mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 03:22:33 -06:00
Merge branch 'dev' into dev
This commit is contained in:
67 changed files with 1966 additions and 174 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
English | [简体中文](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/blob/main/README.zh-cn.md)
# Blowfish
# Blowfish
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@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ blowfish-tools new mynewsite
3. Start your server using `hugo server` and the theme will be downloaded automatically.
3. Start your server using `hugo server` and the theme will be downloaded automatically.
4. In the root folder of your website, delete the `config.toml` file that was generated by Hugo. Copy the `*.toml` config files from the theme into your `config/_default/` folder.
4. In the root folder of your website, delete the `hugo.toml` file that was generated by Hugo. Copy the `*.toml` config files from the theme into your `config/_default/` folder.
> **Note:** Do not overwrite the `module.toml` file you created above!
> **Note:** Do not overwrite the `module.toml` file you created above!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
[English](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/blob/main/README.md) | 简体中文
# Blowfish
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[![Minimum Hugo Version](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=min-HUGO-version&message=0.87.0&color=blue&logo=hugo)](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/tag/v0.87.0)
Blowfish 是一个轻量有力的 Hugo 主题。它使用 Tailwind CSS 构建,洁净而富有极简主义,是你网站内容载体的不二之选。
![blowfish screenshot](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/blob/main/images/screenshot.png?raw=true)
🌏 [示例站点](https://blowfish.page/zh-cn/)
📑 [主题文档](https://blowfish.page/zh-cn/docs/)
💎 [周边商店](http://tee.pub/lic/qwSlWVBL5zc)
🐛 [Bug 问题报告](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/issues)
💡 [问答和功能需求](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/discussions)
<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nunocoracao" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-yellow.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 60px !important;width: 217px !important;" ></a>
<a target="_blank" href="http://tee.pub/lic/qwSlWVBL5zc"><img class="nozoom" src="https://img.buymeacoffee.com/button-api/?text=Merch Store &emoji=💎&slug=nunocoracao&button_colour=5F7FFF&font_colour=ffffff&font_family=Lato&outline_colour=000000&coffee_colour=FFDD00" /></a>
## 特性
- 使用 Tailwind CSS 3.0 构建全面响应式布局
- 多种配色方案,亦可完全由你定义
- 夜间模式支持(手动开启/关闭或根据用户设备自动切换)
- 高度自主的配置方式
- 集成 Firebase 以支持动态数据统计
- 集成浏览次数统计和点赞机制
- “相关文章”列表生成
- 多种主页布局
- 多作者模式支持
- 可将文章整理成选集列表
- 禅模式支持
- 可灵活定义各种内容类型、分类标准和菜单
- 页眉和页脚双重菜单可选
- 支持嵌套菜单和子导航菜单
- 支持多语言内容,包括 RTL 语言
- 可链接到第三方网站上的帖子
- 支持多种简码,如图库、时间轴、GitHub 卡片和图片灯箱
- 支持 Buymeacoffee
- 拥有由 Fuse.js 支持的客户端一侧网站搜索功能
- 植入了基于 Mermaid 的图表功能
- 植入了基于 Chart.js 的图表功能
- 集成逼真的自动打字效果
- 集成性能优化的 Youtube 卡片简码
- 集成 KaTeX 的公式
- 集成 FontAwesome 6 的矢量图标引用
- 使用 Hugo Pipes 自动调整图像大小
- 拥有标题锚点、目录、代码复制、按钮、分类徽章等功能
- 文章内部支持 HTML 和 Emoji 🎉
- 便于搜索引擎优化,文章可一键分享到社交媒体
- 支持 Fathom Analytics 和 Google Analytics
- 支持 RSS 订阅、网站图标和评论功能
- 可使用简单的 Tailwind 对颜色和样式进行高级定制
- 优化了性能和可访问性,拥有极高的 Lighthouse 评分
- 文档齐全,定期更新
![blowfish logo](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/blob/main/logo.png?raw=true)
## 文档
Blowfish 有 [全面的文档](https://blowfish.page/zh-cn/docs/),覆盖主题的任何一个方面。 请确保 [阅读文档](https://blowfish.page/zh-cn/docs/) 以详细了解本主题有哪些功能。
## 安装
Blowfish 支持多种安装方式,既能作为 git 子模块、Hugo 模块,也可完全手动安装。
每种方法的详细说明都可以在 [安装](https://blowfish.page/zh-cn/docs/installation) 文档中找到。为了获得最简单的安装体验,请查阅文档。如果你使用的是 git,请阅读下面使用子模块的快速开始指南;如果你能安装 Hugo 主题,请阅读下面 Hugo 模块的快速开始指南。
### 使用 Blowfish Tools 快速开始
> **注:** 请确保你已安装 **Node.js**、 **Git**、 **Go** 和 **Hugo** ,且已经创建了一个 Hugo 工程。
我们最新推出了一个新的 CLI 工具,帮助你开始使用 Blowfish。它将为你创建一个新的 Hugo 项目、安装主题并设置主题配置文件。它仍处于测试阶段,因此请 [报告你发现的任何问题](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish-tools)。
使用 npm(或其他软件包管理器)全局安装 CLI 工具:
npm i -g blowfish-tools
然后运行 "blowfish-tools "命令,开启一个交互式进程,引导你完成创建和配置。
你也可以运行命令 `blowfish-tools new` 来创建一个新的 Hugo 项目,并一次性安装主题。更多信息请查看 CLI 帮助。
blowfish-tools new mynewsite
### 使用 git 子模块快速开始
> **注:** 请确保你已安装 **Node.js**、 **Git**、 **Go** 和 **Hugo** ,且已经创建了一个 Hugo 工程。
1. 从你工程的所在目录初始化 git 仓库
git init
2. 配置 Blowfish 作为 git 子模块
git submodule add -b main https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish.git themes/blowfish
3. 在你网站的根目录中删除由 Hugo 自动生成的 `config.toml`文件,并把主题文件夹中的`*.toml`配置文件复制到你的 `config/_default/`文件夹中
你可在 Hugo 缓存目录中找到主题配置文件,或者也可以从[这里](https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home?url=https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/tree/main/config/_default)下载一份。
4. 按照[入门指南](https://blowfish.page/zh-cn/docs/getting-started/)来配置你的网站
### 使用 Hugo 快速开始
> **注:** 确保你已经安装了 **Go** 和 **Hugo**,且已创建了一个 Hugo 工程。
1. 从你工程的所在目录初始化 Hugo 模块
hugo mod init github.com/<用户名>/<仓库名>
2. 新建 `config/_default/module.toml` 并写入以下内容:
path = "github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/v2"
3. 运行 `hugo server` 启动你的本地服务器,本主题就会自动下载。
4. 在你网站的根目录中删除由 Hugo 自动生成的 `config.toml`文件,并把主题文件夹中的`*.toml`配置文件复制到你的 `config/_default/`文件夹中
> **注** 不要覆盖之前的 `module.toml` !
