--- title: "Per iniziare" date: 2020-08-15 draft: false description: "Tutte le variabili del front matter sono disponibili in Blowfish. slug: "per-iniziare" tags: ["installazione", "documenti"] series: ["Documentazione"] series_order: 3 --- {{< alert >}} Questa sezione presuppone che tu abbia già [installato il tema Blowfish]({{< ref "docs/installation" >}}). {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert "fire" >}} Abbiamo appena lanciato uno strumento CLI per aiutarvi a iniziare con Blowfish. Vi aiuterà con l'installazione e la configurazione. Installate lo strumento CLI a livello globale utilizzando: ```bash npx blowfish-tools ``` {{< /alert >}} I file di configurazione forniti con Blowfish contengono tutte le possibili impostazioni riconosciute dal tema. Per impostazione predefinita, molti di questi sono commentati ma puoi semplicemente decommentarli per attivare o modificare una funzionalità specifica. ## Configurazione di base Prima di creare qualsiasi contenuto, è necessario impostare alcune cose per una nuova installazione. Iniziando dal file `config.toml`, imposta i parametri `baseURL` e `lingualCode`. Il `lingualCode` dovrebbe essere impostato sulla lingua principale che utilizzerai per creare i tuoi contenuti. ```toml # config/_default/config.toml baseURL = "https://your_domain.com/" languageCode = "en" ``` Il passo successivo è configurare le impostazioni della lingua. Sebbene Blowfish supporti le configurazioni multilingue, per ora basta configurare la lingua principale. Individua il file "languages.en.toml" nella cartella di configurazione. Se la tua lingua principale è l'inglese puoi utilizzare questo file così com'è. Altrimenti, rinominalo in modo che includa il codice della lingua corretto nel nome del file. Ad esempio, per il francese, rinominare il file in "languages.fr.toml". {{< alert >}} Tieni presente che il codice della lingua nel nome del file di configurazione della lingua deve corrispondere all'impostazione "languageCode" in "config.toml". {{< /alert >}} ```toml # config/_default/languages.en.toml title = "My awesome website" [author] name = "My name" image = "img/author.jpg" headline = "A generally awesome human" bio = "A little bit about me" links = [ { twitter = "https://twitter.com/username" } ] ``` The `[author]` configuration determines how the author information is displayed on the website. The image should be placed in the site's `assets/` folder. Links will be displayed in the order they are listed. If you need extra detail, further information about each of these configuration options, is covered in the [Configuration]({{< ref "configuration" >}}) section. ## Colour schemes Blowfish ships with a number of colour schemes out of the box. To change the scheme, simply set the `colorScheme` theme parameter. Valid options are `blowfish` (default), `avocado`, `fire`, `ocean`, `forest`, `princess`, `neon`, `bloody`, `terminal`, `marvel`, `noir`, `autumn`, `congo`, and`slate`. ```toml # config/_default/params.toml colorScheme = "blowfish" ``` Blowfish defines a three-colour palette that is used throughout the theme. Each main colour contains ten shades which are based upon the colours that are included in [Tailwind](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors#color-palette-reference). The three main colours are used for the header, footer, and accent colours. Here are the colors for each scheme: #### Blowfish (default) {{< swatches "#64748b" "#3b82f6" "#06b6d4" >}} #### Avocado {{< swatches "#78716c" "#84cc16" "#10b981" >}} #### Fire {{< swatches "#78716c" "#f97316" "#f43f5e" >}} #### Ocean {{< swatches "#64748b" "#3b82f6" "#06b6d4" >}} #### Forest {{< swatches "#658c86" "#3bf5df" "#06d45c" >}} #### Princess {{< swatches "#8c658c" "#f53bf2" "#7706d4" >}} #### Neon {{< swatches "#8338ec" "#ff006e" "#3a86ff" >}} #### Bloody {{< swatches "#d90429" "#8d99ae" "#457b9d" >}} #### Terminal {{< swatches "#004b23" "#38b000" "#1a759f" >}} #### Marvel {{< swatches "#2541b2" "#d81159" "#ffbc42" >}} #### Noir {{< swatches "#5c6b73" "#9db4c0" "#00a5cf" >}} #### Autumn {{< swatches "#0a9396" "#ee9b00" "#bb3e03" >}} #### Congo {{< swatches "#71717a" "#8b5cf6" "#d946ef" >}} #### Slate {{< swatches "#6B7280" "#64748b" "#6B7280" >}} Although these are the default schemes, you can also create your own. Refer to the [Advanced Customisation]({{< ref "advanced-customisation#colour-schemes" >}}) section for details. ## Organising content By default, Blowfish doesn't force you to use a particular content type. In doing so you are free to define your content as you wish. You might prefer _pages_ for a static site, _posts_ for a blog, or _projects_ for a portfolio. Here's a quick overview of a basic Blowfish project. All content is placed within the `content` folder: ```shell . ├── assets │ └── img │ └── author.jpg ├── config │ └── _default ├── content │ ├── _index.md │ ├── about.md │ └── posts │ ├── _index.md │ ├── first-post.md │ └── another-post │ ├── aardvark.jpg │ └── index.md └── themes └── blowfish ``` It's important to have a firm grasp of how Hugo expects content to be organised as the theme is designed to take full