mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 11:32:30 -06:00
826 lines
25 KiB
826 lines
25 KiB
import { g as _, l as X, h as Dt, i as Ve, u as At, r as H, j as $e, s as Pe, a as Et, f as j, k as jt, p as It, m as Ct, t as Z, n as Mt } from "./config-e567ef17.js";
import { a as Be, r as kt, d as Ue, g as Ge, e as Lt, b as Ft, U as xt, c as Y, f as B, t as R, h as q, M as re, j as _t, k as Rt, p as Ot, u as Vt, m as Pt, n as Bt } from "./utils-aa888deb.js";
import { r as Ut } from "./errorRenderer-a3c4bedb.js";
var Ne = "comm", ze = "rule", Xe = "decl", Gt = "@import", Nt = "@keyframes", zt = Math.abs, me = String.fromCharCode;
function He(e) {
return e.trim();
function ae(e, t, r) {
return e.replace(t, r);
function Xt(e, t) {
return e.indexOf(t);
function W(e, t) {
return e.charCodeAt(t) | 0;
function P(e, t, r) {
return e.slice(t, r);
function I(e) {
return e.length;
function Ye(e) {
return e.length;
function U(e, t) {
return t.push(e), e;
var K = 1, x = 1, qe = 0, $ = 0, m = 0, O = "";
function fe(e, t, r, a, n, o, l) {
return { value: e, root: t, parent: r, type: a, props: n, children: o, line: K, column: x, length: l, return: "" };
function Ht() {
return m;
function Yt() {
return m = $ > 0 ? W(O, --$) : 0, x--, m === 10 && (x = 1, K--), m;
function v() {
return m = $ < qe ? W(O, $++) : 0, x++, m === 10 && (x = 1, K++), m;
function k() {
return W(O, $);
function G() {
return $;
function J(e, t) {
return P(O, e, t);
function ne(e) {
switch (e) {
case 0:
case 9:
case 10:
case 13:
case 32:
return 5;
case 33:
case 43:
case 44:
case 47:
case 62:
case 64:
case 126:
case 59:
case 123:
case 125:
return 4;
case 58:
return 3;
case 34:
case 39:
case 40:
case 91:
return 2;
case 41:
case 93:
return 1;
return 0;
function qt(e) {
return K = x = 1, qe = I(O = e), $ = 0, [];
function Wt(e) {
return O = "", e;
function ee(e) {
return He(J($ - 1, se(e === 91 ? e + 2 : e === 40 ? e + 1 : e)));
function Kt(e) {
for (; (m = k()) && m < 33; )
return ne(e) > 2 || ne(m) > 3 ? "" : " ";
function Jt(e, t) {
for (; --t && v() && !(m < 48 || m > 102 || m > 57 && m < 65 || m > 70 && m < 97); )
return J(e, G() + (t < 6 && k() == 32 && v() == 32));
function se(e) {
for (; v(); )
switch (m) {
case e:
return $;
case 34:
case 39:
e !== 34 && e !== 39 && se(m);
case 40:
e === 41 && se(e);
case 92:
return $;
function Qt(e, t) {
for (; v() && e + m !== 47 + 10; )
if (e + m === 42 + 42 && k() === 47)
return "/*" + J(t, $ - 1) + "*" + me(e === 47 ? e : v());
function Zt(e) {
for (; !ne(k()); )
return J(e, $);
function er(e) {
return Wt(N("", null, null, null, [""], e = qt(e), 0, [0], e));
function N(e, t, r, a, n, o, l, p, w) {
for (var y = 0, s = 0, d = l, A = 0, E = 0, u = 0, h = 1, L = 1, g = 1, f = 0, T = "", F = n, S = o, b = a, i = T; L; )
switch (u = f, f = v()) {
case 40:
if (u != 108 && W(i, d - 1) == 58) {
Xt(i += ae(ee(f), "&", "&\f"), "&\f") != -1 && (g = -1);
case 34:
case 39:
case 91:
i += ee(f);
case 9:
case 10:
case 13:
case 32:
i += Kt(u);
case 92:
i += Jt(G() - 1, 7);
case 47:
switch (k()) {
case 42:
case 47:
U(tr(Qt(v(), G()), t, r), w);
i += "/";
case 123 * h:
p[y++] = I(i) * g;
case 125 * h:
case 59:
case 0:
switch (f) {
case 0:
case 125:
L = 0;
case 59 + s:
E > 0 && I(i) - d && U(E > 32 ? Te(i + ";", a, r, d - 1) : Te(ae(i, " ", "") + ";", a, r, d - 2), w);