你可在 Hugo 缓存目录中找到主题配置文件,或者也可以从[这里](https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home?url=https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/tree/main/config/_default)下载一份。
5. 按照[入门指南](https://blowfish.page/zh-cn/docs/getting-started/)来配置你的网站
### Installing theme updates
当新的主题版本发布,你可以在你网站的根目录使用 Hugo 命令`hugo mod get -u`来简单地把主题更新到最新版本。
## 贡献
Blowfish 将会持续进化。我打算不断增加功能,并按需进行修改。
- 🐛 **Bug 问题报告** 使用 [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/issues)
- 💡 **发表关于新功能的想法:** 在 [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/discussions) 发起讨论
- 🙋♀️ **一般问题:** 查看 [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/discussions)
如果你有能力修补 Bug 或者实现新功能,欢迎提交 PR。[了解更多](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Star 数量统计
[![Stargazers over time](https://starchart.cc/nunocoracao/blowfish.svg)](https://starchart.cc/nunocoracao/blowfish)
<a rel="me" href="https://masto.ai/@blowfish">Mastodon</a>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ body.zen-mode-enable {
/*! tailwindcss v3.4.6 | MIT License | https://tailwindcss.com */
/*! tailwindcss v3.4.7 | MIT License | https://tailwindcss.com */
1. Prevent padding and border from affecting element width. (https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/4)
1. Prevent padding and border from affecting element width. (https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/4)
@ -3163,6 +3163,13 @@ body button {
/* Scale SVG logos to appropriate size */
.logo svg {
/* Search */
/* Search */
@ -3346,6 +3353,14 @@ code {
/* Renamed property in CSS3 draft spec */
/* Renamed property in CSS3 draft spec */
/* Fix long URLs breaking out of article bounds on mobile */
a {
word-break: break-word;
word-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
/* -- Chroma Highlight -- */
/* -- Chroma Highlight -- */
/* Background */
/* Background */
@ -5339,6 +5354,10 @@ pre {
.lg\:top-10 {
.lg\:top-\[140px\] {
.lg\:top-\[140px\] {
@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ body button {
@apply h-[1em] w-[1em];
@apply h-[1em] w-[1em];
/* Scale SVG logos to appropriate size */
.logo svg {
@apply h-[5rem] w-[5rem];
/* Search */
/* Search */
@ -128,6 +133,13 @@ code {
overflow-wrap: break-word; /* Renamed property in CSS3 draft spec */
overflow-wrap: break-word; /* Renamed property in CSS3 draft spec */
/* Fix long URLs breaking out of article bounds on mobile */
a {
word-break: break-word;
word-wrap: break-word;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
/* -- Chroma Highlight -- */
/* -- Chroma Highlight -- */
/* Background */
/* Background */
.prose .chroma {
.prose .chroma {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 411 B |
Normal file
Normal file
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ title = "Blowfish"
# name = "Your name here"
# name = "Your name here"
# email = "youremail@example.com"
# email = "youremail@example.com"
# image = "img/blowfish_logo.png"
# image = "img/blowfish_logo.png"
# imageQuality = 96
# headline = "I'm only human"
# headline = "I'm only human"
# bio = "A little bit about you"
# bio = "A little bit about you"
# links = [
# links = [
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Normal file
Normal file
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"GDB": null,
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"Gemfile.lock": "#701516",
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"Gosu": "#82937f",
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"Inform 7": null,
"INI": "#d1dbe0",
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"Isabelle": "#FEFE00",
"Isabelle ROOT": "#FEFE00",
"J": "#9EEDFF",
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"Jasmin": "#d03600",
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"Logos": null,
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"M": null,
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"Nextflow": "#3ac486",
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"Parrot Assembly": null,
"Parrot Internal Representation": null,
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"Roff Manpage": "#ecdebe",
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"RPC": null,
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"Sage": null,
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Normal file
Normal file
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"Click": "#E4E6F3",
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"GDB": null,
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"Gentoo Eclass": "#9400ff",
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"Gosu": "#82937f",
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"Inform 7": null,
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"Isabelle ROOT": "#FEFE00",
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"Literate Haskell": "#5e5086",
"LiveScript": "#499886",
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"LOLCODE": "#cc9900",
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"M": null,
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"MiniD": null,
"Mirah": "#c7a938",
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"MLIR": "#5EC8DB",
"Modelica": "#de1d31",
"Modula-2": "#10253f",
"Modula-3": "#223388",
"Module Management System": null,
"Monkey": null,
"Moocode": null,
"MoonScript": "#ff4585",
"Motorola 68K Assembly": "#005daa",
"MQL4": "#62A8D6",
"MQL5": "#4A76B8",
"MTML": "#b7e1f4",
"MUF": null,
"mupad": "#244963",
"Mustache": "#724b3b",
"Myghty": null,
"nanorc": "#2d004d",
"NASL": null,
"NCL": "#28431f",
"Nearley": "#990000",
"Nemerle": "#3d3c6e",
"nesC": "#94B0C7",
"NetLinx": "#0aa0ff",
"NetLinx+ERB": "#747faa",
"NetLogo": "#ff6375",
"NewLisp": "#87AED7",
"Nextflow": "#3ac486",
"Nginx": "#009639",
"Nim": "#ffc200",
"Nit": "#009917",
"Nix": "#7e7eff",
"NPM Config": "#cb3837",
"NSIS": null,
"Nu": "#c9df40",
"NumPy": "#9C8AF9",
"Nunjucks": "#3d8137",
"NWScript": "#111522",
"Objective-C": "#438eff",
"Objective-C++": "#6866fb",
"Objective-J": "#ff0c5a",
"ObjectScript": "#424893",
"OCaml": "#3be133",
"Odin": "#60AFFE",
"Omgrofl": "#cabbff",
"ooc": "#b0b77e",
"Opa": null,
"Opal": "#f7ede0",
"Open Policy Agent": "#7d9199",
"OpenCL": "#ed2e2d",
"OpenEdge ABL": "#5ce600",
"OpenQASM": "#AA70FF",
"OpenRC runscript": null,
"OpenSCAD": "#e5cd45",
"Org": "#77aa99",
"Ox": null,
"Oxygene": "#cdd0e3",
"Oz": "#fab738",
"P4": "#7055b5",
"Pan": "#cc0000",
"Papyrus": "#6600cc",
"Parrot": "#f3ca0a",
"Parrot Assembly": null,
"Parrot Internal Representation": null,
"Pascal": "#E3F171",
"Pawn": "#dbb284",
"PEG.js": "#234d6b",
"Pep8": "#C76F5B",
"Perl": "#0298c3",
"PHP": "#4F5D95",
"PicoLisp": "#6067af",
"PigLatin": "#fcd7de",
"Pike": "#005390",
"PLpgSQL": "#336790",
"PLSQL": "#dad8d8",
"PogoScript": "#d80074",
"Pony": null,
"PostCSS": "#dc3a0c",
"PostScript": "#da291c",
"POV-Ray SDL": "#6bac65",
"PowerBuilder": "#8f0f8d",
"PowerShell": "#012456",
"Prisma": "#0c344b",
"Processing": "#0096D8",
"Prolog": "#74283c",
"Propeller Spin": "#7fa2a7",
"Pug": "#a86454",
"Puppet": "#302B6D",
"PureBasic": "#5a6986",
"PureScript": "#1D222D",
"Python": "#3572A5",
"Python console": "#3572A5",
"Python traceback": "#3572A5",
"q": "#0040cd",
"Q#": "#fed659",
"QMake": null,
"QML": "#44a51c",
"Qt Script": "#00b841",
"Quake": "#882233",
"R": "#198CE7",
"Racket": "#3c5caa",
"Ragel": "#9d5200",
"Raku": "#0000fb",
"RAML": "#77d9fb",
"Rascal": "#fffaa0",
"RDoc": "#701516",
"REALbasic": null,
"Reason": "#ff5847",
"Rebol": "#358a5b",
"Record Jar": "#0673ba",
"Red": "#f50000",
"Redcode": null,
"Regular Expression": "#009a00",
"Ren'Py": "#ff7f7f",
"RenderScript": null,
"ReScript": "#ed5051",
"reStructuredText": "#141414",
"REXX": "#d90e09",
"Ring": "#2D54CB",
"Riot": "#A71E49",
"RMarkdown": "#198ce7",
"RobotFramework": "#00c0b5",
"Roff": "#ecdebe",
"Roff Manpage": "#ecdebe",
"Rouge": "#cc0088",
"RPC": null,
"Ruby": "#701516",
"RUNOFF": "#665a4e",
"Rust": "#dea584",
"Sage": null,
"SaltStack": "#646464",
"SAS": "#B34936",
"Sass": "#a53b70",
"Scala": "#c22d40",
"Scaml": "#bd181a",
"Scheme": "#1e4aec",
"Scilab": "#ca0f21",
"SCSS": "#c6538c",
"sed": "#64b970",
"Self": "#0579aa",
"ShaderLab": "#222c37",
"Shell": "#89e051",
"ShellSession": null,
"Shen": "#120F14",
"Sieve": null,
"Singularity": "#64E6AD",
"Slash": "#007eff",
"Slice": "#003fa2",
"Slim": "#2b2b2b",
"Smali": null,
"Smalltalk": "#596706",
"Smarty": "#f0c040",
"SmPL": "#c94949",
"SMT": null,
"Solidity": "#AA6746",
"SourcePawn": "#f69e1d",
"SPARQL": "#0C4597",
"SQF": "#3F3F3F",
"SQL": "#e38c00",
"SQLPL": "#e38c00",
"Squirrel": "#800000",
"SRecode Template": "#348a34",
"Stan": "#b2011d",
"Standard ML": "#dc566d",
"Starlark": "#76d275",
"Stata": "#1a5f91",
"StringTemplate": "#3fb34f",
"Stylus": "#ff6347",
"SubRip Text": "#9e0101",
"SugarSS": "#2fcc9f",
"SuperCollider": "#46390b",
"Svelte": "#ff3e00",
"SVG": "#ff9900",
"Swift": "#F05138",
"SWIG": null,
"SystemVerilog": "#DAE1C2",
"Tcl": "#e4cc98",
"Tcsh": null,
"Terra": "#00004c",
"TeX": "#3D6117",
"Textile": "#ffe7ac",
"TextMate Properties": "#df66e4",
"Thrift": "#D12127",
"TI Program": "#A0AA87",
"TLA": "#4b0079",
"TOML": "#9c4221",
"TSQL": "#e38c00",
"TSV": "#237346",
"TSX": "#2b7489",
"Turing": "#cf142b",
"Twig": "#c1d026",
"TXL": "#0178b8",
"TypeScript": "#2b7489",
"Unified Parallel C": "#4e3617",
