/** * Accessibility (a11y) functions, types, helpers * */ import { D3Element } from './mermaidAPI'; /** * Add aria-roledescription to the svg element to the diagramType * * @param svg - d3 object that contains the SVG HTML element * @param diagramType - diagram name for to the aria-roledescription */ export declare function setA11yDiagramInfo(svg: D3Element, diagramType: string | null | undefined): void; /** * Add an accessible title and/or description element to a chart. * The title is usually not displayed and the description is never displayed. * * The following charts display their title as a visual and accessibility element: gantt * * @param svg - d3 node to insert the a11y title and desc info * @param a11yTitle - a11y title. null and undefined are meaningful: means to skip it * @param a11yDesc - a11y description. null and undefined are meaningful: means to skip it * @param baseId - id used to construct the a11y title and description id */ export declare function addSVGa11yTitleDescription(svg: D3Element, a11yTitle: string | null | undefined, a11yDesc: string | null | undefined, baseId: string): void;