this._callbacks.isEmpty()&&this._options.onFirstListenerAdd(this),this._callbacks.add(e,r);let i={dispose:o(()=>{this._callbacks&&(this._callbacks.remove(e,r),i.dispose=t._noop,this._options&&this._options.onLastListenerRemove&&this._callbacks.isEmpty()&&this._options.onLastListenerRemove(this))},"dispose")};return Array.isArray(n)&&n.push(i),i}),this._event}fire(e){this._callbacks&&this._callbacks.invoke.call(this._callbacks,e)}dispose(){this._callbacks&&(this._callbacks.dispose(),this._callbacks=void 0)}};vg.Emitter=Lk;Lk._noop=function(){}});var hoe=gi(xg=>{"use strict";Object.defineProperty(xg,"__esModule",{value:!0});xg.CancellationTokenSource=xg.CancellationToken=void 0;var YOe=gM(),WOe=coe(),xM=vM(),Dk;(function(t){t.None=Object.freeze({isCancellationRequested:!1,onCancellationRequested:xM.Event.None}),t.Cancelled=Object.freeze({isCancellationRequested:!0,onCancellationRequested:xM.Event.None});function e(r){let n=r;return n&&(n===t.None||n===t.Cancelled||WOe.boolean(n.isCancellationRequested)&&!!n.onCancellationRequested)}o(e,"is"),t.is=e})(Dk||(xg.CancellationToken=Dk={}));var qOe=Object.fre
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` )? `
` : `
` }var Eoe,KOe,JOe,ePe,Fk,J2,ex,zk,jM=R(()=>{"use strict";tM();Um();Nc();o(WM,"parseJSDoc");o(qM,"isJSDoc");o(Soe,"getLines");Eoe=/ \s *(@([ \p {L}][ \p {L} \p {N}]*)?)/uy,KOe=/ \{ (@[ \p {L}][ \p {L} \p {N}]*)( \s *)([^ \r \n }]+)? \} /gu;o(QOe,"tokenize");o(ZOe,"buildInlineTokens");JOe=/ \S /,ePe=/ \s * $ /;o(YM,"skipWhitespace");o(tPe,"lastCharacter");o(rPe,"parseJSDocComment");o(nPe,"parseJSDocElement");o(iPe,"appendEmptyLine");o(Aoe,"parseJSDocText");o(aPe,"parseJSDocInline");o(_oe,"parseJSDocTag");o(Loe,"parseJSDocLine");o(XM,"normalizeOptions");o(HM,"normalizeOption");Fk=class{static{o(this,"JSDocCommentImpl")}constructor(e,r){this.elements=e,this.range=r}getTag(e){return this.getAllTags().find(r=>r.name===e)}getTags(e){return this.getAllTags().filter(r=>r.name===e)}getAllTags(){return this.elements.filter(e=>"name"in e)}toString(){let e="";for(let r of this.elements)if(e.length===0)e=r.toString();else{let n=r.toString();e+=Coe(e)+n}return e.trim()}toMarkdown(e){let r="";for(let n of this.elements)if(r.length===0)r=n.toMarkdown(e);else{let i=n.toMarkdown(e);r+=Coe(r)+i}return r.trim()}},J2=class{static{o(this,"JSDocTagImpl")}constructor(e,r,n,i){this.name=e,this.content=r,this.inline=n,this.range=i}toString(){let e= ` @ $ { this . name } ` ,r=this.content.toString();return this.content.inlines.length===1?e= ` $ { e } $ { r } ` :this.content.inlines.length>1&&(e= ` $ { e }
$ { r } ` ),this.inline? ` { $ { e } } ` :e}toMarkdown(e){var r,n;return(n=(r=e?.renderTag)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.call(e,this))!==null&&n!==void 0?n:this.toMarkdownDefault(e)}toMarkdownDefault(e){let r=this.content.toMarkdown(e);if(this.inline){let a=sPe(this.name,r,e??{});if(typeof a=="string")return a}let n="";e?.tag==="italic"||e?.tag===void 0?n="*":e?.tag==="bold"?n="**":e?.tag==="bold-italic"&&(n="***");let i= ` $ { n } @ $ { this . name } $ { n } ` ;return this.content.inlines.length===1?i= ` $ { i } \u2014 $ { r } ` :this.content.inlines.length>1&&(i= ` $ { i }
$ { r } ` ),this.inline? ` { $ { i } } ` :i}};o(sPe,"renderInlineTag");o(oPe,"renderLinkDefault");ex=class{static{o(this,"JSDocTextImpl")}constructor(e,r){this.inlines=e,this.range=r}toString(){let e="";for(let r=0;r<this.inlines.length;r++){let n=this.inlines[r],i=this.inlines[r+1];e+=n.toString(),i&&i.range.start.line>n.range.start.line&&(e+= `
` )}return e}toMarkdown(e){let r="";for(let n=0;n<this.inlines.length;n++){let i=this.inlines[n],a=this.inlines[n+1];r+=i.toMarkdown(e),a&&a.range.start.line>i.range.start.line&&(r+= `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` )}return r}},zk=class{static{o(this,"JSDocLineImpl")}constructor(e,r){this.text=e,this.range=r}toString(){return this.text}toMarkdown(){return this.text}};o(Coe,"fillNewlines")});var tx,KM=R(()=>{"use strict";es();jM();tx=class{static{o(this,"JSDocDocumentationProvider")}constructor(e){this.indexManager=e.shared.workspace.IndexManager,this.commentProvider=e.documentation.CommentProvider}getDocumentation(e){let r=this.commentProvider.getComment(e);if(r&&qM(r))return WM(r).toMarkdown({renderLink:o((i,a)=>this.documentationLinkRenderer(e,i,a),"renderLink"),renderTag:o(i=>this.documentationTagRenderer(e,i),"renderTag")})}documentationLinkRenderer(e,r,n){var i;let a=(i=this.findNameInPrecomputedScopes(e,r))!==null&&i!==void 0?i:this.findNameInGlobalScope(e,r);if(a&&a.nameSegment){let s=a.nameSegment.range.start.line+1,l=a.nameSegment.range.start.character+1,u=a.documentUri.with({fragment: ` L$ { s } , $ { l } ` });return ` [ $ { n } ] ( $ { u . toString ( ) } ) ` }else return}documentationTagRenderer(e,r){}findNameInPrecomputedScopes(e,r){let i=Oi(e).precomputedScopes;if(!i)return;let a=e;do{let l=i.get(a).find(u=>u.name===r);if(l)return l;a=a. $ container}while(a)}findNameInGlobalScope(e,r){return this.indexManager.allElements().find(i=>i.name===r)}}});var rx,QM=R(()=>{"use strict";Ok();Rl();rx=class{static{o(this,"DefaultCommentProvider")}constructor(e){this.grammarConfig=()=>e.parser.GrammarConfig}getComment(e){var r;return RM(e)?e. $ comment:(r=_D(e. $ cstNode,this.grammarConfig().multilineCommentRules))===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.text}}});var ii={};var ZM=R(()=>{"use strict";dr(ii,Xi(vM(),1))});var nx,JM,eI,tI=R(()=>{"use strict";qo();ZM();nx=class{static{o(this,"DefaultAsyncParser")}constructor(e){this.syncParser=e.parser.LangiumParser}parse(e){return Promise.resolve(this.syncParser.parse(e))}},JM=class{static{o(this,"AbstractThreadedAsyncParser")}constructor(e){this.threadCount=8,this.terminationDelay=200,this.workerPool=[],this.queue=[],this.hydrator=e.serializer.Hydrator}initializeWorkers(){for(;this.workerPool.length<this.threadCount;){let e=this.createWorker();e.onReady(()=>{if(this.queue.length>0){let r=this.queue.shift();r&&(e.lock(),r.resolve(e))}}),this.workerPool.push(e)}}async parse(e,r){let n=await this.acquireParserWorker(r),i=new as,a,s=r.onCancellationRequested(()=>{a=setTimeout(()=>{this.terminateWorker(n)},this.terminationDelay)});return n.parse(e).then(l=>{let u=this.hydrator.hydrate(l);i.resolve(u)}).catch(l=>{i.reject(l)}).finally(()=>{s.dispose(),clearTimeout(a)}),i.promise}terminateWorker(e){e.terminate();let r=this.workerPool.indexOf(e);r>=0&&this.workerPool.splice(r,1)}async acquireParserWorker(e){this.initializeWorkers();for(let n of this.workerPool)if(n.ready)return n.lock(),n;let r=new as;return e.onCancellationRequested(()=>{let n=this.queue.indexOf(r);n>=0&&this.queue.splice(n,1),r.reject(Rc)}),this.queue.push(r),r.promise}},eI=class{static{o(this,"ParserWorker")}get ready(){return this._ready}get onReady(){return this.onReadyEmitter.event}constructor(e,r,n,i){this.onReadyEmitter=new ii.Emitter,this.deferred=new as,this._ready=!0,this._parsing=!1,this.sendMessage=e,this._terminate=i,r(a=>{let s=a;this.deferred.resolve(s),this.unlock()}),n(a=>{this.deferred.reject(a),this.unlock()})}terminate(){this.deferred.reject(Rc),this._terminate()}lock(){this._ready=!1}unlock(){this._parsing=!1,this._ready=!0,this.onReadyEmitter.fire()}parse(e){if(this._parsing)throw new Error("Parser worker is busy");return this._parsing=!0,this.deferred=new as,this.sendMessage(e),this.deferred.promise}}});var ix,rI=R(()=>{"use strict";Wo();qo();ix=class{static{o(this,"DefaultWorkspaceLock")}constructor(){this.previousTokenSource=new pr.CancellationTokenSource,this.writeQueue=[],this.readQueue=[],this.done=!0}write(e){this.cancelWrite();let r=new pr.CancellationTokenSource;return this.previousTokenSource=r,this.enqueue(this.writeQueue,e,r.token)}read(e){return this.enqueue(this.readQueue,e)}enqueue(e,r,n){let i=new as,a={action:r,deferred:i,cancellationToken:n??pr.CancellationToken.None};return e.push(a),this.performNextOperation(),i.promise}async perf
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` )}}},w0=class extends _g{static{o(this,"CommonValueConverter")}static{Tt(this,"CommonValueConverter")}runCustomConverter(t,e,r){}},Xo=class extends g0{static{o(this,"AbstractMermaidTokenBuilder")}static{Tt(this,"AbstractMermaidTokenBuilder")}constructor(t){super(),this.keywords=new Set(t)}buildKeywordTokens(t,e,r){let n=super.buildKeywordTokens(t,e,r);return n.forEach(i=>{this.keywords.has(i.name)&&i.PATTERN!==void 0&&(i.PATTERN=new RegExp(i.PATTERN.toString()+"(?:(?=%%)|(?! \\ S))"))}),n}},DPe=class extends Xo{static{o(this,"CommonTokenBuilder")}static{Tt(this,"CommonTokenBuilder")}}});function Uk(t=go){let e=Fi(mo(t),Bl),r=Fi(po({shared:e}),yI,Vk);return e.ServiceRegistry.register(r),{shared:e,GitGraph:r}}var RPe,Vk,vI=R(()=>{"use strict";jo();Ic();RPe=class extends Xo{static{o(this,"GitGraphTokenBuilder")}static{Tt(this,"GitGraphTokenBuilder")}constructor(){super(["gitGraph"])}},Vk={parser:{TokenBuilder:Tt(()=>new RPe,"TokenBuilder"),ValueConverter:Tt(()=>new w0,"ValueConverter")}};o(Uk,"createGitGraphServices");Tt(Uk,"createGitGraphServices")});function Yk(t=go){let e=Fi(mo(t),Bl),r=Fi(po({shared:e}),dI,Hk);return e.ServiceRegistry.register(r),{shared:e,Info:r}}var NPe,Hk,xI=R(()=>{"use strict";jo();Ic();NPe=class extends Xo{static{o(this,"InfoTokenBuilder")}static{Tt(this,"InfoTokenBuilder")}constructor(){super(["info","showInfo"])}},Hk={parser:{TokenBuilder:Tt(()=>new NPe,"TokenBuilder"),ValueConverter:Tt(()=>new w0,"ValueConverter")}};o(Yk,"createInfoServices");Tt(Yk,"createInfoServices")});function qk(t=go){let e=Fi(mo(t),Bl),r=Fi(po({shared:e}),pI,Wk);return e.ServiceRegistry.register(r),{shared:e,Packet:r}}var MPe,Wk,bI=R(()=>{"use strict";jo();Ic();MPe=class extends Xo{static{o(this,"PacketTokenBuilder")}static{Tt(this,"PacketTokenBuilder")}constructor(){super(["packet-beta"])}},Wk={parser:{TokenBuilder:Tt(()=>new MPe,"TokenBuilder"),ValueConverter:Tt(()=>new w0,"ValueConverter")}};o(qk,"createPacketServices");Tt(qk,"createPacketServices")});function jk(t=go){let e=Fi(mo(t),Bl),r=Fi(po({shared:e}),mI,Xk);return e.ServiceRegistry.register(r),{shared:e,Pie:r}}var IPe,OPe,Xk,wI=R(()=>{"use strict";jo();Ic();IPe=class extends Xo{static{o(this,"PieTokenBuilder")}static{Tt(this,"PieTokenBuilder")}constructor(){super(["pie","showData"])}},OPe=class extends _g{static{o(this,"PieValueConverter")}static{Tt(this,"PieValueConverter")}runCustomConverter(t,e,r){if(t.name==="PIE_SECTION_LABEL")return e.replace(/"/g,"").trim()}},Xk={parser:{TokenBuilder:Tt(()=>new IPe,"TokenBuilder"),ValueConverter:Tt(()=>new OPe,"ValueConverter")}};o(jk,"createPieServices");Tt(jk,"createPieServices")});function Qk(t=go){let e=Fi(mo(t),Bl),r=Fi(po({shared:e}),gI,Kk);return e.ServiceRegistry.register(r),{shared:e,Architecture:r}}var PPe,BPe,Kk,TI=R(()=>{"use strict";jo();Ic();PPe=class extends Xo{static{o(this,"ArchitectureTokenBuilder")}static{Tt(this,"ArchitectureTokenBuilder")}constructor(){super(["architecture"])}},BPe=class extends _g{static{o(this,"ArchitectureValueConverter")}static{Tt(this,"ArchitectureValueConverter")}runCustomConverter(t,e,r){if(t.name==="ARCH_ICON")return e.replace(/[()]/g,"").trim();if(t.name==="ARCH_TEXT_ICON")return e.replace(/["()]/g,"");if(t.name==="ARCH_TITLE")return e.replace(/[[ \] ]/g,"").trim()}},Kk={parser:{TokenBuilder:Tt(()=>new PPe,"TokenBuilder"),ValueConverter:Tt(()=>new BPe,"ValueConverter")}};o(Qk,"createArchitectureServices");Tt(Qk,"createArchitectureServices")});var gle={};hr(gle,{InfoModule:()=>Hk,createInfoServices:()=>Yk});var yle=R(()=>{"use strict";xI();jo()});var vle={};hr(vle,{PacketModule:()=>Wk,createPacketServices:()=>qk});var xle=R(()=>{"use strict";bI();jo()});var ble={};hr(ble,{PieModule:()=>Xk,createPieServices:()=>jk});var wle=R(()=>{"use strict";wI();jo()});var Tle={};hr(Tle,{ArchitectureModule:()=>Kk,createArchitectureServices:()=>Qk});var kle=R(()=>{"use strict";TI();jo()});var Ele={};hr(Ele,{GitGraphModule:()=>Vk,createGitGraphServices:()=>Uk});var Cle=R(()=>{"use strict";vI();jo()});async function Fl(t,e){let r=FPe[t];if(!r)throw new Error( ` Unknown diagram type : $ { t } ` );T0[t]||aw
` ),r=t.parserErrors.map(n=>n.message).join( `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` );super( ` Parsing failed : $ { e } $ { r } ` ),this.result=t}static{Tt(this,"MermaidParseError")}}});function cf(t,e){t.accDescr&&e.setAccDescription?.(t.accDescr),t.accTitle&&e.setAccTitle?.(t.accTitle),t.title&&e.setDiagramTitle?.(t.title)}var sx=R(()=>{"use strict";o(cf,"populateCommonDb")});var Hr,Zk=R(()=>{"use strict";Hr={NORMAL:0,REVERSE:1,HIGHLIGHT:2,MERGE:3,CHERRY_PICK:4}});var uf,Jk=R(()=>{"use strict";uf=class{constructor(e){this.init=e;this.records=this.init()}static{o(this,"ImperativeState")}reset(){this.records=this.init()}}});function kI(){return J_({length:7})}function $ Pe(t,e){let r=Object.create(null);return t.reduce((n,i)=>{let a=e(i);return r[a]||(r[a]=!0,n.push(i)),n},[])}function Sle(t,e,r){let n=t.indexOf(e);n===-1?t.push(r):t.splice(n,1,r)}function _le(t){let e=t.reduce((i,a)=>i.seq>a.seq?i:a,t[0]),r="";t.forEach(function(i){i===e?r+=" *":r+=" |"});let n=[r,e.id,e.seq];for(let i in pt.records.branches)pt.records.branches.get(i)===e.id&&n.push(i);if(V.debug(n.join(" ")),e.parents&&e.parents.length==2&&e.parents[0]&&e.parents[1]){let i=pt.records.commits.get(e.parents[0]);Sle(t,e,i),e.parents[1]&&t.push(pt.records.commits.get(e.parents[1]))}else{if(e.parents.length==0)return;if(e.parents[0]){let i=pt.records.commits.get(e.parents[0]);Sle(t,e,i)}}t= $ Pe(t,i=>i.id),_le(t)}var GPe,k0,pt,VPe,UPe,HPe,YPe,WPe,qPe,XPe,Ale,jPe,KPe,QPe,ZPe,JPe,Lle,eBe,tBe,rBe,eE,EI=R(()=>{"use strict";ut();xr();qs();rr();bi();Zk();Jk();sl();GPe=mr.gitGraph,k0=o(()=>Ts({...GPe,...Or().gitGraph}),"getConfig"),pt=new uf(()=>{let t=k0(),e=t.mainBranchName,r=t.mainBranchOrder;return{mainBranchName:e,commits:new Map,head:null,branchConfig:new Map([[e,{name:e,order:r}]]),branches:new Map([[e,null]]),currBranch:e,direction:"LR",seq:0,options:{}}});o(kI,"getID");o( $ Pe,"uniqBy");VPe=o(function(t){pt.records.direction=t},"setDirection"),UPe=o(function(t){V.debug("options str",t),t=t?.trim(),t=t||"{}";try{pt.records.options=JSON.parse(t)}catch(e){V.error("error while parsing gitGraph options",e.message)}},"setOptions"),HPe=o(function(){return pt.records.options},"getOptions"),YPe=o(function(t){let e=t.msg,r=t.id,n=t.type,i=t.tags;V.info("commit",e,r,n,i),V.debug("Entering commit:",e,r,n,i);let a=k0();r=We.sanitizeText(r,a),e=We.sanitizeText(e,a),i=i?.map(l=>We.sanitizeText(l,a));let s={id:r||pt.records.seq+"-"+kI(),message:e,seq:pt.records.seq++,type:n??Hr.NORMAL,tags:i??[],parents:pt.records.head==null?[]:[pt.records.head.id],branch:pt.records.currBranch};pt.records.head=s,V.info("main branch",a.mainBranchName),pt.records.commits.set(s.id,s),pt.records.branches.set(pt.records.currBranch,s.id),V.debug("in pushCommit "+s.id)},"commit"),WPe=o(function(t){let e=t.name,r=t.order;if(e=We.sanitizeText(e,k0()),pt.records.branches.has(e))throw new Error( ` Trying to create an existing branch . ( Help : Either use a new name if you want create a new branch or try using "checkout ${e}" ) ` );pt.records.branches.set(e,pt.records.head!=null?pt.records.head.id:null),pt.records.branchConfig.set(e,{name:e,order:r}),Ale(e),V.debug("in createBranch")},"branch"),qPe=o(t=>{let e=t.branch,r=t.id,n=t.type,i=t.tags,a=k0();e=We.sanitizeText(e,a),r&&(r=We.sanitizeText(r,a));let s=pt.records.branches.get(pt.records.currBranch),l=pt.records.branches.get(e),u=s?pt.records.commits.get(s):void 0,h=l?pt.records.commits.get(l):void 0;if(u&&h&&u.branch===e)throw new Error( ` Cannot merge branch '${e}' into itself . ` );if(pt.records.currBranch===e){let p=new Error('Incorrect usage of "merge". Cannot merge a branch to itself');throw p.hash={text: ` merge $ { e } ` ,token: ` merge $ { e } ` ,expected:["branch abc"]},p}if(u===void 0||!u){let p=new Error( ` Incorrect usage of "merge" . Current branch ( $ { pt . records . currBranch } ) has no commits ` );throw p.hash={text: ` merge $ { e } ` ,token: ` merge $ { e } ` ,expected:["commit"]},p}if(!pt.records.branches.has(e)){let p=new Error('Incorrect usage of "merge". Branch to be merged ('+e+") does not exist");throw p.hash={text: ` merge $ { e } ` ,token: ` merge $ { e } ` ,expected:[ ` branch $ { e } ` ]},p}if(h===void 0||!h){let p=new Error('Incorrect usage of "merge". Branch to be merged ('+e+") has no
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { n - a / 2 - Oc / 2 } , $ { m + Hu }
$ { n - a / 2 - Oc / 2 } , $ { m - Hu }
$ { r . posWithOffset - a / 2 - Oc } , $ { m - p - Hu }
$ { r . posWithOffset + a / 2 + Oc } , $ { m - p - Hu }
$ { r . posWithOffset + a / 2 + Oc } , $ { m + p + Hu }
$ { r . posWithOffset - a / 2 - Oc } , $ { m + p + Hu } ` ),h.attr("cy",m).attr("cx",n-a/2+Oc/2).attr("r",1.5).attr("class","tag-hole"),Tr==="TB"||Tr==="BT"){let g=n+d;f.attr("class","tag-label-bkg").attr("points", `
$ { r . x } , $ { g + 2 }
$ { r . x } , $ { g - 2 }
$ { r . x + ff } , $ { g - p - 2 }
$ { r . x + ff + a + 4 } , $ { g - p - 2 }
$ { r . x + ff + a + 4 } , $ { g + p + 2 }
$ { r . x + ff } , $ { g + p + 2 } ` ).attr("transform","translate(12,12) rotate(45, "+r.x+","+n+")"),h.attr("cx",r.x+Oc/2).attr("cy",g).attr("transform","translate(12,12) rotate(45, "+r.x+","+n+")"),u.attr("x",r.x+5).attr("y",g+3).attr("transform","translate(14,14) rotate(45, "+r.x+","+n+")")}}}},"drawCommitTags"),wBe=o(t=>{switch(t.customType??t.type){case Hr.NORMAL:return"commit-normal";case Hr.REVERSE:return"commit-reverse";case Hr.HIGHLIGHT:return"commit-highlight";case Hr.MERGE:return"commit-merge";case Hr.CHERRY_PICK:return"commit-cherry-pick";default:return"commit-normal"}},"getCommitClassType"),TBe=o((t,e,r,n)=>{let i={x:0,y:0};if(t.parents.length>0){let a=Ile(t.parents);if(a){let s=n.get(a)??i;return e==="TB"?s.y+df:e==="BT"?(n.get(t.id)??i).y-df:s.x+df}}else return e==="TB"?tE:e==="BT"?(n.get(t.id)??i).y-df:0;return 0},"calculatePosition"),kBe=o((t,e,r)=>{let n=Tr==="BT"&&r?e:e+ff,i=Tr==="TB"||Tr==="BT"?n:Is.get(t.branch)?.pos,a=Tr==="TB"||Tr==="BT"?Is.get(t.branch)?.pos:n;if(a===void 0||i===void 0)throw new Error( ` Position were undefined for commit $ { t . id } ` );return{x:a,y:i,posWithOffset:n}},"getCommitPosition"),Nle=o((t,e,r)=>{if(!Ko)throw new Error("GitGraph config not found");let n=t.append("g").attr("class","commit-bullets"),i=t.append("g").attr("class","commit-labels"),a=Tr==="TB"||Tr==="BT"?tE:0,s=[...e.keys()],l=Ko?.parallelCommits??!1,u=o((f,d)=>{let p=e.get(f)?.seq,m=e.get(d)?.seq;return p!==void 0&&m!==void 0?p-m:0},"sortKeys"),h=s.sort(u);Tr==="BT"&&(l&&dBe(h,e,a),h=h.reverse()),h.forEach(f=>{let d=e.get(f);if(!d)throw new Error( ` Commit not found for key $ { f } ` );l&&(a=TBe(d,Tr,a,Os));let p=kBe(d,a,l);if(r){let m=wBe(d),g=d.customType??d.type,y=Is.get(d.branch)?.index??0;vBe(n,d,p,m,y,g),xBe(i,d,p,a),bBe(i,d,p,a)}Tr==="TB"||Tr==="BT"?Os.set(d.id,{x:p.x,y:p.posWithOffset}):Os.set(d.id,{x:p.posWithOffset,y:p.y}),a=Tr==="BT"&&l?a+df:a+df+ff,a>hf&&(hf=a)})},"drawCommits"),EBe=o((t,e,r,n,i)=>{let s=(Tr==="TB"||Tr==="BT"?r.x<n.x:r.y<n.y)?e.branch:t.branch,l=o(h=>h.branch===s,"isOnBranchToGetCurve"),u=o(h=>h.seq>t.seq&&h.seq<e.seq,"isBetweenCommits");return[...i.values()].some(h=>u(h)&&l(h))},"shouldRerouteArrow"),lx=o((t,e,r=0)=>{let n=t+Math.abs(t-e)/2;if(r>5)return n;if(rE.every(s=>Math.abs(s-n)>=10))return rE.push(n),n;let a=Math.abs(t-e);return lx(t,e-a/5,r+1)},"findLane"),CBe=o((t,e,r,n)=>{let i=Os.get(e.id),a=Os.get(r.id);if(i===void 0||a===void 0)throw new Error( ` Commit positions not found for commits $ { e . id } and $ { r . id } ` );let s=EBe(e,r,i,a,n),l="",u="",h=0,f=0,d=Is.get(r.branch)?.index;r.type===Hr.MERGE&&e.id!==r.parents[0]&&(d=Is.get(e.branch)?.index);let p;if(s){l="A 10 10, 0, 0, 0,",u="A 10 10, 0, 0, 1,",h=10,f=10;let m=i.y<a.y?lx(i.y,a.y):lx(a.y,i.y),g=i.x<a.x?lx(i.x,a.x):lx(a.x,i.x);Tr==="TB"?i.x<a.x?p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { g - h } $ { i . y } $ { u } $ { g } $ { i . y + f } L $ { g } $ { a . y - h } $ { l } $ { g + f } $ { a . y } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` :(d=Is.get(e.branch)?.index,p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { g + h } $ { i . y } $ { l } $ { g } $ { i . y + f } L $ { g } $ { a . y - h } $ { u } $ { g - f } $ { a . y } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` ):Tr==="BT"?i.x<a.x?p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { g - h } $ { i . y } $ { l } $ { g } $ { i . y - f } L $ { g } $ { a . y + h } $ { u } $ { g + f } $ { a . y } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` :(d=Is.get(e.branch)?.index,p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { g + h } $ { i . y } $ { u } $ { g } $ { i . y - f } L $ { g } $ { a . y + h } $ { l } $ { g - f } $ { a . y } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` ):i.y<a.y?p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { i . x } $ { m - h } $ { l } $ { i . x + f } $ { m } L $ { a . x - h } $ { m } $ { u } $ { a . x } $ { m + f } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` :(d=Is.get(e.branch)?.index,p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { i . x } $ { m + h } $ { u } $ { i . x + f } $ { m } L $ { a . x - h } $ { m } $ { l } $ { a . x } $ { m - f } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` )}else l="A 20 20, 0, 0, 0,",u="A 20 20, 0, 0, 1,",h=20,f=20,Tr==="TB"?(i.x<a.x&&(r.type===Hr.MERGE&&e.id!==r.parents[0]?p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { i . x } $ { a . y - h } $ { l } $ { i . x + f } $ { a . y } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` :p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { a . x - h } $ { i . y } $ { u } $ { a . x } $ { i . y + f } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` ),i.x>a.x&&(l="A 20 20, 0, 0, 0,",u="A 20 20, 0, 0, 1,",h=20,f=20,r.type===Hr.MERGE&&e.id!==r.parents[0]?p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { i . x } $ { a . y - h } $ { u } $ { i . x - f } $ { a . y } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` :p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { a . x + h } $ { i . y } $ { l } $ { a . x } $ { i . y + f } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` ),i.x===a.x&&(p= ` M $ { i . x } $ { i . y } L $ { a . x } $ { a . y } ` )):Tr==="BT
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"id:",e,r),!Ko)throw new Error("GitGraph config not found");let i=Ko.rotateCommitLabel??!1,a=n.db;ox=a.getCommits();let s=a.getBranchesAsObjArray();Tr=a.getDirection();let l= $ e( ` [ id = "${e}" ] ` ),u=0;s.forEach((h,f)=>{let d=Mle(h.name),p=l.append("g"),m=p.insert("g").attr("class","branchLabel"),g=m.insert("g").attr("class","label branch-label");g.node()?.appendChild(d);let y=d.getBBox();u=_Be(h.name,u,f,y,i),g.remove(),m.remove(),p.remove()}),Nle(l,ox,!1),Ko.showBranches&&ABe(l,s),SBe(l,ox),Nle(l,ox,!0),Lt.insertTitle(l,"gitTitleText",Ko.titleTopMargin??0,a.getDiagramTitle()),aS(void 0,l,Ko.diagramPadding,Ko.useMaxWidth)},"draw"),Ole={draw:LBe}});var DBe,Ble,Fle=R(()=>{"use strict";DBe=o(t=> `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. commit - id ,
. commit - msg ,
. branch - label {
fill : lightgrey ;
color : lightgrey ;
font - family : 'trebuchet ms' , verdana , arial , sans - serif ;
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family ) ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ] . map ( e => `
. branch - label$ { e } { fill : $ { t [ "gitBranchLabel" + e ] } ; }
. commit$ { e } { stroke : $ { t [ "git" + e ] } ; fill : $ { t [ "git" + e ] } ; }
. commit - highlight$ { e } { stroke : $ { t [ "gitInv" + e ] } ; fill : $ { t [ "gitInv" + e ] } ; }
. label$ { e } { fill : $ { t [ "git" + e ] } ; }
. arrow$ { e } { stroke : $ { t [ "git" + e ] } ; }
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
` ).join( `
` )}
. branch {
stroke - width : 1 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . lineColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - dasharray : 2 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. commit - label { font - size : $ { t . commitLabelFontSize } ; fill : $ { t . commitLabelColor } ; }
. commit - label - bkg { font - size : $ { t . commitLabelFontSize } ; fill : $ { t . commitLabelBackground } ; opacity : 0.5 ; }
. tag - label { font - size : $ { t . tagLabelFontSize } ; fill : $ { t . tagLabelColor } ; }
. tag - label - bkg { fill : $ { t . tagLabelBackground } ; stroke : $ { t . tagLabelBorder } ; }
. tag - hole { fill : $ { t . textColor } ; }
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. commit - merge {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . primaryColor } ;
fill : $ { t . primaryColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. commit - reverse {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . primaryColor } ;
fill : $ { t . primaryColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 3 ;
. commit - highlight - outer {
. commit - highlight - inner {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . primaryColor } ;
fill : $ { t . primaryColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. arrow { stroke - width : 8 ; stroke - linecap : round ; fill : none }
. gitTitleText {
text - anchor : middle ;
font - size : 18 px ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . textColor } ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),Ble=DBe});var zle={};hr(zle,{diagram:()=>RBe});var RBe,Gle=R(()=>{"use strict";Rle();EI();Ple();Fle();RBe={parser:Dle,db:eE,renderer:Ole,styles:Ble}});var CI,Ule,Hle=R(()=>{"use strict";CI=function(){var t=o(function(I,C,O,D){for(O=O||{},D=I.length;D--;O[I[D]]=C);return O},"o"),e=[6,8,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,33,35,36,38,40],r=[1,26],n=[1,27],i=[1,28],a=[1,29],s=[1,30],l=[1,31],u=[1,32],h=[1,33],f=[1,34],d=[1,9],p=[1,10],m=[1,11],g=[1,12],y=[1,13],v=[1,14],x=[1,15],b=[1,16],w=[1,19],S=[1,20],T=[1,21],E=[1,22],_=[1,23],A=[1,25],L=[1,35],M={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,start:3,gantt:4,document:5,EOF:6,line:7,SPACE:8,statement:9,NL:10,weekday:11,weekday_monday:12,weekday_tuesday:13,weekday_wednesday:14,weekday_thursday:15,weekday_friday:16,weekday_saturday:17,weekday_sunday:18,weekend:19,weekend_friday:20,weekend_saturday:21,dateFormat:22,inclusiveEndDates:23,topAxis:24,axisFormat:25,tickInterval:26,excludes:27,includes:28,todayMarker:29,title:30,acc_title:31,acc_title_value:32,acc_descr:33,acc_descr_value:34,acc_descr_multiline_value:35,section:36,clickStatement:37,taskTxt:38,taskData:39,click:40,callbackname:41,callbackargs:42,href:43,clickStatementDebug:44, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",4:"gantt",6:"EOF",8:"SPACE",10:"NL",12:"weekday_monday",13:"weekday_tuesday",14:"weekday_wednesday",15:"weekday_thursday",16:"weekday_friday",17:"weekday_saturday",18:"weekday_sunday",20:"weekend_friday",21:"weekend_saturday",22:"dateFormat",23:"inclusiveEndDates",24:"topAxis",25:"axisFormat",26:"tickInterval",27:"excludes",28:"includes",29:"todayMarker",30:"title",31:"acc_title",32:"acc_title_value",33:"acc_descr",34:"acc_descr_value",35:"acc_descr_multiline_value",36:"section",38:"taskTxt",39:"taskData",40:"click",41:"callbackname",42:"callbackargs",43:"href"},productions_:[0,[3,3],[5,0],[5,2],[7,2],[7,1],[7,1],[7,1],[11,1],[11,1],[11,1],[11,1],[11,1],[11,1],[11,1],[19,1],[19,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,2],[9,2],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,2],[37,2],[37,3],[37,3],[37,4],[37,3],[37,4],[37,2],[44,2],[44,3],[44,3],[44,4],[44,3],[44,4],[44,2]],performAction:o(function(C,O,D,P,F,B, $ ){var z=B.length-1;switch(F){case 1:return B[z-1];case 2:this. $ =[];break;case 3:B[z-1].push(B[z]),this. $ =B[z-1];break;case 4:case 5:this. $ =B[z];break;case 6:case 7:this. $ =[];break;case 8:P.setWeekday("monday");break;case 9:P.setWeekday("tuesday");break;case 10:P.setWeekday("wednesday");break;case 11:P.setWeekday("thursday");break;case 12:P.setWeekday("friday");break;case 13:P.setWeekday("saturday");break;case 14:P.setWeekday("sunday");break;case 15:P.setWeekend("friday");break;case 16:P.setWeekend("saturday");break;case 17:P.setDateFormat(B[z].substr(11)),this. $ =B[z].substr(11);break;case 18:P.enableInclusiveEndDates(),this. $ =B[z].substr(18);break;case 19:P.TopAxis(),this. $ =B[z].substr(8);break;case 20:P.setAxisFormat(B[z].substr(11)),this. $ =B[z].substr(11);break;case 21:P.setTickInterval(B[z].substr(13)),this. $ =B[z].substr(13);break;case 22:P.setExcludes(B[z].substr(9)),this. $ =B[z].substr(9);break;case 23:P.setIncludes(B[z].substr(9)),this. $ =B[z].substr(9);break;case 24:P.setTodayMarker(B[z].substr(12)),this. $ =B[z].substr(12);break;case 27:P.setDiagramTitle(B[z].substr(6)),this. $ =B[z].substr(6);break;case 28:this. $ =B[z].trim(),P.setAccTitle(this. $ );break;case 29:case 30:this. $ =B[z].trim(),P.setAccDescription(this. $ );break;case 31:P.addSection(B[z].substr(8)),this. $ =B[z].substr(8);break;case 33:P.addTask(B[z-1],B[z]),this. $ ="task";break;case 34:this. $ =B[z-1],P.setClickEvent(B[z-1],B[z],null);break;case 35:this. $ =B[z-2],P.setClickEvent(B[z-2],B[z-1],B[z]);break;case 36:this. $ =B[z-2],P.setClickEvent(B[z-2],B[z-1],null),P.setLink(B[z-2],B[z]);break;case 37:this. $ =B[z-3],P.setClickEvent(B[z-3],B[z-2],B[z-1]),P.setLink(B[z-3],B[z]);break;case 38:this. $ =B[z-2],P.setClickEvent(B[z-2],B[z],null),P.setLink(B[z-2],B[z-1]);break;case 39:this. $ =B[z-3],P.setClickEvent(B[z-3],B[z-1],B[z]),P.setLink(B[z-3],B[z-2]);break;case 40:this. $ =B[z-1],P.setLink(B[z-1],
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +Z.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +W.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[te]||te)+"'":fe="Parse error on line "+(Y+1)+": Unexpected "+(te==j?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[te]||te)+"'"),this.parseError(fe,{text:Z.match,token:this.terminals_[te]||te,line:Z.yylineno,loc:K,expected:W})}if(ke[0]instanceof Array&&ke.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+oe+", token: "+te);switch(ke[0]){case 1:D.push(te),F.push(Z.yytext),B.push(Z.yylloc),D.push(ke[1]),te=null,De?(te=De,De=null):(Q=Z.yyleng,z=Z.yytext,Y=Z.yylineno,K=Z.yylloc,X>0&&X--);break;case 2:if(_e=this.productions_[ke[1]][1],Ue. $ =F[F.length-_e],Ue._ $ ={first_line:B[B.length-(_e||1)].first_line,last_line:B[B.length-1].last_line,first_column:B[B.length-(_e||1)].first_column,last_column:B[B.length-1].last_column},se&&(Ue._ $ .range=[B[B.length-(_e||1)].range[0],B[B.length-1].range[1]]),Se=this.performAction.apply(Ue,[z,Q,Y,H.yy,ke[1],F,B].concat(J)),typeof Se<"u")return Se;_e&&(D=D.slice(0,-1*_e*2),F=F.slice(0,-1*_e),B=B.slice(0,-1*_e)),D.push(this.productions_[ke[1]][0]),F.push(Ue. $ ),B.push(Ue._ $ ),me= $ [D[D.length-2]][D[D.length-1]],D.push(me);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},N=function(){var I={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(O,D){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(O,D);else throw new Error(O)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(C,O){return this.yy=O||this.yy||{},this._input=C,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var C=this._input[0];this.yytext+=C,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=C,this.matched+=C;var O=C.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return O?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),C},"input"),unput:o(function(C){var O=C.length,D=C.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=C+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-O),this.offset-=O;var P=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),D.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=D.length-1);var F=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:D?(D.length===P.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+P[P.length-D.length].length-D[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-O},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[F[0],F[0]+this.yyleng-O]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(C){this.unput(this.match.slice(C))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var C=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(C.length>20?"...":"")+C.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var C=this.match;return C.length<20&&(C+=this._input.substr(0,20-C.length)),(C.substr(0,20)+(C.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var C=this.pastInput(),O=new Array(C.length+1).join("-");return C+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +O+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(C,O){var D,P,F;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(F={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(F.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),P=C[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),P&&(this.yylineno+=P.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:P?P[P.length-1].length-P[P.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+C[0].length},this.yytext+=C[0],this.match+=C[0],this.matches=C,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(C[0].length),this.matched+=C[0],D=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,O,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),D)return D;if(this._backtrack){for(var B in F)this[B]=F[B];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var C,O,D,P;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var F=this._currentRules(),B=0;B<F.length;B++)if(D=this._input.match(this.rules[F[B]]),D&&(!O||D[0].length>O[0].length)){if(O=D,P=B,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(C=this.test_match(D,F[B]),C!==!1)return C;if(this._backtrack){O=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return O?(C=this.test_match(O,F[P]),C!==!1?C:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var O=this.next();return O||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(O){this.conditionStack.push(O)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var O=this.conditionStack.length-1;return O>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(O){return O=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(O||0),O>=0?this.conditionStack[O]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(O){this.begin(O)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(O,D,P,F){var B=F;switch(P){case 0:return this.begin("open_directive"),"open_directive";break;case 1:return this.begin("acc_title"),31;break;case 2:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 3:return this.begin("acc_descr"),33;break;case 4:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 5:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 6:this.popState();break;case 7:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 8:break;case 9:break;case 10:break;case 11:return 10;case 12:break;case 13:break;case 14:this.begin("href");break;case 15:this.popState();break;case 16:return 43;case 17:this.begin("callbackname");break;case 18:this.popState();break;case 19:this.popState(),this.begin("callbackargs");break;case 20:return 41;case 21:this.popState();break;case 22:return 42;case 23:this.begin("click");break;case 24:this.popState();break;case 25:return 40;case 26:return 4;case 27:return 22;case 28:return 23;case 29:return 24;case 30:return 25;case 31:return 26;case 32:return 28;case 33:return 27;case 34:return 29;case 35:return 12;case 36:return 13;case 37:return 14;case 38:return 15;case 39:return 16;case 40:return 17;case 41:return 18;case 42:return 20;case 43:return 21;case 44:return"date";case 45:return 30;case 46:return"accDescription";case 47:return 36;case 48:return 38;case 49:return 39;case 50:return":";case 51:return 6;case 52:return"INVALID"}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:%% \{ )/i,/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?:[ \} ])/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?:%%(?! \{ )*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]%%*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:%%*[^ \n ]*[ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?: \s +)/i,/^(?:%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:href[ \s ]+["])/i,/^(?:["])/i,/^(?:[^"]*)/i,/^(?:call[ \s ]+)/i,/^(?: \( [ \s ]* \) )/i,/^(?: \( )/i,/^(?:[^(]*)/i,/^(?: \) )/i,/^(?:[^)]*)/i,/^(?:click[ \s ]+)/i,/^(?:[ \s \n ])/i,/^(?:[^ \s \n ]*)/i,/^(?:gantt \b )/i,/^(?:dateFormat \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:inclusiveEndDates \b )/i,/^(?:topAxis \b )/i,/^(?:axisFormat \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:tickInterval \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:includes \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:excludes \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:todayMarker \s [^ \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:weekday \s +monday \b )/i,/^(?:weekday \s +tuesday \b )/i,/^(?:weekday \s +wednesday \b )/i,/^(?:weekday \s +thursday \b )/i,/^(?:weekday \s +friday \b )/i,/^(?:weekday \s +saturday \b )/i,/^(?:weekday \s +sunday \b )/i,/^(?:weekend \s +friday \b )/i,/^(?:weekend \s +saturday \b )/i,/^(?: \d \d \d \d - \d \d - \d \d \b )/i,/^(?:title \s [^ \n ]+)/i,/^(?:accDescription \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:section \s [^ \n ]+)/i,/^(?:[^: \n ]+)/i,/^(?::[^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?: $ )/i,/^(?:.)/i],conditions:{acc_descr_multiline:{rules:[6,7],inclusive:!1},acc_descr:{rules:[4],inclusive:!1},acc_title:{rules:[2],inclusive:!1},callbackargs:{rules:[21,22],inclusive:!1},callbackname:{rules:[18,19,20],inclusive:!1},href:{rules:[15,16],inclusive:!1},click:{rules:[24,25],inclusive:!1},INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,3,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,17,23,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52],inclusive:!0}}};return I}();M.lexer=N;function k(){this.yy={}}return o(k,"Parser"),k.prototype=M,M.Parser=k,new k}();CI.parser=CI;Ule=CI});var Yle=gi((SI,AI)=>{"use strict";(function(t,e){typeof SI=="object"&&typeof AI<"u"?AI.exports=e():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(e):(t=typeof globalTh