"Unity3D Asset": "#222c37",
"Unix Assembly": null,
"Uno": "#9933cc",
"UnrealScript": "#a54c4d",
"UrWeb": "#ccccee",
"V": "#4f87c4",
"Vala": "#fbe5cd",
"Valve Data Format": "#f26025",
"VBA": "#867db1",
"VBScript": "#15dcdc",
"VCL": "#148AA8",
"Verilog": "#b2b7f8",
"VHDL": "#adb2cb",
"Vim Help File": "#199f4b",
"Vim Script": "#199f4b",
"Vim Snippet": "#199f4b",
"Visual Basic .NET": "#945db7",
"Volt": "#1F1F1F",
"Vue": "#41b883",
"wdl": "#42f1f4",
"Web Ontology Language": "#5b70bd",
"WebAssembly": "#04133b",
"WebIDL": null,
"Wikitext": "#fc5757",
"Windows Registry Entries": "#52d5ff",
"wisp": "#7582D1",
"Wollok": "#a23738",
"World of Warcraft Addon Data": "#f7e43f",
"X10": "#4B6BEF",
"xBase": "#403a40",
"XC": "#99DA07",
"XML": "#0060ac",
"XML Property List": "#0060ac",
"Xojo": "#81bd41",
"Xonsh": "#285EEF",
"XProc": null,
"XQuery": "#5232e7",
"XS": null,
"XSLT": "#EB8CEB",
"Xtend": "#24255d",
"Yacc": "#4B6C4B",
"YAML": "#cb171e",
"YARA": "#220000",
"YASnippet": "#32AB90",
"ZAP": "#0d665e",
"Zeek": null,
"ZenScript": "#00BCD1",
"Zephir": "#118f9e",
"Zig": "#ec915c",
"ZIL": "#dc75e5",
"Zimpl": "#d67711"
@ -134,6 +134,11 @@ smartTOCHideUnfocusedChildren = false
# websiteid = "ABC12345"
# websiteid = "ABC12345"
# domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
# domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
# dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
# dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
# enableTrackEvent = false
# token = "XXXXXX"
# enableTrackEvent = false
identifier = "nunocoracao"
identifier = "nunocoracao"
@ -323,6 +323,14 @@ Many of the article defaults here can be overridden on a per article basis by sp
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Umami Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Umami Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Umami Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Umami Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, provide it for your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Such as "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com". |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, provide it for your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Such as "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com". |
| `umamiAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
### Seline Analytics
| Name | Default | Description |
| `selineAnalytics.token` | _Not set_ | The token generated by Seline Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `selineAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
### BuyMeACoffee
### BuyMeACoffee
@ -322,6 +322,14 @@ Many of the article defaults here can be overridden on a per article basis by sp
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Umami Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Umami Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Umami Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Umami Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, provide it for your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Such as "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com". |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, provide it for your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Such as "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com". |
| `umamiAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
### Seline Analytics
| Name | Default | Description |
| `selineAnalytics.token` | _Not set_ | The token generated by Seline Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `selineAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
### BuyMeACoffee
### BuyMeACoffee
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ The theme currently supports the following languages by default:
| Italian | `it` |
| Italian | `it` |
| Japanese | `ja` |
| Japanese | `ja` |
| Korean | `ko` |
| Korean | `ko` |
| Persian | `fa` |
| Polish | `pl` |
| Polish | `pl` |
| Portuguese (Brazil) | `pt-br` |
| Portuguese (Brazil) | `pt-br` |
| Portuguese (Portugal) | `pt-pt` |
| Portuguese (Portugal) | `pt-pt` |
@ -137,10 +138,11 @@ The default file can be used as a template to create additional languages, or re
#### Author
#### Author
| Name | Default | Description |
| Name | Default | Description |
| ----------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| --------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `author.name` | _Not set_ | The author's name. This will be displayed in article footers, and on the homepage when the profile layout is used. |
| `author.name` | _Not set_ | The author's name. This will be displayed in article footers, and on the homepage when the profile layout is used. |
| `author.email` | _Not set_ | The author's email. This will be used if the reply-via-email functionality is enabled. |
| `author.email` | _Not set_ | The author's email. This will be used if the reply-via-email functionality is enabled. |
| `author.image` | _Not set_ | Path to the image file of the author. The image should be a 1:1 aspect ratio. The image can be placed in the site's `assets/` folder or can be external url. |
| `author.image` | _Not set_ | Path to the image file of the author. The image should be a 1:1 aspect ratio. The image can be placed in the site's `assets/` folder or can be external url. |
| `author.imageQuality` | `96` | The author's image file will be treated as a "high quality" image to minimize artifacts on the front page. Value range 1-100. |
| `author.headline` | _Not set_ | A Markdown string containing the author's headline. It will be displayed on the profile homepage under the author's name. |
| `author.headline` | _Not set_ | A Markdown string containing the author's headline. It will be displayed on the profile homepage under the author's name. |
| `author.bio` | _Not set_ | A Markdown string containing the author's bio. It will be displayed in article footers. |
| `author.bio` | _Not set_ | A Markdown string containing the author's bio. It will be displayed in article footers. |
| `author.links` | _Not set_ | The links to display alongside the author's details. The config file contains example links which can simply be uncommented to enable. The order that the links are displayed is determined by the order they appear in the array. Custom links can be added by providing corresponding SVG icon assets in `assets/icons/`. |
| `author.links` | _Not set_ | The links to display alongside the author's details. The config file contains example links which can simply be uncommented to enable. The order that the links are displayed is determined by the order they appear in the array. Custom links can be added by providing corresponding SVG icon assets in `assets/icons/`. |
@ -172,12 +174,15 @@ Many of the article defaults here can be overridden on a per article basis by sp
| `enableSearch` | `false` | Whether site search is enabled. Set to `true` to enable search functionality. Note that the search feature depends on the `outputs.home` setting in the [site configuration](#site-configuration) being set correctly. |
| `enableSearch` | `false` | Whether site search is enabled. Set to `true` to enable search functionality. Note that the search feature depends on the `outputs.home` setting in the [site configuration](#site-configuration) being set correctly. |
| `enableCodeCopy` | `false` | Whether copy-to-clipboard buttons are enabled for `<code>` blocks. The `highlight.noClasses` parameter must be set to `false` for code copy to function correctly. Read more about [other configuration files](#other-configuration-files) below. |
| `enableCodeCopy` | `false` | Whether copy-to-clipboard buttons are enabled for `<code>` blocks. The `highlight.noClasses` parameter must be set to `false` for code copy to function correctly. Read more about [other configuration files](#other-configuration-files) below. |
| `replyByEmail` | `false` | Whether the reply-by-email link is enabled after post. The `author.email` parameter in `config/_default/languages.en.toml` must be set. |
| `replyByEmail` | `false` | Whether the reply-by-email link is enabled after post. The `author.email` parameter in `config/_default/languages.en.toml` must be set. |
| `forgejoDefaultServer` | _Not set_ | The default `server` parameter for the `forgejo` shortcode. |
| `giteaDefaultServer` | _Not set_ | The default `server` parameter for the `gitea` shortcode. |
| `mainSections` | _Not set_ | The sections that should be displayed in the recent articles list. If not provided the section with the greatest number of articles is used. |
| `mainSections` | _Not set_ | The sections that should be displayed in the recent articles list. If not provided the section with the greatest number of articles is used. |
| `showViews` | _Not set_ | Whether or not articles and list views are displayed. This requires firebase integrations to be enabled, look below. |
| `showViews` | _Not set_ | Whether or not articles and list views are displayed. This requires firebase integrations to be enabled, look below. |
| `showLikes` | _Not set_ | Whether or not articles and list likes are displayed. This requires firebase integrations to be enabled, look below. |
