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synced 2025-02-02 03:22:33 -06:00
211 lines
12 KiB
211 lines
12 KiB
"alert": {
"prefix": ["BFS-alert", "HSC-alert", "alert"],
"body": [
"{{< alert ${1| ,icon=\"iconName\"|}${2| , iconColor=\"iconColor\"|}${3| , cardColor=\"cardColor\"|}${4| , textColor=\"textColor\"|} >}}",
"{{< /alert >}}"
"description": "Outputs its contents as a stylised message box within your article. Blowfish alert Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#alert ",
"article": {
"prefix": ["BFS-article", "HSC-article", "article"],
"body": [
"{{< article link=\"${1:RelPermalink_Of_Target_Article}\">}}",
"description": " Embed a single article into a markdown file. The link to the file should be the .RelPermalink of the file to be embedded. Blowfish article Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#article ",
"badge": {
"prefix": ["BFS-badge", "HSC-badge", "badge"],
"body": [
"{{< badge >}}",
"{{< /badge >}}"
"description": "Outputs a styled badge component which is useful for displaying metadata. Blowfish badge Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#badge ",
"button": {
"prefix": ["BFS-button", "HSC-button", "button"],
"body": [
"{{< button href=\"${1:url}\" target=\"${2:target}\" >}}",
"{{< /button >}}"
"description": "Output a styled button component which can be used to highlight a primary action. Blowfish button Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#button ",
"carousel": {
"prefix": ["BFS-carousel", "HSC-carousel", "carousel"],
"body": [
"{{< carousel images=\"{${1:regex matching images }}\" aspectRatio=\"${2|16-9,21-9,32-9|}\" interval=\"${3:2000}\" >}}",
"description": "Showcase multiple images in an interactive and visually appealing way. Blowfish carousel Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#carousel ",
"chart-bar": {
"prefix": ["BFS-chart-bar", "HSC-chart-bar", "chart-bar"],
"body": [
"{{< chart >}} $0<!-- https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/samples/information.html -->",
"type: 'bar',\r\ndata: {\r\n labels: ['January', 'February', 'March'],\r\n datasets: [{\r\n label: 'My First Dataset',\r\n data: [65, 59, 80],\r\n backgroundColor: [\r\n 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',\r\n 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)',\r\n 'rgba(255, 205, 86, 0.2)'\r\n ],\r\n borderColor: [ \r\n 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',\r\n 'rgb(255, 159, 64)',\r\n 'rgb(255, 205, 86)'\r\n ],\r\n borderWidth: 1\r\n }]\r\n}"
"{{< /chart >}}"
"description": "Use the Chart.js library to embed charts into articles using simple structured data. Blowfish chart Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#chart ",
"chart-doughnut": {
"prefix": ["BFS-chart-doughnut", "HSC-chart-doughnut", "chart-doughnut"],
"body": [
"{{< chart >}} $0<!-- https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/samples/information.html -->",
"type: 'doughnut',\r\ndata: {\r\n labels: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow'],\r\n datasets: [{\r\n label: 'My First Dataset',\r\n data: [300, 50, 100],\r\n backgroundColor: [\r\n 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.7)',\r\n 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.7)',\r\n 'rgba(255, 205, 86, 0.7)'\r\n ],\r\n borderWidth: 0,\r\n hoverOffset: 4\r\n }]\r\n}",
"{{< /chart >}}"
"description": "Use the Chart.js library to embed charts into articles using simple structured data. Blowfish chart Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#chart ",
"chart-line": {
"prefix": ["BFS-chart-line", "HSC-chart-line", "chart-line"],
"body": [
"{{< chart >}} $0<!-- https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/samples/information.html -->",