case 59:
i += ";";
if (U(b = ve(i, t, r, y, s, n, p, T, F = [], S = [], d), o), f === 123)
if (s === 0)
N(i, t, b, b, F, o, d, p, S);
switch (A) {
case 100:
case 109:
case 115:
N(e, b, b, a && U(ve(e, b, b, 0, 0, n, p, T, n, F = [], d), S), n, S, d, p, a ? F : S);
N(i, b, b, b, [""], S, 0, p, S);
y = s = E = 0, h = g = 1, T = i = "", d = l;
case 58:
d = 1 + I(i), E = u;
if (h < 1) {
if (f == 123)
else if (f == 125 && h++ == 0 && Yt() == 125)
switch (i += me(f), f * h) {
case 38:
g = s > 0 ? 1 : (i += "\f", -1);
case 44:
p[y++] = (I(i) - 1) * g, g = 1;
case 64:
k() === 45 && (i += ee(v())), A = k(), s = d = I(T = i += Zt(G())), f++;
case 45:
u === 45 && I(i) == 2 && (h = 0);
return o;
function ve(e, t, r, a, n, o, l, p, w, y, s) {
for (var d = n - 1, A = n === 0 ? o : [""], E = Ye(A), u = 0, h = 0, L = 0; u < a; ++u)
for (var g = 0, f = P(e, d + 1, d = zt(h = l[u])), T = e; g < E; ++g)
(T = He(h > 0 ? A[g] + " " + f : ae(f, /&\f/g, A[g]))) && (w[L++] = T);
return fe(e, t, r, n === 0 ? ze : p, w, y, s);
function tr(e, t, r) {
return fe(e, t, r, Ne, me(Ht()), P(e, 2, -2), 0);
function Te(e, t, r, a) {
return fe(e, t, r, Xe, P(e, 0, a), P(e, a + 1, -1), a);
function oe(e, t) {
for (var r = "", a = Ye(e), n = 0; n < a; n++)
r += t(e[n], n, e, t) || "";
return r;
function rr(e, t, r, a) {
switch (e.type) {
case Gt:
case Xe:
return e.return = e.return || e.value;
case Ne:
return "";
case Nt:
return e.return = e.value + "{" + oe(e.children, a) + "}";
case ze:
e.value = e.props.join(",");
return I(r = oe(e.children, a)) ? e.return = e.value + "{" + r + "}" : "";
const Se = "10.0.2", We = "c4", ar = (e) => e.match(/^\s*C4Context|C4Container|C4Component|C4Dynamic|C4Deployment/) !== null, nr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./c4Diagram-a7af8508.js");
return { id: We, diagram: e };
}, sr = {
id: We,
detector: ar,
loader: nr
}, or = sr, Ke = "flowchart", cr = (e, t) => {
var r, a;
return ((r = t == null ? void 0 : t.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" || ((a = t == null ? void 0 : t.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : a.defaultRenderer) === "elk" ? !1 : e.match(/^\s*graph/) !== null;
}, ir = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./flowDiagram-18accd5b.js");
return { id: Ke, diagram: e };
}, dr = {
id: Ke,
detector: cr,
loader: ir
}, lr = dr, Je = "flowchart-v2", ur = (e, t) => {
var r, a, n;
return ((r = t == null ? void 0 : t.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-d3" || ((a = t == null ? void 0 : t.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : a.defaultRenderer) === "elk" ? !1 : e.match(/^\s*graph/) !== null && ((n = t == null ? void 0 : t.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : n.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !0 : e.match(/^\s*flowchart/) !== null;
}, mr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./flowDiagram-v2-2a7e193a.js");
return { id: Je, diagram: e };
}, fr = {
id: Je,
detector: ur,
loader: mr
}, pr = fr, Qe = "er", hr = (e) => e.match(/^\s*erDiagram/) !== null, gr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./erDiagram-779a1e9e.js");
return { id: Qe, diagram: e };
}, yr = {
id: Qe,
detector: hr,
loader: gr
