mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 11:32:30 -06:00
5113 lines
232 KiB
5113 lines
232 KiB
var To = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {};
function rh(t) {
return t && t.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, "default") ? t.default : t;
var yi = {}, ko = {
get exports() {
return yi;
set exports(t) {
yi = t;
(function(t, e) {
(function(i, r) {
t.exports = r();
})(To, function() {
var i = 1e3, r = 6e4, o = 36e5, n = "millisecond", s = "second", l = "minute", h = "hour", u = "day", f = "week", g = "month", x = "quarter", _ = "year", M = "date", $ = "Invalid Date", K = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, It = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, nt = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(k) {
var y = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], p = k % 100;
return "[" + k + (y[(p - 20) % 10] || y[p] || y[0]) + "]";
} }, Q = function(k, y, p) {
var B = String(k);
return !B || B.length >= y ? k : "" + Array(y + 1 - B.length).join(p) + k;
}, H = { s: Q, z: function(k) {
var y = -k.utcOffset(), p = Math.abs(y), B = Math.floor(p / 60), b = p % 60;
return (y <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + Q(B, 2, "0") + ":" + Q(b, 2, "0");
}, m: function k(y, p) {
if (y.date() < p.date())
return -k(p, y);
var B = 12 * (p.year() - y.year()) + (p.month() - y.month()), b = y.clone().add(B, g), F = p - b < 0, w = y.clone().add(B + (F ? -1 : 1), g);
return +(-(B + (p - b) / (F ? b - w : w - b)) || 0);
}, a: function(k) {
return k < 0 ? Math.ceil(k) || 0 : Math.floor(k);
}, p: function(k) {
return { M: g, y: _, w: f, d: u, D: M, h, m: l, s, ms: n, Q: x }[k] || String(k || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
}, u: function(k) {
return k === void 0;
} }, at = "en", lt = {};
lt[at] = nt;
var Dt = function(k) {
return k instanceof qt;
}, Ht = function k(y, p, B) {
var b;
if (!y)
return at;
if (typeof y == "string") {
var F = y.toLowerCase();
lt[F] && (b = F), p && (lt[F] = p, b = F);
var w = y.split("-");
if (!b && w.length > 1)
return k(w[0]);
} else {
var O = y.name;
lt[O] = y, b = O;
return !B && b && (at = b), b || !B && at;
}, P = function(k, y) {
if (Dt(k))
return k.clone();
var p = typeof y == "object" ? y : {};
return p.date = k, p.args = arguments, new qt(p);
}, D = H;
D.l = Ht, D.i = Dt, D.w = function(k, y) {
return P(k, { locale: y.$L, utc: y.$u, x: y.$x, $offset: y.$offset });
var qt = function() {
function k(p) {
this.$L = Ht(p.locale, null, !0), this.parse(p);
var y = k.prototype;
return y.parse = function(p) {
this.$d = function(B) {
var b = B.date, F = B.utc;
if (b === null)
return new Date(NaN);
if (D.u(b))
return new Date();
if (b instanceof Date)
return new Date(b);
if (typeof b == "string" && !/Z$/i.test(b)) {
var w = b.match(K);
if (w) {
var O = w[2] - 1 || 0, z = (w[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return F ? new Date(Date.UTC(w[1], O, w[3] || 1, w[4] || 0, w[5] || 0, w[6] || 0, z)) : new Date(w[1], O, w[3] || 1, w[4] || 0, w[5] || 0, w[6] || 0, z);
return new Date(b);
}(p), this.$x = p.x || {}, this.init();
}, y.init = function() {
var p = this.$d;
this.$y = p.getFullYear(), this.$M = p.getMonth(), this.$D = p.getDate(), this.$W = p.getDay(), this.$H = p.getHours(), this.$m = p.getMinutes(), this.$s = p.getSeconds(), this.$ms = p.getMilliseconds();
}, y.$utils = function() {
return D;
}, y.isValid = function() {
return this.$d.toString() !== $;
}, y.isSame = function(p, B) {
var b = P(p);
return this.startOf(B) <= b && b <= this.endOf(B);
}, y.isAfter = function(p, B) {
return P(p) < this.startOf(B);
}, y.isBefore = function(p, B) {
return this.endOf(B) < P(p);
}, y.$g = function(p, B, b) {
return D.u(p) ? this[B] : this.set(b, p);
}, y.unix = function() {
return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
}, y.valueOf = function() {
return this.$d.getTime();
}, y.startOf = function(p, B) {
var b = this, F = !!D.u(B) || B, w = D.p(p), O = function(_t, G) {
var ct = D.w(b.$u ? Date.UTC(b.$y, G, _t) : new Date(b.$y, G, _t), b);
return F ? ct : ct.endOf(u);
}, z = function(_t, G) {
return D.w(b.toDate()[_t].apply(b.toDate("s"), (F ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(G)), b);
}, E = this.$W, W = this.$M, R = this.$D, ht = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (w) {
case _:
return F ? O(1, 0) : O(31, 11);
case g:
return F ? O(1, W) : O(0, W + 1);
case f:
var N = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, dt = (E < N ? E + 7 : E) - N;
return O(F ? R - dt : R + (6 - dt), W);
case u:
case M:
return z(ht + "Hours", 0);
case h:
return z(ht + "Minutes", 1);
case l:
return z(ht + "Seconds", 2);
case s:
return z(ht + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, y.endOf = function(p) {
return this.startOf(p, !1);
}, y.$set = function(p, B) {
var b, F = D.p(p), w = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), O = (b = {}, b[u] = w + "Date", b[M] = w + "Date", b[g] = w + "Month", b[_] = w + "FullYear", b[h] = w + "Hours", b[l] = w + "Minutes", b[s] = w + "Seconds", b[n] = w + "Milliseconds", b)[F], z = F === u ? this.$D + (B - this.$W) : B;
if (F === g || F === _) {
var E = this.clone().set(M, 1);
E.$d[O](z), E.init(), this.$d = E.set(M, Math.min(this.$D, E.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else
O && this.$d[O](z);
return this.init(), this;
}, y.set = function(p, B) {
return this.clone().$set(p, B);
}, y.get = function(p) {
return this[D.p(p)]();
}, y.add = function(p, B) {
var b, F = this;
p = Number(p);
var w = D.p(B), O = function(W) {
var R = P(F);
return D.w(R.date(R.date() + Math.round(W * p)), F);
if (w === g)
return this.set(g, this.$M + p);
if (w === _)
return this.set(_, this.$y + p);
if (w === u)
return O(1);
if (w === f)
return O(7);
var z = (b = {}, b[l] = r, b[h] = o, b[s] = i, b)[w] || 1, E = this.$d.getTime() + p * z;
return D.w(E, this);
}, y.subtract = function(p, B) {
return this.add(-1 * p, B);
}, y.format = function(p) {
var B = this, b = this.$locale();
if (!this.isValid())
return b.invalidDate || $;
var F = p || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", w = D.z(this), O = this.$H, z = this.$m, E = this.$M, W = b.weekdays, R = b.months, ht = function(G, ct, Ut, gt) {
return G && (G[ct] || G(B, F)) || Ut[ct].slice(0, gt);
}, N = function(G) {
return D.s(O % 12 || 12, G, "0");
}, dt = b.meridiem || function(G, ct, Ut) {
var gt = G < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return Ut ? gt.toLowerCase() : gt;
}, _t = { YY: String(this.$y).slice(-2), YYYY: this.$y, M: E + 1, MM: D.s(E + 1, 2, "0"), MMM: ht(b.monthsShort, E, R, 3), MMMM: ht(R, E), D: this.$D, DD: D.s(this.$D, 2, "0"), d: String(this.$W), dd: ht(b.weekdaysMin, this.$W, W, 2), ddd: ht(b.weekdaysShort, this.$W, W, 3), dddd: W[this.$W], H: String(O), HH: D.s(O, 2, "0"), h: N(1), hh: N(2), a: dt(O, z, !0), A: dt(O, z, !1), m: String(z), mm: D.s(z, 2, "0"), s: String(this.$s), ss: D.s(this.$s, 2, "0"), SSS: D.s(this.$ms, 3, "0"), Z: w };
return F.replace(It, function(G, ct) {
return ct || _t[G] || w.replace(":", "");
}, y.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, y.diff = function(p, B, b) {
var F, w = D.p(B), O = P(p), z = (O.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * r, E = this - O, W = D.m(this, O);
return W = (F = {}, F[_] = W / 12, F[g] = W, F[x] = W / 3, F[f] = (E - z) / 6048e5, F[u] = (E - z) / 864e5, F[h] = E / o, F[l] = E / r, F[s] = E / i, F)[w] || E, b ? W : D.a(W);
}, y.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(g).$D;
}, y.$locale = function() {
return lt[this.$L];
}, y.locale = function(p, B) {
if (!p)
return this.$L;
var b = this.clone(), F = Ht(p, B, !0);
return F && (b.$L = F), b;
}, y.clone = function() {
return D.w(this.$d, this);
}, y.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.valueOf());
}, y.toJSON = function() {
return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
}, y.toISOString = function() {
return this.$d.toISOString();
}, y.toString = function() {
return this.$d.toUTCString();
}, k;
}(), ee = qt.prototype;
return P.prototype = ee, [["$ms", n], ["$s", s], ["$m", l], ["$H", h], ["$W", u], ["$M", g], ["$y", _], ["$D", M]].forEach(function(k) {
ee[k[1]] = function(y) {
return this.$g(y, k[0], k[1]);
}), P.extend = function(k, y) {
return k.$i || (k(y, qt, P), k.$i = !0), P;
}, P.locale = Ht, P.isDayjs = Dt, P.unix = function(k) {
return P(1e3 * k);
}, P.en = lt[at], P.Ls = lt, P.p = {}, P;
const So = yi, vt = {
trace: 0,
debug: 1,
info: 2,
warn: 3,
error: 4,
fatal: 5
}, et = {
trace: (...t) => {
debug: (...t) => {
info: (...t) => {
warn: (...t) => {
error: (...t) => {
fatal: (...t) => {
}, oh = function(t = "fatal") {
let e = vt.fatal;
typeof t == "string" ? (t = t.toLowerCase(), t in vt && (e = vt[t])) : typeof t == "number" && (e = t), et.trace = () => {
}, et.debug = () => {
}, et.info = () => {
}, et.warn = () => {
}, et.error = () => {
}, et.fatal = () => {
}, e <= vt.fatal && (et.fatal = console.error ? console.error.bind(console, ut("FATAL"), "color: orange") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[35m", ut("FATAL"))), e <= vt.error && (et.error = console.error ? console.error.bind(console, ut("ERROR"), "color: orange") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[31m", ut("ERROR"))), e <= vt.warn && (et.warn = console.warn ? console.warn.bind(console, ut("WARN"), "color: orange") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[33m", ut("WARN"))), e <= vt.info && (et.info = console.info ? console.info.bind(console, ut("INFO"), "color: lightblue") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[34m", ut("INFO"))), e <= vt.debug && (et.debug = console.debug ? console.debug.bind(console, ut("DEBUG"), "color: lightgreen") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[32m", ut("DEBUG"))), e <= vt.trace && (et.trace = console.debug ? console.debug.bind(console, ut("TRACE"), "color: lightgreen") : console.log.bind(console, "\x1B[32m", ut("TRACE")));
}, ut = (t) => `%c${So().format("ss.SSS")} : ${t} : `;
var Bo = { value: () => {
} };
function wr() {
for (var t = 0, e = arguments.length, i = {}, r; t < e; ++t) {
if (!(r = arguments[t] + "") || r in i || /[\s.]/.test(r))
throw new Error("illegal type: " + r);
i[r] = [];
return new Ae(i);
function Ae(t) {
this._ = t;
function vo(t, e) {
return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(i) {
var r = "", o = i.indexOf(".");
if (o >= 0 && (r = i.slice(o + 1), i = i.slice(0, o)), i && !e.hasOwnProperty(i))
throw new Error("unknown type: " + i);
return { type: i, name: r };
Ae.prototype = wr.prototype = {
constructor: Ae,
on: function(t, e) {
var i = this._, r = vo(t + "", i), o, n = -1, s = r.length;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
for (; ++n < s; )
if ((o = (t = r[n]).type) && (o = wo(i[o], t.name)))
return o;
if (e != null && typeof e != "function")
throw new Error("invalid callback: " + e);
for (; ++n < s; )
if (o = (t = r[n]).type)
i[o] = ir(i[o], t.name, e);
else if (e == null)
for (o in i)
i[o] = ir(i[o], t.name, null);
return this;
copy: function() {
var t = {}, e = this._;
for (var i in e)
t[i] = e[i].slice();
return new Ae(t);
call: function(t, e) {
if ((o = arguments.length - 2) > 0)
for (var i = new Array(o), r = 0, o, n; r < o; ++r)
i[r] = arguments[r + 2];
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(t))
throw new Error("unknown type: " + t);
for (n = this._[t], r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; ++r)
n[r].value.apply(e, i);
apply: function(t, e, i) {
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(t))
throw new Error("unknown type: " + t);
for (var r = this._[t], o = 0, n = r.length; o < n; ++o)
r[o].value.apply(e, i);
function wo(t, e) {
for (var i = 0, r = t.length, o; i < r; ++i)
if ((o = t[i]).name === e)
return o.value;
function ir(t, e, i) {
for (var r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; ++r)
if (t[r].name === e) {
t[r] = Bo, t = t.slice(0, r).concat(t.slice(r + 1));
return i != null && t.push({ name: e, value: i }), t;
var bi = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
const rr = {
svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
xhtml: bi,
xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
xml: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"
function Ve(t) {
var e = t += "", i = e.indexOf(":");
return i >= 0 && (e = t.slice(0, i)) !== "xmlns" && (t = t.slice(i + 1)), rr.hasOwnProperty(e) ? { space: rr[e], local: t } : t;
function Lo(t) {
return function() {
var e = this.ownerDocument, i = this.namespaceURI;
return i === bi && e.documentElement.namespaceURI === bi ? e.createElement(t) : e.createElementNS(i, t);
function Fo(t) {
return function() {
return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(t.space, t.local);
function Lr(t) {
var e = Ve(t);
return (e.local ? Fo : Lo)(e);
function Eo() {
function Mi(t) {
return t == null ? Eo : function() {
return this.querySelector(t);
function Ao(t) {
typeof t != "function" && (t = Mi(t));
for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = new Array(i), o = 0; o < i; ++o)
for (var n = e[o], s = n.length, l = r[o] = new Array(s), h, u, f = 0; f < s; ++f)
(h = n[f]) && (u = t.call(h, h.__data__, f, n)) && ("__data__" in h && (u.__data__ = h.__data__), l[f] = u);
return new st(r, this._parents);
function Mo(t) {
return t == null ? [] : Array.isArray(t) ? t : Array.from(t);
function Oo() {
return [];
function Fr(t) {
return t == null ? Oo : function() {
return this.querySelectorAll(t);
function Io(t) {
return function() {
return Mo(t.apply(this, arguments));
function Do(t) {
typeof t == "function" ? t = Io(t) : t = Fr(t);
for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = [], o = [], n = 0; n < i; ++n)
for (var s = e[n], l = s.length, h, u = 0; u < l; ++u)
(h = s[u]) && (r.push(t.call(h, h.__data__, u, s)), o.push(h));
return new st(r, o);
function Er(t) {
return function() {
return this.matches(t);
function Ar(t) {
return function(e) {
return e.matches(t);
var Ro = Array.prototype.find;
function No(t) {
return function() {
return Ro.call(this.children, t);
function $o() {
return this.firstElementChild;
function zo(t) {
return this.select(t == null ? $o : No(typeof t == "function" ? t : Ar(t)));
var Po = Array.prototype.filter;
function Wo() {
return Array.from(this.children);
function Ho(t) {
return function() {
return Po.call(this.children, t);
function qo(t) {
return this.selectAll(t == null ? Wo : Ho(typeof t == "function" ? t : Ar(t)));
function Uo(t) {
typeof t != "function" && (t = Er(t));
for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = new Array(i), o = 0; o < i; ++o)
for (var n = e[o], s = n.length, l = r[o] = [], h, u = 0; u < s; ++u)
(h = n[u]) && t.call(h, h.__data__, u, n) && l.push(h);
return new st(r, this._parents);
function Mr(t) {
return new Array(t.length);
function Go() {
return new st(this._enter || this._groups.map(Mr), this._parents);
function ze(t, e) {
this.ownerDocument = t.ownerDocument, this.namespaceURI = t.namespaceURI, this._next = null, this._parent = t, this.__data__ = e;
ze.prototype = {
constructor: ze,
appendChild: function(t) {
return this._parent.insertBefore(t, this._next);
insertBefore: function(t, e) {
return this._parent.insertBefore(t, e);
querySelector: function(t) {
return this._parent.querySelector(t);
querySelectorAll: function(t) {
return this._parent.querySelectorAll(t);
function Vo(t) {
return function() {
return t;
function Yo(t, e, i, r, o, n) {
for (var s = 0, l, h = e.length, u = n.length; s < u; ++s)
(l = e[s]) ? (l.__data__ = n[s], r[s] = l) : i[s] = new ze(t, n[s]);
for (; s < h; ++s)
(l = e[s]) && (o[s] = l);
function Xo(t, e, i, r, o, n, s) {
var l, h, u = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), f = e.length, g = n.length, x = new Array(f), _;
for (l = 0; l < f; ++l)
(h = e[l]) && (x[l] = _ = s.call(h, h.__data__, l, e) + "", u.has(_) ? o[l] = h : u.set(_, h));
for (l = 0; l < g; ++l)
_ = s.call(t, n[l], l, n) + "", (h = u.get(_)) ? (r[l] = h, h.__data__ = n[l], u.delete(_)) : i[l] = new ze(t, n[l]);
for (l = 0; l < f; ++l)
(h = e[l]) && u.get(x[l]) === h && (o[l] = h);
function Ko(t) {
return t.__data__;
function jo(t, e) {
if (!arguments.length)
return Array.from(this, Ko);
var i = e ? Xo : Yo, r = this._parents, o = this._groups;
typeof t != "function" && (t = Vo(t));
for (var n = o.length, s = new Array(n), l = new Array(n), h = new Array(n), u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
var f = r[u], g = o[u], x = g.length, _ = Zo(t.call(f, f && f.__data__, u, r)), M = _.length, $ = l[u] = new Array(M), K = s[u] = new Array(M), It = h[u] = new Array(x);