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. mermaid - main - font {
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family , "trebuchet ms" , verdana , arial , sans - serif ) ;
. exclude - range {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . excludeBkgColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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stroke : none ;
opacity : 0.2 ;
. section0 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . sectionBkgColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . sectionBkgColor2 } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
opacity : 0.2 ;
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . titleColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . titleColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. sectionTitle2 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . titleColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. sectionTitle3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . titleColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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text - anchor : start ;
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family , "trebuchet ms" , verdana , arial , sans - serif ) ;
/* Grid and axis */
. grid . tick {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . gridColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
opacity : 0.8 ;
shape - rendering : crispEdges ;
. grid . tick text {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
font - family : $ { t . fontFamily } ;
fill : $ { t . textColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. grid path {
stroke - width : 0 ;
/* Today line */
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fill : none ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . todayLineColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 2 px ;
/* Task styling */
/* Default task */
. task {
stroke - width : 2 ;
. taskText {
text - anchor : middle ;
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family , "trebuchet ms" , verdana , arial , sans - serif ) ;
. taskTextOutsideRight {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextDarkColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
text - anchor : start ;
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family , "trebuchet ms" , verdana , arial , sans - serif ) ;
. taskTextOutsideLeft {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextDarkColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
text - anchor : end ;
/* Special case clickable */
. task . clickable {
cursor : pointer ;
. taskText . clickable {
cursor : pointer ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextClickableColor } ! important ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
font - weight : bold ;
. taskTextOutsideLeft . clickable {
cursor : pointer ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextClickableColor } ! important ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
font - weight : bold ;
. taskTextOutsideRight . clickable {
cursor : pointer ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextClickableColor } ! important ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
font - weight : bold ;
/* Specific task settings for the sections*/
. taskText0 ,
. taskText1 ,
. taskText2 ,
. taskText3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task0 ,
. task1 ,
. task2 ,
. task3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskBkgColor } ;
stroke : $ { t . taskBorderColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. taskTextOutside0 ,
. taskTextOutside2
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextOutsideColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. taskTextOutside1 ,
. taskTextOutside3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextOutsideColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
/* Active task */
. active0 ,
. active1 ,
. active2 ,
. active3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . activeTaskBkgColor } ;
stroke : $ { t . activeTaskBorderColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. activeText0 ,
. activeText1 ,
. activeText2 ,
. activeText3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextDarkColor } ! important ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
/* Completed task */
. done0 ,
. done1 ,
. done2 ,
. done3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . doneTaskBorderColor } ;
fill : $ { t . doneTaskBkgColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 2 ;
. doneText0 ,
. doneText1 ,
. doneText2 ,
. doneText3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextDarkColor } ! important ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
/* Tasks on the critical line */
. crit0 ,
. crit1 ,
. crit2 ,
. crit3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . critBorderColor } ;
fill : $ { t . critBkgColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 2 ;
. activeCrit0 ,
. activeCrit1 ,
. activeCrit2 ,
. activeCrit3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . critBorderColor } ;
fill : $ { t . activeTaskBkgColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 2 ;
. doneCrit0 ,
. doneCrit1 ,
. doneCrit2 ,
. doneCrit3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . critBorderColor } ;
fill : $ { t . doneTaskBkgColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 2 ;
cursor : pointer ;
shape - rendering : crispEdges ;
. milestone {
transform : rotate ( 45 deg ) scale ( 0.8 , 0.8 ) ;
. milestoneText {
font - style : italic ;
. doneCritText0 ,
. doneCritText1 ,
. doneCritText2 ,
. doneCritText3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextDarkColor } ! important ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. activeCritText0 ,
. activeCritText1 ,
. activeCritText2 ,
. activeCritText3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . taskTextDarkColor } ! important ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. titleText {
text - anchor : middle ;
font - size : 18 px ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . titleColor || t . textColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family , "trebuchet ms" , verdana , arial , sans - serif ) ;
2024-10-02 00:39:44 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),pce=xFe});var gce={};hr(gce,{diagram:()=>bFe});var bFe,yce=R(()=>{"use strict";Hle();uce();dce();mce();bFe={parser:Ule,db:lce,renderer:fce,styles:pce}});var bce,wce=R(()=>{"use strict";Lg();ut();bce={parse:o(async t=>{let e=await Fl("info",t);V.debug(e)},"parse")}});var fx,HI=R(()=>{fx="11.2.1"});var CFe,SFe,Tce,kce=R(()=>{"use strict";HI();CFe={version:fx},SFe=o(()=>CFe.version,"getVersion"),Tce={getVersion:SFe}});var Ps,pf=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();_t();Ps=o(t=>{let{securityLevel:e}=de(),r= $ e("body");if(e==="sandbox"){let a= $ e( ` # i$ { t } ` ).node()?.contentDocument??document;r= $ e(a.body)}return r.select( ` # $ { t } ` )},"selectSvgElement")});var AFe,Ece,Cce=R(()=>{"use strict";ut();pf();Yn();AFe=o((t,e,r)=>{V.debug( ` rendering info diagram
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +t);let n=Ps(e);Sr(n,100,400,!0),n.append("g").append("text").attr("x",100).attr("y",40).attr("class","version").attr("font-size",32).style("text-anchor","middle").text( ` v$ { r } ` )},"draw"),Ece={draw:AFe}});var Sce={};hr(Sce,{diagram:()=>_Fe});var _Fe,Ace=R(()=>{"use strict";wce();kce();Cce();_Fe={parser:bce,db:Tce,renderer:Ece}});var Dce,YI,lE,WI,RFe,NFe,MFe,IFe,OFe,PFe,BFe,cE,qI=R(()=>{"use strict";ut();bi();sl();Dce=mr.pie,YI={sections:new Map,showData:!1,config:Dce},lE=YI.sections,WI=YI.showData,RFe=structuredClone(Dce),NFe=o(()=>structuredClone(RFe),"getConfig"),MFe=o(()=>{lE=new Map,WI=YI.showData,vr()},"clear"),IFe=o(({label:t,value:e})=>{lE.has(t)||(lE.set(t,e),V.debug( ` added new section : $ { t } , with value : $ { e } ` ))},"addSection"),OFe=o(()=>lE,"getSections"),PFe=o(t=>{WI=t},"setShowData"),BFe=o(()=>WI,"getShowData"),cE={getConfig:NFe,clear:MFe,setDiagramTitle:nn,getDiagramTitle:Xr,setAccTitle:kr,getAccTitle:Ar,setAccDescription:_r,getAccDescription:Lr,addSection:IFe,getSections:OFe,setShowData:PFe,getShowData:BFe}});var FFe,Rce,Nce=R(()=>{"use strict";Lg();ut();sx();qI();FFe=o((t,e)=>{cf(t,e),e.setShowData(t.showData),t.sections.map(e.addSection)},"populateDb"),Rce={parse:o(async t=>{let e=await Fl("pie",t);V.debug(e),FFe(e,cE)},"parse")}});var zFe,Mce,Ice=R(()=>{"use strict";zFe=o(t=> `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. pieCircle {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . pieStrokeColor } ;
stroke - width : $ { t . pieStrokeWidth } ;
opacity : $ { t . pieOpacity } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. pieOuterCircle {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . pieOuterStrokeColor } ;
stroke - width : $ { t . pieOuterStrokeWidth } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
fill : none ;
. pieTitleText {
text - anchor : middle ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
font - size : $ { t . pieTitleTextSize } ;
fill : $ { t . pieTitleTextColor } ;
font - family : $ { t . fontFamily } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. slice {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
font - family : $ { t . fontFamily } ;
fill : $ { t . pieSectionTextColor } ;
font - size : $ { t . pieSectionTextSize } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
// fill: white;
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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font - family : $ { t . fontFamily } ;
font - size : $ { t . pieLegendTextSize } ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),Mce=zFe});var GFe, $ Fe,Oce,Pce=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();_t();ut();pf();Yn();xr();GFe=o(t=>{let e=[...t.entries()].map(n=>({label:n[0],value:n[1]})).sort((n,i)=>i.value-n.value);return O3().value(n=>n.value)(e)},"createPieArcs"), $ Fe=o((t,e,r,n)=>{V.debug( ` rendering pie chart
` +t);let i=n.db,a=de(),s=Ts(i.getConfig(),a.pie),l=40,u=18,h=4,f=450,d=f,p=Ps(e),m=p.append("g");m.attr("transform","translate("+d/2+","+f/2+")");let{themeVariables:g}=a,[y]=mc(g.pieOuterStrokeWidth);y??=2;let v=s.textPosition,x=Math.min(d,f)/2-l,b=bl().innerRadius(0).outerRadius(x),w=bl().innerRadius(x*v).outerRadius(x*v);m.append("circle").attr("cx",0).attr("cy",0).attr("r",x+y/2).attr("class","pieOuterCircle");let S=i.getSections(),T=GFe(S),E=[g.pie1,g.pie2,g.pie3,g.pie4,g.pie5,g.pie6,g.pie7,g.pie8,g.pie9,g.pie10,g.pie11,g.pie12],_=pu(E);m.selectAll("mySlices").data(T).enter().append("path").attr("d",b).attr("fill",k=>_(k.data.label)).attr("class","pieCircle");let A=0;S.forEach(k=>{A+=k}),m.selectAll("mySlices").data(T).enter().append("text").text(k=>(k.data.value/A*100).toFixed(0)+"%").attr("transform",k=>"translate("+w.centroid(k)+")").style("text-anchor","middle").attr("class","slice"),m.append("text").text(i.getDiagramTitle()).attr("x",0).attr("y",-(f-50)/2).attr("class","pieTitleText");let L=m.selectAll(".legend").data(_.domain()).enter().append("g").attr("class","legend").attr("transform",(k,I)=>{let C=u+h,O=C*_.domain().length/2,D=12*u,P=I*C-O;return"translate("+D+","+P+")"});L.append("rect").attr("width",u).attr("height",u).style("fill",_).style("stroke",_),L.data(T).append("text").attr("x",u+h).attr("y",u-h).text(k=>{let{label:I,value:C}=k.data;return i.getShowData()? ` $ { I } [ $ { C } ] ` :I});let M=Math.max(...L.selectAll("text").nodes().map(k=>k?.getBoundingClientRect().width??0)),N=d+l+u+h+M;p.attr("viewBox", ` 0 0 $ { N } $ { f } ` ),Sr(p,f,N,s.useMaxWidth)},"draw"),Oce={draw: $ Fe}});var Bce={};hr(Bce,{diagram:()=>VFe});var VFe,Fce=R(()=>{"use strict";Nce();qI();Ice();Pce();VFe={parser:Rce,db:cE,renderer:Oce,styles:Mce}});var XI, $ ce,Vce=R(()=>{"use strict";XI=function(){var t=o(function(we,Te,Ce,Ae){for(Ce=Ce||{},Ae=we.length;Ae--;Ce[we[Ae]]=Te);return Ce},"o"),e=[1,3],r=[1,4],n=[1,5],i=[1,6],a=[1,7],s=[1,4,5,10,12,13,14,18,25,35,37,39,41,42,48,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,60,61,63,64,65,66,67],l=[1,4,5,10,12,13,14,18,25,28,35,37,39,41,42,48,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,60,61,63,64,65,66,67],u=[55,56,57],h=[2,36],f=[1,37],d=[1,36],p=[1,38],m=[1,35],g=[1,43],y=[1,41],v=[1,14],x=[1,23],b=[1,18],w=[1,19],S=[1,20],T=[1,21],E=[1,22],_=[1,24],A=[1,25],L=[1,26],M=[1,27],N=[1,28],k=[1,29],I=[1,32],C=[1,33],O=[1,34],D=[1,39],P=[1,40],F=[1,42],B=[1,44], $ =[1,62],z=[1,61],Y=[4,5,8,10,12,13,14,18,44,47,49,55,56,57,63,64,65,66,67],Q=[1,65],X=[1,66],ie=[1,67],j=[1,68],J=[1,69],Z=[1,70],H=[1,71],q=[1,72],K=[1,73],se=[1,74],ce=[1,75],ue=[1,76],te=[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,18],De=[1,90],oe=[1,91],ke=[1,92],Ie=[1,99],Se=[1,93],Ue=[1,96],Pe=[1,94],_e=[1,95],me=[1,97],W=[1,98],fe=[1,102],ge=[10,55,56,57],re=[4,5,6,8,10,11,13,17,18,19,20,55,56,57],he={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,idStringToken:3,ALPHA:4,NUM:5,NODE_STRING:6,DOWN:7,MINUS:8,DEFAULT:9,COMMA:10,COLON:11,AMP:12,BRKT:13,MULT:14,UNICODE_TEXT:15,styleComponent:16,UNIT:17,SPACE:18,STYLE:19,PCT:20,idString:21,style:22,stylesOpt:23,classDefStatement:24,CLASSDEF:25,start:26,eol:27,QUADRANT:28,document:29,line:30,statement:31,axisDetails:32,quadrantDetails:33,points:34,title:35,title_value:36,acc_title:37,acc_title_value:38,acc_descr:39,acc_descr_value:40,acc_descr_multiline_value:41,section:42,text:43,point_start:44,point_x:45,point_y:46,class_name:47,"X-AXIS":48,"AXIS-TEXT-DELIMITER":49,"Y-AXIS":50,QUADRANT_1:51,QUADRANT_2:52,QUADRANT_3:53,QUADRANT_4:54,NEWLINE:55,SEMI:56,EOF:57,alphaNumToken:58,textNoTagsToken:59,STR:60,MD_STR:61,alphaNum:62,PUNCTUATION:63,PLUS:64,EQUALS:65,DOT:66,UNDERSCORE:67, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",4:"ALPHA",5:"NUM",6:"NODE_STRING",7:"DOWN",8:"MINUS",9:"DEFAULT",10:"COMMA",11:"COLON",12:"AMP",13:"BRKT",14:"MULT",15:"UNICODE_TEXT",17:"UNIT",18:"SPACE",19:"STYLE",20:"PCT",25:"CLASSDEF",28:"QUADRANT",35:"title",36:"title_value",37:"acc_title",38:"acc_title_value",39:"acc_descr",40:"acc_descr_value",41:"acc_descr_multiline_value",42:"section",44:"point_start",45:"point_x",46:"point_y",47:"class_name",48:"X-AXIS",49:"AXIS-TEXT-DELIMITER",5
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +Ve.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +hn.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[lt]||lt)+"'":Qn="Parse error on line "+(Ze+1)+": Unexpected "+(lt==Ye?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[lt]||lt)+"'"),this.parseError(Qn,{text:Ve.match,token:this.terminals_[lt]||lt,line:Ve.yylineno,loc:at,expected:hn})}if(St[0]instanceof Array&&St.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+mt+", token: "+lt);switch(St[0]){case 1:Ae.push(lt),Me.push(Ve.yytext),ye.push(Ve.yylloc),Ae.push(St[1]),lt=null,It?(lt=It,It=null):(gt=Ve.yyleng,ze=Ve.yytext,Ze=Ve.yylineno,at=Ve.yylloc,yt>0&&yt--);break;case 2:if(Er=this.productions_[St[1]][1],jt. $ =Me[Me.length-Er],jt._ $ ={first_line:ye[ye.length-(Er||1)].first_line,last_line:ye[ye.length-1].last_line,first_column:ye[ye.length-(Er||1)].first_column,last_column:ye[ye.length-1].last_column},xt&&(jt._ $ .range=[ye[ye.length-(Er||1)].range[0],ye[ye.length-1].range[1]]),xn=this.performAction.apply(jt,[ze,gt,Ze,je.yy,St[1],Me,ye].concat(Je)),typeof xn<"u")return xn;Er&&(Ae=Ae.slice(0,-1*Er*2),Me=Me.slice(0,-1*Er),ye=ye.slice(0,-1*Er)),Ae.push(this.productions_[St[1]][0]),Me.push(jt. $ ),ye.push(jt._ $ ),Kn=He[Ae[Ae.length-2]][Ae[Ae.length-1]],Ae.push(Kn);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},ne=function(){var we={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(Ce,Ae){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(Ce,Ae);else throw new Error(Ce)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(Te,Ce){return this.yy=Ce||this.yy||{},this._input=Te,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var Te=this._input[0];this.yytext+=Te,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=Te,this.matched+=Te;var Ce=Te.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return Ce?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),Te},"input"),unput:o(function(Te){var Ce=Te.length,Ae=Te.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=Te+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-Ce),this.offset-=Ce;var Ge=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),Ae.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=Ae.length-1);var Me=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:Ae?(Ae.length===Ge.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+Ge[Ge.length-Ae.length].length-Ae[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-Ce},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[Me[0],Me[0]+this.yyleng-Ce]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(Te){this.unput(this.match.slice(Te))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var Te=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(Te.length>20?"...":"")+Te.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var Te=this.match;return Te.length<20&&(Te+=this._input.substr(0,20-Te.length)),(Te.substr(0,20)+(Te.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var Te=this.pastInput(),Ce=new Array(Te.length+1).join("-");return Te+this.upcomingInput()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +Ce+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(Te,Ce){var Ae,Ge,Me;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(Me={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(Me.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),Ge=Te[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),Ge&&(this.yylineno+=Ge.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:Ge?Ge[Ge.length-1].length-Ge[Ge.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+Te[0].length},this.yytext+=Te[0],this.match+=Te[0],this.matches=Te,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(Te[0].length),this.matched+=Te[0],Ae=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,Ce,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),Ae)return Ae;if(this._backtrack){for(var ye in Me)this[ye]=Me[ye];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var Te,Ce,Ae,Ge;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var Me=this._currentRules(),ye=0;ye<Me.length;ye++)if(Ae=this._input.match(this.rules[Me[ye]]),Ae&&(!Ce||Ae[0].length>Ce[0].length)){if(Ce=Ae,Ge=ye,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(Te=this.test_match(Ae,Me[ye]),Te!==!1)return Te;if(this._backtrack){Ce=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return Ce?(Te=this.test_match(Ce,Me[Ge]),Te!==!1?Te:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var Ce=this.next();return Ce||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(Ce){this.conditionStack.push(Ce)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var Ce=this.conditionStack.length-1;return Ce>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(Ce){return Ce=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(Ce||0),Ce>=0?this.conditionStack[Ce]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(Ce){this.begin(Ce)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(Ce,Ae,Ge,Me){var ye=Me;switch(Ge){case 0:break;case 1:break;case 2:return 55;case 3:break;case 4:return this.begin("title"),35;break;case 5:return this.popState(),"title_value";break;case 6:return this.begin("acc_title"),37;break;case 7:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 8:return this.begin("acc_descr"),39;break;case 9:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 10:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 11:this.popState();break;case 12:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 13:return 48;case 14:return 50;case 15:return 49;case 16:return 51;case 17:return 52;case 18:return 53;case 19:return 54;case 20:return 25;case 21:this.begin("md_string");break;case 22:return"MD_STR";case 23:this.popState();break;case 24:this.begin("string");break;case 25:this.popState();break;case 26:return"STR";case 27:this.begin("class_name");break;case 28:return this.popState(),47;break;case 29:return this.begin("point_start"),44;break;case 30:return this.begin("point_x"),45;break;case 31:this.popState();break;case 32:this.popState(),this.begin("point_y");break;case 33:return this.popState(),46;break;case 34:return 28;case 35:return 4;case 36:return 11;case 37:return 64;case 38:return 10;case 39:return 65;case 40:return 65;case 41:return 14;case 42:return 13;case 43:return 67;case 44:return 66;case 45:return 12;case 46:return 8;case 47:return 5;case 48:return 18;case 49:return 56;case 50:return 63;case 51:return 57}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:%%(?! \{ )[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]%%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[ \n \r ]+)/i,/^(?:%%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:title \b )/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?:[ \} ])/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?: *x-axis *)/i,/^(?: *y-axis *)/i,/^(?: *--+> *)/i,/^(?: *quadrant-1 *)/i,/^(?: *quadrant-2 *)/i,/^(?: *quadrant-3 *)/i,/^(?: *quadrant-4 *)/i,/^(?:classDef \b )/i,/^(?:["][ ` ] ) / i , /^(?:[^`"]+)/i , /^(?:[`]["])/i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:[^"]*)/i , /^(?::::)/i , /^(?:^\w+)/i , /^(?:\s*:\s*\[\s*)/i , /^(?:(1)|(0(.\d+)?))/i , /^(?:\s*\] *)/i , /^(?:\s*,\s*)/i , /^(?:(1)|(0(.\d+)?))/i , /^(?: *quadrantChart *)/i , /^(?:[A-Za-z]+)/i , /^(?::)/i , /^(?:\+)/i , /^(?:,)/i , /^(?:=)/i , /^(?:=)/i , /^(?:\*)/i , /^(?:#)/i , /^(?:[\_])/i , /^(?:\.)/i , /^(?:&)/i , /^(?:-)/i , /^(?:[0-9]+)/i , /^(?:\s)/i , /^(?:;)/i , /^(?:[!"#$%&'*+,-.`?\\_/])/i , /^(?:$)/i ] , conditions : { class _name : { rules : [ 28 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , point _y : { rules : [ 33 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , point _x : { rules : [ 32 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , point _start : { rules : [ 30 , 31 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , acc _descr _multiline : { rules : [ 11 , 12 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , acc _descr : { rules : [ 9 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , acc _title : { rules : [ 7 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , title : { rules : [ 5 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , md _string : { rules : [ 22 , 23 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , string : { rules : [ 25 , 26 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , INITIAL : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 24 , 27 , 29 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } } } ; return we } ( ) ; he . lexer = ne ; function ae ( ) { this . yy = { } } return o ( ae , "Parser" ) , ae . prototype = he , he . Parser = ae , new ae } ( ) ; XI . parser = XI ; $ce = XI } ) ; var os , uE , Uce = R ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; Zt ( ) ; sl ( ) ; ut ( ) ; jb ( ) ; os = hp ( ) , uE = class { constructor ( ) { this . classes = new Map ; this . config = this . getDefaultConfig ( ) , this . themeConfig = this . getDefaultThemeConfig ( ) , this . data = this . getDefau
` +t);let u=l.securityLevel,h;u==="sandbox"&&(h= $ e("#i"+e));let d=(u==="sandbox"? $ e(h.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body): $ e("body")).select( ` [ id = "${e}" ] ` ),p=d.append("g").attr("class","main"),m=l.quadrantChart?.chartWidth??500,g=l.quadrantChart?.chartHeight??500;Sr(d,g,m,l.quadrantChart?.useMaxWidth??!0),d.attr("viewBox","0 0 "+m+" "+g),n.db.setHeight(g),n.db.setWidth(m);let y=n.db.getQuadrantData(),v=p.append("g").attr("class","quadrants"),x=p.append("g").attr("class","border"),b=p.append("g").attr("class","data-points"),w=p.append("g").attr("class","labels"),S=p.append("g").attr("class","title");y.title&&S.append("text").attr("x",0).attr("y",0).attr("fill",y.title.fill).attr("font-size",y.title.fontSize).attr("dominant-baseline",i(y.title.horizontalPos)).attr("text-anchor",a(y.title.verticalPos)).attr("transform",s(y.title)).text(y.title.text),y.borderLines&&x.selectAll("line").data(y.borderLines).enter().append("line").attr("x1",A=>A.x1).attr("y1",A=>A.y1).attr("x2",A=>A.x2).attr("y2",A=>A.y2).style("stroke",A=>A.strokeFill).style("stroke-width",A=>A.strokeWidth);let T=v.selectAll("g.quadrant").data(y.quadrants).enter().append("g").attr("class","quadrant");T.append("rect").attr("x",A=>A.x).attr("y",A=>A.y).attr("width",A=>A.width).attr("height",A=>A.height).attr("fill",A=>A.fill),T.append("text").attr("x",0).attr("y",0).attr("fill",A=>A.text.fill).attr("font-size",A=>A.text.fontSize).attr("dominant-baseline",A=>i(A.text.horizontalPos)).attr("text-anchor",A=>a(A.text.verticalPos)).attr("transform",A=>s(A.text)).text(A=>A.text.text),w.selectAll("g.label").data(y.axisLabels).enter().append("g").attr("class","label").append("text").attr("x",0).attr("y",0).text(A=>A.text).attr("fill",A=>A.fill).attr("font-size",A=>A.fontSize).attr("dominant-baseline",A=>i(A.horizontalPos)).attr("text-anchor",A=>a(A.verticalPos)).attr("transform",A=>s(A));let _=b.selectAll("g.data-point").data(y.points).enter().append("g").attr("class","data-point");_.append("circle").attr("cx",A=>A.x).attr("cy",A=>A.y).attr("r",A=>A.radius).attr("fill",A=>A.fill).attr("stroke",A=>A.strokeColor).attr("stroke-width",A=>A.strokeWidth),_.append("text").attr("x",0).attr("y",0).text(A=>A.text.text).attr("fill",A=>A.text.fill).attr("font-size",A=>A.text.fontSize).attr("dominant-baseline",A=>i(A.text.horizontalPos)).attr("text-anchor",A=>a(A.text.verticalPos)).attr("transform",A=>s(A.text))},"draw"),jce={draw:sze}});var Qce={};hr(Qce,{diagram:()=>oze});var oze,Zce=R(()=>{"use strict";Vce();Xce();Kce();oze={parser: $ ce,db:qce,renderer:jce,styles:o(()=>"","styles")}});var QI,tue,rue=R(()=>{"use strict";QI=function(){var t=o(function(O,D,P,F){for(P=P||{},F=O.length;F--;P[O[F]]=D);return P},"o"),e=[1,10,12,14,16,18,19,21,23],r=[2,6],n=[1,3],i=[1,5],a=[1,6],s=[1,7],l=[1,5,10,12,14,16,18,19,21,23,34,35,36],u=[1,25],h=[1,26],f=[1,28],d=[1,29],p=[1,30],m=[1,31],g=[1,32],y=[1,33],v=[1,34],x=[1,35],b=[1,36],w=[1,37],S=[1,43],T=[1,42],E=[1,47],_=[1,50],A=[1,10,12,14,16,18,19,21,23,34,35,36],L=[1,10,12,14,16,18,19,21,23,24,26,27,28,34,35,36],M=[1,10,12,14,16,18,19,21,23,24,26,27,28,34,35,36,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50],N=[1,64],k={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,start:3,eol:4,XYCHART:5,chartConfig:6,document:7,CHART_ORIENTATION:8,statement:9,title:10,text:11,X_AXIS:12,parseXAxis:13,Y_AXIS:14,parseYAxis:15,LINE:16,plotData:17,BAR:18,acc_title:19,acc_title_value:20,acc_descr:21,acc_descr_value:22,acc_descr_multiline_value:23,SQUARE_BRACES_START:24,commaSeparatedNumbers:25,SQUARE_BRACES_END:26,NUMBER_WITH_DECIMAL:27,COMMA:28,xAxisData:29,bandData:30,ARROW_DELIMITER:31,commaSeparatedTexts:32,yAxisData:33,NEWLINE:34,SEMI:35,EOF:36,alphaNum:37,STR:38,MD_STR:39,alphaNumToken:40,AMP:41,NUM:42,ALPHA:43,PLUS:44,EQUALS:45,MULT:46,DOT:47,BRKT:48,MINUS:49,UNDERSCORE:50, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",5:"XYCHART",8:"CHART_ORIENTATION",10:"title",12:"X_AXIS",14:"Y_AXIS",16:"LINE",18:"BAR",19:"acc_title",20:"acc_title_value",21:"acc_descr",22:"acc_descr_value",23:"acc_descr_multiline_value",24:"SQUARE_BRACES_START",26:"SQUARE_BRACES_END",27:"NUMBER_WITH_DECIMAL",
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +q.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +ge.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[oe]||oe)+"'":re="Parse error on line "+(X+1)+": Unexpected "+(oe==Z?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[oe]||oe)+"'"),this.parseError(re,{text:q.match,token:this.terminals_[oe]||oe,line:q.yylineno,loc:ce,expected:ge})}if(Se[0]instanceof Array&&Se.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Ie+", token: "+oe);switch(Se[0]){case 1:F.push(oe), $ .push(q.yytext),z.push(q.yylloc),F.push(Se[1]),oe=null,ke?(oe=ke,ke=null):(ie=q.yyleng,Q=q.yytext,X=q.yylineno,ce=q.yylloc,j>0&&j--);break;case 2:if(W=this.productions_[Se[1]][1],_e. $ = $ [ $ .length-W],_e._ $ ={first_line:z[z.length-(W||1)].first_line,last_line:z[z.length-1].last_line,first_column:z[z.length-(W||1)].first_column,last_column:z[z.length-1].last_column},ue&&(_e._ $ .range=[z[z.length-(W||1)].range[0],z[z.length-1].range[1]]),Pe=this.performAction.apply(_e,[Q,ie,X,K.yy,Se[1], $ ,z].concat(H)),typeof Pe<"u")return Pe;W&&(F=F.slice(0,-1*W*2), $ = $ .slice(0,-1*W),z=z.slice(0,-1*W)),F.push(this.productions_[Se[1]][0]), $ .push(_e. $ ),z.push(_e._ $ ),fe=Y[F[F.length-2]][F[F.length-1]],F.push(fe);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},I=function(){var O={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(P,F){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(P,F);else throw new Error(P)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(D,P){return this.yy=P||this.yy||{},this._input=D,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var D=this._input[0];this.yytext+=D,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=D,this.matched+=D;var P=D.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return P?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),D},"input"),unput:o(function(D){var P=D.length,F=D.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=D+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-P),this.offset-=P;var B=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),F.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=F.length-1);var $ =this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:F?(F.length===B.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+B[B.length-F.length].length-F[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-P},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[ $ [0], $ [0]+this.yyleng-P]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(D){this.unput(this.match.slice(D))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var D=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(D.length>20?"...":"")+D.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var D=this.match;return D.length<20&&(D+=this._input.substr(0,20-D.length)),(D.substr(0,20)+(D.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var D=this.pastInput(),P=new Array(D.length+1).join("-");return D+this.upcomingInput()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +P+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(D,P){var F,B, $ ;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&( $ ={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&( $ .yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),B=D[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),B&&(this.yylineno+=B.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:B?B[B.length-1].length-B[B.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+D[0].length},this.yytext+=D[0],this.match+=D[0],this.matches=D,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(D[0].length),this.matched+=D[0],F=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,P,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),F)return F;if(this._backtrack){for(var z in $ )this[z]= $ [z];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var D,P,F,B;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var $ =this._currentRules(),z=0;z< $ .length;z++)if(F=this._input.match(this.rules[ $ [z]]),F&&(!P||F[0].length>P[0].length)){if(P=F,B=z,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(D=this.test_match(F, $ [z]),D!==!1)return D;if(this._backtrack){P=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return P?(D=this.test_match(P, $ [B]),D!==!1?D:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var P=this.next();return P||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(P){this.conditionStack.push(P)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var P=this.conditionStack.length-1;return P>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(P){return P=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(P||0),P>=0?this.conditionStack[P]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(P){this.begin(P)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(P,F,B, $ ){var z= $ ;switch(B){case 0:break;case 1:break;case 2:return this.popState(),34;break;case 3:return this.popState(),34;break;case 4:return 34;case 5:break;case 6:return 10;case 7:return this.pushState("acc_title"),19;break;case 8:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 9:return this.pushState("acc_descr"),21;break;case 10:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 11:this.pushState("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 12:this.popState();break;case 13:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 14:return 5;case 15:return 8;case 16:return this.pushState("axis_data"),"X_AXIS";break;case 17:return this.pushState("axis_data"),"Y_AXIS";break;case 18:return this.pushState("axis_band_data"),24;break;case 19:return 31;case 20:return this.pushState("data"),16;break;case 21:return this.pushState("data"),18;break;case 22:return this.pushState("data_inner"),24;break;case 23:return 27;case 24:return this.popState(),26;break;case 25:this.popState();break;case 26:this.pushState("string");break;case 27:this.popState();break;case 28:return"STR";case 29:return 24;case 30:return 26;case 31:return 43;case 32:return"COLON";case 33:return 44;case 34:return 28;case 35:return 45;case 36:return 46;case 37:return 48;case 38:return 50;case 39:return 47;case 40:return 41;case 41:return 49;case 42:return 42;case 43:break;case 44:return 35;case 45:return 36}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:%%(?! \{ )[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]%%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:( \r ? \n ))/i,/^(?:( \r ? \n ))/i,/^(?:[ \n \r ]+)/i,/^(?:%%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:title \b )/i,/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?: \{ )/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?:xychart-beta \b )/i,/^(?:(?:vertical|horizontal))/i,/^(?:x-axis \b )/i,/^(?:y-axis \b )/i,/^(?: \[ )/i,/^(?:-->)/i,/^(?:line \b )/i,/^(?:bar \b )/i,/^(?: \[ )/i,/^(?:[+-]?(?: \d +(?: \. \d +)?| \. \d +))/i,/^(?: \] )/i,/^(?:(?: ` \ ) \ { this \ . pushState \ ( md _string \ ) ; \ } \ n < md _string > \ ( \ ? : \ ( \ ? ! ` " \) \. \) \+ \{ return MD_STR; \} \n <md_string> \( \? : ` ) ) / i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:[^"]*)/i , /^(?:\[)/i , /^(?:\])/i , /^(?:[A-Za-z]+)/i , /^(?::)/i , /^(?:\+)/i , /^(?:,)/i , /^(?:=)/i , /^(?:\*)/i , /^(?:#)/i , /^(?:[\_])/i , /^(?:\.)/i , /^(?:&)/i , /^(?:-)/i , /^(?:[0-9]+)/i , /^(?:\s+)/i , /^(?:;)/i , /^(?:$)/i ] , conditions : { data _inner : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 20 , 21 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } , data : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 25 , 26 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } , axis _band _data : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 20 , 21 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } , axis _data : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 23 , 25 , 26 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } , acc _descr _multiline : { rules : [ 12 , 13 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , acc _descr : { rules : [ 10 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , acc _title : { rules : [ 8 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , title : { rules : [ ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , md _string : { rules : [ ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , string : { rules : [ 27 , 28 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , INITIAL : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 20 , 21 , 25 , 26 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } } } ; return O } ( ) ; k . lexer = I ; function C ( ) { this . yy = { } } return o ( C , "Parser" )
` +t);let f=Ps(e),d=f.append("g").attr("class","main"),p=d.append("rect").attr("width",s.width).attr("height",s.height).attr("class","background");Sr(f,s.height,s.width,!0),f.attr("viewBox", ` 0 0 $ { s . width } $ { s . height } ` ),p.attr("fill",a.backgroundColor),i.setTmpSVGG(f.append("g").attr("class","mermaid-tmp-group"));let m=i.getDrawableElem(),g={};function y(v){let x=d,b="";for(let[w]of v.entries()){let S=d;w>0&&g[b]&&(S=g[b]),b+=v[w],x=g[b],x||(x=g[b]=S.append("g").attr("class",v[w]))}return x}o(y,"getGroup");for(let v of m){if(v.data.length===0)continue;let x=y(v.groupTexts);switch(v.type){case"rect":x.selectAll("rect").data(v.data).enter().append("rect").attr("x",b=>b.x).attr("y",b=>b.y).attr("width",b=>b.width).attr("height",b=>b.height).attr("fill",b=>b.fill).attr("stroke",b=>b.strokeFill).attr("stroke-width",b=>b.strokeWidth);break;case"text":x.selectAll("text").data(v.data).enter().append("text").attr("x",0).attr("y",0).attr("fill",b=>b.fill).attr("font-size",b=>b.fontSize).attr("dominant-baseline",b=>l(b.verticalPos)).attr("text-anchor",b=>u(b.horizontalPos)).attr("transform",b=>h(b)).text(b=>b.text);break;case"path":x.selectAll("path").data(v.data).enter().append("path").attr("d",b=>b.path).attr("fill",b=>b.fill?b.fill:"none").attr("stroke",b=>b.strokeFill).attr("stroke-width",b=>b.strokeWidth);break}}},"draw"),kue={draw:Eze}});var Cue={};hr(Cue,{diagram:()=>Cze});var Cze,Sue=R(()=>{"use strict";rue();Tue();Eue();Cze={parser:tue,db:wue,renderer:kue}});var oO,Lue,Due=R(()=>{"use strict";oO=function(){var t=o(function(ie,j,J,Z){for(J=J||{},Z=ie.length;Z--;J[ie[Z]]=j);return J},"o"),e=[1,3],r=[1,4],n=[1,5],i=[1,6],a=[5,6,8,9,11,13,31,32,33,34,35,36,44,62,63],s=[1,18],l=[2,7],u=[1,22],h=[1,23],f=[1,24],d=[1,25],p=[1,26],m=[1,27],g=[1,20],y=[1,28],v=[1,29],x=[62,63],b=[5,8,9,11,13,31,32,33,34,35,36,44,51,53,62,63],w=[1,47],S=[1,48],T=[1,49],E=[1,50],_=[1,51],A=[1,52],L=[1,53],M=[53,54],N=[1,64],k=[1,60],I=[1,61],C=[1,62],O=[1,63],D=[1,65],P=[1,69],F=[1,70],B=[1,67], $ =[1,68],z=[5,8,9,11,13,31,32,33,34,35,36,44,62,63],Y={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,start:3,directive:4,NEWLINE:5,RD:6,diagram:7,EOF:8,acc_title:9,acc_title_value:10,acc_descr:11,acc_descr_value:12,acc_descr_multiline_value:13,requirementDef:14,elementDef:15,relationshipDef:16,requirementType:17,requirementName:18,STRUCT_START:19,requirementBody:20,ID:21,COLONSEP:22,id:23,TEXT:24,text:25,RISK:26,riskLevel:27,VERIFYMTHD:28,verifyType:29,STRUCT_STOP:30,REQUIREMENT:31,FUNCTIONAL_REQUIREMENT:32,INTERFACE_REQUIREMENT:33,PERFORMANCE_REQUIREMENT:34,PHYSICAL_REQUIREMENT:35,DESIGN_CONSTRAINT:36,LOW_RISK:37,MED_RISK:38,HIGH_RISK:39,VERIFY_ANALYSIS:40,VERIFY_DEMONSTRATION:41,VERIFY_INSPECTION:42,VERIFY_TEST:43,ELEMENT:44,elementName:45,elementBody:46,TYPE:47,type:48,DOCREF:49,ref:50,END_ARROW_L:51,relationship:52,LINE:53,END_ARROW_R:54,CONTAINS:55,COPIES:56,DERIVES:57,SATISFIES:58,VERIFIES:59,REFINES:60,TRACES:61,unqString:62,qString:63, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",5:"NEWLINE",6:"RD",8:"EOF",9:"acc_title",10:"acc_title_value",11:"acc_descr",12:"acc_descr_value",13:"acc_descr_multiline_value",19:"STRUCT_START",21:"ID",22:"COLONSEP",24:"TEXT",26:"RISK",28:"VERIFYMTHD",30:"STRUCT_STOP",31:"REQUIREMENT",32:"FUNCTIONAL_REQUIREMENT",33:"INTERFACE_REQUIREMENT",34:"PERFORMANCE_REQUIREMENT",35:"PHYSICAL_REQUIREMENT",36:"DESIGN_CONSTRAINT",37:"LOW_RISK",38:"MED_RISK",39:"HIGH_RISK",40:"VERIFY_ANALYSIS",41:"VERIFY_DEMONSTRATION",42:"VERIFY_INSPECTION",43:"VERIFY_TEST",44:"ELEMENT",47:"TYPE",49:"DOCREF",51:"END_ARROW_L",53:"LINE",54:"END_ARROW_R",55:"CONTAINS",56:"COPIES",57:"DERIVES",58:"SATISFIES",59:"VERIFIES",60:"REFINES",61:"TRACES",62:"unqString",63:"qString"},productions_:[0,[3,3],[3,2],[3,4],[4,2],[4,2],[4,1],[7,0],[7,2],[7,2],[7,2],[7,2],[7,2],[14,5],[20,5],[20,5],[20,5],[20,5],[20,2],[20,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[17,1],[27,1],[27,1],[27,1],[29,1],[29,1],[29,1],[29,1],[15,5],[46,5],[46,5],[46,2],[46,1],[16,5],[16,5],[52,1],[52,1],[52,1],[52,1],[52,1],[52,1],[52,1],[18,1],[18,1],[23,1],[23,1],[25,1],[25,1],[45,1],[45,1],[48,1]