}, br = yr, Ze = "gitGraph", wr = (e) => e.match(/^\s*gitGraph/) !== null, $r = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./gitGraphDiagram-602e6108.js");
return { id: Ze, diagram: e };
}, vr = {
id: Ze,
detector: wr,
loader: $r
}, Tr = vr, et = "gantt", Sr = (e) => e.match(/^\s*gantt/) !== null, Dr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./ganttDiagram-2c592def.js");
return { id: et, diagram: e };
}, Ar = {
id: et,
detector: Sr,
loader: Dr
}, Er = Ar, tt = "info", jr = (e) => e.match(/^\s*info/) !== null, Ir = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./infoDiagram-c28b5f56.js");
return { id: tt, diagram: e };
}, Cr = {
id: tt,
detector: jr,
loader: Ir
}, Mr = Cr, rt = "pie", kr = (e) => e.match(/^\s*pie/) !== null, Lr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./pieDiagram-2f833a44.js");
return { id: rt, diagram: e };
}, Fr = {
id: rt,
detector: kr,
loader: Lr
}, xr = Fr, at = "requirement", _r = (e) => e.match(/^\s*requirement(Diagram)?/) !== null, Rr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./requirementDiagram-59bd3776.js");
return { id: at, diagram: e };
}, Or = {
id: at,
detector: _r,
loader: Rr
}, Vr = Or, nt = "sequence", Pr = (e) => e.match(/^\s*sequenceDiagram/) !== null, Br = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./sequenceDiagram-2cb581e5.js");
return { id: nt, diagram: e };
}, Ur = {
id: nt,
detector: Pr,
loader: Br
}, Gr = Ur, st = "class", Nr = (e, t) => {
var r;
return ((r = t == null ? void 0 : t.class) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !1 : e.match(/^\s*classDiagram/) !== null;
}, zr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./classDiagram-17eafd8a.js");
return { id: st, diagram: e };
}, Xr = {
id: st,
detector: Nr,
loader: zr
}, Hr = Xr, ot = "classDiagram", Yr = (e, t) => {
var r;
return e.match(/^\s*classDiagram/) !== null && ((r = t == null ? void 0 : t.class) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !0 : e.match(/^\s*classDiagram-v2/) !== null;
}, qr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./classDiagram-v2-146d8a48.js");
return { id: ot, diagram: e };
}, Wr = {
id: ot,
detector: Yr,
loader: qr
}, Kr = Wr, ct = "state", Jr = (e, t) => {
var r;
return ((r = t == null ? void 0 : t.state) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" ? !1 : e.match(/^\s*stateDiagram/) !== null;
}, Qr = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./stateDiagram-4e5e77ae.js");
return { id: ct, diagram: e };
}, Zr = {
id: ct,
detector: Jr,
loader: Qr
}, ea = Zr, it = "stateDiagram", ta = (e, t) => {
var r, a;
return !!(e.match(/^\s*stateDiagram-v2/) !== null || e.match(/^\s*stateDiagram/) && ((r = t == null ? void 0 : t.state) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper" || e.match(/^\s*stateDiagram/) && ((a = t == null ? void 0 : t.state) == null ? void 0 : a.defaultRenderer) === "dagre-wrapper");
}, ra = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./stateDiagram-v2-a936b277.js");
return { id: it, diagram: e };
}, aa = {
id: it,
detector: ta,
loader: ra
}, na = aa, dt = "journey", sa = (e) => e.match(/^\s*journey/) !== null, oa = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./journeyDiagram-48369403.js");
return { id: dt, diagram: e };
}, ca = {
id: dt,
detector: sa,
loader: oa