i(f, g, $, K, It, _, e);
for (var nt = 0, Q = 0, H, at; nt < M; ++nt)
if (H = $[nt]) {
for (nt >= Q && (Q = nt + 1); !(at = K[Q]) && ++Q < M; )
H._next = at || null;
return s = new st(s, r), s._enter = l, s._exit = h, s;
function Zo(t) {
return typeof t == "object" && "length" in t ? t : Array.from(t);
function Jo() {
return new st(this._exit || this._groups.map(Mr), this._parents);
function Qo(t, e, i) {
var r = this.enter(), o = this, n = this.exit();
return typeof t == "function" ? (r = t(r), r && (r = r.selection())) : r = r.append(t + ""), e != null && (o = e(o), o && (o = o.selection())), i == null ? n.remove() : i(n), r && o ? r.merge(o).order() : o;
function tn(t) {
for (var e = t.selection ? t.selection() : t, i = this._groups, r = e._groups, o = i.length, n = r.length, s = Math.min(o, n), l = new Array(o), h = 0; h < s; ++h)
for (var u = i[h], f = r[h], g = u.length, x = l[h] = new Array(g), _, M = 0; M < g; ++M)
(_ = u[M] || f[M]) && (x[M] = _);
for (; h < o; ++h)
l[h] = i[h];
return new st(l, this._parents);
function en() {
for (var t = this._groups, e = -1, i = t.length; ++e < i; )
for (var r = t[e], o = r.length - 1, n = r[o], s; --o >= 0; )
(s = r[o]) && (n && s.compareDocumentPosition(n) ^ 4 && n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n), n = s);
return this;
function rn(t) {
t || (t = on);
function e(g, x) {
return g && x ? t(g.__data__, x.__data__) : !g - !x;
for (var i = this._groups, r = i.length, o = new Array(r), n = 0; n < r; ++n) {
for (var s = i[n], l = s.length, h = o[n] = new Array(l), u, f = 0; f < l; ++f)
(u = s[f]) && (h[f] = u);
return new st(o, this._parents).order();
function on(t, e) {
return t < e ? -1 : t > e ? 1 : t >= e ? 0 : NaN;
function nn() {
var t = arguments[0];
return arguments[0] = this, t.apply(null, arguments), this;
function sn() {
return Array.from(this);
function an() {
for (var t = this._groups, e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; ++e)
for (var r = t[e], o = 0, n = r.length; o < n; ++o) {
var s = r[o];
if (s)
return s;
return null;
function ln() {
let t = 0;
for (const e of this)
return t;
function hn() {
return !this.node();
function cn(t) {
for (var e = this._groups, i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; ++i)
for (var o = e[i], n = 0, s = o.length, l; n < s; ++n)
(l = o[n]) && t.call(l, l.__data__, n, o);
return this;
function un(t) {
return function() {
function fn(t) {
return function() {
this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local);
function dn(t, e) {
return function() {
this.setAttribute(t, e);
function gn(t, e) {
return function() {
this.setAttributeNS(t.space, t.local, e);
function pn(t, e) {
return function() {
var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
i == null ? this.removeAttribute(t) : this.setAttribute(t, i);
function mn(t, e) {
return function() {
var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
i == null ? this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local) : this.setAttributeNS(t.space, t.local, i);
function Cn(t, e) {
var i = Ve(t);
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var r = this.node();
return i.local ? r.getAttributeNS(i.space, i.local) : r.getAttribute(i);
return this.each((e == null ? i.local ? fn : un : typeof e == "function" ? i.local ? mn : pn : i.local ? gn : dn)(i, e));
function Or(t) {
return t.ownerDocument && t.ownerDocument.defaultView || t.document && t || t.defaultView;
function yn(t) {
return function() {
function bn(t, e, i) {
return function() {
this.style.setProperty(t, e, i);
function _n(t, e, i) {
return function() {
var r = e.apply(this, arguments);
r == null ? this.style.removeProperty(t) : this.style.setProperty(t, r, i);
function xn(t, e, i) {
return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((e == null ? yn : typeof e == "function" ? _n : bn)(t, e, i ?? "")) : Jt(this.node(), t);
function Jt(t, e) {
return t.style.getPropertyValue(e) || Or(t).getComputedStyle(t, null).getPropertyValue(e);
function Tn(t) {
return function() {
delete this[t];
function kn(t, e) {
return function() {
this[t] = e;
function Sn(t, e) {
return function() {
var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
i == null ? delete this[t] : this[t] = i;
function Bn(t, e) {
return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((e == null ? Tn : typeof e == "function" ? Sn : kn)(t, e)) : this.node()[t];
function Ir(t) {
return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/);
function Oi(t) {
return t.classList || new Dr(t);
function Dr(t) {
this._node = t, this._names = Ir(t.getAttribute("class") || "");
Dr.prototype = {
add: function(t) {
var e = this._names.indexOf(t);
e < 0 && (this._names.push(t), this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")));
remove: function(t) {
var e = this._names.indexOf(t);
e >= 0 && (this._names.splice(e, 1), this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")));
contains: function(t) {
return this._names.indexOf(t) >= 0;
function Rr(t, e) {
for (var i = Oi(t), r = -1, o = e.length; ++r < o; )
function Nr(t, e) {
for (var i = Oi(t), r = -1, o = e.length; ++r < o; )
function vn(t) {
return function() {
Rr(this, t);
function wn(t) {
return function() {
Nr(this, t);
function Ln(t, e) {
return function() {
(e.apply(this, arguments) ? Rr : Nr)(this, t);
function Fn(t, e) {
var i = Ir(t + "");
if (arguments.length < 2) {
for (var r = Oi(this.node()), o = -1, n = i.length; ++o < n; )
if (!r.contains(i[o]))
return !1;
return !0;
return this.each((typeof e == "function" ? Ln : e ? vn : wn)(i, e));
function En() {
this.textContent = "";
function An(t) {
return function() {
this.textContent = t;
function Mn(t) {
return function() {
var e = t.apply(this, arguments);
this.textContent = e ?? "";
function On(t) {
return arguments.length ? this.each(t == null ? En : (typeof t == "function" ? Mn : An)(t)) : this.node().textContent;
function In() {
this.innerHTML = "";
function Dn(t) {
return function() {
this.innerHTML = t;
function Rn(t) {
return function() {
var e = t.apply(this, arguments);
this.innerHTML = e ?? "";
function Nn(t) {
return arguments.length ? this.each(t == null ? In : (typeof t == "function" ? Rn : Dn)(t)) : this.node().innerHTML;
function $n() {
this.nextSibling && this.parentNode.appendChild(this);
function zn() {
return this.each($n);
function Pn() {
this.previousSibling && this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, this.parentNode.firstChild);
function Wn() {
return this.each(Pn);
function Hn(t) {
var e = typeof t == "function" ? t : Lr(t);
return this.select(function() {
return this.appendChild(e.apply(this, arguments));
function qn() {
return null;
function Un(t, e) {
var i = typeof t == "function" ? t : Lr(t), r = e == null ? qn : typeof e == "function" ? e : Mi(e);
return this.select(function() {
return this.insertBefore(i.apply(this, arguments), r.apply(this, arguments) || null);
function Gn() {
var t = this.parentNode;
t && t.removeChild(this);
function Vn() {
return this.each(Gn);
function Yn() {
var t = this.cloneNode(!1), e = this.parentNode;
return e ? e.insertBefore(t, this.nextSibling) : t;
function Xn() {
var t = this.cloneNode(!0), e = this.parentNode;
return e ? e.insertBefore(t, this.nextSibling) : t;
function Kn(t) {
return this.select(t ? Xn : Yn);
function jn(t) {
return arguments.length ? this.property("__data__", t) : this.node().__data__;
function Zn(t) {
return function(e) {
t.call(this, e, this.__data__);
function Jn(t) {
return t.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(e) {
var i = "", r = e.indexOf(".");
return r >= 0 && (i = e.slice(r + 1), e = e.slice(0, r)), { type: e, name: i };
function Qn(t) {
return function() {
var e = this.__on;
if (e) {
for (var i = 0, r = -1, o = e.length, n; i < o; ++i)
n = e[i], (!t.type || n.type === t.type) && n.name === t.name ? this.removeEventListener(n.type, n.listener, n.options) : e[++r] = n;
++r ? e.length = r : delete this.__on;
function ts(t, e, i) {
return function() {
var r = this.__on, o, n = Zn(e);
if (r) {
for (var s = 0, l = r.length; s < l; ++s)
if ((o = r[s]).type === t.type && o.name === t.name) {
this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.options), this.addEventListener(o.type, o.listener = n, o.options = i), o.value = e;
this.addEventListener(t.type, n, i), o = { type: t.type, name: t.name, value: e, listener: n, options: i }, r ? r.push(o) : this.__on = [o];
function es(t, e, i) {
var r = Jn(t + ""), o, n = r.length, s;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var l = this.node().__on;
if (l) {
for (var h = 0, u = l.length, f; h < u; ++h)
for (o = 0, f = l[h]; o < n; ++o)
if ((s = r[o]).type === f.type && s.name === f.name)
return f.value;
for (l = e ? ts : Qn, o = 0; o < n; ++o)
this.each(l(r[o], e, i));
return this;
function $r(t, e, i) {
var r = Or(t), o = r.CustomEvent;
typeof o == "function" ? o = new o(e, i) : (o = r.document.createEvent("Event"), i ? (o.initEvent(e, i.bubbles, i.cancelable), o.detail = i.detail) : o.initEvent(e, !1, !1)), t.dispatchEvent(o);
function is(t, e) {
return function() {
return $r(this, t, e);
function rs(t, e) {
return function() {
return $r(this, t, e.apply(this, arguments));
function os(t, e) {
return this.each((typeof e == "function" ? rs : is)(t, e));
function* ns() {
for (var t = this._groups, e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; ++e)
for (var r = t[e], o = 0, n = r.length, s; o < n; ++o)
(s = r[o]) && (yield s);
var zr = [null];
function st(t, e) {
this._groups = t, this._parents = e;
function me() {
return new st([[document.documentElement]], zr);
function ss() {
return this;
st.prototype = me.prototype = {
constructor: st,
select: Ao,
selectAll: Do,
selectChild: zo,
selectChildren: qo,
filter: Uo,
data: jo,
enter: Go,
exit: Jo,
join: Qo,
merge: tn,
selection: ss,
order: en,
sort: rn,
call: nn,
nodes: sn,
node: an,
size: ln,
empty: hn,
each: cn,
attr: Cn,
style: xn,
property: Bn,
classed: Fn,
text: On,
html: Nn,
raise: zn,
lower: Wn,
append: Hn,
insert: Un,
remove: Vn,
clone: Kn,
datum: jn,
on: es,
dispatch: os,
[Symbol.iterator]: ns
function nh(t) {
return typeof t == "string" ? new st([[document.querySelector(t)]], [document.documentElement]) : new st([[t]], zr);
function Ii(t, e, i) {
t.prototype = e.prototype = i, i.constructor = t;
function Pr(t, e) {
var i = Object.create(t.prototype);
for (var r in e)
i[r] = e[r];
return i;
function Ce() {
var fe = 0.7, Pe = 1 / fe, jt = "\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*", de = "\\s*([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*", xt = "\\s*([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.)?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*", as = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/, ls = new RegExp(`^rgb\\(${jt},${jt},${jt}\\)$`), hs = new RegExp(`^rgb\\(${xt},${xt},${xt}\\)$`), cs = new RegExp(`^rgba\\(${jt},${jt},${jt},${de}\\)$`), us = new RegExp(`^rgba\\(${xt},${xt},${xt},${de}\\)$`), fs = new RegExp(`^hsl\\(${de},${xt},${xt}\\)$`), ds = new RegExp(`^hsla\\(${de},${xt},${xt},${de}\\)$`), or = {
aliceblue: 15792383,
antiquewhite: 16444375,
aqua: 65535,
aquamarine: 8388564,
azure: 15794175,
beige: 16119260,
bisque: 16770244,
black: 0,
blanchedalmond: 16772045,
blue: 255,
blueviolet: 9055202,
brown: 10824234,
burlywood: 14596231,
cadetblue: 6266528,
chartreuse: 8388352,
chocolate: 13789470,
coral: 16744272,
cornflowerblue: 6591981,
cornsilk: 16775388,
crimson: 14423100,
cyan: 65535,
darkblue: 139,
darkcyan: 35723,
darkgoldenrod: 12092939,
darkgray: 11119017,
darkgreen: 25600,
darkgrey: 11119017,
darkkhaki: 12433259,
darkmagenta: 9109643,
darkolivegreen: 5597999,
darkorange: 16747520,
darkorchid: 10040012,
darkred: 9109504,
darksalmon: 15308410,
darkseagreen: 9419919,
darkslateblue: 4734347,
darkslategray: 3100495,
darkslategrey: 3100495,
darkturquoise: 52945,
darkviolet: 9699539,
deeppink: 16716947,
deepskyblue: 49151,
dimgray: 6908265,
dimgrey: 6908265,
dodgerblue: 2003199,
firebrick: 11674146,
floralwhite: 16775920,
forestgreen: 2263842,
fuchsia: 16711935,
gainsboro: 14474460,
ghostwhite: 16316671,
gold: 16766720,
goldenrod: 14329120,
gray: 8421504,
green: 32768,
greenyellow: 11403055,
grey: 8421504,
honeydew: 15794160,
hotpink: 16738740,
indianred: 13458524,
indigo: 4915330,
ivory: 16777200,
khaki: 15787660,
lavender: 15132410,
lavenderblush: 16773365,
lawngreen: 8190976,
lemonchiffon: 16775885,
lightblue: 11393254,
lightcoral: 15761536,
lightcyan: 14745599,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,
lightgray: 13882323,
lightgreen: 9498256,
lightgrey: 13882323,
lightpink: 16758465,
lightsalmon: 16752762,
lightseagreen: 2142890,
lightskyblue: 8900346,
lightslategray: 7833753,
lightslategrey: 7833753,
lightsteelblue: 11584734,
lightyellow: 16777184,
lime: 65280,
limegreen: 3329330,
linen: 16445670,
magenta: 16711935,
maroon: 8388608,
mediumaquamarine: 6737322,
mediumblue: 205,
mediumorchid: 12211667,
mediumpurple: 9662683,
mediumseagreen: 3978097,
mediumslateblue: 8087790,
mediumspringgreen: 64154,
mediumturquoise: 4772300,
mediumvioletred: 13047173,
midnightblue: 1644912,
mintcream: 16121850,
mistyrose: 16770273,
moccasin: 16770229,
navajowhite: 16768685,
navy: 128,
oldlace: 16643558,
olive: 8421376,
olivedrab: 7048739,
orange: 16753920,
orangered: 16729344,
orchid: 14315734,
palegoldenrod: 15657130,
palegreen: 10025880,
paleturquoise: 11529966,
palevioletred: 14381203,
papayawhip: 16773077,
peachpuff: 16767673,
peru: 13468991,
pink: 16761035,
plum: 14524637,
powderblue: 11591910,
purple: 8388736,
rebeccapurple: 6697881,
red: 16711680,
rosybrown: 12357519,
royalblue: 4286945,
saddlebrown: 9127187,
salmon: 16416882,
sandybrown: 16032864,
seagreen: 3050327,
seashell: 16774638,
sienna: 10506797,
silver: 12632256,
skyblue: 8900331,
slateblue: 6970061,
slategray: 7372944,
slategrey: 7372944,
snow: 16775930,
springgreen: 65407,
steelblue: 4620980,
tan: 13808780,
teal: 32896,
thistle: 14204888,
tomato: 16737095,
turquoise: 4251856,
violet: 15631086,
wheat: 16113331,
white: 16777215,
whitesmoke: 16119285,
yellow: 16776960,
yellowgreen: 10145074
Ii(Ce, ge, {
copy(t) {
return Object.assign(new this.constructor(), this, t);
displayable() {
return this.rgb().displayable();
hex: nr,
// Deprecated! Use color.formatHex.
formatHex: nr,
formatHex8: gs,
formatHsl: ps,
formatRgb: sr,
toString: sr
function nr() {
return this.rgb().formatHex();
function gs() {
return this.rgb().formatHex8();
function ps() {
return Wr(this).formatHsl();
function sr() {
return this.rgb().formatRgb();
function ge(t) {
var e, i;
return t = (t + "").trim().toLowerCase(), (e = as.exec(t)) ? (i = e[1].length, e = parseInt(e[1], 16), i === 6 ? ar(e) : i === 3 ? new ot(e >> 8 & 15 | e >> 4 & 240, e >> 4 & 15 | e & 240, (e & 15) << 4 | e & 15, 1) : i === 8 ? Se(e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, (e & 255) / 255) : i === 4 ? Se(e >> 12 & 15 | e >> 8 & 240, e >> 8 & 15 | e >> 4 & 240, e >> 4 & 15 | e & 240, ((e & 15) << 4 | e & 15) / 255) : null) : (e = ls.exec(t)) ? new ot(e[1], e[2], e[3], 1) : (e = hs.exec(t)) ? new ot(e[1] * 255 / 100, e[2] * 255 / 100, e[3] * 255 / 100, 1) : (e = cs.exec(t)) ? Se(e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]) : (e = us.exec(t)) ? Se(e[1] * 255 / 100, e[2] * 255 / 100, e[3] * 255 / 100, e[4]) : (e = fs.exec(t)) ? cr(e[1], e[2] / 100, e[3] / 100, 1) : (e = ds.exec(t)) ? cr(e[1], e[2] / 100, e[3] / 100, e[4]) : or.hasOwnProperty(t) ? ar(or[t]) : t === "transparent" ? new ot(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null;
function ar(t) {
return new ot(t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, t & 255, 1);
function Se(t, e, i, r) {
return r <= 0 && (t = e = i = NaN), new ot(t, e, i, r);
function ms(t) {
return t instanceof Ce || (t = ge(t)), t ? (t = t.rgb(), new ot(t.r, t.g, t.b, t.opacity)) : new ot();
function _i(t, e, i, r) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? ms(t) : new ot(t, e, i, r ?? 1);
function ot(t, e, i, r) {
this.r = +t, this.g = +e, this.b = +i, this.opacity = +r;
Ii(ot, _i, Pr(Ce, {
brighter(t) {
return t = t == null ? Pe : Math.pow(Pe, t), new ot(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity);
darker(t) {
return t = t == null ? fe : Math.pow(fe, t), new ot(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t, this.opacity);
rgb() {
return this;
clamp() {
return new ot(Pt(this.r), Pt(this.g), Pt(this.b), We(this.opacity));
displayable() {
return -0.5 <= this.r && this.r < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.g && this.g < 255.5 && -0.5 <= this.b && this.b < 255.5 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1;
hex: lr,
// Deprecated! Use color.formatHex.
