# -- Theme Options -- # These options control how the theme functions and allow you to # customise the display of your website. # # Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters. # https://nunocoracao.github.io/blowfish/docs/configuration/#theme-parameters colorScheme = "ocean" defaultAppearance = "dark" # valid options: light or dark autoSwitchAppearance = false enableSearch = false enableCodeCopy = true mainSections = ["posts", "suggest", "external"] # robots = "" [footer] showCopyright = true showThemeAttribution = true showAppearanceSwitcher = false showScrollToTop = true [homepage] layout = "profile" # valid options: page, profile, custom showRecent = false [article] showDate = true showDateUpdated = false showAuthor = true showBreadcrumbs = true showDraftLabel = true showEdit = true # editURL = "https://github.com/nunocoracao/homepage/tree/main/content" editAppendPath = true showHeadingAnchors = true showPagination = true invertPagination = false showReadingTime = true showTableOfContents = true showTaxonomies = false showWordCount = true showSummary = true sharingLinks = [ "linkedin", "twitter", "whatsapp", "pinterest", "reddit", "facebook", "email"] [list] showBreadcrumbs = false showSummary = false showTableOfContents = false groupByYear = true [sitemap] excludedKinds = [] [taxonomy] showTermCount = true [fathomAnalytics] # site = "ABC12345" # domain = "llama.yoursite.com" [verification] # google = "" # bing = "" # pinterest = "" # yandex = ""