| `showLikes` | _Not set_ | Whether or not articles and list likes are displayed. This requires firebase integrations to be enabled, look below. |
| `robots` | _Not set_ | String that indicates how robots should handle your site. If set, it will be output in the page head. Refer to [Google's docs](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/robots/robots_meta_tag#directives) for valid values. |
| `robots` | _Not set_ | String that indicates how robots should handle your site. If set, it will be output in the page head. Refer to [Google's docs](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/robots/robots_meta_tag#directives) for valid values. |
| `disableImageZoom` | `false` | Disables image zoom feature across all the images in the site. |
| `disableImageZoom` | `false` | Disables image zoom feature across all the images in the site. |
| `disableImageOptimization` | `false` | Disables image resize and optimization features across all the images in the site. |
| `disableImageOptimization` | `false` | Disables image resize and optimization features across all the images in the site. |
| `backgroundImageWidth` | `1200` | Width (in pixels) to scale background images to. |
| `disableTextInHeader` | `false` | Disables text in header, useful for logo based headers. |
| `disableTextInHeader` | `false` | Disables text in header, useful for logo based headers. |
| `defaultBackgroundImage` | _Not set_ | Default background image for both `background` homepage layout and `background` hero style |
| `defaultBackgroundImage` | _Not set_ | Default background image for both `background` homepage layout and `background` hero style |
| `defaultFeaturedImage` | _Not set_ | Default background image for all `featured` images across articles, will be overridden by a local `featured` image. |
| `defaultFeaturedImage` | _Not set_ | Default background image for all `featured` images across articles, will be overridden by a local `featured` image. |
@ -321,11 +326,18 @@ Many of the article defaults here can be overridden on a per article basis by sp
### Umami Analytics
### Umami Analytics
| Name | Default | Description |
| Name | Default | Description |
| -------------------------- | --------- |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| -------------------------- |-----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Umami Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | The site code generated by Umami Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Umami Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | If using a custom domain with Umami Analytics, provide it here to serve `script.js` from the custom domain. |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, provide it for your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Such as "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com". |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, provide it for your tracker script. This is a comma delimited list of domain names. Such as "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com". |
| `umamiAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
### Seline Analytics
| Name | Default | Description |
| `selineAnalytics.token` | _Not set_ | The token generated by Seline Analytics for the website. Refer to the [Analytics docs]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}}) for more details. |
| `selineAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | When set to `true` track event will add automatically. If you do not want to add track event, set it to `false`. |
### BuyMeACoffee
### BuyMeACoffee
@ -265,9 +265,8 @@ Blowfish 提供了大量控制主题功能的配置参数,下面的表格中
| `list.cardView` | `false` | 将列表展示为卡片容器。 |
| `list.cardView` | `false` | 将列表展示为卡片容器。 |
| `list.cardViewScreenWidth` | `false` | 增强列表中卡片的宽度,使其可以占据可用的全部宽度。 |
| `list.cardViewScreenWidth` | `false` | 增强列表中卡片的宽度,使其可以占据可用的全部宽度。 |
| `list.constrainItemsWidth` | `false` | 将项目宽度限制为 `prose` 以提高可读性。在没有 featurn 图片的时候非常有用。 |
| `list.constrainItemsWidth` | `false` | 将项目宽度限制为 `prose` 以提高可读性。在没有 featurn 图片的时候非常有用。 |
| `list.showTableOfContents` | `false` | 是否显示目录。 |
### Sitemap
### 网站地图
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| ----------------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ----------------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ -300,7 +299,7 @@ Blowfish 提供了大量控制主题功能的配置参数,下面的表格中
| `term.cardView` | `false` | 将列表展示为卡片容器。 |
| `term.cardView` | `false` | 将列表展示为卡片容器。 |
| `term.cardViewScreenWidth` | `false` | 增强列表中卡片的宽度,使其可以占据可用的全部宽度。 |
| `term.cardViewScreenWidth` | `false` | 增强列表中卡片的宽度,使其可以占据可用的全部宽度。 |
### Firebase
### Firebase(Firebase 平台)
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| ---------------------------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ---------------------------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ -312,23 +311,31 @@ Blowfish 提供了大量控制主题功能的配置参数,下面的表格中
| `firebase.appId` | 无 | Firebase appId,与 Firebase 集成的必填参数。了解如何将 Firebase 集成进 Blowfish 请参考 [这个页面]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}})。 |
| `firebase.appId` | 无 | Firebase appId,与 Firebase 集成的必填参数。了解如何将 Firebase 集成进 Blowfish 请参考 [这个页面]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}})。 |
| `firebase.measurementId` | 无 | Firebase measurementId,与 Firebase 集成的必填参数。了解如何将 Firebase 集成进 Blowfish 请参考 [这个页面]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}})。 |
| `firebase.measurementId` | 无 | Firebase measurementId,与 Firebase 集成的必填参数。了解如何将 Firebase 集成进 Blowfish 请参考 [这个页面]({{< ref "firebase-views" >}})。 |
### Fathom Analytics
### Fathom Analytics(一种网站分析工具)
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| ------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `fathomAnalytics.site` | 无 | 支持 Fathom 站点分析平台。更多详细内容请参考 [分析文档]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}})。 |
| `fathomAnalytics.site` | 无 | 支持 Fathom 站点分析平台。更多详细内容请参考 [分析文档]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}})。 |
| `fathomAnalytics.domain` | 无 | 如果使用自定义域名的 Fathom Analytics,请在此提供,以便从自定义域名获取 `script.js`。 |
| `fathomAnalytics.domain` | 无 | 如果使用自定义域名的 Fathom Analytics,请在此提供,以便从自定义域名获取 `script.js`。 |
### Umami Analytics
### Umami Analytics(一种网站分析工具)
| Name | Default | Description |
| Name | Default | Description |
| -------------------------- | --------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | _Not set_ | 支持 Umami 站点分析平台。更多详细内容请参考 [分析文档]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}})。 |
| `umamiAnalytics.websiteid` | 无 | 支持 Umami 站点分析平台。更多详细内容请参考 [分析文档]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}})。 |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | _Not set_ | 如果使用自定义域名的 Umami Analytics,请在此提供,以便从自定义域名获取 `script.js`。 |
| `umamiAnalytics.domain` | 无 | 如果使用自定义域名的 Umami Analytics,请在此提供,以便从自定义域名获取 `script.js`。 |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | _Not set_ | 如果你只想在特别的数个域名中使用 tracker 功能,那么你需要设置它。这个参数的值是逗号分隔的域名列表,如:yoursite.com,yoursite2.com。 |
| `umamiAnalytics.dataDomains` | 无 | 如果你只想在特别的数个域名中使用 tracker 功能,那么你需要设置它。这个参数的值是逗号分隔的域名列表,如:yoursite.com,yoursite2.com。 |
| `umamiAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | 默认会自动添加 Umami Track Event。如果你不想添加 Event,那学需要设置为 `false`。 |
### Seline Analytics
| Name | Default | Description |
| `selineAnalytics.token` | 无 | Seline 站点分析平台的 token。更多详细内容请参考 [分析文档]({{< ref "partials#analytics" >}})。 |
| `selineAnalytics.enableTrackEvent` | true | 默认会自动添加 Umami Track Event。如果你不想添加 Event,那学需要设置为 `false`。 |
### BuyMeACoffee
### BuyMeACoffee(赞助平台)
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| 名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| ----------------------------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------- |
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Front Matter"
title: "Front Matter(文件头信息)"
weight: 7
weight: 7
draft: false
draft: false
description: "文本主要介绍 Blowfish 中页面中可以添加的所有的 Front Matter 参数。"
description: "文本主要介绍 Blowfish 中页面中可以添加的所有的 Front Matter 参数。"
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Blowfish 提供了一个完全灵活的主页布局。你可以选择两种主
## 英雄布局(hero)
## 英雄布局(hero)
英雄布局(hearo)组合了个人资料布局(profile)和卡片布局(card)。它不仅显示了网站作者的个人信息,还在个人资料下方加载了你的 markdown 内容。
英雄布局(hero)组合了个人资料布局(profile)和卡片布局(card)。它不仅显示了网站作者的个人信息,还在个人资料下方加载了你的 markdown 内容。
<img class="thumbnailshadow" src="img/home-hero.png"/>
<img class="thumbnailshadow" src="img/home-hero.png"/>
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ git submodule update --remote --merge
### Update using Hugo
### 使用 Hugo 更新
Hugo 更新也十分容易。只需要进入网站根目录,并执行以下命令即可:
Hugo 更新也十分容易。只需要进入网站根目录,并执行以下命令即可:
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ To enable Umami Analytics support, simply provide your [Umami tracking code](htt
If you also use the custom domain feature of Umami and would like to serve their script from your domain, you can also additionally provide the `domain` configuration value. If you don't provide a `domain` value, the script will load directly from Umami DNS (analytics.umami.is).
If you also use the custom domain feature of Umami and would like to serve their script from your domain, you can also additionally provide the `domain` configuration value. If you don't provide a `domain` value, the script will load directly from Umami DNS (analytics.umami.is).
