export function getThemeVariables(userOverrides: any): Theme; declare class Theme { /** # Base variables */ /** * - Background - used to know what the background color is of the diagram. This is used for * deducing colors for instance line color. Default value is #f4f4f4. */ background: string; primaryColor: string; noteBkgColor: string; noteTextColor: string; THEME_COLOR_LIMIT: number; fontFamily: string; fontSize: string; updateColors(): void; primaryTextColor: any; secondaryColor: any; tertiaryColor: any; primaryBorderColor: any; secondaryBorderColor: any; tertiaryBorderColor: any; noteBorderColor: any; secondaryTextColor: any; tertiaryTextColor: any; lineColor: any; arrowheadColor: any; textColor: any; border2: any; nodeBkg: any; mainBkg: any; nodeBorder: any; clusterBkg: any; clusterBorder: any; defaultLinkColor: any; titleColor: any; edgeLabelBackground: any; nodeTextColor: any; actorBorder: any; actorBkg: any; actorTextColor: any; actorLineColor: any; labelBoxBkgColor: any; signalColor: any; signalTextColor: any; labelBoxBorderColor: any; labelTextColor: any; loopTextColor: any; activationBorderColor: any; activationBkgColor: any; sequenceNumberColor: any; sectionBkgColor: any; altSectionBkgColor: any; sectionBkgColor2: any; excludeBkgColor: any; taskBorderColor: any; taskBkgColor: any; activeTaskBorderColor: any; activeTaskBkgColor: any; gridColor: any; doneTaskBkgColor: any; doneTaskBorderColor: any; critBorderColor: any; critBkgColor: any; todayLineColor: any; taskTextColor: any; taskTextOutsideColor: any; taskTextLightColor: any; taskTextDarkColor: any; taskTextClickableColor: any; personBorder: any; personBkg: any; transitionColor: any; transitionLabelColor: any; stateLabelColor: any; stateBkg: any; labelBackgroundColor: any; compositeBackground: any; altBackground: any; compositeTitleBackground: any; compositeBorder: any; innerEndBackground: any; errorBkgColor: any; errorTextColor: any; specialStateColor: any; cScale0: any; cScale1: any; cScale2: any; cScale3: any; cScale4: any; cScale5: any; cScale6: any; cScale7: any; cScale8: any; cScale9: any; cScale10: any; cScale11: any; scaleLabelColor: any; classText: any; fillType0: any; fillType1: any; fillType2: any; fillType3: any; fillType4: any; fillType5: any; fillType6: any; fillType7: any; pie1: any; pie2: any; pie3: any; pie4: any; pie5: any; pie6: any; pie7: any; pie8: any; pie9: any; pie10: any; pie11: any; pie12: any; pieTitleTextSize: any; pieTitleTextColor: any; pieSectionTextSize: any; pieSectionTextColor: any; pieLegendTextSize: any; pieLegendTextColor: any; pieStrokeColor: any; pieStrokeWidth: any; pieOuterStrokeWidth: any; pieOuterStrokeColor: any; pieOpacity: any; quadrant1Fill: any; quadrant2Fill: any; quadrant3Fill: any; quadrant4Fill: any; quadrant1TextFill: any; quadrant2TextFill: any; quadrant3TextFill: any; quadrant4TextFill: any; quadrantPointFill: any; quadrantPointTextFill: any; quadrantXAxisTextFill: any; quadrantYAxisTextFill: any; quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFill: any; quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFill: any; quadrantTitleFill: any; xyChart: any; requirementBackground: any; requirementBorderColor: any; requirementBorderSize: any; requirementTextColor: any; relationColor: any; relationLabelBackground: any; relationLabelColor: any; git0: any; git1: any; git2: any; git3: any; git4: any; git5: any; git6: any; git7: any; gitInv0: any; gitInv1: any; gitInv2: any; gitInv3: any; gitInv4: any; gitInv5: any; gitInv6: any; gitInv7: any; branchLabelColor: any; gitBranchLabel0: any; gitBranchLabel1: any; gitBranchLabel2: any; gitBranchLabel3: any; gitBranchLabel4: any; gitBranchLabel5: any; gitBranchLabel6: any; gitBranchLabel7: any; tagLabelColor: any; tagLabelBackground: any; tagLabelBorder: any; tagLabelFontSize: any; commitLabelColor: any; commitLabelBackground: any; commitLabelFontSize: any; attributeBackgroundColorOdd: any; attributeBackgroundColorEven: any; calculate(overrides: any): void; } export {};