"type: 'line',\r\ndata: {\r\n labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'],\r\n datasets: [{\r\n label: 'My First Dataset',\r\n data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40],\r\n tension: 0.2\r\n }]\r\n}",
"{{< /chart >}}"
"description": "Use the Chart.js library to embed charts into articles using simple structured data. Blowfish chart Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#chart ",
"chart": {
"prefix": ["BFS-chart", "HSC-chart", "chart"],
"body": [
"{{< chart >}} $0<!-- https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/samples/information.html -->",
"type: 'bar',\r\ndata: {\r\n labels: ['January', 'February', 'March'],\r\n datasets: [{\r\n label: 'My First Dataset',\r\n data: [65, 59, 80],\r\n backgroundColor: [\r\n 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',\r\n 'rgba(255, 159, 64, 0.2)',\r\n 'rgba(255, 205, 86, 0.2)'\r\n ],\r\n borderColor: [ \r\n 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',\r\n 'rgb(255, 159, 64)',\r\n 'rgb(255, 205, 86)'\r\n ],\r\n borderWidth: 1\r\n }]\r\n}",
"type: 'doughnut',\r\ndata: {\r\n labels: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow'],\r\n datasets: [{\r\n label: 'My First Dataset',\r\n data: [300, 50, 100],\r\n backgroundColor: [\r\n 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.7)',\r\n 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.7)',\r\n 'rgba(255, 205, 86, 0.7)'\r\n ],\r\n borderWidth: 0,\r\n hoverOffset: 4\r\n }]\r\n}",
"type: 'line',\r\ndata: {\r\n labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'],\r\n datasets: [{\r\n label: 'My First Dataset',\r\n data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40],\r\n tension: 0.2\r\n }]\r\n}",
"{{< /chart >}}"
"description": "Use the Chart.js library to embed charts into articles using simple structured data. Blowfish chart Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#chart ",
"figure": {
"prefix": ["BFS-figure", "HSC-figure", "figure"],
"body": [
"{{< figure src=\"${1:asset-src}\"${2| , alt=\"2:alt text\"|}${3| , caption=\"MD String to display beneath asset\"|}${4| , class=\"CSS Class to add to asset\"|}${5| , href=\"url to link asset to\"|}${6| , nozoom=true, nozoom=false|}${7| , default=true|} >}}",
"description": "Add images to content. Blowfish figure Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#figure ",
"gallery": {
"prefix": ["BFS-gallery", "HSC-gallery", "gallery"],
"body": [
"{{< gallery >}}",
"<img src=\"image-uri-here\" class=\"${1|grid-w5,grid-w10,grid-w15,grid-w20,grid-w25,grid-w30,grid-w33,grid-w35,grid-w40,grid-w45,grid-w50,grid-w55,grid-w60,grid-w65,grid-w66,grid-w70,grid-w75,grid-w80,grid-w85,grid-w90,grid-w95,grid-w100|}\" />",
"<img src=\"image-uri-here\" class=\"grid-w50 md:grid-w33 xl:grid-w25\" />",
"{{< /gallery >}}"
"description": "Showcase multiple images at once, in a responsive manner with more varied and interesting layouts. Blowfish gallery Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#gallery ",
"github": {
"prefix": ["BFS-github", "HSC-github", "github"],
"body": [
"{{< github repo=\"${1:nunocoracao/blowfish}\" >}}$0",
"description": "Quickly link a github repository. Blowfish github Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#github ",
"gitlab": {
"prefix": ["BFS-gitlab", "HSC-gitlab", "gitlab"],
"body": [
"{{< gitlab projectID=\"${1:278964}\"${2| , baseURL=\"https://gitlab.com\"|}$0 >}}",
"description": "Quickly link a GitLab Project. Blowfish gitlab Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#gitlab ",
"icon": {
"prefix": ["BFS-icon", "HSC-icon", "icon"],
"body": [
"{{< icon \"${1:star}$0\" >}}",
