| `homepage.layout` | `"profile"` | The layout of the homepage. Valid values are `page`, `profile`, `hero`, `card`, `background`, or `custom`. When set to `custom`, you must provide your own layout by creating a `/layouts/partials/home/custom.html` file. Refer to the [Homepage Layout]({{< ref "homepage-layout" >}}) section for more details. |
| `homepage.homepageImage` | _Not set_ | Image to be used in `hero` and `card` layouts. Can be set as local image from asset directory or external image url. Refer to the [Homepage Layout]({{< ref "homepage-layout" >}}) section for more details. |
| `homepage.showRecent` | `false` | Whether or not to display the recent articles list on the homepage. |
| `homepage.showRecentItems` | 5 | How many articles to display if showRecent is true. If variable is set to 0 or if it isn't defined the system will default to 5 articles. |
| `homepage.showMoreLink` | `false` | Whether or not to display a show more link at the end of your posts that takes the user to a predefined place. |
| `homepage.showMoreLinkDest` | `/posts` | The destination of the show more button. |
| `homepage.cardView` | `false` | Display recent articles as a gallery of cards. |
| `homepage.cardViewScreenWidth` | `false` | Enhance the width of the recent articles card gallery to take the full width available. |
| `homepage.layoutBackgroundBlur` | `false` | Makes the background image in the homepage layout blur with the scroll |
| `article.showHero` | `false` | Whether the thumbnail image will be shown as a hero image within each article page. |
| `article.heroStyle` | _Not set_ | Style to display the hero image, valid options are: `basic`, `big`, `background`, `thumbAndBackground`. |
| `article.layoutBackgroundBlur` | `true` | Makes the background image in the background article heroStyle blur with the scroll |
| `article.layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace` | `true` | Add space between the header and the body. |
| `article.showBreadcrumbs` | `false` | Whether or not breadcrumbs are displayed in the article header. |
| `article.showDraftLabel` | `true` | Whether or not the draft indicator is shown next to articles when site is built with `--buildDrafts`. |
| `article.showEdit` | `false` | Whether or not the link to edit the article content should be displayed. |
| `article.editURL` | _Not set_ | When `article.showEdit` is active, the URL for the edit link. |
| `article.editAppendPath` | `true` | When `article.showEdit` is active, whether or not the path to the current article should be appended to the URL set at `article.editURL`. |
| `article.seriesOpened` | `false` | Whether or not the series module will be displayed open by default or not. |
| `article.showHeadingAnchors` | `true` | Whether or not heading anchor links are displayed alongside headings within articles. |
| `article.showPagination` | `true` | Whether or not the next/previous article links are displayed in the article footer. |
| `article.invertPagination` | `false` | Whether or not to flip the direction of the next/previous article links. |
| `article.showReadingTime` | `true` | Whether or not article reading times are displayed. |
| `article.showTableOfContents` | `false` | Whether or not the table of contents is displayed on articles. |
| `article.showRelatedContent` | `false` | Display related content for each post. Might required additional configuration to your `config.toml`. Please check the theme `config.toml` if you want to enable this feature and copy all the relevant _related_ entries. Also check [Hugo's docs](https://gohugo.io/content-management/related/) on related content. |
| `article.relatedContentLimit` | `3` | Limit of related articles to display if `showRelatedContent` is turned on. |
| `article.showTaxonomies` | `false` | Whether or not the taxonomies related to this article are displayed. |
| `article.showAuthorsBadges` | `false` | Whether the `authors` taxonomies are are displayed in the article or list header. This requires the setup of `multiple authors` and the `authors` taxonomy. Check [this page]({{< ref "multi-author" >}}) for more details on how to configure that feature. |
| `article.showWordCount` | `false` | Whether or not article word counts are displayed. |
| `article.showComments` | `false` | Whether or not the [comments partial]({{< ref "partials#comments" >}}) is included after the article footer. |
| `article.sharingLinks` | _Not set_ | Which sharing links to display at the end of each article. When not provided, or set to `false` no links will be displayed. Available values are: "linkedin", "bluesky", "mastodon", "twitter", "reddit", "pinterest", "facebook", "email", "whatsapp", and "telegram" |
| `list.showHero` | `false` | Whether the thumbnail image will be shown as a hero image within each list page. |