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +Se.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +Me.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[ge]||ge)+"'":ye="Parse error on line "+(ue+1)+": Unexpected "+(ge==ke?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[ge]||ge)+"'"),this.parseError(ye,{text:Se.match,token:this.terminals_[ge]||ge,line:Se.yylineno,loc:_e,expected:Me})}if(ne[0]instanceof Array&&ne.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+he+", token: "+ge);switch(ne[0]){case 1:Z.push(ge),q.push(Se.yytext),K.push(Se.yylloc),Z.push(ne[1]),ge=null,re?(ge=re,re=null):(te=Se.yyleng,ce=Se.yytext,ue=Se.yylineno,_e=Se.yylloc,De>0&&De--);break;case 2:if(Ae=this.productions_[ne[1]][1],Te. $ =q[q.length-Ae],Te._ $ ={first_line:K[K.length-(Ae||1)].first_line,last_line:K[K.length-1].last_line,first_column:K[K.length-(Ae||1)].first_column,last_column:K[K.length-1].last_column},me&&(Te._ $ .range=[K[K.length-(Ae||1)].range[0],K[K.length-1].range[1]]),we=this.performAction.apply(Te,[ce,te,ue,Ue.yy,ne[1],q,K].concat(Ie)),typeof we<"u")return we;Ae&&(Z=Z.slice(0,-1*Ae*2),q=q.slice(0,-1*Ae),K=K.slice(0,-1*Ae)),Z.push(this.productions_[ne[1]][0]),q.push(Te. $ ),K.push(Te._ $ ),Ge=se[Z[Z.length-2]][Z[Z.length-1]],Z.push(Ge);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},Q=function(){var ie={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(J,Z){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(J,Z);else throw new Error(J)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(j,J){return this.yy=J||this.yy||{},this._input=j,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var j=this._input[0];this.yytext+=j,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=j,this.matched+=j;var J=j.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return J?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),j},"input"),unput:o(function(j){var J=j.length,Z=j.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=j+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-J),this.offset-=J;var H=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),Z.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=Z.length-1);var q=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:Z?(Z.length===H.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+H[H.length-Z.length].length-Z[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-J},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[q[0],q[0]+this.yyleng-J]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(j){this.unput(this.match.slice(j))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var j=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(j.length>20?"...":"")+j.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var j=this.match;return j.length<20&&(j+=this._input.substr(0,20-j.length)),(j.substr(0,20)+(j.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var j=this.pastInput(),J=new Array(j.length+1).join("-");return j+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +J+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(j,J){var Z,H,q;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(q={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(q.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),H=j[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),H&&(this.yylineno+=H.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:H?H[H.length-1].length-H[H.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+j[0].length},this.yytext+=j[0],this.match+=j[0],this.matches=j,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(j[0].length),this.matched+=j[0],Z=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,J,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),Z)return Z;if(this._backtrack){for(var K in q)this[K]=q[K];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var j,J,Z,H;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var q=this._currentRules(),K=0;K<q.length;K++)if(Z=this._input.match(this.rules[q[K]]),Z&&(!J||Z[0].length>J[0].length)){if(J=Z,H=K,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(j=this.test_match(Z,q[K]),j!==!1)return j;if(this._backtrack){J=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return J?(j=this.test_match(J,q[H]),j!==!1?j:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var J=this.next();return J||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(J){this.conditionStack.push(J)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var J=this.conditionStack.length-1;return J>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(J){return J=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(J||0),J>=0?this.conditionStack[J]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(J){this.begin(J)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(J,Z,H,q){var K=q;switch(H){case 0:return"title";case 1:return this.begin("acc_title"),9;break;case 2:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 3:return this.begin("acc_descr"),11;break;case 4:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 5:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 6:this.popState();break;case 7:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 8:return 5;case 9:break;case 10:break;case 11:break;case 12:return 8;case 13:return 6;case 14:return 19;case 15:return 30;case 16:return 22;case 17:return 21;case 18:return 24;case 19:return 26;case 20:return 28;case 21:return 31;case 22:return 32;case 23:return 33;case 24:return 34;case 25:return 35;case 26:return 36;case 27:return 37;case 28:return 38;case 29:return 39;case 30:return 40;case 31:return 41;case 32:return 42;case 33:return 43;case 34:return 44;case 35:return 55;case 36:return 56;case 37:return 57;case 38:return 58;case 39:return 59;case 40:return 60;case 41:return 61;case 42:return 47;case 43:return 49;case 44:return 51;case 45:return 54;case 46:return 53;case 47:this.begin("string");break;case 48:this.popState();break;case 49:return"qString";case 50:return Z.yytext=Z.yytext.trim(),62;break}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:title \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?:[ \} ])/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?:( \r ? \n )+)/i,/^(?: \s +)/i,/^(?:#[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?: $ )/i,/^(?:requirementDiagram \b )/i,/^(?: \{ )/i,/^(?: \} )/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?:id \b )/i,/^(?:text \b )/i,/^(?:risk \b )/i,/^(?:verifyMethod \b )/i,/^(?:requirement \b )/i,/^(?:functionalRequirement \b )/i,/^(?:interfaceRequirement \b )/i,/^(?:performanceRequirement \b )/i,/^(?:physicalRequirement \b )/i,/^(?:designConstraint \b )/i,/^(?:low \b )/i,/^(?:medium \b )/i,/^(?:high \b )/i,/^(?:analysis \b )/i,/^(?:demonstration \b )/i,/^(?:inspection \b )/i,/^(?:test \b )/i,/^(?:element \b )/i,/^(?:contains \b )/i,/^(?:copies \b )/i,/^(?:derives \b )/i,/^(?:satisfies \b )/i,/^(?:verifies \b )/i,/^(?:refines \b )/i,/^(?:traces \b )/i,/^(?:type \b )/i,/^(?:docref \b )/i,/^(?:<-)/i,/^(?:->)/i,/^(?:-)/i,/^(?:["])/i,/^(?:["])/i,/^(?:[^"]*)/i,/^(?:[ \w ][^ \r \n \{ \< \> \- \= ]*)/i],conditions:{acc_descr_multiline:{rules:[6,7],inclusive:!1},acc_descr:{rules:[4],inclusive:!1},acc_title:{rules:[2],inclusive:!1},unqString:{rules:[],inclusive:!1},token:{rules:[],inclusive:!1},string:{rules:[48,49],inclusive:!1},INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,3,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,50],inclusive:!0}}};return ie}();Y.lexer=Q;function X(){this.yy={}}return o(X,"Parser"),X.prototype=Y,Y.Parser=X,new X}();oO.parser=oO;Lue=oO});var lO,Bs,gx,mf,yx,Lze,Dze,Rze,Nze,Mze,Ize,Oze,Pze,Bze,Fze,zze,Gze, $ ze,Vze,Uze,Hze,Yze,Rue,Nue=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();ut();bi();lO=[],Bs={},gx=new Map,mf={},yx=new Map,Lze={REQUIREMENT:"Requirement",FUNCTIONAL_REQUIREMENT:"Functional Requirement",INTERFACE_REQUIREMENT:"Interface Requirement",PERFORMANCE_REQUIREMENT:"Performance Requirement",PHYSICAL_REQUIREMENT:"Physical Requirement",DESIGN_CONSTRAINT:"Design Constraint"},Dze={LOW_RISK:"Low",MED_RISK:"Medium",HIGH_RISK:"High"},Rze={VERIFY_ANALYSIS:"Analysis",VERIFY_DEMONSTRATION:"Demons
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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font - size : $ { t . fontSize } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
fill - opacity : 1.0 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . requirementBorderColor } ;
stroke - width : $ { t . requirementBorderSize } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . requirementTextColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. reqLabelBox {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . relationLabelBackground } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
fill - opacity : 1.0 ;
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . requirementBorderColor } ;
stroke - width : $ { t . requirementBorderSize } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. relationshipLine {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . relationColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 ;
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),Mue=Wze});var cO,qze,uO,Oue=R(()=>{"use strict";cO={CONTAINS:"contains",ARROW:"arrow"},qze=o((t,e)=>{let r=t.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",cO.CONTAINS+"_line_ending").attr("refX",0).attr("refY",e.line_height/2).attr("markerWidth",e.line_height).attr("markerHeight",e.line_height).attr("orient","auto").append("g");r.append("circle").attr("cx",e.line_height/2).attr("cy",e.line_height/2).attr("r",e.line_height/2).attr("fill","none"),r.append("line").attr("x1",0).attr("x2",e.line_height).attr("y1",e.line_height/2).attr("y2",e.line_height/2).attr("stroke-width",1),r.append("line").attr("y1",0).attr("y2",e.line_height).attr("x1",e.line_height/2).attr("x2",e.line_height/2).attr("stroke-width",1),t.append("defs").append("marker").attr("id",cO.ARROW+"_line_ending").attr("refX",e.line_height).attr("refY",.5*e.line_height).attr("markerWidth",e.line_height).attr("markerHeight",e.line_height).attr("orient","auto").append("path").attr("d", ` M0 , 0
L$ { e . line _height } , $ { e . line _height / 2 }
M$ { e . line _height } , $ { e . line _height / 2 }
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
L0 , $ { e . line _height } ` ).attr("stroke-width",1)},"insertLineEndings"),uO={ReqMarkers:cO,insertLineEndings:qze}});var ai,Pue,Bue,Fue,zue,Xze,jze,Kze,Qze,Zze,Jze,Og,eGe,Gue, $ ue=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();Vd();ya();_t();ut();Yn();rr();Oue();ai={},Pue=0,Bue=o((t,e)=>t.insert("rect","#"+e).attr("class","req reqBox").attr("x",0).attr("y",0).attr("width",ai.rect_min_width+"px").attr("height",ai.rect_min_height+"px"),"newRectNode"),Fue=o((t,e,r)=>{let n=ai.rect_min_width/2,i=t.append("text").attr("class","req reqLabel reqTitle").attr("id",e).attr("x",n).attr("y",ai.rect_padding).attr("dominant-baseline","hanging"),a=0;r.forEach(h=>{a==0?i.append("tspan").attr("text-anchor","middle").attr("x",ai.rect_min_width/2).attr("dy",0).text(h):i.append("tspan").attr("text-anchor","middle").attr("x",ai.rect_min_width/2).attr("dy",ai.line_height*.75).text(h),a++});let s=1.5*ai.rect_padding,l=a*ai.line_height*.75,u=s+l;return t.append("line").attr("class","req-title-line").attr("x1","0").attr("x2",ai.rect_min_width).attr("y1",u).attr("y2",u),{titleNode:i,y:u}},"newTitleNode"),zue=o((t,e,r,n)=>{let i=t.append("text").attr("class","req reqLabel").attr("id",e).attr("x",ai.rect_padding).attr("y",n).attr("dominant-baseline","hanging"),a=0,s=30,l=[];return r.forEach(u=>{let h=u.length;for(;h>s&&a<3;){let f=u.substring(0,s);u=u.substring(s,u.length),h=u.length,l[l.length]=f,a++}if(a==3){let f=l[l.length-1];l[l.length-1]=f.substring(0,f.length-4)+"..."}else l[l.length]=u;a=0}),l.forEach(u=>{i.append("tspan").attr("x",ai.rect_padding).attr("dy",ai.line_height).text(u)}),i},"newBodyNode"),Xze=o((t,e,r,n)=>{let i=e.node().getTotalLength(),a=e.node().getPointAtLength(i*.5),s="rel"+Pue;Pue++;let u=t.append("text").attr("class","req relationshipLabel").attr("id",s).attr("x",a.x).attr("y",a.y).attr("text-anchor","middle").attr("dominant-baseline","middle").text(n).node().getBBox();t.insert("rect","#"+s).attr("class","req reqLabelBox").attr("x",a.x-u.width/2).attr("y",a.y-u.height/2).attr("width",u.width).attr("height",u.height).attr("fill","white").attr("fill-opacity","85%")},"addEdgeLabel"),jze=o(function(t,e,r,n,i){let a=r.edge(Og(e.src),Og(e.dst)),s=ha().x(function(u){return u.x}).y(function(u){return u.y}),l=t.insert("path","#"+n).attr("class","er relationshipLine").attr("d",s(a.points)).attr("fill","none");e.type==i.db.Relationships.CONTAINS?l.attr("marker-start","url("+We.getUrl(ai.arrowMarkerAbsolute)+"#"+e.type+"_line_ending)"):(l.attr("stroke-dasharray","10,7"),l.attr("marker-end","url("+We.getUrl(ai.arrowMarkerAbsolute)+"#"+uO.ReqMarkers.ARROW+"_line_ending)")),Xze(t,l,ai, ` << $ { e . type } >> ` )},"drawRelationshipFromLayout"),Kze=o((t,e,r)=>{t.forEach((n,i)=>{i=Og(i),V.info("Added new requirement: ",i);let a=r.append("g").attr("id",i),s="req-"+i,l=Bue(a,s),u=[],h=Fue(a,i+"_title",[ ` << $ { n . type } >> ` , ` $ { n . name } ` ]);u.push(h.titleNode);let f=zue(a,i+"_body",[ ` Id : $ { n . id } ` , ` Text : $ { n . text } ` , ` Risk : $ { n . risk } ` , ` Verification : $ { n . verifyMethod } ` ],h.y);u.push(f);let d=l.node().getBBox();e.setNode(i,{width:d.width,height:d.height,shape:"rect",id:i})})},"drawReqs"),Qze=o((t,e,r)=>{t.forEach((n,i)=>{let a=Og(i),s=r.append("g").attr("id",a),l="element-"+a,u=Bue(s,l),h=[],f=Fue(s,l+"_title",["<<Element>>", ` $ { i } ` ]);h.push(f.titleNode);let d=zue(s,l+"_body",[ ` Type : $ { n . type || "Not Specified" } ` , ` Doc Ref : $ { n . docRef || "None" } ` ],f.y);h.push(d);let p=u.node().getBBox();e.setNode(a,{width:p.width,height:p.height,shape:"rect",id:a})})},"drawElements"),Zze=o((t,e)=>(t.forEach(function(r){let n=Og(r.src),i=Og(r.dst);e.setEdge(n,i,{relationship:r})}),t),"addRelationships"),Jze=o(function(t,e){e.nodes().forEach(function(r){r!==void 0&&e.node(r)!==void 0&&(t.select("#"+r),t.select("#"+r).attr("transform","translate("+(e.node(r).x-e.node(r).width/2)+","+(e.node(r).y-e.node(r).height/2)+" )"))})},"adjustEntities"),Og=o(t=>t.replace(/ \s /g,"").replace(/ \. /g,"_"),"elementString"),eGe=o((t,e,r,n)=>{ai=de().requirement;let i=ai.securityLevel,a;i==="sandbox"&&(a= $ e("#i"+e));let l=(i==="sandbox"? $ e(a.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body): $ e("body")).select( ` [ id = '${e}' ] ` );uO.insertLineEndings(l,ai)
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +me.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +Ze.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[ae]||ae)+"'":gt="Parse error on line "+(ke+1)+": Unexpected "+(ae==Pe?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[ae]||ae)+"'"),this.parseError(gt,{text:me.match,token:this.terminals_[ae]||ae,line:me.yylineno,loc:ge,expected:Ze})}if(Ce[0]instanceof Array&&Ce.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Te+", token: "+ae);switch(Ce[0]){case 1:se.push(ae),ue.push(me.yytext),te.push(me.yylloc),se.push(Ce[1]),ae=null,we?(ae=we,we=null):(Ie=me.yyleng,oe=me.yytext,ke=me.yylineno,ge=me.yylloc,Se>0&&Se--);break;case 2:if(He=this.productions_[Ce[1]][1],Me. $ =ue[ue.length-He],Me._ $ ={first_line:te[te.length-(He||1)].first_line,last_line:te[te.length-1].last_line,first_column:te[te.length-(He||1)].first_column,last_column:te[te.length-1].last_column},re&&(Me._ $ .range=[te[te.length-(He||1)].range[0],te[te.length-1].range[1]]),Ge=this.performAction.apply(Me,[oe,Ie,ke,W.yy,Ce[1],ue,te].concat(_e)),typeof Ge<"u")return Ge;He&&(se=se.slice(0,-1*He*2),ue=ue.slice(0,-1*He),te=te.slice(0,-1*He)),se.push(this.productions_[Ce[1]][0]),ue.push(Me. $ ),te.push(Me._ $ ),ze=De[se[se.length-2]][se[se.length-1]],se.push(ze);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},J=function(){var H={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(K,se){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(K,se);else throw new Error(K)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(q,K){return this.yy=K||this.yy||{},this._input=q,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var q=this._input[0];this.yytext+=q,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=q,this.matched+=q;var K=q.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return K?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),q},"input"),unput:o(function(q){var K=q.length,se=q.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=q+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-K),this.offset-=K;var ce=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),se.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=se.length-1);var ue=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:se?(se.length===ce.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+ce[ce.length-se.length].length-se[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-K},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[ue[0],ue[0]+this.yyleng-K]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(q){this.unput(this.match.slice(q))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var q=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(q.length>20?"...":"")+q.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var q=this.match;return q.length<20&&(q+=this._input.substr(0,20-q.length)),(q.substr(0,20)+(q.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var q=this.pastInput(),K=new Array(q.length+1).join("-");return q+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +K+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(q,K){var se,ce,ue;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(ue={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(ue.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),ce=q[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),ce&&(this.yylineno+=ce.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:ce?ce[ce.length-1].length-ce[ce.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+q[0].length},this.yytext+=q[0],this.match+=q[0],this.matches=q,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(q[0].length),this.matched+=q[0],se=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,K,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),se)return se;if(this._backtrack){for(var te in ue)this[te]=ue[te];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var q,K,se,ce;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var ue=this._currentRules(),te=0;te<ue.length;te++)if(se=this._input.match(this.rules[ue[te]]),se&&(!K||se[0].length>K[0].length)){if(K=se,ce=te,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(q=this.test_match(se,ue[te]),q!==!1)return q;if(this._backtrack){K=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return K?(q=this.test_match(K,ue[ce]),q!==!1?q:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var K=this.next();return K||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(K){this.conditionStack.push(K)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var K=this.conditionStack.length-1;return K>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(K){return K=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(K||0),K>=0?this.conditionStack[K]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(K){this.begin(K)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(K,se,ce,ue){var te=ue;switch(ce){case 0:return 5;case 1:break;case 2:break;case 3:break;case 4:break;case 5:break;case 6:return 19;case 7:return this.begin("LINE"),14;break;case 8:return this.begin("ID"),50;break;case 9:return this.begin("ID"),52;break;case 10:return 13;case 11:return this.begin("ID"),53;break;case 12:return se.yytext=se.yytext.trim(),this.begin("ALIAS"),70;break;case 13:return this.popState(),this.popState(),this.begin("LINE"),51;break;case 14:return this.popState(),this.popState(),5;break;case 15:return this.begin("LINE"),36;break;case 16:return this.begin("LINE"),37;break;case 17:return this.begin("LINE"),38;break;case 18:return this.begin("LINE"),39;break;case 19:return this.begin("LINE"),49;break;case 20:return this.begin("LINE"),41;break;case 21:return this.begin("LINE"),43;break;case 22:return this.begin("LINE"),48;break;case 23:return this.begin("LINE"),44;break;case 24:return this.begin("LINE"),47;break;case 25:return this.begin("LINE"),46;break;case 26:return this.popState(),15;break;case 27:return 16;case 28:return 65;case 29:return 66;case 30:return 59;case 31:return 60;case 32:return 61;case 33:return 62;case 34:return 57;case 35:return 54;case 36:return this.begin("ID"),21;break;case 37:return this.begin("ID"),23;break;case 38:return 29;case 39:return 30;case 40:return this.begin("acc_title"),31;break;case 41:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 42:return this.begin("acc_descr"),33;break;case 43:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 44:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 45:this.popState();break;case 46:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 47:return 6;case 48:return 18;case 49:return 20;case 50:return 64;case 51:return 5;case 52:return se.yytext=se.yytext.trim(),70;break;case 53:return 73;case 54:return 74;case 55:return 75;case 56:return 76;case 57:return 71;case 58:return 72;case 59:return 77;case 60:return 78;case 61:return 79;case 62:return 80;case 63:return 81;case 64:return 68;case 65:return 69;case 66:return 5;case 67:return"INVALID"}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?: \s +)/i,/^(?:((?! \n ) \s )+)/i,/^(?:#[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:%(?! \{ )[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]%%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[0-9]+(?=[ \n ]+))/i,/^(?:box \b )/i,/^(?:participant \b )/i,/^(?:actor \b )/i,/^(?:create \b )/i,/^(?:destroy \b )/i,/^(?:[^ \< -> \- >: \n ,;]+?([ \- ]*[^ \< -> \- >: \n ,;]+?)*?(?=((?! \n ) \s )+as(?! \n ) \s |[# \n ;]| $ ))/i,/^(?:as \b )/i,/^(?:(?:))/i,/^(?:loop \b )/i,/^(?:rect \b )/i,/^(?:opt \b )/i,/^(?:alt \b )/i,/^(?:else \b )/i,/^(?:par \b )/i,/^(?:par_over \b )/i,/^(?:and \b )/i,/^(?:critical \b )/i,/^(?:option \b )/i,/^(?:break \b )/i,/^(?:(?:[:]?(?:no)?wrap)?[^# \n ;]*)/i,/^(?:end \b )/i,/^(?:left of \b )/i,/^(?:right of \b )/i,/^(?:links \b )/i,/^(?:link \b )/i,/^(?:properties \b )/i,/^(?:details \b )/i,/^(?:over \b )/i,/^(?:note \b )/i,/^(?:activate \b )/i,/^(?:deactivate \b )/i,/^(?:title \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:title: \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?:[ \} ])/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?:sequenceDiagram \b )/i,/^(?:autonumber \b )/i,/^(?:off \b )/i,/^(?:,)/i,/^(?:;)/i,/^(?:[^ \+ \< -> \- >: \n ,;]+((?!(-x|--x|- \) |-- \) ))[ \- ]*[^ \+ \< -> \- >: \n ,;]+)*)/i,/^(?:->>)/i,/^(?:<<->>)/i,/^(?:-->>)/i,/^(?:<<-->>)/i,/^(?:->)/i,/^(?:
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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filter : drop - shadow ( 3 px 5 px 2 px rgb ( 0 0 0 / 0.4 ) ) ;
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-10-02 00:39:44 -05:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +Me.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +lt.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[tt]||tt)+"'":It="Parse error on line "+(ae+1)+": Unexpected "+(tt==Ae?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[tt]||tt)+"'"),this.parseError(It,{text:Me.match,token:this.terminals_[tt]||tt,line:Me.yylineno,loc:ze,expected:lt})}if(Ve[0]instanceof Array&&Ve.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Je+", token: "+tt);switch(Ve[0]){case 1:W.push(tt),ge.push(Me.yytext),re.push(Me.yylloc),W.push(Ve[1]),tt=null,Ye?(tt=Ye,Ye=null):(we=Me.yyleng,ne=Me.yytext,ae=Me.yylineno,ze=Me.yylloc,Te>0&&Te--);break;case 2:if(it=this.productions_[Ve[1]][1],at. $ =ge[ge.length-it],at._ $ ={first_line:re[re.length-(it||1)].first_line,last_line:re[re.length-1].last_line,first_column:re[re.length-(it||1)].first_column,last_column:re[re.length-1].last_column},Ze&&(at._ $ .range=[re[re.length-(it||1)].range[0],re[re.length-1].range[1]]),kt=this.performAction.apply(at,[ne,we,ae,ye.yy,Ve[1],ge,re].concat(Ge)),typeof kt<"u")return kt;it&&(W=W.slice(0,-1*it*2),ge=ge.slice(0,-1*it),re=re.slice(0,-1*it)),W.push(this.productions_[Ve[1]][0]),ge.push(at. $ ),re.push(at._ $ ),dt=he[W[W.length-2]][W[W.length-1]],W.push(dt);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},Se=function(){var Pe={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(me,W){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(me,W);else throw new Error(me)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(_e,me){return this.yy=me||this.yy||{},this._input=_e,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var _e=this._input[0];this.yytext+=_e,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=_e,this.matched+=_e;var me=_e.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return me?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),_e},"input"),unput:o(function(_e){var me=_e.length,W=_e.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=_e+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-me),this.offset-=me;var fe=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),W.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=W.length-1);var ge=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:W?(W.length===fe.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+fe[fe.length-W.length].length-W[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-me},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[ge[0],ge[0]+this.yyleng-me]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(_e){this.unput(this.match.slice(_e))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var _e=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(_e.length>20?"...":"")+_e.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var _e=this.match;return _e.length<20&&(_e+=this._input.substr(0,20-_e.length)),(_e.substr(0,20)+(_e.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var _e=this.pastInput(),me=new Array(_e.length+1).join("-");return _e+this.upcomingInput()+ `
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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insidePoint : $ { JSON . stringify ( r ) }
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
node : x : $ { t . x } y : $ { t . y } w : $ { t . width } h : $ { t . height } ` );let n=t.x,i=t.y,a=Math.abs(n-r.x),s=t.width/2,l=r.x<e.x?s-a:s+a,u=t.height/2,h=Math.abs(e.y-r.y),f=Math.abs(e.x-r.x);if(Math.abs(i-e.y)*s>Math.abs(n-e.x)*u){let d=r.y<e.y?e.y-u-i:i-u-e.y;l=f*d/h;let p={x:r.x<e.x?r.x+l:r.x-f+l,y:r.y<e.y?r.y+h-d:r.y-h+d};return l===0&&(p.x=e.x,p.y=e.y),f===0&&(p.x=e.x),h===0&&(p.y=e.y),V.debug( ` abc89 topp / bott calc , Q $ { h } , q $ { d } , R $ { f } , r $ { l } ` ,p),p}else{r.x<e.x?l=e.x-s-n:l=n-s-e.x;let d=h*l/f,p=r.x<e.x?r.x+f-l:r.x-f+l,m=r.y<e.y?r.y+d:r.y-d;return V.debug( ` sides calc abc89 , Q $ { h } , q $ { d } , R $ { f } , r $ { l } ` ,{_x:p,_y:m}),l===0&&(p=e.x,m=e.y),f===0&&(p=e.x),h===0&&(m=e.y),{x:p,y:m}}},"intersection"),Zhe=o((t,e)=>{V.debug("abc88 cutPathAtIntersect",t,e);let r=[],n=t[0],i=!1;return t.forEach(a=>{if(!uVe(e,a)&&!i){let s=hVe(e,n,a),l=!1;r.forEach(u=>{l=l||u.x===s.x&&u.y===s.y}),r.some(u=>u.x===s.x&&u.y===s.y)||r.push(s),i=!0}else n=a,i||r.push(a)}),r},"cutPathAtIntersect"),PE=o(function(t,e,r,n,i,a,s){let l=r.points;V.debug("abc88 InsertEdge: edge=",r,"e=",e);let u=!1,h=a.node(e.v);var f=a.node(e.w);f?.intersect&&h?.intersect&&(l=l.slice(1,r.points.length-1),l.unshift(h.intersect(l[0])),l.push(f.intersect(l[l.length-1]))),r.toCluster&&(V.debug("to cluster abc88",n[r.toCluster]),l=Zhe(r.points,n[r.toCluster].node),u=!0),r.fromCluster&&(V.debug("from cluster abc88",n[r.fromCluster]),l=Zhe(l.reverse(),n[r.fromCluster].node).reverse(),u=!0);let d=l.filter(S=>!Number.isNaN(S.y)),p=vs;r.curve&&(i==="graph"||i==="flowchart")&&(p=r.curve);let{x:m,y:g}=X5(r),y=ha().x(m).y(g).curve(p),v;switch(r.thickness){case"normal":v="edge-thickness-normal";break;case"thick":v="edge-thickness-thick";break;case"invisible":v="edge-thickness-thick";break;default:v=""}switch(r.pattern){case"solid":v+=" edge-pattern-solid";break;case"dotted":v+=" edge-pattern-dotted";break;case"dashed":v+=" edge-pattern-dashed";break}let x=t.append("path").attr("d",y(d)).attr("id",r.id).attr("class"," "+v+(r.classes?" "+r.classes:"")).attr("style",r.style),b="";(de().flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute||de().state.arrowMarkerAbsolute)&&(b=window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname+window.location.search,b=b.replace(/ \( /g," \\ ("),b=b.replace(/ \) /g," \\ )")),Khe(x,r,b,s,i);let w={};return u&&(w.updatedPath=l),w.originalPath=r.points,w},"insertEdge")});var efe,tfe,rfe=R(()=>{"use strict";Vd();Pv();LO();N5();Hhe();M5();Xhe();DO();ut();_d();_t();efe=o(async(t,e,r,n,i,a)=>{V.info("Graph in recursive render: XXX",zn(e),i);let s=e.graph().rankdir;V.trace("Dir in recursive render - dir:",s);let l=t.insert("g").attr("class","root");e.nodes()?V.info("Recursive render XXX",e.nodes()):V.info("No nodes found for",e),e.edges().length>0&&V.trace("Recursive edges",e.edge(e.edges()[0]));let u=l.insert("g").attr("class","clusters"),h=l.insert("g").attr("class","edgePaths"),f=l.insert("g").attr("class","edgeLabels"),d=l.insert("g").attr("class","nodes");await Promise.all(e.nodes().map(async function(g){let y=e.node(g);if(i!==void 0){let v=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(i.clusterData));V.info("Setting data for cluster XXX (",g,") ",v,i),e.setNode(i.id,v),e.parent(g)||(V.trace("Setting parent",g,i.id),e.setParent(g,i.id,v))}if(V.info("(Insert) Node XXX"+g+": "+JSON.stringify(e.node(g))),y?.clusterNode){V.info("Cluster identified",g,y.width,e.node(g));let{ranksep:v,nodesep:x}=e.graph();y.graph.setGraph({...y.graph.graph(),ranksep:v,nodesep:x});let b=await efe(d,y.graph,r,n,e.node(g),a),w=b.elem;kn(y,w),y.diff=b.diff||0,V.info("Node bounds (abc123)",g,y,y.width,y.x,y.y),Bj(w,y),V.warn("Recursive render complete ",w,y)}else e.children(g).length>0?(V.info("Cluster - the non recursive path XXX",g,y.id,y,e),V.info(Fg(y.id,e)),tr[y.id]={id:Fg(y.id,e),node:y}):(V.info("Node - the non recursive path",g,y.id,y),await pm(d,e.node(g),s))})),e.edges().forEach(async function(g){let y=e.edge(g.v,g.w,g.name);V.info("Edge "+g.v+" -> "+g.w+": "+JSON.stringify(g)),V.info("Edge "+g.v+" -> "+g.w+": ",g," ",JSON.stringify(e.edge(g))),V.info("Fix",tr,"ids:",g.v,g.w,"Translating: ",tr[g.v],tr[g.w]),awa
` ),i.style===void 0&&(a.style=a.style||"stroke: #333; stroke-width: 1.5px;fill:none"),a.labelStyle=a.labelStyle.replace("color:","fill:"))),e.setEdge(i.id1,i.id2,a,n)})},"addRelations"),mVe=o(function(t){RO={...RO,...t}},"setConf"),gVe=o(async function(t,e,r,n){V.info("Drawing class - ",e);let i=de().flowchart??de().class,a=de().securityLevel;V.info("config:",i);let s=i?.nodeSpacing??50,l=i?.rankSpacing??50,u=new lr({multigraph:!0,compound:!0}).setGraph({rankdir:n.db.getDirection(),nodesep:s,ranksep:l,marginx:8,marginy:8}).setDefaultEdgeLabel(function(){return{}}),h=n.db.getNamespaces(),f=n.db.getClasses(),d=n.db.getRelations(),p=n.db.getNotes();V.info(d),fVe(h,u,e,n),ife(f,u,e,n),pVe(d,u),dVe(p,u,d.length+1,f);let m;a==="sandbox"&&(m= $ e("#i"+e));let g=a==="sandbox"? $ e(m.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body): $ e("body"),y=g.select( ` [ id = "${e}" ] ` ),v=g.select("#"+e+" g");if(await tfe(v,u,["aggregation","extension","composition","dependency","lollipop"],"classDiagram",e),Lt.insertTitle(y,"classTitleText",i?.titleTopMargin??5,n.db.getDiagramTitle()),Lo(u,y,i?.diagramPadding,i?.useMaxWidth),!i?.htmlLabels){let x=a==="sandbox"?m.nodes()[0].contentDocument:document,b=x.querySelectorAll('[id="'+e+'"] .edgeLabel .label');for(let w of b){let S=w.getBBox(),T=x.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","rect");T.setAttribute("rx",0),T.setAttribute("ry",0),T.setAttribute("width",S.width),T.setAttribute("height",S.height),w.insertBefore(T,w.firstChild)}}},"draw");o(nfe,"getArrowMarker");afe={setConf:mVe,draw:gVe}});var ofe={};hr(ofe,{diagram:()=>yVe});var yVe,lfe=R(()=>{"use strict";TO();AO();_O();sfe();yVe={parser:wE,db:Bg,renderer:afe,styles:CE,init:o(t=>{t.class||(t.class={}),t.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute=t.arrowMarkerAbsolute,Bg.clear()},"init")}});var MO,BE,IO=R(()=>{"use strict";MO=function(){var t=o(function(F,B, $ ,z){for( $ = $ ||{},z=F.length;z--; $ [F[z]]=B);return $ },"o"),e=[1,2],r=[1,3],n=[1,4],i=[2,4],a=[1,9],s=[1,11],l=[1,16],u=[1,17],h=[1,18],f=[1,19],d=[1,32],p=[1,20],m=[1,21],g=[1,22],y=[1,23],v=[1,24],x=[1,26],b=[1,27],w=[1,28],S=[1,29],T=[1,30],E=[1,31],_=[1,34],A=[1,35],L=[1,36],M=[1,37],N=[1,33],k=[1,4,5,16,17,19,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29,33,35,37,38,42,45,48,49,50,51,54],I=[1,4,5,14,15,16,17,19,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29,33,35,37,38,42,45,48,49,50,51,54],C=[4,5,16,17,19,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29,33,35,37,38,42,45,48,49,50,51,54],O={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,start:3,SPACE:4,NL:5,SD:6,document:7,line:8,statement:9,classDefStatement:10,styleStatement:11,cssClassStatement:12,idStatement:13,DESCR:14,"-->":15,HIDE_EMPTY:16,scale:17,WIDTH:18,COMPOSIT_STATE:19,STRUCT_START:20,STRUCT_STOP:21,STATE_DESCR:22,AS:23,ID:24,FORK:25,JOIN:26,CHOICE:27,CONCURRENT:28,note:29,notePosition:30,NOTE_TEXT:31,direction:32,acc_title:33,acc_title_value:34,acc_descr:35,acc_descr_value:36,acc_descr_multiline_value:37,classDef:38,CLASSDEF_ID:39,CLASSDEF_STYLEOPTS:40,DEFAULT:41,style:42,STYLE_IDS:43,STYLEDEF_STYLEOPTS:44,class:45,CLASSENTITY_IDS:46,STYLECLASS:47,direction_tb:48,direction_bt:49,direction_rl:50,direction_lr:51,eol:52,";":53,EDGE_STATE:54,STYLE_SEPARATOR:55,left_of:56,right_of:57, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",4:"SPACE",5:"NL",6:"SD",14:"DESCR",15:"-->",16:"HIDE_EMPTY",17:"scale",18:"WIDTH",19:"COMPOSIT_STATE",20:"STRUCT_START",21:"STRUCT_STOP",22:"STATE_DESCR",23:"AS",24:"ID",25:"FORK",26:"JOIN",27:"CHOICE",28:"CONCURRENT",29:"note",31:"NOTE_TEXT",33:"acc_title",34:"acc_title_value",35:"acc_descr",36:"acc_descr_value",37:"acc_descr_multiline_value",38:"classDef",39:"CLASSDEF_ID",40:"CLASSDEF_STYLEOPTS",41:"DEFAULT",42:"style",43:"STYLE_IDS",44:"STYLEDEF_STYLEOPTS",45:"class",46:"CLASSENTITY_IDS",47:"STYLECLASS",48:"direction_tb",49:"direction_bt",50:"direction_rl",51:"direction_lr",53:";",54:"EDGE_STATE",55:"STYLE_SEPARATOR",56:"left_of",57:"right_of"},productions_:[0,[3,2],[3,2],[3,2],[7,0],[7,2],[8,2],[8,1],[8,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,2],[9,3],[9,4],[9,1],[9,2],[9,1],[9,4],[9,3],[9,6],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,4],[9,4],[9,1],[9,2],[9,2],[9,1],[10,3],[10,3],[11,3],[12,3],[32,1],[32,1],[32,1],[32,1],[52,1
