{{ $disableImageOptimization := .Site.Params.disableImageOptimization | default false }}
{{ $homepageImage := "" }} {{ with .Site.Params.defaultBackgroundImage }} {{ if or (strings.HasPrefix . "http:") (strings.HasPrefix . "https:") }} {{ $homepageImage = resources.GetRemote . }} {{ else }} {{ $homepageImage = resources.Get . }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Site.Params.homepage.homepageImage }} {{ if or (strings.HasPrefix . "http:") (strings.HasPrefix . "https:") }} {{ $homepageImage = resources.GetRemote . }} {{ else }} {{ $homepageImage = resources.Get . }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if $homepageImage }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Site.Author.image }} {{ $authorImage := "" }} {{ if or (strings.HasPrefix . "http:") (strings.HasPrefix . "https:") }} {{ $authorImage = resources.GetRemote . }} {{ else }} {{ $authorImage = resources.Get . }} {{ end }} {{ if $authorImage }} {{ if not $disableImageOptimization }} {{ $authorImage = $authorImage.Fill (print "288x288 q" ( $.Site.Author.imagequality | default "96" )) }} {{ end }} {{ $.Site.Author.name | default {{ end }} {{ end }}

{{ .Site.Author.name | default .Site.Title }}

{{ with .Site.Author.headline }}

{{ . | markdownify }}

{{ end }}
{{ with .Site.Author.links }}
{{ range $links := . }} {{ range $name, $url := $links }} {{ partial "icon.html" $name }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "recent-articles/main.html" . }}
{{ if .Site.Params.homepage.layoutBackgroundBlur | default false }}
{{ end }}