| `list.heroStyle` | _Not set_ | Style to display the hero image, valid options are: `basic`, `big`, `background`, `thumbAndBackground`. |
| `list.showBreadcrumbs` | `false` | Whether or not breadcrumbs are displayed in the header on list pages. |
| `list.layoutBackgroundBlur` | `true` | Makes the background image in the background list heroStyle blur with the scroll |
| `list.layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace` | `true` | Add space between the header and the body. |
| `list.showTableOfContents` | `false` | Whether or not the table of contents is displayed on list pages. |
| `list.showSummary` | `false` | Whether or not article summaries are displayed on list pages. If a summary is not provided in the [front matter]({{< ref "front-matter" >}}), one will be auto generated using the `summaryLength` parameter in the [site configuration](#site-configuration). |
| `list.showViews` | `false` | Whether or not list views are displayed. This requires firebase integrations to be enabled, look below. |
| `list.showLikes` | `false` | Whether or not list likes are displayed. This requires firebase integrations to be enabled, look below. |
| `list.showCards` | `false` | Whether or not each article is displayed as a card or as simple inline text. |
| `sitemap.excludedKinds` | `["taxonomy", "term"]` | Kinds of content that should be excluded from the generated `/sitemap.xml` file. Refer to the [Hugo docs](https://gohugo.io/templates/section-templates/#page-kinds) for acceptable values. |
| `firebase.apiKey` | _Not set_ | Firebase apiKey, required to integrate against Firebase. Check [this page]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}}) for a guide on how to integrate Firebase into Blowfish. |
| `firebase.authDomain` | _Not set_ | Firebase authDomain, required to integrate against Firebase. Check [this page]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}}) for a guide on how to integrate Firebase into Blowfish. |
| `firebase.projectId` | _Not set_ | Firebase projectId, required to integrate against Firebase. Check [this page]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}}) for a guide on how to integrate Firebase into Blowfish. |
| `firebase.storageBucket` | _Not set_ | Firebase storageBucket, required to integrate against Firebase. Check [this page]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}}) for a guide on how to integrate Firebase into Blowfish. |
| `firebase.messagingSenderId` | _Not set_ | Firebase messagingSenderId, required to integrate against Firebase. Check [this page]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}}) for a guide on how to integrate Firebase into Blowfish. |
| `firebase.appId` | _Not set_ | Firebase appId, required to integrate against Firebase. Check [this page]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}}) for a guide on how to integrate Firebase into Blowfish. |
| `firebase.measurementId` | _Not set_ | Firebase measurementId, required to integrate against Firebase. Check [this page]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}}) for a guide on how to integrate Firebase into Blowfish. |
| `fathomAnalytics.site` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Fathom Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `fathomAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Fathom Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Umami Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Umami Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, provide it for your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Such as "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com". |
| `umamiAnalytics.scriptName` | script.js | The name of the `script.js` used for anti-ad-blocking is configured by the environment variable `TRACKER_SCRIPT_NAME` |
| `umamiAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
| `selineAnalytics.token` | _Not set_ | The token generated by Seline Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `selineAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
| `rssnext.feedId` | _Not set_ | The rss `feedId` string provided by [RSSNext/Follow](https://follow.is/) to be included in the `rss.xml`, which can helps to claim rss feed as your own. |
| `rssnext.userId` | _Not set_ | The rss `userId` string provided by [RSSNext/Follow](https://follow.is/) to be included in the `rss.xml`, which can helps to claim rss feed as your own. |
The theme also includes a `markup.toml` configuration file. This file contains some important parameters that ensure that Hugo is correctly configured to generate sites built with Blowfish.
Always ensure this file is present in the config directory and that the required values are set. Failure to do so may cause certain features to function incorrectly and could result in unintended behaviour.