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +ce.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +ne.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[Se]||Se)+"'":ae="Parse error on line "+(J+1)+": Unexpected "+(Se==K?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[Se]||Se)+"'"),this.parseError(ae,{text:ce.match,token:this.terminals_[Se]||Se,line:ce.yylineno,loc:De,expected:ne})}if(_e[0]instanceof Array&&_e.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Pe+", token: "+Se);switch(_e[0]){case 1:z.push(Se),Q.push(ce.yytext),X.push(ce.yylloc),z.push(_e[1]),Se=null,Ue?(Se=Ue,Ue=null):(Z=ce.yyleng,j=ce.yytext,J=ce.yylineno,De=ce.yylloc,H>0&&H--);break;case 2:if(re=this.productions_[_e[1]][1],fe. $ =Q[Q.length-re],fe._ $ ={first_line:X[X.length-(re||1)].first_line,last_line:X[X.length-1].last_line,first_column:X[X.length-(re||1)].first_column,last_column:X[X.length-1].last_column},oe&&(fe._ $ .range=[X[X.length-(re||1)].range[0],X[X.length-1].range[1]]),W=this.performAction.apply(fe,[j,Z,J,ue.yy,_e[1],Q,X].concat(se)),typeof W<"u")return W;re&&(z=z.slice(0,-1*re*2),Q=Q.slice(0,-1*re),X=X.slice(0,-1*re)),z.push(this.productions_[_e[1]][0]),Q.push(fe. $ ),X.push(fe._ $ ),he=ie[z[z.length-2]][z[z.length-1]],z.push(he);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},D=function(){var F={EOF:1,parseError:o(function( $ ,z){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError( $ ,z);else throw new Error( $ )},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(B, $ ){return this.yy= $ ||this.yy||{},this._input=B,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var B=this._input[0];this.yytext+=B,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=B,this.matched+=B;var $ =B.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return $ ?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),B},"input"),unput:o(function(B){var $ =B.length,z=B.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=B+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length- $ ),this.offset-= $ ;var Y=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),z.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=z.length-1);var Q=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:z?(z.length===Y.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+Y[Y.length-z.length].length-z[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column- $ },this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[Q[0],Q[0]+this.yyleng- $ ]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(B){this.unput(this.match.slice(B))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var B=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(B.length>20?"...":"")+B.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var B=this.match;return B.length<20&&(B+=this._input.substr(0,20-B.length)),(B.substr(0,20)+(B.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var B=this.pastInput(), $ =new Array(B.length+1).join("-");return B+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` + $ +"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(B, $ ){var z,Y,Q;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(Q={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(Q.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),Y=B[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),Y&&(this.yylineno+=Y.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:Y?Y[Y.length-1].length-Y[Y.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+B[0].length},this.yytext+=B[0],this.match+=B[0],this.matches=B,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(B[0].length),this.matched+=B[0],z=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this, $ ,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),z)return z;if(this._backtrack){for(var X in Q)this[X]=Q[X];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var B, $ ,z,Y;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var Q=this._currentRules(),X=0;X<Q.length;X++)if(z=this._input.match(this.rules[Q[X]]),z&&(! $ ||z[0].length> $ [0].length)){if( $ =z,Y=X,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(B=this.test_match(z,Q[X]),B!==!1)return B;if(this._backtrack){ $ =!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return $ ?(B=this.test_match( $ ,Q[Y]),B!==!1?B:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var $ =this.next();return $ ||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function( $ ){this.conditionStack.push( $ )},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var $ =this.conditionStack.length-1;return $ >0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function( $ ){return $ =this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs( $ ||0), $ >=0?this.conditionStack[ $ ]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function( $ ){this.begin( $ )},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function( $ ,z,Y,Q){var X=Q;switch(Y){case 0:return 41;case 1:return 48;case 2:return 49;case 3:return 50;case 4:return 51;case 5:break;case 6:break;case 7:return 5;case 8:break;case 9:break;case 10:break;case 11:break;case 12:return this.pushState("SCALE"),17;break;case 13:return 18;case 14:this.popState();break;case 15:return this.begin("acc_title"),33;break;case 16:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 17:return this.begin("acc_descr"),35;break;case 18:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 19:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 20:this.popState();break;case 21:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 22:return this.pushState("CLASSDEF"),38;break;case 23:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),"DEFAULT_CLASSDEF_ID";break;case 24:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),39;break;case 25:return this.popState(),40;break;case 26:return this.pushState("CLASS"),45;break;case 27:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASS_STYLE"),46;break;case 28:return this.popState(),47;break;case 29:return this.pushState("STYLE"),42;break;case 30:return this.popState(),this.pushState("STYLEDEF_STYLES"),43;break;case 31:return this.popState(),44;break;case 32:return this.pushState("SCALE"),17;break;case 33:return 18;case 34:this.popState();break;case 35:this.pushState("STATE");break;case 36:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),25;break;case 37:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),26;break;case 38:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.slice(0,-10).trim(),27;break;case 39:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),25;break;case 40:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),26;break;case 41:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.slice(0,-10).trim(),27;break;case 42:return 48;case 43:return 49;case 44:return 50;case 45:return 51;case 46:this.pushState("STATE_STRING");break;case 47:return this.pushState("STATE_ID"),"AS";break;case 48:return this.popState(),"ID";break;case 49:this.popState();break;case 50:return"STATE_DESCR";case 51:return 19;case 52:this.popState();break;case 53:return this.popState(),this.pushState("struct"),20;break;case 54:break;case 55:return this.popState(),21;break;case 56:break;case 57:return this.begin("NOTE"),29;break;case 58:return this.popState(),this.pushState("NOTE_ID"),56;break;case 59:return this.popState(),this.pushState("NOTE_ID"),57;break;case 60:this.popState(),this.pushState("FLOATING_NOTE");break;case 61:return this.popState(),this.pushState("FLOATING_NOTE_ID"),"AS";break;case 62:break;case 63:return"NOTE_TEXT";case 64:return this.popState(),"ID";break;case 65:return this.popState(),this.pushState("NOTE_TEXT"),24;break;case 66:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.substr(2).trim(),31;break;case 67:return this.popState(),z.yytext=z.yytext.slice(0,-8).trim(),31;break;case 68:return 6;case 69:return 6;case 70:return 16;case 71:return 54;case 72:return 24;case 73:return z.yytext=z.yytext.trim(),14;break;case 74:return 15;case 75:return 28;case 76:return 55;case 77:return 5;case 78:return"INVALID"}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:default \b )/i,/^(?:.*direction \s +TB[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction \s +BT[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:.*direction \s +RL[^ \
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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fill : $ { t . mainBkg } ;
stroke : $ { t . nodeBorder } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
g . stateGroup line {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . lineColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 ;
. transition {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . transitionColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 ;
fill : none ;
. stateGroup . composit {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . background } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
border - bottom : 1 px
. stateGroup . alt - composit {
fill : # e0e0e0 ;
border - bottom : 1 px
. state - note {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . noteBorderColor } ;
fill : $ { t . noteBkgColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
text {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . noteTextColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke : none ;
font - size : 10 px ;
. stateLabel . box {
stroke : none ;
stroke - width : 0 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . mainBkg } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
opacity : 0.5 ;
. edgeLabel . label rect {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . labelBackgroundColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
opacity : 0.5 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. edgeLabel {
background - color : $ { t . edgeLabelBackground } ;
p {
background - color : $ { t . edgeLabelBackground } ;
rect {
opacity : 0.5 ;
background - color : $ { t . edgeLabelBackground } ;
fill : $ { t . edgeLabelBackground } ;
text - align : center ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. edgeLabel . label text {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . transitionLabelColor || t . tertiaryTextColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. label div . edgeLabel {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
color : $ { t . transitionLabelColor || t . tertiaryTextColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. stateLabel text {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . stateLabelColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
font - size : 10 px ;
font - weight : bold ;
. node circle . state - start {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . specialStateColor } ;
stroke : $ { t . specialStateColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. node . fork - join {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . specialStateColor } ;
stroke : $ { t . specialStateColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. node circle . state - end {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . innerEndBackground } ;
stroke : $ { t . background } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1.5
. end - state - inner {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . compositeBackground || t . background } ;
// stroke: ${t.background};
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1.5
. node rect {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . stateBkg || t . mainBkg } ;
stroke : $ { t . stateBorder || t . nodeBorder } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 px ;
. node polygon {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . mainBkg } ;
stroke : $ { t . stateBorder || t . nodeBorder } ; ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 px ;
# statediagram - barbEnd {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . lineColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. statediagram - cluster rect {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . compositeTitleBackground } ;
stroke : $ { t . stateBorder || t . nodeBorder } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 px ;
. cluster - label , . nodeLabel {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
color : $ { t . stateLabelColor } ;
// line-height: 1;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. statediagram - cluster rect . outer {
rx : 5 px ;
ry : 5 px ;
. statediagram - state . divider {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . stateBorder || t . nodeBorder } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. statediagram - state . title - state {
rx : 5 px ;
ry : 5 px ;
. statediagram - cluster . statediagram - cluster . inner {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . compositeBackground || t . background } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. statediagram - cluster . statediagram - cluster - alt . inner {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . altBackground ? t . altBackground : "#efefef" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. statediagram - cluster . inner {
rx : 0 ;
ry : 0 ;
. statediagram - state rect . basic {
rx : 5 px ;
ry : 5 px ;
. statediagram - state rect . divider {
stroke - dasharray : 10 , 10 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . altBackground ? t . altBackground : "#efefef" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. note - edge {
stroke - dasharray : 5 ;
. statediagram - note rect {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . noteBkgColor } ;
stroke : $ { t . noteBorderColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 px ;
rx : 0 ;
ry : 0 ;
. statediagram - note rect {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . noteBkgColor } ;
stroke : $ { t . noteBorderColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 px ;
rx : 0 ;
ry : 0 ;
. statediagram - note text {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . noteTextColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. statediagram - note . nodeLabel {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
color : $ { t . noteTextColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. statediagram . edgeLabel {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
color : red ; // ${t.noteTextColor};
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
# dependencyStart , # dependencyEnd {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . lineColor } ;
stroke : $ { t . lineColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 ;
. statediagramTitleText {
text - anchor : middle ;
font - size : 18 px ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . textColor } ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),ZE=ZVe});var nP,JVe,eUe,Ufe,tUe,Hfe,Yfe=R(()=>{"use strict";nP={},JVe=o((t,e)=>{nP[t]=e},"set"),eUe=o(t=>nP[t],"get"),Ufe=o(()=>Object.keys(nP),"keys"),tUe=o(()=>Ufe().length,"size"),Hfe={get:eUe,set:JVe,keys:Ufe,size:tUe}});var rUe,nUe,iUe,aUe,qfe,sUe,oUe,lUe,cUe,iP,Wfe,Xfe,jfe=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();Yfe();QE();xr();rr();_t();ut();rUe=o(t=>t.append("circle").attr("class","start-state").attr("r",de().state.sizeUnit).attr("cx",de().state.padding+de().state.sizeUnit).attr("cy",de().state.padding+de().state.sizeUnit),"drawStartState"),nUe=o(t=>t.append("line").style("stroke","grey").style("stroke-dasharray","3").attr("x1",de().state.textHeight).attr("class","divider").attr("x2",de().state.textHeight*2).attr("y1",0).attr("y2",0),"drawDivider"),iUe=o((t,e)=>{let r=t.append("text").attr("x",2*de().state.padding).attr("y",de().state.textHeight+2*de().state.padding).attr("font-size",de().state.fontSize).attr("class","state-title").text(e.id),n=r.node().getBBox();return t.insert("rect",":first-child").attr("x",de().state.padding).attr("y",de().state.padding).attr("width",n.width+2*de().state.padding).attr("height",n.height+2*de().state.padding).attr("rx",de().state.radius),r},"drawSimpleState"),aUe=o((t,e)=>{let r=o(function(p,m,g){let y=p.append("tspan").attr("x",2*de().state.padding).text(m);g||y.attr("dy",de().state.textHeight)},"addTspan"),i=t.append("text").attr("x",2*de().state.padding).attr("y",de().state.textHeight+1.3*de().state.padding).attr("font-size",de().state.fontSize).attr("class","state-title").text(e.descriptions[0]).node().getBBox(),a=i.height,s=t.append("text").attr("x",de().state.padding).attr("y",a+de().state.padding*.4+de().state.dividerMargin+de().state.textHeight).attr("class","state-description"),l=!0,u=!0;e.descriptions.forEach(function(p){l||(r(s,p,u),u=!1),l=!1});let h=t.append("line").attr("x1",de().state.padding).attr("y1",de().state.padding+a+de().state.dividerMargin/2).attr("y2",de().state.padding+a+de().state.dividerMargin/2).attr("class","descr-divider"),f=s.node().getBBox(),d=Math.max(f.width,i.width);return h.attr("x2",d+3*de().state.padding),t.insert("rect",":first-child").attr("x",de().state.padding).attr("y",de().state.padding).attr("width",d+2*de().state.padding).attr("height",f.height+a+2*de().state.padding).attr("rx",de().state.radius),t},"drawDescrState"),qfe=o((t,e,r)=>{let n=de().state.padding,i=2*de().state.padding,a=t.node().getBBox(),s=a.width,l=a.x,u=t.append("text").attr("x",0).attr("y",de().state.titleShift).attr("font-size",de().state.fontSize).attr("class","state-title").text(e.id),f=u.node().getBBox().width+i,d=Math.max(f,s);d===s&&(d=d+i);let p,m=t.node().getBBox();e.doc,p=l-n,f>s&&(p=(s-d)/2+n),Math.abs(l-m.x)<n&&f>s&&(p=l-(f-s)/2);let g=1-de().state.textHeight;return t.insert("rect",":first-child").attr("x",p).attr("y",g).attr("class",r?"alt-composit":"composit").attr("width",d).attr("height",m.height+de().state.textHeight+de().state.titleShift+1).attr("rx","0"),u.attr("x",p+n),f<=s&&u.attr("x",l+(d-i)/2-f/2+n),t.insert("rect",":first-child").attr("x",p).attr("y",de().state.titleShift-de().state.textHeight-de().state.padding).attr("width",d).attr("height",de().state.textHeight*3).attr("rx",de().state.radius),t.insert("rect",":first-child").attr("x",p).attr("y",de().state.titleShift-de().state.textHeight-de().state.padding).attr("width",d).attr("height",m.height+3+2*de().state.textHeight).attr("rx",de().state.radius),t},"addTitleAndBox"),sUe=o(t=>(t.append("circle").attr("class","end-state-outer").attr("r",de().state.sizeUnit+de().state.miniPadding).attr("cx",de().state.padding+de().state.sizeUnit+de().state.miniPadding).attr("cy",de().state.padding+de().state.sizeUnit+de().state.miniPadding),t.append("circle").attr("class","end-state-inner").attr("r",de().state.sizeUnit).attr("cx",de().state.padding+de().state.sizeUnit+2).attr("cy",de().state.padding+de().state.sizeUnit+2)),"drawEndState"),oUe=o((t,e)=>{let r=de().state.forkWidth,n=de().state.forkHeight;if(e.parentId){let i=r;r=n,n=i}return t.append("rect").style("stroke","black").style("fill","black").at
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +M.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +J.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[P]||P)+"'":Z="Parse error on line "+(S+1)+": Unexpected "+(P==A?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[P]||P)+"'"),this.parseError(Z,{text:M.match,token:this.terminals_[P]||P,line:M.yylineno,loc:I,expected:J})}if( $ [0]instanceof Array&& $ .length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+B+", token: "+P);switch( $ [0]){case 1:g.push(P),v.push(M.yytext),x.push(M.yylloc),g.push( $ [1]),P=null,F?(P=F,F=null):(T=M.yyleng,w=M.yytext,S=M.yylineno,I=M.yylloc,E>0&&E--);break;case 2:if(ie=this.productions_[ $ [1]][1],Q. $ =v[v.length-ie],Q._ $ ={first_line:x[x.length-(ie||1)].first_line,last_line:x[x.length-1].last_line,first_column:x[x.length-(ie||1)].first_column,last_column:x[x.length-1].last_column},C&&(Q._ $ .range=[x[x.length-(ie||1)].range[0],x[x.length-1].range[1]]),Y=this.performAction.apply(Q,[w,T,S,N.yy, $ [1],v,x].concat(L)),typeof Y<"u")return Y;ie&&(g=g.slice(0,-1*ie*2),v=v.slice(0,-1*ie),x=x.slice(0,-1*ie)),g.push(this.productions_[ $ [1]][0]),v.push(Q. $ ),x.push(Q._ $ ),j=b[g[g.length-2]][g[g.length-1]],g.push(j);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},h=function(){var d={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(m,g){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(m,g);else throw new Error(m)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(p,m){return this.yy=m||this.yy||{},this._input=p,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var p=this._input[0];this.yytext+=p,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=p,this.matched+=p;var m=p.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return m?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),p},"input"),unput:o(function(p){var m=p.length,g=p.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=p+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-m),this.offset-=m;var y=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),g.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=g.length-1);var v=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:g?(g.length===y.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+y[y.length-g.length].length-g[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-m},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[v[0],v[0]+this.yyleng-m]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(p){this.unput(this.match.slice(p))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var p=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(p.length>20?"...":"")+p.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var p=this.match;return p.length<20&&(p+=this._input.substr(0,20-p.length)),(p.substr(0,20)+(p.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var p=this.pastInput(),m=new Array(p.length+1).join("-");return p+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +m+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(p,m){var g,y,v;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(v={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(v.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),y=p[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),y&&(this.yylineno+=y.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:y?y[y.length-1].length-y[y.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+p[0].length},this.yytext+=p[0],this.match+=p[0],this.matches=p,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(p[0].length),this.matched+=p[0],g=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,m,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),g)return g;if(this._backtrack){for(var x in v)this[x]=v[x];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var p,m,g,y;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var v=this._currentRules(),x=0;x<v.length;x++)if(g=this._input.match(this.rules[v[x]]),g&&(!m||g[0].length>m[0].length)){if(m=g,y=x,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(p=this.test_match(g,v[x]),p!==!1)return p;if(this._backtrack){m=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return m?(p=this.test_match(m,v[y]),p!==!1?p:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var m=this.next();return m||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(m){this.conditionStack.push(m)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var m=this.conditionStack.length-1;return m>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(m){return m=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(m||0),m>=0?this.conditionStack[m]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(m){this.begin(m)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(m,g,y,v){var x=v;switch(y){case 0:break;case 1:break;case 2:return 10;case 3:break;case 4:break;case 5:return 4;case 6:return 11;case 7:return this.begin("acc_title"),12;break;case 8:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 9:return this.begin("acc_descr"),14;break;case 10:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 11:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 12:this.popState();break;case 13:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 14:return 17;case 15:return 18;case 16:return 19;case 17:return":";case 18:return 6;case 19:return"INVALID"}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:%(?! \{ )[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]%%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?: \s +)/i,/^(?:#[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:journey \b )/i,/^(?:title \s [^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?:[ \} ])/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?:section \s [^#: \n ;]+)/i,/^(?:[^#: \n ;]+)/i,/^(?::[^# \n ;]+)/i,/^(?::)/i,/^(?: $ )/i,/^(?:.)/i],conditions:{acc_descr_multiline:{rules:[12,13],inclusive:!1},acc_descr:{rules:[10],inclusive:!1},acc_title:{rules:[8],inclusive:!1},INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,14,15,16,17,18,19],inclusive:!0}}};return d}();u.lexer=h;function f(){this.yy={}}return o(f,"Parser"),f.prototype=u,u.Parser=f,new f}();sP.parser=sP;ode=sP});var Ug,oP,Sx,Ax,TUe,kUe,EUe,CUe,SUe,AUe,_Ue,cde,LUe,lP,ude=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();bi();Ug="",oP=[],Sx=[],Ax=[],TUe=o(function(){oP.length=0,Sx.length=0,Ug="",Ax.length=0,vr()},"clear"),kUe=o(function(t){Ug=t,oP.push(t)},"addSection"),EUe=o(function(){return oP},"getSections"),CUe=o(function(){let t=cde(),e=100,r=0;for(;!t&&r<e;)t=cde(),r++;return Sx.push(...Ax),Sx},"getTasks"),SUe=o(function(){let t=[];return Sx.forEach(r=>{r.people&&t.push(...r.people)}),[...new Set(t)].sort()},"updateActors"),AUe=o(function(t,e){let r=e.substr(1).split(":"),n=0,i=[];r.length===1?(n=Number(r[0]),i=[]):(n=Number(r[0]),i=r[1].split(","));let a=i.map(l=>l.trim()),s={section:Ug,type:Ug,people:a,task:t,score:n};Ax.push(s)},"addTask"),_Ue=o(function(t){let e={section:Ug,type:Ug,description:t,task:t,classes:[]};Sx.push(e)},"addTaskOrg"),cde=o(function(){let t=o(function(r){return Ax[r].processed},"compileTask"),e=!0;for(let[r,n]of Ax.entries())t(r),e=e&&n.processed;return e},"compileTasks"),LUe=o(function(){return SUe()},"getActors"),lP={getConfig:o(()=>de().journey,"getConfig"),clear:TUe,setDiagramTitle:nn,getDiagramTitle:Xr,setAccTitle:kr,getAccTitle:Ar,setAccDescription:_r,getAccDescription:Lr,addSection:kUe,getSections:EUe,getTasks:CUe,addTask:AUe,addTaskOrg:_Ue,getActors:LUe}});var DUe,hde,fde=R(()=>{"use strict";DUe=o(t=> ` . label {
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
font - family : 'trebuchet ms' , verdana , arial , sans - serif ;
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family ) ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
color : $ { t . textColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. mouth {
stroke : # 666 ;
line {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . textColor }
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. legend {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . textColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. label text {
fill : # 333 ;
. label {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
color : $ { t . textColor }
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. face {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . faceColor ? ` fill: ${ t . faceColor } ` : "fill: #FFF8DC" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke : # 999 ;
. node rect ,
. node circle ,
. node ellipse ,
. node polygon ,
. node path {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . mainBkg } ;
stroke : $ { t . nodeBorder } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1 px ;
. node . label {
text - align : center ;
. node . clickable {
cursor : pointer ;
. arrowheadPath {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . arrowheadColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. edgePath . path {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . lineColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 1.5 px ;
. flowchart - link {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t . lineColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
fill : none ;
. edgeLabel {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
background - color : $ { t . edgeLabelBackground } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
rect {
opacity : 0.5 ;
text - align : center ;
. cluster rect {
. cluster text {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . titleColor } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
div . mermaidTooltip {
position : absolute ;
text - align : center ;
max - width : 200 px ;
padding : 2 px ;
font - family : 'trebuchet ms' , verdana , arial , sans - serif ;
font - family : var ( -- mermaid - font - family ) ;
font - size : 12 px ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
background : $ { t . tertiaryColor } ;
border : 1 px solid $ { t . border2 } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
border - radius : 2 px ;
pointer - events : none ;
z - index : 100 ;
. task - type - 0 , . section - type - 0 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType0 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task - type - 1 , . section - type - 1 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType1 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task - type - 2 , . section - type - 2 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType2 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task - type - 3 , . section - type - 3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType3 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task - type - 4 , . section - type - 4 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType4 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task - type - 5 , . section - type - 5 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType5 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task - type - 6 , . section - type - 6 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType6 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. task - type - 7 , . section - type - 7 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . fillType0 ? ` fill: ${ t . fillType7 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. actor - 0 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . actor0 ? ` fill: ${ t . actor0 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. actor - 1 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . actor1 ? ` fill: ${ t . actor1 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. actor - 2 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . actor2 ? ` fill: ${ t . actor2 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. actor - 3 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . actor3 ? ` fill: ${ t . actor3 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. actor - 4 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . actor4 ? ` fill: ${ t . actor4 } ` : "" } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. actor - 5 {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { t . actor5 ? ` fill: ${ t . actor5 } ` : "" } ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),hde=DUe});var cP,RUe,pde,mde,NUe,MUe,dde,IUe,OUe,gde,PUe,Hg,yde=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();Qy();cP=o(function(t,e){return yd(t,e)},"drawRect"),RUe=o(function(t,e){let n=t.append("circle").attr("cx",e.cx).attr("cy",e.cy).attr("class","face").attr("r",15).attr("stroke-width",2).attr("overflow","visible"),i=t.append("g");i.append("circle").attr("cx",e.cx-15/3).attr("cy",e.cy-15/3).attr("r",1.5).attr("stroke-width",2).attr("fill","#666").attr("stroke","#666"),i.append("circle").attr("cx",e.cx+15/3).attr("cy",e.cy-15/3).attr("r",1.5).attr("stroke-width",2).attr("fill","#666").attr("stroke","#666");function a(u){let h=bl().startAngle(Math.PI/2).endAngle(3*(Math.PI/2)).innerRadius(7.5).outerRadius(6.8181818181818175);u.append("path").attr("class","mouth").attr("d",h).attr("transform","translate("+e.cx+","+(e.cy+2)+")")}o(a,"smile");function s(u){let h=bl().startAngle(3*Math.PI/2).endAngle(5*(Math.PI/2)).innerRadius(7.5).outerRadius(6.8181818181818175);u.append("path").attr("class","mouth").attr("d",h).attr("transform","translate("+e.cx+","+(e.cy+7)+")")}o(s,"sad");function l(u){u.append("line").attr("class","mouth").attr("stroke",2).attr("x1",e.cx-5).attr("y1",e.cy+7).attr("x2",e.cx+5).attr("y2",e.cy+7).attr("class","mouth").attr("stroke-width","1px").attr("stroke","#666")}return o(l,"ambivalent"),e.score>3?a(i):e.score<3?s(i):l(i),n},"drawFace"),pde=o(function(t,e){let r=t.append("circle");return r.attr("cx",e.cx),r.attr("cy",e.cy),r.attr("class","actor-"+e.pos),r.attr("fill",e.fill),r.attr("stroke",e.stroke),r.attr("r",e.r),r.class!==void 0&&r.attr("class",r.class),e.title!==void 0&&r.append("title").text(e.title),r},"drawCircle"),mde=o(function(t,e){return TW(t,e)},"drawText"),NUe=o(function(t,e){function r(i,a,s,l,u){return i+","+a+" "+(i+s)+","+a+" "+(i+s)+","+(a+l-u)+" "+(i+s-u*1.2)+","+(a+l)+" "+i+","+(a+l)}o(r,"genPoints");let n=t.append("polygon");n.attr("points",r(e.x,e.y,50,20,7)),n.attr("class","labelBox"),e.y=e.y+e.labelMargin,e.x=e.x+.5*e.labelMargin,mde(t,e)},"drawLabel"),MUe=o(function(t,e,r){let n=t.append("g"),i=wl();i.x=e.x,i.y=e.y,i.fill=e.fill,i.width=r.width*e.taskCount+r.diagramMarginX*(e.taskCount-1),i.height=r.height,i.class="journey-section section-type-"+e.num,i.rx=3,i.ry=3,cP(n,i),gde(r)(e.text,n,i.x,i.y,i.width,i.height,{class:"journey-section section-type-"+e.num},r,e.colour)},"drawSection"),dde=-1,IUe=o(function(t,e,r){let n=e.x+r.width/2,i=t.append("g");dde++;let a=300+5*30;i.append("line").attr("id","task"+dde).attr("x1",n).attr("y1",e.y).attr("x2",n).attr("y2",a).attr("class","task-line").attr("stroke-width","1px").attr("stroke-dasharray","4 2").attr("stroke","#666"),RUe(i,{cx:n,cy:300+(5-e.score)*30,score:e.score});let s=wl();s.x=e.x,s.y=e.y,s.fill=e.fill,s.width=r.width,s.height=r.height,s.class="task task-type-"+e.num,s.rx=3,s.ry=3,cP(i,s);let l=e.x+14;e.people.forEach(u=>{let h=e.actors[u].color,f={cx:l,cy:e.y,r:7,fill:h,stroke:"#000",title:u,pos:e.actors[u].position};pde(i,f),l+=10}),gde(r)(e.task,i,s.x,s.y,s.width,s.height,{class:"task"},r,e.colour)},"drawTask"),OUe=o(function(t,e){j3(t,e)},"drawBackgroundRect"),gde=function(){function t(i,a,s,l,u,h,f,d){let p=a.append("text").attr("x",s+u/2).attr("y",l+h/2+5).style("font-color",d).style("text-anchor","middle").text(i);n(p,f)}o(t,"byText");function e(i,a,s,l,u,h,f,d,p){let{taskFontSize:m,taskFontFamily:g}=d,y=i.split(/<br \s * \/ ?>/gi);for(let v=0;v<y.length;v++){let x=v*m-m*(y.length-1)/2,b=a.append("text").attr("x",s+u/2).attr("y",l).attr("fill",p).style("text-anchor","middle").style("font-size",m).style("font-family",g);b.append("tspan").attr("x",s+u/2).attr("dy",x).text(y[v]),b.attr("y",l+h/2).attr("dominant-baseline","central").attr("alignment-baseline","central"),n(b,f)}}o(e,"byTspan");function r(i,a,s,l,u,h,f,d){let p=a.append("switch"),g=p.append("foreignObject").attr("x",s).attr("y",l).attr("width",u).attr("height",h).attr("position","fixed").append("xhtml:div").style("display","table").style("height","100%").style("width","100%");g.append("div").attr("class","label").style("display","table-cell").style("text-align","c