formatHex: lr,
formatHex8: Cs,
formatRgb: hr,
toString: hr
function lr() {
return `#${zt(this.r)}${zt(this.g)}${zt(this.b)}`;
function Cs() {
return `#${zt(this.r)}${zt(this.g)}${zt(this.b)}${zt((isNaN(this.opacity) ? 1 : this.opacity) * 255)}`;
function hr() {
const t = We(this.opacity);
return `${t === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba("}${Pt(this.r)}, ${Pt(this.g)}, ${Pt(this.b)}${t === 1 ? ")" : `, ${t})`}`;
function We(t) {
return isNaN(t) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t));
function Pt(t) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(t) || 0));
function zt(t) {
return t = Pt(t), (t < 16 ? "0" : "") + t.toString(16);
function cr(t, e, i, r) {
return r <= 0 ? t = e = i = NaN : i <= 0 || i >= 1 ? t = e = NaN : e <= 0 && (t = NaN), new Ct(t, e, i, r);
function Wr(t) {
if (t instanceof Ct)
return new Ct(t.h, t.s, t.l, t.opacity);
if (t instanceof Ce || (t = ge(t)), !t)
return new Ct();
if (t instanceof Ct)
return t;
t = t.rgb();
var e = t.r / 255, i = t.g / 255, r = t.b / 255, o = Math.min(e, i, r), n = Math.max(e, i, r), s = NaN, l = n - o, h = (n + o) / 2;
return l ? (e === n ? s = (i - r) / l + (i < r) * 6 : i === n ? s = (r - e) / l + 2 : s = (e - i) / l + 4, l /= h < 0.5 ? n + o : 2 - n - o, s *= 60) : l = h > 0 && h < 1 ? 0 : s, new Ct(s, l, h, t.opacity);
function ys(t, e, i, r) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? Wr(t) : new Ct(t, e, i, r ?? 1);
function Ct(t, e, i, r) {
this.h = +t, this.s = +e, this.l = +i, this.opacity = +r;
Ii(Ct, ys, Pr(Ce, {
brighter(t) {
return t = t == null ? Pe : Math.pow(Pe, t), new Ct(this.h, this.s, this.l * t, this.opacity);
darker(t) {
return t = t == null ? fe : Math.pow(fe, t), new Ct(this.h, this.s, this.l * t, this.opacity);
rgb() {
var t = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360, e = isNaN(t) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s, i = this.l, r = i + (i < 0.5 ? i : 1 - i) * e, o = 2 * i - r;
return new ot(
ci(t >= 240 ? t - 240 : t + 120, o, r),
ci(t, o, r),
ci(t < 120 ? t + 240 : t - 120, o, r),
clamp() {
return new Ct(ur(this.h), Be(this.s), Be(this.l), We(this.opacity));
displayable() {
return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s)) && 0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1;
formatHsl() {
const t = We(this.opacity);
return `${t === 1 ? "hsl(" : "hsla("}${ur(this.h)}, ${Be(this.s) * 100}%, ${Be(this.l) * 100}%${t === 1 ? ")" : `, ${t})`}`;
function ur(t) {
return t = (t || 0) % 360, t < 0 ? t + 360 : t;
function Be(t) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t || 0));
function ci(t, e, i) {
return (t < 60 ? e + (i - e) * t / 60 : t < 180 ? i : t < 240 ? e + (i - e) * (240 - t) / 60 : e) * 255;
const Di = (t) => () => t;
function Hr(t, e) {
return function(i) {
return t + i * e;
function bs(t, e, i) {
return t = Math.pow(t, i), e = Math.pow(e, i) - t, i = 1 / i, function(r) {
return Math.pow(t + r * e, i);
function sh(t, e) {
var i = e - t;
return i ? Hr(t, i > 180 || i < -180 ? i - 360 * Math.round(i / 360) : i) : Di(isNaN(t) ? e : t);
function _s(t) {
return (t = +t) == 1 ? qr : function(e, i) {
return i - e ? bs(e, i, t) : Di(isNaN(e) ? i : e);
function qr(t, e) {
var i = e - t;
return i ? Hr(t, i) : Di(isNaN(t) ? e : t);
const fr = function t(e) {
var i = _s(e);
function r(o, n) {
var s = i((o = _i(o)).r, (n = _i(n)).r), l = i(o.g, n.g), h = i(o.b, n.b), u = qr(o.opacity, n.opacity);
return function(f) {
return o.r = s(f), o.g = l(f), o.b = h(f), o.opacity = u(f), o + "";
return r.gamma = t, r;
function At(t, e) {
return t = +t, e = +e, function(i) {
return t * (1 - i) + e * i;
var xi = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g, ui = new RegExp(xi.source, "g");
function xs(t) {
return function() {
return t;
function Ts(t) {
return function(e) {
return t(e) + "";
function ks(t, e) {
var i = xi.lastIndex = ui.lastIndex = 0, r, o, n, s = -1, l = [], h = [];
for (t = t + "", e = e + ""; (r = xi.exec(t)) && (o = ui.exec(e)); )
(n = o.index) > i && (n = e.slice(i, n), l[s] ? l[s] += n : l[++s] = n), (r = r[0]) === (o = o[0]) ? l[s] ? l[s] += o : l[++s] = o : (l[++s] = null, h.push({ i: s, x: At(r, o) })), i = ui.lastIndex;
return i < e.length && (n = e.slice(i), l[s] ? l[s] += n : l[++s] = n), l.length < 2 ? h[0] ? Ts(h[0].x) : xs(e) : (e = h.length, function(u) {
for (var f = 0, g; f < e; ++f)
l[(g = h[f]).i] = g.x(u);
return l.join("");
var dr = 180 / Math.PI, Ti = {
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
rotate: 0,
skewX: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
function Ur(t, e, i, r, o, n) {
var s, l, h;
return (s = Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e)) && (t /= s, e /= s), (h = t * i + e * r) && (i -= t * h, r -= e * h), (l = Math.sqrt(i * i + r * r)) && (i /= l, r /= l, h /= l), t * r < e * i && (t = -t, e = -e, h = -h, s = -s), {
translateX: o,
translateY: n,
rotate: Math.atan2(e, t) * dr,
skewX: Math.atan(h) * dr,
scaleX: s,
scaleY: l
var ve;
function Ss(t) {
const e = new (typeof DOMMatrix == "function" ? DOMMatrix : WebKitCSSMatrix)(t + "");
return e.isIdentity ? Ti : Ur(e.a, e.b, e.c, e.d, e.e, e.f);
function Bs(t) {
return t == null || (ve || (ve = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g")), ve.setAttribute("transform", t), !(t = ve.transform.baseVal.consolidate())) ? Ti : (t = t.matrix, Ur(t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.e, t.f));
function Gr(t, e, i, r) {
function o(u) {
return u.length ? u.pop() + " " : "";
function n(u, f, g, x, _, M) {
if (u !== g || f !== x) {
var $ = _.push("translate(", null, e, null, i);
M.push({ i: $ - 4, x: At(u, g) }, { i: $ - 2, x: At(f, x) });
} else
(g || x) && _.push("translate(" + g + e + x + i);
function s(u, f, g, x) {
u !== f ? (u - f > 180 ? f += 360 : f - u > 180 && (u += 360), x.push({ i: g.push(o(g) + "rotate(", null, r) - 2, x: At(u, f) })) : f && g.push(o(g) + "rotate(" + f + r);
function l(u, f, g, x) {
u !== f ? x.push({ i: g.push(o(g) + "skewX(", null, r) - 2, x: At(u, f) }) : f && g.push(o(g) + "skewX(" + f + r);
function h(u, f, g, x, _, M) {
if (u !== g || f !== x) {
var $ = _.push(o(_) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")");
M.push({ i: $ - 4, x: At(u, g) }, { i: $ - 2, x: At(f, x) });
} else
(g !== 1 || x !== 1) && _.push(o(_) + "scale(" + g + "," + x + ")");
return function(u, f) {
var g = [], x = [];
return u = t(u), f = t(f), n(u.translateX, u.translateY, f.translateX, f.translateY, g, x), s(u.rotate, f.rotate, g, x), l(u.skewX, f.skewX, g, x), h(u.scaleX, u.scaleY, f.scaleX, f.scaleY, g, x), u = f = null, function(_) {
for (var M = -1, $ = x.length, K; ++M < $; )
g[(K = x[M]).i] = K.x(_);
return g.join("");
var vs = Gr(Ss, "px, ", "px)", "deg)"), ws = Gr(Bs, ", ", ")", ")"), Qt = 0, se = 0, oe = 0, Vr = 1e3, He, ae, qe = 0, Wt = 0, Ye = 0, pe = typeof performance == "object" && performance.now ? performance : Date, Yr = typeof window == "object" && window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : function(t) {
setTimeout(t, 17);
function Ri() {
return Wt || (Yr(Ls), Wt = pe.now() + Ye);
function Ls() {
Wt = 0;
function Ue() {
this._call = this._time = this._next = null;
Ue.prototype = Xr.prototype = {
constructor: Ue,
restart: function(t, e, i) {
if (typeof t != "function")
throw new TypeError("callback is not a function");
i = (i == null ? Ri() : +i) + (e == null ? 0 : +e), !this._next && ae !== this && (ae ? ae._next = this : He = this, ae = this), this._call = t, this._time = i, ki();
stop: function() {
this._call && (this._call = null, this._time = 1 / 0, ki());
function Xr(t, e, i) {
var r = new Ue();
return r.restart(t, e, i), r;
function Fs() {
Ri(), ++Qt;
for (var t = He, e; t; )
(e = Wt - t._time) >= 0 && t._call.call(void 0, e), t = t._next;
function gr() {
Wt = (qe = pe.now()) + Ye, Qt = se = 0;
try {
} finally {
Qt = 0, As(), Wt = 0;
function Es() {
var t = pe.now(), e = t - qe;
e > Vr && (Ye -= e, qe = t);
function As() {
for (var t, e = He, i, r = 1 / 0; e; )
e._call ? (r > e._time && (r = e._time), t = e, e = e._next) : (i = e._next, e._next = null, e = t ? t._next = i : He = i);
ae = t, ki(r);
function ki(t) {
if (!Qt) {
se && (se = clearTimeout(se));
var e = t - Wt;
e > 24 ? (t < 1 / 0 && (se = setTimeout(gr, t - pe.now() - Ye)), oe && (oe = clearInterval(oe))) : (oe || (qe = pe.now(), oe = setInterval(Es, Vr)), Qt = 1, Yr(gr));
function pr(t, e, i) {
var r = new Ue();
return e = e == null ? 0 : +e, r.restart((o) => {
r.stop(), t(o + e);
}, e, i), r;
var Ms = wr("start", "end", "cancel", "interrupt"), Os = [], Kr = 0, mr = 1, Si = 2, Me = 3, Cr = 4, Bi = 5, Oe = 6;
function Xe(t, e, i, r, o, n) {
var s = t.__transition;
if (!s)
t.__transition = {};
else if (i in s)
Is(t, i, {
name: e,
index: r,
// For context during callback.
group: o,
// For context during callback.
on: Ms,
tween: Os,
time: n.time,
delay: n.delay,
duration: n.duration,
ease: n.ease,
timer: null,
state: Kr
function Ni(t, e) {
var i = bt(t, e);
if (i.state > Kr)
throw new Error("too late; already scheduled");
return i;
function Tt(t, e) {
var i = bt(t, e);
if (i.state > Me)
throw new Error("too late; already running");
return i;
function bt(t, e) {
var i = t.__transition;
if (!i || !(i = i[e]))
throw new Error("transition not found");
return i;
function Is(t, e, i) {
var r = t.__transition, o;
r[e] = i, i.timer = Xr(n, 0, i.time);
function n(u) {
i.state = mr, i.timer.restart(s, i.delay, i.time), i.delay <= u && s(u - i.delay);
function s(u) {
var f, g, x, _;
if (i.state !== mr)
return h();
for (f in r)
if (_ = r[f], _.name === i.name) {
if (_.state === Me)
return pr(s);
_.state === Cr ? (_.state = Oe, _.timer.stop(), _.on.call("interrupt", t, t.__data__, _.index, _.group), delete r[f]) : +f < e && (_.state = Oe, _.timer.stop(), _.on.call("cancel", t, t.__data__, _.index, _.group), delete r[f]);
if (pr(function() {
i.state === Me && (i.state = Cr, i.timer.restart(l, i.delay, i.time), l(u));
}), i.state = Si, i.on.call("start", t, t.__data__, i.index, i.group), i.state === Si) {
for (i.state = Me, o = new Array(x = i.tween.length), f = 0, g = -1; f < x; ++f)
(_ = i.tween[f].value.call(t, t.__data__, i.index, i.group)) && (o[++g] = _);
o.length = g + 1;
function l(u) {
for (var f = u < i.duration ? i.ease.call(null, u / i.duration) : (i.timer.restart(h), i.state = Bi, 1), g = -1, x = o.length; ++g < x; )
o[g].call(t, f);
i.state === Bi && (i.on.call("end", t, t.__data__, i.index, i.group), h());
function h() {
i.state = Oe, i.timer.stop(), delete r[e];
for (var u in r)
delete t.__transition;
function Ds(t, e) {
var i = t.__transition, r, o, n = !0, s;
if (i) {
e = e == null ? null : e + "";
for (s in i) {
if ((r = i[s]).name !== e) {
n = !1;
o = r.state > Si && r.state < Bi, r.state = Oe, r.timer.stop(), r.on.call(o ? "interrupt" : "cancel", t, t.__data__, r.index, r.group), delete i[s];
n && delete t.__transition;
function Rs(t) {
return this.each(function() {
Ds(this, t);
function Ns(t, e) {
var i, r;
return function() {
var o = Tt(this, t), n = o.tween;
if (n !== i) {
r = i = n;
for (var s = 0, l = r.length; s < l; ++s)
if (r[s].name === e) {
r = r.slice(), r.splice(s, 1);
o.tween = r;
function $s(t, e, i) {
var r, o;
if (typeof i != "function")
throw new Error();
return function() {
var n = Tt(this, t), s = n.tween;
if (s !== r) {
o = (r = s).slice();
for (var l = { name: e, value: i }, h = 0, u = o.length; h < u; ++h)
if (o[h].name === e) {
o[h] = l;
h === u && o.push(l);
n.tween = o;
function zs(t, e) {
var i = this._id;
if (t += "", arguments.length < 2) {
for (var r = bt(this.node(), i).tween, o = 0, n = r.length, s; o < n; ++o)
if ((s = r[o]).name === t)
return s.value;
return null;
return this.each((e == null ? Ns : $s)(i, t, e));
function $i(t, e, i) {
var r = t._id;
return t.each(function() {
var o = Tt(this, r);
(o.value || (o.value = {}))[e] = i.apply(this, arguments);
}), function(o) {
return bt(o, r).value[e];
function jr(t, e) {
var i;
return (typeof e == "number" ? At : e instanceof ge ? fr : (i = ge(e)) ? (e = i, fr) : ks)(t, e);
function Ps(t) {
return function() {
function Ws(t) {
return function() {
this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local);
function Hs(t, e, i) {
var r, o = i + "", n;
return function() {
var s = this.getAttribute(t);
return s === o ? null : s === r ? n : n = e(r = s, i);
function qs(t, e, i) {
var r, o = i + "", n;
return function() {
var s = this.getAttributeNS(t.space, t.local);
return s === o ? null : s === r ? n : n = e(r = s, i);
function Us(t, e, i) {
var r, o, n;
return function() {
var s, l = i(this), h;
return l == null ? void this.removeAttribute(t) : (s = this.getAttribute(t), h = l + "", s === h ? null : s === r && h === o ? n : (o = h, n = e(r = s, l)));
function Gs(t, e, i) {
var r, o, n;
return function() {
var s, l = i(this), h;
return l == null ? void this.removeAttributeNS(t.space, t.local) : (s = this.getAttributeNS(t.space, t.local), h = l + "", s === h ? null : s === r && h === o ? n : (o = h, n = e(r = s, l)));
function Vs(t, e) {
var i = Ve(t), r = i === "transform" ? ws : jr;
return this.attrTween(t, typeof e == "function" ? (i.local ? Gs : Us)(i, r, $i(this, "attr." + t, e)) : e == null ? (i.local ? Ws : Ps)(i) : (i.local ? qs : Hs)(i, r, e));
function Ys(t, e) {
return function(i) {
this.setAttribute(t, e.call(this, i));
function Xs(t, e) {
return function(i) {
this.setAttributeNS(t.space, t.local, e.call(this, i));
function Ks(t, e) {
var i, r;
function o() {
var n = e.apply(this, arguments);
return n !== r && (i = (r = n) && Xs(t, n)), i;
return o._value = e, o;
function js(t, e) {
var i, r;
function o() {
var n = e.apply(this, arguments);
return n !== r && (i = (r = n) && Ys(t, n)), i;
return o._value = e, o;
function Zs(t, e) {
var i = "attr." + t;
if (arguments.length < 2)
return (i = this.tween(i)) && i._value;
if (e == null)
return this.tween(i, null);
if (typeof e != "function")
throw new Error();
var r = Ve(t);
return this.tween(i, (r.local ? Ks : js)(r, e));
function Js(t, e) {
return function() {
Ni(this, t).delay = +e.apply(this, arguments);
function Qs(t, e) {
return e = +e, function() {
Ni(this, t).delay = e;
function ta(t) {
var e = this._id;
return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof t == "function" ? Js : Qs)(e, t)) : bt(this.node(), e).delay;
function ea(t, e) {
return function() {
Tt(this, t).duration = +e.apply(this, arguments);
function ia(t, e) {
return e = +e, function() {
Tt(this, t).duration = e;
function ra(t) {
var e = this._id;
return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof t == "function" ? ea : ia)(e, t)) : bt(this.node(), e).duration;
function oa(t, e) {
if (typeof e != "function")
throw new Error();
return function() {
Tt(this, t).ease = e;
function na(t) {
var e = this._id;
return arguments.length ? this.each(oa(e, t)) : bt(this.node(), e).ease;
function sa(t, e) {
return function() {
var i = e.apply(this, arguments);
if (typeof i != "function")
throw new Error();
Tt(this, t).ease = i;
function aa(t) {
if (typeof t != "function")
throw new Error();
return this.each(sa(this._id, t));
function la(t) {
typeof t != "function" && (t = Er(t));
for (var e = this._groups, i = e.length, r = new Array(i), o = 0; o < i; ++o)
for (var n = e[o], s = n.length, l = r[o] = [], h, u = 0; u < s; ++u)
(h = n[u]) && t.call(h, h.__data__, u, n) && l.push(h);
return new Lt(r, this._parents, this._name, this._id);
function ha(t) {
if (t._id !== this._id)
throw new Error();
for (var e = this._groups, i = t._groups, r = e.length, o = i.length, n = Math.min(r, o), s = new Array(r), l = 0; l < n; ++l)
for (var h = e[l], u = i[l], f = h.length, g = s[l] = new Array(f), x, _ = 0; _ < f; ++_)
(x = h[_] || u[_]) && (g[_] = x);
for (; l < r; ++l)
s[l] = e[l];
return new Lt(s, this._parents, this._name, this._id);
function ca(t) {
return (t + "").trim().split(/^|\s+/).every(function(e) {
var i = e.indexOf(".");
return i >= 0 && (e = e.slice(0, i)), !e || e === "start";
function ua(t, e, i) {
var r, o, n = ca(e) ? Ni : Tt;
return function() {
var s = n(this, t), l = s.on;
l !== r && (o = (r = l).copy()).on(e, i), s.on = o;
function fa(t, e) {
var i = this._id;
return arguments.length < 2 ? bt(this.node(), i).on.on(t) : this.each(ua(i, t, e));
function da(t) {
return function() {
var e = this.parentNode;
for (var i in this.__transition)
if (+i !== t)
e && e.removeChild(this);
function ga() {
return this.on("end.remove", da(this._id));
function pa(t) {
var e = this._name, i = this._id;
typeof t != "function" && (t = Mi(t));
for (var r = this._groups, o = r.length, n = new Array(o), s = 0; s < o; ++s)
for (var l = r[s], h = l.length, u = n[s] = new Array(h), f, g, x = 0; x < h; ++x)
(f = l[x]) && (g = t.call(f, f.__data__, x, l)) && ("__data__" in f && (g.__data__ = f.__data__), u[x] = g, Xe(u[x], e, i, x, u, bt(f, i)));
return new Lt(n, this._parents, e, i);
function ma(t) {
var e = this._name, i = this._id;
typeof t != "function" && (t = Fr(t));
for (var r = this._groups, o = r.length, n = [], s = [], l = 0; l < o; ++l)
for (var h = r[l], u = h.length, f, g = 0; g < u; ++g)
if (f = h[g]) {
for (var x = t.call(f, f.__data__, g, h), _, M = bt(f, i), $ = 0, K = x.length; $ < K; ++$)
(_ = x[$]) && Xe(_, e, i, $, x, M);
n.push(x), s.push(f);
return new Lt(n, s, e, i);
var Ca = me.prototype.constructor;
function ya() {
return new Ca(this._groups, this._parents);
function ba(t, e) {
var i, r, o;
return function() {
var n = Jt(this, t), s = (this.style.removeProperty(t), Jt(this, t));
return n === s ? null : n === i && s === r ? o : o = e(i = n, r = s);
function Zr(t) {
return function() {
function _a(t, e, i) {
var r, o = i + "", n;
return function() {
var s = Jt(this, t);
return s === o ? null : s === r ? n : n = e(r = s, i);
function xa(t, e, i) {
var r, o, n;
return function() {
var s = Jt(this, t), l = i(this), h = l + "";
return l == null && (h = l = (this.style.removeProperty(t), Jt(this, t))), s === h ? null : s === r && h === o ? n : (o = h, n = e(r = s, l));
function Ta(t, e) {
var i, r, o, n = "style." + e, s = "end." + n, l;
return function() {
var h = Tt(this, t), u = h.on, f = h.value[n] == null ? l || (l = Zr(e)) : void 0;
(u !== i || o !== f) && (r = (i = u).copy()).on(s, o = f), h.on = r;
function ka(t, e, i) {
var r = (t += "") == "transform" ? vs : jr;
return e == null ? this.styleTween(t, ba(t, r)).on("end.style." + t, Zr(t)) : typeof e == "function" ? this.styleTween(t, xa(t, r, $i(this, "style." + t, e))).each(Ta(this._id, t)) : this.styleTween(t, _a(t, r, e), i).on("end.style." + t, null);
function Sa(t, e, i) {
return function(r) {
this.style.setProperty(t, e.call(this, r), i);
function Ba(t, e, i) {
var r, o;
function n() {
var s = e.apply(this, arguments);
return s !== o && (r = (o = s) && Sa(t, s, i)), r;
return n._value = e, n;
function va(t, e, i) {
var r = "style." + (t += "");
if (arguments.length < 2)
return (r = this.tween(r)) && r._value;
if (e == null)
return this.tween(r, null);
if (typeof e != "function")
throw new Error();
return this.tween(r, Ba(t, e, i ?? ""));
function wa(t) {
return function() {
this.textContent = t;
function La(t) {
return function() {
var e = t(this);
this.textContent = e ?? "";
function Fa(t) {
return this.tween("text", typeof t == "function" ? La($i(this, "text", t)) : wa(t == null ? "" : t + ""));
function Ea(t) {
return function(e) {
this.textContent = t.call(this, e);
function Aa(t) {
var e, i;
function r() {
var o = t.apply(this, arguments);
return o !== i && (e = (i = o) && Ea(o)), e;
return r._value = t, r;
function Ma(t) {
var e = "text";
if (arguments.length < 1)
return (e = this.tween(e)) && e._value;
if (t == null)
return this.tween(e, null);
if (typeof t != "function")
throw new Error();
return this.tween(e, Aa(t));
function Oa() {
for (var t = this._name, e = this._id, i = Jr(), r = this._groups, o = r.length, n = 0; n < o; ++n)
for (var s = r[n], l = s.length, h, u = 0; u < l; ++u)
if (h = s[u]) {
var f = bt(h, e);
Xe(h, t, i, u, s, {
time: f.time + f.delay + f.duration,
delay: 0,
duration: f.duration,
ease: f.ease
return new Lt(r, this._parents, t, i);
function Ia() {
var t, e, i = this, r = i._id, o = i.size();
return new Promise(function(n, s) {
var l = { value: s }, h = { value: function() {
--o === 0 && n();
} };
i.each(function() {
var u = Tt(this, r), f = u.on;
f !== t && (e = (t = f).copy(), e._.cancel.push(l), e._.interrupt.push(l), e._.end.push(h)), u.on = e;
}), o === 0 && n();
var Da = 0;
function Lt(t, e, i, r) {
this._groups = t, this._parents = e, this._name = i, this._id = r;
function Jr() {
return ++Da;
var wt = me.prototype;
Lt.prototype = {
constructor: Lt,
select: pa,
selectAll: ma,
selectChild: wt.selectChild,
selectChildren: wt.selectChildren,
filter: la,
merge: ha,
selection: ya,
transition: Oa,
call: wt.call,
nodes: wt.nodes,
node: wt.node,
size: wt.size,
empty: wt.empty,
each: wt.each,
on: fa,
attr: Vs,
attrTween: Zs,
style: ka,
styleTween: va,
text: Fa,
textTween: Ma,
remove: ga,
tween: zs,
delay: ta,
duration: ra,
ease: na,
easeVarying: aa,
end: Ia,
[Symbol.iterator]: wt[Symbol.iterator]
function Ra(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2;
var Na = {
time: null,
// Set on use.
