global: language: "ZN-CN" article: anchor_label: "锚点" date: "{{ .Date }}" # date_updated: "Updated: {{ .Date }}" draft: "草稿" edit_title: "编辑内容" reading_time: other: "{{ .Count }} 分钟" reading_time_title: "预计阅读" # table_of_contents: "Table of Contents" word_count: one: "{{ .Count }} 字" other: "{{ .Count }} 字" part_of_series: "这篇文章属于一个选集。" part: "§" this_article: "本文" related_articles: "相关文章" author: byline_title: "作者" # code: # copy: "Copy" # copied: "Copied" error: 404_title: "找不到网页 :confused:" 404_error: "404 错误" 404_description: "您请求的页面似乎不存在。" footer: dark_appearance: "切换为深色模式" light_appearance: "切换为浅色模式" powered_by: "由 {{ .Hugo }} & {{ .Theme }} 强力驱动" list: externalurl_title: "链接到外部网站" no_articles: "这里还没有任何文章可以列出。" # nav: # scroll_to_top_title: "Scroll to top" # skip_to_main: "Skip to main content" # search: # open_button_title: "Search (/)" # close_button_title: "Close (Esc)" # input_placeholder: "Search" sharing: email: "通过电子邮件发送" facebook: "分享到 Facebook" linkedin: "分享到 LinkedIn" pinterest: "钉到 Pinterest" reddit: "提交到 Reddit" twitter: "分享到 Twitter" shortcode: recent_articles: "最近的文章" recent: show_more: "显示更多"