}, ia = ca, lt = "error", da = (e) => e.toLowerCase().trim() === "error", la = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./errorDiagram-bf8e6da4.js");
return { id: lt, diagram: e };
}, ua = {
id: lt,
detector: da,
loader: la
}, ma = ua, ut = "flowchart-elk", fa = (e, t) => {
var r;
return (
// If diagram explicitly states flowchart-elk
!!(e.match(/^\s*flowchart-elk/) || // If a flowchart/graph diagram has their default renderer set to elk
e.match(/^\s*flowchart|graph/) && ((r = t == null ? void 0 : t.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : r.defaultRenderer) === "elk")
}, pa = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./flowchart-elk-definition-2f51e52a.js");
return { id: ut, diagram: e };
}, ha = {
id: ut,
detector: fa,
loader: pa
}, ga = ha, mt = "timeline", ya = (e) => e.match(/^\s*timeline/) !== null, ba = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./timeline-definition-274a7ee6.js");
return { id: mt, diagram: e };
}, wa = {
id: mt,
detector: ya,
loader: ba
}, $a = wa, ft = "mindmap", va = (e) => e.match(/^\s*mindmap/) !== null, Ta = async () => {
const { diagram: e } = await import("./mindmap-definition-9c087979.js");
return { id: ft, diagram: e };
}, Sa = {
id: ft,
detector: va,
loader: Ta
}, Da = Sa;
let De = !1;
const pe = () => {
De || (De = !0, Be(
// --- diagram type may appear if YAML front-matter is not parsed correctly
db: {
clear: () => {
styles: {},
// should never be used
renderer: {},
// should never be used
parser: {
parser: { yy: {} },
parse: () => {
throw new Error(
"Diagrams beginning with --- are not valid. If you were trying to use a YAML front-matter, please ensure that you've correctly opened and closed the YAML front-matter with un-indented `---` blocks"
init: () => null
// no op
(e) => e.toLowerCase().trimStart().startsWith("---")
), kt(
class pt {
constructor(t) {
var o, l;
this.text = t, this.type = "graph", this.text += `
const r = _();
try {
this.type = Ue(t, r);
} catch (p) {
this.type = "error", this.detectError = p;
const a = Ge(this.type);
X.debug("Type " + this.type), this.db = a.db, (l = (o = this.db).clear) == null || l.call(o), this.renderer = a.renderer, this.parser = a.parser;
const n = this.parser.parse.bind(this.parser);
this.parser.parse = (p) => n(Lt(p, this.db)), this.parser.parser.yy = this.db, a.init && (a.init(r), X.info("Initialized diagram " + this.type, r)), this.parse();
parse() {
var t, r;
if (this.detectError)
throw this.detectError;
(r = (t = this.db).clear) == null || r.call(t), this.parser.parse(this.text);
async render(t, r) {
await this.renderer.draw(this.text, t, r, this);
getParser() {
return this.parser;
getType() {
return this.type;
const ht = async (e) => {
const t = Ue(e, _());
try {
} catch {
const a = Ft(t);
if (!a)
throw new xt(`Diagram ${t} not found.`);
const { id: n, diagram: o } = await a();
Be(n, o);
return new pt(e);
let ce = [];
const bs = (e) => {
}, Aa = () => {
ce.forEach((e) => {
}), ce = [];
var Ea = Object.prototype;
function gt(e) {
var t = e && e.constructor, r = typeof t == "function" && t.prototype || Ea;
return e === r;
function ja(e, t) {
return function(r) {
return e(t(r));
var Ia = ja(Object.keys, Object);
const Ca = Ia;
var Ma = Object.prototype, ka = Ma.hasOwnProperty;
function La(e) {
if (!gt(e))
return Ca(e);
var t = [];
for (var r in Object(e))
ka.call(e, r) && r != "constructor" && t.push(r);