delay: 0,
duration: 250,
ease: Ra
function $a(t, e) {
for (var i; !(i = t.__transition) || !(i = i[e]); )
if (!(t = t.parentNode))
throw new Error(`transition ${e} not found`);
return i;
function za(t) {
var e, i;
t instanceof Lt ? (e = t._id, t = t._name) : (e = Jr(), (i = Na).time = Ri(), t = t == null ? null : t + "");
for (var r = this._groups, o = r.length, n = 0; n < o; ++n)
for (var s = r[n], l = s.length, h, u = 0; u < l; ++u)
(h = s[u]) && Xe(h, t, e, u, s, i || $a(h, e));
return new Lt(r, this._parents, t, e);
me.prototype.interrupt = Rs;
me.prototype.transition = za;
function le(t, e, i) {
this.k = t, this.x = e, this.y = i;
le.prototype = {
constructor: le,
scale: function(t) {
return t === 1 ? this : new le(this.k * t, this.x, this.y);
translate: function(t, e) {
return t === 0 & e === 0 ? this : new le(this.k, this.x + this.k * t, this.y + this.k * e);
apply: function(t) {
return [t[0] * this.k + this.x, t[1] * this.k + this.y];
applyX: function(t) {
return t * this.k + this.x;
applyY: function(t) {
return t * this.k + this.y;
invert: function(t) {
return [(t[0] - this.x) / this.k, (t[1] - this.y) / this.k];
invertX: function(t) {
return (t - this.x) / this.k;
invertY: function(t) {
return (t - this.y) / this.k;
rescaleX: function(t) {
return t.copy().domain(t.range().map(this.invertX, this).map(t.invert, t));
rescaleY: function(t) {
return t.copy().domain(t.range().map(this.invertY, this).map(t.invert, t));
toString: function() {
return "translate(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ") scale(" + this.k + ")";
/*! @license DOMPurify 2.4.3 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/blob/2.4.3/LICENSE */
function Mt(t) {
return Mt = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(e) {
return typeof e;
} : function(e) {
return e && typeof Symbol == "function" && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e;
}, Mt(t);
function vi(t, e) {
return vi = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(r, o) {
return r.__proto__ = o, r;
}, vi(t, e);
function Pa() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
function Ie(t, e, i) {
return Pa() ? Ie = Reflect.construct : Ie = function(o, n, s) {
var l = [null];
l.push.apply(l, n);
var h = Function.bind.apply(o, l), u = new h();
return s && vi(u, s.prototype), u;
}, Ie.apply(null, arguments);
function mt(t) {
return Wa(t) || Ha(t) || qa(t) || Ua();
function Wa(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
return wi(t);
function Ha(t) {
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && t[Symbol.iterator] != null || t["@@iterator"] != null)
return Array.from(t);
function qa(t, e) {
if (t) {
if (typeof t == "string")
return wi(t, e);
var i = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1);
if (i === "Object" && t.constructor && (i = t.constructor.name), i === "Map" || i === "Set")
return Array.from(t);
if (i === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(i))
return wi(t, e);
function wi(t, e) {
(e == null || e > t.length) && (e = t.length);
for (var i = 0, r = new Array(e); i < e; i++)
r[i] = t[i];
return r;
function Ua() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
var Ga = Object.hasOwnProperty, yr = Object.setPrototypeOf, Va = Object.isFrozen, Ya = Object.getPrototypeOf, Xa = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, J = Object.freeze, yt = Object.seal, Ka = Object.create, Qr = typeof Reflect < "u" && Reflect, Ge = Qr.apply, Li = Qr.construct;
Ge || (Ge = function(e, i, r) {
return e.apply(i, r);
J || (J = function(e) {
return e;
yt || (yt = function(e) {
return e;
Li || (Li = function(e, i) {
return Ie(e, mt(i));
var ja = ft(Array.prototype.forEach), br = ft(Array.prototype.pop), ne = ft(Array.prototype.push), De = ft(String.prototype.toLowerCase), fi = ft(String.prototype.toString), Za = ft(String.prototype.match), pt = ft(String.prototype.replace), Ja = ft(String.prototype.indexOf), Qa = ft(String.prototype.trim), j = ft(RegExp.prototype.test), di = tl(TypeError);
function ft(t) {
return function(e) {
for (var i = arguments.length, r = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < i; o++)
r[o - 1] = arguments[o];
return Ge(t, e, r);
function tl(t) {
return function() {
for (var e = arguments.length, i = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++)
i[r] = arguments[r];
return Li(t, i);
function A(t, e, i) {
i = i || De, yr && yr(t, null);
for (var r = e.length; r--; ) {
var o = e[r];
if (typeof o == "string") {
var n = i(o);
n !== o && (Va(e) || (e[r] = n), o = n);
t[o] = !0;
return t;
function $t(t) {
var e = Ka(null), i;
for (i in t)
Ge(Ga, t, [i]) === !0 && (e[i] = t[i]);
return e;
function we(t, e) {
for (; t !== null; ) {
var i = Xa(t, e);
if (i) {
if (i.get)
return ft(i.get);
if (typeof i.value == "function")
return ft(i.value);
t = Ya(t);
function r(o) {
return console.warn("fallback value for", o), null;
return r;
var _r = J(["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"]), gi = J(["svg", "a", "altglyph", "altglyphdef", "altglyphitem", "animatecolor", "animatemotion", "animatetransform", "circle", "clippath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "filter", "font", "g", "glyph", "glyphref", "hkern", "image", "line", "lineargradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialgradient", "rect", "stop", "style", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textpath", "title", "tref", "tspan", "view", "vkern"]), pi = J(["feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence"]), el = J(["animate", "color-profile", "cursor", "discard", "fedropshadow", "font-face", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "foreignobject", "hatch", "hatchpath", "mesh", "meshgradient", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "missing-glyph", "script", "set", "solidcolor", "unknown", "use"]), mi = J(["math", "menclose", "merror", "mfenced", "mfrac", "mglyph", "mi", "mlabeledtr", "mmultiscripts", "mn", "mo", "mover", "mpadded", "mphantom", "mroot", "mrow", "ms", "mspace", "msqrt", "mstyle", "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "mtable", "mtd", "mtext", "mtr", "munder", "munderover"]), il = J(["maction", "maligngroup", "malignmark", "mlongdiv", "mscarries", "mscarry", "msgroup", "mstack", "msline", "msrow", "semantics", "annotation", "annotation-xml", "mprescripts", "none"]), xr = J(["#text"]), Tr = J(["accept", "action", "align", "alt", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "autopictureinpicture", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "capture", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "controls", "controlslist", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "decoding", "default", "dir", "disabled", "disablepictureinpicture", "disableremoteplayback", "download", "draggable", "enctype", "enterkeyhint", "face", "for", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "inputmode", "integrity", "ismap", "kind", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "muted", "name", "nonce", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "playsinline", "poster", "preload", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "xmlns", "slot"]), Ci = J(["accent-height", "accumulate", "additive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clippathunits", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "filterunits", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "primitiveunits", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "startoffset", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "systemlanguage", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "transform-origin", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "version", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan"]), kr = J(["accent", "accentunder", "align", "bevelled", "close", "columnsalign", "columnlines", "columnspan", "denomalign", "depth", "dir", "display", "displaystyle", "encoding", "fence", "frame", "height", "href", "id", "largeop", "length", "linethickness", "lspace", "lquote", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathsize", "mathvariant", "maxsize", "minsize", "movablelimits", "notation", "numalign", "open", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "rowspan", "rspace", "rquote", "scriptlevel", "scriptminsize", "scriptsizemultiplier", "selection", "separator", "separators", "stretchy", "subscriptshift", "supscriptshift", "symmetric", "voffset", "width", "xmlns"]), Le = J(["xlink:href", "xml:id", "xlink:title", "xml:space", "xmlns:xlink"]), rl = yt(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), ol = yt(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), nl = yt(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), sl = yt(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), al = yt(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), ll = yt(
// eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
), hl = yt(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), cl = yt(
// eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
), ul = yt(/^html$/i), fl = function() {
return typeof window > "u" ? null : window;
}, dl = function(e, i) {
if (Mt(e) !== "object" || typeof e.createPolicy != "function")
return null;
var r = null, o = "data-tt-policy-suffix";
i.currentScript && i.currentScript.hasAttribute(o) && (r = i.currentScript.getAttribute(o));
var n = "dompurify" + (r ? "#" + r : "");
try {
return e.createPolicy(n, {
createHTML: function(l) {
return l;
createScriptURL: function(l) {
return l;
} catch {
return console.warn("TrustedTypes policy " + n + " could not be created."), null;
function to() {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : fl(), e = function(a) {
return to(a);
if (e.version = "2.4.3", e.removed = [], !t || !t.document || t.document.nodeType !== 9)
return e.isSupported = !1, e;
var i = t.document, r = t.document, o = t.DocumentFragment, n = t.HTMLTemplateElement, s = t.Node, l = t.Element, h = t.NodeFilter, u = t.NamedNodeMap, f = u === void 0 ? t.NamedNodeMap || t.MozNamedAttrMap : u, g = t.HTMLFormElement, x = t.DOMParser, _ = t.trustedTypes, M = l.prototype, $ = we(M, "cloneNode"), K = we(M, "nextSibling"), It = we(M, "childNodes"), nt = we(M, "parentNode");
if (typeof n == "function") {
var Q = r.createElement("template");
Q.content && Q.content.ownerDocument && (r = Q.content.ownerDocument);
var H = dl(_, i), at = H ? H.createHTML("") : "", lt = r, Dt = lt.implementation, Ht = lt.createNodeIterator, P = lt.createDocumentFragment, D = lt.getElementsByTagName, qt = i.importNode, ee = {};
try {
ee = $t(r).documentMode ? r.documentMode : {};
} catch {
var k = {};
e.isSupported = typeof nt == "function" && Dt && typeof Dt.createHTMLDocument < "u" && ee !== 9;
var y = rl, p = ol, B = nl, b = sl, F = al, w = hl, O = cl, z = ll, E = null, W = A({}, [].concat(mt(_r), mt(gi), mt(pi), mt(mi), mt(xr))), R = null, ht = A({}, [].concat(mt(Tr), mt(Ci), mt(kr), mt(Le))), N = Object.seal(Object.create(null, {
tagNameCheck: {
writable: !0,
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
value: null
attributeNameCheck: {
writable: !0,
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
value: null
allowCustomizedBuiltInElements: {
writable: !0,
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
value: !1
})), dt = null, _t = null, G = !0, ct = !0, Ut = !1, gt = !1, Rt = !1, ti = !1, ei = !1, Gt = !1, ye = !1, be = !1, Pi = !0, Wi = !1, fo = "user-content-", ii = !0, ie = !1, Vt = {}, Yt = null, Hi = A({}, ["annotation-xml", "audio", "colgroup", "desc", "foreignobject", "head", "iframe", "math", "mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mtext", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "plaintext", "script", "style", "svg", "template", "thead", "title", "video", "xmp"]), qi = null, Ui = A({}, ["audio", "video", "img", "source", "image", "track"]), ri = null, Gi = A({}, ["alt", "class", "for", "id", "label", "name", "pattern", "placeholder", "role", "summary", "title", "value", "style", "xmlns"]), _e = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", xe = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", kt = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", Xt = kt, oi = !1, ni = null, go = A({}, [_e, xe, kt], fi), Nt, po = ["application/xhtml+xml", "text/html"], mo = "text/html", q, Kt = null, Co = r.createElement("form"), Vi = function(a) {
return a instanceof RegExp || a instanceof Function;
}, si = function(a) {
Kt && Kt === a || ((!a || Mt(a) !== "object") && (a = {}), a = $t(a), Nt = // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
po.indexOf(a.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) === -1 ? Nt = mo : Nt = a.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE, q = Nt === "application/xhtml+xml" ? fi : De, E = "ALLOWED_TAGS" in a ? A({}, a.ALLOWED_TAGS, q) : W, R = "ALLOWED_ATTR" in a ? A({}, a.ALLOWED_ATTR, q) : ht, ni = "ALLOWED_NAMESPACES" in a ? A({}, a.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, fi) : go, ri = "ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR" in a ? A(
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
) : Gi, qi = "ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS" in a ? A(
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
) : Ui, Yt = "FORBID_CONTENTS" in a ? A({}, a.FORBID_CONTENTS, q) : Hi, dt = "FORBID_TAGS" in a ? A({}, a.FORBID_TAGS, q) : {}, _t = "FORBID_ATTR" in a ? A({}, a.FORBID_ATTR, q) : {}, Vt = "USE_PROFILES" in a ? a.USE_PROFILES : !1, G = a.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== !1, ct = a.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== !1, Ut = a.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1, gt = a.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1, Rt = a.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1, Gt = a.RETURN_DOM || !1, ye = a.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1, be = a.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1, ei = a.FORCE_BODY || !1, Pi = a.SANITIZE_DOM !== !1, Wi = a.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1, ii = a.KEEP_CONTENT !== !1, ie = a.IN_PLACE || !1, z = a.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || z, Xt = a.NAMESPACE || kt, a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Vi(a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && (N.tagNameCheck = a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Vi(a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && (N.attributeNameCheck = a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && typeof a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements == "boolean" && (N.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = a.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), gt && (ct = !1), ye && (Gt = !0), Vt && (E = A({}, mt(xr)), R = [], Vt.html === !0 && (A(E, _r), A(R, Tr)), Vt.svg === !0 && (A(E, gi), A(R, Ci), A(R, Le)), Vt.svgFilters === !0 && (A(E, pi), A(R, Ci), A(R, Le)), Vt.mathMl === !0 && (A(E, mi), A(R, kr), A(R, Le))), a.ADD_TAGS && (E === W && (E = $t(E)), A(E, a.ADD_TAGS, q)), a.ADD_ATTR && (R === ht && (R = $t(R)), A(R, a.ADD_ATTR, q)), a.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && A(ri, a.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, q), a.FORBID_CONTENTS && (Yt === Hi && (Yt = $t(Yt)), A(Yt, a.FORBID_CONTENTS, q)), ii && (E["#text"] = !0), Rt && A(E, ["html", "head", "body"]), E.table && (A(E, ["tbody"]), delete dt.tbody), J && J(a), Kt = a);
}, Yi = A({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]), Xi = A({}, ["foreignobject", "desc", "title", "annotation-xml"]), yo = A({}, ["title", "style", "font", "a", "script"]), Te = A({}, gi);
A(Te, pi), A(Te, el);
var ai = A({}, mi);
A(ai, il);
var bo = function(a) {
var d = nt(a);
(!d || !d.tagName) && (d = {
namespaceURI: Xt,
tagName: "template"
var C = De(a.tagName), I = De(d.tagName);
return ni[a.namespaceURI] ? a.namespaceURI === xe ? d.namespaceURI === kt ? C === "svg" : d.namespaceURI === _e ? C === "svg" && (I === "annotation-xml" || Yi[I]) : Boolean(Te[C]) : a.namespaceURI === _e ? d.namespaceURI === kt ? C === "math" : d.namespaceURI === xe ? C === "math" && Xi[I] : Boolean(ai[C]) : a.namespaceURI === kt ? d.namespaceURI === xe && !Xi[I] || d.namespaceURI === _e && !Yi[I] ? !1 : !ai[C] && (yo[C] || !Te[C]) : !!(Nt === "application/xhtml+xml" && ni[a.namespaceURI]) : !1;
}, St = function(a) {
ne(e.removed, {
element: a
try {
} catch {
try {
a.outerHTML = at;
} catch {
}, li = function(a, d) {
try {
ne(e.removed, {
attribute: d.getAttributeNode(a),
from: d
} catch {
ne(e.removed, {
attribute: null,
from: d
if (d.removeAttribute(a), a === "is" && !R[a])
if (Gt || ye)
try {
} catch {
try {
d.setAttribute(a, "");
} catch {
}, Ki = function(a) {
var d, C;
if (ei)
a = "<remove></remove>" + a;
else {
var I = Za(a, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
C = I && I[0];
Nt === "application/xhtml+xml" && Xt === kt && (a = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head></head><body>' + a + "</body></html>");
var tt = H ? H.createHTML(a) : a;
if (Xt === kt)
try {
d = new x().parseFromString(tt, Nt);
} catch {
if (!d || !d.documentElement) {
d = Dt.createDocument(Xt, "template", null);
try {
d.documentElement.innerHTML = oi ? at : tt;
} catch {
var Y = d.body || d.documentElement;
return a && C && Y.insertBefore(r.createTextNode(C), Y.childNodes[0] || null), Xt === kt ? D.call(d, Rt ? "html" : "body")[0] : Rt ? d.documentElement : Y;
}, ji = function(a) {
return Ht.call(
a.ownerDocument || a,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
}, _o = function(a) {
return a instanceof g && (typeof a.nodeName != "string" || typeof a.textContent != "string" || typeof a.removeChild != "function" || !(a.attributes instanceof f) || typeof a.removeAttribute != "function" || typeof a.setAttribute != "function" || typeof a.namespaceURI != "string" || typeof a.insertBefore != "function" || typeof a.hasChildNodes != "function");
}, re = function(a) {
return Mt(s) === "object" ? a instanceof s : a && Mt(a) === "object" && typeof a.nodeType == "number" && typeof a.nodeName == "string";
}, Bt = function(a, d, C) {
k[a] && ja(k[a], function(I) {
I.call(e, d, C, Kt);
}, Zi = function(a) {
var d;
if (Bt("beforeSanitizeElements", a, null), _o(a) || j(/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/, a.nodeName))
return St(a), !0;
var C = q(a.nodeName);
if (Bt("uponSanitizeElement", a, {
tagName: C,
allowedTags: E
}), a.hasChildNodes() && !re(a.firstElementChild) && (!re(a.content) || !re(a.content.firstElementChild)) && j(/<[/\w]/g, a.innerHTML) && j(/<[/\w]/g, a.textContent) || C === "select" && j(/<template/i, a.innerHTML))
return St(a), !0;
if (!E[C] || dt[C]) {
if (!dt[C] && Qi(C) && (N.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && j(N.tagNameCheck, C) || N.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && N.tagNameCheck(C)))
return !1;
if (ii && !Yt[C]) {
var I = nt(a) || a.parentNode, tt = It(a) || a.childNodes;
if (tt && I)
for (var Y = tt.length, V = Y - 1; V >= 0; --V)
I.insertBefore($(tt[V], !0), K(a));
return St(a), !0;
return a instanceof l && !bo(a) || (C === "noscript" || C === "noembed") && j(/<\/no(script|embed)/i, a.innerHTML) ? (St(a), !0) : (gt && a.nodeType === 3 && (d = a.textContent, d = pt(d, y, " "), d = pt(d, p, " "), d = pt(d, B, " "), a.textContent !== d && (ne(e.removed, {
element: a.cloneNode()
}), a.textContent = d)), Bt("afterSanitizeElements", a, null), !1);
}, Ji = function(a, d, C) {
if (Pi && (d === "id" || d === "name") && (C in r || C in Co))
return !1;
if (!(ct && !_t[d] && j(b, d))) {
if (!(G && j(F, d))) {
if (!R[d] || _t[d]) {
if (
// First condition does a very basic check if a) it's basically a valid custom element tagname AND
// b) if the tagName passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
// and c) if the attribute name passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck
!(Qi(a) && (N.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && j(N.tagNameCheck, a) || N.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && N.tagNameCheck(a)) && (N.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && j(N.attributeNameCheck, d) || N.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && N.attributeNameCheck(d)) || // Alternative, second condition checks if it's an `is`-attribute, AND
// the value passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
d === "is" && N.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && (N.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && j(N.tagNameCheck, C) || N.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && N.tagNameCheck(C)))
return !1;
} else if (!ri[d]) {
if (!j(z, pt(C, O, ""))) {
if (!((d === "src" || d === "xlink:href" || d === "href") && a !== "script" && Ja(C, "data:") === 0 && qi[a])) {
if (!(Ut && !j(w, pt(C, O, "")))) {
if (C)
return !1;
return !0;
}, Qi = function(a) {
return a.indexOf("-") > 0;
}, tr = function(a) {
var d, C, I, tt;
Bt("beforeSanitizeAttributes", a, null);
var Y = a.attributes;
if (Y) {
var V = {
attrName: "",
attrValue: "",
keepAttr: !0,
allowedAttributes: R
for (tt = Y.length; tt--; ) {
d = Y[tt];
var ke = d, U = ke.name, hi = ke.namespaceURI;
if (C = U === "value" ? d.value : Qa(d.value), I = q(U), V.attrName = I, V.attrValue = C, V.keepAttr = !0, V.forceKeepAttr = void 0, Bt("uponSanitizeAttribute", a, V), C = V.attrValue, !V.forceKeepAttr && (li(U, a), !!V.keepAttr)) {
if (j(/\/>/i, C)) {
li(U, a);
gt && (C = pt(C, y, " "), C = pt(C, p, " "), C = pt(C, B, " "));
var er = q(a.nodeName);
if (Ji(er, I, C)) {
if (Wi && (I === "id" || I === "name") && (li(U, a), C = fo + C), H && Mt(_) === "object" && typeof _.getAttributeType == "function" && !hi)
switch (_.getAttributeType(er, I)) {
case "TrustedHTML":
C = H.createHTML(C);
case "TrustedScriptURL":
C = H.createScriptURL(C);
try {
hi ? a.setAttributeNS(hi, U, C) : a.setAttribute(U, C), br(e.removed);
} catch {
Bt("afterSanitizeAttributes", a, null);
}, xo = function T(a) {
var d, C = ji(a);
for (Bt("beforeSanitizeShadowDOM", a, null); d = C.nextNode(); )
Bt("uponSanitizeShadowNode", d, null), !Zi(d) && (d.content instanceof o && T(d.content), tr(d));
Bt("afterSanitizeShadowDOM", a, null);
return e.sanitize = function(T) {
var a = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, d, C, I, tt, Y;
if (oi = !T, oi && (T = "<!-->"), typeof T != "string" && !re(T)) {
if (typeof T.toString != "function")
throw di("toString is not a function");
if (T = T.toString(), typeof T != "string")
throw di("dirty is not a string, aborting");
if (!e.isSupported) {
if (Mt(t.toStaticHTML) === "object" || typeof t.toStaticHTML == "function") {
if (typeof T == "string")
return t.toStaticHTML(T);
if (re(T))
return t.toStaticHTML(T.outerHTML);
return T;
if (ti || si(a), e.removed = [], typeof T == "string" && (ie = !1), ie) {
if (T.nodeName) {
var V = q(T.nodeName);
if (!E[V] || dt[V])
throw di("root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place");
} else if (T instanceof s)
d = Ki("<!---->"), C = d.ownerDocument.importNode(T, !0), C.nodeType === 1 && C.nodeName === "BODY" || C.nodeName === "HTML" ? d = C : d.appendChild(C);
else {
if (!Gt && !gt && !Rt && // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
T.indexOf("<") === -1)
return H && be ? H.createHTML(T) : T;
if (d = Ki(T), !d)
return Gt ? null : be ? at : "";
d && ei && St(d.firstChild);
for (var ke = ji(ie ? T : d); I = ke.nextNode(); )
I.nodeType === 3 && I === tt || Zi(I) || (I.content instanceof o && xo(I.content), tr(I), tt = I);
if (tt = null, ie)
return T;
if (Gt) {
if (ye)
for (Y = P.call(d.ownerDocument); d.firstChild; )
Y = d;
return R.shadowroot && (Y = qt.call(i, Y, !0)), Y;
var U = Rt ? d.outerHTML : d.innerHTML;
return Rt && E["!doctype"] && d.ownerDocument && d.ownerDocument.doctype && d.ownerDocument.doctype.name && j(ul, d.ownerDocument.doctype.name) && (U = "<!DOCTYPE " + d.ownerDocument.doctype.name + `>
` + U), gt && (U = pt(U, y, " "), U = pt(U, p, " "), U = pt(U, B, " ")), H && be ? H.createHTML(U) : U;
}, e.setConfig = function(T) {
si(T), ti = !0;
}, e.clearConfig = function() {
Kt = null, ti = !1;
}, e.isValidAttribute = function(T, a, d) {
Kt || si({});
var C = q(T), I = q(a);
return Ji(C, I, d);
}, e.addHook = function(T, a) {
typeof a == "function" && (k[T] = k[T] || [], ne(k[T], a));
}, e.removeHook = function(T) {
if (k[T])
return br(k[T]);
}, e.removeHooks = function(T) {
k[T] && (k[T] = []);
}, e.removeAllHooks = function() {
k = {};
}, e;
var Fi = to();
const gl = (t) => t ? io(t).replace(/\\n/g, "#br#").split("#br#") : [""], eo = (t) => Fi.sanitize(t), Sr = (t, e) => {
var i;
if (((i = e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : i.htmlLabels) !== !1) {
const r = e.securityLevel;
r === "antiscript" || r === "strict" ? t = eo(t) : r !== "loose" && (t = io(t), t = t.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">"), t = t.replace(/=/g, "="), t = yl(t));
return t;
}, Ei = (t, e) => t && (e.dompurifyConfig ? t = Fi.sanitize(Sr(t, e), e.dompurifyConfig).toString() : t = Fi.sanitize(Sr(t, e), {
FORBID_TAGS: ["style"]
}).toString(), t), pl = (t, e) => typeof t == "string" ? Ei(t, e) : t.flat().map((i) => Ei(i, e)), Ke = /<br\s*\/?>/gi, ml = (t) => Ke.test(t), Cl = (t) => t.split(Ke), yl = (t) => t.replace(/#br#/g, "<br/>"), io = (t) => t.replace(Ke, "#br#"), bl = (t) => {
let e = "";
return t && (e = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + window.location.search, e = e.replaceAll(/\(/g, "\\("), e = e.replaceAll(/\)/g, "\\)")), e;