If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `dataDomains` configuration value. If you don't provide a `dataDomains` value, the script will run on any website where the `domain` and` websiteid` match.
If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `dataDomains` configuration value. If you don't provide a `dataDomains` value, the script will run on any website where the `domain` and` websiteid` match.
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** If you enable Umami Analytics, Blowfish will support [Umami Track Event](https://umami.is/docs/track-events) automatically. If you do not want to support Track Event, the param `enableTrackEvent` must set to `false`.
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
# config/_default/params.toml
@ -53,8 +57,24 @@ If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `da
websiteid = "ABC12345"
websiteid = "ABC12345"
domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
enableTrackEvent = true
### Seline Analytics
To enable Seline Analytics support, simply provide your [Seline token](https://seline.so/docs/install-seline) in the `config/_default/params.toml` file.
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** If you enable Seline Analytics, Blowfish will support [Seline Track Event](https://seline.so/docs/custom-events) automatically. If you do not want to support Track Event, the param `enableTrackEvent` must set to `false`.
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
token = "XXXXXX"
enableTrackEvent = true
### Custom analytics providers
### Custom analytics providers
If you wish to use a different analytics provider on your website you can also override the analytics partial and provide your own script. Simply create the file `layouts/partials/extend-head.html` in your project and it will automatically include it in the `<head>` of the website.
If you wish to use a different analytics provider on your website you can also override the analytics partial and provide your own script. Simply create the file `layouts/partials/extend-head.html` in your project and it will automatically include it in the `<head>` of the website.
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ To enable Umami Analytics support, simply provide your [Umami tracking code](htt
If you also use the custom domain feature of Umami and would like to serve their script from your domain, you can also additionally provide the `domain` configuration value. If you don't provide a `domain` value, the script will load directly from Umami DNS (analytics.umami.is).
If you also use the custom domain feature of Umami and would like to serve their script from your domain, you can also additionally provide the `domain` configuration value. If you don't provide a `domain` value, the script will load directly from Umami DNS (analytics.umami.is).
If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `dataDomains` configuration value. If you don't provide a `dataDomains` value, the script will run on any website where the `domain` and` websiteid` match.
If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `dataDomains` configuration value. If you don't provide a `dataDomains` value, the script will run on any website where the `domain` and` websiteid` match.
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** If you enable Umami Analytics, Blowfish will support [Umami Track Event](https://umami.is/docs/track-events) automatically. If you do not want to support Track Event, the param `enableTrackEvent` must set to `false`.
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
# config/_default/params.toml
@ -53,6 +57,22 @@ If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `da
websiteid = "ABC12345"
websiteid = "ABC12345"
domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
enableTrackEvent = true
### Seline Analytics
To enable Seline Analytics support, simply provide your [Seline token](https://seline.so/docs/install-seline) in the `config/_default/params.toml` file.
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** If you enable Seline Analytics, Blowfish will support [Seline Track Event](https://seline.so/docs/custom-events) automatically. If you do not want to support Track Event, the param `enableTrackEvent` must set to `false`.
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
token = "XXXXXX"
enableTrackEvent = true
### Custom analytics providers
### Custom analytics providers
@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ googleAnalytics = "G-MEASUREMENT_ID"
To enable Umami Analytics support, simply provide your [Umami tracking code](https://umami.is/docs/collect-data) in the `config/_default/params.toml` file.
To enable Umami Analytics support, simply provide your [Umami tracking code](https://umami.is/docs/collect-data) in the `config/_default/params.toml` file.
If you also use the custom domain feature of Umami and would like to serve their script from your domain, you can also additionally provide the `domain` configuration value. If you don't provide a `domain` value, the script will load directly from Umami DNS (analytics.umami.is).
If you also use the custom domain feature of Umami and would like to serve their script from your domain, you can also additionally provide the `domain` configuration value. If you don't provide a `domain` value, the script will load directly from Umami DNS (analytics.umami.is).
If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `dataDomains` configuration value. If you don't provide a `dataDomains` value, the script will run on any website where the `domain` and` websiteid` match.
If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `dataDomains` configuration value. If you don't provide a `dataDomains` value, the script will run on any website where the `domain` and` websiteid` match.
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** If you enable Umami Analytics, Blowfish will support [Umami Track Event](https://umami.is/docs/track-events) automatically. If you do not want to support Track Event, the param `enableTrackEvent` must set to `false`.
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
# config/_default/params.toml
@ -52,6 +57,23 @@ If you want the tracker to only run on specific domains, you can provide the `da
websiteid = "ABC12345"
websiteid = "ABC12345"
domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
domain = "llama.yoursite.com"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
enableTrackEvent = true
### Seline Analytics
To enable Seline Analytics support, simply provide your [Seline token](https://seline.so/docs/install-seline) in the `config/_default/params.toml` file.
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** If you enable Seline Analytics, Blowfish will support [Seline Track Event](https://seline.so/docs/custom-events) automatically. If you do not want to support Track Event, the param `enableTrackEvent` must set to `false`.
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
token = "XXXXXX"
enableTrackEvent = true
### Custom analytics providers
### Custom analytics providers
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Partials"
title: "局部模板(Partials)"
weight: 9
weight: 9
draft: false
draft: false
description: "所有 Blowfish 可以配置的 Partials"
description: "所有 Blowfish 可以配置的 Partials"
@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ googleAnalytics = "G-MEASUREMENT_ID"
如果你想使用自定义域名来获取跟踪脚本, 那么需要提供 `domain` 参数,否则会从 Umami 云服务版的地址 (analytics.umami.is) 获取脚本。
如果你想使用自定义域名来获取跟踪脚本, 那么需要提供 `domain` 参数,否则会从 Umami 云服务版的地址 (analytics.umami.is) 获取脚本。
如果你只想在特别的数个域名中使用 tracker 功能,那么需要提供 `dataDomains` 参数。否则任何一个匹配了 `websiteid` 和 `domain` 参数值的网站,Umami 脚本都会执行。
如果你只想在特别的数个域名中使用 tracker 功能,那么需要提供 `dataDomains` 参数。否则任何一个匹配了 `websiteid` 和 `domain` 参数值的网站,Umami 脚本都会执行。
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** 开启 Umami 网站分析后, Blowfish 会自动支持 [Umami 事件追踪](https://umami.is/docs/track-events)。如果你不想支持此功能,需要把参数 `enableTrackEvent` 设置为 `false`。
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
# config/_default/params.toml
@ -59,6 +64,23 @@ googleAnalytics = "G-MEASUREMENT_ID"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
dataDomains = "yoursite.com,yoursite2.com"
### Seline
只需要在 `config/_default/params.toml` 文件提供你的 [Seline token](https://seline.so/docs/install-seline),就可以快速支持 Seline 站点分析。
{{< alert >}}
**Note:** 开启 Seline 网站分析后, Blowfish 会自动支持 [Seline 事件追踪](https://seline.so/docs/custom-events)。如果你不想支持此功能,需要把参数 `enableTrackEvent` 设置为 `false`。
{{< /alert >}}
# config/_default/params.toml
token = "XXXXXX"
enableTrackEvent = true
### 提供自定义站点分析
### 提供自定义站点分析
如果你想在你的网站提供其他站点分析,你可以自己提供脚本,并覆盖 Blowfish 主题中内置的 partial。
如果你想在你的网站提供其他站点分析,你可以自己提供脚本,并覆盖 Blowfish 主题中内置的 partial。
@ -286,6 +286,26 @@ Blowfish also supports automatic conversion of images included using standard Ma
## Forgejo Card
`forgejo` allows you to quickly link a Forgejo repository via the forgejo API, providing real-time updates on stats such as stars and forks.
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
| Parameter | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `repo` | [String] forgejo repo in the format of `username/repo`|
| `server` | [String] server URL like `https://v8.next.forgejo.org`|
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
**Example 1:**
{{</* forgejo server="https://v8.next.forgejo.org" repo="forgejo/forgejo" */>}}
{{< forgejo server="https://v8.next.forgejo.org" repo="forgejo/forgejo" >}}
## Gallery
## Gallery
`gallery` allows you to showcase multiple images at once, in a responsive manner with more varied and interesting layouts.
`gallery` allows you to showcase multiple images at once, in a responsive manner with more varied and interesting layouts.
@ -345,6 +365,26 @@ In order to add images to the gallery, use `img` tags for each image and add `cl
## Gitea Card
`gitea` allows you to quickly link a Gitea repository via the gitea API, providing real-time updates on stats such as stars and forks.