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +N.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +Z.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[F]||F)+"'":H="Parse error on line "+(T+1)+": Unexpected "+(F==L?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[F]||F)+"'"),this.parseError(H,{text:N.match,token:this.terminals_[F]||F,line:N.yylineno,loc:C,expected:Z})}if(z[0]instanceof Array&&z.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+ $ +", token: "+F);switch(z[0]){case 1:y.push(F),x.push(N.yytext),b.push(N.yylloc),y.push(z[1]),F=null,B?(F=B,B=null):(E=N.yyleng,S=N.yytext,T=N.yylineno,C=N.yylloc,_>0&&_--);break;case 2:if(j=this.productions_[z[1]][1],X. $ =x[x.length-j],X._ $ ={first_line:b[b.length-(j||1)].first_line,last_line:b[b.length-1].last_line,first_column:b[b.length-(j||1)].first_column,last_column:b[b.length-1].last_column},O&&(X._ $ .range=[b[b.length-(j||1)].range[0],b[b.length-1].range[1]]),Q=this.performAction.apply(X,[S,E,T,k.yy,z[1],x,b].concat(M)),typeof Q<"u")return Q;j&&(y=y.slice(0,-1*j*2),x=x.slice(0,-1*j),b=b.slice(0,-1*j)),y.push(this.productions_[z[1]][0]),x.push(X. $ ),b.push(X._ $ ),J=w[y[y.length-2]][y[y.length-1]],y.push(J);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},f=function(){var p={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(g,y){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(g,y);else throw new Error(g)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(m,g){return this.yy=g||this.yy||{},this._input=m,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var m=this._input[0];this.yytext+=m,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=m,this.matched+=m;var g=m.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return g?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),m},"input"),unput:o(function(m){var g=m.length,y=m.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=m+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-g),this.offset-=g;var v=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),y.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=y.length-1);var x=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:y?(y.length===v.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+v[v.length-y.length].length-y[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-g},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[x[0],x[0]+this.yyleng-g]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(m){this.unput(this.match.slice(m))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var m=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(m.length>20?"...":"")+m.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var m=this.match;return m.length<20&&(m+=this._input.substr(0,20-m.length)),(m.substr(0,20)+(m.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var m=this.pastInput(),g=new Array(m.length+1).join("-");return m+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +g+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(m,g){var y,v,x;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(x={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(x.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),v=m[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),v&&(this.yylineno+=v.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:v?v[v.length-1].length-v[v.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+m[0].length},this.yytext+=m[0],this.match+=m[0],this.matches=m,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(m[0].length),this.matched+=m[0],y=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,g,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),y)return y;if(this._backtrack){for(var b in x)this[b]=x[b];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var m,g,y,v;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var x=this._currentRules(),b=0;b<x.length;b++)if(y=this._input.match(this.rules[x[b]]),y&&(!g||y[0].length>g[0].length)){if(g=y,v=b,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(m=this.test_match(y,x[b]),m!==!1)return m;if(this._backtrack){g=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return g?(m=this.test_match(g,x[v]),m!==!1?m:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var g=this.next();return g||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(g){this.conditionStack.push(g)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var g=this.conditionStack.length-1;return g>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(g){return g=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(g||0),g>=0?this.conditionStack[g]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(g){this.begin(g)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(g,y,v,x){var b=x;switch(v){case 0:break;case 1:break;case 2:return 10;case 3:break;case 4:break;case 5:return 4;case 6:return 11;case 7:return this.begin("acc_title"),12;break;case 8:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 9:return this.begin("acc_descr"),14;break;case 10:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 11:this.begin("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 12:this.popState();break;case 13:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 14:return 17;case 15:return 21;case 16:return 20;case 17:return 6;case 18:return"INVALID"}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:%(?! \{ )[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]%%[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?: \s +)/i,/^(?:#[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:timeline \b )/i,/^(?:title \s [^ \n ]+)/i,/^(?:accTitle \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s *: \s *)/i,/^(?:(?! \n ||)*[^ \n ]*)/i,/^(?:accDescr \s * \{ \s *)/i,/^(?:[ \} ])/i,/^(?:[^ \} ]*)/i,/^(?:section \s [^: \n ]+)/i,/^(?:: \s [^: \n ]+)/i,/^(?:[^#: \n ]+)/i,/^(?: $ )/i,/^(?:.)/i],conditions:{acc_descr_multiline:{rules:[12,13],inclusive:!1},acc_descr:{rules:[10],inclusive:!1},acc_title:{rules:[8],inclusive:!1},INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,14,15,16,17,18],inclusive:!0}}};return p}();h.lexer=f;function d(){this.yy={}}return o(d,"Parser"),d.prototype=h,h.Parser=d,new d}();dP.parser=dP;_de=dP});var mP={};hr(mP,{addEvent:()=>Fde,addSection:()=>Ide,addTask:()=>Bde,addTaskOrg:()=>zde,clear:()=>Mde,default:()=>KUe,getCommonDb:()=>Nde,getSections:()=>Ode,getTasks:()=>Pde});var Yg,Rde,pP,e6,Wg,Nde,Mde,Ide,Ode,Pde,Bde,Fde,zde,Dde,KUe,Gde=R(()=>{"use strict";bi();Yg="",Rde=0,pP=[],e6=[],Wg=[],Nde=o(()=>ly,"getCommonDb"),Mde=o(function(){pP.length=0,e6.length=0,Yg="",Wg.length=0,vr()},"clear"),Ide=o(function(t){Yg=t,pP.push(t)},"addSection"),Ode=o(function(){return pP},"getSections"),Pde=o(function(){let t=Dde(),e=100,r=0;for(;!t&&r<e;)t=Dde(),r++;return e6.push(...Wg),e6},"getTasks"),Bde=o(function(t,e,r){let n={id:Rde++,section:Yg,type:Yg,task:t,score:e||0,events:r?[r]:[]};Wg.push(n)},"addTask"),Fde=o(function(t){Wg.find(r=>r.id===Rde-1).events.push(t)},"addEvent"),zde=o(function(t){let e={section:Yg,type:Yg,description:t,task:t,classes:[]};e6.push(e)},"addTaskOrg"),Dde=o(function(){let t=o(function(r){return Wg[r].processed},"compileTask"),e=!0;for(let[r,n]of Wg.entries())t(r),e=e&&n.processed;return e},"compileTasks"),KUe={clear:Mde,getCommonDb:Nde,addSection:Ide,getSections:Ode,getTasks:Pde,addTask:Bde,addTaskOrg:zde,addEvent:Fde}});function Hde(t,e){t.each(function(){var r= $ e(this),n=r.text().split(/( \s +|<br>)/).reverse(),i,a=[],s=1.1,l=r.attr("y"),u=parseFloat(r.attr("dy")),h=r.text(null).append("tspan").attr("x",0).attr("y",l).attr("dy",u+"em");for(let f=0;f<n.length;f++)i=n[n.length-1-f],a.push(i),h.text(a.join(" ").trim()),(h.node().getComputedTextLength()>e||i==="<br>")&&(a.pop(),h.text(a.join(" ").trim()),i==="<br>"?a=[""]:a=[i],h=r.append("tspan").attr("x",0).attr("y",l).attr("dy",s+"em").text(i))})}var QUe,t6,ZUe,JUe,Vde,eHe,tHe, $ de,rHe,nHe,iHe,gP,Ude,aHe,sHe,oHe,lHe,xf,Yde=R(()=>{"use strict";Zt();QUe=12,t6=o(function(t,e){let r=t.append("rect");return r.attr("x",e.x),r.attr("y",e.y),r.attr("fill",e.fill),r.attr("stroke",e.stroke),r.attr("width",e.width),r.attr("height",e.height),r.attr("rx",e.rx),r.attr("ry",e.ry),e.cla
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. section - $ { r - 1 } rect , . section - $ { r - 1 } path , . section - $ { r - 1 } circle , . section - $ { r - 1 } path {
fill : $ { t [ "cScale" + r ] } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. section - $ { r - 1 } text {
fill : $ { t [ "cScaleLabel" + r ] } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. node - icon - $ { r - 1 } {
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
font - size : 40 px ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
color : $ { t [ "cScaleLabel" + r ] } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. section - edge - $ { r - 1 } {
stroke : $ { t [ "cScale" + r ] } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. edge - depth - $ { r - 1 } {
stroke - width : $ { n } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. section - $ { r - 1 } line {
stroke : $ { t [ "cScaleInv" + r ] } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
stroke - width : 3 ;
. lineWrapper line {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
stroke : $ { t [ "cScaleLabel" + r ] } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. disabled , . disabled circle , . disabled text {
fill : lightgray ;
. disabled text {
fill : # efefef ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` }return e},"genSections"),fHe=o(t=> `
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. edge {
stroke - width : 3 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { hHe ( t ) }
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. section - root rect , . section - root path , . section - root circle {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . git0 } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. section - root text {
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
fill : $ { t . gitBranchLabel0 } ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
. icon - container {
height : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
justify - content : center ;
align - items : center ;
. edge {
fill : none ;
. eventWrapper {
filter : brightness ( 120 % ) ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),jde=fHe});var Qde={};hr(Qde,{diagram:()=>dHe});var dHe,Zde=R(()=>{"use strict";Lde();Gde();Xde();Kde();dHe={db:mP,renderer:qde,parser:_de,styles:jde}});var yP,t0e,r0e=R(()=>{"use strict";yP=function(){var t=o(function(S,T,E,_){for(E=E||{},_=S.length;_--;E[S[_]]=T);return E},"o"),e=[1,4],r=[1,13],n=[1,12],i=[1,15],a=[1,16],s=[1,20],l=[1,19],u=[6,7,8],h=[1,26],f=[1,24],d=[1,25],p=[6,7,11],m=[1,6,13,15,16,19,22],g=[1,33],y=[1,34],v=[1,6,7,11,13,15,16,19,22],x={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,start:3,mindMap:4,spaceLines:5,SPACELINE:6,NL:7,MINDMAP:8,document:9,stop:10,EOF:11,statement:12,SPACELIST:13,node:14,ICON:15,CLASS:16,nodeWithId:17,nodeWithoutId:18,NODE_DSTART:19,NODE_DESCR:20,NODE_DEND:21,NODE_ID:22, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",6:"SPACELINE",7:"NL",8:"MINDMAP",11:"EOF",13:"SPACELIST",15:"ICON",16:"CLASS",19:"NODE_DSTART",20:"NODE_DESCR",21:"NODE_DEND",22:"NODE_ID"},productions_:[0,[3,1],[3,2],[5,1],[5,2],[5,2],[4,2],[4,3],[10,1],[10,1],[10,1],[10,2],[10,2],[9,3],[9,2],[12,2],[12,2],[12,2],[12,1],[12,1],[12,1],[12,1],[12,1],[14,1],[14,1],[18,3],[17,1],[17,4]],performAction:o(function(T,E,_,A,L,M,N){var k=M.length-1;switch(L){case 6:case 7:return A;case 8:A.getLogger().trace("Stop NL ");break;case 9:A.getLogger().trace("Stop EOF ");break;case 11:A.getLogger().trace("Stop NL2 ");break;case 12:A.getLogger().trace("Stop EOF2 ");break;case 15:A.getLogger().info("Node: ",M[k].id),A.addNode(M[k-1].length,M[k].id,M[k].descr,M[k].type);break;case 16:A.getLogger().trace("Icon: ",M[k]),A.decorateNode({icon:M[k]});break;case 17:case 21:A.decorateNode({class:M[k]});break;case 18:A.getLogger().trace("SPACELIST");break;case 19:A.getLogger().trace("Node: ",M[k].id),A.addNode(0,M[k].id,M[k].descr,M[k].type);break;case 20:A.decorateNode({icon:M[k]});break;case 25:A.getLogger().trace("node found ..",M[k-2]),this. $ ={id:M[k-1],descr:M[k-1],type:A.getType(M[k-2],M[k])};break;case 26:this. $ ={id:M[k],descr:M[k],type:A.nodeType.DEFAULT};break;case 27:A.getLogger().trace("node found ..",M[k-3]),this. $ ={id:M[k-3],descr:M[k-1],type:A.getType(M[k-2],M[k])};break}},"anonymous"),table:[{3:1,4:2,5:3,6:[1,5],8:e},{1:[3]},{1:[2,1]},{4:6,6:[1,7],7:[1,8],8:e},{6:r,7:[1,10],9:9,12:11,13:n,14:14,15:i,16:a,17:17,18:18,19:s,22:l},t(u,[2,3]),{1:[2,2]},t(u,[2,4]),t(u,[2,5]),{1:[2,6],6:r,12:21,13:n,14:14,15:i,16:a,17:17,18:18,19:s,22:l},{6:r,9:22,12:11,13:n,14:14,15:i,16:a,17:17,18:18,19:s,22:l},{6:h,7:f,10:23,11:d},t(p,[2,22],{17:17,18:18,14:27,15:[1,28],16:[1,29],19:s,22:l}),t(p,[2,18]),t(p,[2,19]),t(p,[2,20]),t(p,[2,21]),t(p,[2,23]),t(p,[2,24]),t(p,[2,26],{19:[1,30]}),{20:[1,31]},{6:h,7:f,10:32,11:d},{1:[2,7],6:r,12:21,13:n,14:14,15:i,16:a,17:17,18:18,19:s,22:l},t(m,[2,14],{7:g,11:y}),t(v,[2,8]),t(v,[2,9]),t(v,[2,10]),t(p,[2,15]),t(p,[2,16]),t(p,[2,17]),{20:[1,35]},{21:[1,36]},t(m,[2,13],{7:g,11:y}),t(v,[2,11]),t(v,[2,12]),{21:[1,37]},t(p,[2,25]),t(p,[2,27])],defaultActions:{2:[2,1],6:[2,2]},parseError:o(function(T,E){if(E.recoverable)this.trace(T);else{var _=new Error(T);throw _.hash=E,_}},"parseError"),parse:o(function(T){var E=this,_=[0],A=[],L=[null],M=[],N=this.table,k="",I=0,C=0,O=0,D=2,P=1,F=M.slice.call(arguments,1),B=Object.create(this.lexer), $ ={yy:{}};for(var z in this.yy)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy,z)&&( $ .yy[z]=this.yy[z]);B.setInput(T, $ .yy), $ .yy.lexer=B, $ .yy.parser=this,typeof B.yylloc>"u"&&(B.yylloc={});var Y=B.yylloc;M.push(Y);var Q=B.options&&B.options.ranges;typeof $ .yy.parseError=="function"?this.parseError= $ .yy.parseError:this.parseError=Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;function X(ke){_.length=_.length-2*ke,L.length=L.length-ke,M.length=M.length-ke}o(X,"popStack");function ie(){var ke;return ke=A.pop()||B.lex()||P,typeof ke!="number"&&(ke instanceof Array&&(A=ke,ke=A.pop()),ke=E.symbols_[ke]||ke),ke}o(ie,"lex");for(var j,J,Z,H,q,K,se={},ce,ue,te,De;;){if(Z=_[_.length-1],this.defaultActions[Z]?H=this.defaultActions[Z]:((j===null||typeof j>"u")&&(j=ie()),H=N[Z]&&N[Z][j]),typeof H>"u"||!H.length||!H[0]){var oe="";De=[];for(ce in N[Z])this.terminals_[ce]&&ce>D&&De.push("'"
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +B.showPosition()+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
Expecting ` +De.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[j]||j)+"'":oe="Parse error on line "+(I+1)+": Unexpected "+(j==P?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[j]||j)+"'"),this.parseError(oe,{text:B.match,token:this.terminals_[j]||j,line:B.yylineno,loc:Y,expected:De})}if(H[0]instanceof Array&&H.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+Z+", token: "+j);switch(H[0]){case 1:_.push(j),L.push(B.yytext),M.push(B.yylloc),_.push(H[1]),j=null,J?(j=J,J=null):(C=B.yyleng,k=B.yytext,I=B.yylineno,Y=B.yylloc,O>0&&O--);break;case 2:if(ue=this.productions_[H[1]][1],se. $ =L[L.length-ue],se._ $ ={first_line:M[M.length-(ue||1)].first_line,last_line:M[M.length-1].last_line,first_column:M[M.length-(ue||1)].first_column,last_column:M[M.length-1].last_column},Q&&(se._ $ .range=[M[M.length-(ue||1)].range[0],M[M.length-1].range[1]]),K=this.performAction.apply(se,[k,C,I, $ .yy,H[1],L,M].concat(F)),typeof K<"u")return K;ue&&(_=_.slice(0,-1*ue*2),L=L.slice(0,-1*ue),M=M.slice(0,-1*ue)),_.push(this.productions_[H[1]][0]),L.push(se. $ ),M.push(se._ $ ),te=N[_[_.length-2]][_[_.length-1]],_.push(te);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},b=function(){var S={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(E,_){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(E,_);else throw new Error(E)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(T,E){return this.yy=E||this.yy||{},this._input=T,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var T=this._input[0];this.yytext+=T,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=T,this.matched+=T;var E=T.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return E?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),T},"input"),unput:o(function(T){var E=T.length,_=T.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=T+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-E),this.offset-=E;var A=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),_.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=_.length-1);var L=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:_?(_.length===A.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+A[A.length-_.length].length-_[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-E},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[L[0],L[0]+this.yyleng-E]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(T){this.unput(this.match.slice(T))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var T=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(T.length>20?"...":"")+T.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var T=this.match;return T.length<20&&(T+=this._input.substr(0,20-T.length)),(T.substr(0,20)+(T.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var T=this.pastInput(),E=new Array(T.length+1).join("-");return T+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +E+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(T,E){var _,A,L;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(L={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(L.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),A=T[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),A&&(this.yylineno+=A.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:A?A[A.length-1].length-A[A.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+T[0].length},this.yytext+=T[0],this.match+=T[0],this.matches=T,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(T[0].length),this.matched+=T[0],_=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,E,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),_)return _;if(this._backtrack){for(var M in L)this[M]=L[M];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var T,E,_,A;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var L=this._currentRules(),M=0;M<L.length;M++)if(_=this._input.match(this.rules[L[M]]),_&&(!E||_[0].length>E[0].length)){if(E=_,A=M,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(T=this.test_match(_,L[M]),T!==!1)return T;if(this._backtrack){E=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return E?(T=this.test_match(E,L[A]),T!==!1?T:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var E=this.next();return E||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(E){this.conditionStack.push(E)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var E=this.conditionStack.length-1;return E>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(E){return E=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(E||0),E>=0?this.conditionStack[E]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(E){this.begin(E)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(E,_,A,L){var M=L;switch(A){case 0:return E.getLogger().trace("Found comment",_.yytext),6;break;case 1:return 8;case 2:this.begin("CLASS");break;case 3:return this.popState(),16;break;case 4:this.popState();break;case 5:E.getLogger().trace("Begin icon"),this.begin("ICON");break;case 6:return E.getLogger().trace("SPACELINE"),6;break;case 7:return 7;case 8:return 15;case 9:E.getLogger().trace("end icon"),this.popState();break;case 10:return E.getLogger().trace("Exploding node"),this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 11:return E.getLogger().trace("Cloud"),this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 12:return E.getLogger().trace("Explosion Bang"),this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 13:return E.getLogger().trace("Cloud Bang"),this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 14:return this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 15:return this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 16:return this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 17:return this.begin("NODE"),19;break;case 18:return 13;case 19:return 22;case 20:return 11;case 21:this.begin("NSTR2");break;case 22:return"NODE_DESCR";case 23:this.popState();break;case 24:E.getLogger().trace("Starting NSTR"),this.begin("NSTR");break;case 25:return E.getLogger().trace("description:",_.yytext),"NODE_DESCR";break;case 26:this.popState();break;case 27:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end ))"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 28:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end )"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 29:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end ...",_.yytext),"NODE_DEND";break;case 30:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 31:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end (-"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 32:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end (-"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 33:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 34:return this.popState(),E.getLogger().trace("node end (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 35:return E.getLogger().trace("Long description:",_.yytext),20;break;case 36:return E.getLogger().trace("Long description:",_.yytext),20;break}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?: \s *%%.*)/i,/^(?:mindmap \b )/i,/^(?::::)/i,/^(?:.+)/i,/^(?: \n )/i,/^(?:::icon \( )/i,/^(?:[ \s ]+[ \n ])/i,/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?:[^ \) ]+)/i,/^(?: \) )/i,/^(?:- \) )/i,/^(?: \( -)/i,/^(?: \) \) )/i,/^(?: \) )/i,/^(?: \( \( )/i,/^(?: \{ \{ )/i,/^(?: \( )/i,/^(?: \[ )/i,/^(?:[ \s ]+)/i,/^(?:[^ \( \[ \n \) \{ \} ]+)/i,/^(?: $ )/i,/^(?:["][ ` ] ) / i , /^(?:[^`"]+)/i , /^(?:[`]["])/i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:[^"]+)/i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:[\)]\))/i , /^(?:[\)])/i , /^(?:[\]])/i , /^(?:\}\})/i , /^(?:\(-)/i , /^(?:-\))/i , /^(?:\(\()/i , /^(?:\()/i , /^(?:[^\)\]\(\}]+)/i , /^(?:.+(?!\(\())/i ] , conditions : { CLASS : { rules : [ 3 , 4 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , ICON : { rules : [ 8 , 9 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , NSTR2 : { rules : [ 22 , 23 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , NSTR : { rules : [ 25 , 26 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , NODE : { rules : [ 21 , 24 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , INITIAL : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } } } ; return S } ( ) ; x . lexer = b ; function w ( ) { this . yy = { } } return o ( w , "Parser" ) , w . prototype = x , x . Parser = w , new w } ( ) ; yP . parser = yP ; t0e = yP } ) ; var Gl , n0e , vP , yHe , vHe , xHe , bHe , $i , wHe , THe , kHe , EHe , CHe , SHe , AHe , i0e , a0e = R ( ( ) => { "use strict" ; _t ( ) ; rr ( ) ; ut ( ) ; sl ( ) ; Gl = [ ] , n0e = 0 , vP = { } , yHe = o ( ( ) => { Gl = [ ] , n0e = 0 , vP = { } } , "clear" ) , vHe = o ( function ( t ) { for ( let e = Gl . length - 1 ; e >= 0 ;
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function Tpe(t,e){var r=typeof Symbol<"u"&&t[Symbol.iterator]||t["@@iterator"];if(!r){if(Array.isArray(t)||(r=wpe(t))||e&&t&&typeof t.length=="number"){r&&(t=r);var n=0,i=o(function(){},"F");return{s:i,n:o(function(){return n>=t.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[n++]}},"n"),e:o(function(u){throw u},"e"),f:i}}throw new TypeError( ` Invalid attempt to iterate non - iterable instance .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var a=!0,s=!1,l;return{s:o(function(){r=r.call(t)},"s"),n:o(function(){var u=r.next();return a=u.done,u},"n"),e:o(function(u){s=!0,l=u},"e"),f:o(function(){try{!a&&r.return!=null&&r.return()}finally{if(s)throw l}},"f")}}function eYe(t){var e=typeof t;return t!=null&&(e=="object"||e=="function")}function tYe(t,e){return e={exports:{}},t(e,e.exports),e.exports}function lYe(t){for(var e=t.length;e--&&oYe.test(t.charAt(e)););return e}function hYe(t){return t&&t.slice(0,cYe(t)+1).replace(uYe,"")}function gYe(t){var e=pYe.call(t,_x),r=t[_x];try{t[_x]=void 0;var n=!0}catch{}var i=mYe.call(t);return n&&(e?t[_x]=r:delete t[_x]),i}function bYe(t){return xYe.call(t)}function EYe(t){return t==null?t===void 0?kYe:TYe:u0e&&u0e in Object(t)?yYe(t):wYe(t)}function CYe(t){return t!=null&&typeof t=="object"}function _Ye(t){return typeof t=="symbol"||SYe(t)&&Rpe(t)==AYe}function MYe(t){if(typeof t=="number")return t;if(Jx(t))return h0e;if(V0(t)){var e=typeof t.valueOf=="function"?t.valueOf():t;t=V0(e)?e+"":e}if(typeof t!="string")return t===0?t:+t;t=fYe(t);var r=DYe.test(t);return r||RYe.test(t)?NYe(t.slice(2),r?2:8):LYe.test(t)?h0e:+t}function BYe(t,e,r){var n,i,a,s,l,u,h=0,f=!1,d=!1,p=!0;if(typeof t!="function")throw new TypeError(IYe);e=f0e(e)||0,V0(r)&&(f=!!r.leading,d="maxWait"in r,a=d?OYe(f0e(r.maxWait)||0,e):a,p="trailing"in r?!!r.trailing:p);function m(E){var _=n,A=i;return n=i=void 0,h=E,s=t.apply(A,_),s}o(m,"invokeFunc");function g(E){return h=E,l=setTimeout(x,e),f?m(E):s}o(g,"leadingEdge");function y(E){var _=E-u,A=E-h,L=e-_;return d?PYe(L,a-A):L}o(y,"remainingWait");function v(E){var _=E-u,A=E-h;return u===void 0||_>=e||_<0||d&&A>=a}o(v,"shouldInvoke");function x(){var E=xP();if(v(E))return b(E);l=setTimeout(x,y(E))}o(x,"timerExpired");function b(E){return l=void 0,p&&n?m(E):(n=i=void 0,s)}o(b,"trailingEdge");function w(){l!==void 0&&clearTimeout(l),h=0,n=u=i=l=void 0}o(w,"cancel");function S(){return l===void 0?s:b(xP())}o(S,"flush");function T(){var E=xP(),_=v(E);if(n=arguments,i=this,u=E,_){if(l===void 0)return g(u);if(d)return clearTimeout(l),l=setTimeout(x,e),m(u)}return l===void 0&&(l=setTimeout(x,e)),s}return o(T,"debounced"),T.cancel=w,T.flush=S,T}function z6(t,e,r,n,i,a){var s;return jn(t)?s=t:s=o1[t]||o1.euclidean,e===0&&jn(t)?s(i,a):s(e,r,n,i,a)}function Lqe(t,e){if(G6(t))return!1;var r=typeof t;return r=="number"||r=="symbol"||r=="boolean"||t==null||Jx(t)?!0:_qe.test(t)||!Aqe.test(t)||e!=null&&t in Object(e)}function Oqe(t){if(!V0(t))return!1;var e=Rpe(t);return e==Nqe||e==Mqe||e==Rqe||e==Iqe}function Fqe(t){return!!N0e&&N0e in t}function Vqe(t){if(t!=null){try{return $ qe.call(t)}catch{}try{return t+""}catch{}}return""}function Qqe(t){if(!V0(t)||zqe(t))return!1;var e=Pqe(t)?Kqe:Yqe;return e.test(Uqe(t))}function Jqe(t,e){return t?.[e]}function tXe(t,e){var r=eXe(t,e);return Zqe(r)?r:void 0}function nXe(){this.__data__=Wx?Wx(null):{},this.size=0}function aXe(t){var e=this.has(t)&&delete this.__data__[t];return this.size-=e?1:0,e}function uXe(t){var e=this.__data__;if(Wx){var r=e[t];return r===oXe?void 0:r}return cXe.call(e,t)?e[t]:void 0}function pXe(t){var e=this.__data__;return Wx?e[t]!==void 0:dXe.call(e,t)}function yXe(t,e){var r=this.__data__;return this.size+=this.has(t)?0:1,r[t]=Wx&&e===void 0?gXe:e,this}function h1(t){var e=-1,r=t==null?0:t.length;for(this.clear();++e<r;){var n=t[e];this.set(n[0],n[1])}}function xXe(){this.__data__=[],this.size=0}function wXe(t,e){return t===e||t!==t&&e!==e}function TXe(t,e){for(var r=t.length;r--;)if(rme(t[r][0],e))return r;return-1}function CXe(t){var e=this.__data__,r= $ 6(e,t);if(r<0)return!1;var n=e.length-1;return r==n?e.pop():EXe.call(e,r,1),--this.size,!0}function AXe(t){var e=this.__data__,r= $ 6(e,t);return r<0?void 0:e[r][1]}function LXe(t){return $ 6(this.__data__,t)>-1}function RXe(t,e){var r=this.__data__,n= $ 6(r,t);return n<0?(++this.size,r.push([t,e])):r[n][1]=e,this}function f1(t){var e=-1,r=t==null?0:t.length;for(this.clear();++e<r;){var n=t[e];this.set(n[0],n[1])}}function PXe()
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` ),d=t.pstyle("text-max-width").pfValue,p=t.pstyle("text-overflow-wrap").value,m=p==="anywhere",g=[],y=/[ \s \u 200b]+| $ /g,v=0;v<f.length;v++){var x=f[v],b=this.calculateLabelDimensions(t,x),w=b.width;if(m){var S=x.split("").join(h);x=S}if(w>d){var T=x.matchAll(y),E="",_=0,A=Tpe(T),L;try{for(A.s();!(L=A.n()).done;){var M=L.value,N=M[0],k=x.substring(_,M.index);_=M.index+N.length;var I=E.length===0?k:E+k+N,C=this.calculateLabelDimensions(t,I),O=C.width;O<=d?E+=k+N:(E&&g.push(E),E=k+N)}}catch(Y){A.e(Y)}finally{A.f()}E.match(/^[ \s \u 200b]+ $ /)||g.push(E)}else g.push(x)}s("labelWrapCachedLines",g),i=s("labelWrapCachedText",g.join( `
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` )),s("labelWrapKey",u)}else if(l==="ellipsis"){var D=t.pstyle("text-max-width").pfValue,P="",F=" \u 2026",B=!1;if(this.calculateLabelDimensions(t,i).width<D)return i;for(var $ =0; $ <i.length; $ ++){var z=this.calculateLabelDimensions(t,P+i[ $ ]+F).width;if(z>D)break;P+=i[ $ ], $ ===i.length-1&&(B=!0)}return B||(P+=F),P}return i};Hc.getLabelJustification=function(t){var e=t.pstyle("text-justification").strValue,r=t.pstyle("text-halign").strValue;if(e==="auto")if(t.isNode())switch(r){case"left":return"right";case"right":return"left";default:return"center"}else return"center";else return e};Hc.calculateLabelDimensions=function(t,e){var r=this,n=r.cy.window(),i=n.document,a=U0(e,t._private.labelDimsKey),s=r.labelDimCache||(r.labelDimCache=[]),l=s[a];if(l!=null)return l;var u=0,h=t.pstyle("font-style").strValue,f=t.pstyle("font-size").pfValue,d=t.pstyle("font-family").strValue,p=t.pstyle("font-weight").strValue,m=this.labelCalcCanvas,g=this.labelCalcCanvasContext;if(!m){m=this.labelCalcCanvas=i.createElement("canvas"),g=this.labelCalcCanvasContext=m.getContext("2d");var y=m.style;y.position="absolute",y.left="-9999px",y.top="-9999px",y.zIndex="-1",y.visibility="hidden",y.pointerEvents="none"}g.font="".concat(h," ").concat(p," ").concat(f,"px ").concat(d);for(var v=0,x=0,b=e.split( `
` ),w=0;w<b.length;w++){var S=b[w],T=g.measureText(S),E=Math.ceil(T.width),_=f;v=Math.max(E,v),x+=_}return v+=u,x+=u,s[a]={width:v,height:x}};Hc.calculateLabelAngle=function(t,e){var r=t._private,n=r.rscratch,i=t.isEdge(),a=e?e+"-":"",s=t.pstyle(a+"text-rotation"),l=s.strValue;return l==="none"?0:i&&l==="autorotate"?n.labelAutoAngle:l==="autorotate"?0:s.pfValue};Hc.calculateLabelAngles=function(t){var e=this,r=t.isEdge(),n=t._private,i=n.rscratch;i.labelAngle=e.calculateLabelAngle(t),r&&(i.sourceLabelAngle=e.calculateLabelAngle(t,"source"),i.targetLabelAngle=e.calculateLabelAngle(t,"target"))}; $ me={},cpe=28,upe=!1; $ me.getNodeShape=function(t){var e=this,r=t.pstyle("shape").value;if(r==="cutrectangle"&&(t.width()<cpe||t.height()<cpe))return upe||(tn("The ` cutrectangle ` node shape can not be used at small sizes so ` rectangle ` is used instead"),upe=!0),"rectangle";if(t.isParent())return r==="rectangle"||r==="roundrectangle"||r==="round-rectangle"||r==="cutrectangle"||r==="cut-rectangle"||r==="barrel"?r:"rectangle";if(r==="polygon"){var n=t.pstyle("shape-polygon-points").value;return e.nodeShapes.makePolygon(n).name}return r};K6={};K6.registerCalculationListeners=function(){var t=this.cy,e=t.collection(),r=this,n=o(function(s){var l=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:!0;if(e.merge(s),l)for(var u=0;u<s.length;u++){var h=s[u],f=h._private,d=f.rstyle;d.clean=!1,d.cleanConnected=!1}},"enqueue");r.binder(t).on("bounds.* dirty.*",o(function(s){var l=s.target;n(l)},"onDirtyBounds")).on("style.* background.*",o(function(s){var l=s.target;n(l,!1)},"onDirtyStyle"));var i=o(function(s){if(s){var l=r.onUpdateEleCalcsFns;e.cleanStyle();for(var u=0;u<e.length;u++){var h=e[u],f=h._private.rstyle;h.isNode()&&!f.cleanConnected&&(n(h.connectedEdges()),f.cleanConnected=!0)}if(l)for(var d=0;d<l.length;d++){var p=l[d];p(s,e)}r.recalculateRenderedStyle(e),e=t.collection()}},"updateEleCalcs");r.flushRenderedStyleQueue=function(){i(!0)},r.beforeRender(i,r.beforeRenderPriorities.eleCalcs)};K6.onUpdateEleCalcs=function(t){var e=this.onUpdateEleCalcsFns=this.onUpdateEleCalcsFns||[];e.push(t)};K6.recalculateRenderedStyle=function(t,e){var r=o(function(S){return S._private.rstyle.cleanConnected},"isCleanConnected"),n=[],i=[];if(!this.destroyed){e===void 0&&(e=!0);for(var a=0;a<t.length;a++){var s=t[a],l=s._private,u=l.rstyle;s.isEdge()&&(!r(s.source())||!r(s.target()))&&(u.clean=!1),!(e&&u.clean||s.removed())&&s.pstyle("display").value!=="none"&&(l.group==="nodes"?i.push(s):n.push(s),u.clean=!0)}for(var h=0;h<i.length;h++){var f=i[h],d=f._private,p=d.rstyle,m=f.position();this.recalculateNodeLabelProjection(f),p.nodeX=m.x,p.nodeY=m.y,p.nodeW=f.pstyle("width").pfValue,p.nodeH=f.pstyle("height").pfValue}this.recalculateEdgeProjections(n);for(var g=0;g<n.length;g++){var y=n[g],v=y._private,x=v.rstyle,b=v.rscratch;x.srcX=b.arrowStartX,x.srcY=b.arrowStartY,x.tgtX=b.arrowEndX,x.tgtY=b.arrowEndY,x.midX=b.midX,x.midY=b.midY,x.labelAngle=b.labelAngle,x.sourceLabelAngle=b.sourceLabelAngle,x.targetLabelAngle=b.targetLabelAngle}}};Q6={};Q6.updateCachedGrabbedEles=function(){var t=this.cachedZSortedEles;if(t){t.drag=[],t.nondrag=[];for(var e=[],r=0;r<t.length;r++){var n=t[r],i=n._private.rscratch;n.grabbed()&&!n.isParent()?e.push(n):i.inDragLayer?t.drag.push(n):t.nondrag.push(n)}for(var r=0;r<e.length;r++){var n=e[r];t.drag.push(n)}}};Q6.invalidateCachedZSortedEles=function(){this.cachedZSortedEles=null};Q6.getCachedZSortedEles=function(t){if(t||!this.cachedZSortedEles){var e=this.cy.mutableElements().toArray();e.sort(Eme),e.interactive=e.filter(function(r){return r.interactive()}),this.cachedZSortedEles=e,this.updateCachedGrabbedEles()}else e=this.cachedZSortedEles;return e};Vme={};[j0,N6, $ a,nb,gB,Hc, $ me,K6,Q6].forEach(function(t){Wt(Vme,t)});Ume={};Ume.getCachedImage=function(t,e,r){var n=this,i=n.imageCache=n.imageCache||{},a=i[t];if(a)return a.image.complete||a.image.addEventListener("load",r),a.image;a=i[t]=i[t]||{};var s=a.image=new Image;s.addEventListener("load",r),s.addEventListener("error",function(){s.error=!0});var l="data:",u=t.subst
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +E.showPosition()+ `
Expecting ` +Q.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[I]||I)+"'":X="Parse error on line "+(v+1)+": Unexpected "+(I==S?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[I]||I)+"'"),this.parseError(X,{text:E.match,token:this.terminals_[I]||I,line:E.yylineno,loc:L,expected:Q})}if(D[0]instanceof Array&&D.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+O+", token: "+I);switch(D[0]){case 1:f.push(I),p.push(E.yytext),m.push(E.yylloc),f.push(D[1]),I=null,C?(I=C,C=null):(x=E.yyleng,y=E.yytext,v=E.yylineno,L=E.yylloc,b>0&&b--);break;case 2:if(z=this.productions_[D[1]][1],B. $ =p[p.length-z],B._ $ ={first_line:m[m.length-(z||1)].first_line,last_line:m[m.length-1].last_line,first_column:m[m.length-(z||1)].first_column,last_column:m[m.length-1].last_column},M&&(B._ $ .range=[m[m.length-(z||1)].range[0],m[m.length-1].range[1]]),F=this.performAction.apply(B,[y,x,v,_.yy,D[1],p,m].concat(T)),typeof F<"u")return F;z&&(f=f.slice(0,-1*z*2),p=p.slice(0,-1*z),m=m.slice(0,-1*z)),f.push(this.productions_[D[1]][0]),p.push(B. $ ),m.push(B._ $ ),Y=g[f[f.length-2]][f[f.length-1]],f.push(Y);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},a=function(){var l={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(h,f){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(h,f);else throw new Error(h)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(u,h){return this.yy=h||this.yy||{},this._input=u,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var u=this._input[0];this.yytext+=u,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=u,this.matched+=u;var h=u.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return h?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),u},"input"),unput:o(function(u){var h=u.length,f=u.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=u+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-h),this.offset-=h;var d=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),f.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=f.length-1);var p=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:f?(f.length===d.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+d[d.length-f.length].length-f[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-h},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[p[0],p[0]+this.yyleng-h]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(u){this.unput(this.match.slice(u))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var u=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(u.length>20?"...":"")+u.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var u=this.match;return u.length<20&&(u+=this._input.substr(0,20-u.length)),(u.substr(0,20)+(u.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var u=this.pastInput(),h=new Array(u.length+1).join("-");return u+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +h+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(u,h){var f,d,p;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(p={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(p.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),d=u[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),d&&(this.yylineno+=d.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:d?d[d.length-1].length-d[d.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+u[0].length},this.yytext+=u[0],this.match+=u[0],this.matches=u,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(u[0].length),this.matched+=u[0],f=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,h,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),f)return f;if(this._backtrack){for(var m in p)this[m]=p[m];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var u,h,f,d;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var p=this._currentRules(),m=0;m<p.length;m++)if(f=this._input.match(this.rules[p[m]]),f&&(!h||f[0].length>h[0].length)){if(h=f,d=m,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(u=this.test_match(f,p[m]),u!==!1)return u;if(this._backtrack){h=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return h?(u=this.test_match(h,p[d]),u!==!1?u:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var h=this.next();return h||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(h){this.conditionStack.push(h)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var h=this.conditionStack.length-1;return h>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(h){return h=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(h||0),h>=0?this.conditionStack[h]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(h){this.begin(h)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:o(function(h,f,d,p){var m=p;switch(d){case 0:return this.pushState("csv"),4;break;case 1:return 10;case 2:return 5;case 3:return 12;case 4:return this.pushState("escaped_text"),18;break;case 5:return 20;case 6:return this.popState("escaped_text"),18;break;case 7:return 19}},"anonymous"),rules:[/^(?:sankey-beta \b )/i,/^(?: $ )/i,/^(?:(( \u 000D \u 000A)|( \u 000A)))/i,/^(?:( \u 002C))/i,/^(?:( \u 0022))/i,/^(?:([ \u 0020- \u 0021 \u 0023- \u 002B \u 002D- \u 007E])*)/i,/^(?:( \u 0022)(?!( \u 0022)))/i,/^(?:(([ \u 0020- \u 0021 \u 0023- \u 002B \u 002D- \u 007E])|( \u 002C)|( \u 000D)|( \u 000A)|( \u 0022)( \u 0022))*)/i],conditions:{csv:{rules:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],inclusive:!1},escaped_text:{rules:[6,7],inclusive:!1},INITIAL:{rules:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],inclusive:!0}}};return l}();i.lexer=a;function s(){this.yy={}}return o(s,"Parser"),s.prototype=i,i.Parser=s,new s}();EB.parser=EB;cb=EB});var J6,eC,Z6,CZe,CB,SZe,SB,AZe,_Ze,LZe,DZe,wge,Tge=R(()=>{"use strict";_t();rr();bi();J6=[],eC=[],Z6=new Map,CZe=o(()=>{J6=[],eC=[],Z6=new Map,vr()},"clear"),CB=class{constructor(e,r,n=0){this.source=e;this.target=r;this.value=n}static{o(this,"SankeyLink")}},SZe=o((t,e,r)=>{J6.push(new CB(t,e,r))},"addLink"),SB=class{constructor(e){this.ID=e}static{o(this,"SankeyNode")}},AZe=o(t=>{t=We.sanitizeText(t,de());let e=Z6.get(t);return e===void 0&&(e=new SB(t),Z6.set(t,e),eC.push(e)),e},"findOrCreateNode"),_Ze=o(()=>eC,"getNodes"),LZe=o(()=>J6,"getLinks"),DZe=o(()=>({nodes:eC.map(t=>({id:t.ID})),links:J6.map(t=>({source:t.source.ID,target:t.target.ID,value:t.value}))}),"getGraph"),wge={nodesMap:Z6,getConfig:o(()=>de().sankey,"getConfig"),getNodes:_Ze,getLinks:LZe,getGraph:DZe,addLink:SZe,findOrCreateNode:AZe,getAccTitle:Ar,setAccTitle:kr,getAccDescription:Lr,setAccDescription:_r,getDiagramTitle:Xr,setDiagramTitle:nn,clear:CZe}});function ub(t,e){let r;if(e===void 0)for(let n of t)n!=null&&(r<n||r===void 0&&n>=n)&&(r=n);else{let n=-1;for(let i of t)(i=e(i,++n,t))!=null&&(r<i||r===void 0&&i>=i)&&(r=i)}return r}var kge=R(()=>{"use strict";o(ub,"max")});function x1(t,e){let r;if(e===void 0)for(let n of t)n!=null&&(r>n||r===void 0&&n>=n)&&(r=n);else{let n=-1;for(let i of t)(i=e(i,++n,t))!=null&&(r>i||r===void 0&&i>=i)&&(r=i)}return r}var Ege=R(()=>{"use strict";o(x1,"min")});function b1(t,e){let r=0;if(e===void 0)for(let n of t)(n=+n)&&(r+=n);else{let n=-1;for(let i of t)(i=+e(i,++n,t))&&(r+=i)}return r}var Cge=R(()=>{"use strict";o(b1,"sum")});var AB=R(()=>{"use strict";kge();Ege();Cge()});function RZe(t){return t.target.depth}function _B(t){return t.depth}function LB(t,e){return e-1-t.height}function hb(t,e){return t.sourceLinks.length?t.depth:e-1}function DB(t){return t.targetLinks.length?t.depth:t.sourceLinks.length?x1(t.sourceLinks,RZe)-1:0}var RB=R(()=>{"use strict";AB();o(RZe,"targetDepth");o(_B,"left");o(LB,"right");o(hb,"justify");o(DB,"center")});function w1(t){return function(){return t}}var Sge=R(()=>{"use strict";o(w1,"constant")});function Age(t,e){return tC(t.source,e.source)||t.index-e.index}function _ge(t,e){return tC(t.target,e.target)||t.index-e.index}function tC(t,e){return t.y0-e.y0}function NB(t){return t.value}function NZe(t){return t.index}function MZe(t){return t.nodes}function IZe(t){return t.links}function Lge(t,e){let r=t.get(e);if(!