advantage of Hugo page bundles. Be sure to read the [official Hugo docs](https://gohugo.io/content-management/organization/) for more information. Blowfish is also flexible when it comes to taxonomies. Some people prefer to use _tags_ and _categories_ to group their content, others prefer to use _topics_. Hugo defaults to using posts, tags and categories out of the box and this will work fine if that's what you want. If you wish to customise this, however, you can do so by creating a `taxonomies.toml` configuration file: ```toml # config/_default/taxonomies.toml topic = "topics" ``` This will replace the default _tags_ and _categories_ with _topics_. Refer to the [Hugo Taxonomy docs](https://gohugo.io/content-management/taxonomies/) for more information on naming taxonomies. When you create a new taxonomy, you will need to adjust the navigation links on the website to point to the correct sections, which is covered below. ## Menus Blowfish has two menus that can be customised to suit the content and layout of your site. The `main` menu appears in the site header and the `footer` menu appears at the bottom of the page just above the copyright notice. Both menus are configured in the `menus.en.toml` file. Similarly to the languages config file, if you wish to use another language, rename this file and replace `en` with the language code you wish to use. ```toml # config/_default/menus.toml [[main]] name = "Blog" pageRef = "posts" weight = 10 [[main]] name = "Topics" pageRef = "topics" weight = 20 [[main]] pre = "github" name = "GitHub" url = "https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish" weight = 30 [[main]] identifier = "github2" pre = "github" url = "https://github.com/nunocoracao/blowfish" weight = 40 [[footer]] name = "Privacy" url = "https://external-link" ``` The `name` parameter specifies the text that is used in the menu link. You can also optionally provide a `title` which fills the HTML title attribute for the link. The `pageRef` parameter allows you to easily reference Hugo content pages and taxonomies. It is the quickest way to configure the menu as you can simply refer to any Hugo content item and it will automatically build the correct link. To link to external URLs, the `url` parameter can be used. The `pre` parameter allows you to place an icon from [Blowfish's icon set]({{< ref "samples/icons" >}}) on the menu entry. This parameter can be used with `name` parameter or by itself. If you want to use multiple menu entries with just icons please set the `identifier`parameter otherwise Hugo will default to the naming tag as the id and probably not display all the menu entries. Menu links will be sorted from lowest to highest `weight`, and then alphabetically by `name`. Both menus are completely optional and can be commented out if not required. Use the template provided in the file as a guide. ### Nested menus The theme also supports nested menus. In order to use them you just need to define a parent entry in `menu.toml` and its sub-menus using the `parent` parameter to reference the parent. All properties can be used for sub-menus. `pageRef` and `url` can also be used in the parent entry. Nested menus are only available in the main menu not for the footer. ```toml # config/_default/menus.toml [[main]] name = "Parent" weight = 20 [[main]] name = "sub-menu 1" parent = "Parent" pageRef = "samples" weight = 20 [[main]] name = "sub-menu 2" parent = "Parent" pageRef = "samples" weight = 20 [[main]] name = "sub-menu 3" parent = "Parent" pre = "github" pageRef = "samples" weight = 20 ``` ### Sub-Navigation menu Additionally, you can also configure a sub-navigation menu. Just define new menu entries as `subnavigation` in `menus.toml`. This will render a second line with sub-categories below the main header menu. ```toml # config/_default/menus.toml [[subnavigation]] name = "An interesting topic" pageRef = "tags/interesting-topic" weight = 10 [[subnavigation]] name = "My Awesome Category" pageRef = "categories/awesome" weight = 20 ``` The default `name` is the `pageRef` title cased. ## Thumbnails & Backgrounds Blowfish was built so it would be easy to add visual support to your articles. If your familiar with Hugo article structure, you just need to place an image file (almost all formats are supported but we recommend `.png` or `.jpg`) that starts with `feature*` inside your article folder. And that's it, Blowfish will then be able to both use the image as a thumbnail within your website as well as for oEmbed cards across social platforms. [Here]({{< ref "thumbnails" >}}) is also a guide with more info and a [sample]({{< ref "thumbnail_sample" >}}) if you want to see how you can do it. Additionally, Blowfish also supports background hero images in articles and lists. In order to use a different image than the featured one, add an image file in which the name starts with `background*`. ## Detailed configuration The steps above are the bare minimum configuration. If you now run `hugo server` you will be presented with a blank Blowfish website. Detailed configuration is covered in the [Configuration]({{< ref "configuration" >}}) section.