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
| Parameter | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `repo` | [String] gitea repo in the format of `username/repo` |
| `server` | [String] server URL like `https://git.fsfe.org` |
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
**Example 1:**
{{</* gitea server="https://git.fsfe.org" repo="FSFE/fsfe-website" */>}}
{{< gitea server="https://git.fsfe.org" repo="FSFE/fsfe-website" >}}
## GitHub Card
## GitHub Card
`github` allows you to quickly link a github repository, all while showing and updating in realtime stats about it, such as the number of stars and forks it has.
`github` allows you to quickly link a github repository, all while showing and updating in realtime stats about it, such as the number of stars and forks it has.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ A highly requested feature, Blowfish is now multilingual! If you publish your co
<div class="text-2xl text-center" style="font-size: 2.8rem">:gb: :de: :fr: :es: :cn: :brazil: :tr: :bangladesh:</div>
<div class="text-2xl text-center" style="font-size: 2.8rem">:gb: :de: :fr: :es: :cn: :brazil: :tr: :bangladesh:</div>
Thanks to submissions from the community, Blowfish has already been translated into [twenty-eight languages](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/tree/main/i18n) with more to be added over time. By the way, [pull requests](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/pulls) for new languages are always welcome!
Thanks to submissions from the community, Blowfish has already been translated into [twenty-nine languages](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/tree/main/i18n) with more to be added over time. By the way, [pull requests](https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish/pulls) for new languages are always welcome!
## RTL language support
## RTL language support
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 780 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "micheledinelli.github.io"
tags: [Blog, Sito personale, Accademia]
externalUrl: "https://micheledinelli.github.io"
weight: 777
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "micheledinelli.github.io"
tags: [ブログ, 個人サイト, 学術界]
externalUrl: "https://micheledinelli.github.io"
weight: 777
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "micheledinelli.github.io"
tags: [Blog,Personal Site,Academia]
externalUrl: "https://micheledinelli.github.io"
weight: 777
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: "micheledinelli.github.io"
tags: [博客, 个人网站, 学术界]
externalUrl: "https://micheledinelli.github.io"
weight: 777
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 64 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "nveshaan"
tags: [Sito personale]
externalUrl: "https://nveshaan.github.io/"
weight: 861
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "nveshaan"
tags: [個人サイト]
externalUrl: "https://nveshaan.github.io/"
weight: 861
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: "nveshaan"
tags: [Personal site]
externalUrl: "https://nveshaan.github.io/"
weight: 861
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: "nveshaan"
tags: [个人网站]
externalUrl: "https://nveshaan.github.io/"
weight: 861
showDate: false
showAuthor: false
showReadingTime: false
showEdit: false
showLikes: false
showViews: false
layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace: false
@ -712,5 +712,32 @@
"Technology Blog"
"Technology Blog"
"title": "nveshaan",
"url": "https://nveshaan.github.io/",
"source": "n/a",
"tags": [
"Personal Site"
"title": "micheledinelli.github.io",
"url": "https://micheledinelli.github.io",
"source": "n/a",
"tags": [
"Personal Site",
"Portfolio Site",
"title": "kumacat.pages.dev",
"url": "https://kumacat.pages.dev",
"source": "https://github.com/LesserCat/LesserCat.github.io",
"tags": [
"Personal Site",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
language: "FA"
anchor_label: "لنگر"
date: "{{ .Date }}"
date_updated: "آخرین تغییر: {{ .Date }}"
draft: "پیشنویس"
edit_title: "ویرایش محتوا"
one: "{{ .Count }} دقیقه"
other: "{{ .Count }} دقیقه"
reading_time_title: "زمان مطالعه"
table_of_contents: "فهرست مطالب"
one: "{{ .Count }} کلمه"
other: "{{ .Count }} کلمه"
one: "{{ .Count }} بازدید"
other: "{{ .Count }} بازدید"
one: "{{ .Count }} لایک"
other: "{{ .Count }} لایک"
part_of_series: "این مقاله بخشی از یک مجموعه مقالات است."
part: "بخش"
this_article: "همین مقاله"
related_articles: "مقالههای مرتبط"
enable: "فعال کردن حالت تمام متن"
disable: "غیر فعال کردن حالت تمام متن"
byline_title: "نویسنده"
copy: "کپی کردن"
copied: "کپی شد"
404_title: "صفحه مورد نظر یافت نشد :confused:"
404_error: "ارور 404"
404_description: "به نظر میرسد صفحهای که درخواست کردهاید وجود ندارد."
dark_appearance: "حالت تاریک"
light_appearance: "حالت روشن"
powered_by: "قدرت گرفته از {{ .Hugo }} و {{ .Theme }}"
externalurl_title: "لینک به سایت خارجی"
no_articles: "هیچ مقالهای برای نمایش وجود ندارد."
scroll_to_top_title: "بازگشت به بالا"
skip_to_main: "رفتن به محتوای اصلی"
open_button_title: "جستجو (/)"
close_button_title: "بستن (Esc)"
input_placeholder: "جستجو"
email: "ارسال ایمیل"
facebook: "اشتراک گذاری در فیسبوک"
linkedin: "اشتراک گذاری در لینکداین"
pinterest: "اشتراک گذاری در پینترست"
reddit: "اشتراک گذاری در ردیت"
twitter: "اشتراک گذاری در توییتر"
bluesky: "اشتراک گذاری در بلواسکای"
recent_articles: "مقالههای اخیر"
show_more: "نمایش بیشتر"
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ article:
one: "{{ .Count }} 文字"
one: "{{ .Count }} 文字"
other: "{{ .Count }} 文字"
other: "{{ .Count }} 文字"
part_of_series: "This article is part of a series."
part_of_series: "この記事は連載の一部です"
part: "Part"
part: "パート"
this_article: "This Article"
this_article: "この記事"
related_articles: "Related"
related_articles: "関連記事"
byline_title: "著者"
byline_title: "著者"
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
var oid = "views_{{ $path }}"
var oid = "views_{{ $path }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_{{ $path }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_{{ $path }}"
{{ end }}
{{ $jsPage := resources.Get "js/page.js" }}
{{ $jsPage := resources.Get "js/page.js" }}
{{ $jsPage = $jsPage | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
{{ $jsPage = $jsPage | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $jsPage.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $jsPage.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $jsPage.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $jsPage.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
{{ end }}
<section class="{{ if $toc -}}
<section class="{{ if $toc -}}
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
{{- if $authorData -}}
{{- if $authorData -}}
{{ range $taxonomyname, $taxonomy := $taxonomies }}
{{ range $taxonomyname, $taxonomy := $taxonomies }}
{{ if (eq $taxonomyname $author) }}
{{ if (eq $taxonomyname $author) }}
{{ $taxonomyLink = delimit (slice $baseURL "/authors/" $author) "" }}
{{ $taxonomyLink = delimit (slice $baseURL "authors/" $author "/") "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "author-extra.html" (dict "context" . "data" $authorData "link" $taxonomyLink) }}
{{ partial "author-extra.html" (dict "context" . "data" $authorData "link" $taxonomyLink) }}
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
{{- if $authorData -}}
{{- if $authorData -}}
{{ range $taxonomyname, $taxonomy := $taxonomies }}
{{ range $taxonomyname, $taxonomy := $taxonomies }}
{{ if (eq $taxonomyname $author) }}
{{ if (eq $taxonomyname $author) }}
{{ $taxonomyLink = delimit (slice $baseURL "/authors/" $author) "" }}
{{ $taxonomyLink = delimit (slice $baseURL "authors/" $author "/") "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "author-extra.html" (dict "context" . "data" $authorData "link" $taxonomyLink) }}
{{ partial "author-extra.html" (dict "context" . "data" $authorData "link" $taxonomyLink) }}
@ -135,10 +135,10 @@
var oid = "views_{{ $path }}"
var oid = "views_{{ $path }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_{{ $path }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_{{ $path }}"
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{{ end }}
<footer class="pt-8 max-w-prose print:hidden">
<footer class="pt-8 max-w-prose print:hidden">
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
{{ .Content }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
var oid = "views_taxonomy_{{ .Data.Plural }}"
var oid = "views_taxonomy_{{ .Data.Plural }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_taxonomy_{{ .Data.Plural }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_taxonomy_{{ .Data.Plural }}"
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@
{{ $jsPage := resources.Get "js/page.js" }}
{{ $jsPage := resources.Get "js/page.js" }}
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{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.taxonomy.cardView }}
{{ if .Site.Params.taxonomy.cardView }}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ define "main" }}
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{{ .Scratch.Set "scope" "term" }}
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{{ if .Site.Params.term.showHero | default false }}
{{ $heroStyle := print "partials/hero/" .Site.Params.term.heroStyle ".html" }}
{{ $heroStyle := print "partials/hero/" .Site.Params.term.heroStyle ".html" }}
{{ if templates.Exists $heroStyle }}
{{ if templates.Exists $heroStyle }}
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
<div class="min-w-0 min-h-0 max-w-prose">
<div class="min-w-0 min-h-0 max-w-prose">
{{ .Content }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
var oid = "views_term_{{ .Data.Term }}"
var oid = "views_term_{{ .Data.Term }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_term_{{ .Data.Term }}"
var oid_likes = "likes_term_{{ .Data.Term }}"
@ -34,14 +33,15 @@
{{ $jsPage := resources.Get "js/page.js" }}