}, _l = (t) => !(t === !1 || ["false", "null", "0"].includes(String(t).trim().toLowerCase())), xl = function(t) {
let e = t;
if (t.split("~").length - 1 >= 2) {
let i = e;
e = i, i = e.replace(/~([^\s,:;]+)~/, "<$1>");
while (i != e);
return xl(i);
} else
return e;
}, ah = {
getRows: gl,
sanitizeText: Ei,
sanitizeTextOrArray: pl,
hasBreaks: ml,
splitBreaks: Cl,
lineBreakRegex: Ke,
removeScript: eo,
getUrl: bl,
evaluate: _l
}, Re = {
/* CLAMP */
min: {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
s: 0,
l: 0,
a: 0
max: {
r: 255,
g: 255,
b: 255,
h: 360,
s: 100,
l: 100,
a: 1
clamp: {
r: (t) => t >= 255 ? 255 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
g: (t) => t >= 255 ? 255 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
b: (t) => t >= 255 ? 255 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
h: (t) => t % 360,
s: (t) => t >= 100 ? 100 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
l: (t) => t >= 100 ? 100 : t < 0 ? 0 : t,
a: (t) => t >= 1 ? 1 : t < 0 ? 0 : t
//SOURCE: https://planetcalc.com/7779
toLinear: (t) => {
const e = t / 255;
return t > 0.03928 ? Math.pow((e + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : e / 12.92;
//SOURCE: https://gist.github.com/mjackson/5311256
hue2rgb: (t, e, i) => (i < 0 && (i += 1), i > 1 && (i -= 1), i < 1 / 6 ? t + (e - t) * 6 * i : i < 1 / 2 ? e : i < 2 / 3 ? t + (e - t) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : t),
hsl2rgb: ({ h: t, s: e, l: i }, r) => {
if (!e)
return i * 2.55;
t /= 360, e /= 100, i /= 100;
const o = i < 0.5 ? i * (1 + e) : i + e - i * e, n = 2 * i - o;
switch (r) {
case "r":
return Re.hue2rgb(n, o, t + 1 / 3) * 255;
case "g":
return Re.hue2rgb(n, o, t) * 255;
case "b":
return Re.hue2rgb(n, o, t - 1 / 3) * 255;
rgb2hsl: ({ r: t, g: e, b: i }, r) => {
t /= 255, e /= 255, i /= 255;
const o = Math.max(t, e, i), n = Math.min(t, e, i), s = (o + n) / 2;
if (r === "l")
return s * 100;
if (o === n)
return 0;
const l = o - n, h = s > 0.5 ? l / (2 - o - n) : l / (o + n);
if (r === "s")
return h * 100;
switch (o) {
case t:
return ((e - i) / l + (e < i ? 6 : 0)) * 60;
case e:
return ((i - t) / l + 2) * 60;
case i:
return ((t - e) / l + 4) * 60;
return -1;
}, Tl = Re, kl = {
/* API */
clamp: (t, e, i) => e > i ? Math.min(e, Math.max(i, t)) : Math.min(i, Math.max(e, t)),
round: (t) => Math.round(t * 1e10) / 1e10
}, Sl = kl, Bl = {
/* API */
dec2hex: (t) => {
const e = Math.round(t).toString(16);
return e.length > 1 ? e : `0${e}`;
}, vl = Bl, wl = {
channel: Tl,
lang: Sl,
unit: vl
}, L = wl, Et = {};
for (let t = 0; t <= 255; t++)
Et[t] = L.unit.dec2hex(t);
const X = {
ALL: 0,
RGB: 1,
HSL: 2
class Ll {
constructor() {
this.type = X.ALL;
/* API */
get() {
return this.type;
set(e) {
if (this.type && this.type !== e)
throw new Error("Cannot change both RGB and HSL channels at the same time");
this.type = e;
reset() {
this.type = X.ALL;
is(e) {
return this.type === e;
const Fl = Ll;
class El {
constructor(e, i) {
this.color = i, this.changed = !1, this.data = e, this.type = new Fl();
/* API */
set(e, i) {
return this.color = i, this.changed = !1, this.data = e, this.type.type = X.ALL, this;
_ensureHSL() {
const e = this.data, { h: i, s: r, l: o } = e;
i === void 0 && (e.h = L.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "h")), r === void 0 && (e.s = L.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "s")), o === void 0 && (e.l = L.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "l"));
_ensureRGB() {
const e = this.data, { r: i, g: r, b: o } = e;
i === void 0 && (e.r = L.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "r")), r === void 0 && (e.g = L.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "g")), o === void 0 && (e.b = L.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "b"));
get r() {
const e = this.data, i = e.r;
return !this.type.is(X.HSL) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureHSL(), L.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "r"));
get g() {
const e = this.data, i = e.g;
return !this.type.is(X.HSL) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureHSL(), L.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "g"));
get b() {
const e = this.data, i = e.b;
return !this.type.is(X.HSL) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureHSL(), L.channel.hsl2rgb(e, "b"));
get h() {
const e = this.data, i = e.h;
return !this.type.is(X.RGB) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureRGB(), L.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "h"));
get s() {
const e = this.data, i = e.s;
return !this.type.is(X.RGB) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureRGB(), L.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "s"));
get l() {
const e = this.data, i = e.l;
return !this.type.is(X.RGB) && i !== void 0 ? i : (this._ensureRGB(), L.channel.rgb2hsl(e, "l"));
get a() {
return this.data.a;
set r(e) {
this.type.set(X.RGB), this.changed = !0, this.data.r = e;
set g(e) {
this.type.set(X.RGB), this.changed = !0, this.data.g = e;
set b(e) {
this.type.set(X.RGB), this.changed = !0, this.data.b = e;
set h(e) {
this.type.set(X.HSL), this.changed = !0, this.data.h = e;
set s(e) {
this.type.set(X.HSL), this.changed = !0, this.data.s = e;
set l(e) {
this.type.set(X.HSL), this.changed = !0, this.data.l = e;
set a(e) {
this.changed = !0, this.data.a = e;
const Al = El, Ml = new Al({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 }, "transparent"), je = Ml, ro = {
re: /^#((?:[a-f0-9]{2}){2,4}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i,
/* API */
parse: (t) => {
if (t.charCodeAt(0) !== 35)
const e = t.match(ro.re);
if (!e)
const i = e[1], r = parseInt(i, 16), o = i.length, n = o % 4 === 0, s = o > 4, l = s ? 1 : 17, h = s ? 8 : 4, u = n ? 0 : -1, f = s ? 255 : 15;
return je.set({
r: (r >> h * (u + 3) & f) * l,
g: (r >> h * (u + 2) & f) * l,
b: (r >> h * (u + 1) & f) * l,
a: n ? (r & f) * l / 255 : 1
}, t);
stringify: (t) => {
const { r: e, g: i, b: r, a: o } = t;
return o < 1 ? `#${Et[Math.round(e)]}${Et[Math.round(i)]}${Et[Math.round(r)]}${Et[Math.round(o * 255)]}` : `#${Et[Math.round(e)]}${Et[Math.round(i)]}${Et[Math.round(r)]}`;
}, he = ro, Ne = {
re: /^hsla?\(\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?(?:deg|grad|rad|turn)?)\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?%)\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?%)(?:\s*?(?:,|\/)\s*?\+?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e-?\d+)?(%)?))?\s*?\)$/i,
hueRe: /^(.+?)(deg|grad|rad|turn)$/i,
_hue2deg: (t) => {
const e = t.match(Ne.hueRe);
if (e) {
const [, i, r] = e;
switch (r) {
case "grad":
return L.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(i) * 0.9);
case "rad":
return L.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(i) * 180 / Math.PI);
case "turn":
return L.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(i) * 360);
return L.channel.clamp.h(parseFloat(t));
/* API */
parse: (t) => {
const e = t.charCodeAt(0);
if (e !== 104 && e !== 72)
const i = t.match(Ne.re);
if (!i)
const [, r, o, n, s, l] = i;
return je.set({
h: Ne._hue2deg(r),
s: L.channel.clamp.s(parseFloat(o)),
l: L.channel.clamp.l(parseFloat(n)),
a: s ? L.channel.clamp.a(l ? parseFloat(s) / 100 : parseFloat(s)) : 1
}, t);
stringify: (t) => {
const { h: e, s: i, l: r, a: o } = t;
return o < 1 ? `hsla(${L.lang.round(e)}, ${L.lang.round(i)}%, ${L.lang.round(r)}%, ${o})` : `hsl(${L.lang.round(e)}, ${L.lang.round(i)}%, ${L.lang.round(r)}%)`;
}, Fe = Ne, $e = {
colors: {
aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
antiquewhite: "#faebd7",
aqua: "#00ffff",
aquamarine: "#7fffd4",
azure: "#f0ffff",
beige: "#f5f5dc",
bisque: "#ffe4c4",
black: "#000000",
blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
blue: "#0000ff",
blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
brown: "#a52a2a",
burlywood: "#deb887",
cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
chartreuse: "#7fff00",
chocolate: "#d2691e",
coral: "#ff7f50",
cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",
cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
crimson: "#dc143c",
cyanaqua: "#00ffff",
darkblue: "#00008b",
darkcyan: "#008b8b",
darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",
darkgray: "#a9a9a9",
darkgreen: "#006400",
darkgrey: "#a9a9a9",
darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",
darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",
darkorange: "#ff8c00",
darkorchid: "#9932cc",
darkred: "#8b0000",
darksalmon: "#e9967a",
darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",
darkslateblue: "#483d8b",
darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f",
darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
darkviolet: "#9400d3",
deeppink: "#ff1493",
deepskyblue: "#00bfff",
dimgray: "#696969",
dimgrey: "#696969",
dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",
firebrick: "#b22222",
floralwhite: "#fffaf0",
forestgreen: "#228b22",
fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",
ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
gold: "#ffd700",
goldenrod: "#daa520",
gray: "#808080",
green: "#008000",
greenyellow: "#adff2f",
grey: "#808080",
honeydew: "#f0fff0",
hotpink: "#ff69b4",
indianred: "#cd5c5c",
indigo: "#4b0082",
ivory: "#fffff0",
khaki: "#f0e68c",
lavender: "#e6e6fa",
lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
lightblue: "#add8e6",
lightcoral: "#f08080",
lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
lightgray: "#d3d3d3",
lightgreen: "#90ee90",
lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
lightslategray: "#778899",
lightslategrey: "#778899",
lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
lime: "#00ff00",
limegreen: "#32cd32",
linen: "#faf0e6",
magenta: "#ff00ff",
maroon: "#800000",
mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
mediumblue: "#0000cd",
mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
mediumpurple: "#9370db",
mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
midnightblue: "#191970",
mintcream: "#f5fffa",
mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
navajowhite: "#ffdead",
navy: "#000080",
oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
olive: "#808000",
olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
orange: "#ffa500",
orangered: "#ff4500",
orchid: "#da70d6",
palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
palegreen: "#98fb98",
paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
palevioletred: "#db7093",
papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
peru: "#cd853f",
pink: "#ffc0cb",
plum: "#dda0dd",
powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
purple: "#800080",
rebeccapurple: "#663399",
red: "#ff0000",
rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
royalblue: "#4169e1",
saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
salmon: "#fa8072",
sandybrown: "#f4a460",
seagreen: "#2e8b57",
seashell: "#fff5ee",
sienna: "#a0522d",
silver: "#c0c0c0",
skyblue: "#87ceeb",
slateblue: "#6a5acd",
slategray: "#708090",
slategrey: "#708090",
snow: "#fffafa",
springgreen: "#00ff7f",
tan: "#d2b48c",
teal: "#008080",
thistle: "#d8bfd8",
transparent: "#00000000",
turquoise: "#40e0d0",
violet: "#ee82ee",
wheat: "#f5deb3",
white: "#ffffff",
whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
yellow: "#ffff00",
yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
/* API */
parse: (t) => {
t = t.toLowerCase();
const e = $e.colors[t];
if (e)
return he.parse(e);
stringify: (t) => {
const e = he.stringify(t);
for (const i in $e.colors)
if ($e.colors[i] === e)
return i;
}, Br = $e, oo = {
re: /^rgba?\(\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?))\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?))\s*?(?:,|\s)\s*?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?))(?:\s*?(?:,|\/)\s*?\+?(-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))(?:e\d+)?(%?)))?\s*?\)$/i,
/* API */
parse: (t) => {
const e = t.charCodeAt(0);
if (e !== 114 && e !== 82)
const i = t.match(oo.re);
if (!i)
const [, r, o, n, s, l, h, u, f] = i;
return je.set({
r: L.channel.clamp.r(o ? parseFloat(r) * 2.55 : parseFloat(r)),
g: L.channel.clamp.g(s ? parseFloat(n) * 2.55 : parseFloat(n)),
b: L.channel.clamp.b(h ? parseFloat(l) * 2.55 : parseFloat(l)),
a: u ? L.channel.clamp.a(f ? parseFloat(u) / 100 : parseFloat(u)) : 1
}, t);
stringify: (t) => {
const { r: e, g: i, b: r, a: o } = t;
return o < 1 ? `rgba(${L.lang.round(e)}, ${L.lang.round(i)}, ${L.lang.round(r)}, ${L.lang.round(o)})` : `rgb(${L.lang.round(e)}, ${L.lang.round(i)}, ${L.lang.round(r)})`;
}, Ee = oo, Ol = {
format: {
keyword: Br,
hex: he,
rgb: Ee,
rgba: Ee,
hsl: Fe,
hsla: Fe
/* API */
parse: (t) => {
if (typeof t != "string")
return t;
const e = he.parse(t) || Ee.parse(t) || Fe.parse(t) || Br.parse(t);
if (e)
return e;
throw new Error(`Unsupported color format: "${t}"`);
stringify: (t) => !t.changed && t.color ? t.color : t.type.is(X.HSL) || t.data.r === void 0 ? Fe.stringify(t) : t.a < 1 || !Number.isInteger(t.r) || !Number.isInteger(t.g) || !Number.isInteger(t.b) ? Ee.stringify(t) : he.stringify(t)
}, Ft = Ol, Il = (t, e) => {
const i = Ft.parse(t);
for (const r in e)
i[r] = L.channel.clamp[r](e[r]);
return Ft.stringify(i);
}, no = Il, Dl = (t, e, i = 0, r = 1) => {
if (typeof t != "number")
return no(t, { a: e });
const o = je.set({
r: L.channel.clamp.r(t),
g: L.channel.clamp.g(e),
b: L.channel.clamp.b(i),
a: L.channel.clamp.a(r)
return Ft.stringify(o);
}, ce = Dl, Rl = (t, e, i) => {
const r = Ft.parse(t), o = r[e], n = L.channel.clamp[e](o + i);
return o !== n && (r[e] = n), Ft.stringify(r);
}, so = Rl, Nl = (t, e) => so(t, "l", e), S = Nl, $l = (t, e) => so(t, "l", -e), v = $l, zl = (t, e) => {
const i = Ft.parse(t), r = {};
for (const o in e)
e[o] && (r[o] = i[o] + e[o]);
return no(t, r);
}, c = zl, Pl = (t, e, i = 50) => {
const { r, g: o, b: n, a: s } = Ft.parse(t), { r: l, g: h, b: u, a: f } = Ft.parse(e), g = i / 100, x = g * 2 - 1, _ = s - f, $ = ((x * _ === -1 ? x : (x + _) / (1 + x * _)) + 1) / 2, K = 1 - $, It = r * $ + l * K, nt = o * $ + h * K, Q = n * $ + u * K, H = s * g + f * (1 - g);
return ce(It, nt, Q, H);
}, Wl = Pl, Hl = (t, e = 100) => {
const i = Ft.parse(t);
return i.r = 255 - i.r, i.g = 255 - i.g, i.b = 255 - i.b, Wl(i, t, e);
}, m = Hl, Z = (t, e) => e ? c(t, { s: -40, l: 10 }) : c(t, { s: -40, l: -10 }), Ze = "#ffffff", Je = "#f2f2f2";
let ql = class {
constructor() {
this.background = "#f4f4f4", this.primaryColor = "#fff4dd", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "#333", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px";
updateColors() {
if (this.primaryTextColor = this.primaryTextColor || (this.darkMode ? "#eee" : "#333"), this.secondaryColor = this.secondaryColor || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -120 }), this.tertiaryColor = this.tertiaryColor || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 180, l: 5 }), this.primaryBorderColor = this.primaryBorderColor || Z(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = this.secondaryBorderColor || Z(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = this.tertiaryBorderColor || Z(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.noteBorderColor = this.noteBorderColor || Z(this.noteBkgColor, this.darkMode), this.noteBkgColor = this.noteBkgColor || "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = this.noteTextColor || "#333", this.secondaryTextColor = this.secondaryTextColor || m(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = this.tertiaryTextColor || m(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = this.lineColor || m(this.background), this.textColor = this.textColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.nodeBkg = this.nodeBkg || this.primaryColor, this.mainBkg = this.mainBkg || this.primaryColor, this.nodeBorder = this.nodeBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.clusterBkg = this.clusterBkg || this.tertiaryColor, this.clusterBorder = this.clusterBorder || this.tertiaryBorderColor, this.defaultLinkColor = this.defaultLinkColor || this.lineColor, this.titleColor = this.titleColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.edgeLabelBackground = this.edgeLabelBackground || (this.darkMode ? v(this.secondaryColor, 30) : this.secondaryColor), this.nodeTextColor = this.nodeTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.actorBorder = this.actorBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.actorBkg = this.actorBkg || this.mainBkg, this.actorTextColor = this.actorTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.actorLineColor = this.actorLineColor || "grey", this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.labelBoxBkgColor || this.actorBkg, this.signalColor = this.signalColor || this.textColor, this.signalTextColor = this.signalTextColor || this.textColor, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.labelBoxBorderColor || this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.labelTextColor || this.actorTextColor, this.loopTextColor = this.loopTextColor || this.actorTextColor, this.activationBorderColor = this.activationBorderColor || v(this.secondaryColor, 10), this.activationBkgColor = this.activationBkgColor || this.secondaryColor, this.sequenceNumberColor = this.sequenceNumberColor || m(this.lineColor), this.sectionBkgColor = this.sectionBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.altSectionBkgColor = this.altSectionBkgColor || "white", this.sectionBkgColor = this.sectionBkgColor || this.secondaryColor, this.sectionBkgColor2 = this.sectionBkgColor2 || this.primaryColor, this.excludeBkgColor = this.excludeBkgColor || "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = this.taskBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.taskBkgColor = this.taskBkgColor || this.primaryColor, this.activeTaskBorderColor = this.activeTaskBorderColor || this.primaryColor, this.activeTaskBkgColor = this.activeTaskBkgColor || S(this.primaryColor, 23), this.gridColor = this.gridColor || "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBkgColor = this.doneTaskBkgColor || "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBorderColor = this.doneTaskBorderColor || "grey", this.critBorderColor = this.critBorderColor || "#ff8888", this.critBkgColor = this.critBkgColor || "red", this.todayLineColor = this.todayLineColor || "red", this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextOutsideColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextLightColor = this.taskTextLightColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = this.taskTextDarkColor || this.textColor, this.taskTextClickableColor = this.taskTextClickableColor || "#003163", this.personBorder = this.personBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.personBkg = this.personBkg || this.mainBkg, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || this.tertiaryColor, this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.nodeBorder, this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.specialStateColor = this.lineColor, this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 210, l: 150 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 }), this.darkMode)
for (let i = 0; i < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; i++)
this["cScale" + i] = v(this["cScale" + i], 75);
for (let i = 0; i < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; i++)
this["cScale" + i] = v(this["cScale" + i], 25);
for (let i = 0; i < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; i++)
this["cScaleInv" + i] = this["cScaleInv" + i] || m(this["cScale" + i]);
for (let i = 0; i < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; i++)
this.darkMode ? this["cScalePeer" + i] = this["cScalePeer" + i] || S(this["cScale" + i], 10) : this["cScalePeer" + i] = this["cScalePeer" + i] || v(this["cScale" + i], 10);
this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor || this.labelTextColor;
for (let i = 0; i < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; i++)
this["cScaleLabel" + i] = this["cScaleLabel" + i] || this.scaleLabelColor;
const e = this.darkMode ? -4 : -1;
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)
this["surface" + i] = this["surface" + i] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 180, s: -15, l: e * (5 + i * 3) }), this["surfacePeer" + i] = this["surfacePeer" + i] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 180, s: -15, l: e * (8 + i * 3) });
this.classText = this.classText || this.textColor, this.fillType0 = this.fillType0 || this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.fillType1 || this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = this.fillType2 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = this.fillType3 || c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = this.fillType4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = this.fillType5 || c(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = this.fillType6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = this.fillType7 || c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.pie1 = this.pie1 || this.primaryColor, this.pie2 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.pie3 = this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, this.pie4 = this.pie4 || c(this.primaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie5 = this.pie5 || c(this.secondaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie6 = this.pie6 || c(this.tertiaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie7 = this.pie7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -10 }), this.pie8 = this.pie8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -10 }), this.pie9 = this.pie9 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: 0 }), this.pie10 = this.pie10 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -20 }), this.pie11 = this.pie11 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -20 }), this.pie12 = this.pie12 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -10 }), this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || (this.darkMode ? v(this.secondaryColor, 30) : this.secondaryColor), this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = this.git0 || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.git1 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.git2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.git3 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.git4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.git5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.git6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.git7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.darkMode ? (this.git0 = S(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = S(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = S(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = S(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = S(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = S(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = S(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = S(this.git7, 25)) : (this.git0 = v(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = v(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = v(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = v(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = v(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = v(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = v(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = v(this.git7, 25)), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || m(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || m(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || m(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || m(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || m(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || m(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || m(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || m(this.git7), this.branchLabelColor = this.branchLabelColor || (this.darkMode ? "black" : this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.gitBranchLabel0 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel1 = this.gitBranchLabel1 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.gitBranchLabel2 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = this.gitBranchLabel3 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.gitBranchLabel4 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.gitBranchLabel5 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.gitBranchLabel6 || this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.gitBranchLabel7 || this.branchLabelColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || Ze, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Je;
calculate(e) {
if (typeof e != "object") {
const i = Object.keys(e);
i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
}), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
const Ul = (t) => {
const e = new ql();
return e.calculate(t), e;
let Gl = class {
constructor() {