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { g } $ { Math . round ( N * 100 ) / 100 } $ { y } ` :M,"getText");h.append("g").attr("class","node-labels").attr("font-family","sans-serif").attr("font-size",14).selectAll("text").data(x.nodes).join("text").attr("x",M=>M.x0<f/2?M.x1+6:M.x0-6).attr("y",M=>(M.y1+M.y0)/2).attr("dy", ` $ { v ? "0" : "0.35" } em ` ).attr("text-anchor",M=>M.x0<f/2?"start":"end").text(E);let _=h.append("g").attr("class","links").attr("fill","none").attr("stroke-opacity",.5).selectAll(".link").data(x.links).join("g").attr("class","link").style("mix-blend-mode","multiply"),A=a?.linkColor??"gradient";if(A==="gradient"){let M=_.append("linearGradient").attr("id",N=>(N.uid=fb.next("linearGradient-")).id).attr("gradientUnits","userSpaceOnUse").attr("x1",N=>N.source.x1).attr("x2",N=>N.target.x0);M.append("stop").attr("offset","0%").attr("stop-color",N=>T(N.source.id)),M.append("stop").attr("offset","100%").attr("stop-color",N=>T(N.target.id))}let L;switch(A){case"gradient":L=o(M=>M.uid,"coloring");break;case"source":L=o(M=>T(M.source.id),"coloring");break;case"target":L=o(M=>T(M.target.id),"coloring");break;default:L=A}_.append("path").attr("d",iC()).attr("stroke",L).attr("stroke-width",M=>Math.max(1,M.width)),Lo(void 0,h,0,p)},"draw"),Wge={draw:UZe}});var Xge,jge=R(()=>{"use strict";Xge=o(t=>t.replaceAll(/^[^ \S \n \r ]+|[^ \S \n \r ]+ $ /g,"").replaceAll(/([ \n \r ])+/g, `
` ).trim(),"prepareTextForParsing")});var Kge={};hr(Kge,{diagram:()=>YZe});var HZe,YZe,Qge=R(()=>{"use strict";bge();Tge();qge();jge();HZe=cb.parse.bind(cb);cb.parse=t=>HZe(Xge(t));YZe={parser:cb,db:wge,renderer:Wge}});var e1e,FB,jZe,KZe,QZe,ZZe,JZe,Mf,zB=R(()=>{"use strict";qs();sl();xr();bi();e1e={packet:[]},FB=structuredClone(e1e),jZe=mr.packet,KZe=o(()=>{let t=Ts({...jZe,...Or().packet});return t.showBits&&(t.paddingY+=10),t},"getConfig"),QZe=o(()=>FB.packet,"getPacket"),ZZe=o(t=>{t.length>0&&FB.packet.push(t)},"pushWord"),JZe=o(()=>{vr(),FB=structuredClone(e1e)},"clear"),Mf={pushWord:ZZe,getPacket:QZe,getConfig:KZe,clear:JZe,setAccTitle:kr,getAccTitle:Ar,setDiagramTitle:nn,getDiagramTitle:Xr,getAccDescription:Lr,setAccDescription:_r}});var eJe,tJe,rJe,t1e,r1e=R(()=>{"use strict";Lg();ut();sx();zB();eJe=1e4,tJe=o(t=>{cf(t,Mf);let e=-1,r=[],n=1,{bitsPerRow:i}=Mf.getConfig();for(let{start:a,end:s,label:l}of t.blocks){if(s&&s<a)throw new Error( ` Packet block $ { a } - $ { s } is invalid . End must be greater than start . ` );if(a!==e+1)throw new Error( ` Packet block $ { a } - $ { s ? ? a } is not contiguous . It should start from $ { e + 1 } . ` );for(e=s??a,V.debug( ` Packet block $ { a } - $ { e } with label $ { l } ` );r.length<=i+1&&Mf.getPacket().length<eJe;){let[u,h]=rJe({start:a,end:s,label:l},n,i);if(r.push(u),u.end+1===n*i&&(Mf.pushWord(r),r=[],n++),!h)break;({start:a,end:s,label:l}=h)}}Mf.pushWord(r)},"populate"),rJe=o((t,e,r)=>{if(t.end===void 0&&(t.end=t.start),t.start>t.end)throw new Error( ` Block start $ { t . start } is greater than block end $ { t . end } . ` );return t.end+1<=e*r?[t,void 0]:[{start:t.start,end:e*r-1,label:t.label},{start:e*r,end:t.end,label:t.label}]},"getNextFittingBlock"),t1e={parse:o(async t=>{let e=await Fl("packet",t);V.debug(e),tJe(e)},"parse")}});var nJe,iJe,n1e,i1e=R(()=>{"use strict";pf();Yn();nJe=o((t,e,r,n)=>{let i=n.db,a=i.getConfig(),{rowHeight:s,paddingY:l,bitWidth:u,bitsPerRow:h}=a,f=i.getPacket(),d=i.getDiagramTitle(),p=s+l,m=p*(f.length+1)-(d?0:s),g=u*h+2,y=Ps(e);y.attr("viewbox", ` 0 0 $ { g } $ { m } ` ),Sr(y,m,g,a.useMaxWidth);for(let[v,x]of f.entries())iJe(y,x,v,a);y.append("text").text(d).attr("x",g/2).attr("y",m-p/2).attr("dominant-baseline","middle").attr("text-anchor","middle").attr("class","packetTitle")},"draw"),iJe=o((t,e,r,{rowHeight:n,paddingX:i,paddingY:a,bitWidth:s,bitsPerRow:l,showBits:u})=>{let h=t.append("g"),f=r*(n+a)+a;for(let d of e){let p=d.start%l*s+1,m=(d.end-d.start+1)*s-i;if(h.append("rect").attr("x",p).attr("y",f).attr("width",m).attr("height",n).attr("class","packetBlock"),h.append("text").attr("x",p+m/2).attr("y",f+n/2).attr("class","packetLabel").attr("dominant-baseline","middle").attr("text-anchor","middle").text(d.label),!u)continue;let g=d.end===d.start,y=f-2;h.append("text").attr("x",p+(g?m/2:0)).attr("y",y).attr("class","packetByte start").attr("dominant-baseline","auto").attr("text-anchor",g?"middle":"start").text(d.start),g||h.append("text").attr("x",p+m).attr("y",y).attr("class","packetByte end").attr("dominant-baseline","auto").attr("text-anchor","end").text(d.end)}},"drawWord"),n1e={draw:nJe}});var aJe,a1e,s1e=R(()=>{"use strict";xr();aJe={byteFontSize:"10px",startByteColor:"black",endByteColor:"black",labelColor:"black",labelFontSize:"12px",titleColor:"black",titleFontSize:"14px",blockStrokeColor:"black",blockStrokeWidth:"1",blockFillColor:"#efefef"},a1e=o(({packet:t}={})=>{let e=Ts(aJe,t);return `
. packetByte {
font - size : $ { e . byteFontSize } ;
. packetByte . start {
fill : $ { e . startByteColor } ;
. packetByte . end {
fill : $ { e . endByteColor } ;
. packetLabel {
fill : $ { e . labelColor } ;
font - size : $ { e . labelFontSize } ;
. packetTitle {
fill : $ { e . titleColor } ;
font - size : $ { e . titleFontSize } ;
. packetBlock {
stroke : $ { e . blockStrokeColor } ;
stroke - width : $ { e . blockStrokeWidth } ;
fill : $ { e . blockFillColor } ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` },"styles")});var o1e={};hr(o1e,{diagram:()=>sJe});var sJe,l1e=R(()=>{"use strict";zB();r1e();i1e();s1e();sJe={parser:t1e,db:Mf,renderer:n1e,styles:a1e}});var GB,h1e,f1e=R(()=>{"use strict";GB=function(){var t=o(function(w,S,T,E){for(T=T||{},E=w.length;E--;T[w[E]]=S);return T},"o"),e=[1,7],r=[1,13],n=[1,14],i=[1,15],a=[1,19],s=[1,16],l=[1,17],u=[1,18],h=[8,30],f=[8,21,28,29,30,31,32,40,44,47],d=[1,23],p=[1,24],m=[8,15,16,21,28,29,30,31,32,40,44,47],g=[8,15,16,21,27,28,29,30,31,32,40,44,47],y=[1,49],v={trace:o(function(){},"trace"),yy:{},symbols_:{error:2,spaceLines:3,SPACELINE:4,NL:5,separator:6,SPACE:7,EOF:8,start:9,BLOCK_DIAGRAM_KEY:10,document:11,stop:12,statement:13,link:14,LINK:15,START_LINK:16,LINK_LABEL:17,STR:18,nodeStatement:19,columnsStatement:20,SPACE_BLOCK:21,blockStatement:22,classDefStatement:23,cssClassStatement:24,styleStatement:25,node:26,SIZE:27,COLUMNS:28,"id-block":29,end:30,block:31,NODE_ID:32,nodeShapeNLabel:33,dirList:34,DIR:35,NODE_DSTART:36,NODE_DEND:37,BLOCK_ARROW_START:38,BLOCK_ARROW_END:39,classDef:40,CLASSDEF_ID:41,CLASSDEF_STYLEOPTS:42,DEFAULT:43,class:44,CLASSENTITY_IDS:45,STYLECLASS:46,style:47,STYLE_ENTITY_IDS:48,STYLE_DEFINITION_DATA:49, $ accept:0, $ end:1},terminals_:{2:"error",4:"SPACELINE",5:"NL",7:"SPACE",8:"EOF",10:"BLOCK_DIAGRAM_KEY",15:"LINK",16:"START_LINK",17:"LINK_LABEL",18:"STR",21:"SPACE_BLOCK",27:"SIZE",28:"COLUMNS",29:"id-block",30:"end",31:"block",32:"NODE_ID",35:"DIR",36:"NODE_DSTART",37:"NODE_DEND",38:"BLOCK_ARROW_START",39:"BLOCK_ARROW_END",40:"classDef",41:"CLASSDEF_ID",42:"CLASSDEF_STYLEOPTS",43:"DEFAULT",44:"class",45:"CLASSENTITY_IDS",46:"STYLECLASS",47:"style",48:"STYLE_ENTITY_IDS",49:"STYLE_DEFINITION_DATA"},productions_:[0,[3,1],[3,2],[3,2],[6,1],[6,1],[6,1],[9,3],[12,1],[12,1],[12,2],[12,2],[11,1],[11,2],[14,1],[14,4],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[13,1],[19,3],[19,2],[19,1],[20,1],[22,4],[22,3],[26,1],[26,2],[34,1],[34,2],[33,3],[33,4],[23,3],[23,3],[24,3],[25,3]],performAction:o(function(S,T,E,_,A,L,M){var N=L.length-1;switch(A){case 4:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: separator (NL) ");break;case 5:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: separator (Space) ");break;case 6:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: separator (EOF) ");break;case 7:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: hierarchy: ",L[N-1]),_.setHierarchy(L[N-1]);break;case 8:_.getLogger().debug("Stop NL ");break;case 9:_.getLogger().debug("Stop EOF ");break;case 10:_.getLogger().debug("Stop NL2 ");break;case 11:_.getLogger().debug("Stop EOF2 ");break;case 12:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: statement: ",L[N]),typeof L[N].length=="number"?this. $ =L[N]:this. $ =[L[N]];break;case 13:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: statement #2: ",L[N-1]),this. $ =[L[N-1]].concat(L[N]);break;case 14:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: link: ",L[N],S),this. $ ={edgeTypeStr:L[N],label:""};break;case 15:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: LABEL link: ",L[N-3],L[N-1],L[N]),this. $ ={edgeTypeStr:L[N],label:L[N-1]};break;case 18:let k=parseInt(L[N]),I=_.generateId();this. $ ={id:I,type:"space",label:"",width:k,children:[]};break;case 23:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: (nodeStatement link node) ",L[N-2],L[N-1],L[N]," typestr: ",L[N-1].edgeTypeStr);let C=_.edgeStrToEdgeData(L[N-1].edgeTypeStr);this. $ =[{id:L[N-2].id,label:L[N-2].label,type:L[N-2].type,directions:L[N-2].directions},{id:L[N-2].id+"-"+L[N].id,start:L[N-2].id,end:L[N].id,label:L[N-1].label,type:"edge",directions:L[N].directions,arrowTypeEnd:C,arrowTypeStart:"arrow_open"},{id:L[N].id,label:L[N].label,type:_.typeStr2Type(L[N].typeStr),directions:L[N].directions}];break;case 24:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: nodeStatement (abc88 node size) ",L[N-1],L[N]),this. $ ={id:L[N-1].id,label:L[N-1].label,type:_.typeStr2Type(L[N-1].typeStr),directions:L[N-1].directions,widthInColumns:parseInt(L[N],10)};break;case 25:_.getLogger().debug("Rule: nodeStatement (node) ",L[N]),this. $ ={id:L[N].id,label:L[N].label,type:_.typeStr2Type(L[N].typeStr),directions:L[N].directions,widthInColumns:1};break;case 26:_.getLogger().debug("APA123",this?this:"na"),_.getLogger().debug("COLUMNS: ",L[N]),this. $ ={type:"column-setting",columns:L[N]==="auto"?-1:parseInt(L[N])};break;case
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +F.showPosition()+ `
Expecting ` +te.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[ie]||ie)+"'":De="Parse error on line "+(k+1)+": Unexpected "+(ie==D?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[ie]||ie)+"'"),this.parseError(De,{text:F.match,token:this.terminals_[ie]||ie,line:F.yylineno,loc:z,expected:te})}if(Z[0]instanceof Array&&Z.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+J+", token: "+ie);switch(Z[0]){case 1:E.push(ie),A.push(F.yytext),L.push(F.yylloc),E.push(Z[1]),ie=null,j?(ie=j,j=null):(I=F.yyleng,N=F.yytext,k=F.yylineno,z=F.yylloc,C>0&&C--);break;case 2:if(ce=this.productions_[Z[1]][1],K. $ =A[A.length-ce],K._ $ ={first_line:L[L.length-(ce||1)].first_line,last_line:L[L.length-1].last_line,first_column:L[L.length-(ce||1)].first_column,last_column:L[L.length-1].last_column},Y&&(K._ $ .range=[L[L.length-(ce||1)].range[0],L[L.length-1].range[1]]),q=this.performAction.apply(K,[N,I,k,B.yy,Z[1],A,L].concat(P)),typeof q<"u")return q;ce&&(E=E.slice(0,-1*ce*2),A=A.slice(0,-1*ce),L=L.slice(0,-1*ce)),E.push(this.productions_[Z[1]][0]),A.push(K. $ ),L.push(K._ $ ),ue=M[E[E.length-2]][E[E.length-1]],E.push(ue);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0},"parse")},x=function(){var w={EOF:1,parseError:o(function(T,E){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(T,E);else throw new Error(T)},"parseError"),setInput:o(function(S,T){return this.yy=T||this.yy||{},this._input=S,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},"setInput"),input:o(function(){var S=this._input[0];this.yytext+=S,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=S,this.matched+=S;var T=S.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return T?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),S},"input"),unput:o(function(S){var T=S.length,E=S.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=S+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-T),this.offset-=T;var _=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),E.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=E.length-1);var A=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:E?(E.length===_.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+_[_.length-E.length].length-E[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-T},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[A[0],A[0]+this.yyleng-T]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},"unput"),more:o(function(){return this._more=!0,this},"more"),reject:o(function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},"reject"),less:o(function(S){this.unput(this.match.slice(S))},"less"),pastInput:o(function(){var S=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(S.length>20?"...":"")+S.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"pastInput"),upcomingInput:o(function(){var S=this.match;return S.length<20&&(S+=this._input.substr(0,20-S.length)),(S.substr(0,20)+(S.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},"upcomingInput"),showPosition:o(function(){var S=this.pastInput(),T=new Array(S.length+1).join("-");return S+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +T+"^"},"showPosition"),test_match:o(function(S,T){var E,_,A;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(A={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(A.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),_=S[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),_&&(this.yylineno+=_.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:_?_[_.length-1].length-_[_.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+S[0].length},this.yytext+=S[0],this.match+=S[0],this.matches=S,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(S[0].length),this.matched+=S[0],E=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,T,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),E)return E;if(this._backtrack){for(var L in A)this[L]=A[L];return!1}return!1},"test_match"),next:o(function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var S,T,E,_;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var A=this._currentRules(),L=0;L<A.length;L++)if(E=this._input.match(this.rules[A[L]]),E&&(!T||E[0].length>T[0].length)){if(T=E,_=L,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(S=this.test_match(E,A[L]),S!==!1)return S;if(this._backtrack){T=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return T?(S=this.test_match(T,A[_]),S!==!1?S:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},"next"),lex:o(function(){var T=this.next();return T||this.lex()},"lex"),begin:o(function(T){this.conditionStack.push(T)},"begin"),popState:o(function(){var T=this.conditionStack.length-1;return T>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},"popState"),_currentRules:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},"_currentRules"),topState:o(function(T){return T=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(T||0),T>=0?this.conditionStack[T]:"INITIAL"},"topState"),pushState:o(function(T){this.begin(T)},"pushState"),stateStackSize:o(function(){return this.conditionStack.length},"stateStackSize"),options:{},performAction:o(function(T,E,_,A){var L=A;switch(_){case 0:return 10;case 1:return T.getLogger().debug("Found space-block"),31;break;case 2:return T.getLogger().debug("Found nl-block"),31;break;case 3:return T.getLogger().debug("Found space-block"),29;break;case 4:T.getLogger().debug(".",E.yytext);break;case 5:T.getLogger().debug("_",E.yytext);break;case 6:return 5;case 7:return E.yytext=-1,28;break;case 8:return E.yytext=E.yytext.replace(/columns \s +/,""),T.getLogger().debug("COLUMNS (LEX)",E.yytext),28;break;case 9:this.pushState("md_string");break;case 10:return"MD_STR";case 11:this.popState();break;case 12:this.pushState("string");break;case 13:T.getLogger().debug("LEX: POPPING STR:",E.yytext),this.popState();break;case 14:return T.getLogger().debug("LEX: STR end:",E.yytext),"STR";break;case 15:return E.yytext=E.yytext.replace(/space \: /,""),T.getLogger().debug("SPACE NUM (LEX)",E.yytext),21;break;case 16:return E.yytext="1",T.getLogger().debug("COLUMNS (LEX)",E.yytext),21;break;case 17:return 43;case 18:return"LINKSTYLE";case 19:return"INTERPOLATE";case 20:return this.pushState("CLASSDEF"),40;break;case 21:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),"DEFAULT_CLASSDEF_ID";break;case 22:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASSDEFID"),41;break;case 23:return this.popState(),42;break;case 24:return this.pushState("CLASS"),44;break;case 25:return this.popState(),this.pushState("CLASS_STYLE"),45;break;case 26:return this.popState(),46;break;case 27:return this.pushState("STYLE_STMNT"),47;break;case 28:return this.popState(),this.pushState("STYLE_DEFINITION"),48;break;case 29:return this.popState(),49;break;case 30:return this.pushState("acc_title"),"acc_title";break;case 31:return this.popState(),"acc_title_value";break;case 32:return this.pushState("acc_descr"),"acc_descr";break;case 33:return this.popState(),"acc_descr_value";break;case 34:this.pushState("acc_descr_multiline");break;case 35:this.popState();break;case 36:return"acc_descr_multiline_value";case 37:return 30;case 38:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 39:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 40:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: ))"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 41:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 42:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 43:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: (-"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 44:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: -)"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 45:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: (("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 46:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: ]]"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 47:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: ("),"NODE_DEND";break;case 48:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: ])"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 49:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: /]"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 50:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: /]"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 51:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: )]"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 52:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("Lex: )"),"NODE_DEND";break;case 53:return this.popState(),T.getLogger().debug("
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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/* For html labels only */
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),b1e=DJe});function RJe(t,e){if(t===0||!Number.isInteger(t))throw new Error("Columns must be an integer !== 0.");if(e<0||!Number.isInteger(e))throw new Error("Position must be a non-negative integer."+e);if(t<0)return{px:e,py:0};if(t===1)return{px:0,py:e};let r=e%t,n=Math.floor(e/t);return{px:r,py:n}}function HB(t,e,r=0,n=0){V.debug("setBlockSizes abc95 (start)",t.id,t?.size?.x,"block width =",t?.size,"sieblingWidth",r),t?.size?.width||(t.size={width:r,height:n,x:0,y:0});let i=0,a=0;if(t.children?.length>0){for(let m of t.children)HB(m,e);let s=NJe(t);i=s.width,a=s.height,V.debug("setBlockSizes abc95 maxWidth of",t.id,":s children is ",i,a);for(let m of t.children)m.size&&(V.debug( ` abc95 Setting size of children of $ { t . id } id = $ { m . id } $ { i } $ { a } $ { JSON . stringify ( m . size ) } ` ),m.size.width=i*(m.widthInColumns??1)+mi*((m.widthInColumns??1)-1),m.size.height=a,m.size.x=0,m.size.y=0,V.debug( ` abc95 updating size of $ { t . id } children child : $ { m . id } maxWidth : $ { i } maxHeight : $ { a } ` ));for(let m of t.children)HB(m,e,i,a);let l=t.columns??-1,u=0;for(let m of t.children)u+=m.widthInColumns??1;let h=t.children.length;l>0&&l<u&&(h=l);let f=Math.ceil(u/h),d=h*(i+mi)+mi,p=f*(a+mi)+mi;if(d<r){V.debug( ` Detected to small siebling : abc95 $ { t . id } sieblingWidth $ { r } sieblingHeight $ { n } width $ { d } ` ),d=r,p=n;let m=(r-h*mi-mi)/h,g=(n-f*mi-mi)/f;V.debug("Size indata abc88",t.id,"childWidth",m,"maxWidth",i),V.debug("Size indata abc88",t.id,"childHeight",g,"maxHeight",a),V.debug("Size indata abc88 xSize",h,"padding",mi);for(let y of t.children)y.size&&(y.size.width=m,y.size.height=g,y.size.x=0,y.size.y=0)}if(V.debug( ` abc95 ( finale calc ) $ { t . id } xSize $ { h } ySize $ { f } columns $ { l } $ { t . children . length } width = $ { Math . max ( d , t . size ? . width || 0 ) } ` ),d<(t?.size?.width||0)){d=t?.size?.width||0;let m=l>0?Math.min(t.children.length,l):t.children.length;if(m>0){let g=(d-m*mi-mi)/m;V.debug("abc95 (growing to fit) width",t.id,d,t.size?.width,g);for(let y of t.children)y.size&&(y.size.width=g)}}t.size={width:d,height:p,x:0,y:0}}V.debug("setBlockSizes abc94 (done)",t.id,t?.size?.x,t?.size?.width,t?.size?.y,t?.size?.height)}function T1e(t,e){V.debug( ` abc85 layout blocks ( => layoutBlocks ) $ { t . id } x : $ { t ? . size ? . x } y : $ { t ? . size ? . y } width : $ { t ? . size ? . width } ` );let r=t.columns??-1;if(V.debug("layoutBlocks columns abc95",t.id,"=>",r,t),t.children&&t.children.length>0){let n=t?.children[0]?.size?.width??0,i=t.children.length*n+(t.children.length-1)*mi;V.debug("widthOfChildren 88",i,"posX");let a=0;V.debug("abc91 block?.size?.x",t.id,t?.size?.x);let s=t?.size?.x?t?.size?.x+(-t?.size?.width/2||0):-mi,l=0;for(let u of t.children){let h=t;if(!u.size)continue;let{width:f,height:d}=u.size,{px:p,py:m}=RJe(r,a);if(m!=l&&(l=m,s=t?.size?.x?t?.size?.x+(-t?.size?.width/2||0):-mi,V.debug("New row in layout for block",t.id," and child ",u.id,l)),V.debug( ` abc89 layout blocks ( child ) id : $ { u . id } Pos : $ { a } ( px , py ) $ { p } , $ { m } ( $ { h ? . size ? . x } , $ { h ? . size ? . y } ) parent : $ { h . id } width : $ { f } $ { mi } ` ),h.size){let g=f/2;u.size.x=s+mi+g,V.debug( ` abc91 layout blocks ( calc ) px , pyid : $ { u . id } startingPos = X$ { s } new startingPosX$ { u . size . x } $ { g } padding = $ { mi } width = $ { f } halfWidth = $ { g } => x : $ { u . size . x } y : $ { u . size . y } $ { u . widthInColumns } ( width * ( child ? . w || 1 ) ) / 2 $ { f * ( u ? . widthInColumns ? ? 1 ) / 2 } ` ),s=u.size.x+g,u.size.y=h.size.y-h.size.height/2+m*(d+mi)+d/2+mi,V.debug( ` abc88 layout blocks ( calc ) px , pyid : $ { u . id } startingPosX$ { s } $ { mi } $ { g } => x : $ { u . size . x } y : $ { u . size . y } $ { u . widthInColumns } ( width * ( child ? . w || 1 ) ) / 2 $ { f * ( u ? . widthInColumns ? ? 1 ) / 2 } ` )}u.children&&T1e(u,e),a+=u?.widthInColumns??1,V.debug("abc88 columnsPos",u,a)}}V.debug( ` layout blocks ( <= = layoutBlocks ) $ { t . id } x : $ { t ? . size ? . x } y : $ { t ? . size ? . y } width : $ { t ? . size ? . width } ` )}function k1e(t,{minX:e,minY:r,maxX:n,maxY:i}={minX:0,minY:0,maxX:0,maxY:0}){if(t.size&&t.id!=="root"){let{x:a,y:s,width:l,height:u}=t.size;a-l/2<e&&(e=a-l/2),s-u/2<r&&(r=s-u/2),a+l/2>n&&(n=a+l/2),s+u/2>i&&(i=s+u/2)}if(t.children)for(let a of t.children)({minX:e,minY:r,maxX:n,maxY:i}=k1e(a,{minX:e,minY:r,maxX:n,maxY:i}));return{minX:e,minY:r,maxX:n,maxY:i}}function E1e(t){let e=t.getBlock("root
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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stroke : $ { t . archEdgeColor } ;
fill : none ;
2024-03-07 14:14:09 -06:00
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
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stroke - width : $ { t . archGroupBorderWidth } ;
stroke - dasharray : 8 ;
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display : flex ;
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color : # fff ;
margin : 1 px ;
height : fit - content ;
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- webkit - box - orient : vertical ;
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,"getStyles"),W1e=net});var KB=gi((yb,jB)=>{"use strict";o(function(e,r){typeof yb=="object"&&typeof jB=="object"?jB.exports=r():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define([],r):typeof yb=="object"?yb.layoutBase=r():e.layoutBase=r()},"webpackUniversalModuleDefinition")(yb,function(){return function(t){var e={};function r(n){if(e[n])return e[n].exports;var i=e[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[n].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,r),i.l=!0,i.exports}return o(r,"__webpack_require__"),r.m=t,r.c=e,r.i=function(n){return n},r.d=function(n,i,a){r.o(n,i)||Object.defineProperty(n,i,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:a})},r.n=function(n){var i=n&&n.__esModule?o(function(){return n.default},"getDefault"):o(function(){return n},"getModuleExports");return r.d(i,"a",i),i},r.o=function(n,i){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)},r.p="",r(r.s=28)}([function(t,e,r){"use strict";function n(){}o(n,"LayoutConstants"),n.QUALITY=1,n.DEFAULT_CREATE_BENDS_AS_NEEDED=!1,n.DEFAULT_INCREMENTAL=!1,n.DEFAULT_ANIMATION_ON_LAYOUT=!0,n.DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURING_LAYOUT=!1,n.DEFAULT_ANIMATION_PERIOD=50,n.DEFAULT_UNIFORM_LEAF_NODE_SIZES=!1,n.DEFAULT_GRAPH_MARGIN=15,n.NODE_DIMENSIONS_INCLUDE_LABELS=!1,n.SIMPLE_NODE_SIZE=40,n.SIMPLE_NODE_HALF_SIZE=n.SIMPLE_NODE_SIZE/2,n.EMPTY_COMPOUND_NODE_SIZE=40,n.MIN_EDGE_LENGTH=1,n.WORLD_BOUNDARY=1e6,n.INITIAL_WORLD_BOUNDARY=n.WORLD_BOUNDARY/1e3,n.WORLD_CENTER_X=1200,n.WORLD_CENTER_Y=900,t.exports=n},function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=r(2),i=r(8),a=r(9);function s(u,h,f){n.call(this,f),this.isOverlapingSourceAndTarget=!1,this.vGraphObject=f,this.bendpoints=[],this.source=u,this.target=h}o(s,"LEdge"),s.prototype=Object.create(n.prototype);for(var l in n)s[l]=n[l];s.prototype.getSource=function(){return this.source},s.prototype.getTarget=function(){return this.target},s.prototype.isInterGraph=function(){return this.isInterGraph},s.prototype.getLength=function(){return this.length},s.prototype.isOverlapingSourceAndTarget=function(){return this.isOverlapingSourceAndTarget},s.prototype.getBendpoints=function(){return this.bendpoints},s.prototype.getLca=function(){return this.lca},s.prototype.getSourceInLca=function(){return this.sourceInLca},s.prototype.getTargetInLca=function(){return this.targetInLca},s.prototype.getOtherEnd=function(u){if(this.source===u)return this.target;if(this.target===u)return this.source;throw"Node is not incident with this edge"},s.prototype.getOtherEndInGraph=function(u,h){for(var f=this.getOtherEnd(u),d=h.getGraphManager().getRoot();;){if(f.getOwner()==h)return f;if(f.getOwner()==d)break;f=f.getOwner().getParent()}return null},s.prototype.updateLength=function(){var u=new Array(4);this.isOverlapingSourceAndTarget=i.getIntersection(this.target.getRect(),this.source.getRect(),u),this.isOverlapingSourceAndTarget||(this.lengthX=u[0]-u[2],this.lengthY=u[1]-u[3],Math.abs(this.lengthX)<1&&(this.lengthX=a.sign(this.lengthX)),Math.abs(this.lengthY)<1&&(this.lengthY=a.sign(this.lengthY)),this.length=Math.sqrt(this.lengthX*this.lengthX+this.lengthY*this.lengthY))},s.prototype.updateLengthSimple=function(){this.lengthX=this.target.getCenterX()-this.source.getCenterX(),this.lengthY=this.target.getCenterY()-this.source.getCenterY(),Math.abs(this.lengthX)<1&&(this.lengthX=a.sign(this.lengthX)),Math.abs(this.lengthY)<1&&(this.lengthY=a.sign(this.lengthY)),this.length=Math.sqrt(this.lengthX*this.lengthX+this.lengthY*this.lengthY)},t.exports=s},function(t,e,r){"use strict";function n(i){this.vGraphObject=i}o(n,"LGraphObject"),t.exports=n},function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=r(2),i=r(10),a=r(13),s=r(0),l=r(16),u=r(5);function h(d,p,m,g){m==null&&g==null&&(g=p),n.call(this,g),d.graphManager!=null&&(d=d.graphManager),this.estimatedSize=i.MIN_VALUE,this.inclusionTreeDepth=i.MAX_VALUE,this.vGraphObject=g,this.edges=[],this.graphManager=d,m!=null&&p!=null?this.rect=new a(p.x,p.y,m.width,m.height):this.rect=new a}o(h,"LNode"),h.prototype=Object.create(n.prototype);for(var f in n)h[f]=n[f];h.prototype.getEdges=function(){return this.edges},h.prototype.getChild=function(){return this.child},h.prototype.getOwner=funct
translate ( $ { w } , $ { S - I . height / 2 } )
translate ( $ { C * D . width / 2 } , $ { O * D . height / 2 } )
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rotate ( $ { - 1 * C * O * 45 } , 0 , $ { I . height / 2 } )