{{ $jsPage := resources.Get "js/page.js" }}
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{{ end }}
{{ if gt .Pages 0 }}
{{ if gt .Pages 0 }}
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{{ $groupByYear := .Params.groupByYear | default ($.Site.Params.list.groupByYear | default false) }}
{{ $groupByYear := .Params.groupByYear | default ($.Site.Params.term.groupByYear | default false) }}
{{ if not $cardView }}
{{ if not $cardView }}
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
{{ else }}
{{ else }}
<section class="mt-10 prose dark:prose-invert">
<section class="mt-10 prose dark:prose-invert">
<p class="py-8 border-t">
<p class="py-8 border-t">
<em>{{ i18n "list.no_articles" | emojify }}</em>
<em>{{ i18n "term.no_articles" | emojify }}</em>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -7,3 +7,6 @@
{{ with site.Params.umamiAnalytics.websiteid }}
{{ with site.Params.umamiAnalytics.websiteid }}
{{ partial "analytics/umami.html" }}
{{ partial "analytics/umami.html" }}
{{ end }}
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{{ with site.Params.selineAnalytics.token }}
{{ partial "analytics/seline.html" }}
{{ end }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<script async src="https://cdn.seline.so/seline.js" data-token="{{ site.Params.selineAnalytics.token }}" data-id="seline-script"></script>
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const type = document.head.querySelector('meta[property = "og:type"]').getAttribute('content');
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let url = document.head.querySelector('meta[property = "og:url"]').getAttribute('content');
seline.track("user:" + type + ':' + title, {
type: type,
title: title,
url: url
{{ end }}
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.umamiAnalytics.enableTrackEvent | default true }}
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
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@ -19,3 +20,4 @@
umami.track(type + ':' + title, {'url': url});
umami.track(type + ':' + title, {'url': url});
{{ end }}
@ -74,7 +74,8 @@
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{{ if not .Site.Params.disableImageZoom | default true }}
{{ if not .Site.Params.disableImageZoom | default true }}
<script src="{{ "js/zoom.min.js" | relURL }}"></script>
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{{ end }}
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{{/* Icons */}}
{{/* Icons */}}
{{ if templates.Exists "partials/favicons.html" }}
{{ if templates.Exists "partials/favicons.html" }}
@ -7,8 +7,14 @@
<a href="{{ "" | relLangURL }}" class="flex">
<a href="{{ "" | relLangURL }}" class="flex">
<span class="sr-only">{{ .Site.Title | markdownify }}</span>
<span class="sr-only">{{ .Site.Title | markdownify }}</span>
{{ if eq $logo.MediaType.SubType "svg" }}
<span class="logo object-scale-down object-left nozoom">
{{ $logo.Content | safeHTML }}
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<img src="{{ $logo.RelPermalink }}" width="{{ div $logo.Width 2 }}" height="{{ div $logo.Height 2 }}"
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class="logo max-h-[5rem] max-w-[5rem] object-scale-down object-left nozoom" alt="{{ .Site.Title }}" />
class="logo max-h-[5rem] max-w-[5rem] object-scale-down object-left nozoom" alt="{{ .Site.Title }}" />
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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});">
style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});">
{{ end }}
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{{ with .Resize (print ($.Site.Params.backgroundImageWidth | default "1200") "x") }}
<div class="fixed inset-x-0 top-0 h-[800px] single_hero_background nozoom"
<div class="fixed inset-x-0 top-0 h-[800px] single_hero_background nozoom"
style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});">
style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});">
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<div class="w-full h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
<div class="w-full h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
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{{ with .Resize "1200x" }}
{{ with .Resize (print ($.Site.Params.backgroundImageWidth | default "1200") "x") }}
<div class="w-full h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
<div class="w-full h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
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{{ with .Resize "1200x" }}
{{ with .Resize (print ($.Site.Params.backgroundImageWidth | default "1200") "x") }}
<img class="w-full rounded-lg single_hero_round nozoom" alt="{{ $alt }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" src="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
<img class="w-full rounded-lg single_hero_round nozoom" alt="{{ $alt }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" src="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
{{ if $caption }}
{{ if $caption }}
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<div class="w-full rounded-md h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
<div class="w-full rounded-md h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ else }}
{{ with .Resize "1200x" }}
{{ with .Resize (print ($.Site.Params.backgroundImageWidth | default "1200") "x") }}
<div class="w-full rounded-md h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
<div class="w-full rounded-md h-36 md:h-56 lg:h-72 single_hero_basic nozoom" style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});"></div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
</div>{{ end }}
</div>{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ else }}
{{ with .Resize "1200x" }}
{{ with .Resize (print ($.Site.Params.backgroundImageWidth | default "1200") "x") }}
<div class="fixed inset-x-0 top-0 h-[800px] single_hero_background nozoom"
<div class="fixed inset-x-0 top-0 h-[800px] single_hero_background nozoom"
style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});">
style="background-image:url({{ .RelPermalink }});">
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-neutral dark:from-neutral-800 to-transparent mix-blend-normal">
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gradient-to-t from-neutral dark:from-neutral-800 to-transparent mix-blend-normal">
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $authorImage }}
{{ if $authorImage }}
{{ if not $disableImageOptimization }}
{{ if not $disableImageOptimization }}
{{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill "288x288" }}
{{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill (print "288x288 q" ( $.Site.Author.imagequality | default "96" )) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<img class="mb-2 rounded-full h-36 w-36" width="144" height="144"
<img class="mb-2 rounded-full h-36 w-36" width="144" height="144"
alt="{{ $.Site.Author.name | default " Author" }}" src="{{ $authorImage.RelPermalink }}" />
alt="{{ $.Site.Author.name | default " Author" }}" src="{{ $authorImage.RelPermalink }}" />
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $authorImage }}
{{ if $authorImage }}
{{ if not $disableImageOptimization }}
{{ if not $disableImageOptimization }}
{{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill "288x288" }}
{{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill (print "288x288 q" ( $.Site.Author.imagequality | default "96" )) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<img class="mb-2 rounded-full h-36 w-36" width="144" height="144"
<img class="mb-2 rounded-full h-36 w-36" width="144" height="144"
alt="{{ $.Site.Author.name | default " Author" }}" src="{{ $authorImage.RelPermalink }}" />
alt="{{ $.Site.Author.name | default " Author" }}" src="{{ $authorImage.RelPermalink }}" />
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $authorImage }}
{{ if $authorImage }}
{{ if not $disableImageOptimization }}
{{ if not $disableImageOptimization }}
{{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill "288x288" }}
{{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill (print "288x288 q" ( $.Site.Author.imagequality | default "96" )) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<img class="mb-2 rounded-full h-36 w-36" width="144" height="144" alt="{{ $.Site.Author.name | default " Author" }}"
<img class="mb-2 rounded-full h-36 w-36" width="144" height="144" alt="{{ $.Site.Author.name | default " Author" }}"
src="{{ $authorImage.RelPermalink }}" />
src="{{ $authorImage.RelPermalink }}" />
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<time datetime="{{ . }}">
<time datetime="{{ . }}">
{{- i18n "article.date_updated" (dict "Date" (partial "functions/date.html" .)) | markdownify -}}
{{- i18n "article.date_updated" (dict "Date" (partial "functions/date.html" .)) -}}
{{- /* Trim EOF */ -}}
{{- /* Trim EOF */ -}}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<time datetime="{{ . }}">
<time datetime="{{ . }}">
{{- i18n "article.date" (dict "Date" (partial "functions/date.html" .)) | markdownify -}}
{{- i18n "article.date" (dict "Date" (partial "functions/date.html" .)) -}}
{{- /* Trim EOF */ -}}
{{- /* Trim EOF */ -}}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{{ $recentArticles := 5 }}
{{ $recentArticles := 5 }}
{{ $showMoreLinkDest := "/posts" }}
{{ $showMoreLinkDest := "/posts/" }}
{{ if .Site.Params.homepage.showRecent | default false }}
{{ if .Site.Params.homepage.showRecent | default false }}
{{ if index .Site.Params.homepage "showRecentItems" }}
{{ if index .Site.Params.homepage "showRecentItems" }}
{{ $recentArticles = .Site.Params.homepage.showRecentItems }}
{{ $recentArticles = .Site.Params.homepage.showRecentItems }}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{{/* jQuery */}}
{{/* jQuery */}}
{{ $jqueryLib := resources.Get "lib/jquery/jquery.slim.min.js" }}
{{ $jqueryLib := resources.Get "lib/jquery/jquery.slim.min.js" | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