this.background = "#333", this.primaryColor = "#1f2020", this.secondaryColor = S(this.primaryColor, 16), this.tertiaryColor = c(this.primaryColor, { h: -160 }), this.primaryBorderColor = m(this.background), this.secondaryBorderColor = Z(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = Z(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = m(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = m(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = m(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = m(this.background), this.textColor = m(this.background), this.mainBkg = "#1f2020", this.secondBkg = "calculated", this.mainContrastColor = "lightgrey", this.darkTextColor = S(m("#323D47"), 10), this.lineColor = "calculated", this.border1 = "#81B1DB", this.border2 = ce(255, 255, 255, 0.25), this.arrowheadColor = "calculated", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.labelBackground = "#181818", this.textColor = "#ccc", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "#F9FFFE", this.edgeLabelBackground = "calculated", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "calculated", this.actorLineColor = "calculated", this.signalColor = "calculated", this.signalTextColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "calculated", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "calculated", this.activationBkgColor = "calculated", this.sequenceNumberColor = "black", this.sectionBkgColor = v("#EAE8D9", 30), this.altSectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "#EAE8D9", this.taskBorderColor = ce(255, 255, 255, 70), this.taskBkgColor = "calculated", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextLightColor = "calculated", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = ce(255, 255, 255, 50), this.activeTaskBkgColor = "#81B1DB", this.gridColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "grey", this.critBorderColor = "#E83737", this.critBkgColor = "#E83737", this.taskTextDarkColor = "calculated", this.todayLineColor = "#DB5757", this.personBorder = "calculated", this.personBkg = "calculated", this.labelColor = "calculated", this.errorBkgColor = "#a44141", this.errorTextColor = "#ddd";
updateColors() {
this.secondBkg = S(this.mainBkg, 16), this.lineColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.arrowheadColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.edgeLabelBackground = S(this.labelBackground, 25), this.actorBorder = this.border1, this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.actorTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.actorLineColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.signalColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.signalTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.loopTextColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.noteBorderColor = this.secondaryBorderColor, this.noteBkgColor = this.secondBkg, this.noteTextColor = this.secondaryTextColor, this.activationBorderColor = this.border1, this.activationBkgColor = this.secondBkg, this.altSectionBkgColor = this.background, this.taskBkgColor = S(this.mainBkg, 23), this.taskTextColor = this.darkTextColor, this.taskTextLightColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.gridColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.doneTaskBkgColor = this.mainContrastColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = this.darkTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#555", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.primaryBorderColor, this.specialStateColor = "#f4f4f4", this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || "#0b0000", this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || "#4d1037", this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || "#3f5258", this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || "#4f2f1b", this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || "#6e0a0a", this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || "#3b0048", this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || "#995a01", this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || "#154706", this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || "#161722", this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || "#00296f", this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || "#01629c", this.cScale12 = this.cScale12 || "#010029", this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 210 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 });
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleInv" + e] = this["cScaleInv" + e] || m(this["cScale" + e]);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScalePeer" + e] = this["cScalePeer" + e] || S(this["cScale" + e], 10);
for (let e = 0; e < 5; e++)
this["surface" + e] = this["surface" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(-10 + e * 4) }), this["surfacePeer" + e] = this["surfacePeer" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(-7 + e * 4) });
this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor || (this.darkMode ? "black" : this.labelTextColor);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleLabel" + e] = this["cScaleLabel" + e] || this.scaleLabelColor;
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["pie" + e] = this["cScale" + e];
this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || (this.darkMode ? v(this.secondaryColor, 30) : this.secondaryColor), this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = S(this.secondaryColor, 20), this.git1 = S(this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, 20), this.git2 = S(this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, 20), this.git3 = S(this.pie4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), 20), this.git4 = S(this.pie5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), 20), this.git5 = S(this.pie6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), 10), this.git6 = S(this.pie7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), 10), this.git7 = S(this.pie8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), 20), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || m(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || m(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || m(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || m(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || m(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || m(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || m(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || m(this.git7), this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || S(this.background, 12), this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || S(this.background, 2);
calculate(e) {
if (typeof e != "object") {
const i = Object.keys(e);
i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
}), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
const Vl = (t) => {
const e = new Gl();
return e.calculate(t), e;
let Yl = class {
constructor() {
this.background = "#f4f4f4", this.primaryColor = "#ECECFF", this.secondaryColor = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.secondaryColor = "#ffffde", this.tertiaryColor = c(this.primaryColor, { h: -160 }), this.primaryBorderColor = Z(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = Z(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = Z(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = m(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = m(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = m(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = m(this.background), this.textColor = m(this.background), this.background = "white", this.mainBkg = "#ECECFF", this.secondBkg = "#ffffde", this.lineColor = "#333333", this.border1 = "#9370DB", this.border2 = "#aaaa33", this.arrowheadColor = "#333333", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.labelBackground = "#e8e8e8", this.textColor = "#333", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "calculated", this.edgeLabelBackground = "calculated", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "black", this.actorLineColor = "grey", this.signalColor = "calculated", this.signalTextColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "calculated", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "#666", this.activationBkgColor = "#f4f4f4", this.sequenceNumberColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.altSectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "calculated", this.excludeBkgColor = "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = "calculated", this.taskBkgColor = "calculated", this.taskTextLightColor = "calculated", this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = "calculated", this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.taskTextClickableColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.gridColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.critBorderColor = "calculated", this.critBkgColor = "calculated", this.todayLineColor = "calculated", this.sectionBkgColor = ce(102, 102, 255, 0.49), this.altSectionBkgColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "#fff400", this.taskBorderColor = "#534fbc", this.taskBkgColor = "#8a90dd", this.taskTextLightColor = "white", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextDarkColor = "black", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "#534fbc", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "#bfc7ff", this.gridColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "grey", this.critBorderColor = "#ff8888", this.critBkgColor = "red", this.todayLineColor = "red", this.personBorder = "calculated", this.personBkg = "calculated", this.labelColor = "black", this.errorBkgColor = "#552222", this.errorTextColor = "#552222", this.updateColors();
updateColors() {
this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 210 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 }), this["cScalePeer" + 1] = this["cScalePeer" + 1] || v(this.secondaryColor, 45), this["cScalePeer" + 2] = this["cScalePeer" + 2] || v(this.tertiaryColor, 40);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScale" + e] = v(this["cScale" + e], 10), this["cScalePeer" + e] = this["cScalePeer" + e] || v(this["cScale" + e], 25);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleInv" + e] = this["cScaleInv" + e] || c(this["cScale" + e], { h: 180 });
for (let e = 0; e < 5; e++)
this["surface" + e] = this["surface" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, l: -(5 + e * 5) }), this["surfacePeer" + e] = this["surfacePeer" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, l: -(7 + e * 5) });
if (this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor !== "calculated" && this.scaleLabelColor ? this.scaleLabelColor : this.labelTextColor, this.labelTextColor !== "calculated") {
this.cScaleLabel0 = this.cScaleLabel0 || m(this.labelTextColor), this.cScaleLabel3 = this.cScaleLabel3 || m(this.labelTextColor);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleLabel" + e] = this["cScaleLabel" + e] || this.labelTextColor;
this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.titleColor = this.textColor, this.edgeLabelBackground = this.labelBackground, this.actorBorder = S(this.border1, 23), this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.signalColor = this.textColor, this.signalTextColor = this.textColor, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.loopTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.noteBorderColor = this.border2, this.noteTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#f0f0f0", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.nodeBorder, this.specialStateColor = this.lineColor, this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.pie1 = this.pie1 || this.primaryColor, this.pie2 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.pie3 = this.pie3 || c(this.tertiaryColor, { l: -40 }), this.pie4 = this.pie4 || c(this.primaryColor, { l: -10 }), this.pie5 = this.pie5 || c(this.secondaryColor, { l: -30 }), this.pie6 = this.pie6 || c(this.tertiaryColor, { l: -20 }), this.pie7 = this.pie7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -20 }), this.pie8 = this.pie8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -40 }), this.pie9 = this.pie9 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -40 }), this.pie10 = this.pie10 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -40 }), this.pie11 = this.pie11 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -90, l: -40 }), this.pie12 = this.pie12 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -30 }), this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || this.labelBackground, this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = this.git0 || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.git1 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.git2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.git3 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.git4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.git5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.git6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.git7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.darkMode ? (this.git0 = S(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = S(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = S(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = S(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = S(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = S(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = S(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = S(this.git7, 25)) : (this.git0 = v(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = v(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = v(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = v(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = v(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = v(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = v(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = v(this.git7, 25)), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || v(m(this.git0), 25), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || m(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || m(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || m(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || m(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || m(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || m(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || m(this.git7), this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.gitBranchLabel0 || m(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel1 = this.gitBranchLabel1 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.gitBranchLabel2 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = this.gitBranchLabel3 || m(this.labelTextColor), this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.gitBranchLabel4 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.gitBranchLabel5 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.gitBranchLabel6 || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.gitBranchLabel7 || this.labelTextColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || Ze, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Je;
calculate(e) {
if (typeof e != "object") {
const i = Object.keys(e);
i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
}), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
const Xl = (t) => {
const e = new Yl();
return e.calculate(t), e;
let Kl = class {
constructor() {
this.background = "#f4f4f4", this.primaryColor = "#cde498", this.secondaryColor = "#cdffb2", this.background = "white", this.mainBkg = "#cde498", this.secondBkg = "#cdffb2", this.lineColor = "green", this.border1 = "#13540c", this.border2 = "#6eaa49", this.arrowheadColor = "green", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.tertiaryColor = S("#cde498", 10), this.primaryBorderColor = Z(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = Z(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = Z(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = m(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = m(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = m(this.primaryColor), this.lineColor = m(this.background), this.textColor = m(this.background), this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "#333", this.edgeLabelBackground = "#e8e8e8", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "black", this.actorLineColor = "grey", this.signalColor = "#333", this.signalTextColor = "#333", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "#326932", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "#fff5ad", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "#666", this.activationBkgColor = "#f4f4f4", this.sequenceNumberColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor = "#6eaa49", this.altSectionBkgColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "#6eaa49", this.excludeBkgColor = "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = "calculated", this.taskBkgColor = "#487e3a", this.taskTextLightColor = "white", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextDarkColor = "black", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.gridColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "lightgrey", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "grey", this.critBorderColor = "#ff8888", this.critBkgColor = "red", this.todayLineColor = "red", this.personBorder = "calculated", this.personBkg = "calculated", this.labelColor = "black", this.errorBkgColor = "#552222", this.errorTextColor = "#552222";
updateColors() {
this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || this.primaryColor, this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || this.secondaryColor, this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 30 }), this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 90 }), this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 150 }), this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 210 }), this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 270 }), this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 300 }), this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 330 }), this["cScalePeer" + 1] = this["cScalePeer" + 1] || v(this.secondaryColor, 45), this["cScalePeer" + 2] = this["cScalePeer" + 2] || v(this.tertiaryColor, 40);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScale" + e] = v(this["cScale" + e], 10), this["cScalePeer" + e] = this["cScalePeer" + e] || v(this["cScale" + e], 25);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleInv" + e] = this["cScaleInv" + e] || c(this["cScale" + e], { h: 180 });
this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor !== "calculated" && this.scaleLabelColor ? this.scaleLabelColor : this.labelTextColor;
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleLabel" + e] = this["cScaleLabel" + e] || this.scaleLabelColor;
for (let e = 0; e < 5; e++)
this["surface" + e] = this["surface" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(5 + e * 5) }), this["surfacePeer" + e] = this["surfacePeer" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { h: 30, s: -30, l: -(8 + e * 5) });
this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.actorBorder = v(this.mainBkg, 20), this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.labelTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.loopTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.noteBorderColor = this.border2, this.noteTextColor = this.actorTextColor, this.taskBorderColor = this.border1, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.activeTaskBorderColor = this.taskBorderColor, this.activeTaskBkgColor = this.mainBkg, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#f0f0f0", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.compositeBorder = this.compositeBorder || this.nodeBorder, this.innerEndBackground = this.primaryBorderColor, this.specialStateColor = this.lineColor, this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || this.lineColor, this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.pie1 = this.pie1 || this.primaryColor, this.pie2 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.pie3 = this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, this.pie4 = this.pie4 || c(this.primaryColor, { l: -30 }), this.pie5 = this.pie5 || c(this.secondaryColor, { l: -30 }), this.pie6 = this.pie6 || c(this.tertiaryColor, { h: 40, l: -40 }), this.pie7 = this.pie7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -10 }), this.pie8 = this.pie8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -10 }), this.pie9 = this.pie9 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: 0 }), this.pie10 = this.pie10 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60, l: -50 }), this.pie11 = this.pie11 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60, l: -50 }), this.pie12 = this.pie12 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120, l: -50 }), this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || this.edgeLabelBackground, this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = this.git0 || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.git1 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.git2 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.git3 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.git4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.git5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.git6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.git7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.darkMode ? (this.git0 = S(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = S(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = S(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = S(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = S(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = S(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = S(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = S(this.git7, 25)) : (this.git0 = v(this.git0, 25), this.git1 = v(this.git1, 25), this.git2 = v(this.git2, 25), this.git3 = v(this.git3, 25), this.git4 = v(this.git4, 25), this.git5 = v(this.git5, 25), this.git6 = v(this.git6, 25), this.git7 = v(this.git7, 25)), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || m(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || m(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || m(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || m(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || m(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || m(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || m(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || m(this.git7), this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || Ze, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Je;
calculate(e) {
if (typeof e != "object") {
const i = Object.keys(e);
i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
}), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
const jl = (t) => {
const e = new Kl();
return e.calculate(t), e;
class Zl {
constructor() {
this.primaryColor = "#eee", this.contrast = "#707070", this.secondaryColor = S(this.contrast, 55), this.background = "#ffffff", this.tertiaryColor = c(this.primaryColor, { h: -160 }), this.primaryBorderColor = Z(this.primaryColor, this.darkMode), this.secondaryBorderColor = Z(this.secondaryColor, this.darkMode), this.tertiaryBorderColor = Z(this.tertiaryColor, this.darkMode), this.primaryTextColor = m(this.primaryColor), this.secondaryTextColor = m(this.secondaryColor), this.tertiaryTextColor = m(this.tertiaryColor), this.lineColor = m(this.background), this.textColor = m(this.background), this.mainBkg = "#eee", this.secondBkg = "calculated", this.lineColor = "#666", this.border1 = "#999", this.border2 = "calculated", this.note = "#ffa", this.text = "#333", this.critical = "#d42", this.done = "#bbb", this.arrowheadColor = "#333333", this.fontFamily = '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif', this.fontSize = "16px", this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT = 12, this.nodeBkg = "calculated", this.nodeBorder = "calculated", this.clusterBkg = "calculated", this.clusterBorder = "calculated", this.defaultLinkColor = "calculated", this.titleColor = "calculated", this.edgeLabelBackground = "white", this.actorBorder = "calculated", this.actorBkg = "calculated", this.actorTextColor = "calculated", this.actorLineColor = "calculated", this.signalColor = "calculated", this.signalTextColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBkgColor = "calculated", this.labelBoxBorderColor = "calculated", this.labelTextColor = "calculated", this.loopTextColor = "calculated", this.noteBorderColor = "calculated", this.noteBkgColor = "calculated", this.noteTextColor = "calculated", this.activationBorderColor = "#666", this.activationBkgColor = "#f4f4f4", this.sequenceNumberColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor = "calculated", this.altSectionBkgColor = "white", this.sectionBkgColor2 = "calculated", this.excludeBkgColor = "#eeeeee", this.taskBorderColor = "calculated", this.taskBkgColor = "calculated", this.taskTextLightColor = "white", this.taskTextColor = "calculated", this.taskTextDarkColor = "calculated", this.taskTextOutsideColor = "calculated", this.taskTextClickableColor = "#003163", this.activeTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.activeTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.gridColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBkgColor = "calculated", this.doneTaskBorderColor = "calculated", this.critBkgColor = "calculated", this.critBorderColor = "calculated", this.todayLineColor = "calculated", this.personBorder = "calculated", this.personBkg = "calculated", this.labelColor = "black", this.errorBkgColor = "#552222", this.errorTextColor = "#552222";