return t;
var Fa = Y(B, "DataView");
const ie = Fa;
var xa = Y(B, "Promise");
const de = xa;
var _a = Y(B, "Set");
const le = _a;
var Ra = Y(B, "WeakMap");
const ue = Ra;
var Ae = "[object Map]", Oa = "[object Object]", Ee = "[object Promise]", je = "[object Set]", Ie = "[object WeakMap]", Ce = "[object DataView]", Va = R(ie), Pa = R(re), Ba = R(de), Ua = R(le), Ga = R(ue), M = q;
(ie && M(new ie(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != Ce || re && M(new re()) != Ae || de && M(de.resolve()) != Ee || le && M(new le()) != je || ue && M(new ue()) != Ie) && (M = function(e) {
var t = q(e), r = t == Oa ? e.constructor : void 0, a = r ? R(r) : "";
if (a)
switch (a) {
case Va:
return Ce;
case Pa:
return Ae;
case Ba:
return Ee;
case Ua:
return je;
case Ga:
return Ie;
return t;
const Na = M;
function he(e) {
return e != null && typeof e == "object";
var za = "[object Arguments]";
function Me(e) {
return he(e) && q(e) == za;
var yt = Object.prototype, Xa = yt.hasOwnProperty, Ha = yt.propertyIsEnumerable, Ya = Me(function() {
return arguments;
}()) ? Me : function(e) {
return he(e) && Xa.call(e, "callee") && !Ha.call(e, "callee");
const qa = Ya;
var Wa = Array.isArray;
const Ka = Wa;
var Ja = 9007199254740991;
function bt(e) {
return typeof e == "number" && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e <= Ja;
function Qa(e) {
return e != null && bt(e.length) && !_t(e);
function Za() {
return !1;
var wt = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, ke = wt && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module, en = ke && ke.exports === wt, Le = en ? B.Buffer : void 0, tn = Le ? Le.isBuffer : void 0, rn = tn || Za;
const an = rn;
var nn = "[object Arguments]", sn = "[object Array]", on = "[object Boolean]", cn = "[object Date]", dn = "[object Error]", ln = "[object Function]", un = "[object Map]", mn = "[object Number]", fn = "[object Object]", pn = "[object RegExp]", hn = "[object Set]", gn = "[object String]", yn = "[object WeakMap]", bn = "[object ArrayBuffer]", wn = "[object DataView]", $n = "[object Float32Array]", vn = "[object Float64Array]", Tn = "[object Int8Array]", Sn = "[object Int16Array]", Dn = "[object Int32Array]", An = "[object Uint8Array]", En = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", jn = "[object Uint16Array]", In = "[object Uint32Array]", c = {};
c[$n] = c[vn] = c[Tn] = c[Sn] = c[Dn] = c[An] = c[En] = c[jn] = c[In] = !0;
c[nn] = c[sn] = c[bn] = c[on] = c[wn] = c[cn] = c[dn] = c[ln] = c[un] = c[mn] = c[fn] = c[pn] = c[hn] = c[gn] = c[yn] = !1;
function Cn(e) {
return he(e) && bt(e.length) && !!c[q(e)];
function Mn(e) {
return function(t) {
return e(t);
var $t = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, V = $t && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module, kn = V && V.exports === $t, te = kn && Rt.process, Ln = function() {
try {
var e = V && V.require && V.require("util").types;
return e || te && te.binding && te.binding("util");
} catch {
const Fe = Ln;
var xe = Fe && Fe.isTypedArray, Fn = xe ? Mn(xe) : Cn;
const xn = Fn;
var _n = "[object Map]", Rn = "[object Set]", On = Object.prototype, Vn = On.hasOwnProperty;
function z(e) {
if (e == null)
return !0;
if (Qa(e) && (Ka(e) || typeof e == "string" || typeof e.splice == "function" || an(e) || xn(e) || qa(e)))
