feat: 테마 타이핑 스크립트 작성

This commit is contained in:
Laterre 2023-11-10 22:00:53 +09:00
parent ff5b884c85
commit c3acfb006f

View file

@ -174,4 +174,47 @@
var typeText = document.querySelector(".typeText")
var textToBeTyped = "Hello, World"
var textToBeTypedArr = ["Java", "Spring", "Rust", "Kotlin"]
var index = 0, isAdding = true, textToBeTypedIndex = 0
function playAnim() {
setTimeout(function () {
// set the text of typeText to a substring of the text to be typed using index.
typeText.innerText = textToBeTypedArr[textToBeTypedIndex].slice(0, index)
if (isAdding) {
// adding text
if (index > textToBeTypedArr[textToBeTypedIndex].length) {
// no more text to add
isAdding = false
//break: wait 2s before playing again
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000)
} else {
// increment index by 1
} else {
// removing text
if (index === 0) {
// no more text to remove
isAdding = true
//switch to next text in text array
textToBeTypedIndex = (textToBeTypedIndex + 1) % textToBeTypedArr.length
} else {
// decrement index by 1
// call itself
}, isAdding ? 120 : 60)
// start animation
{{ end }}