"description": "Output an SVG icon. Blowfish icon Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#icon ",
"katex": {
"prefix": ["BFS-katex", "HSC-katex", "katex"],
"body": [
"{{< katex >}}",
"description": "Add mathematical expressions to article content using the KaTeX package. Blowfish katex Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#katex ",
"lead": {
"prefix": ["BFS-lead", "HSC-lead", "lead"],
"body": [
"{{< lead >}}",
"{{< /lead >}}"
"description": "Bring emphasis to the start of an article. Blowfish lead Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#lead ",
"list": {
"prefix": ["BFS-list", "HSC-list", "list"],
"body": [
"{{< list limit=\"${1:5}\"${2| , title=\"Recent\"|}${3| , where=\"Type\"|}${4| ,value=\"article\"|} >}}",
"{{/* The where and value values are used in the following query where .Site.RegularPages $where $value in the code of the shortcode. See Hugo Docs: https://gohugo.io/variables/page/ */}} $0",
"description": "Display a list of recent articles. Blowfish list Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#list ",
"ltr": {
"prefix": ["BFS-ltr", "HSC-ltr", "ltr"],
"body": [
"{{% ltr %}}",
"{{% /ltr %}}"
"description": "Allows you to mix your contents' reading direction. Blowfish ltr Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#ltr ",
"mermaid": {
"prefix": ["BFS-mermaid", "HSC-mermaid", "mermaid"],
"body": [
"{{< mermaid >}}",
"{{< /mermaid >}}"
"description": "Draw detailed diagrams and visualisations using text. Blowfish mermaid Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#mermaid ",
"rtl": {
"prefix": ["BFS-rtl", "HSC-rtl", "rtl"],
"body": [
"{{% rtl %}}",
"{{% /rtl %}}"
"description": "allows you to mix your contents. Blowfish rtl Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#rtl ",
"swatches": {
"prefix": ["BFS-swatches", "HSC-swatches", "swatches"],
"body": [
"{{< swatches \"#${1:00ff00}\"${2| , \"#0000FF\"|}${3| , \"#FF00FF\"|} >}}$0",
"description": "Output a set of up to three different colors. Blowfish swatches Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#swatches ",
"timeline": {
"prefix": ["BFS-timeline", "HSC-timeline", "timeline"],
"body": [
"{{< timeline >}}",
"{{< timelineItem ${1| , icon=\"star\"|}${2| , header=\"Header\"|}${3| , badge=\"Badge Text\"|}${4| , subheader=\"SubHeader\"|} >}}",
"{{< /timelineItem >}}",
"{{< /timeline >}}"
"description": "Create a linear visual timeline that can be used in different use-cases. Blowfish timeline Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#timeline ",
"timelineItem": {
"prefix": ["BFS-timelineItem", "HSC-timelineItem", "timelineItem"],
"body": [
"{{< timelineItem ${1| , icon=\"star\"|}${2| , header=\"Header\"|}${3| , badge=\"Badge Text\"|}${4| , subheader=\"SubHeader\"|} >}}",
"{{< /timelineItem >}}",
"description": "Create an element within a timeline. Blowfish timelineItem Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#timeline ",
"typeit": {
"prefix": ["BFS-typeit", "HSC-typeit", "typeit"],
"body": [
"${1:Type-Initial-String-then-press-tab}\r{{< typeit tag=\"${2|div,span,aside,p,header,footer,main,section,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hgroup,code,kbd,q,samp,portal|}\"${3| , classList=\"rounded\"|} initialString=\"${1:Type-Initial-Text-and-hit-tab}\"${4| , speed=\"19\"|}${5| , lifeLike=true, lifeLike=false|}${6| , startDelay=\"250\"|}${7| , breakLines=true, breakLines=false|}${8| , waitUntilVisible=true, waitUntilVisible=false|}${9| , loop=true, loop=false|} >}}",
"{{< /typeit >}}"
"description": "Typewriter-Like text. Blowfish typeit Shortcode. Documentation: https://blowfish.page/docs/shortcodes/#typeit https://www.typeitjs.com/docs/vanilla/usage/ ",
} |