updateColors() {
this.secondBkg = S(this.contrast, 55), this.border2 = this.contrast, this.cScale0 = this.cScale0 || "#555", this.cScale1 = this.cScale1 || "#F4F4F4", this.cScale2 = this.cScale2 || "#555", this.cScale3 = this.cScale3 || "#BBB", this.cScale4 = this.cScale4 || "#777", this.cScale5 = this.cScale5 || "#999", this.cScale6 = this.cScale6 || "#DDD", this.cScale7 = this.cScale7 || "#FFF", this.cScale8 = this.cScale8 || "#DDD", this.cScale9 = this.cScale9 || "#BBB", this.cScale10 = this.cScale10 || "#999", this.cScale11 = this.cScale11 || "#777";
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleInv" + e] = this["cScaleInv" + e] || m(this["cScale" + e]);
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this.darkMode ? this["cScalePeer" + e] = this["cScalePeer" + e] || S(this["cScale" + e], 10) : this["cScalePeer" + e] = this["cScalePeer" + e] || v(this["cScale" + e], 10);
this.scaleLabelColor = this.scaleLabelColor || (this.darkMode ? "black" : this.labelTextColor), this.cScaleLabel0 = this.cScaleLabel0 || this.cScale1, this.cScaleLabel2 = this.cScaleLabel2 || this.cScale1;
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["cScaleLabel" + e] = this["cScaleLabel" + e] || this.scaleLabelColor;
for (let e = 0; e < 5; e++)
this["surface" + e] = this["surface" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { l: -(5 + e * 5) }), this["surfacePeer" + e] = this["surfacePeer" + e] || c(this.mainBkg, { l: -(8 + e * 5) });
this.nodeBkg = this.mainBkg, this.nodeBorder = this.border1, this.clusterBkg = this.secondBkg, this.clusterBorder = this.border2, this.defaultLinkColor = this.lineColor, this.titleColor = this.text, this.actorBorder = S(this.border1, 23), this.actorBkg = this.mainBkg, this.actorTextColor = this.text, this.actorLineColor = this.lineColor, this.signalColor = this.text, this.signalTextColor = this.text, this.labelBoxBkgColor = this.actorBkg, this.labelBoxBorderColor = this.actorBorder, this.labelTextColor = this.text, this.loopTextColor = this.text, this.noteBorderColor = "#999", this.noteBkgColor = "#666", this.noteTextColor = "#fff", this.sectionBkgColor = S(this.contrast, 30), this.sectionBkgColor2 = S(this.contrast, 30), this.taskBorderColor = v(this.contrast, 10), this.taskBkgColor = this.contrast, this.taskTextColor = this.taskTextLightColor, this.taskTextDarkColor = this.text, this.taskTextOutsideColor = this.taskTextDarkColor, this.activeTaskBorderColor = this.taskBorderColor, this.activeTaskBkgColor = this.mainBkg, this.gridColor = S(this.border1, 30), this.doneTaskBkgColor = this.done, this.doneTaskBorderColor = this.lineColor, this.critBkgColor = this.critical, this.critBorderColor = v(this.critBkgColor, 10), this.todayLineColor = this.critBkgColor, this.transitionColor = this.transitionColor || "#000", this.transitionLabelColor = this.transitionLabelColor || this.textColor, this.stateLabelColor = this.stateLabelColor || this.stateBkg || this.primaryTextColor, this.stateBkg = this.stateBkg || this.mainBkg, this.labelBackgroundColor = this.labelBackgroundColor || this.stateBkg, this.compositeBackground = this.compositeBackground || this.background || this.tertiaryColor, this.altBackground = this.altBackground || "#f4f4f4", this.compositeTitleBackground = this.compositeTitleBackground || this.mainBkg, this.stateBorder = this.stateBorder || "#000", this.innerEndBackground = this.primaryBorderColor, this.specialStateColor = "#222", this.errorBkgColor = this.errorBkgColor || this.tertiaryColor, this.errorTextColor = this.errorTextColor || this.tertiaryTextColor, this.classText = this.primaryTextColor, this.fillType0 = this.primaryColor, this.fillType1 = this.secondaryColor, this.fillType2 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType3 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 64 }), this.fillType4 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType5 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: -64 }), this.fillType6 = c(this.primaryColor, { h: 128 }), this.fillType7 = c(this.secondaryColor, { h: 128 });
for (let e = 0; e < this.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT; e++)
this["pie" + e] = this["cScale" + e];
this.pie12 = this.pie0, this.pieTitleTextSize = this.pieTitleTextSize || "25px", this.pieTitleTextColor = this.pieTitleTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieSectionTextSize = this.pieSectionTextSize || "17px", this.pieSectionTextColor = this.pieSectionTextColor || this.textColor, this.pieLegendTextSize = this.pieLegendTextSize || "17px", this.pieLegendTextColor = this.pieLegendTextColor || this.taskTextDarkColor, this.pieStrokeColor = this.pieStrokeColor || "black", this.pieStrokeWidth = this.pieStrokeWidth || "2px", this.pieOpacity = this.pieOpacity || "0.7", this.requirementBackground = this.requirementBackground || this.primaryColor, this.requirementBorderColor = this.requirementBorderColor || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementBorderSize = this.requirementBorderSize || this.primaryBorderColor, this.requirementTextColor = this.requirementTextColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.relationColor = this.relationColor || this.lineColor, this.relationLabelBackground = this.relationLabelBackground || this.edgeLabelBackground, this.relationLabelColor = this.relationLabelColor || this.actorTextColor, this.git0 = v(this.pie1, 25) || this.primaryColor, this.git1 = this.pie2 || this.secondaryColor, this.git2 = this.pie3 || this.tertiaryColor, this.git3 = this.pie4 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -30 }), this.git4 = this.pie5 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -60 }), this.git5 = this.pie6 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: -90 }), this.git6 = this.pie7 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 60 }), this.git7 = this.pie8 || c(this.primaryColor, { h: 120 }), this.gitInv0 = this.gitInv0 || m(this.git0), this.gitInv1 = this.gitInv1 || m(this.git1), this.gitInv2 = this.gitInv2 || m(this.git2), this.gitInv3 = this.gitInv3 || m(this.git3), this.gitInv4 = this.gitInv4 || m(this.git4), this.gitInv5 = this.gitInv5 || m(this.git5), this.gitInv6 = this.gitInv6 || m(this.git6), this.gitInv7 = this.gitInv7 || m(this.git7), this.branchLabelColor = this.branchLabelColor || this.labelTextColor, this.gitBranchLabel0 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel1 = "white", this.gitBranchLabel2 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel3 = "white", this.gitBranchLabel4 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel5 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel6 = this.branchLabelColor, this.gitBranchLabel7 = this.branchLabelColor, this.tagLabelColor = this.tagLabelColor || this.primaryTextColor, this.tagLabelBackground = this.tagLabelBackground || this.primaryColor, this.tagLabelBorder = this.tagBorder || this.primaryBorderColor, this.tagLabelFontSize = this.tagLabelFontSize || "10px", this.commitLabelColor = this.commitLabelColor || this.secondaryTextColor, this.commitLabelBackground = this.commitLabelBackground || this.secondaryColor, this.commitLabelFontSize = this.commitLabelFontSize || "10px", this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd = this.attributeBackgroundColorOdd || Ze, this.attributeBackgroundColorEven = this.attributeBackgroundColorEven || Je;
calculate(e) {
if (typeof e != "object") {
const i = Object.keys(e);
i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
}), this.updateColors(), i.forEach((r) => {
this[r] = e[r];
const Jl = (t) => {
const e = new Zl();
return e.calculate(t), e;
}, Zt = {
base: {
getThemeVariables: Ul
dark: {
getThemeVariables: Vl
default: {
getThemeVariables: Xl
forest: {
getThemeVariables: jl
neutral: {
getThemeVariables: Jl
}, Ot = {
* Theme , the CSS style sheet
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | --------------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
* | theme | Built in Themes | string | Optional | 'default', 'forest', 'dark', 'neutral', 'null' |
* **Notes:** To disable any pre-defined mermaid theme, use "null".
* @example
* ```js
* {
* "theme": "forest",
* "themeCSS": ".node rect { fill: red; }"
* }
* ```
theme: "default",
themeVariables: Zt.default.getThemeVariables(),
themeCSS: void 0,
/* **maxTextSize** - The maximum allowed size of the users text diagram */
maxTextSize: 5e4,
darkMode: !1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |
* | fontFamily | specifies the font to be used in the rendered diagrams | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |
* **Notes:** Default value: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif;'.
fontFamily: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif;',
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------- |
* | logLevel | This option decides the amount of logging to be used. | string \| number | Required | 'trace','debug','info','warn','error','fatal' |
* **Notes:**
* - Trace: 0
* - Debug: 1
* - Info: 2
* - Warn: 3
* - Error: 4
* - Fatal: 5 (default)
logLevel: 5,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | --------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------ |
* | securityLevel | Level of trust for parsed diagram | string | Required | 'sandbox', 'strict', 'loose', 'antiscript' |
* **Notes**:
* - **strict**: (**default**) tags in text are encoded, click functionality is disabled
* - **loose**: tags in text are allowed, click functionality is enabled
* - **antiscript**: html tags in text are allowed, (only script element is removed), click
* functionality is enabled
* - **sandbox**: With this security level all rendering takes place in a sandboxed iframe. This
* prevent any JavaScript from running in the context. This may hinder interactive functionality
* of the diagram like scripts, popups in sequence diagram or links to other tabs/targets etc.
securityLevel: "strict",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | startOnLoad | Dictates whether mermaid starts on Page load | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:** Default value: true
startOnLoad: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | arrowMarkerAbsolute | Controls whether or arrow markers in html code are absolute paths or anchors | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes**:
* This matters if you are using base tag settings.
* Default value: false
arrowMarkerAbsolute: !1,
* This option controls which currentConfig keys are considered _secure_ and can only be changed
* via call to mermaidAPI.initialize. Calls to mermaidAPI.reinitialize cannot make changes to the
* `secure` keys in the current currentConfig. This prevents malicious graph directives from
* overriding a site's default security.
* **Notes**:
* Default value: ['secure', 'securityLevel', 'startOnLoad', 'maxTextSize']
secure: ["secure", "securityLevel", "startOnLoad", "maxTextSize"],
* This option controls if the generated ids of nodes in the SVG are generated randomly or based
* on a seed. If set to false, the IDs are generated based on the current date and thus are not
* deterministic. This is the default behavior.
* **Notes**:
* This matters if your files are checked into source control e.g. git and should not change unless
* content is changed.
* Default value: false
deterministicIds: !1,
* This option is the optional seed for deterministic ids. if set to undefined but
* deterministicIds is true, a simple number iterator is used. You can set this attribute to base
* the seed on a static string.
deterministicIDSeed: void 0,
/** The object containing configurations specific for flowcharts */
flowchart: {
* ### titleTopMargin
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | titleTopMargin | Margin top for the text over the flowchart | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 25
titleTopMargin: 25,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramPadding | Amount of padding around the diagram as a whole | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* The amount of padding around the diagram as a whole so that embedded diagrams have margins,
* expressed in pixels
* Default value: 8
diagramPadding: 8,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | htmlLabels | Flag for setting whether or not a html tag should be used for rendering labels on the edges. | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:** Default value: true.
htmlLabels: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------- |
* | nodeSpacing | Defines the spacing between nodes on the same level | Integer | Required | Any positive Number |
* **Notes:**
* Pertains to horizontal spacing for TB (top to bottom) or BT (bottom to top) graphs, and the
* vertical spacing for LR as well as RL graphs.**
* Default value: 50
nodeSpacing: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------- |
* | rankSpacing | Defines the spacing between nodes on different levels | Integer | Required | Any Positive Number |
* **Notes**:
* Pertains to vertical spacing for TB (top to bottom) or BT (bottom to top), and the horizontal
* spacing for LR as well as RL graphs.
* Default value 50
rankSpacing: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ----------------------------- |
* | curve | Defines how mermaid renders curves for flowcharts. | string | Required | 'basis', 'linear', 'cardinal' |
* **Notes:**
* Default Value: 'basis'
curve: "basis",
// Only used in new experimental rendering
// represents the padding between the labels and the shape
padding: 15,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the
* available space if not the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
* | defaultRenderer | See notes | boolean | 4 | dagre-d3, dagre-wrapper, elk |
* **Notes:**
* Decides which rendering engine that is to be used for the rendering. Legal values are:
* dagre-d3 dagre-wrapper - wrapper for dagre implemented in mermaid, elk for layout using
* elkjs
* Default value: 'dagre-wrapper'
defaultRenderer: "dagre-wrapper"
/** The object containing configurations specific for sequence diagrams */
sequence: {
hideUnusedParticipants: !1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | activationWidth | Width of the activation rect | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value :10
activationWidth: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginX | Margin to the right and left of the sequence diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
diagramMarginX: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginY | Margin to the over and under the sequence diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
diagramMarginY: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | actorMargin | Margin between actors | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
actorMargin: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | -------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | width | Width of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 150
width: 150,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | height | Height of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 65
height: 65,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | boxMargin | Margin around loop boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
boxMargin: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | boxTextMargin | Margin around the text in loop/alt/opt boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 5
boxTextMargin: 5,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | noteMargin | margin around notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
noteMargin: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | messageMargin | Space between messages | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 35
messageMargin: 35,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | --------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------- |
* | messageAlign | Multiline message alignment | string | Required | 'left', 'center', 'right' |
* **Notes:** Default value: 'center'
messageAlign: "center",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | --------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | mirrorActors | Mirror actors under diagram | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:** Default value: true
mirrorActors: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | forceMenus | forces actor popup menus to always be visible (to support E2E testing). | Boolean | Required | True, False |
* **Notes:**
* Default value: false.
forceMenus: !1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | bottomMarginAdj | Prolongs the edge of the diagram downwards | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* Depending on css styling this might need adjustment.
* Default value: 1
bottomMarginAdj: 1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:** When this flag is set to true, the height and width is set to 100% and is then
* scaling with the available space. If set to false, the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | rightAngles | display curve arrows as right angles | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* This will display arrows that start and begin at the same node as right angles, rather than a
* curve
* Default value: false
rightAngles: !1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | showSequenceNumbers | This will show the node numbers | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:** Default value: false
showSequenceNumbers: !1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | actorFontSize | This sets the font size of the actor's description | Integer | Require | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** **Default value 14**..
actorFontSize: 14,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |
* | actorFontFamily | This sets the font family of the actor's description | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |
* **Notes:** Default value: "'Open Sans", sans-serif'
actorFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of the actor's description
* **Notes:** Default value: 400.
actorFontWeight: 400,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | noteFontSize | This sets the font size of actor-attached notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 14
noteFontSize: 14,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |
* | noteFontFamily | This sets the font family of actor-attached notes. | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |
* **Notes:** Default value: ''"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif'
noteFontFamily: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of the note's description
* **Notes:** Default value: 400
noteFontWeight: 400,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------- |
* | noteAlign | This sets the text alignment of actor-attached notes | string | required | 'left', 'center', 'right' |
* **Notes:** Default value: 'center'
noteAlign: "center",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------- |
* | messageFontSize | This sets the font size of actor messages | Integer | Required | Any Positive Number |
* **Notes:** Default value: 16
messageFontSize: 16,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |
* | messageFontFamily | This sets the font family of actor messages | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |
* **Notes:** Default value: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif'
messageFontFamily: '"trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of the message's description
* **Notes:** Default value: 400.
messageFontWeight: 400,
* This sets the auto-wrap state for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: false.
wrap: !1,
* This sets the auto-wrap padding for the diagram (sides only)
* **Notes:** Default value: 0.
wrapPadding: 10,
* This sets the width of the loop-box (loop, alt, opt, par)
* **Notes:** Default value: 50.
labelBoxWidth: 50,
* This sets the height of the loop-box (loop, alt, opt, par)
* **Notes:** Default value: 20.
labelBoxHeight: 20,
messageFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.messageFontFamily,
fontSize: this.messageFontSize,
fontWeight: this.messageFontWeight
noteFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.noteFontFamily,
fontSize: this.noteFontSize,
fontWeight: this.noteFontWeight
actorFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.actorFontFamily,
fontSize: this.actorFontSize,
fontWeight: this.actorFontWeight
/** The object containing configurations specific for gantt diagrams */
gantt: {
* ### titleTopMargin
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | titleTopMargin | Margin top for the text over the gantt diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 25
titleTopMargin: 25,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ----------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | barHeight | The height of the bars in the graph | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 20
barHeight: 20,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | barGap | The margin between the different activities in the gantt diagram | Integer | Optional | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 4
barGap: 4,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | topPadding | Margin between title and gantt diagram and between axis and gantt diagram. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
topPadding: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | rightPadding | The space allocated for the section name to the right of the activities | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 75
rightPadding: 75,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | leftPadding | The space allocated for the section name to the left of the activities | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 75
leftPadding: 75,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | gridLineStartPadding | Vertical starting position of the grid lines | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 35
gridLineStartPadding: 35,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | fontSize | Font size | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 11
fontSize: 11,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | sectionFontSize | Font size for sections | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 11
sectionFontSize: 11,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | numberSectionStyles | The number of alternating section styles | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 4
numberSectionStyles: 4,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | ---------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ---------------- |
* | axisFormat | Date/time format of the axis | 3 | Required | Date in yy-mm-dd |
* **Notes:**
* This might need adjustment to match your locale and preferences
* Default value: '%Y-%m-%d'.
axisFormat: "%Y-%m-%d",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | ------------| ------ | -------- | ------- |
* | tickInterval | axis ticks | string | Optional | string |
* **Notes:**
* Pattern is /^([1-9][0-9]*)(minute|hour|day|week|month)$/
* Default value: undefined
tickInterval: void 0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the
* available space if not the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | topAxis | See notes | Boolean | 4 | True, False |
* **Notes:** when this flag is set date labels will be added to the top of the chart
* **Default value false**.
topAxis: !1,
useWidth: void 0
/** The object containing configurations specific for journey diagrams */
journey: {
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginX | Margin to the right and left of the sequence diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
diagramMarginX: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginY | Margin to the over and under the sequence diagram. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
diagramMarginY: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | actorMargin | Margin between actors | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
leftMargin: 150,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | -------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | width | Width of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 150
width: 150,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | height | Height of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 65
height: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | boxMargin | Margin around loop boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
boxMargin: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | boxTextMargin | Margin around the text in loop/alt/opt boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 5
boxTextMargin: 5,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | noteMargin | Margin around notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
noteMargin: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | ----------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | messageMargin | Space between messages. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* Space between messages.