return !e.length;
var t = Na(e);
if (t == _n || t == Rn)
return !e.size;
if (gt(e))
return !La(e).length;
for (var r in e)
if (Vn.call(e, r))
return !1;
return !0;
const Pn = "graphics-document document";
function Bn(e, t) {
e.attr("role", Pn), z(t) || e.attr("aria-roledescription", t);
function Un(e, t, r, a) {
if (e.insert !== void 0)
if (t || r) {
if (r) {
const n = "chart-desc-" + a;
e.attr("aria-describedby", n), e.insert("desc", ":first-child").attr("id", n).text(r);
if (t) {
const n = "chart-title-" + a;
e.attr("aria-labelledby", n), e.insert("title", ":first-child").attr("id", n).text(t);
} else
const vt = ["graph", "flowchart", "flowchart-v2", "stateDiagram", "stateDiagram-v2"], Gn = 5e4, Nn = "graph TB;a[Maximum text size in diagram exceeded];style a fill:#faa", zn = "sandbox", Xn = "loose", Hn = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", Yn = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", qn = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", Wn = "100%", Kn = "100%", Jn = "border:0;margin:0;", Qn = "margin:0", Zn = "allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-popups", es = 'The "iframe" tag is not supported by your browser.', ts = ["foreignobject"], rs = ["dominant-baseline"];
async function as(e, t) {
let r;
try {
(await ht(e)).parse();
} catch (a) {
r = a;
if (t != null && t.suppressErrors)
return r === void 0;
if (r)
throw r;
const ns = function(e) {
let t = e;
return t = t.replace(/style.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(r) {
return r.substring(0, r.length - 1);
}), t = t.replace(/classDef.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(r) {
return r.substring(0, r.length - 1);
}), t = t.replace(/#\w+;/g, function(r) {
const a = r.substring(1, r.length - 1);
return /^\+?\d+$/.test(a) ? "fl°°" + a + "¶ß" : "fl°" + a + "¶ß";
}), t;
}, ss = function(e) {
let t = e;
return t = t.replace(/fl°°/g, "&#"), t = t.replace(/fl°/g, "&"), t = t.replace(/¶ß/g, ";"), t;
}, _e = (e, t, r = []) => `
.${e} ${t} { ${r.join(" !important; ")} !important; }`, os = (e, t, r = {}) => {
var n;
let a = "";
if (e.themeCSS !== void 0 && (a += `
${e.themeCSS}`), e.fontFamily !== void 0 && (a += `
:root { --mermaid-font-family: ${e.fontFamily}}`), e.altFontFamily !== void 0 && (a += `
:root { --mermaid-alt-font-family: ${e.altFontFamily}}`), !z(r) && vt.includes(t)) {
const w = e.htmlLabels || ((n = e.flowchart) == null ? void 0 : n.htmlLabels) ? ["> *", "span"] : ["rect", "polygon", "ellipse", "circle", "path"];
for (const y in r) {
const s = r[y];
z(s.styles) || w.forEach((d) => {
a += _e(s.id, d, s.styles);
}), z(s.textStyles) || (a += _e(s.id, "tspan", s.textStyles));
return a;
}, cs = (e, t, r, a) => {
const n = os(e, t, r), o = Bt(t, n, e.themeVariables);
return oe(er(`${a}{${o}}`), rr);
}, is = (e = "", t, r) => {
let a = e;
return !r && !t && (a = a.replace(/marker-end="url\(.*?#/g, 'marker-end="url(#')), a = ss(a), a = a.replace(/<br>/g, "<br/>"), a;
}, ds = (e = "", t) => {
const r = t ? t.viewBox.baseVal.height + "px" : Kn, a = btoa('<body style="' + Qn + '">' + e + "</body>");
return `<iframe style="width:${Wn};height:${r};${Jn}" src="data:text/html;base64,${a}" sandbox="${Zn}">
}, Re = (e, t, r, a, n) => {
const o = e.append("div");