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{{/* Mermaid */}}
{{/* Mermaid */}}
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
{{/* TypeIt */}}
{{/* TypeIt */}}
{{ if .Page.HasShortcode "typeit" }}
{{ if .Page.HasShortcode "typeit" }}
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{{ $typeitLib := resources.Get "lib/typeit/typeit.umd.js" | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
<script defer src="{{ $typeitLib.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $typeitLib.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
<script defer src="{{ $typeitLib.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $typeitLib.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
{{ end }}
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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
{{/* youtubeLite */}}
{{/* youtubeLite */}}
{{ if .Page.HasShortcode "youtubeLite" }}
{{ if .Page.HasShortcode "youtubeLite" }}
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{{ $youtubeLiteJS := resources.Get "lib/lite-youtube-embed/lite-yt-embed.js" | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
{{ $youtubeLiteCSS := resources.Get "lib/lite-youtube-embed/lite-yt-embed.css" }}
{{ $youtubeLiteCSS := resources.Get "lib/lite-youtube-embed/lite-yt-embed.css" }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $youtubeLiteCSS.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $youtubeLiteCSS.Data.Integrity }}"/>
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<script src="{{ $youtubeLiteJS.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $youtubeLiteJS.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{{ $id := delimit (slice "codeberg" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{ $id := delimit (slice "codeberg" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{- $codebergURL := print "https://codeberg.org/api/v1/repos/" (.Get "repo") -}}
{{- $codebergURL := print "https://codeberg.org/api/v1/repos/" (.Get "repo") -}}
{{- $codebergData := getJSON ($codebergURL) -}}
{{- $codebergData := resources.GetRemote $codebergURL | transform.Unmarshal -}}
{{- $codebergColors := .Site.Data.codebergColors -}}
{{- $codebergColors := .Site.Data.codebergColors -}}
{{- with $codebergData -}}
{{- with $codebergData -}}
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ partial "icon.html" "star" }}
{{ partial "icon.html" "star" }}
<div id="{{ $id }}-stargazers" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
<div id="{{ $id }}-stars_count" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .stars_count }}
{{ .stars_count }}
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ partial "icon.html" "fork" }}
{{ partial "icon.html" "fork" }}
<div id="{{ $id }}-forks" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
<div id="{{ $id }}-forks_count" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .forks_count }}
{{ .forks_count }}
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
.then(data => {
.then(data => {
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-full_name').innerHTML = data.full_name;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-full_name').innerHTML = data.full_name;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-description').innerHTML = data.description;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-description').innerHTML = data.description;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-stars_count').innerHTML = data.starts_count;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-stars_count').innerHTML = data.stars_count;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-forks_count').innerHTML = data.forks_count;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-forks_count').innerHTML = data.forks_count;
.catch(error => console.error(error))
.catch(error => console.error(error))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
{{ $id := delimit (slice "forgejo" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{- $forgejoURL := print (.Get "server" | default .Site.Params.forgejoDefaultServer) "/api/v1/repos/" (.Get "repo") -}}
{{- $forgejoData := getJSON ($forgejoURL) -}}
{{- $forgejoColors := .Site.Data.forgejoColors -}}
{{- with $forgejoData -}}
<a id="{{ $id }}" target="_blank" href="{{ .html_url }}" class="cursor-pointer">
class="w-full md:w-auto pt-3 p-5 border border-neutral-200 dark:border-neutral-700 border rounded-md shadow-2xl">
<div class="flex items-center">
<span class="text-2xl text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral" style="margin-right:10px;">
{{ partial "icon.html" "forgejo" }}
id="{{ $id }}-full_name"
class="m-0 font-bold text-xl text-neutral-800 decoration-primary-500 hover:underline hover:underline-offset-2 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .full_name | markdownify }}
<p id="{{ $id }}-description" class="m-0 mt-2 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .description | markdownify }}
<div class="m-0 mt-2 flex items-center">
<span class="mr-1 inline-block h-3 w-3 rounded-full"
style="background-color: {{ if .language }} {{- index $forgejoColors .language -}} {{ else }} #0077b6 {{ end }}"></span>
<div class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ if .language }} {{ .language }} {{ else }} null {{ end }}
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ partial "icon.html" "star" }}
<div id="{{ $id }}-stars_count" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .stars_count }}
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ partial "icon.html" "fork" }}
<div id="{{ $id }}-forks_count" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .forks_count }}
fetch({{ $forgejoURL }}, {
headers: new Headers({
'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 Custom User Agent'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-full_name').innerHTML = data.full_name;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-description').innerHTML = data.description;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-stars_count').innerHTML = data.stars_count;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-forks_count').innerHTML = data.forks_count;
.catch(error => console.error(error))
{{- end -}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
{{ $id := delimit (slice "gitea" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{- $giteaURL := print (.Get "server" | default .Site.Params.giteaDefaultServer) "/api/v1/repos/" (.Get "repo") -}}
{{- $giteaData := getJSON ($giteaURL) -}}
{{- $giteaColors := .Site.Data.giteaColors -}}
{{- with $giteaData -}}
<a id="{{ $id }}" target="_blank" href="{{ .html_url }}" class="cursor-pointer">
class="w-full md:w-auto pt-3 p-5 border border-neutral-200 dark:border-neutral-700 border rounded-md shadow-2xl">
<div class="flex items-center">
<span class="text-2xl text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral" style="margin-right:10px;">
{{ partial "icon.html" "gitea" }}
id="{{ $id }}-full_name"
class="m-0 font-bold text-xl text-neutral-800 decoration-primary-500 hover:underline hover:underline-offset-2 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .full_name | markdownify }}
<p id="{{ $id }}-description" class="m-0 mt-2 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .description | markdownify }}
<div class="m-0 mt-2 flex items-center">
<span class="mr-1 inline-block h-3 w-3 rounded-full"
style="background-color: {{ if .language }} {{- index $giteaColors .language -}} {{ else }} #0077b6 {{ end }}"></span>
<div class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ if .language }} {{ .language }} {{ else }} null {{ end }}
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ partial "icon.html" "star" }}
<div id="{{ $id }}-stars_count" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .stars_count }}
<span class="text-md mr-1 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ partial "icon.html" "fork" }}
<div id="{{ $id }}-forks_count" class="m-0 mr-5 text-md text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral">
{{ .forks_count }}
fetch({{ $giteaURL }}, {
headers: new Headers({
'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 Custom User Agent'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-full_name').innerHTML = data.full_name;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-description').innerHTML = data.description;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-stars_count').innerHTML = data.stars_count;
document.getElementById('{{ $id }}-forks_count').innerHTML = data.forks_count;
.catch(error => console.error(error))
{{- end -}}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{{ $id := delimit (slice "github" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{ $id := delimit (slice "github" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{- $githubURL := print "https://api.github.com/repos/" (.Get "repo") -}}
{{- $githubURL := print "https://api.github.com/repos/" (.Get "repo") -}}
{{- $githubData := getJSON ($githubURL) -}}
{{- $githubData := resources.GetRemote $githubURL | transform.Unmarshal -}}
{{- $githubColors := .Site.Data.githubColors -}}
{{- $githubColors := .Site.Data.githubColors -}}
{{- with $githubData -}}
{{- with $githubData -}}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{{ $id := delimit (slice "gitlab" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{ $id := delimit (slice "gitlab" (partial "functions/uid.html" .)) "-" }}
{{- $gitlabURL := print (default "https://gitlab.com/" (.Get "baseURL")) "api/v4/projects/" (.Get "projectID") -}}
{{- $gitlabURL := print (default "https://gitlab.com/" (.Get "baseURL")) "api/v4/projects/" (.Get "projectID") -}}
{{- $gitLabData := getJSON ($gitlabURL) -}}
{{- $gitLabData := resources.GetRemote $gitlabURL | transform.Unmarshal -}}
{{- with $gitLabData -}}
{{- with $gitLabData -}}
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