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` )}}}}}))},"drawEdges"),K1e=o(async function(t,e){let n=Ci("padding")*.75,i=Ci("fontSize"),s=Ci("iconSize")/2;await Promise.all(e.nodes().map(async l=>{let u=If(l);if(u.type==="group"){let{h,w:f,x1:d,y1:p}=l.boundingBox();t.append("rect").attr("x",d+s).attr("y",p+s).attr("width",f).attr("height",h).attr("class","node-bkg");let m=t.append("g"),g=d,y=p;if(u.icon){let v=m.append("g");v.html( ` < g > $ { await zb ( u . icon , { height : n , width : n , fallbackPrefix : J0 . prefix } ) } < / g > ` ) , v . a t t r ( " t r a n s f o r m " , " t r a n s l a t e ( " + ( g + s + 1 ) + " , " + ( y + s + 1 ) + " ) " ) , g + = n , y + = i / 2 - 1 - 2 } i f ( u . l a b e l ) { l e t v = m . a p p e n d ( " g " ) ; a w a i t t a ( v , u . l a b e l , { u s e H t m l L a b e l s : ! 1 , w i d t h : f , c l a s s e s : " a r c h i t e c t u r e - s e r v i c e - l a b e l " } , d e ( ) ) , v . a t t r ( " d y " , " 1 e m " ) . a t t r ( " a l i g n m e n t - b a s e l i n e " , " m i d d l e " ) . a t t r ( " d o m i n a n t - b a s e l i n e " , " s t a r t " ) . a t t r ( " t e x t - a n c h o r " , " s t a r t " ) , v . a t t r ( " t r a n s f o r m " , " t r a n s l a t e ( " + ( g + s + 4 ) + " , " + ( y + s + 2 ) + " ) " ) } } } ) ) } , " d r a w G r o u p s " ) , Q 1 e = o ( a s y n c f u n c t i o n ( t , e , r ) { f o r ( l e t n o f r ) { l e t i = e . a p p e n d ( " g " ) , a = C i ( " i c o n S i z e " ) ; i f ( n . t i t l e ) { l e t h = i . a p p e n d ( " g " ) ; a w a i t t a ( h , n . t i t l e , { u s e H t m l L a b e l s : ! 1 , w i d t h : a * 1 . 5 , c l a s s e s : " a r c h i t e c t u r e - s e r v i c e - l a b e l " } , d e ( ) ) , h . a t t r ( " d y " , " 1 e m " ) . a t t r ( " a l i g n m e n t - b a s e l i n e " , " m i d d l e " ) . a t t r ( " d o m i n a n t - b a s e l i n e " , " m i d d l e " ) . a t t r ( " t e x t - a n c h o r " , " m i d d l e " ) , h . a t t r ( " t r a n s f o r m " , " t r a n s l a t e ( " + a / 2 + " , " + a + " ) " ) } l e t s = i . a p p e n d ( " g " ) ; i f ( n . i c o n ) s . h t m l ( ` < g > $ { a w a i t z b ( n . i c o n , { h e i g h t : a , w i d t h : a , f a l l b a c k P r e f i x : J 0 . p r e f i x } ) } < / g > ` ) ; e l s e i f ( n . i c o n T e x t ) { s . h t m l ( ` < g > $ { a w a i t z b ( " b l a n k " , { h e i g h t : a , w i d t h : a , f a l l b a c k P r e f i x : J 0 . p r e f i x } ) } < / g > ` ) ; l e t d = s . a p p e n d ( " g " ) . a p p e n d ( " f o r e i g n O b j e c t " ) . a t t r ( " w i d t h " , a ) . a t t r ( " h e i g h t " , a ) . a p p e n d ( " d i v " ) . a t t r ( " c l a s s " , " n o d e - i c o n - t e x t " ) . a t t r ( " s t y l e " , ` h e i g h t : $ { a } p x ; ` ) . a p p e n d ( " d i v " ) . h t m l ( n . i c o n T e x t ) , p = p a r s e I n t ( w i n d o w . g e t C o m p u t e d S t y l e ( d . n o d e ( ) , n u l l ) . g e t P r o p e r t y V a l u e ( " f o n t - s i z e " ) . r e p l a c e ( / \ D / g , " " ) ) ? ? 1 6 ; d . a t t r ( " s t y l e " , ` - w e b k i t - l i n e - c l a m p : $ { M a t h . f l o o r ( ( a - 2 ) / p ) } ; ` ) } e l s e s . a p p e n d ( " p a t h " ) . a t t r ( " c l a s s " , " n o d e - b k g " ) . a t t r ( " i d " , " n o d e - " + n . i d ) . a t t r ( " d " , ` M 0 $ { a } v $ { - a } q 0 , - 5 5 , - 5 h $ { a } q 5 , 0 5 , 5 v $ { a } H 0 Z ` ) ; i . a t t r ( " c l a s s " , " a r c h i t e c t u r e - s e r v i c e " ) ; l e t { w i d t h : l , h e i g h t : u } = i . _ g r o u p s [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . g e t B B o x ( ) ; n . w i d t h = l , n . h e i g h t = u , t . s e t E l e m e n t F o r I d ( n . i d , i ) } r e t u r n 0 } , " d r a w S e r v i c e s " ) , Z 1 e = o ( f u n c t i o n ( t , e , r ) { r . f o r E a c h ( n = > { l e t i = e . a p p e n d ( " g " ) , a = C i ( " i c o n S i z e " ) ; i . a p p e n d ( " g " ) . a p p e n d ( " r e c t " ) . a t t r ( " i d " , " n o d e - " + n . i d ) . a t t r ( " f i l l - o p a c i t y " , " 0 " ) . a t t r ( " w i d t h " , a ) . a t t r ( " h e i g h t " , a ) , i . a t t r ( " c l a s s " , " a r c h i t e c t u r e - j u n c t i o n " ) ; l e t { w i d t h : l , h e i g h t : u } = i . _ g r o u p s [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . g e t B B o x ( ) ; i . w i d t h = l , i . h e i g h t = u , t . s e t E l e m e n t F o r I d ( n . i d , i ) } ) } , " d r a w J u n c t i o n s " ) } ) ; f u n c t i o n i e t ( t , e ) { t . f o r E a c h ( r = > { e . a d d ( { g r o u p : " n o d e s " , d a t a : { t y p e : " s e r v i c e " , i d : r . i d , i c o n : r . i c o n , l a b e l : r . t i t l e , p a r e n t : r . i n , w i d t h : C i ( " i c o n S i z e " ) , h e i g h t : C i ( " i c o n S i z e " ) } , c l a s s e s : " n o d e - s e r v i c e " } ) } ) } f u n c t i o n a e t ( t , e ) { t . f o r E a c h ( r = > { e . a d d ( { g r o u p : " n o d e s " , d a t a : { t y p e : " j u n c t i o n " , i d : r . i d , p a r e n t : r . i n , w i d t h : C i ( " i c o n S i z e " ) , h e i g h t : C i ( " i c o n S i z e " ) } , c l a s s e s : " n o d e - j u n c t i o n " } ) } ) } f u n c t i o n s e t ( t , e ) { e . n o d e s ( ) . m a p ( r = > { l e t n = I f ( r ) ; i f ( n . t y p e = = = " g r o u p " ) r e t u r n ; n . x = r . p o s i t i o n ( ) . x , n . y = r . p o s i t i o n ( ) . y , t . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( n . i d ) . a t t r ( " t r a n s f o r m " , " t r a n s l a t e ( " + ( n . x | | 0 ) + " , " + ( n . y | | 0 ) + " ) " ) } ) } f u n c t i o n o e t ( t , e ) { t . f o r E a c h ( r = > { e . a d d ( { g r o u p : " n o d e s " , d a t a : { t y p e : " g r o u p " , i d : r . i d , i c o n : r . i c o n , l a b e l : r . t i t l e , p a r e n t : r . i n } , c l a s s e s : " n o d e - g r o u p " } ) } ) } f u n c t i o n c e t ( t , e ) { t . f o r E a c h ( r = > { l e t { l h s I d : n , r h s I d : i , l h s I n t o : a , l h s G r o u p : s , r h s I n t o : l , l h s D i r : u , r h s D i r : h , r h s G r o u p : f , t i t l e : d } = r , p = o C ( r . l h s D i r , r . r h s D i r ) ? " s e g m e n t s " : " s t r a i g h t " , m = { i d : ` $ { n } - $ { i } ` , l a b e l : d , s o u r c e : n , s o u r c e D i r : u , s o u r c e A r r o w : a , s o u r c e G r o u p : s , s o u r c e E n d p o i n t : u = = = " L " ? " 0 5 0 % " : u = = = " R " ? " 1 0 0 % 5 0 % " : u = = = " T " ? " 5 0 % 0 " : " 5 0 % 1 0 0 % " , t a r g e t : i , t a r g e t D i r : h , t a r g e t A r r o w : l , t a r g e t G r o u p : f , t a r g e t E n d p o i n t : h = = = " L " ? " 0 5 0 % " : h = = = " R " ? " 1 0 0 % 5 0 % " : h = = = " T " ? " 5 0 % 0 " : " 5 0 % 1 0 0 % " } ; e . a d d ( { g r o u p : " e d g e s " , d a t a : m , c l a s s e s : p } ) } ) } f u n c t i o n u e t ( t ) { l e t e = t . m a p ( i = > { l e t a = { } , s = { } ; r e t u r n O b j e c t . e n t r i e s ( i ) . f o r E a c h ( ( [ l , [ u , h ] ] ) = > { a [ h ] | | ( a [ h ] = [ ] ) , s [ u ] | | ( s [ u ] = [ ] ) , a [ h ] . p u s h ( l ) , s [ u ] . p u s h ( l ) } ) , { h o r i z : O b j e c t . v a l u e s ( a ) . f i l t e r ( l = > l . l e n g t h > 1 ) , v e r t : O b j e c t . v a l u e s ( s ) . f i l t e r ( l = > l . l e n g t h > 1 ) } } ) , [ r , n ] = e . r e d u c e ( ( [ i , a ] , { h o r i z : s , v e r t : l } ) = > [ [ . . . i , . . . s ] , [ . . . a , . . . l ] ] , [ [ ] , [ ] ] ) ; r e t u r n { h o r i z o n t a l : r , v e r t i c a l : n } } f u n c t i o n h e t ( t ) { l e t e = [ ] , r = o ( i = > ` $ { i [ 0 ] } , $ { i [ 1 ] } ` , " p o s T o S t r " ) , n = o ( i = > i . s p l i t ( " , " ) . m a p ( a = > p a r s e I n t ( a ) ) , " s t r T o P o s " )
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2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ;try{cy(i)}catch{let h=tz(i);if(!h)throw new op( ` Diagram $ { i } not found . ` );let{id:f,diagram:d}=await h();Jf(f,d)}let{db:a,parser:s,renderer:l,init:u}=cy(i);return s.parser&&(s.parser.yy=a),a.clear?.(),u?.(n),r.title&&a.setDiagramTitle?.(r.title),await s.parse(e),new t(i,e,a,s,l)}async render(e,r){await this.renderer.draw(this.text,e,r,this)}getParser(){return this.parser}getType(){return this.type}};rr();var Lye=[];var Dye=o(()=>{Lye.forEach(t=>{t()}),Lye=[]},"attachFunctions");ut();var Rye=o(t=>t.replace(/^ \s *%%(?!{)[^ \n ]+ \n ?/gm,"").trimStart(),"cleanupComments");Vb();function qye(t){return typeof t>"u"||t===null}o(qye,"isNothing");function bet(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null}o(bet,"isObject");function wet(t){return Array.isArray(t)?t:qye(t)?[]:[t]}o(wet,"toArray");function Tet(t,e){var r,n,i,a;if(e)for(a=Object.keys(e),r=0,n=a.length;r<n;r+=1)i=a[r],t[i]=e[i];return t}o(Tet,"extend");function ket(t,e){var r="",n;for(n=0;n<e;n+=1)r+=t;return r}o(ket,"repeat");function Eet(t){return t===0&&Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY===1/t}o(Eet,"isNegativeZero");var Cet=qye,Aet=bet,_et=wet,Let=ket,Det=Eet,Ret=Tet,Wi={isNothing:Cet,isObject:Aet,toArray:_et,repeat:Let,isNegativeZero:Det,extend:Ret};function Xye(t,e){var r="",n=t.reason||"(unknown reason)";return t.mark?(t.mark.name&&(r+='in "'+t.mark.name+'" '),r+="("+(t.mark.line+1)+":"+(t.mark.column+1)+")",!e&&t.mark.snippet&&(r+= `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +t.mark.snippet),n+" "+r):n}o(Xye,"formatError");function Eb(t,e){Error.call(this),this.name="YAMLException",this.reason=t,this.mark=e,this.message=Xye(this,!1),Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):this.stack=new Error().stack||""}o(Eb,"YAMLException $ 1");Eb.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype);Eb.prototype.constructor=Eb;Eb.prototype.toString=o(function(e){return this.name+": "+Xye(this,e)},"toString");var $ s=Eb;function nF(t,e,r,n,i){var a="",s="",l=Math.floor(i/2)-1;return n-e>l&&(a=" ... ",e=n-l+a.length),r-n>l&&(s=" ...",r=n+l-s.length),{str:a+t.slice(e,r).replace(/ \t /g," \u 2192")+s,pos:n-e+a.length}}o(nF,"getLine");function iF(t,e){return Wi.repeat(" ",e-t.length)+t}o(iF,"padStart");function Net(t,e){if(e=Object.create(e||null),!t.buffer)return null;e.maxLength||(e.maxLength=79),typeof e.indent!="number"&&(e.indent=1),typeof e.linesBefore!="number"&&(e.linesBefore=3),typeof e.linesAfter!="number"&&(e.linesAfter=2);for(var r=/ \r ? \n | \r | \0 /g,n=[0],i=[],a,s=-1;a=r.exec(t.buffer);)i.push(a.index),n.push(a.index+a[0].length),t.position<=a.index&&s<0&&(s=n.length-2);s<0&&(s=n.length-1);var l="",u,h,f=Math.min(t.line+e.linesAfter,i.length).toString().length,d=e.maxLength-(e.indent+f+3);for(u=1;u<=e.linesBefore&&!(s-u<0);u++)h=nF(t.buffer,n[s-u],i[s-u],t.position-(n[s]-n[s-u]),d),l=Wi.repeat(" ",e.indent)+iF((t.line-u+1).toString(),f)+" | "+h.str+ `
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` +l;for(h=nF(t.buffer,n[s],i[s],t.position,d),l+=Wi.repeat(" ",e.indent)+iF((t.line+1).toString(),f)+" | "+h.str+ `
` ,l+=Wi.repeat("-",e.indent+f+3+h.pos)+ ` ^
` ,u=1;u<=e.linesAfter&&!(s+u>=i.length);u++)h=nF(t.buffer,n[s+u],i[s+u],t.position-(n[s]-n[s+u]),d),l+=Wi.repeat(" ",e.indent)+iF((t.line+u+1).toString(),f)+" | "+h.str+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ;return l.replace(/ \n $ /,"")}o(Net,"makeSnippet");var Met=Net,Iet=["kind","multi","resolve","construct","instanceOf","predicate","represent","representName","defaultStyle","styleAliases"],Oet=["scalar","sequence","mapping"];function Pet(t){var e={};return t!==null&&Object.keys(t).forEach(function(r){t[r].forEach(function(n){e[String(n)]=r})}),e}o(Pet,"compileStyleAliases");function Bet(t,e){if(e=e||{},Object.keys(e).forEach(function(r){if(Iet.indexOf(r)===-1)throw new $ s('Unknown option "'+r+'" is met in definition of "'+t+'" YAML type.')}),this.options=e,this.tag=t,this.kind=e.kind||null,this.resolve=e.resolve||function(){return!0},this.construct=e.construct||function(r){return r},this.instanceOf=e.instanceOf||null,this.predicate=e.predicate||null,this.represent=e.represent||null,this.representName=e.representName||null,this.defaultStyle=e.defaultStyle||null,this.multi=e.multi||!1,this.styleAliases=Pet(e.styleAliases||null),Oet.indexOf(this.kind)===-1)throw new $ s('Unknown kind "'+this.kind+'" is specified for "'+t+'" YAML type.')}o(Bet,"Type $ 1");var Va=Bet;function Nye(t,e){var r=[];return t[e].forEach(function(n){var i=r.length;r.forEach(function(a,s){a.tag===n.tag&&a.kind===n.kind&&a.multi===n.multi&&(i=s)}),r[i]=n}),r}o(Nye,"compileList");function Fet(){var t={scalar:{},sequence:{},mapping:{},fallback:{},multi:{scalar:[],sequence:[],mapping:[],fallback:[]}},e,r;function n(i){i.multi?(t.multi[i.kind].push(i),t.multi.fallback.push(i)):t[i.kind][i.tag]=t.fallback[i.tag]=i}for(o(n,"collectType"),e=0,r=arguments.length;e<r;e+=1)arguments[e].forEach(n);return t}o(Fet,"compileMap");function sF(t){return this.extend(t)}o(sF,"Schema $ 1");sF.prototype.extend=o(function(e){var r=[],n=[];if(e instanceof Va)n.push(e);else if(Array.isArray(e))n=n.concat(e);else if(e&&(Array.isArray(e.implicit)||Array.isArray(e.explicit)))e.implicit&&(r=r.concat(e.implicit)),e.explicit&&(n=n.concat(e.explicit));else throw new $ s("Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })");r.forEach(function(a){if(!(a instanceof Va))throw new $ s("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");if(a.loadKind&&a.loadKind!=="scalar")throw new $ s("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.");if(a.multi)throw new $ s("There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.")}),n.forEach(function(a){if(!(a instanceof Va))throw new $ s("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.")});var i=Object.create(sF.prototype);return i.implicit=(this.implicit||[]).concat(r),i.explicit=(this.explicit||[]).concat(n),i.compiledImplicit=Nye(i,"implicit"),i.compiledExplicit=Nye(i,"explicit"),i.compiledTypeMap=Fet(i.compiledImplicit,i.compiledExplicit),i},"extend");var zet=sF,Get=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:str",{kind:"scalar",construct:o(function(t){return t!==null?t:""},"construct")}), $ et=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:seq",{kind:"sequence",construct:o(function(t){return t!==null?t:[]},"construct")}),Vet=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:map",{kind:"mapping",construct:o(function(t){return t!==null?t:{}},"construct")}),Uet=new zet({explicit:[Get, $ et,Vet]});function Het(t){if(t===null)return!0;var e=t.length;return e===1&&t==="~"||e===4&&(t==="null"||t==="Null"||t==="NULL")}o(Het,"resolveYamlNull");function Yet(){return null}o(Yet,"constructYamlNull");function Wet(t){return t===null}o(Wet,"isNull");var qet=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:null",{kind:"scalar",resolve:Het,construct:Yet,predicate:Wet,represent:{canonical:o(function(){return"~"},"canonical"),lowercase:o(function(){return"null"},"lowercase"),uppercase:o(function(){return"NULL"},"uppercase"),camelcase:o(function(){return"Null"},"camelcase"),empty:o(function(){return""},"empty")},defaultStyle:"lowercase"});function Xet(t){if(t===null)return!1;var e=t.length;return e===4&&(t==="true"||t==="True"||t==="TRUE")||e===5&&(t==="false"||t==="False"||t==="FALSE")}o(Xet,"resolveYamlBoolean");function jet(
\ r ` ;function xtt(t){if(t===null)return!1;var e,r,n=0,i=t.length,a=hF;for(r=0;r<i;r++)if(e=a.indexOf(t.charAt(r)),!(e>64)){if(e<0)return!1;n+=6}return n%8===0}o(xtt,"resolveYamlBinary");function btt(t){var e,r,n=t.replace(/[ \r \n =]/g,""),i=n.length,a=hF,s=0,l=[];for(e=0;e<i;e++)e%4===0&&e&&(l.push(s>>16&255),l.push(s>>8&255),l.push(s&255)),s=s<<6|a.indexOf(n.charAt(e));return r=i%4*6,r===0?(l.push(s>>16&255),l.push(s>>8&255),l.push(s&255)):r===18?(l.push(s>>10&255),l.push(s>>2&255)):r===12&&l.push(s>>4&255),new Uint8Array(l)}o(btt,"constructYamlBinary");function wtt(t){var e="",r=0,n,i,a=t.length,s=hF;for(n=0;n<a;n++)n%3===0&&n&&(e+=s[r>>18&63],e+=s[r>>12&63],e+=s[r>>6&63],e+=s[r&63]),r=(r<<8)+t[n];return i=a%3,i===0?(e+=s[r>>18&63],e+=s[r>>12&63],e+=s[r>>6&63],e+=s[r&63]):i===2?(e+=s[r>>10&63],e+=s[r>>4&63],e+=s[r<<2&63],e+=s[64]):i===1&&(e+=s[r>>2&63],e+=s[r<<4&63],e+=s[64],e+=s[64]),e}o(wtt,"representYamlBinary");function Ttt(t){return Object.prototype.toString.call(t)==="[object Uint8Array]"}o(Ttt,"isBinary");var ktt=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:binary",{kind:"scalar",resolve:xtt,construct:btt,predicate:Ttt,represent:wtt}),Ett=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Ctt=Object.prototype.toString;function Stt(t){if(t===null)return!0;var e=[],r,n,i,a,s,l=t;for(r=0,n=l.length;r<n;r+=1){if(i=l[r],s=!1,Ctt.call(i)!=="[object Object]")return!1;for(a in i)if(Ett.call(i,a))if(!s)s=!0;else return!1;if(!s)return!1;if(e.indexOf(a)===-1)e.push(a);else return!1}return!0}o(Stt,"resolveYamlOmap");function Att(t){return t!==null?t:[]}o(Att,"constructYamlOmap");var _tt=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:omap",{kind:"sequence",resolve:Stt,construct:Att}),Ltt=Object.prototype.toString;function Dtt(t){if(t===null)return!0;var e,r,n,i,a,s=t;for(a=new Array(s.length),e=0,r=s.length;e<r;e+=1){if(n=s[e],Ltt.call(n)!=="[object Object]"||(i=Object.keys(n),i.length!==1))return!1;a[e]=[i[0],n[i[0]]]}return!0}o(Dtt,"resolveYamlPairs");function Rtt(t){if(t===null)return[];var e,r,n,i,a,s=t;for(a=new Array(s.length),e=0,r=s.length;e<r;e+=1)n=s[e],i=Object.keys(n),a[e]=[i[0],n[i[0]]];return a}o(Rtt,"constructYamlPairs");var Ntt=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs",{kind:"sequence",resolve:Dtt,construct:Rtt}),Mtt=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function Itt(t){if(t===null)return!0;var e,r=t;for(e in r)if(Mtt.call(r,e)&&r[e]!==null)return!1;return!0}o(Itt,"resolveYamlSet");function Ott(t){return t!==null?t:{}}o(Ott,"constructYamlSet");var Ptt=new Va("tag:yaml.org,2002:set",{kind:"mapping",resolve:Itt,construct:Ott}),Zye=ftt.extend({implicit:[gtt,vtt],explicit:[ktt,_tt,Ntt,Ptt]}),Bf=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,bC=1,Jye=2,eve=3,wC=4,aF=1,Btt=2,Mye=3,Ftt=/[ \x 00- \x 08 \x 0B \x 0C \x 0E- \x 1F \x 7F- \x 84 \x 86- \x 9F \u FFFE \u FFFF]|[ \u D800- \u DBFF](?![ \u DC00- \u DFFF])|(?:[^ \u D800- \u DBFF]|^)[ \u DC00- \u DFFF]/,ztt=/[ \x 85 \u 2028 \u 2029]/,Gtt=/[, \[ \] \{ \} ]/,tve=/^(?:!|!!|![a-z \- ]+!) $ /i,rve=/^(?:!|[^, \[ \] \{ \} ])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z \- #; \/ \? :@&= \+ \$ ,_ \. !~ \* ' \( \) \[ \] ])* $ /i;function Iye(t){return Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}o(Iye,"_class");function qc(t){return t===10||t===13}o(qc,"is_EOL");function rp(t){return t===9||t===32}o(rp,"is_WHITE_SPACE");function Vs(t){return t===9||t===32||t===10||t===13}o(Vs,"is_WS_OR_EOL");function D1(t){return t===44||t===91||t===93||t===123||t===125}o(D1,"is_FLOW_INDICATOR");function $ tt(t){var e;return 48<=t&&t<=57?t-48:(e=t|32,97<=e&&e<=102?e-97+10:-1)}o( $ tt,"fromHexCode");function Vtt(t){return t===120?2:t===117?4:t===85?8:0}o(Vtt,"escapedHexLen");function Utt(t){return 48<=t&&t<=57?t-48:-1}o(Utt,"fromDecimalCode");function Oye(t){return t===48?" \0 ":t===97?" \x 07":t===98?" \b ":t===116||t===9?" ":t===110? `
` :t===118?" \v ":t===102?" \f ":t===114?" \r ":t===101?" \x 1B":t===32?" ":t===34?'"':t===47?"/":t===92?" \\ ":t===78?" \x 85":t===95?" \x A0":t===76?" \u 2028":t===80?" \u 2029":""}o(Oye,"simpleEscapeSequence");function Htt(t){return t<=65535?String.fromCharCode(t):String.fromCharCode((t-65536>>10)+55296,(t-65536&1023)+56320)}o(Htt,"charFromCodepoint");var nve=new Array(256),ive=new Array(256);for(tp=0;tp<256;tp++)nve[tp]=Oye(tp)?1:0,ive[tp]=Oye(tp);var tp;function Ytt(t,e){this.input=t,this.filename=e.filename||null,this.schema=e.schema||Zye,this.onWarning=e.onWarning||null,this.legacy=e.legacy||!1,this.json=e.json||!1,this.listener=e.listener||null,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.typeMap=this.schema.compiledTypeMap,this.length=t.length,this.position=0,this.line=0,this.lineStart=0,this.lineIndent=0,this.firstTabInLine=-1,this.documents=[]}o(Ytt,"State $ 1");function ave(t,e){var r={name:t.filename,buffer:t.input.slice(0,-1),position:t.position,line:t.line,column:t.position-t.lineStart};return r.snippet=Met(r),new $ s(e,r)}o(ave,"generateError");function Gt(t,e){throw ave(t,e)}o(Gt,"throwError");function TC(t,e){t.onWarning&&t.onWarning.call(null,ave(t,e))}o(TC,"throwWarning");var Pye={YAML:o(function(e,r,n){var i,a,s;e.version!==null&&Gt(e,"duplication of %YAML directive"),n.length!==1&&Gt(e,"YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"),i=/^([0-9]+) \. ([0-9]+) $ /.exec(n[0]),i===null&&Gt(e,"ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"),a=parseInt(i[1],10),s=parseInt(i[2],10),a!==1&&Gt(e,"unacceptable YAML version of the document"),e.version=n[0],e.checkLineBreaks=s<2,s!==1&&s!==2&&TC(e,"unsupported YAML version of the document")},"handleYamlDirective"),TAG:o(function(e,r,n){var i,a;n.length!==2&&Gt(e,"TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"),i=n[0],a=n[1],tve.test(i)||Gt(e,"ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"),Bf.call(e.tagMap,i)&&Gt(e,'there is a previously declared suffix for "'+i+'" tag handle'),rve.test(a)||Gt(e,"ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive");try{a=decodeURIComponent(a)}catch{Gt(e,"tag prefix is malformed: "+a)}e.tagMap[i]=a},"handleTagDirective")};function Pf(t,e,r,n){var i,a,s,l;if(e<r){if(l=t.input.slice(e,r),n)for(i=0,a=l.length;i<a;i+=1)s=l.charCodeAt(i),s===9||32<=s&&s<=1114111||Gt(t,"expected valid JSON character");else Ftt.test(l)&&Gt(t,"the stream contains non-printable characters");t.result+=l}}o(Pf,"captureSegment");function Bye(t,e,r,n){var i,a,s,l;for(Wi.isObject(r)||Gt(t,"cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"),i=Object.keys(r),s=0,l=i.length;s<l;s+=1)a=i[s],Bf.call(e,a)||(e[a]=r[a],n[a]=!0)}o(Bye,"mergeMappings");function R1(t,e,r,n,i,a,s,l,u){var h,f;if(Array.isArray(i))for(i=Array.prototype.slice.call(i),h=0,f=i.length;h<f;h+=1)Array.isArray(i[h])&&Gt(t,"nested arrays are not supported inside keys"),typeof i=="object"&&Iye(i[h])==="[object Object]"&&(i[h]="[object Object]");if(typeof i=="object"&&Iye(i)==="[object Object]"&&(i="[object Object]"),i=String(i),e===null&&(e={}),n==="tag:yaml.org,2002:merge")if(Array.isArray(a))for(h=0,f=a.length;h<f;h+=1)Bye(t,e,a[h],r);else Bye(t,e,a,r);else!t.json&&!Bf.call(r,i)&&Bf.call(e,i)&&(t.line=s||t.line,t.lineStart=l||t.lineStart,t.position=u||t.position,Gt(t,"duplicated mapping key")),i==="__proto__"?Object.defineProperty(e,i,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,writable:!0,value:a}):e[i]=a,delete r[i];return e}o(R1,"storeMappingPair");function fF(t){var e;e=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),e===10?t.position++:e===13?(t.position++,t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)===10&&t.position++):Gt(t,"a line break is expected"),t.line+=1,t.lineStart=t.position,t.firstTabInLine=-1}o(fF,"readLineBreak");function Ai(t,e,r){for(var n=0,i=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);i!==0;){for(;rp(i);)i===9&&t.firstTabInLine===-1&&(t.firstTabInLine=t.position),i=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);if(e&&i===35)do i=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);while(i!==10&&i!==13&&i!==0);if(qc(i))for(fF(t),i=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),n++,t.lineIndent=0;i===32;)t.lineIndent++,i=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);else break}r
` ,e-1))}o(dF,"writeFoldedLines");function Wtt(t,e,r){var n,i,a,s,l,u,h,f,d=t.kind,p=t.result,m;if(m=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),Vs(m)||D1(m)||m===35||m===38||m===42||m===33||m===124||m===62||m===39||m===34||m===37||m===64||m===96||(m===63||m===45)&&(i=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1),Vs(i)||r&&D1(i)))return!1;for(t.kind="scalar",t.result="",a=s=t.position,l=!1;m!==0;){if(m===58){if(i=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1),Vs(i)||r&&D1(i))break}else if(m===35){if(n=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position-1),Vs(n))break}else{if(t.position===t.lineStart&&CC(t)||r&&D1(m))break;if(qc(m))if(u=t.line,h=t.lineStart,f=t.lineIndent,Ai(t,!1,-1),t.lineIndent>=e){l=!0,m=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);continue}else{t.position=s,t.line=u,t.lineStart=h,t.lineIndent=f;break}}l&&(Pf(t,a,s,!1),dF(t,t.line-u),a=s=t.position,l=!1),rp(m)||(s=t.position+1),m=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)}return Pf(t,a,s,!1),t.result?!0:(t.kind=d,t.result=p,!1)}o(Wtt,"readPlainScalar");function qtt(t,e){var r,n,i;if(r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),r!==39)return!1;for(t.kind="scalar",t.result="",t.position++,n=i=t.position;(r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position))!==0;)if(r===39)if(Pf(t,n,t.position,!0),r=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),r===39)n=t.position,t.position++,i=t.position;else return!0;else qc(r)?(Pf(t,n,i,!0),dF(t,Ai(t,!1,e)),n=i=t.position):t.position===t.lineStart&&CC(t)?Gt(t,"unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar"):(t.position++,i=t.position);Gt(t,"unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar")}o(qtt,"readSingleQuotedScalar");function Xtt(t,e){var r,n,i,a,s,l;if(l=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),l!==34)return!1;for(t.kind="scalar",t.result="",t.position++,r=n=t.position;(l=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position))!==0;){if(l===34)return Pf(t,r,t.position,!0),t.position++,!0;if(l===92){if(Pf(t,r,t.position,!0),l=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),qc(l))Ai(t,!1,e);else if(l<256&&nve[l])t.result+=ive[l],t.position++;else if((s=Vtt(l))>0){for(i=s,a=0;i>0;i--)l=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),(s= $ tt(l))>=0?a=(a<<4)+s:Gt(t,"expected hexadecimal character");t.result+=Htt(a),t.position++}else Gt(t,"unknown escape sequence");r=n=t.position}else qc(l)?(Pf(t,r,n,!0),dF(t,Ai(t,!1,e)),r=n=t.position):t.position===t.lineStart&&CC(t)?Gt(t,"unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar"):(t.position++,n=t.position)}Gt(t,"unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar")}o(Xtt,"readDoubleQuotedScalar");function jtt(t,e){var r=!0,n,i,a,s=t.tag,l,u=t.anchor,h,f,d,p,m,g=Object.create(null),y,v,x,b;if(b=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),b===91)f=93,m=!1,l=[];else if(b===123)f=125,m=!0,l={};else return!1;for(t.anchor!==null&&(t.anchorMap[t.anchor]=l),b=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);b!==0;){if(Ai(t,!0,e),b=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),b===f)return t.position++,t.tag=s,t.anchor=u,t.kind=m?"mapping":"sequence",t.result=l,!0;r?b===44&&Gt(t,"expected the node content, but found ','"):Gt(t,"missed comma between flow collection entries"),v=y=x=null,d=p=!1,b===63&&(h=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1),Vs(h)&&(d=p=!0,t.position++,Ai(t,!0,e))),n=t.line,i=t.lineStart,a=t.position,N1(t,e,bC,!1,!0),v=t.tag,y=t.result,Ai(t,!0,e),b=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),(p||t.line===n)&&b===58&&(d=!0,b=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),Ai(t,!0,e),N1(t,e,bC,!1,!0),x=t.result),m?R1(t,l,g,v,y,x,n,i,a):d?l.push(R1(t,null,g,v,y,x,n,i,a)):l.push(y),Ai(t,!0,e),b=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),b===44?(r=!0,b=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)):r=!1}Gt(t,"unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection")}o(jtt,"readFlowCollection");function Ktt(t,e){var r,n,i=aF,a=!1,s=!1,l=e,u=0,h=!1,f,d;if(d=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),d===124)n=!1;else if(d===62)n=!0;else return!1;for(t.kind="scalar",t.result="";d!==0;)if(d=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),d===43||d===45)aF===i?i=d===43?Mye:Btt:Gt(t,"repeat of a chomping mode identifier");else if((f=Utt(d))>=0)f===0?Gt(t,"bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one"):s?Gt(t,"repeat of an indentation width identifier"):(l=e+f-1,s=!0);else break;if(rp(d)){do d=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ,a?1+u:u):i===aF&&a&&(t.result+= `
` );break}for(n?rp(d)?(h=!0,t.result+=Wi.repeat( `
` ,a?1+u:u)):h?(h=!1,t.result+=Wi.repeat( `
` ,u+1)):u===0?a&&(t.result+=" "):t.result+=Wi.repeat( `