* Default value: 35
messageMargin: 35,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | --------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ------------------------- |
* | messageAlign | Multiline message alignment | 3 | 4 | 'left', 'center', 'right' |
* **Notes:** Default value: 'center'
messageAlign: "center",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | bottomMarginAdj | Prolongs the edge of the diagram downwards | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* Depending on css styling this might need adjustment.
* Default value: 1
bottomMarginAdj: 1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the
* available space if not the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | --------------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
* | rightAngles | Curved Arrows become Right Angles | 3 | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* This will display arrows that start and begin at the same node as right angles, rather than a
* curves
* Default value: false
rightAngles: !1,
taskFontSize: 14,
taskFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
taskMargin: 50,
// width of activation box
activationWidth: 10,
// text placement as: tspan | fo | old only text as before
textPlacement: "fo",
actorColours: ["#8FBC8F", "#7CFC00", "#00FFFF", "#20B2AA", "#B0E0E6", "#FFFFE0"],
sectionFills: ["#191970", "#8B008B", "#4B0082", "#2F4F4F", "#800000", "#8B4513", "#00008B"],
sectionColours: ["#fff"]
/** The object containing configurations specific for timeline diagrams */
timeline: {
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginX | Margin to the right and left of the sequence diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
diagramMarginX: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginY | Margin to the over and under the sequence diagram. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
diagramMarginY: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | actorMargin | Margin between actors | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
leftMargin: 150,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | -------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | width | Width of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 150
width: 150,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | height | Height of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 65
height: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | boxMargin | Margin around loop boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
boxMargin: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | boxTextMargin | Margin around the text in loop/alt/opt boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 5
boxTextMargin: 5,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ---------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | noteMargin | Margin around notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
noteMargin: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | ----------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | messageMargin | Space between messages. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* Space between messages.
* Default value: 35
messageMargin: 35,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | --------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ------------------------- |
* | messageAlign | Multiline message alignment | 3 | 4 | 'left', 'center', 'right' |
* **Notes:** Default value: 'center'
messageAlign: "center",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | bottomMarginAdj | Prolongs the edge of the diagram downwards | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* Depending on css styling this might need adjustment.
* Default value: 1
bottomMarginAdj: 1,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the
* available space if not the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | --------------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
* | rightAngles | Curved Arrows become Right Angles | 3 | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* This will display arrows that start and begin at the same node as right angles, rather than a
* curves
* Default value: false
rightAngles: !1,
taskFontSize: 14,
taskFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
taskMargin: 50,
// width of activation box
activationWidth: 10,
// text placement as: tspan | fo | old only text as before
textPlacement: "fo",
actorColours: ["#8FBC8F", "#7CFC00", "#00FFFF", "#20B2AA", "#B0E0E6", "#FFFFE0"],
sectionFills: ["#191970", "#8B008B", "#4B0082", "#2F4F4F", "#800000", "#8B4513", "#00008B"],
sectionColours: ["#fff"],
disableMulticolor: !1
class: {
* ### titleTopMargin
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | titleTopMargin | Margin top for the text over the class diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 25
titleTopMargin: 25,
arrowMarkerAbsolute: !1,
dividerMargin: 10,
padding: 5,
textHeight: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the
* available space if not the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
* | defaultRenderer | See notes | boolean | 4 | dagre-d3, dagre-wrapper |
* **Notes**:
* Decides which rendering engine that is to be used for the rendering. Legal values are:
* dagre-d3 dagre-wrapper - wrapper for dagre implemented in mermaid
* Default value: 'dagre-d3'
defaultRenderer: "dagre-wrapper"
state: {
* ### titleTopMargin
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | titleTopMargin | Margin top for the text over the state diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 25
titleTopMargin: 25,
dividerMargin: 10,
sizeUnit: 5,
padding: 8,
textHeight: 10,
titleShift: -15,
noteMargin: 10,
forkWidth: 70,
forkHeight: 7,
// Used
miniPadding: 2,
// Font size factor, this is used to guess the width of the edges labels before rendering by dagre
// layout. This might need updating if/when switching font
fontSizeFactor: 5.02,
fontSize: 24,
labelHeight: 16,
edgeLengthFactor: "20",
compositTitleSize: 35,
radius: 5,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the
* available space if not the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
* | defaultRenderer | See notes | boolean | 4 | dagre-d3, dagre-wrapper |
* **Notes:**
* Decides which rendering engine that is to be used for the rendering. Legal values are:
* dagre-d3 dagre-wrapper - wrapper for dagre implemented in mermaid
* Default value: 'dagre-d3'
defaultRenderer: "dagre-wrapper"
/** The object containing configurations specific for entity relationship diagrams */
er: {
* ### titleTopMargin
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | titleTopMargin | Margin top for the text over the diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 25
titleTopMargin: 25,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramPadding | Amount of padding around the diagram as a whole | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* The amount of padding around the diagram as a whole so that embedded diagrams have margins,
* expressed in pixels
* Default value: 20
diagramPadding: 20,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------- |
* | layoutDirection | Directional bias for layout of entities. | string | Required | "TB", "BT", "LR", "RL" |
* **Notes:**
* 'TB' for Top-Bottom, 'BT'for Bottom-Top, 'LR' for Left-Right, or 'RL' for Right to Left.
* T = top, B = bottom, L = left, and R = right.
* Default value: 'TB'
layoutDirection: "TB",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | minEntityWidth | The minimum width of an entity box | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Expressed in pixels. Default value: 100
minEntityWidth: 100,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | minEntityHeight | The minimum height of an entity box | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Expressed in pixels Default value: 75
minEntityHeight: 75,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | entityPadding | Minimum internal padding between text in box and box borders | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* The minimum internal padding between text in an entity box and the enclosing box borders,
* expressed in pixels.
* Default value: 15
entityPadding: 15,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ----------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | -------------------- |
* | stroke | Stroke color of box edges and lines | string | 4 | Any recognized color |
* **Notes:** Default value: 'gray'
stroke: "gray",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | -------------------------- | ------ | -------- | -------------------- |
* | fill | Fill color of entity boxes | string | 4 | Any recognized color |
* **Notes:** Default value: 'honeydew'
fill: "honeydew",
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | fontSize | Font Size in pixels | Integer | | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:**
* Font size (expressed as an integer representing a number of pixels) Default value: 12
fontSize: 12,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set to true, the diagram width is locked to 100% and scaled based on
* available space. If set to false, the diagram reserves its absolute width.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0
/** The object containing configurations specific for pie diagrams */
pie: {
useWidth: void 0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set to true, the diagram width is locked to 100% and scaled based on
* available space. If set to false, the diagram reserves its absolute width.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0
/** The object containing configurations specific for req diagrams */
requirement: {
useWidth: void 0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:**
* When this flag is set to true, the diagram width is locked to 100% and scaled based on
* available space. If set to false, the diagram reserves its absolute width.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
rect_fill: "#f9f9f9",
text_color: "#333",
rect_border_size: "0.5px",
rect_border_color: "#bbb",
rect_min_width: 200,
rect_min_height: 200,
fontSize: 14,
rect_padding: 10,
line_height: 20
gitGraph: {
* ### titleTopMargin
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | titleTopMargin | Margin top for the text over the Git diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 25
titleTopMargin: 25,
diagramPadding: 8,
nodeLabel: {
width: 75,
height: 100,
x: -25,
y: 0
mainBranchName: "main",
mainBranchOrder: 0,
showCommitLabel: !0,
showBranches: !0,
rotateCommitLabel: !0
/** The object containing configurations specific for c4 diagrams */
c4: {
useWidth: void 0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginX | Margin to the right and left of the c4 diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
diagramMarginX: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | diagramMarginY | Margin to the over and under the c4 diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
diagramMarginY: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | c4ShapeMargin | Margin between shapes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 50
c4ShapeMargin: 50,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | -------------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | c4ShapePadding | Padding between shapes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 20
c4ShapePadding: 20,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | width | Width of person boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 216
width: 216,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | height | Height of person boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 60
height: 60,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | boxMargin | Margin around boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** Default value: 10
boxMargin: 10,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
* | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |
* **Notes:** When this flag is set to true, the height and width is set to 100% and is then
* scaling with the available space. If set to false, the absolute space required is used.
* Default value: true
useMaxWidth: !0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | ------------ | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | c4ShapeInRow | See Notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** How many shapes to place in each row.
* Default value: 4
c4ShapeInRow: 4,
nextLinePaddingX: 0,
* | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |
* | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |
* | c4BoundaryInRow | See Notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |
* **Notes:** How many boundaries to place in each row.
* Default value: 2
c4BoundaryInRow: 2,
* This sets the font size of Person shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
personFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Person shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
personFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Person shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
personFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External Person shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_personFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External Person shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_personFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External Person shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_personFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of System shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
systemFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of System shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
systemFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of System shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
systemFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External System shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_systemFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External System shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_systemFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External System shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_systemFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of System DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
system_dbFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of System DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
system_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of System DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
system_dbFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External System DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_system_dbFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External System DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_system_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External System DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_system_dbFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of System Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
system_queueFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of System Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
system_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of System Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
system_queueFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External System Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_system_queueFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External System Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_system_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External System Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_system_queueFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Boundary shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
boundaryFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Boundary shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
boundaryFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Boundary shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
boundaryFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Message shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 12.
messageFontSize: 12,
* This sets the font family of Message shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
messageFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Message shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
messageFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Container shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
containerFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Container shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
containerFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Container shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
containerFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External Container shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_containerFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External Container shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_containerFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External Container shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_containerFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Container DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
container_dbFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Container DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
container_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Container DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
container_dbFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External Container DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_container_dbFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External Container DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_container_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External Container DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_container_dbFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Container Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
container_queueFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Container Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
container_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Container Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
container_queueFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External Container Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_container_queueFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External Container Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_container_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External Container Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_container_queueFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Component shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
componentFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Component shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
componentFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Component shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
componentFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External Component shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_componentFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External Component shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_componentFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External Component shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_componentFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Component DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
component_dbFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Component DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
component_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Component DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
component_dbFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External Component DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_component_dbFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External Component DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_component_dbFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External Component DB shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_component_dbFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of Component Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
component_queueFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of Component Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
component_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of Component Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
component_queueFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the font size of External Component Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: 14.
external_component_queueFontSize: 14,
* This sets the font family of External Component Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: "Open Sans", sans-serif.
external_component_queueFontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
* This sets the font weight of External Component Queue shape for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: normal.
external_component_queueFontWeight: "normal",
* This sets the auto-wrap state for the diagram
* **Notes:** Default value: true.
wrap: !0,
* This sets the auto-wrap padding for the diagram (sides only)
* **Notes:** Default value: 0.
wrapPadding: 10,
personFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.personFontFamily,
fontSize: this.personFontSize,
fontWeight: this.personFontWeight
external_personFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_personFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_personFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_personFontWeight
systemFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.systemFontFamily,
fontSize: this.systemFontSize,
fontWeight: this.systemFontWeight
external_systemFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_systemFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_systemFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_systemFontWeight
system_dbFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.system_dbFontFamily,
fontSize: this.system_dbFontSize,
fontWeight: this.system_dbFontWeight
external_system_dbFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_system_dbFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_system_dbFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_system_dbFontWeight
system_queueFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.system_queueFontFamily,
fontSize: this.system_queueFontSize,
fontWeight: this.system_queueFontWeight
external_system_queueFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_system_queueFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_system_queueFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_system_queueFontWeight
containerFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.containerFontFamily,
fontSize: this.containerFontSize,
fontWeight: this.containerFontWeight
external_containerFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_containerFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_containerFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_containerFontWeight
container_dbFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.container_dbFontFamily,
fontSize: this.container_dbFontSize,
fontWeight: this.container_dbFontWeight
external_container_dbFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_container_dbFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_container_dbFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_container_dbFontWeight
container_queueFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.container_queueFontFamily,
fontSize: this.container_queueFontSize,
fontWeight: this.container_queueFontWeight
external_container_queueFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_container_queueFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_container_queueFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_container_queueFontWeight
componentFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.componentFontFamily,
fontSize: this.componentFontSize,
fontWeight: this.componentFontWeight
external_componentFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_componentFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_componentFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_componentFontWeight
component_dbFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.component_dbFontFamily,
fontSize: this.component_dbFontSize,
fontWeight: this.component_dbFontWeight
external_component_dbFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_component_dbFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_component_dbFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_component_dbFontWeight
component_queueFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.component_queueFontFamily,
fontSize: this.component_queueFontSize,
fontWeight: this.component_queueFontWeight
external_component_queueFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.external_component_queueFontFamily,
fontSize: this.external_component_queueFontSize,
fontWeight: this.external_component_queueFontWeight
boundaryFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.boundaryFontFamily,
fontSize: this.boundaryFontSize,
fontWeight: this.boundaryFontWeight
messageFont: function() {
return {
fontFamily: this.messageFontFamily,
fontSize: this.messageFontSize,
fontWeight: this.messageFontWeight
// ' Colors
// ' ##################################
person_bg_color: "#08427B",
person_border_color: "#073B6F",
external_person_bg_color: "#686868",
external_person_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
system_bg_color: "#1168BD",
system_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
system_db_bg_color: "#1168BD",
system_db_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
system_queue_bg_color: "#1168BD",
system_queue_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
external_system_bg_color: "#999999",
external_system_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
external_system_db_bg_color: "#999999",
external_system_db_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
external_system_queue_bg_color: "#999999",
external_system_queue_border_color: "#8A8A8A",
container_bg_color: "#438DD5",
container_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
container_db_bg_color: "#438DD5",
container_db_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
container_queue_bg_color: "#438DD5",
container_queue_border_color: "#3C7FC0",
external_container_bg_color: "#B3B3B3",
external_container_border_color: "#A6A6A6",
external_container_db_bg_color: "#B3B3B3",
external_container_db_border_color: "#A6A6A6",
external_container_queue_bg_color: "#B3B3B3",
external_container_queue_border_color: "#A6A6A6",
component_bg_color: "#85BBF0",
component_border_color: "#78A8D8",
component_db_bg_color: "#85BBF0",
component_db_border_color: "#78A8D8",
component_queue_bg_color: "#85BBF0",
component_queue_border_color: "#78A8D8",
external_component_bg_color: "#CCCCCC",
external_component_border_color: "#BFBFBF",
external_component_db_bg_color: "#CCCCCC",
external_component_db_border_color: "#BFBFBF",
external_component_queue_bg_color: "#CCCCCC",
external_component_queue_border_color: "#BFBFBF"
mindmap: {
useMaxWidth: !0,
padding: 10,
maxNodeWidth: 200
fontSize: 16
Ot.class && (Ot.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = Ot.arrowMarkerAbsolute);
Ot.gitGraph && (Ot.gitGraph.arrowMarkerAbsolute = Ot.arrowMarkerAbsolute);
const ao = (t, e = "") => Object.keys(t).reduce((i, r) => Array.isArray(t[r]) ? i : typeof t[r] == "object" && t[r] !== null ? [...i, e + r, ...ao(t[r], "")] : [...i, e + r], []), fh = ao(Ot, ""), Ql = Ot, Ai = function(t, e, i) {
const { depth: r, clobber: o } = Object.assign({ depth: 2, clobber: !1 }, i);
return Array.isArray(e) && !Array.isArray(t) ? (e.forEach((n) => Ai(t, n, i)), t) : Array.isArray(e) && Array.isArray(t) ? (e.forEach((n) => {
t.includes(n) || t.push(n);
}), t) : t === void 0 || r <= 0 ? t != null && typeof t == "object" && typeof e == "object" ? Object.assign(t, e) : e : (e !== void 0 && typeof t == "object" && typeof e == "object" && Object.keys(e).forEach((n) => {
typeof e[n] == "object" && (t[n] === void 0 || typeof t[n] == "object") ? (t[n] === void 0 && (t[n] = Array.isArray(e[n]) ? [] : {}), t[n] = Ai(t[n], e[n], { depth: r - 1, clobber: o })) : (o || typeof t[n] != "object" && typeof e[n] != "object") && (t[n] = e[n]);
}), t);
}, rt = Ai, zi = Object.freeze(Ql);
let it = rt({}, zi), lo, te = [], ue = rt({}, zi);
const Qe = (t, e) => {
let i = rt({}, t), r = {};
for (const o of e)
ho(o), r = rt(r, o);
if (i = rt(i, r), r.theme && r.theme in Zt) {
const o = rt({}, lo), n = rt(
o.themeVariables || {},
i.theme && i.theme in Zt && (i.themeVariables = Zt[i.theme].getThemeVariables(n));
return ue = i, uo(ue), ue;
}, dh = (t) => (it = rt({}, zi), it = rt(it, t), t.theme && Zt[t.theme] && (it.themeVariables = Zt[t.theme].getThemeVariables(t.themeVariables)), Qe(it, te), it), gh = (t) => {
lo = rt({}, t);
}, ph = (t) => (it = rt(it, t), Qe(it, te), it), mh = () => rt({}, it), Ch = (t) => (uo(t), rt(ue, t), th()), th = () => rt({}, ue), ho = (t) => {
["secure", ...it.secure ?? []].forEach((e) => {
t[e] !== void 0 && (et.debug(`Denied attempt to modify a secure key ${e}`, t[e]), delete t[e]);
}), Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => {
e.indexOf("__") === 0 && delete t[e];
}), Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => {
typeof t[e] == "string" && (t[e].includes("<") || t[e].includes(">") || t[e].includes("url(data:")) && delete t[e], typeof t[e] == "object" && ho(t[e]);
}, yh = (t) => {
t.fontFamily && (t.themeVariables ? t.themeVariables.fontFamily || (t.themeVariables = { fontFamily: t.fontFamily }) : t.themeVariables = { fontFamily: t.fontFamily }), te.push(t), Qe(it, te);
}, bh = (t = it) => {
te = [], Qe(t, te);
var co = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.LAZY_LOAD_DEPRECATED = "The configuration options lazyLoadedDiagrams and loadExternalDiagramsAtStartup are deprecated. Please use registerExternalDiagrams instead.", t))(co || {});
const vr = {}, eh = (t) => {
vr[t] || (et.warn(co[t]), vr[t] = !0);
}, uo = (t) => {
t && (t.lazyLoadedDiagrams || t.loadExternalDiagramsAtStartup) && eh("LAZY_LOAD_DEPRECATED");
export {
At as A,
ge as B,
Ce as C,
fr as D,
ks as E,
qr as F,
sh as G,
To as H,
So as I,
rh as J,
S as K,
v as L,
Ft as M,
ot as R,
st as S,
L as _,
yh as a,
Ei as b,
rt as c,
fh as d,
ah as e,
nh as f,
th as g,
Ch as h,
mh as i,
zi as j,
_l as k,
et as l,
gh as m,
dh as n,
zr as o,
Fi as p,
Mo as q,
bh as r,
oh as s,
Zt as t,
ph as u,
xl as v,
Ii as w,
Pr as x,
ms as y,
Di as z
//# sourceMappingURL=config-e567ef17.js.map