o.attr("id", r), a && o.attr("style", a);
const l = o.append("svg").attr("id", t).attr("width", "100%").attr("xmlns", Hn);
return n && l.attr("xmlns:xlink", n), l.append("g"), e;
function Oe(e, t) {
return e.append("iframe").attr("id", t).attr("style", "width: 100%; height: 100%;").attr("sandbox", "");
const ls = (e, t, r, a) => {
var n, o, l;
(n = e.getElementById(t)) == null || n.remove(), (o = e.getElementById(r)) == null || o.remove(), (l = e.getElementById(a)) == null || l.remove();
}, us = async function(e, t, r) {
var ge, ye, be, we;
pe(), H();
const a = Vt.detectInit(t);
a && (Pt(a), Et(a));
const n = _();
X.debug(n), t.length > ((n == null ? void 0 : n.maxTextSize) ?? Gn) && (t = Nn), t = t.replace(/\r\n?/g, `
const o = "#" + e, l = "i" + e, p = "#" + l, w = "d" + e, y = "#" + w;
let s = j("body");
const d = n.securityLevel === zn, A = n.securityLevel === Xn, E = n.fontFamily;
if (r !== void 0) {
if (r && (r.innerHTML = ""), d) {
const D = Oe(j(r), l);
s = j(D.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body), s.node().style.margin = 0;
} else
s = j(r);
Re(s, e, w, `font-family: ${E}`, Yn);
} else {
if (ls(document, e, w, l), d) {
const D = Oe(j("body"), l);
s = j(D.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body), s.node().style.margin = 0;
} else
s = j("body");
Re(s, e, w);
t = ns(t);
let u, h;
try {
u = await ht(t);
} catch (D) {
u = new pt("error"), h = D;
const L = s.select(y).node(), g = u.type, f = L.firstChild, T = f.firstChild, F = vt.includes(g) ? u.renderer.getClasses(t, u) : {}, S = cs(
// @ts-ignore convert renderer to TS.
), b = document.createElement("style");
b.innerHTML = S, f.insertBefore(b, T);
try {
await u.renderer.draw(t, e, Se, u);
} catch (D) {
throw Ut.draw(t, e, Se), D;
const i = s.select(`${y} svg`), Tt = (ye = (ge = u.db).getAccTitle) == null ? void 0 : ye.call(ge), St = (we = (be = u.db).getAccDescription) == null ? void 0 : we.call(be);
fs(g, i, Tt, St), s.select(`[id="${e}"]`).selectAll("foreignobject > *").attr("xmlns", qn);
let C = s.select(y).node().innerHTML;
if (X.debug("config.arrowMarkerAbsolute", n.arrowMarkerAbsolute), C = is(C, d, jt(n.arrowMarkerAbsolute)), d) {
const D = s.select(y + " svg").node();
C = ds(C, D);
} else
A || (C = It.sanitize(C, {
const Q = j(d ? p : y).node();
if (Q && "remove" in Q && Q.remove(), h)
throw h;
return {
svg: C,
bindFunctions: u.db.bindFunctions
function ms(e = {}) {
var r;
e != null && e.fontFamily && !((r = e.themeVariables) != null && r.fontFamily) && (e.themeVariables || (e.themeVariables = {}), e.themeVariables.fontFamily = e.fontFamily), Ct(e), e != null && e.theme && e.theme in Z ? e.themeVariables = Z[e.theme].getThemeVariables(
) : e && (e.themeVariables = Z.default.getThemeVariables(e.themeVariables));
const t = typeof e == "object" ? Mt(e) : Ve();
Pe(t.logLevel), pe();
function fs(e, t, r, a) {
Bn(t, e), Un(t, r, a, t.attr("id"));
const ws = Object.freeze({
render: us,
parse: as,
parseDirective: Ot,
initialize: ms,
getConfig: _,
setConfig: Dt,
getSiteConfig: Ve,
updateSiteConfig: At,
reset: () => {
globalReset: () => {
defaultConfig: $e
export {
le as S,
Ka as a,
Qa as b,
qa as c,
an as d,
xn as e,
La as f,
gt as g,
Na as h,
he as i,
Mn as j,
bt as k,
z as l,
ws as m,
Fe as n,
ja as o,
ss as p,
bs as q
//# sourceMappingURL=mermaidAPI-04b5c286.js.map