` ,u):t.result+=Wi.repeat( `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` ,a?1+u:u),a=!0,s=!0,u=0,r=t.position;!qc(d)&&d!==0;)d=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);Pf(t,r,t.position,!1)}return!0}o(Ktt,"readBlockScalar");function Fye(t,e){var r,n=t.tag,i=t.anchor,a=[],s,l=!1,u;if(t.firstTabInLine!==-1)return!1;for(t.anchor!==null&&(t.anchorMap[t.anchor]=a),u=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);u!==0&&(t.firstTabInLine!==-1&&(t.position=t.firstTabInLine,Gt(t,"tab characters must not be used in indentation")),!(u!==45||(s=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1),!Vs(s))));){if(l=!0,t.position++,Ai(t,!0,-1)&&t.lineIndent<=e){a.push(null),u=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);continue}if(r=t.line,N1(t,e,eve,!1,!0),a.push(t.result),Ai(t,!0,-1),u=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),(t.line===r||t.lineIndent>e)&&u!==0)Gt(t,"bad indentation of a sequence entry");else if(t.lineIndent<e)break}return l?(t.tag=n,t.anchor=i,t.kind="sequence",t.result=a,!0):!1}o(Fye,"readBlockSequence");function Qtt(t,e,r){var n,i,a,s,l,u,h=t.tag,f=t.anchor,d={},p=Object.create(null),m=null,g=null,y=null,v=!1,x=!1,b;if(t.firstTabInLine!==-1)return!1;for(t.anchor!==null&&(t.anchorMap[t.anchor]=d),b=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);b!==0;){if(!v&&t.firstTabInLine!==-1&&(t.position=t.firstTabInLine,Gt(t,"tab characters must not be used in indentation")),n=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position+1),a=t.line,(b===63||b===58)&&Vs(n))b===63?(v&&(R1(t,d,p,m,g,null,s,l,u),m=g=y=null),x=!0,v=!0,i=!0):v?(v=!1,i=!0):Gt(t,"incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line"),t.position+=1,b=n;else{if(s=t.line,l=t.lineStart,u=t.position,!N1(t,r,Jye,!1,!0))break;if(t.line===a){for(b=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position);rp(b);)b=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);if(b===58)b=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),Vs(b)||Gt(t,"a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"),v&&(R1(t,d,p,m,g,null,s,l,u),m=g=y=null),x=!0,v=!1,i=!1,m=t.tag,g=t.result;else if(x)Gt(t,"can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed");else return t.tag=h,t.anchor=f,!0}else if(x)Gt(t,"can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key");else return t.tag=h,t.anchor=f,!0}if((t.line===a||t.lineIndent>e)&&(v&&(s=t.line,l=t.lineStart,u=t.position),N1(t,e,wC,!0,i)&&(v?g=t.result:y=t.result),v||(R1(t,d,p,m,g,y,s,l,u),m=g=y=null),Ai(t,!0,-1),b=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position)),(t.line===a||t.lineIndent>e)&&b!==0)Gt(t,"bad indentation of a mapping entry");else if(t.lineIndent<e)break}return v&&R1(t,d,p,m,g,null,s,l,u),x&&(t.tag=h,t.anchor=f,t.kind="mapping",t.result=d),x}o(Qtt,"readBlockMapping");function Ztt(t){var e,r=!1,n=!1,i,a,s;if(s=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),s!==33)return!1;if(t.tag!==null&&Gt(t,"duplication of a tag property"),s=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),s===60?(r=!0,s=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)):s===33?(n=!0,i="!!",s=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)):i="!",e=t.position,r){do s=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);while(s!==0&&s!==62);t.position<t.length?(a=t.input.slice(e,t.position),s=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position)):Gt(t,"unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag")}else{for(;s!==0&&!Vs(s);)s===33&&(n?Gt(t,"tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks"):(i=t.input.slice(e-1,t.position+1),tve.test(i)||Gt(t,"named tag handle cannot contain such characters"),n=!0,e=t.position+1)),s=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);a=t.input.slice(e,t.position),Gtt.test(a)&&Gt(t,"tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters")}a&&!rve.test(a)&&Gt(t,"tag name cannot contain such characters: "+a);try{a=decodeURIComponent(a)}catch{Gt(t,"tag name is malformed: "+a)}return r?t.tag=a:Bf.call(t.tagMap,i)?t.tag=t.tagMap[i]+a:i==="!"?t.tag="!"+a:i==="!!"?t.tag="tag:yaml.org,2002:"+a:Gt(t,'undeclared tag handle "'+i+'"'),!0}o(Ztt,"readTagProperty");function Jtt(t){var e,r;if(r=t.input.charCodeAt(t.position),r!==38)return!1;for(t.anchor!==null&&Gt(t,"duplication of an anchor property"),r=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position),e=t.position;r!==0&&!Vs(r)&&!D1(r);)r=t.input.charCodeAt(++t.position);return t.position===e&&Gt(t,"name of an anchor node must contain at least one character"),t.anchor=t.input
` ),t.charCodeAt(0)===65279&&(t=t.slice(1)));var r=new Ytt(t,e),n=t.indexOf(" \0 ");for(n!==-1&&(r.position=n,Gt(r,"null byte is not allowed in input")),r.input+=" \0 ";r.input.charCodeAt(r.position)===32;)r.lineIndent+=1,r.position+=1;for(;r.position<r.length-1;)trt(r);return r.documents}o(sve,"loadDocuments");function rrt(t,e,r){e!==null&&typeof e=="object"&&typeof r>"u"&&(r=e,e=null);var n=sve(t,r);if(typeof e!="function")return n;for(var i=0,a=n.length;i<a;i+=1)e(n[i])}o(rrt,"loadAll $ 1");function nrt(t,e){var r=sve(t,e);if(r.length!==0){if(r.length===1)return r[0];throw new $ s("expected a single document in the stream, but found more")}}o(nrt,"load $ 1");var irt=rrt,art=nrt,ove={loadAll:irt,load:art},lve=Object.prototype.toString,cve=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,pF=65279,srt=9,Cb=10,ort=13,lrt=32,crt=33,urt=34,oF=35,hrt=37,frt=38,drt=39,prt=42,uve=44,mrt=45,kC=58,grt=61,yrt=62,vrt=63,xrt=64,hve=91,fve=93,brt=96,dve=123,wrt=124,pve=125,Ua={};Ua[0]=" \\ 0";Ua[7]=" \\ a";Ua[8]=" \\ b";Ua[9]=" \\ t";Ua[10]=" \\ n";Ua[11]=" \\ v";Ua[12]=" \\ f";Ua[13]=" \\ r";Ua[27]=" \\ e";Ua[34]=' \\ "';Ua[92]=" \\ \\ ";Ua[133]=" \\ N";Ua[160]=" \\ _";Ua[8232]=" \\ L";Ua[8233]=" \\ P";var Trt=["y","Y","yes","Yes","YES","on","On","ON","n","N","no","No","NO","off","Off","OFF"],krt=/^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?: \. [0-9_]*)? $ /;function Ert(t,e){var r,n,i,a,s,l,u;if(e===null)return{};for(r={},n=Object.keys(e),i=0,a=n.length;i<a;i+=1)s=n[i],l=String(e[s]),s.slice(0,2)==="!!"&&(s="tag:yaml.org,2002:"+s.slice(2)),u=t.compiledTypeMap.fallback[s],u&&cve.call(u.styleAliases,l)&&(l=u.styleAliases[l]),r[s]=l;return r}o(Ert,"compileStyleMap");function Crt(t){var e,r,n;if(e=t.toString(16).toUpperCase(),t<=255)r="x",n=2;else if(t<=65535)r="u",n=4;else if(t<=4294967295)r="U",n=8;else throw new $ s("code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF");return" \\ "+r+Wi.repeat("0",n-e.length)+e}o(Crt,"encodeHex");var Srt=1,Sb=2;function Art(t){this.schema=t.schema||Zye,this.indent=Math.max(1,t.indent||2),this.noArrayIndent=t.noArrayIndent||!1,this.skipInvalid=t.skipInvalid||!1,this.flowLevel=Wi.isNothing(t.flowLevel)?-1:t.flowLevel,this.styleMap=Ert(this.schema,t.styles||null),this.sortKeys=t.sortKeys||!1,this.lineWidth=t.lineWidth||80,this.noRefs=t.noRefs||!1,this.noCompatMode=t.noCompatMode||!1,this.condenseFlow=t.condenseFlow||!1,this.quotingType=t.quotingType==='"'?Sb:Srt,this.forceQuotes=t.forceQuotes||!1,this.replacer=typeof t.replacer=="function"?t.replacer:null,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.explicitTypes=this.schema.compiledExplicit,this.tag=null,this.result="",this.duplicates=[],this.usedDuplicates=null}o(Art,"State");function zye(t,e){for(var r=Wi.repeat(" ",e),n=0,i=-1,a="",s,l=t.length;n<l;)i=t.indexOf( `
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ,n),i===-1?(s=t.slice(n),n=l):(s=t.slice(n,i+1),n=i+1),s.length&&s!== `
` &&(a+=r),a+=s;return a}o(zye,"indentString");function lF(t,e){return `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +Wi.repeat(" ",t.indent*e)}o(lF,"generateNextLine");function _rt(t,e){var r,n,i;for(r=0,n=t.implicitTypes.length;r<n;r+=1)if(i=t.implicitTypes[r],i.resolve(e))return!0;return!1}o(_rt,"testImplicitResolving");function EC(t){return t===lrt||t===srt}o(EC,"isWhitespace");function Ab(t){return 32<=t&&t<=126||161<=t&&t<=55295&&t!==8232&&t!==8233||57344<=t&&t<=65533&&t!==pF||65536<=t&&t<=1114111}o(Ab,"isPrintable");function Gye(t){return Ab(t)&&t!==pF&&t!==ort&&t!==Cb}o(Gye,"isNsCharOrWhitespace");function $ ye(t,e,r){var n=Gye(t),i=n&&!EC(t);return(r?n:n&&t!==uve&&t!==hve&&t!==fve&&t!==dve&&t!==pve)&&t!==oF&&!(e===kC&&!i)||Gye(e)&&!EC(e)&&t===oF||e===kC&&i}o( $ ye,"isPlainSafe");function Lrt(t){return Ab(t)&&t!==pF&&!EC(t)&&t!==mrt&&t!==vrt&&t!==kC&&t!==uve&&t!==hve&&t!==fve&&t!==dve&&t!==pve&&t!==oF&&t!==frt&&t!==prt&&t!==crt&&t!==wrt&&t!==grt&&t!==yrt&&t!==drt&&t!==urt&&t!==hrt&&t!==xrt&&t!==brt}o(Lrt,"isPlainSafeFirst");function Drt(t){return!EC(t)&&t!==kC}o(Drt,"isPlainSafeLast");function kb(t,e){var r=t.charCodeAt(e),n;return r>=55296&&r<=56319&&e+1<t.length&&(n=t.charCodeAt(e+1),n>=56320&&n<=57343)?(r-55296)*1024+n-56320+65536:r}o(kb,"codePointAt");function mve(t){var e=/^ \n * /;return e.test(t)}o(mve,"needIndentIndicator");var gve=1,cF=2,yve=3,vve=4,L1=5;function Rrt(t,e,r,n,i,a,s,l){var u,h=0,f=null,d=!1,p=!1,m=n!==-1,g=-1,y=Lrt(kb(t,0))&&Drt(kb(t,t.length-1));if(e||s)for(u=0;u<t.length;h>=65536?u+=2:u++){if(h=kb(t,u),!Ab(h))return L1;y=y&& $ ye(h,f,l),f=h}else{for(u=0;u<t.length;h>=65536?u+=2:u++){if(h=kb(t,u),h===Cb)d=!0,m&&(p=p||u-g-1>n&&t[g+1]!==" ",g=u);else if(!Ab(h))return L1;y=y&& $ ye(h,f,l),f=h}p=p||m&&u-g-1>n&&t[g+1]!==" "}return!d&&!p?y&&!s&&!i(t)?gve:a===Sb?L1:cF:r>9&&mve(t)?L1:s?a===Sb?L1:cF:p?vve:yve}o(Rrt,"chooseScalarStyle");function Nrt(t,e,r,n,i){t.dump=function(){if(e.length===0)return t.quotingType===Sb?'""':"''";if(!t.noCompatMode&&(Trt.indexOf(e)!==-1||krt.test(e)))return t.quotingType===Sb?'"'+e+'"':"'"+e+"'";var a=t.indent*Math.max(1,r),s=t.lineWidth===-1?-1:Math.max(Math.min(t.lineWidth,40),t.lineWidth-a),l=n||t.flowLevel>-1&&r>=t.flowLevel;function u(h){return _rt(t,h)}switch(o(u,"testAmbiguity"),Rrt(e,l,t.indent,s,u,t.quotingType,t.forceQuotes&&!n,i)){case gve:return e;case cF:return"'"+e.replace(/'/g,"''")+"'";case yve:return"|"+Vye(e,t.indent)+Uye(zye(e,a));case vve:return">"+Vye(e,t.indent)+Uye(zye(Mrt(e,s),a));case L1:return'"'+Irt(e)+'"';default:throw new $ s("impossible error: invalid scalar style")}}()}o(Nrt,"writeScalar");function Vye(t,e){var r=mve(t)?String(e):"",n=t[t.length-1]=== `
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
` ,i=n&&(t[t.length-2]=== `
` ||t=== `
` ),a=i?"+":n?"":"-";return r+a+ `
` }o(Vye,"blockHeader");function Uye(t){return t[t.length-1]=== `
` ?t.slice(0,-1):t}o(Uye,"dropEndingNewline");function Mrt(t,e){for(var r=/( \n +)([^ \n ]*)/g,n=function(){var h=t.indexOf( `
` );return h=h!==-1?h:t.length,r.lastIndex=h,Hye(t.slice(0,h),e)}(),i=t[0]=== `
` ||t[0]===" ",a,s;s=r.exec(t);){var l=s[1],u=s[2];a=u[0]===" ",n+=l+(!i&&!a&&u!==""? `
` :"")+Hye(u,e),i=a}return n}o(Mrt,"foldString");function Hye(t,e){if(t===""||t[0]===" ")return t;for(var r=/ [^ ]/g,n,i=0,a,s=0,l=0,u="";n=r.exec(t);)l=n.index,l-i>e&&(a=s>i?s:l,u+= `
` +t.slice(i,a),i=a+1),s=l;return u+= `
` ,t.length-i>e&&s>i?u+=t.slice(i,s)+ `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
` +t.slice(s+1):u+=t.slice(i),u.slice(1)}o(Hye,"foldLine");function Irt(t){for(var e="",r=0,n,i=0;i<t.length;r>=65536?i+=2:i++)r=kb(t,i),n=Ua[r],!n&&Ab(r)?(e+=t[i],r>=65536&&(e+=t[i+1])):e+=n||Crt(r);return e}o(Irt,"escapeString");function Ort(t,e,r){var n="",i=t.tag,a,s,l;for(a=0,s=r.length;a<s;a+=1)l=r[a],t.replacer&&(l=t.replacer.call(r,String(a),l)),(rh(t,e,l,!1,!1)||typeof l>"u"&&rh(t,e,null,!1,!1))&&(n!==""&&(n+=","+(t.condenseFlow?"":" ")),n+=t.dump);t.tag=i,t.dump="["+n+"]"}o(Ort,"writeFlowSequence");function Yye(t,e,r,n){var i="",a=t.tag,s,l,u;for(s=0,l=r.length;s<l;s+=1)u=r[s],t.replacer&&(u=t.replacer.call(r,String(s),u)),(rh(t,e+1,u,!0,!0,!1,!0)||typeof u>"u"&&rh(t,e+1,null,!0,!0,!1,!0))&&((!n||i!=="")&&(i+=lF(t,e)),t.dump&&Cb===t.dump.charCodeAt(0)?i+="-":i+="- ",i+=t.dump);t.tag=a,t.dump=i||"[]"}o(Yye,"writeBlockSequence");function Prt(t,e,r){var n="",i=t.tag,a=Object.keys(r),s,l,u,h,f;for(s=0,l=a.length;s<l;s+=1)f="",n!==""&&(f+=", "),t.condenseFlow&&(f+='"'),u=a[s],h=r[u],t.replacer&&(h=t.replacer.call(r,u,h)),rh(t,e,u,!1,!1)&&(t.dump.length>1024&&(f+="? "),f+=t.dump+(t.condenseFlow?'"':"")+":"+(t.condenseFlow?"":" "),rh(t,e,h,!1,!1)&&(f+=t.dump,n+=f));t.tag=i,t.dump="{"+n+"}"}o(Prt,"writeFlowMapping");function Brt(t,e,r,n){var i="",a=t.tag,s=Object.keys(r),l,u,h,f,d,p;if(t.sortKeys===!0)s.sort();else if(typeof t.sortKeys=="function")s.sort(t.sortKeys);else if(t.sortKeys)throw new $ s("sortKeys must be a boolean or a function");for(l=0,u=s.length;l<u;l+=1)p="",(!n||i!=="")&&(p+=lF(t,e)),h=s[l],f=r[h],t.replacer&&(f=t.replacer.call(r,h,f)),rh(t,e+1,h,!0,!0,!0)&&(d=t.tag!==null&&t.tag!=="?"||t.dump&&t.dump.length>1024,d&&(t.dump&&Cb===t.dump.charCodeAt(0)?p+="?":p+="? "),p+=t.dump,d&&(p+=lF(t,e)),rh(t,e+1,f,!0,d)&&(t.dump&&Cb===t.dump.charCodeAt(0)?p+=":":p+=": ",p+=t.dump,i+=p));t.tag=a,t.dump=i||"{}"}o(Brt,"writeBlockMapping");function Wye(t,e,r){var n,i,a,s,l,u;for(i=r?t.explicitTypes:t.implicitTypes,a=0,s=i.length;a<s;a+=1)if(l=i[a],(l.instanceOf||l.predicate)&&(!l.instanceOf||typeof e=="object"&&e instanceof l.instanceOf)&&(!l.predicate||l.predicate(e))){if(r?l.multi&&l.representName?t.tag=l.representName(e):t.tag=l.tag:t.tag="?",l.represent){if(u=t.styleMap[l.tag]||l.defaultStyle,lve.call(l.represent)==="[object Function]")n=l.represent(e,u);else if(cve.call(l.represent,u))n=l.represent[u](e,u);else throw new $ s("!<"+l.tag+'> tag resolver accepts not "'+u+'" style');t.dump=n}return!0}return!1}o(Wye,"detectType");function rh(t,e,r,n,i,a,s){t.tag=null,t.dump=r,Wye(t,r,!1)||Wye(t,r,!0);var l=lve.call(t.dump),u=n,h;n&&(n=t.flowLevel<0||t.flowLevel>e);var f=l==="[object Object]"||l==="[object Array]",d,p;if(f&&(d=t.duplicates.indexOf(r),p=d!==-1),(t.tag!==null&&t.tag!=="?"||p||t.indent!==2&&e>0)&&(i=!1),p&&t.usedDuplicates[d])t.dump="*ref_"+d;else{if(f&&p&&!t.usedDuplicates[d]&&(t.usedDuplicates[d]=!0),l==="[object Object]")n&&Object.keys(t.dump).length!==0?(Brt(t,e,t.dump,i),p&&(t.dump="&ref_"+d+t.dump)):(Prt(t,e,t.dump),p&&(t.dump="&ref_"+d+" "+t.dump));else if(l==="[object Array]")n&&t.dump.length!==0?(t.noArrayIndent&&!s&&e>0?Yye(t,e-1,t.dump,i):Yye(t,e,t.dump,i),p&&(t.dump="&ref_"+d+t.dump)):(Ort(t,e,t.dump),p&&(t.dump="&ref_"+d+" "+t.dump));else if(l==="[object String]")t.tag!=="?"&&Nrt(t,t.dump,e,a,u);else{if(l==="[object Undefined]")return!1;if(t.skipInvalid)return!1;throw new $ s("unacceptable kind of an object to dump "+l)}t.tag!==null&&t.tag!=="?"&&(h=encodeURI(t.tag[0]==="!"?t.tag.slice(1):t.tag).replace(/!/g,"%21"),t.tag[0]==="!"?h="!"+h:h.slice(0,18)==="tag:yaml.org,2002:"?h="!!"+h.slice(18):h="!<"+h+">",t.dump=h+" "+t.dump)}return!0}o(rh,"writeNode");function Frt(t,e){var r=[],n=[],i,a;for(uF(t,r,n),i=0,a=n.length;i<a;i+=1)e.duplicates.push(r[n[i]]);e.usedDuplicates=new Array(a)}o(Frt,"getDuplicateReferences");function uF(t,e,r){var n,i,a;if(t!==null&&typeof t=="object")if(i=e.indexOf(t),i!==-1)r.indexOf(i)===-1&&r.push(i);else if(e.push(t),Array.isArray(t))for(i=0,a=t.length;i<a;i+=1)uF(t[i],e,r);else for(n=Object.keys(t),i=0,a=n.length;i<a;i+=1)uF(t[n[i]],e,r)}o(uF,"inspectNode");function zr
` :""}o(zrt,"dump $ 1");var Grt=zrt, $ rt={dump:Grt};function mF(t,e){return function(){throw new Error("Function yaml."+t+" is removed in js-yaml 4. Use yaml."+e+" instead, which is now safe by default.")}}o(mF,"renamed");var xve=jye;var bve=ove.load,gmr=ove.loadAll,ymr= $ rt.dump;var vmr=mF("safeLoad","load"),xmr=mF("safeLoadAll","loadAll"),bmr=mF("safeDump","dump");function wve(t){let e=t.match( $ b);if(!e)return{text:t,metadata:{}};let r=bve(e[1],{schema:xve})??{};r=typeof r=="object"&&!Array.isArray(r)?r:{};let n={};return r.displayMode&&(n.displayMode=r.displayMode.toString()),r.title&&(n.title=r.title.toString()),r.config&&(n.config=r.config),{text:t.slice(e[0].length),metadata:n}}o(wve,"extractFrontMatter");xr();var Urt=o(t=>t.replace(/ \r \n ?/g, `
` ).replace(/<( \w +)([^>]*)>/g,(e,r,n)=>"<"+r+n.replace(/="([^"]*)"/g,"=' $ 1'")+">"),"cleanupText"),Hrt=o(t=>{let{text:e,metadata:r}=wve(t),{displayMode:n,title:i,config:a={}}=r;return n&&(a.gantt||(a.gantt={}),a.gantt.displayMode=n),{title:i,config:a,text:e}},"processFrontmatter"),Yrt=o(t=>{let e=Lt.detectInit(t)??{},r=Lt.detectDirective(t,"wrap");return Array.isArray(r)?e.wrap=r.some(({type:n})=>n==="wrap"):r?.type==="wrap"&&(e.wrap=!0),{text:EX(t),directive:e}},"processDirectives");function gF(t){let e=Urt(t),r=Hrt(e),n=Yrt(r.text),i=Ts(r.config,n.directive);return t=Rye(n.text),{code:t,title:r.title,config:i}}o(gF,"preprocessDiagram");Z7();Kb();xr();function Tve(t){let e=new TextEncoder().encode(t),r=Array.from(e,n=>String.fromCodePoint(n)).join("");return btoa(r)}o(Tve,"toBase64");var Wrt=5e4,qrt="graph TB;a[Maximum text size in diagram exceeded];style a fill:#faa",Xrt="sandbox",jrt="loose",Krt="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",Qrt="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",Zrt="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",Jrt="100%",ent="100%",tnt="border:0;margin:0;",rnt="margin:0",nnt="allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-popups",int='The "iframe" tag is not supported by your browser.',ant=["foreignobject"],snt=["dominant-baseline"];function Ave(t){let e=gF(t);return Q1(),jz(e.config??{}),e}o(Ave,"processAndSetConfigs");async function ont(t,e){k1();try{let{code:r,config:n}=Ave(t);return{diagramType:(await _ve(r)).type,config:n}}catch(r){if(e?.suppressErrors)return!1;throw r}}o(ont,"parse");var kve=o((t,e,r=[])=> `
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
. $ { t } $ { e } { $ { r . join ( " !important; " ) } ! important ; } ` ,"cssImportantStyles"),lnt=o((t,e=new Map)=>{let r="";if(t.themeCSS!==void 0&&(r+= `
$ { t . themeCSS } ` ),t.fontFamily!==void 0&&(r+= `
: root { -- mermaid - font - family : $ { t . fontFamily } } ` ),t.altFontFamily!==void 0&&(r+= `
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
: root { -- mermaid - alt - font - family : $ { t . altFontFamily } } ` ),e instanceof Map){let s=t.htmlLabels??t.flowchart?.htmlLabels?["> *","span"]:["rect","polygon","ellipse","circle","path"];e.forEach(l=>{Qt(l.styles)||s.forEach(u=>{r+=kve(l.id,u,l.styles)}),Qt(l.textStyles)||(r+=kve(l.id,"tspan",(l?.textStyles||[]).map(u=>u.replace("color","fill"))))})}return r},"createCssStyles"),cnt=o((t,e,r,n)=>{let i=lnt(t,r),a=D $ (e,i,t.themeVariables);return xC(Cye( ` $ { n } { $ { a } } ` ),Sye)},"createUserStyles"),unt=o((t="",e,r)=>{let n=t;return!r&&!e&&(n=n.replace(/marker-end="url \( [ \d +./:=?A-Za-z-]*?#/g,'marker-end="url(#')),n=to(n),n=n.replace(/<br>/g,"<br/>"),n},"cleanUpSvgCode"),hnt=o((t="",e)=>{let r=e?.viewBox?.baseVal?.height?e.viewBox.baseVal.height+"px":ent,n=Tve( ` < body style = "${rnt}" > $ { t } < / b o d y > ` ) ; r e t u r n ` < i f r a m e s t y l e = " w i d t h : $ { J r t } ; h e i g h t : $ { r } ; $ { t n t } " s r c = " d a t a : t e x t / h t m l ; c h a r s e t = U T F - 8 ; b a s e 6 4 , $ { n } " s a n d b o x = " $ { n n t } " >
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
$ { int }
2024-09-11 00:57:20 -05:00
< / i f r a m e > ` } , " p u t I n t o I F r a m e " ) , E v e = o ( ( t , e , r , n , i ) = > { l e t a = t . a p p e n d ( " d i v " ) ; a . a t t r ( " i d " , r ) , n & & a . a t t r ( " s t y l e " , n ) ; l e t s = a . a p p e n d ( " s v g " ) . a t t r ( " i d " , e ) . a t t r ( " w i d t h " , " 1 0 0 % " ) . a t t r ( " x m l n s " , K r t ) ; r e t u r n i & & s . a t t r ( " x m l n s : x l i n k " , i ) , s . a p p e n d ( " g " ) , t } , " a p p e n d D i v S v g G " ) ; f u n c t i o n C v e ( t , e ) { r e t u r n t . a p p e n d ( " i f r a m e " ) . a t t r ( " i d " , e ) . a t t r ( " s t y l e " , " w i d t h : 1 0 0 % ; h e i g h t : 1 0 0 % ; " ) . a t t r ( " s a n d b o x " , " " ) } o ( C v e , " s a n d b o x e d I f r a m e " ) ; v a r f n t = o ( ( t , e , r , n ) = > { t . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( e ) ? . r e m o v e ( ) , t . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( r ) ? . r e m o v e ( ) , t . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( n ) ? . r e m o v e ( ) } , " r e m o v e E x i s t i n g E l e m e n t s " ) , d n t = o ( a s y n c f u n c t i o n ( t , e , r ) { k 1 ( ) ; l e t n = A v e ( e ) ; e = n . c o d e ; l e t i = O r ( ) ; V . d e b u g ( i ) , e . l e n g t h > ( i ? . m a x T e x t S i z e ? ? W r t ) & & ( e = q r t ) ; l e t a = " # " + t , s = " i " + t , l = " # " + s , u = " d " + t , h = " # " + u , f = o ( ( ) = > { l e t I = $ e ( p ? l : h ) . n o d e ( ) ; I & & " r e m o v e " i n I & & I . r e m o v e ( ) } , " r e m o v e T e m p E l e m e n t s " ) , d = $ e ( " b o d y " ) , p = i . s e c u r i t y L e v e l = = = X r t , m = i . s e c u r i t y L e v e l = = = j r t , g = i . f o n t F a m i l y ; i f ( r ! = = v o i d 0 ) { i f ( r & & ( r . i n n e r H T M L = " " ) , p ) { l e t k = C v e ( $ e ( r ) , s ) ; d = $ e ( k . n o d e s ( ) [ 0 ] . c o n t e n t D o c u m e n t . b o d y ) , d . n o d e ( ) . s t y l e . m a r g i n = 0 } e l s e d = $ e ( r ) ; E v e ( d , t , u , ` f o n t - f a m i l y : $ { g } ` , Q r t ) } e l s e { i f ( f n t ( d o c u m e n t , t , u , s ) , p ) { l e t k = C v e ( $ e ( " b o d y " ) , s ) ; d = $ e ( k . n o d e s ( ) [ 0 ] . c o n t e n t D o c u m e n t . b o d y ) , d . n o d e ( ) . s t y l e . m a r g i n = 0 } e l s e d = $ e ( " b o d y " ) ; E v e ( d , t , u ) } l e t y , v ; t r y { y = a w a i t _ 1 . f r o m T e x t ( e , { t i t l e : n . t i t l e } ) } c a t c h ( k ) { i f ( i . s u p p r e s s E r r o r R e n d e r i n g ) t h r o w f ( ) , k ; y = a w a i t _ 1 . f r o m T e x t ( " e r r o r " ) , v = k } l e t x = d . s e l e c t ( h ) . n o d e ( ) , b = y . t y p e , w = x . f i r s t C h i l d , S = w . f i r s t C h i l d , T = y . r e n d e r e r . g e t C l a s s e s ? . ( e , y ) , E = c n t ( i , b , T , a ) , _ = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " s t y l e " ) ; _ . i n n e r H T M L = E , w . i n s e r t B e f o r e ( _ , S ) ; t r y { a w a i t y . r e n d e r e r . d r a w ( e , t , f x , y ) } c a t c h ( k ) { t h r o w i . s u p p r e s s E r r o r R e n d e r i n g ? f ( ) : E d e . d r a w ( e , t , f x ) , k } l e t A = d . s e l e c t ( ` $ { h } s v g ` ) , L = y . d b . g e t A c c T i t l e ? . ( ) , M = y . d b . g e t A c c D e s c r i p t i o n ? . ( ) ; m n t ( b , A , L , M ) , d . s e l e c t ( ` [ i d = " $ { t } " ] ` ) . s e l e c t A l l ( " f o r e i g n o b j e c t > * " ) . a t t r ( " x m l n s " , Z r t ) ; l e t N = d . s e l e c t ( h ) . n o d e ( ) . i n n e r H T M L ; i f ( V . d e b u g ( " c o n f i g . a r r o w M a r k e r A b s o l u t e " , i . a r r o w M a r k e r A b s o l u t e ) , N = u n t ( N , p , y r ( i . a r r o w M a r k e r A b s o l u t e ) ) , p ) { l e t k = d . s e l e c t ( h + " s v g " ) . n o d e ( ) ; N = h n t ( N , k ) } e l s e m | | ( N = S v e . d e f a u l t . s a n i t i z e ( N , { A D D _ T A G S : a n t , A D D _ A T T R : s n t } ) ) ; i f ( D y e ( ) , v ) t h r o w v ; r e t u r n f ( ) , { d i a g r a m T y p e : b , s v g : N , b i n d F u n c t i o n s : y . d b . b i n d F u n c t i o n s } } , " r e n d e r " ) ; f u n c t i o n p n t ( t = { } ) { l e t e = O n ( { } , t ) ; e ? . f o n t F a m i l y & & ! e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s ? . f o n t F a m i l y & & ( e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s | | ( e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s = { } ) , e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s . f o n t F a m i l y = e . f o n t F a m i l y ) , W z ( e ) , e ? . t h e m e & & e . t h e m e i n C o ? e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s = C o [ e . t h e m e ] . g e t T h e m e V a r i a b l e s ( e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s ) : e & & ( e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s = C o . d e f a u l t . g e t T h e m e V a r i a b l e s ( e . t h e m e V a r i a b l e s ) ) ; l e t r = t y p e o f e = = " o b j e c t " ? n 7 ( e ) : i 7 ( ) ; $ 1 ( r . l o g L e v e l ) , k 1 ( ) } o ( p n t , " i n i t i a l i z e " ) ; v a r _ v e = o ( ( t , e = { } ) = > { l e t { c o d e : r } = g F ( t ) ; r e t u r n _ 1 . f r o m T e x t ( r , e ) } , " g e t D i a g r a m F r o m T e x t " ) ; f u n c t i o n m n t ( t , e , r , n ) { A y e ( e , t ) , _ y e ( e , r , n , e . a t t r ( " i d " ) ) } o ( m n t , " a d d A 1 1 y I n f o " ) ; v a r F f = O b j e c t . f r e e z e ( { r e n d e r : d n t , p a r s e : o n t , g e t D i a g r a m F r o m T e x t : _ v e , i n i t i a l i z e : p n t , g e t C o n f i g : O r , s e t C o n f i g : Z b , g e t S i t e C o n f i g : i 7 , u p d a t e S i t e C o n f i g : q z , r e s e t : o ( ( ) = > { Q 1 ( ) } , " r e s e t " ) , g l o b a l R e s e t : o ( ( ) = > { Q 1 ( u h ) } , " g l o b a l R e s e t " ) , d e f a u l t C o n f i g : u h } ) ; $ 1 ( O r ( ) . l o g L e v e l ) ; Q 1 ( O r ( ) ) ; o T ( ) ; x r ( ) ; v a r g n t = o ( ( t , e , r ) = > { V . w a r n ( t ) , r 9 ( t ) ? ( r & & r ( t . s t r , t . h a s h ) , e . p u s h ( { . . . t , m e s s a g e : t . s t r , e r r o r : t } ) ) : ( r & & r ( t ) , t i n s t a n c e o f E r r o r & & e . p u s h ( { s t r : t . m e s s a g e , m e s s a g e : t . m e s s a g e , h a s h : t . n a m e , e r r o r : t } ) ) } , " h a n d l e E r r o r " ) , L v e = o ( a s y n c f u n c t i o n ( t = { q u e r y S e l e c t o r : " . m e r m a i d " } ) { t r y { a w a i t y n t ( t ) } c a t c h ( e ) { i f ( r 9 ( e ) & & V . e r r o r ( e . s t r ) , n h . p a r s e E r r o r & & n h . p a r s e E r r o r ( e ) , ! t . s u p p r e s s E r r o r s ) t h r o w V . e r r o r ( " U s e t h e s u p p r e s s E r r o r s o p t i o n t o s u p p r e s s t h e s e e r r o r s " ) , e } } , " r u n " ) , y n t = o ( a s y n c f u n c t i o n ( { p o s t R e n d e r C a l l b a c k : t , q u e r y S e l e c t o r : e , n o d e s : r } = { q u e r y S e l e c t o r : " . m e r m a i d " } ) { l e t n = F f . g e t C o n f i g ( ) ; V . d e b u g ( ` $ { t ? " " : " N o " } C a l l b a c k f u n c t i o n f o u n d ` ) ; l e t i ; i f ( r ) i = r ; e l s e i f ( e ) i = d o c u m e n t . q u e r y S e l e c t o r A l l ( e ) ; e l s e t h r o w n e w E r r o r ( " N o d e s a n d q u e r y S e l e c t o r a r e b o t h u n d e f i n e d " ) ; V . d e b u g ( ` F o u n d $ { i . l e n g t h } d i a g r a m s ` ) , n ? . s t a r t O n L o a d ! = = v o i d 0 & & ( V . d e b u g ( " S t a r t O n L o a d : " + n ? . s t a r t O n L o a d ) , F f . u p d a t e S i t e C o n f i g ( { s t a r t O n L o a d : n ? . s t a r t O n L o a d } ) ) ; l e t a = n e w L t . I n i t I D G e n e r a t o r ( n . d e t e r m i n i s t i c I d s , n . d e t e r m i n i s t i c I D S e e d ) , s , l = [ ] ; f o r ( l e t u o f A r r a y . f r o m ( i ) ) { V . i n f o ( " R e n d e r i n g d i a g r a m : " + u . i d ) ; i f ( u . g e t A t t r i b u t e ( " d a t a - p r o c e s s e d " ) ) c o n t i n u e ; u . s e t A t t r i b u t e ( " d a t a - p r o c e s s e d " , " t r u e " ) ; l e t h = ` m e r m a i d - $ { a . n e x t ( ) } ` ; s = u . i n n e r H T M L , s = G b ( L t . e n t i t y D e c o d e ( s
2024-09-04 00:20:35 -05:00
/*! Check if previously processed */
/ * !
* Wait for document loaded before starting the execution
* /
/ * ! B u n d l e d l i c e n s e i n f o r m a t i o n :
dompurify / dist / purify . js :
( * ! @ license DOMPurify 3.1 . 6 | ( c ) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | github . com / cure53 / DOMPurify / blob / 3.1 . 6 / LICENSE * )
lodash - es / lodash . js :
( * *
* @ license
* Lodash ( Custom Build ) < https : //lodash.com/>
* Build : ` lodash modularize exports="es" -o ./ `
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors < https : //openjsf.org/>
* Released under MIT license < https : //lodash.com/license>
* Based on Underscore . js 1.8 . 3 < http : //underscorejs.org/LICENSE>
* Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas , DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* )
cytoscape / dist / cytoscape . esm . mjs :
( * !
Embeddable Minimum Strictly - Compliant Promises / A + 1.1 . 1 Thenable
Copyright ( c ) 2013 - 2014 Ralf S . Engelschall ( http : //engelschall.com)
Licensed under The MIT License ( http : //opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
* )
( * !
Event object based on jQuery events , MIT license
https : //jquery.org/license/
https : //tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license
https : //github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/event.js
* )
( * ! Bezier curve function generator . Copyright Gaetan Renaudeau . MIT License : http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License *)
( * ! Runge - Kutta spring physics function generator . Adapted from Framer . js , copyright Koen Bok . MIT License : http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License *)
js - yaml / dist / js - yaml . mjs :
( * ! js - yaml 4.1 . 0 https : //github.com/nodeca/js-yaml @license MIT *)
* /
globalThis . mermaid = globalThis . _ _esbuild _esm _mermaid . default ;